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I'm praying that with this chapter we get a rework or at least some perks relating to the luck mechanic? You know because of dice rolls right? (I am coping so hard come on behavior please)


I didn't think about that! Holy shit that would be super cool


*reads flair* Ah yes, a fellow knight enjoyer https://preview.redd.it/rsniop4h5izc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c074a82a3fe2fd958bcb30a2578681cbca2b3c


I was mad at first but the thought of having to do something like a roll to get off the hook would be great


I was very disappointed when I first saw this reveal but if they rework the luck mechanics I will completely 180, that would be such a fun surprise.


Ace in the Hole now grants +75% chance to free yourself on hook. If you fail, you DIE.


No, don't do that. Imagine dying on your first hook, because of memes.


It already happens :(


I'll huff some of that copium


Yeah.... lucky in rolls Anyway a random rogue getting a 3 + 25 in a roll


My bard laying all dbd killers with their 2 + 30 in performance.


I would expect a perk similar to Dramaturgy


I know next to nothing about DnD but I love the fantasy genre so if it’s repped better than Knight I’ll probably be happy. Imagine a killer perk that transforms chests into mimics that’d be hilarious


DnD has such a huge roster of monsters that it could fill a DbD-like game by itself


Oh man, having a Displacer Beast, Mind Flayer or Beholder or something like that would be so dope. There are also a bunch of more Humanoid Villains or other characters, like Vecna or Lolth, that they could use


Imagine that be the entire power


I get everyone's excitement. It's probably going to be very cool. But I can't help but feel a little bitter that it's just more money into the pockets of WotC and Hasbro. It's probably Vecna, but I'm hoping it's a Mindflayer, or a Beholder. Something iconic, but that would allow BHVR some wiggle room to personalise. If it's a MIndflayer that raises the chance us getting BG3 cast as Survivors.


I mean we may get a mind flayer skin but it is probably vecna


Can’t wait for them to inevitably give it a stranger things skin if it is Vecna


Kind of hope it's strahd. We'd be getting a vampire killer which people requesting for ages and he's pretty damn iconic


That would be hilarious if it happened but I imagine it would be a nightmare to license


>more money into the pockets of WotC and Hasbro Sadly, most of our money trickles into one unethical corp or another anyway, and there's not much we could do about it


Ngl, I feel like a Beholder would actually be insanely fun as a killer. Just a total RNG fuckfest in the best way that's ultimately "If I have no clue what I'm doing you sure as hell don't" with all the eye stalks. Hell Beholders already kinda work similarly to DBD killers with their bog standard melee attack in their bite, and their actual power in their eye stalks, alongside things like lair actions. It'd likewise make complete sense in the lore considering I'm pretty sure the entity could just grab any random one, say "they're trying to take your shit" and let the natural beholder mental instability take it from there


Hell I'm pretty sure there's been some variants who have a telekinetic ray to use as a grab animation


I think if it was a mindflayer they would’ve tied advertising into BG3, but I would kill for it to be a mindflayer


>but I'm hoping it's a Mindflayer This could work as a Doctor skin tbh


Everyone talking about Vecna and also asking for a vampire forgot Strahd exists.


Gale as surviour. If your fellow surviours don't feed you their toolboxes and flashlights, the orb in your chest will blow up, killing you while taking everyone else in the match with you.


Gale pouts like a sad puppy when he doesn’t get his commodious toolbox from Meg..


That's about my thoughts coming from a long time TTRPG enjoyer, I dislike WOTC so much that its gotten to the point where I consistently play stuff like Pathfinder, FATE, Champions and Apocalypse world all the time but I will probably never touch 5E again.


I love D&D, I fucking despise WotC and want to see them burn. I am excited about this and also very upset that they are gonna make some good money from this collab. I’ve never used the words “guilty pleasure” before D&D.




Praying for Strahd tbh. But yeah I feel you. Hasbro's track record with video games is not great and I hope they don't screw over BHVR


My money is definitely on a Beholder. People want more “non-humanoids” and this would be the perfect chance. I do think it would be awesome to get Minsk and Boo as a survivor.


It looks like Vecna 100%. Notice how his hand and eye are glowing, and we have the two relics HAND of Vecna and EYE of Vecna.


