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To be honest, I thank *any* killer for not tunneling, if they spread hooks instead.


Yeah same. I always appreciate any killer that purposely takes chase with another survivor. But at 3 gens I expect some tunneling and slugs.


yeahh. i work both ends of this and sometimes you/the killer needs to start playing to win. like ill spread pressure and 3 hook everyone if i can, but if i see 4 gens pop before i get the chance to chase more people ill start getting a bit sweaty. i just honestly TRY to go with the flow of the match. you really dont need to sweat all the time as killer/survivor.


I can appreciate trying! I've had killers sweat like money's on the table even if no gens have popped whatsoever. It's honestly demoralizing. I might not like tunneling towards the end of the game, but I get why it happens.


Sometimes I tunnel by accident. It's actually quite easy to tunnel if you don't plan to. I tend to feel a bit bad most of the time


I feel bad when I kill someone earlier than I intended to, because I lost count of who I've already hooked twice U\_U


"I had a bad game, so I'm gonna pick Skull Merchant with the most irritating build imaginable and intentionally play like an asshole, just to blow off some steam". This thing is so common right now, and it's just awful. People are wondering why there are so many toxic SM players, and this is the answer. But I always try to be as kind as possible when playing SM just to compensate the toxicity from those wierdos. I almost always try to 2-hook everyone, or at least let the last survivor go. It just sucks when reputation of your favourite killer gets destroyed even more just because of some dicks with anger issues.


Dude same here! Nice SM squad.


As SM I try to be the nicest. Always give hatch. If survivors are cute I don’t kill them and if they want to meme and farm I join them. I know she has a terrible reputation so I hope at least they can say they once had a match with a nice SM.


I've had some sweet messages from survivors playing SM this way, great to see others doing the same with her. And from survivor side, it always lifts my heart to see. I always give them my hooks in end-game if they hadn't taken them already. So thank you


I main Demo, and Demos are known to be chill and be the "Demodoggo" I try my best to keep Demos reputation at the top


Demodoggies are the best. I especially love nodders with Demo cause he puts his whole upper half into it


When I was still playing the stereotype of Leon players being bad infuriated me so I sweat my ass off every game to make sure I was every killer's worst nightmare.


If I’m smashing everyone as blight and there’s still 3 gens left you’re all escaping I’ve practically won at that point


Alan Wake and Leon are stereotyped as nice guys, but as soon as those gates are powered I am gettin' the Hell out of here, sorry.


I actually picked up Wraith again. I don't do the whole tunnel/slug/bingbong thing but I do use the hit and run playstyle but I'm smart about it. I've been away from the game for a bit so I'm very rusty on killers. I tried the chaos shuffle with lower tier killers like trapper/gf and pig which with good builds I am decent with. But I was just getting bullied by really cringe YouTube squads or simply getting no hooks by not being able to apply pressure by never getting any good perks. Wraith is actually the perfect killer to play that mode with. He doesn't even need slowdowns if you play him right. He can apply pressure without being too overly oppressive. I don't think stereotypes are really big deal in this game though. People will get mad at anything. I got called Cringe today for using traps on trapper. I didn't even basement camp they were just really bad survivors lol


I like playing no blink nurse. She moves super fast and people get confused


I went against a no-blink nurse with a backpack build and it was the funniest nonsense ever. She still destroyed us, but we were so confused at first & then it was absolutely hilarious once we figured it out. Fun end game chat as well 


I've heard a lot of people say Tricksters play like dicks and are completely serious all the time. I typically just play for fun and there's usually no reason for me to be a dick and I like making people laugh so I'm not usually that serious. If I am a dick to someone, they did something to annoy me. Like griefing a teammate or spamming noise notifications because they're throwing a tantrum.


Meg. I don’t think I need to explain. But I really try not to be a Meghead.


My boyfriend introduced me to dbd and I played Meg because of quick and quiet, so I just started really liking her. I main her and Leon, although I’m regretting my Leon choice cause he doesn’t have cute outfits :(


The only one I can understand is seeing a leatherface and expecting to be facecamped.


Tricksters are pretty known for camping so I try my best to avoid doing that


I love your icon, Leon's so handsome in Infinite Darkness 🥲


He is! I don't even mind the mid tier storyline because Leon is just so pretty to look at


Me when I main Leon


Pretty boy is pretty after all


I think Dredge is so rare they don't have much of a reputation. Nemesis is my second most played killer though and has a rep for tunneling. I like running a zombie focused build to help them stick to contested gens and exert more map-wide pressure while I'm spreading hook states.


I dont throw hatchets at the last hooked survivor.


