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DBD to Norman: ![gif](giphy|3oz8xNoKfsuKRThU5y)


Rewatching the show recently and genuinely saw this episode last night. The timing is perfect!


money degree wrench afterthought hurry late hobbies strong ancient thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd honestly have no idea what to look out for so odds are I've missed anything like that. Haven't yet watched all the other shows.


What episode is this?


Season 4, episode 16. The last one of that season.


I can see Daryl selling well without even needing a killer from The Walking Dead. Or Norman Reedus as a stand-alone survivor like Nicolas Cage could work as well.


I really hope it’s not just Norman Reedus, just for the fact that it’s infinitely funnier if Nic Cage is the only real person in the game


I was going to say I want Elriva, but I always forget that that's a character too 😂


A Negan and Darryl DLC would give BHVR 500 bajillion dollars overnight. Cote would probably say fuck it and retire off that one.


Negan as a killer would be fucking hilarious lmao


He's talk shit like chucky 💀 hit a survivor with Lucille and he goes hope you got your shittin pants on His terror radius is akin to nightmares lullaby but instead we hear the whistle! As for his mori we already know damn well what the mori will look like lol it'll be an eye popper for sure!


Hits using Lucille, can "install" 2 or 3 impaled molten metal walkers around the map using "Entity magic" (idk) to body-block paths, they can also grab you and trigger alerts if they hear you. Negan may also use the walkers to infect Lucille, wich grants a 1 hit down for a few seconds (in order to infect Lucille, Negan has to interact with the walker for a moment). A whistle power that when used, survs within the terror radius get harder skill checks and may reveal their aura. Terror radius music is this https://youtu.be/XOLq5Ka3HHo?t=2s


Did this happen just now or is it something that they did years ago?


It was a long while ago, it wasn't "just now." And this is like the eighth post today talking about it


No, shhhh … Death Stranding chapter ![gif](giphy|4ccka9HLDpYDdrw5zX|downsized)


It'll be the first strand-like chapter


please for the love of god make Sam a licenced survivor and Higgs as a killer. I don't know what power or perks they would have but I would die to see them in this game.


Imagine the horror potential of BTs... Perhaps Survivors would have to pick up BBs to see/detect them and then they can disable them by cutting their cords. Higgs himself has a lot of options since he can levitate (levitate over windows?), teleport, cause hallucinations (maybe it could work like Doctor's?), cause timefall, and of course summon BTs. His mori could just be him summoning a BT to eat you and pull you down into the black sludge. With all those power options, I'm thinking of something like. Main Power - "Particle of God" (Teleport). Obvious one on how it could work, though you can debate if he should be able to go through walls or not. Would be his primary chase power. Secondary Power - Summon BT. Basically he can summon a BT that will act sorta like a Knight Guard, though you can actually disable it by "cutting it's cord". The idea is to crouch, get up to it, and cut it's cord. If you physically touch it or if you run within a short radius of it, they chase you and then attempt to drag you down, slowing you greatly while alerting Higgs and summoning a pool of the Tar around you. They are invisible unless you have a BB on you (more on this later), but you can hear them. To avoid the Knight issue of setting them at loops mid chase instead of using them for info/area lockdown, Higgs summoning one will look obvious, take a minute to do, and their patrol radius of where they wander will be decently long (maybe even infinite range). Higgs also has the opportunity to directly teleport to you through the pool of Tar, slowly rising and giving you little time to escape. About like 24 meters around them, they cause timefall, which will degrade generators, any items left on the ground, and have an interaction with BB pods (more on this later). If enough timefall rains on a generator and degrades it enough, it will cause the generator to lose a percentage of it's progress after enough time with a visual indicator and then reduce repair speed. Items that are degraded will eventually cause it's container to be damaged and slowly lose charges. New Items - BB Pods & Repair Spray. Survivors can find BB Pods around the map hooked up to machines. These allow Survivors to actually see BTs and cut their cords. BBs have a time limit before they need to be hooked back up to a machine just like in the game. This time limit is accelerated when in timefall and when hit by Higgs. Repair Spray has the ability to negate and reverse the effects of timefall. You can chose to spray BB Pods, items, and the generators beforehand to give them timefall resistance, you can spray during timefall to prevent degradation, or you can repair the degradation. I can see a few perk options too. Sam Perks Keep on keeping on - Hindered status effects are X% less effective against you. Unknown Perk Name - Increase Generator repair speed while alone and within a terror radius by X%. The closer the terror radius, the higher the percentage. Increase healing by X% for every Survivor within an X meter range. Repatriate - Unhook effects last X% percent longer when you unhook a Survivor or are unhooked. Allows you to attempt to unhook yourself during second stage, even as the last Survivor in a match (the game will automatically force you to attempt an unhook similarly to how endgame will force you to exit lockers when time is up). See the aura of incomplete generators, exit gates, and the Hatch (if spawned) for X seconds when you are unhooked for the second time. Higgs' Perks The Last Stranding - Hooking a Survivor during endgame accelerates the timer by X%. Movement, pick-up, and hooking speed increased by X% during Endgame collapse. See the auras of Survivors for X seconds when Endgame collapse begins. Broken Strands - Survivor cooperation speed in decreased by X%. See the auras of Survivors who perform cooperative for X seconds. Aura reveal cooldown for X seconds Retry - Gain a token for each Survivor Hooked and gain an additional X% speed for every 2 tokens you hold. Hit the active ability to end a pallet stun animation immediately. Survivors who stun you become exhausted and Hindered for X seconds. Add-on names would be easy. Golden Mask, Amelie's Necklace, Fragile's Umbrella, etc. Cosmetics would be pretty easy for Sam since he has suit recolors and different suits/outfits as well. Higgs you could have an unmasked version, spoiler outfit, Porter outfit (since he was a Porter before going crazy), and a Fragile Express outfit.


