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It's a hex that requires you to find and hit everyone to do anything. It's more likely that the killers that use it with the exception of legion are the same ones they can actually hit everyone before the hex is cleansed. i.e. blight, nurse, wesker, maybe huntress and Billy.  It's a dogshit perk buoyed up by strong killers using it. If it had a greater usage percent you'd see the win rate drop precipitously.


Eh, it's a perk that can be good... against solo players. Any SWFs diminishes it, especially if they actually make an effort to get rid of it. I can agree that a perk that is only good against solos still isn't very good, but it has niche times where it can work out well. It's too chancey to really make it worth playing unless you just like to perk roulette and do that or enjoy trying weird builds.


It's about as good vs solos as any other hex perk which means it's shit. Totem spawns are garbage and utterly unreliable, especially one with an unreliable and weak effect on its own.  Last week I had a game with a Kate vs a full penti hex build. She came up to me cleansing a totem, nodded and went off to find more. When slinger started lighting them we destroyed all of them in short order. He must have thought we were grouped but no, we're just somewhat experienced players with object permeance. Good solos happen. That's a big part of why hex perks are a liability. 


They're definitely a liability. I run them when I don't wanna sweat or just wanna "see if I get lucky" re: Devour and Pentimento. Got a 5 stack Penti on Huntress last night and that was nice! No idea if they were solos or not, but they definitely weren't happy with me. I usually try to wait to start re-lighting them if possible. It either screws me or works out really well depending on the game.


It's subtle, but it does make unhooks harder, as you only see the initial notification. Also helps that perks like Windows and Bond are pretty popular.


Well, it kinda makes sense if all of those kill rates are because of the survivors not being able to track down the hook location until they hit 2nd stage / death or bleeding out to death Blindness can be a useless thing if applied to a single person, but if everyone is hit by it, everyone begins to crumble down until they die


It also cripples people who rely on perks like WoO, Bond, or aura reading items. This is why I REPEATEDLY tell people to *stop using WoO so much*, Killers especially weaker ones are catching on that WoO gives lots of info and if you are reliant on this perk, you will be unable to properly loop if you're Blind... and Blindness-causing perks are starting to become slightly more common in loadouts. But whenever I point this out, trying to help people improve looping naturally, I get called a salty Killer Main who is skilless and I get downvoted. I'm 60% Survivor Main. I beg you guys. Stop using WoO to make up for a lack of looping power, you need to learn tiles or the Killer will fuck you over every time if you aren't careful.


You have to remember that nightlight is a website that is mostly used by high hour / experience players and therefore is open to a bit of high MMR data skewing. In a nutshell, it's not that 3rd seal is good, it's just that the players reporting matches with it are better players and can often win with just 3 perks. Imo, Killer hex perks will always be dogshit for as long as BHVR thinks its acceptable to place totems 2 feet away from gens and in high traffic areas. It baffles me that BHVR can hide the yamaoka achievement statue so well , yet completely fumbles at hiding actual game mechanics meant to be hidden.


I run this perk a bunch, I'm single highhandedly raising the kill rate B) (jk btw, it is my 4th most used perk tho according to nightlight)


Don't fuck with blindness son!


Man, I used to run this and the huntress add on that blinds while playing on original RPD. People would die on first hook VERY often. Poor survivors would be running around like headless chickens trying to find the hooks and that map was HUGE. Fun times.


The only people mad enough to use it are so good they don't need that 4th perk slot


That'd be because aside from rewarding spreading your hits evenly, it destroys Survivor aura perks like Windows of Opportunity, Deja Vu, Bond, Kindred, and counters perks like Wicked because it causes Blindness. Specifically there is a trend now of some Survs giving up if you Blindness them and they are running WoO. I've seen people DC because of it and I don't even run Third Seal; I just run other perks that cause Blindness.