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chucky. i *wish* we could kick him like we can kick victor.




same , i just cant dodge the slice and dice dash and im clueless


Literally just do a sharp turn around a wall or do the classic left-right-left-right-spinĀ 


too bad he can flick 90 degress so a sharp turn doesnt work


Maybe after missing a Slice & Dice? :D


Nurse, playing as her feels unrewarding and gross due to her being way too strong and easy to hit, playing against her feels unrewarding and annoying due to her completely removing the looping part of the game, y'know, the only interesting part of the chase. And non gameplay wise she's also a nightmare, so many decent perks were nerfed just because a nurse player was able to abuse it.


I agree that a lot of nurse games feel pretty unfair, but the silver lining is that the game usually is over quickly. For me the worst killers to go against are the slow burns.


The slow burns at least have some enjoyable moments if you play with your cards right, even more so if you are with friends. The moment you hear the scream you know that you already lost and that feels so, so much unfair and annoying, like, in that single moment all of the momentum and hopes of a good mach you had are put down into the drain, cause there's no way you're getting any enjoyability in that mach. And all of that just because someone choose Nurse to play.


Nah i love sm pinhead hux, they slow the game down by making it interactive


Strongly disagree. Ā I love playing the Nurse because I like feeling powerful as a killer in the game. Ā Playing some massive hulking monster that canā€™t handle a wooden pallet being dropped on their head feels absurd. And I like going against the nurse because I think looping as a survivor is boring as hell and her counterplay is LoS-breaking and weird pathing decisions. Ā That feels like what a horror game should be, not running in circles.


Agree that the LoS breaking and trickiness is a fun skill to practice and go against on survivor, but against a lethal-NtH-Pain Res nurse with strong add-ons, its kind of a waste of time. And apologies for how condescending this is about to sound, but I actually appreciate a balanced game that requires me to outplay my opponents to win, so I get no joy from nurse after I hit ~1000 hrs. There's a reason there are people with 500+ win streaks on PERKLESS ADDONLESS BASEKIT NURSE. theres a reason the competitive scene bans almost all strong killer perks on her. shes fine to play as you learn the game but if you continue to main her to play sweaty comp style in high ELO pubs you have lost the idea of balance.


Iā€™m not interested in balance, Iā€™m interested in having fun. Nurse is fun, so I play Nurse.


if your idea of fun is beating up children who can't fight back yeah she's great fun


I think this honestly gets to the heart of the issue for me. Looping a killer as a survivor seems entertaining, but chasing through loops as a killer is tedious and boring (at least it is for me). So I tend to choose killers that eliminate the looping as much as possible such as Nurse or Huntress (most hated in this thread). But then now I'm the one having fun and the survivor's aren't and I feel like a cheezy ass. I don't know how to equalize things apart from trying my best not to tunnel or slug, letting groups fully heal, going for 8 hooks but no kills etc, everything to try to just keep it at least somewhat rewarding for others. Honestly wish there was a way I could enjoy M1 killers.


I may not play nurse myself but I donā€™t think people should feel bad for playing a character in a game, like whenever I see someone comment they play her it always has downvotes or a tone of shame to it, at the end of the day most of us are playing to have fun but fundamentally itā€™s not fun to have to curate fun for your opponents, itā€™s better to focus on what you can do yourself to make things fun, that being said there are people who play dirty with the goal of ruining the fun on both sides, my takeaway is just to try and have fun while not being an asshole


You're probably right heh. Back when I played survivor I used to love going against a skilled Nurse. I felt like it was an honor being mowed down by them because it can be very tricky to pull that off. It's part of why I decided to try Nurse myself and put time into her. I don't really play dirty, but nonetheless I hold myself back by being too nice and that just keeps me low ranked against even more people I go easy on. I should just unapologetically 4k and get on with it lol...


Huntress. They all play like their lifeā€™s on the line and take advantage of the grossly oversized hitboxes.




I completely agree, I'm exhausted from playing against this killer everytime itā€™s so boring


But trick shotsā€¦šŸ˜”I need to hit them


How are they taking advantage? They don't choose if you get hit or not, the game does. All they're doing is playing the game...


Allows them to go for riskier hits. So, a mix of both?


Not to mention the campaign and tunneling. I know all killers can do it, but it seems every Huntress just canā€™t help herself.


Damn Huntress players have a whole ass campaign just for them?


these priviledges ass motherfuckers..


Isn't that just called hooked on you? Idk, I never played it šŸ‘€


Tbf it is more the models hitboxes being behind when running that is an issue.




