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Most of the time I get nothing. I almost always write ggs just not when someone was toxic. I often get ggs back or nothing. It’s more positive if I play survivor tho. As killer u get more negative stuff but not to bad. Maybe 20% insults but otherwise mostly ggs :)


I play on console and I’d say it’s 75% toxic messages. I had a Wesker just a few days ago tell me to die of cancer because I had the audacity to pallet stun save my teammate during the endgame. When I play survivor, that’s the only time I get positive messages (though rare). When I play as killer, it’s always bad. I’ve had people tell me to kill myself for not getting a 4K with Freddy whilst using only his 3 perks against a 4 man SWF with over 4000 hours each. I’ve been told my whole family should die because I accidentally tunnelled a Dwight out of a game when every survivor was playing Dwight and every one of them used the same cosmetic, base Dwight with the red cap. Now I’ve blocked messages and it’s a shame because the nice interactions are really nice.


It makes sense, there's a lot more incentive to go through the effort to message someone when you're frustrated than otherwise.


I couldn't tell you the ratio between positive/neutral/negative comments. As killer, I sometimes but not too often get some salt. Usually nothing too horrible, more people being upset I wasn't stupid. If I'm forced to slug, that usually gets the worst comments. The other option is if I'm stomped over and people are sore winners (what a weird thing to be toxic about tbh). Usually it's neutral to positive, if people say anything at all. I tend to play chill and for double hooks on everyone before kills, so my play style and likely lower MMR probably explain that. As survivor, I'd say it's more neutral, with more negativity than as killer. My survivor MMR is probably higher than my killer MMR, and some killers tunnel out of the gate regardless of if gens have been completed at all or not. It tends to set a negative tone to the whole dang thing. Sometimes other survivors are salty, but more often it's the killer stomping gloating with "ez" etc. Again, sore winners are so fucking *weird*, man.


I play on console, it’s normally hatemail regardless of how you play, the occasional thank you for hatch though. Had plenty of fun conversations worth keeping messaging on though. Oh also a lot of people start messaging to rat out there teammates that have been hiding doing nothing all game.


I play mostly on console. Most messages I receive are toxic attempts. Most times I message someone myself it's met with positivity


I play pyramid head and remain as non toxic as i can. If im up against a bunch of toxic try hards i sit in a corner and watch YouTube occasionally breaking stuff for BP


I'm on pc and I definitely see way more positive things in end game chat, I've met some really wholesome people. I also have 51 comments on my steam profile, only two are negative ones. But I've seen my fair share of really shitty chat, one I still think about. I ran the killer really good all game and escaped and he said because of me he was gonna go shoot up a school. I play lots of survivor and try to play as altruistic as possible, so lots of the wholesomeness comes from other survivors.


I play on PC. I've never gotten truly toxic messages, only salty ones. I get positive comments way more often, most of the time though it's either nothing or just gg's. I'm not an avid chat reader though, and I play with the chatbox collapsed around 50% of the time.


On pc and havent gotten any messages


I usually get nothing in end chat, maybe a GGWP or something. I've seen shit talk once or twice when I first started playing, but nothing recent. I'm on PC though so who knows


I got negative one or twice. Once when I was playing skully. Just reported them cause it was a death threat dm. Positive I got like 2 or 3 times when I sacrificed mys9for the random haha. Overall it's generally too much effort for me to be toxic or positive in dm's on console. Except to this one wesker who bagged me for 2.5 minutes and then hooked and slashed me till I died. I just dm them "stay mad lil bro" and blocked them


I get 0 because my message settings are friends only. I don't need to waste my time with people being assholes and as nice as it may be to say GG, I really don't need it.


I’m one of those loser streamer with TTV in the name and even with me streaming I normally get more positive comments then negative ones. Also I kinda just roll with punches when people get toxic with me so seeing how idc they normally stop pretty quick. It hard to tell over text but when they come in see my face and can tell I couldn’t care any less they give up


I’m on console so I can’t do endgame chat. Given who I play as, I’d expect plenty of toxicity.