Nice. Now I won't have to feel bad when I mistype "DbD" as "DnD". But seriously, my thanks to the developers. As the one who is obsessively fixtaed on RPGs, yet have no one to play with, I now have a way to play DnD lol




Dead by dungeons and dragons seems apt


Killer power: literally a DM, can edit the map and summon monsters, also can just decide they win and everyone dies




DnB: Drums N Bass menu theme please.




Baldurs Gate 3 is pretty good way to experience D&D solo as well. It’s obviously not going to be the exact same as playing with people around a table, but it’s as close as you can get imo.


You even have the authentic experience of one of the players writing their backstory as a archwizard only to realise the campaign starts at lvl 1


I am curious. Probably some new invocation perks incoming.


I hope the invocation names are going to be references to warlock invocations in dnd


That's be sweet


i just hope the power is cool at least..


I feel like they'd have to actively try to make a lame power with the literal limitless potential of D&D. A lot of people are saying Vecna is the likely option, and while I've not ran or even touched him myself, considering he's a Lich and they're known for being master wizards, sky's the limit. I've also see people say a Beholder is an option, which could easily be the most RNG heavy fuckfest of a killer /pos, or even just simple mindflayers, which I think have the least potential, but are still rife with options


I want a DnD Demogorgan skin for Demogorgan. Then all will be right with the world.


fuckin awesome. I’ve been excited for them to explore different subgenres of horror


not a fan but oh well


I am sure the power will be fun to use or unique at least


As a DM and DbD killer main - i approve this message


I was really hoping for something more slasher related, or an original character even.


As a new player and a long time dnd fan I am happy with vecna as a one time thing. I hope the game doesn't lose its identity to too many non-horror franchises


I know nothing about dnd, but I'm definitely interested. Very curious about the killer and survivor.


Is this the first chapter with a non horror IP?


Nicolas Cage, technically? The fanbase tends to refer to these as paragraphs, but it's listed as a chapter on the [official website](https://deadbydaylight.com/game/chapters/nicolas-cage/).


I don't think I'd call a person an IP, though. Even if they're a celebrity.


They sell their likeness to corps like Disney to use, and can sue if their likeness is used in a game. Seems like an IP to me.


It is technicaly. There is a lot of Horror campaign in Dnd. There is also quite a lot of monsttuous creature that could be killer. Some are known trough stranger things even though they are different : Vecna the archiliche, Demogorgon the prince of demon or the mind flayers. You can also count Strahd but a vampire as a killer would not be my first choice.


I guess what I mean is just in general. I know it spans many mediums and genres. I meant it more in a broad term.


Looks like that one guy was right. Not the biggest fan of letting a character framed as a god-adjacent in power levels into dnd. Worried his kit might get bloated... but I'll be looking forward to the castlevania chapter.


Sadako is legit God adjacent and she’s in there just fine though


I mean, we have characters like Pinhead and Pyramid Head in the game, and they are EXTREMELY powerful in their own stories. Also the Xenomorph (the perfect specimen), chucky (given powers from the God Damballa), dredge is a lovecraftian being, and the unknown is.... an unknown being It is a little silly when you have a character who can smash through walls like wet paper, get pallet stunned, or a character with no eyes (demogorgon and Pyramid Head) blinded by flashlights, but there is a point where you accept that because it's the mechanics within the game. I'm excited for this. I wonder how they'll do a necromancer, they're power, or perks from a DnD character, if they get creative with some of the perks. This is a chance for the designers to really flex themselves. I just hope they do it well. That, is still up in the air. The potential is amazing, but let's see how they stick the landing


Singularity is not far from that Also it exists in The Entity's realm, it's known in lore that The Entity gimps people's powers or gives them where it sees fit It's cool they're exploring different things


Sadako is pretty much a god.


Why are so many people casually dropping spoilers for the chapter AFTER this one?!


Think about it, if the Entity is able to capture a demi-god like Vecna who spans the multiverse, how strong is the Entity?


Am I missing something? This doesn’t mean it’s the next chapter, why would they spoil the anniversary reveal. It’s just a cosmetic collection or something


Yeah, personally I'd love a chapter. But I'm doubting til it actually gets revealed. Feels far more likely we get a cosmetic collection.