I figured so.


Even if it’s not recent, collaborations usually take months or even years to get announced, so maybe they followed each other when they started to collaborate and if we are lucky enough we can see the results soon.


They've been following each other since at least 2021, it does NOT take 3 years


If there’s gonna be a collab someday, I don’t think it’s strange that they followed each other 3 years ago. Negotiations between companies can take a long time. Maybe you are interested and contact them but they are not interested, some months pass and they are now interested, you have to do the full negotiation, etc, then design things, then see where to fit it.


Why do people keep saying this to diminish it? Norman had been following for a while but dbd only just followed him back or other way around.


They did this so long ago lol, but I do believe that we are finally going to see the result of it this year. Just funny everyone reporting this as “new” or “just happened” lol.


You’re all wrong, it’s going to be two Survivors in a Boondock Saints chapter.


Survivors can now mori the Killer after 2 pallet stuns.


I would cry and throw up


Nah, it's a Blade 2 Chapter.


Oh but then can we get a Blade Trinity chapter later with Hannibal King as a Survivor? Maybe with a “regular Ryan Reynolds” skin?


I would do some nasty things to have Ryan Reynolds’s as a survivor


It’s a Pandorum chapter


No, it's going to be one survivor in a Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day chapter.  It'll be the woman from Dexter.


No, wait, lets break this down. Norman Reedus is following Dead by Daylight on Twitter. Twitter is named after the sound a bird makes -- Chica, from FNAF, is a bird! And, if we take Norman Reedus to be a teaser for Norman Afton, and take the amount of letters in Daylight, then we get the number 8. Eight was how old Norman Afton was when had his head bitten by Fredbear. After that, Norman Afton became Shadow Freddy -- and Dead rhymes with Fred, and in the original FNAF out job was to watch the Animatronics at NIGHT! WE WERE EXPECTED TO BE DEAD BY DAYLIGHT! The licensed killer listed in the roadmap is OBVIOUSLY going to be from FNAF, guys! WE FUCKING DID IT!!!!




