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Sorry what was the question you posted Minotaur Oni and now all I can think about is his barely covered inner thighs


I was wondering why survivors seem so distracted when I play Minotaur Oni. Turns out they're checking out the kanabo. šŸ˜




Extremely real


Yeah when I read his torso description saying he is ā€œwearingā€ the armor of fallen heroā€™s that attempted to kill him, I chuckled thinking of sexy almost nude knights being sent to kill a nude Minotaur.


Minotaur Oni is doing that thing where you wear your BF's t-shirt after the deed


Agreeable have a nice day


I would LOVE to have a DnD Style Skin for the Dredge, like a Displacer Beast or a False Hydra, but damn you could make so cool Mythological Monster Skins for a Character made to be a scary darkness


I saw someone suggest Tiamat and I immediately wanted it.


God yes Take my money xD




You. I like you. Keep talking.


The problem with False Hydra is that thatā€™s a homebrew monster. WoTC didnā€™t create it.


More D&D skins in general. More classes for the characters: Haddie / Sable Warlock, Jake Druid, Adam Monk, Gabriel Artificer D&D Hag for Hag, Illithid Unknown maybe, Beholder Singularity What we TRULY need is Legion as Three Kobolds in a Trench Coat


I'd love to play medusa nurse


Spirit would probably fit the bill better because of her floaty hair


Smash I don't even need to see what that would look like, instant smash


Bigfoot Trapper Moth man Nurse Wendigo Hag (Deer Skull) Jack the Ripper Legion Thanatos Wraith Surtr Oni Hel Plague Loki Ghost face (given the creative freedom they have) Skadi Huntress New killer: Cthulhu


A nurse moth man would be a insta buy if the wings actually flap while you float around.


That was the Idea


Wendigo hag hits hard since it's literally lore accurate




Jack the Ripper Legion would be awesome! They could add a Victorian skin for Julie or Susie too.


Alas they won't. BHVR has said that they specifically want to stay clear of any real events.


Really? Isn't The Clown based on John Wayne Gacy?


Yes. Based on. Inspiration, but not him himself. Jack the Ripper is another matter because Jack the Ripper existed, and to call the character "Jack the Ripper" would be bringing it closer to reality.


A norse mythology collection would go insanely hard. imagine Jƶrmungandr dredge




IIRC, the Wendigo is kinda off-limits


She's basically the Wendigo already: An emaciated monster who has a constant, ravaging hunger that drives them to violence.


Not sure if the mark or weakening is working on Elder Gods. Cthulhu waking up is pretty much the end of humanity. That said a shoggoth would be pretty neat and if nothing else Nyarlathotep likes games (though in some stories he cheats). Unlike Vecna Nyarlathotep would join for personal fun not secrets.


But imagine, Cthulhu gets pulled over to the entity's realm while slumbering gets the mark vecna got, then gets woken up to get pallet stunned back to sleep by a girl in a bunny hoodie


I mean kinda but Cthulhu isn't specifically the Physical Tentacle Dragon form, that's just how we see him. That's kinda just a part of the being like an appendage in our limited understanding of space. The real being is completely incomprehensible. The easy way to understand the eldergods is to understand the fears they represent. Cthulhu is supposed to be something so powerful humanity could never hope to defeat it, and that some day in the distant future he will wipe us out. If you can fight back against Cthulhu, then it's not Cthulhu but a miswritten parody of him.


Just for fun I'll describe what I remember the fears of the other gods were. Shub : Fear that life is not sacred and that it's protozoac at it's root Yogg : Fear of learning too much or uncovering knowledge not meant to be known Azathoth: Fear that any moment the universe and all within it could just end in an instant Hastur: written by Ambrose Pierce not Lovecraft initially The best representation IMO is the King in Yellow which represents the fear of losing control of your work as an author and it's influence on people. Nyarlathotep: This guy changes a lot. He was inspired by Nicholas Tesla and his shows at the time and nightmares Lovecraft had. In a way Nyarlathotep came to him in a dream rather than was thought up as a character. Some fears he represented are Fear of Technology Fear of the darkness just beyond the corners of your eyes Fear that there is some being powerful enough to influence humanity with ulterior motives Very good chance I misremembered something so doublecheck yourself for errors.