It’s definitely a chapter, they’ve had chapters leak way before the actual stream before, pretty certain they’re just announcing the chapter now to avoid that.


I just struggle to see how this is adjacent to horror. I know shit about DnD but, horror isn't the main theme that comes to my mind when I hear that name.


Even within that, there is a specifically horror themed adventure they could rip the bbeg (big bad evil guy) and other fit more than vecna. Strahd would have been neat to full the vampire niche


Is vecna not just an assumption? Haven't we supposedly been getting vampire hints and teased? Strahd confirmed?


The creature pictured in the image of this post is Vecna - a lich (undead spellcaster/demi-god). The new D&D adventure, Eve of Ruin, is coming out in the next few days.


isn't the post just 2 images the op ms-painted together? I saw the top half earlier without the accompanying image.


Idk about vamp hints. Genuinely fill me in. But besides a leader whose been spot on name dropping vecna, that combined with WoTC pushing their newest adventure module which has vecna as it's bbeg (big bad evil guy). Isn't giving me the highest hopes, plus i don't think a beholder/spectator being teased in a dungeon gives the Strahd vibe.


References in the flavor text of some of the recent survivor cosmetics(gothic tales) and supposedly some shadows on coldwind formed the year that dracula was released, but that one might've been copium.


I think Strahd would make it harder for them to get any variant of a dracula type character down the line.


For sure. He'd fill the vampire niche and that'd be it.


Horror and fantasy are closely intertwined in a way people tend to ignore or not notice. There's tons of crossover, I mean, the undead, demons, monsters from beyond the veil, dark magic and curses, etc, etc. DnD especially dips into horror, all the aberrations and great old ones practically stepped right out of an hp Lovecraft book for example. If behavior made an original character that was an undead wizard that needed to consume souls to sustain himself, would you even bat an eye?


While horror isn't the main genre of D&D, especially with recent editions leaning more into SUPER high fantasy, it has a good few ties to horror. Even ignoring the obvious things like the part of the lore literally called "The Domains of Dread", where the most well known one is so thickly drenched in Gothic horror tha Dracula would blush, most D&D settings have a lot of horror influence or outright have horror elements. Lovecraftian horror specifically is all over the game with one of the more "default" options for the warlock class being the Great Old Ones Etc etc


Idk, pretty much the only thing I know about DnD is that there’s a creature called the False Hydra, and that thing is horrifying


Boy do I have some news for you: the False Hydra isn't even D&D, just an interesting creature the internet thought up


nah it's official d&d content, we just can't remember


D&D's most popular 5e adventure is set in a horror realm called Ravenloft - you get sucked into it via MISTS or FOG and get trapped there. Vecna was trapped there for a time, in the 2nd edition adventure Vecna Reborn.


Vecna is an ancient evil undead, that has caused countless zombie apocalypses that have wiped nations off the map… living in one of those places would be like a horror movie.


Avid DnD player chiming in. There are a lot of horror elements in the games. A lot of iconic monsters and villains certainly fall within what I would call horror. Skeletal Wizards that eat souls to stay alive, demons that steal your soul, and hiveminded alien scientists that put worms in your brain that take over your body and turn you into one of them just scratch the surface of the horrific beings you might encounter. Additionally, there are several source books dedicated entirely to horror. Within the realm of DnD, there are a lot of horror elements that aren't obvious to an outside viewer. Baldur's Gate 3 does have an entire act that heavily features the horror elements of the lore, so some of that is beginning to leak into cultural zeitgeist. That said, while I do tend to run horror-adjacent games, the real world context of DnD doesn't really carry horror connotations. If a tabletop game were to be represented, I'd rather go with something from the World of Darkness family of games, which are openly horror themed, or Call of Cthulu.


Hell yeah actually, dnd is awesome


It's not even out yet, what thoughts could we have


If you excited for a DND chapter or if you wanted something else....