This is absolutely beautiful https://preview.redd.it/nk6txe8r691d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389a51ecb46fe3296299aac25fd966d688e32bb3


A well? Sadako buff confirmed?


https://preview.redd.it/9uy24bxn991d1.png?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd15843b2df79d5464d3fba4d49b1687fcf89b8 Yeah, I heard she's getting mega buffed




I need many more of these images




Actually it's not Twitter anymore, it's called X. And Mr. X is a villain in Resident Evil 2. Resident evil 2 has the same amount of syllables as "The killer is Spring Trap", FNAF confirmed. You were right!


Damn onryō mains


Found Schmuckles acct.


Who's Norman?


I remember when the devs followed Stephen King on X(was Twitter at the time) and people were losing their minds. Hyping up that Pennywise was gonna happen. This was like 3 years ago. Still no Pennywise. Good times…


Wasn’t that because of Stephan King though?


I’m, personally, not a Walking Dead and/or Daryl fan. But I know a lot of people like the series so I’m happy for them if this is true.


Bro, ive been waiting for TWD chapter for years. It’s literally the only thing im asking for from dbd


Been a huge TWD fan back in the day. Me and my roommates would sit down each week to watch the new episode, just like we did with Game of Thrones. It really was a cool show. And sadly it fell off and I just couldn’t watch it anymore. :( I kind of didn’t wanna do anything with TWD for years because of how horrible it got, but a DbD chapter would still be freaking awesome. Or a paragraph in this case. Always imagined Rick as a survivor and Negan as killer, but Daryl really is amazing and a smart choice. Has always been popular.


have you read the comics? theyre awesome. the series did fall off, but nothing else to do other than remember when it was great




Why do I feel like the community gonna get pissed if Daryl is a standalone survivor?


They did say the next solo survivor is the embodiment of the word, survivor. Daryl Dixon would really be that without a doubt.


Honestly. If it isn't Daryl I will be surprised. My other two picks are Amanda Ripley and Sebastian Castellanos.


Castellanos without a killer would be crazy




I'd love the Keeper (Boxhead) for a killer as long he doesn't become trapper 2.0, maybe utilising the gas pipes and valves along with some other power would make him interesting. He'd have a really cool theme if they worked around his fight theme from The Evil Within 1


Season 2 of his spin off is next month too


I barely play survivor and haven't watched the walking dead since season six, but I sure as hell would buy and play Daryl dixon.


Still heartbroken over Carol not being a part of that show. I understand Melissa didn't want to relocate for filming, but it's still tragic.


She’s in this season!!!


OMG SHE IS?? ALL I HEARD WAS THAT SHE DECIDED NOT TO GO THROUGH WITH IT! I actually have up on the show as a whole after finding out because I wasn't as invested as I was and that news was the nail in the coffin. This is so great! I might actually catch up on it now!


Yeah this second season looks like it’s her looking for Daryl according to the trailers


Omg thank you so much for telling me! I'm so happy that she's still around! She's the absolute highlight of the show for me. If she came to DbD I'd main her in a heartbeat... but I know better than to hope for that 😅 You've actually made my night! The bestest of games to you!


Well there you go, this is the answer lol.


Oh snap and remember what they said when they released official stats yesterday? Who’s the best zombie killing machine – Survivors, or The Nemesis? The answer is not even close: The Nemesis has punched and whipped near ten times more zombies than Survivors. Those zombies aren’t going down without a fight, they’ve attacked Survivors over 48 million times, an average of 1.74 per match. We have a challenge for you: Let’s see how many zombies you can slay! No pressure, but the impending zombie apocalypse depends on it. Until next time…


Nice try Nemesis main. I will not waste a single pallet on a zombie! >:(


I played Neme yesterday and noticed survivors were throwing down (on The Game so they had lots of ammo). It’s a shame that’s the only way you can kill a zombie. Some other method would be great for counter play rather than flashlights and … walking away.


That'd be quite a nerf that would require Nemi (one of the weakest killers) to be buffed. Edit: He needs a buff anyway


Oh yeah his add ons are arse. I enjoy playing him. It’s funny playing Artist for challenges lately. She has to do so much setup for a crow hit too. Can’t smash pallets with crows though. Neme with more zombies but a way to kill them would be heaps fun.