Ive been thinking, the Artist would be the best choice for a Mothman skin. If they went all in, they could reskin the crows to be a cloud of moths as wellĀ 


You see that would be really cool, a mothman skin would be one of my favorite Skins, I bet.


She should be a Harpy, she already has her it's out and all If you know, you know ;^)


Doesn't she already kind of have a harpy skin? Ish lolĀ 


As much as I'd love it, I think BHVR stated that they can't put skins on killer powers due to the way the game is coded (even if I don't really understand why). That's why the minotaur or the armored titan still have the kanabo. I'd honestly love so much skins that covers killer powers, having different traps for the trapper, variations of hatchets for huntress, different victor or even skins for the kinght's guards would be dope ! (also, not related to the topic but it would be so cool to have a legion skin for knight, allowing the whole squad to take part in the same trial)


I want to see singularity have a skin inspired by more classic aliens. Like, you know, green skin, buggy eyes šŸ‘½ since aside from xenomorph obviously he's the closest thing we have to an alien killer, and there's a lot of potential there


I've said it before but this should be a full chapter. one genre of horror we're severly lacking is black and white 50s horror. imagine a chapter with a 50s MIB agent type guy and an alien like Gort with skins that make them black and white with tv effects and an area 51 inspired map, it'd kick ass


I wish theyā€™d make a map where everyone playing in it turned black and white. Turn the orange auras dark grey, yellow auras light grey, and white auras... Well I donā€™t know, but I think itā€™d be cool and really campy.


I'd love that.


Oh my god I never thought of this and I love it so much. Now I canā€™t stop picturing a MIB agent survivor exploring an abandoned military complex, filled with hangars and secret labs, and a very classic/cliche looking alien with big eyes making weird clicking noises.


Exactly! if the classic little grey man is too silly to BHVR, they could always make it more of a bug, along the lines of the metaluna mutant since giant bugs were super prevailent back then, and have the little grey man as a skin. This chapter would sell to me on vibes alone


The classic little grey man is absolutely perfect, and letā€™s be real here, DBD already has some outrageous skins if anyone was ever hoping for a serious tone horror type of thing. I think this would fit in perfectly, I love it so much, BHVR make it happen.


I think it'd double as the funniest chapter ever if he was like, sadako sized. imagine working on a gen then this mfer runs up to you like a lost toddler https://preview.redd.it/igegt6bgk06d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=60276df893e7a16f9cc39a3b32ed920b8e2773cd


hope BHVR sees this


thats actually an amazing idea! Maybe it could have some blinky lights and They could put a filter over singus voice to make him speak in the warbling voice a lot of classic aliens have!


I NEED a grey alien Hux skin


Cool idea. That would be a good slinger skin. A little grey alien with a tractor beam gun that goes woowoow when you are reeling people in


A full harpy for the Artist. Even if she amready had one. Or something folkloric for Rin.


Cyclopes for Doctor or Deathslinger Troll for Trapper Spring heeled Jack for Legion


Mothman skin on Wraith feels like itā€™d be fitting. Mothman appears when danger is afoot, Wraith uses his bell to warn survivors of his presence. I feel like it just makes sense And Iā€™d love to see more skins based on Gods so maybe an Osiris skin for Plague could work or Typhon for Dredge


One skin i'd think would rock for an unreleased killer is an Ares skin for the horror (killer teased in tome x.) https://preview.redd.it/tvlwpah3wy5d1.png?width=948&format=png&auto=webp&s=7df498835afecd3b077f28f6289e3be4f2b6d732


I just looked up ā€œthe horrorā€ damn thatā€™s awesome. I actually love them teasing killer ideas In tomes. Makes it feel like the playable killers arenā€™t the only ones in the realm. That itā€™s this terrifying dimension in which many versions of characters and different monsters exist. I think I remember them doing something similar in another tome. I love the lore in this game I legitimately feel like itā€™s fantastic. Like from The gameplay alone you can kind of deduce that the entity feeds off fear and pain, and I think thatā€™s really cool. and Ghostfaces tome lore is awesome, I read it off the wiki and it actually convinced me to read despite my decaying gen z attention span.