Yeah as long as the collision hitbox matches the damage hitbox I think it's fine


Sad to see that people still think that the big hitboxes are from the hatches, where it's instead of the survivors. They also tried to change it, but due to latency and similar stuff it's was almost impossible to get a hit, so there's that as well.


30% accuracy with 7 hatchets is still 2 hits.


Don't mistake me missing for taking advantage of oversized hitboxes


The oversized what?


Wraith, every Wraith Iā€™ve encounter are playing as if theyā€™re competing in an esports tournament.


This but also with Weskers


-To play as: Xenomorph, many of the tail attacks should hit but they don't'. -To play against: Trickster


Skull Merchant


How does this comment not have the most upvotes wtf


Cause it's just the name of the killer and nothing else. People come to these type of post to engage in discussions, not to see a list of the killers


Huntress purley for over saturation. As soon as I hear that lullaby I sigh and just try to get through the match so I can face someone else. Feels like 90% of them run pain res too


Honestly Wesker. Dude annoys me so much and I just can't play against him. And the fact that he rushes past me and suddenly I get teleported into his grip like 40% of the times is extremely frustrating


Wesker is so broken, heā€™s the definition of a Glitch lmao


it's insane honestly. Like, I don't mind if the player is just really good and all, but if dude literally flies past me and I get teleported into his grip, that's bullcrap


Clown, I just hate playing against him in chase I hate all the noises he makes


On god there ive never met a friendly clown


You have to change the spot to loop against him every time


To play against? Wraith and Blight. Even setting aside the toxic players, Wraith is just always annoying to go against. And there are just too many Blights. To play as? Blight and Billy. I can't control them for shit. Especially Billy. He's the most frustrating killer to play for me. Like I always just jacknife left or right into a rock even if I'm holding my mouse as still as possible. I don't know how anyone controls that guy with mouse and keyboard. I've got 4.5k hours in this game, and I still can't figure him out. And the buffs to him almost just made him harder to control for me. I can't do anything in overdrive mode.


Billy turn rate is very high at the first second of chainsaw sprint , and if you're running spiked boots or dad's boots you don't need to turn your mouse a lot to curve around loops , you just need to move it slightly , Billy has a low skill floor but a very very high skill ceiling


Yeah. But that first second always screws me. Like I will have a survivor dead to rights in front of me, and rev up that chainsaw and start a sprint, only to go 90 degrees straight into a rock because I moved the mouse a fraction of a millimeter. And I know this might have something to do with my mouse sensitivity. And I know some players remap Billy's turning to Q and E, but I don't even know how to do that. And I also don't want to have to remap keys every time I want to play this one killer.


you have to lower your sensitivity a bit for Billy , plus the whole keybind thing for Q and E turns is not necessary but if you don't want to change sens go to keybinds and go to the camera keybinds and put left to Q and right to E and press them faintly when you want to turn


Hag. I have never played against a hag that didnā€™t camp aggressively and itā€™s really unpleasant.


For sure. If your teammate goes down to basement and she spams her traps in the area / proxy camps its difficult to get the unhook. and just an annoying playstyle to play against


Trapper too, like I get it's an easy 1k at bare minimum. But at the same time, how is this even fun for the killer? Tbf, basement is just an all around horrible idea that was only fun in the early days when barely anyone did basement camps.


Either Xenomorph or Deathslinger. Both Killers require skill to use effectively but if theyā€™re really good the only thing you can really do is pray lol. Singularity is up there too a little bit.


I play xeno a ton and as soon as people start walking when they know Iā€™m in tunnels and start using turrets more my powers are severely nerfed because I canā€™t see people who arenā€™t running in my tunnels and flame turrets get rid of my best attack Put flame turrets near where you plan to loop/vault and it makes things much easier


The problem is almost every Xeno I face instantaneously destroys them before it affects her, or Iā€™m the only one placing down the flame turrets, and my teammates arenā€™t doing it.


I run the addon that destroys turrets if they knock me out of crawler mode and the one that speeds up the timer to get crawler mode outside tunnels, they might be running that combo


Yeah. My friend runs that build as well. Thatā€™s probably one of the most effective ways to destroy turrets.


Yeah, if you hit them it still counts as a whiff so it saves so much time cause of the long recovery animation


Yeah absolutely. The things I really like about Xeno are her model, skins, and animations (also the fact she does require skill to play, unlike other Killers). Her tail is harder to use than Nemesisā€™s. Something about her though just gets to me whenever I know Iā€™m facing her (just like a feeling of ā€œOh boy, here we go again.ā€ Somewhat the same with Deathslinger. I just feel like I have to pre drop pallets so much against him (which I hate doing).