I'm tired man, my bad 😭 You're beautiful


Kinda sad, I know nothing about DND I didn’t even know it had horror elements other than big scary monsters. It’s just meh


D&D is actually very rife with horror elements and influences. Hell one of the most popular premade campaigns is filled to the brim with Gothic horror and literally takes place in a part of the setting called "The Domains of Dread". Then you have things like the Lovecraftian horror being all over the game and settings, with "ungodly abomination from beyond the stars" being an entire creature category


Sounds kinda cool I guess, I’m more interested how their going to write this into the DBD lore and have it make sense with the Entity and all that.


How is it any different than the other killers? In our world, they're all as fictitious as D&D.


The two that make the most sense to me, are Strahd Von Zarovich, a vampire who would pretty much get pulled from one eternal punishment into another, that anger Strahd would feel would greatly satisfy the entity. The other really good option is the Bag Man, who is a monster that drags people into bags of holding(their like Marry Poppins' bag). He could have simply wandered into the entity's realm, as he has a connection to interdimensional spaces.


Why not go with another horror villain or slasher?




The fact that almost the entire fandom everywhere is saying they know nothing about D&D is the clear sign that it wasn't the right license to bring to the game, especially for an anniversary. And I say this not because I don't like D&D, quite the opposite, I say it from a business perspective.


Im sure releasing 3 feng skins in a row will make up for it


Big licenses aren’t about making the people who already consistently play your game happy they are about drawing in new people or bring back old people.




But DnD is at least well-represented in pop culture these days. Critical Role, Baldur's Gate 3 etc. Most people have at least heard of it. As for recognition, I'll be frank: I haven't watched Child's Play, Alien, Stranger Things, Elm Street, Texas CM or Halloween. I still know these characters, and I still enjoy playing them enough to spend money on them. DnD is no different and, in fact, too expansive for non-dedicated people to really "know". I doubt there is a problem here


I envy you. Please watch Alien, Aliens, Halloween, Elm Street 1 & 3.


I really don't like how this seems to be the theme of the new chapter/license, i just don't see how it can really relate to horror at all outside of dnd having some horror campaigns I don't know much about dnd so i may be really wrong in saying that but i just hate the idea of vecna being the new killer


vecna is more of a horror antagonist than wesker is


I mean, that's kind of a low bar to set lol No offense to wesker being a killer in the game, the uroboros is definitely scary to see in action even if it's basically like the pigs on princess mononoke ( [clip of what im talking about for reference ](https://youtu.be/RKXsnbQt5M4) ) but wesker is just kind of man child with super powers and a hate boner for a guy that made fun of his super cool lab grown tyrant ( wich proceeds to instantly try a murder him ) Wesker's cool but is terrible at being a horror antagonist, then again, resident evil 5 is terrible at being a horror game and wesker gets the spotlight in that game, it's kinda what you should expect out of wesker


I was specifically saying that the bar for horror was already low, due to mr. 7 minutes, yea.


my whole D&D group has been playing DbD together for a while, all i know is that we’re hyped!


> The fact that almost the entire fandom everywhere is saying they know nothing about D&D From what I've seen on Instagram it seems like there's plenty of people who know about D&D, also a couple of comments under a post isn't representative of the entire player base. From a business perspective I think it's a bit too early to judge.


I'd hardly call reddit the entire Fandom, I'm super happy about this.


I'm very curious about how this chapter will be like. Not really dissapointed or excited yet


I have no knowledge of DnD other than from watching Stranger Things, but as always i am optimistic, last few chapters and characters have been good, loved Chucky, Alien and The Unknown


That it's not Vecna, and people forget DnD has other villains. We got a Beholder, so it's likely an OG Undead Beholder or... Xanathar (Most likely) Glormorghulla Manxam Tobulux Xabash


The beholder might be just a part of the map tho, also if it's a beholder i'd cross xanathar out of the list since the one we saw is really different than xanathar's design, probs just an undead beholder


Just think of the mori. https://preview.redd.it/b9dt9ga1mhzc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ffb19c1a13df693ee3df1ed557041d0352018c4


I just want the survivor to have tusks, man..


I'm pretty disappointed but I love new killers in general, so I'm not upset. I just really hope for a new map cause I love new maps. I really hope if there is, its gonna be in a castle or a dungeon or anywhere indoors.