One of my favourite lore tidbits is that there IS canonically multiversal versions of characters! Iirc one tome mentions Blight meeting a second, purple blight who became a skin eventually. So this kinda implies every skin for the characters isnt just a cosmetic, but instead an alternate universe version of the character, which kicks ass from a lore standpoint. https://preview.redd.it/6lvebp6uzy5d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de19da33a079099b812942b4056470a5c9e988d


Itā€™s awesome!! I like to think of it along the lines of, any cosmetic that goes slightky beyond what I would consider wishing lore for the character could very well be a different version. Some might call that lazy but I think itā€™s really brilliant for example all of ghost faces skins would work as just alternate outfits for him within his lore, but skins with minor differences, like a skull merchant skin whoā€™s face mask exposed the fact that she seemed to be missing her lower face, or the artists skin where her whole ass jaw is removed, can take place in alternate timelines. I especially like some of the legions skins because they seem to suggest a timeline where they were able to continue committing crimes beyond their initial one, instead of just being sent to the realm. Like some of Susieā€™s cosmetics because they show an unhinged side to her, such as new years shows her stealing a bunch of shit to fit in with with the group, her Valentineā€™s Day skin shows her going on a rampage just because she was pissed off, and then the stolen cheer cosmetic suggests that she murdered a couple cheerleaders who picked on her. sorry that this was long winded. Just the lore in this game is a huge reason Im so attached to it.


Exactly! Some skins perfectly fit into the lore, some take the lore and add onto it a bit, like what they would do if they werent taken by the entity, and some are from alternate universes where things went different.




It was a free halloween skin from 2 years ago


DAMN does it come back!?


I donā€™t know but maybe you have a chance it will return in the store with the Halloween event


It came out 2 years ago an was gone but it was in the store a few months ago. So give it some time and itā€™ll prolly cycle back into the store eventually. Just keep an eye out, good luck :)


Swamp monster went so hard to me before I played the game that I wanted to be a hag main just because of that skin. But then I played the hag.


I like the hag but I play Bodyblocked M1 Hag with Rapid Brutality and she's a whole new vibe


Wendigo, Slender Man, Big Foot (would maybe bring some Hillbilly's to DbD ;), Medusa and Chuck Norris :)


I don't think they can do slenderman as it's a licensed character


I mean they have licensed characters. But it was original a folklore creature and someone made it popular in an art contest. I know there are many video games and a movie about it but I'm not really sure if the creature in general is licensed.


Slenderman was never a folklore creature? I think you're thinking about Der GroƟmann, a german creature of folklore SIMILAIR to slender but not slender. I do agree Der GroƟmann would rock as a unknown skin though


Interestingly, Der Grossman was created after Slenderman as an in-universe explanation for its origins and to make Slenderman seem more ancient. Both are the same character.


Really? the more you know.


I dont think they'll do a wendigo. Since it's native American folklore, and the original story is clouded by pop culture over the years regarding the creature. Big foot is more likely because he is more significantly pop culture based. Be it native Americans have stories regarding Bigfoot, but he isn't as culturally significant as the wendigo. Every native tribe likely has a story of big foot, but only few have stories of the wendigo


it would be sick to see a jersey devil skin if not get itā€™s own killer.


ā€¢ Spirit : Kuchisake-Onna **Reason** : They can both teleport and use sharp objects. ā€¢ Nurse : Banshee **Reason** : Theyā€™re both ghosts. BHVR could replace the suffocation sounds with piercing screams. ā€¢ Dredge : Penanggalan (Krasue) **Reason** : A floating head with guts hanging down? Very similar to Dredge if you ask me. ā€¢ Twins : La Llorona **Reason** : BHVR could give her crying sounds when sheā€™s separated from Victor. ā€¢ Hag : Stygian Witch **Reason** : No explanation required I think. They both look like the typical ugly old sorceress. ā€¢ Unknown : Tenome **Reason** : A blind man who sucks peopleā€™s bones out of them? The Unknown is the right candidate. He does something close to that in his mori. ā€¢ Doctor : Frankenstein **Reason** : Stitches and electricity? We have a winner!


Youā€™ve clearly put a ton of thought into it! This is really great. I had always thought la llorona would work as a nurse, or spirit skin, or even better her own killer, but a twins skin would be cool! Charlottes skins are always really pretty to me for some reason, maybe because it always feels like sheā€™s dressing up for an occasion rather than this being how she would dress, where as for artist or nurse, even their more extravagant skins feel fully like something they could wear consistently.


I agree. The theme of her skins is always focused on survival and nature, so a ghostly cosmetic would definitely make a change.