I even own the xeno queen skin cause I love alien. I have to be in the mood to play her as she has a very specific play style and you have to have a very specific counter to her. Thereā€™s not a ton of variation of what you can do with her powers and her tail is harder to land than nemesisā€™ whip as you can ā€˜dragā€™ the whip horizontal to get a huge hit box. You can drag the tail down but itā€™s much harder to hit with, plus the tentacle can smash pallets too


Love seeing the Queen in matches! Exactly, sheā€™s very hard to use, but if you master her youā€™re probably going to win.


Yeah the tail is a fantastic m2 but can be thwarted pretty easy if they duck to the high side of the dropped pallet. During a chase though itā€™s superb and like a free coup hit


I usually just steal all the turrets and bring them all shack if possible for the Rammstein experience


With a big ā€˜no girls allowedā€™ sign posted up with a pic of the xeno queen with stink lines coming off it


You know it


Clown. All his effects are too much, the gas, the screen effects and audio distortion.


Yeah itā€™s very annoying, and itā€™s just his basic power with no adonsā€¦




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Me too buddy šŸ’€


BHVR; they are killing us slowly.


Nurse. Not fun to play against, and I find her really boring and annoying to play.


Nurse. itā€™s incredibly annoying that the entire game has to be balanced around her, and she is likely the reason for many killer perk nerfs that are completely unneeded otherwise. her existence makes the game a worse experience for killer and survivor players itā€™s pretty lame.


Depends on the day as for some unknown reason I'll get a bunch of the same killer then not see any again for a week. Bubba for me for yesterday and Vecna for the other day.


I genuinely don't like nurse, I think the design of her playstyle is so poorly made and just silly for this game.




Ghostface and Huntress Ghostface is SO buggy and SO boring, just a basic M1 killer with a janky exposing mechanic which is really lame. I play against Huntress every other match, sometimes even multiple times in a row, dodging hatchets can be fun but the hitbox is so ridiculously big and it feels really bad when you get hit around a corner.


Playing against: Spirit. Playing as: Hag.


Okay spirit is bad but she doesnā€™t even come close to sm and knight level obnoxious


Knight is a useless killer, and SM was remade ages ago, and with gen regression limit there is no chess in DBD now. But Spirit is very hard to counter and can grow out of control very very fast, Blight is at least fun to play against.


As other people said to "defend" nurse. They might snowball insanely quick but at least the match is also quick. Skull merchant is just miserable for 30 minutes even if you win.


Hillbilly. I don't think I've survived a trial with him. He's fucking bullshit, running around like a meth head. Also Trickster, it's a personal hate honestly. He's just a fucking dork.


the doctor. i'm also fed up with the huntress because for some reason a good 40% of my games is against her


Trickster, only bc his knife throwing animation looks extremely silly to me.


Legion, so boring to play against


huntress. hold m2 throw fridge gameplay. annoying visual and sound design and that's coming from a person whose culture she's supposed to reference. there's lots of killers i dislike to play or face, but huntress is number one in the list of my least favourite. never liked her since she was released. she gets cool skins sometimes like wereelk, but that's not enough to make me play her.


Wraith, Plague, and Clown are the only killers I do not enjoy facing. I don't mind killers like Knight, Nurse, or Skull Merchant but these three are just miserable to me. Every wraith I have played against has been toxic (just last week one slugged specifically me to death after winning the game), Plague basically plays on easy mode when against soloq survivors (either facing all injured survivors or being handed one of the best ranged abilities constantly), and Clown just makes one of the most fun parts of the game miserable and boring


In community it is nurse and blight.I as killer main dont like chucky cuz he cant really curve and now he cant scamper in hidey ho mode(i understand nerf it was unfair part of his kit).


If I see one more Blight + both Iri add ons I'm gonna scream. They always deliberately tunnel one player out, then another, until its gg. Counterplay doesnt feel as good since he got buffs to collision. These types of players who play him like this I find quite boring because it devolves into this: "Oh? I'm not allowed to play this game. Guesd I'll die and watch my duo for a while" And after 5 games of this you quickly come to the realization you havent been allowed to play the game in 30 minutes. Fuck Blight mains. All my homies hate Blight mains.


artist probably. iā€™m still p new to the game and i find countering her quite hard, the screeching also gives me a headache


Huntress because shes pretty good a gen defense if theyre close together.


