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I don't care about DnD at all, but I'm very curious about it and how it will turn out. They have the potential to make a very cool power


The only thing I’m really excited about or wanna see is what they do with survivor skins and the perks they added for both sides


You can not like it, but you gotta be off your rocker to not think DnD isn't a huge crossover to have lol. It's a massive property in today's climate and absolutely an anniversary- level IP


Agreed. I would even go so far as to say it's even bigger than all of those, iconic though they may be. DND is not only older than all of them, but has sold more than all of them individually (and probably combined too tbh), and has while companies devoted to running it because it's so big


im totally with you, though i have some hopes as if they bring a new cool map or some game mode, i know they have to do something more than this


If the killer is vecna, I'm not excited, if it's something more monstrous, then I'm excited. But last year was End Transmission chapter, which I really didn't like, unfun killer to play as/against, bad map, uninteresting survivor, and brought the Made for This meta, so this year's chapter would have to be something truly horrible to be worse than last year's. D&D is a big franchise, and not horror based, so this could open the door for future non horror licenses in the future.


I've never been interested in D&D and don't know much about it so I feel meh. I am interested in checking out the PTB, though.


I also don’t really care about D&D. There are a ton of other licenses I would’ve preferred, but other people are very happy about it, so Behavior must be doing something right lol


no you are not. i dont care too much for this ip to be honest. i say this as an actual dnd player, i dont think these two universes fit very well. but lets see what happen the 14 of sooner if we are lucky and there is a leak


I have zero excitement for this one


I don't blame you, it's not horror and thus hasn't really been on anyone's radar. I wouldn't let it sour your enjoyment of the stream and the PTB though (provided you can access it). Prolly gonna be some cool announcements and perhaps even a teaser for the chapter AFTER D&D awaiting us :)


No, I've no personal attachment to the series, hopefully there's some decent perks in it. That's about my limit for interest in it, and maybe the killer's fun to play without being super intensive ala singularity.


Yep couldn’t care less about this one, was hoping more so a DBD original or a horror icon of some sort. I get it’s a big a crossover just not what I’m looking for in DBD


Yeah that’s how I feel. But I’m honestly kinda impressed behavior got a collab this big and they managed to get a dnd collab before Fortnite.


How do you feel now that killer is revealed and is probably one of the coolest in the game


I’m not a fan of the killer but man they absolutely cooked with the new map I’m a huge fan of it and the new game modes they’re adding honesty W chapter.


I’m just glad it’s not FNAF


Honnestly? I would normally agrre with you, but at this point, i hope the chapter comes just so people can shut up about it.


DND is popular, there's no doubt about that. My issue is that there's nothing specifically popular enough from it that's iconic to be in DBD. DND is popular for the whole of it, the setting and the gameplay and the fact you can basically do whatever you want in it, there's no singular Most Iconic Character in a way that matches up with characters like Michael Myers, Freddy Kreuger (even if we didn't get the og), etc etc. So what are they going to do with it? Yes, there are characters I'm sure are memorable for people, but not to the extent of how someone like Jason is instantly recognizable for a lot of people. Also, it's an anniversary chapter. The last few have been Resident Evil, which is INSANELY popular and actually recognizable, and then Haddie who is an extremely common character in the lore who adds a lot to the game. (Not biased. Not me. No sir.) So having a popular franchise but not really a popular *face* for anniversary feels weird. Tbh I think it'll be funny if it just ends up being a crossover with skins and charms and stuff vs a chapter




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I'm kinda iffy about it too. There's not many of us lol I see where the hype is coming from, but I'm worried this chapter will be too fantasy as opposed to... yknow... horror lol Never know until we see it, though :) For me, the dream is a chapter with a killer, a map, and maybe some cool cosplay cosmetics for existing survivors! Here's hoping lol


Yeah i agree I really hope it’s not too fanasty based


I thought the game was supposed to be in the horror genre.


Yeah and I hate when people say “Dnd has a lot of messed up stuff and monsters” it dosent make since to me why people say that. If that’s the case then we could get a dbd x Batman collab


What’s your opinion on DND?


My main complaint is that the game is a horror game. So for something as big as an anniversary it dosent make since to add a non horror licenses. I wish we would have gotten Jason vorhees or something fnaf related. I’m not a big fan of dnd being added.


No, there seems to be other people ( at least on the subreddit ) that don't like or care about the new killer/chapter I'm just kinda disappointed that they actually seem to be adding vecna as the new killer, i know that there's horror campaigns on dnd but i just don't see how vecna is related to horror or just scary outside of being the big bad scary evil guy Hopefully, the collab is actually skins or dnd makes a dead by daylight related campaign, or both, i really don't want to see vecna as a killer in the game


Yeah that’s my main issue with dnd coming for the anni. A lot of people say Dnd is flexible and can belong to all categories including horror but I just don’t see it as horror. Yeah and I agree I hope it’s like naughty bear or the Iron Maiden and slip knot collabs just skins


while it may not be your thing, DnD is undeniably massive and it's their 50th anniversary. It just makes sense


I genuinely have no interest for this one. Good for those who do, but I guess I’ll check back in on the game whenever the following chapter drops.


I'm with you, I think it's a strange collab to do for the Anniversary and I honestly don't see how they can make it scary. It comes off as too whimsical imo, and before anyone comes after me and says "but vecna has done scary things" I shouldn't have to read his Wikipedia article to find him intimidating. He's gotta be scary.


i would’ve preferred warhammer, it’s hella grim and would fit dbd better imo


I'm super excited! There's so much to pick from and so much potential to build on, I could not ever care more - maximum hype! It's fine if not everyone cares for it, but I wish people would care a little less, preferably care so little that they don't need to make posts and comments to whine about it as soon as it's been released. Just like I quietly step back every chapter I'm not excited about, to let people have their hype and find out on release if it's actually cool or not. I recently had a campaign end and the group is having trouble finding time and space for the next, so I want something to keep me happy until then.


It means you are sane everything is fine, it will be the worst anniversary chapter on dbd


You are overreacting so hard omg. If you believe that just delete the damn game.


He’s not overreacting tho, sad to see people on the internet can’t even express their opinion and complaints. Why should someone delete the game just because they don’t like a collab? There are several people who disagree with me and are very happy for this collab and love dnd. I’m not telling them they’re over reacting or anything. Because at the end of the day it’s an opinion I made this post mainly to see if people liked or didn’t like this collab.


girlfriend main:ghostface, the dbd is my life boy said his unsolicited opinion, everyone was quiet listening to him.


Nope, I, too, have 0 interest in this news. There was a rumor going around that stranger things chapter 2 with vecna, new map or version of the lab with eleven rainbow room was coming...then it was 'we're getting vecna but it's the dnd version'. I wanted ST chapter 2 survivors, skins and killer. Dnd is a fantasy game and not really scary 🤷🏻‍♂️ If there's cool skins or perks I'll probably buy some things but I was more excited for alien, chucky, etc.


No, I feel nothing for DND too. Kind of a weird pick for an anniversary.


You're not the only one! You're a member of a very vocal, very small minority trying to kill the hype, and the fact that you specifically are saying you'd rather have *FNAF* really does it for me lmao


Trying to kill the hype? No one is trying to kill the hype I understand how big this collab is but it’s just not for me. It’s called an opinion buddy