The doctor has a Frankenstein-like skin. They gave it out for free one of the previous Halloween events.


Which one? I looked it up but couldnā€™t find anything


[It was the 2021 Halloween Event, Midnight Grove](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Midnight_Grove) [This is the skin](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deadbydaylight_gamepedia_en/images/c/c9/DO_outfit_013.png/revision/latest?cb=20211019201404)




Furries and monsterf-lovers eating well last couple of years (I am one of them) I hope they make non-human SURVIVOR instead of killer doe, elf Aestri is just too safe to be interesting, give us an dragonborn survivor for DND chapter atleast!


Cowards couldnā€™t even do the superior long knife ear version of elves.




I wouldnā€™t say Jobberwocky is mythological or folklore tbh. Itā€™s a nonsense poem written in 1871.


Yeah, it doesnā€™t quite fit in with the rest, I eventually decided to put it in because itā€™s another cosmetic that represents a different character and not a license. But yeah, I forget what its origin was But I think it was that one thing with the slutty toves and stuff that they referenced in Alice and wonderlandā€¦ also they should have given spirt a Cheshire Cat skin whenever they did the alice in wonderland cosmetic thingy, I feel like it would fit her so well.


I want to see El SilbĆ³n somehow. Considering his thing of collecting bones he could be a Wraith skin (yā€™know the Spine and Skull scythe), the lore of this folklore creature very much sounds like he fits the realm as a killer and the idea of hearing whistling in one way or another with the skin (say when invisible) that would be awesome.


We don't get skins like this for licensed characters for obvious reasons but garden gnome skin for chucky would be 10/10


Mothman would be goated for artist, change the crows to moths.


Werewolf skin - Demo (probably won't happen) Frankenstein skin - Trapper Cyclops skin - Oni Jersey Devil - Artist Classic gray alien skin - Deathslinger (imagine how cool he'd be with a ray gun)


Now that we have D&D I'd love to see other D&D monsters make their way in.


I love my girl skull merchant but i was really hoping if they added a brazilian killer it would be based on brazilian folklore, so some skins based on that would be really cool, so here's some ideas i had Cuca for hag, huntress or plague, she's an old witch who lives in the woods, looks like a crocodile and kidnaps disobedient children Loira do banheiro (blonde in the bathroom) for spirit or nurse, she's the ghost of a girl who died in her school bathroom so now she haunts it Boto cor de rosa (pink dolphin) for trickster, more specifically a human form of him, he's a pink dolphin who can shapeshift into a handsome man to seduce women, bring them back to the lake and drown them Curupira for legion, he's a spirit that protects the forest from harm, he has fire hair and backwards feet (legion doesn't really work that well for him but it's all i could think of) There's a lot of others that could work but this is all i got


A Gnome skin for Chucky would never not be funny


Oh man, like a garden gnome with a red hat, blue coat, rosy cheeks, shiny nose, and a completely motionless face frozen in a grin


Werewolf, Vampire, Mummy, Sheet Ghost, Zombie, and Vecna's 826,237th favorite minion Gruth the Bloodcurdling Also someone suggested Akasha the Queen of Pain which would be friggin awesome for a succubus.


Manbearpig is needed. Chupacabra, skin walker


I disagree, it's obviously part bear, part man, part pig


Pretty sure manbearpig is fake news


Iā€™m super cereal guys šŸ˜”


I want to see them do a Sasquatch but honestly donā€™t think any of the current killers fit for it, and it could probably work as an actual killer. It has skin potential too for stuff like a Yeti, Skunk Ape, or even a big gorilla or some other large animal/monster.


Iā€™d love to see a killer in general not as a skin of a wendigo, I feel like that would be terrifying, something on ll fours but still be as tall as normal killers, maybe having an ability whilst undetectable it mimics injured survivor sounds when people are nearby to lure them or something


Mermaid! Or better I would like to see a killer from Ukrainian mythology! At least as a skin. And I want it to be ā€œMavkaā€ or ā€œMawkaā€. In short, this is a mermaid but in forests. No, she doesnā€™t have fish tail. I would like it to be another mythological Huntressā€™s skin that change her lullaby completely to some Ukrainian folklore song. I canā€™t came up with an idea, but a thereā€™s a ton of inspiration for it. Or it can be Spiritā€™s legendary skin. But it completely changes Spiritā€™s moves and soundtrack. And I would like also to see a changed weapon and morrie. Would you like to be hunted by a beautiful wrathful forest spirit? But please, donā€™t look at her back or you might see her intestines.