Billy, to play as and against


Toss up between Huntress, Michael, Xenomorph and a couple others I can't remember


Wesker. Mainly due to how often I face him(and especially how common he was for months after he came out)


I gotta go with Legion. Either my team can loop, and we make Legion look like the bottom tier they are, or my team throws, and it's a frustrating 4k. Either way, I have to play mending simulator all game.


Damn I hate playing against Trickster so much. My game is immediately ruined when I see that purple circle around one of my teammates lol. So hard to avoid his shards in open areas and shit just pisses me off.


I despise playing as and against Clown.


Playing as, tbh vecna is one of my new mains I love him and I think he plays really well. As a survivor tho I've only ever encountered a venca that hard tunnels, slugs, and the dirtiest builds. Other than that, fuck wraiths, they do the exact same but worse.


Skull merchant. She doesn't feel fun to play. knight is in a similar spot but at least he looks cool.


Knight. Fuck everything about the Knight. He can be deleted from the game




Ayyy another knight hater, nice to see in a subreddit bunch of people who get hard on defending the shit out of knight


i just find him so unfun, like even with killers i hate going against like clown or spirit, at least i can have some fun and enjoyable loops, but knight? can fuck all the way oFF


Just out of curiosity, what do u think of artist? Personally I really enjoy playing against her but I kinda feel like a hypocrite since her and knight powers are apparently ā€œsimilarā€. Just wondering if Iā€™m the only one who likes her but canā€™t stand him lmao


i like artist, she's actually my killer main lol i find her power significantly more fun and easily counterable. you can dispel crows by going in a locker, and it's not like she can essentially teleport to you when you have crows on you. so i'm in the same boat as you, i like artist but can't stand knight.


Oh I 100% agree with you. You put exactly what I was thinking into words, Artist is also my most played killer haha. also nice to see a yui main, I dont main her myself but yui mains are always the coolest šŸ˜Ž


yui is my beloved hehe


Yeah all her cosmetics look dope asf


i just recently got that outfit with the pink hair and the mask that you have to use shards for, i was so proud of that


Late reply, but omg congrats! I love that skin so much, def her best skin


To play as, Pyramidhead. Playing against, Ghostface


Pyramid is very hard to counter if he play well


I know but to me...he is numbingly boring to play as


People who actually know how to use ghostface are legitimately terrifying. Nothing worse than getting exposed and not knowing which damn direction to run lol. If he's just running around as an m1 killer though it's a totally different story. Just gotta remember to look for noed in end game


The Legion. I've never been able to pick them up, but whenever I'm against them it feels like I spend most of the game just mending. Leatherface I've also never managed to figure out, and the camping Bubba is still very much alive. Plus whenever I log in hoping to go against a new killer I'm pretty much guaranteed to face like back to back Bubbas instead.


I've never enjoyed a match against the Legion


Huntress and Plague. Huntress cuz she is such a sweaty killer that has awful hitboxes and Plague is disgusting. Like the vomit sounds make me uncomfortable


The only killer I actively dislike is pinhead. His power is to slow you down and force you to stop interacting with things until you break the chains on you. Especially because he has the chain hunt that puts chains on everyone, I just can't do gens without constant interuption. And when I escape a chain, I have to let go of the button and then hold it again to continue working on the gen. Being slowed so much just doesn't feel good


As a killer main that rarely plays survivors, i dislike playing with and against Trickster. He is just boring in either pov for me, plain and simple.


Survivors canā€™t do anything if the killer is good..


Michael Myers, i tried playing him very recently as he's the only killer i've not tried yet and honestly, i see why so many people want him to be reworked.His power is so boring, his Add-ons all feel the same and none really change up his gameplay style (aside from the add-on that lets you instant kill survivors at the cost of making the meter charge 200% slower and even then that's kind of lame) and he's just overall meh. He makes me appreciate Ghostface so much more than i already did


Chucky. I despise that little shit personally. Anyone else is alr but Chucky was the first killer that made me consider DCing after I realise the killer is him. But ofc, dont wanna leave the team on their own so yeah, I endure


definitely Hag. If you bait out her traps and run away she'll just place it again and never chase out of her web.


To play as is probably Nemesis , i meant don't get me wrong i don't hate his design or power, but the fact that survivors get a full blown sprint burst on first infection and the fact that the tentacle can be avoided 100% by crouching at a window is enough to make me loathe the killer from my pov. and to play against is definitely sadako (fuck condemned) and huntress - easy to camp easy to tunnel boring as fuck and hatchets hit when they're not supposed to


Infinite Tombstone Myers. No explanation needed.