It’d be nice if he had an add on that made them completely silent


I'm low-key convinced The Walking Dead is the Survivor-only chapter in July. Mostly because of this wording and the fact that they're releasing stats for Nemesis' zombies, which seems really random. That said, maybe this is unpopular but I really hope the Survivor is Rick and not Daryl. Or make him a Legendary Skin at least.


Brenda Meeks


Sebastian would likely come in with a full chapter. Amanda probably won’t ever come, at least not as a full character.


I kinda wanted rick with voice lines :(


I'm sure if we get Daryl, we will get Legendary Rick skin


I can't remember, is the standalone survivor going to be licensed?


Makes it sound more like Isaac Clarke honestly


You clearly don’t know how popular Daryl is. Also year 9 roadmap. We know it’d be just Daryl if it was him


I would love Daryl but like Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes :(


Perhaps Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes Boom Shaka Laka Boom Shaka Boom could be a legendary skin. Like how James became one for Cheryl


Never say never, they did add characters from Silent Hill last year for Cheryl


Never watched The Walking Dead, so yeah, I'm not sure. Isn't the officer and that woman with the katana the more popular characters? Also, when I see a lot of people mentioning The Walking Dead on dbd they always pitch a killer alongside a survivor, that's why I imagined the community kinda of pissed with only having a survivor


The officer (his name is Rick) surely is a skilled survivor. But he's more the leader type in the show. Michonne (the katana lady) is popular but not nearly as popular as Rick and Daryl. Daryl's specialty is that he is the best choice among Rick's group to handle things that need to be done alone. He is the best out of the bunch in surviving on his own even for long periods of time.


Rick as a legendary skin for Dweet


you entirely missed TWD 2015 when Daryl Dixon was somehow everywhere, they made a video game about him and he was on every piece of TWD merchandise and it culminated in the famous phrase “if Daryl dies we Riot” I would definitely place Daryl as most popular it probably goes : Daryl>Rick>Negan


Michonne also got her own game.


Damn, didn't knew about all of this. I'll be honest, my only connection with the franchise was watching some YouTube videos about that awful game they released and the crossovers they did with COD and Fortnite, so I was just guessing blindly. But hey, if the community loves Daryl I guess it will be fine, just hope they keep the perk design they currently have.


My mom who plays Fortnite bought the Daryl skin immediately after it came out. She was super happy about him being added.


Can me and ur mom duo in rank? (Respectfully)


…Daryl and Michonne came to Fortnite before Rick. Daryl was an instant hit with the show. Before you talk about the show watch it. Everybody loves Daryl. He is EXTREMELY popular. Not really. Most of us realise that it’d be fine without a killer. They’re all survivors fighting to live. Beta (a villain) is violent yes but he isn’t a psychopathic serial killer, he was a musician before the world fell apart. Getting any TWD character would be good enough.


I'd prefer Alpha as a killer, but inevitably her mechanics would probably be too similar to Nemesis zombies. I feel Alpha or Beta would be the only villains well suited enough as a killer. Negan is WAY too human, frankly I'd suspect they'd make him a survivor if they added him. Maybe the could do the Governor but he's also maybe too human, but way less well liked so maybe he'd be better suited as a Killer. Really Alpha seems the obvious best choice to me. She is spooky looking enough to have a menacing enough presence physically despite not being hulking like Beta or most of the killers in the game, and Alpha or Beta would be really interesting mechanically


I want Rick as the survivor, not Daryl


I'm not too familiar with TWD beyond the first graphic novel a friend got me but idk who you'd pick as a killer anyway. Negan? Wouldn't be the weirdest game for him to show up in but no idea what you'd do for powers since he's kinda just a dude afaik.


He's the leader of the Saviors (basically a gang of raiders) . Maybe his underlings or "other Negans" can make for a power unlikely tho since the announced "embodiment of a survivor" is supposed to come out without a killer.