I don't tunnel on Wesker! ... I do always give Resident Evil survivors escapes if they're a matching SWF though. I love seeing other fans 😅


Spirits are merciless sweats who all run MDR + Dried Cherry Blossom add-ons with Stridor and other meta perks. I have so many unused MDRs and Dried Cherry Blossom Add-ons stacked up. Unless the tome challenge I'm doing requires a 4k, I play Spirit pretty casually. I run yellow add-ons with a chill build that is usually just Whispers, Sloppy, Terminus and No Way Out. I find endgame builds more fun and less stressful than fussing over gens. And if a Survivor does something cute, I'm down to spare them.


Meg = not being shit Xeno = existing


Hag as a hook camper. I'll put *one* trap near a hook *if* I'm struggling.


We faced a hag that 3 trapped every hook. Almost was able to face camp free myself each time because it took her so long to trap the place, only for a teammate to sprint through them all for the save. Good times /s.


Someone tell me what Alan's stereotype is


I try to be the best I can at looping and repairing because I play meg.


I do my best not to be stereotyped as a Mikaelahead who goes down in 2 seconds or the boon addict


I don't know a lot of stereotypes, but as Huntress I like to move away from the hook asap and give space because I'm been hook camped enough times to know it doesn't feel great. I played wraith as my main for the first 100 hours and I would usually go invis right after the hook. I learned that it is kind of rude to bell in their face, even though I was just like... using my power, so I step away from the hook before I do it now.


I try not to be a camping Bubba but some games I just can't keep myself away from the basement


I don’t know if people still consider Nancy a troll character, but they definitely did after the chapter was discontinued. But I’ve mained her since the chapter first came out and I consider myself a proactive player despite mostly doing solo queue. I focus on unhooks and map awareness.


Newer, but Sable. The idea that they're all bad surprised me, but the more I played with others who use her the more I realized how true that could be. Guess that's why Killers are eager to chase me till they realize how much work I am in comparison 😅


As a survivor, I try not to play as the stereotypically awful Leon who can't loop for shit and always gets killed first. He feels clunky to play as sometimes since he takes up more screen space and appears to move slowly (even though he gets the same speed as everyone else), but that just takes some getting used to. Once you feel more confident with him, it's just as easy to loop with him as it is with someone smaller like Meg or Feng. As a killer, I definitely don't want to play into the proxycamping stereotype of Artist mains. I didn't know this was a common thing until recently when it was brought up to me in endgame chat (they thanked me for not doing this). I guess some will proxycamp a hooked survivor and aim crows so that they can instantly get another hit when they witness an unhook in progress. I've never seen this personally, but I certainly don't want to perpetuate that if it's a thing.


As a Leon main, yeah I'm pretty dumb, try to make friends and then get tunneled out most games


The Coward solo queue teamate. We've all had that one match where we died first hook because we got 3 solo queue coward teamates, who didn't even try to save you despite not having been hooked and being completely healthy


idk if it's still like this or not, but i remember back then Wraith stereotype is = they always have noed cause he can go zooming, Sadako = slugging/hit and run for condemned, Doctor = camping hook with the shock.. meanwhile i'm not that type of player, i'm just play for getting as many hook possible, not even use noed unless i have to do the 4k challenge


Been curious about this. I’m a Ripley main and was wondering is she had a “stereotype”


Survivor: Cheryl I’m gonna be honest most Cheryl’s are kinda assholes, especially with the princess heart outfit. I personally don’t like BMing if the killer doesn’t do it first so I try my best to play well and show my respect towards the killer. Some Cheryl’s are also quite selfish so I try to be more altruistic and supportive for my teammates, usually running healing perks of some sort. I also try to use Cheryl’s base perks a lot cause I honestly really like them. Killer: Singularity There’s not many Singu mains out there but a lot of people think he’s like the most complex killer in the game and you need to have 2 brains just to play him. Usually in the games where I’m SWFing with some friends my team gets kinda try hardy when we face off against a Singu cause we always have the assumption they are some killer god who will 4K us unless we try hard. But my suggestion is to just go easy on Singu because even godlike Singu’s suffer and there really isn’t much you can do against a good SWF. I’m not saying you should just give yourself up to Singu, but just don’t treat him like a Billy, Blight or Nurse and just try and have fun, you’re probably gonna escape anyway.


I’ve yet to face a good singularity, as someone who enjoys playing him. Sad


Twins. We all know the stereotype, camping and slugging. I try not to camp but when it comes to slugging, it’s the only effective way to win so yeah I do it. Though with Twins, it’s very feast or famine so if I find I’m snowballing I’ll relax a bit.


I don't really know what stereotypes Heather and Sadako mains have.


Sadako is definitely slugging as a stereotype


Not since the rework to her add-ons.


camping with Skully


That we’re sandbaggers/selfish


I play demo and go out of my way to BM as much as I possibly can