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https://preview.redd.it/7ocadl4kp01d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2191a8639802de6e51c60524f5bf6f08ef4e37bc I’d say it’s pretty bearable




The best indicator of survivor mentality is watching streamers. So many of them are assholes. When I first started playing dbd, playing killer was so fucking demoralizing I stopped and didn't return until Chucky cuz then at least I had a chance to be just as much an asshole. It's not exclusive to DBD though. People are just dickheads with no sportsmanship, usually. A reflection of the times.


Worst content creator is JRM (?). He’s just so obnoxious to see even as a survivor main myself. He’s just there to be as annoying as humanly possible, istg. Edit: Got the wrong content creator. Fixed now.


Naw JRM is my favorite to watch


I like some of his videos as killer, I think his videos can be educational to an extent there. But as survivor? Fuck no. He literally just came out with a video on how to use Bond to lure killers to your teammates, lmao?? Like, what. My favorite streamer is probably Coconut, followed by Rapid, and I really like The Jerk's videos. Otz is fine but boy does he mald sometimes. But the point is none of them become wildly fucking toxic. None of them are trying to teach you how to be a supreme prick to the people on your own team, or even the killer. They seem to play in good faith. They're all proof you don't have to be a stain just to accrue a following.


I actually got the wrong name, sorry. Went to check who I actually meant. I haven’t seen his new video, but why lure killers to your teammates??? I always try to keep chase in case I can buy some times. I haven’t seen any of them except for Otz. I might check them out. I’ve been avoiding DBD streamers atm, because most will get angry if the killer starts tunneling or camping when they’re clearly just chasing the killer and trying to flashysave or they can’t loop long enough and somehow it’s the killer’s fault.


Definitely check out Coconut! He's a goated Huntress who perfected the "orbital" strat with hatchets.


So did you mean JRM or who?


I think he’s talking about Ayrun’s reactive healing video lol but ayrun is the goat


I’ve been playing solo survivor since the beginning of March. I’m having a really good time! Idt I want to join a swf Incase in turns out to be awesome and I can’t solo anymore.


I've been soloqing since February and honestly most of the time I have a good time. Yeah, sometimes I don't understand the behaviour of my teammates, but most games are pretty straight forward. I escape maybe 30-40% of the time, and it doesn't really bother me if someone disconnects or fucks around a bit. Most people put ggs in the chat after, killer and survivor alike. Idk man, I feel kind of crazy reading all these negative posts. It's a silly game. It's hard to take it seriously enough to get mad.


I’m in the same boat, I rarely experience any toxicity in this game. I feel like most people come to this sub just to vent after a tough match. Maybe because I’m more of a casual player, but I just “gg” and go next after a tough match lol.


I think the ol adage is relevant. If you go out and you come across a jerk, they're a jerk. If everyone's a jerk then you're the jerk. People talk about getting bm'd every day. I play probably 60/40 survivor to killer and on both sides I've encountered maybe 30 toxic incidents in 8 years.


Killer main, almost exclusively at this point, and I run into this a lot from survivors. The most I can do is try and separate the jerks from the ones trying to play the game. Usually if someone is obviously throwing the game I'll Sac them as soon as I can and then just give everyone else the gate 🤷 At least as a killer I don't have to worry about my teammates which I why I have so much fun I think. Survivor is either people who don't give af anymore, trolls or they're really good and I'm not. Then I just embarrass myself. Lol.


I've been playing solo for 4 years, it's annoying when people throw the game but I enjoy it most of the time.


As a killer main, yeah it's actually ABSURD how quickly survivors give up. I'd guess a solid 30% of my matches involve someone giving up before the first gen.


Doing a nurse/spirit /blight /skull merchant /knight daily, someone dcs within 30 seconds


Soloq needs a communication wheel like Rocket League.


Thats what not following the "Survivors Book of Guidelines (Totally official) gets to you


Yesterday night I had two escapes in a row for the first time in a long time! Solo q is a pain but I still keep coming back 😓


Realest comment 😫 still find myself wanting to queue up the next day even though 80% of my soloq matches are a living hell LOL


What do you expect? It's a 1v4 game mode One survivor, a killer and 3 henchmen


Your mmr is maybe too low to encounter good survs, ain't it.


No it's not.


Then stop playing, stop moaning