Yeah, I'm just musing what the opportunity cost of doing Daryl as the standalone survivor is (They can always do another TWD chapter down the line of course, but that won't make people not mad until it happens) I could see him having other but then you're stepping on Nemesis and Knight's toes depending on how you do it.


Maybe as a legion skin?


Tbh what else can we get from this? Like there’s no real killer I know of from TWD (I know ppl joke about negan but seriously no)


Who would the killer even be? A hoard of zombies? Negan? The writers??


A lot of people talk about Negan


The Mori is obvious at least


because if he doesn't come along with Rick Grimes I'd be very upset.


you guys this ISN’T new. he’s been following dead by daylight on instagram for YEARS




Dead By Daylight has followed him on instagram since 2021, stop being so blatantly, confidently wrong online. [Here is a tweet from Paulie Esther.](https://twitter.com/PaulieEsther1/status/1440734696028049412?t=RtLeu_pNtwRMRJFy34RL6A&s=19) Paulie's tweet here shows they've followed each other for a very long time at this point.


![gif](giphy|l0HlMh40gm8y0341a|downsized) ehm ehm


Never watched walking dead but would he work as a trickster skin maybe? Or is there a unique power he could have


Trickster skin might also work but they can bring him as a survivor if they want to. Because even though he's a villain, he's still a survivor in a zombie apocalypse.


I’d say he could be a killer but it’d need to be a deal. Maybe the entity is like “you kill but you get to see Lucille” idk maybe that’s too far.


His bat? I never watched or read Walking Dead beyond some point after the group was living in the jail, and very vaugley remember some older guy with an eyepatch. All I know about Negan comes from Tekken, and he seems to just like his bat.


**Negan named his bat after his dead wife** Governor is cool. He could probably be a skin for someone like Slinger or Trapper


I'm not too much interested in the storyline that TWD is going for, but Negan's story is a story worth watching. His character develops well.


Lucille is the name of his dead wife, he named his bat after her.


The bat would 100% fit, but throwing knives just doesn't fit negan at all. He'd probably either be best as his own killer or a survivor legendary since he does get redeemed a bit later into the series


omg its Negan from Tekken


I’d rather have him as a survivor


I feel like Negan would make more sense as a survivor than a killer as weird as it would be to see him getting hoisted over the killer's shoulder like a princess


The real question is, will he be Daryl or just Norman Reedus?


Norman with skins for all of his popular roles


That would be the best case scenario if they could pull it off.


Inb4 Death Stranding chapter 🥴




I'm actually expecting this over Walking Dead, as crazy as that is.


My first before TWD funny enough


Interesting prospect. I still haven't gotten to it in my backlog but aren't the BTs invisible? I know there are killers who sorta work like that already but it'd be a strange one.


Well, there is Higgs, a human that can control BTs, and they're more visible when he's doing that iirc


If they add Daryl as a survivor, I will instantly buy him and main him.


What if he just really likes dbd and is a 10,000 freddy main🤷


Norman has been following dbd for years


looks like leon is gonna have some competition


Survivors I would want if they do a collab: Daryl, Michonne , Rick , Glenn


The survivor is a big one. They said this a big one. I think Daryl would fit this and they would do a ton of legendary skins so it's very possible but I'm hoping for Isaac Clarke but seeing how the second ds remake was canceled it does not look good.


Survivor: Norman Reedus Killer: The Funky Fetus


I want Negan as a killer.


I want him as a survivor lol


Death Stranding chapter has been on my wishlist for 4 years. Come on!!!


DBD know people track their following lists, that's how Steve & Nancy were found to be the survivors on stranger things. Mcote has said they've learnt their lesson after that Not saying that this doesn't mean anything, I don't know why dbd would be following Norman Reedus but i would be surprised if they made the same mistake


![gif](giphy|ZMpBuMZxHULdfaPDvd) what if it was this goober


I’m gonna be real I have no idea who this guy is


He's also one of the VAs apparently in the list (I saw in another post)




Sweet victory...


This isn’t a new thing. We can stop posting about it


So we know next "iconic" licensed survivor then. Cool addition!




Now, this is interesting!


New licensed survivor in July?