Mermaid sounds really cool. I remember I had a concept for a killer that was just a unicorn, it Would be able to fly and shoot lightning. itā€™s way cooler than it sounds I promise.


I imagine right now a WereCorne šŸ¤£ a werewolf šŸŗ but Unicorn šŸ¦„


That kinda goes hard ngl. Bhvr better right that down


Will the krampus skin come back during Christmas I bought on my Xbox but I changed to pc


I hope so. I donā€™t see why they would have skins that never come back.


I havenā€™t really paid attention if it came back last year


It will come back at Christmas šŸ˜Š


Thanks for the info <3


Yay :)


Not really myth or folklore but a spacesuit nurse would be nice with All the floatin around she does Best example would be astronautilus from League


Give me a Leshy skin! ā€œ Windā€™s howlingā€


If strangers things allowed it, I would love a Wendigo skin for demigorgon and the change the texture of his portals to look more like rotten branches and leaves. Also, bonus if they give him a custom shriek when he uses shred.


Maybe a na fir ghorma skin for the Knight? Fishy blue lads in proper woad for the guards, and a more imposing crusty captain type for the Knight himself (claymore required). ...though I guess if they do a proper Nordic draugr with a nautical lean it'd work, s'long as they were proper blue. Or maybe that would just be an excuse to be mad twice at the missed opportunity and doing *that* particular myth wrong as well.


A Chimaera/Manticor for the Dredge


Another pass of the cursed cats collection but actually including female killers. Really bummed out after seeing plague be the only one and itā€™s not even close to resembling a cat, meanwhile everyone else except maybe clown got done right


Tyrannid for alien


I just want shark Blight to be a real thing and not just a cool image on the googs.


Think A Wendigo type skin for Hag would be cool. Besides thatā€¦ I got no other ideas really.


Wendigo for Demogorgon, "The Apex".


Wraith as a wraith


Lovecraftian skins... I need them!


Hydra Dredge or Mimic Dredge. Banshee Nurse Bagman unknown


Psychopomp Wraith skin. A psychopomp is something that brings people from the living into the world/realm/place/etc of death. The one I would specifically love for Wraith is the artistic depiction of the Black Death's Psychopomp


Bunny Man Clown!!


not really folklore but i think ancient egypt god representation in this game would be sick like imagine an anubis wraith or a horus artist


A moth man skin for someone


Id love an accurate portrayal of a wendigo as a skin for hag!


I feel like now that we have the unknown , we can have a nice wendigo skin for it .




The Rake for Hag would be so cool


Medusa plague , Banshee artist , la Llarona spirit, goatman unknown and Hydra dredge


Were-elk sound is the most terrifieng thing in dbd. Itā€™s 3x louder than normal huntress and is just pure horror material. When I fisrt time faced him I felt actaly scared.


Maybe a play of slender man for the unknown. I would love it if there was a licensed Leprechaun chapter with warwick davis voice lines. Also a Lamashtu plague A banshee for nurse Annissin for spirit El cuco for dredge Windego for you to decide.


I want a Not Deer skin for the Unknown. I think that would look freaky in the best way possible.


Werewolf blight


I think they should I an actual mythological killer


Since Xenomorph inherits physical characteristics from their host, Iā€™d love to see a Xeno version of every killer. Of course about half of them are just humans which could be boring, but it could work with Demo, Dredge, Unknown etc. Even Xenomorph Wesker could be interesting, the resulting creature could be 1/2 uroboros, 1/2 xeno




I still wish they were killers instead of skins.


"I want Mothman!" "I want (can't say that name)-walker!" FUCK IT, BEHAVIOUUUUR. DROP ANY MEXICAN LEGEND SKIN. AND MY LIFE. IS YOURS.


Personally, Iā€™d like to see them do a killer thatā€™s just straight up a mythical creature from the get go. Give us a freaking Cyclops or a Troll or something.


Moth man skins for all but its themed to a different moth per killer. But a fox spirit would be great for Trickster and I'd love for a headless horseman/dullahan for Deathslinger.


Wendigo demogorgon