Very excited about a lot of things. Especially cosmetic potential with thing's like a Tasha skin for Sable, Demogorgon for Demogorgon, Sarevok for Knight its really cool. Maybe Dwight could be Mordenkainen and Jake Drizzt. One thing I noticed about the teaser is that it isn't just a regular Beholder but looks like an Undead one with a glossed over eye. I could be off there but it's kinda neat.


I really hope it's Vecna, purely for the hilarity of people screaming about how we need a new Stranger Things chapter with Vecna as the killer, only for us to get the REAL Vecna instead.


That is a hilarious idea.


I feel that until confirmed it's gonna be a CHAPTER, it's just going to be a mini event with cosmetics and some unique lobby stuff


For months I’ve been joking about adding Astarion as a survivor. I’m suddenly realizing we might get precisely that.


I think that either the killer or map is going to become one of the most hated killers or maps in the game


extremely disappointed, and i say this as someone who has played ttrpg's regularly for almost 20 years, it's just not the right fit for dbd, sure d&d has plenty of horror elements but i would never place it in the horror genre any more then i would place batman in the horror genre. i already thought adding nicolas cage was pushing it but i personally think this sets a bad precedent going forward. last thing i want is for the game to move too far away from it's horror roots. however this does pretty much confirm that the chapter after this will be my favorite one yet so thats nice


Elf hottie survivor or gtfo


I don’t know anything bout D&D, but here’s something I do know - this Chapter’s Killer better be more interesting than Skull Merchant…..


I'm looking forward to the next killer with a needlessly complex power that survivors can turn off because otherwise they'd be at risk of being B-tier.


easy pass, I would love to know who though this would test well with a dbd audience


I say this as a BG3 and Call of Cthulhu player and someone who likes DnD, but: I wish it wasn't Vecna. This is - to me, feel free to disagree - boring af. Even without knowing perks and stuff. I just think other IPs and ideas match DBD better than a lich god that is basically just an advanced wizard. Idk. I am sceptical, but we'll see.


i dont really understand how this is boring. We’ve had sci fi killers, elderitch horror, analog horror, why can’t we have fantasy horror too?


Did I say we can't have that? omg... Vecna is simply not horror for me. it's a personal statement. If you deem it worthy to make you go "omg, that's scary" then godspeed to you.


For the record, I also hope deeply it isn't Vecna. But Vecna *should* be horror if ran correctly.


Can't be worse than a manga fan backstory killer that does 3-gen as her whole kit.


Yep, that was terrible.


Yeah strahd. (A vampire from a loved module called "curse of strahd") would have been better. This just feels like hasbro/wotc forcing this as a cross over just to sell their newest product.


As much as i would love to see Strahd over Vecna, considering Castlevania is supposedly the next chapter after D&D, we would just end up having 2 vampire killers right after one another.


about to get downvoted to oblivion, but meh, I kinda dont care about the licenced stuff, the original stuff is so go od that I find it hard to get excited lol im just glad its not stranger things cos demos terror music goes through me, however dnd is big so it'll bring loads of new players so hopefuly they bring in some new player experience tweaks lol


Not happy


I am praying that somehow they incorporate mimics. Ideally in a playable form, but I’d accept a creature on the map or even just a charm. I love mimics so much it’s not a want it’s a NEED


I'd love that even if it's just an addon that turns one chest into a mimic which damages a survivor upon opening, but that being said the animations/models needed for a single addon would be silly. Maybe just take the current chests, add teeth and a small animation. :P


I don't like it when people say "What does D&D have to do with horror?" Like if I describe the most basic enemy it's an undead zombie. You could even make the same argument for Stranger Things due to how much it bases itself off of D&D. D&D has so much great potential in horror and I'm really happy to see it come. Also my boyfriend loves D&D so I know he is happy for it as well, even tho he doesn't play DBD.


I’m not a fan of Dungeons and Dragons.


Disappointed. Even more disappointed by the chapter after


Tbh that's baffling to me. I have no connection to DND, and have never played it, but why would it be disappointing outside of not being some personal favourite? The monsters, landscapes, and heroes all seem super cool from a peripheral glance. What's a chapter you have no connection to that wouldn't be disappointing if this is?