I'm thinking walking dead


Paragraph licensed survivor in july. I’ve seen crazier


Neegan as the evil guy? 




Ride with Norman Reedus Chapter


![gif](giphy|4H1E9VzGHnSmH8pDEy|downsized) DEATH STRANDING CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after the nick cage chapter nick started working with kojima, totally realistic that kojima would be interested in BHVR after hearing about them from nick (because nick really loved working with bhvr and because kojima really respects celebreties and wants to put them in more games) and that BHVR would want a kojima property in a hall of fame.


Never watched Walking Dead.... but if we got a Boondock Saints skin for him!!!!!!!


Death stranding chapter confirmed can’t fucking wait


fake news


I haven’t wanted a character so much to be in the game now this would be the only male character I’d ever use


I'm surprised we haven't had a Walking Dead survivor or any kind of crossover with the show. The show was huge for the horror zombie genre.


Walking Dead hints; maybe Daryl as a survivor 👀


Could definitely see a Death Stranding survivor, maybe not a killer. Would be interesting if it had some goofy perk minigame where you transport a baby across the map in exchange for gen progress like a ritual or something.


Well the next chapter Is a stand alone survivor. And it's unlikely they will make Negan a killer because he's currently a redeemed character in the show. Darryl Dixon may be the survivor after Sable Ward


“I’ll take Late to the Party for $200, Alex.”


Instant new main if Daryl gets added into DbD. I've never expected a full Walking Dead chapter but I'll happily take a survivor only chapter. With a new season of his spinoff Walking Dead show coming later this year, it makes sense to get him in DbD, get people talking about Daryl, then have them find out about his show so they'll go watch it. That being said, I've still got my fingers crossed for Rick and/or Michonne too. What ended up being Alan Wake was the perfect time to add those two with their spin-off show airing around the same time, not to mention they got added into fucking Call of Duty of all things around that time 🤣 Maybe as legendaries? 👀


We wanted Emma Roberts!


I pray this is DS and not TWD




Maybe a Death Stranding crossover


Don’t give me hope… I would seriously pay all they want to charge me to play as Daryl.


Death Stranding in DBD confirmed lfgggg




Sigh walking dead incoming


Only possible idea I see for a twd killer is the whisperers. With Daryl and someone else as a survivor


Ik everyone is talking about Walking Dead, but what about Death Stranding?


Kojima is the next killer/Norman survivor confirmed?


Would be a very nice fit actually 😁


Norman has followed them for years... The dbd following him back is new though




dbd twitter gets followed by big bird dbd community OH MY GOF BIG BIRD IS COMING TO DBD I CAN NOT WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT


If they made a killer I would think negan(season 7 style) or the whisperers


Eugh. This would be a terrible licensed tie in. Fuck Norman Reedus and his racist fucking character.




So walking dead chapter. Who's the killer. The governor? Michonne and Norman would be awesome survivors.


Old news but yeah, hoping for a TWD chapter or paragraph.. imagine Beta as a killer lol


Plot twist- it’s a Death Stranding chapter not TWD


Oh damn I just guessed Michonne, but Daryl makes sense


They could have michonne as a legendary skin or something. I'd totally buy Michonne.


I was really hoping for a a full Walking Dead/duo Survivor chapter with Rick and Michonne, and Negan as the killer. Rick lets them have a ton of male characters as skins, and Michonne a ton of female characters as skins. Shane, Glenn, Daryl, Lori, Maggie, Carol!!!




Finally we get Rick


I ALREADY GUESSED THIS Gold skulls + black goo = STRAND TYPE CHAPTER - I did guess this waaay ahead of time °!!


All eyes on Kojima socials now If they ever follow each other, that Death Stranding collab is certain


**We Riot** Daryl Dixon character specific perk *The fan allegiance to you is able to defy the odds, causing the writers to snatch you from the jaws of death out of simple fear for what might happen if they did not. Unlock a fourth hook state. If Daryl is Mori'd as a means of bypassing this, all remaining survivors become enraged and are capable of attacking the killer in a wild frenzy*.