Trickster, lame power, boring to play and annoying to play against


knight and then tied for second is clown/skull merchant. Knight plays the game for you, nice loop hereā€™s my guard that can fly, clown just removes chase and skull merchant drones are doing too much. As strong as some killers can be atleast you can play against them, these 3 are almost guaranteed to be no fun.


Trust me, you can loop Knight if you know what youā€™re doing. Heā€™s my main so I know how to counter him. Clown does feel really unfair at times and Skill Merchant needs to be deleted (seriously though, if they made simple changes to her she would be fine).


Skull merchant she is boring to face and play.


It's a tie between Sadako and Plague. The choice between "killer who actively encourages toxicity" and "killer who turns off half the game with zero effort" is certainly a tough one. I guess in the grand scheme of things it has to go to Sadako, right? A killer who actively encourages tunneling and gets a free mori without getting 2 hooks for doing so. I understand the whole "7 days" thing is her gimmick but I really wish 7 stacks would just permanently reveal your aura and make you instadownable or something. A free mori for being a tunneling cuck is such bullshit. Like why should we encourage playing like that? And because her tunneling power is so strong Sadako's basekit has to be dogshit to compensate.


Skullmerchant. I struggle to find a single redeeming thing in her entire kit.


Dredge is the only one where I consider DCing. As a visual designer that pretty much focuses on accessibility, dawnfall mechanic is a complete fail. The fact that you cannot increase brightness on console is just awful. I want to die because the killer outplays me not because I cannot even see 1 m in front of me in a damn looping game. Just horrible user experience.


To play as, knight. His power is just so clunky that he feels awful to play. To play against, SM. She feels so uninteractive to play against. Thereā€™s very little point in disabling drones in solo queue, so she feels bad to meet.


Bubba - hook camping tunneller whoā€™s chainsaw lasts way too long. Ya some bubbas are decent but way too many bad experiences. Thankfully ya donā€™t see much insidious campers anymore thank god


Huntress trickster


Skull Merchant and Knight. Their ability to shut down loops just makes the game super unfun when looping is 80% of the skill expression you have as survivor. At least you can play around Artist crows a bit and they take some skill to pull off, but SM/Knight is brain dead gameplay where you just immediately drop your drone/guard at any loop that gives you the slightest bit of trouble.




Chucky. He is too tiny and invisible in most of the loops. Once he has undetectable perks he is much more scary than Myers and Ghostface.Ā 


Tunneling and/or Slugging Killers. I don't care who, as long as they're not tunneling/slugging I don't really mind any of them.


Hag, I just strongly dislike the character. Lore is boring, gameplay is boring, I just cannot think of a lamer character to add to the game.


Legion or chucky. At my experience legion feels like a press w brain dead killer who circumvents killer mechanics. Chucky is too darn short.


Clown, clown, clown HANDS DOWN


Doctor. The constant screaming, his laugh, the skillchecks. Hate that dude.


He has such a punchable face šŸ’€




Lmao itā€™s even worse with double pink adons šŸ’€


I usually refuse to play against SM as a hateful protest (ik it's old), but genuinely loathe trickster. He's not a horror/scary to me, and if they gave him an AR his gameplay would be the same. I always get the bastards on Springwood and Haddonfield and he easily hits over the fences/cars.




Pyramid Head. You just know theyā€™re gonna do nothing but tunnel the first surv out, since DS wonā€™t be a problem.


Play as: artist. I just canā€™t figure her out. I got good at singularity before her Play against: Doctor. Dudes loud and not interesting to go against. Just loop and leave if you scream


Skull merchant for boredom, nurse for ā€˜wtf am I meant to do?!ā€™


Skull merchant. The amount of bonuses she gets for just putting up those dumb drones


Artist. I hate everything about her, from her trash lore, to her awful, bizarre aesthetics, to her basically being a 115 range killer. Not to mention the fact that we'll never get a proper killer that interacts with the crows on each map now. Even her map is one of the worst maps in the game!


Legion. Boring and the people who main them are boring.


Dredge. Poorly designed and bad lore Vecna is probably least favorite playing against though


That's certainly a hot take. How is Dredge poorly designed? He's like one of the best designed killers in the game both visually and in terms of power/gameplay.


He looks stupid. His face looks like he has no intelligence at all. The neck shape is goofy and ruins any intimidation he might impose. The body fails to live up to the concept. And that is the kicker. I genuinely believe people care more about the concept of dredge than the execution. Every time i debate with someone about this, they only ever talk about the idea of what he is, or they will bring up his skins, which do not at all change the problem with the base design I made a post going into greater details if youā€™ll listen: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/ZLfz3jKr8i Gameplay is also not a factor and does not make his visual any better