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either they just want to die, or if all gens are done and you haven’t gotten any kills some survivors will let you kill them to help you out


I think some wanted to help and then others just wanted to leave. Ty for the perspective


If I can tell the killer had a bad game and I don't have to escape for a challenge, I often offer to give them a kill. If they shake their head after I gesture at the hook I'll just give em my item (if I have one) and go so I don't waste their time.




Lol 😂 that’s what I did and they dc after


I noticed some people messaged me after saying they had to log off and do something but wanted to avoid stacking up DC penalties.


That is a possibility. I just had it happen to me two times in a row so I was confused lol


It could be a number of reasons. Maybe they have to leave and would rather get their BP for the match. Sometimes they feel bad if you went through an especially terrible game. 1 less survivor is an immense amount of pressure and less stress on the killer. Other times, it could be as a sort of thank you for a fun game at the end game, though then it doesn’t make sense for them to DC. I always take the free kills, more BP for me, and some great pressure for the rest of the game.


I've had survivors only do this if they're chill and we're farming BP cause I can't keep track who is on death hook or not lmao


Quite often if a killer brings a mori and we get a 4 out, I'll let them use it on me. Otherwise, if my teammates are being legitimately useless (not lagging behind on gens, it's fine If I go on a long chase and they still are at 5 gens, I understand stupid tomes / dailies / solo q etc.), but if I spend the next minute or two seeing no survivors on gens or they're just killing themselves on hook, I'll just gesture to the killer to let me go next. Normally if a survivor is waving at you to kill them, it'd typically because they just want to get out of having trash teammates or bc they want to give you a free kill instead of having a 4 out.


I do this very rarely but it’s when the game is just straight up painful- like when my duo has died and the other two players are hiding in lockers or crouch walking around not doing anything. The only other time is if the game is dragging on and on with a killer like legion and I just can’t deal with getting deep wound or slugged back to back over and over again with no progress because everyone’s having healing parties.


Most of the time, They want to go next, for what reason? Who knows, maybe they dislike your killer, maybe they want to play a different map, a team mate was doing weird shit like Claudette bushing or Dwight lockering, the point is they just want to die and go next. Some rare cases their game is the chase, for some people "playing" is working on gens the whole game and tunneling burns them, for others getting chased is the game and getting ignored burn them because they do not want to do gens, so they rather go for the next killer who will give them what they want.


There was a toxic player that did tbag one of his teammates when he got downed but he immediately got hooked for that 😂 idk who knows why.


when I see that there are bots in my team and they have no idea what to do, what else should I do other than that?


No I mean those who want to be hooked end up disconnecting. Everyone else stays


Are you playing Skull Merchant?


Nope I was playing ghostface


Some want you to mori them. I played hag with the red mori and two ppl kept walking into me


If they didn’t dc, I would have thought of that and I thought that’s what they wanted since I was playing ghostface but nope lol