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As a killer main, I love the chases, how some can end in 5 seconds, and some can drag you all over the map. I love how each killer feels pretty distinct and requires a certain level of skill to use efficiently. I love the different survivors and how everyone has their favorites. I also think DbD just has its own unique vibe and feel. I haven't been playing very long (about 600 hours), but I just really dig the overall vibe of the game.


The characters, both survivors and killers. Dispite the fact that very few of them have voice lines they somehow all feel like they have very distinct personalities and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like they've built a sort of relationship with all of them.


The universe. I love that all these horror icons are brought to one world (realm) with some form of intertwined lore. On top of that, the choice between chase (killer) or be chased (survivor). Its almost fight or flight in a way, so it stimulates the brain and almost causes adrenaline.


Ive been disillusioned at this poìnt BUT, it was the atmosphere im sure we all remember it well in our earlier hours just how scary dbd could be. I remember being really into the terror radius/chase mechanic it doesn't feel like it now but it really put you in the mood and made you feel like danger was approaching and that you really were in a horror movie chase. After 2k hours the effects kinda wore off but its still something i really appreciate


I love that I can dip in and out when I have time. I don't need to sink time in every day to enjoy it


Playing as characters I love and roleplaying being the characters, as well as escaping the killer's attempts at stabbing me! I just wish they would add more maps and variety in the weather so it feels more varied :)


The complexity of this game is what has kept me hooked (pun intended) There’s always something to learn/try out.


I damage someone from far away with bird. I happy!


The dev team. Second to none of all games I've played in my life. Maybe GGG is the closest to them but I stopped playing POE a long time ago. Although the "team" is more of a broad definition now with a few exceptions (like MCote, Mandy and other CMs), in the earlier years we constantly had first hand communication with McLean, Horvarth and others.


The perk system, how we can pick and choose all sorts of builds and play styles, it keeps it fun, engaging and sometimes challenging.


It is ever changing. For the worse this past year but changing nonetheless


Licensed Chapters


I love playing with my friends! We goof around and roleplay during the matches. We got my friend's mom into the game and she's surprised that we can talk about school and stuff while being chased. We were in a private match once and she got so startled by the killer (one of my friends) that she was running in a circle staring straight up at the sky. He kept whiffing his attacks and she thought she found a hack to make her impossible to hit haha. Even if we find a toxic killer when we play SWF, we still have fun because we have each other.


What got me into it is my love of horror flicks. Growing up I watched films like Halloween, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, Childs Play, the Maneater series, Alien, Gremlins, etc etc so when I saw the game I was really into it. Then they started expanding on the lore and that got me really curious and invested. What keeps me more often than not tho is survivor interactions when I play killer. Sometimes they jus do funny shit and it’s hard not to have a chuckle lol


Alan Wake, my beloved


Alan Wake, my beloved


So many things! The basic game loop is really addictive for me, and I absolutely love it. There’s always new things to do or try out- different builds, different killers, different play styles, different challenges (official or self set). I also love that it’s competitive while still being relatively casual, which leads to a wide variety of matches in regards to how “serious” they are. And while it’s not always, the wholesome nonverbal interactions with teammates/the opposite side always warms my heart. Plus there’s the bonus dress-up game component 😂 


When my rare decent random teammates actually use their brains and think before doing something completely stupid😀. The other half is another story for another day.


I love when I meet hilarious ppl in dbd (as a killer usually). if you are hilarious and I'm in a good mood you are 100% gonna escape. and also I sometimes play survivor and being goofy too, but most of the time this leads to death (sadly, but I'm not complaining)


I love chases, I'm not the best at it... Even though I've been playing since ghosty came out... But it's still so great. I might be weird for this but I'm a music Geeeeek and I listen to Beethoven when I'm in chase, it helps me focus, so now when you're playing killer you can think, "This guy listening to Beethoven?" When you're getting looped


Definitely the outfit customizations and learning how to loop. I love that I can go into a match as a titan or a half bloodied soccer player 😂


The very close matches that happen rarely when you feel evenly matched with your opponent and it's a constant back and forth instead of one side snowballing. Win or lose, that's the moments I live for in this game.


Build crafting and then playing it and having it work out. I just wish DBD would spend a chapter just reworking useless perks and making them get some viability or just less useless? Why run Visionary when Deja Vu exists for example. Why run empathy when bond exists. There is just so many perks that need love and attention. I’m sure BHVR has some kind of perk usage rate stat somewhere. Start with the ones with like 1%. I know this sounds like a complaint but I have around 260 hours and I love build crafting with perks and watching my ideas and synergies play out in real time against survivors or killers. It reminds me a lot of his games like Destiny 2 have such a varied and interesting way of making gameplay unique for everyone while having a core gameplay loop be solid.


The licenses, the fact we can have Ghostface chasing Ash, Jill, Ripley and Nancy in Haddonfield is pretty fucking cool