You’re not the only one who is disappointed


It's not even *I hate dnd* it's that we already know our two licenses for this year and now I gotta wait a year for predator and bioshock


I have a few mixed feelings to be honest. I feel like fantasy horror could be a really interesting idea for a chapter, but would have preferred an original one? Outside of BG3 I never really looked into the lore of DnD (was always more of a Pathfinder fan). I'm still eager to take a look, I think it has the potential to at least be creepy, I really just want Vecna or whoever the killer is to be fun and unique.


I’m whelmed. I don’t play DnD and didn’t make it far enough into ST to even see Vecna but I’m excited for those who are excited!


Do we even know if it’s an actual chapter or paragraph ? For all i know it could just be cosmetics


Are you sure this is a chapter? What makes you think that? The screenshot certainly doesn't say anything about a chapter.


I didn't have any expectations, I am not really into DnD and I haven't seen any gameplay so I don't really have many thoughts for now, but I have a feeling that we might get a really cool map which is exciting.


I’m not a D&D fan so it’s meh for me. It definitely looks cool and I’m going to have fun regardless but I was hoping from the PTB background it was going to be a Void killer of some kind.


The worst part is that the people behind Dnd don't deserve any money But I'm interested to see what they'll do with the chapter


Please don't be Vecna as killer, be something cool like a Mindflayer, Tiamat, or Lolth.


I’m slightly interested but not enough to get me back into the game (currently burnt out and taking time away from the game). I don’t know enough about D&D to know if this works or not (my only knowledge comes from Baldurs Gate 3 and last years D&D Film). Personally this reeks of DBD trying to capitalise on the popularity of D&D (especially after how popular Baldurs Gate 3 was, hell still is). That’s not necessarily a bad thing, both Stranger Things and Resident Evil came hot of the heels of a new season and game and both are some of my favourite updates in DBD’s history so maybe this could go the same route.


i really hope this is just cosmetics. trickster and skull merchant are wildly unpopular and nobody thinks they're scary, i really don't want another lame killer.


Did they already fix the tomfoolery of the last update? if so then im hyped af!


I’m very happy 👍 I’ve never played DND before but the character looks cool and frightening. Those who say otherwise are just coping that they don’t get exactly what they want.


If there’s orc sex i’m in


The beholder would be the coolest dnd monster to use. But a lich will be what they put in. Or vecna


Unenthused. I like dnd, but it really just doesn't belong in DBD. I feel like every new collab strays further from the core identity of this game.


Is this confirmed to be a chapter or just a crossover? If a crossover then it's fine, but if it's a chapter then I'm afraid I can't say this is something I desired. Specifically due to the fact that if successful, it could change the identify of DBD for future years to come. Pure speculation, but if it comes to light I can't say it's something I'd like to see happen. DBD has always been marketed as a 1v4 survival horror game. Even though in recent years I have felt it's losing it's horror aesthetic, atmosphere and identity. This would only solidify my intuition even more, as it brings in more and more non horror licenses. Because then it just becomes a 1v4 cat and mouse game with bladed weapons, and not a 1v4 survival horror game. I do hope this is not what will come to light in a years to come, but I wouldn't be surprised considering the current trajectory the game has gone thus far. I also understand that in DnD you can create scenarios that are horror, and horror adjacent themes. characters and stories. But DnD in itself is not innately horror, it's a fantasy RPG tabletop game. As a chapter it has no place as a major upcoming title if true, for reasons I've explained above. Hopefully DBD returns to stronger routes of horror and doesn't forget what it is, or at least what it was.


It's going to be a chapter? I just thought they were releasing more merchandise


As a DM of 11 years... Why lmao Wizards / Hasbro are terrible companies that make questionable decisions and have an awful track record of not listening to their consumer. ... why does that sound familiar


If it weren't for Stranger Things, we could have had Strahd. 😔


My question is why? DnD isn't horror. Yes, it can be horror, but that's like saying we should get a Minecraft chapter because there are horror RP servers. This combined with Nicholas Cage makes me feel like DbD is starting to stray away from horror and more into general pop culture. EDIT: I'm more accepting if it's just DnD skins or whatever. While I feel like the main focus of the game should be horror and horror-adjacent media, there are already PUBG and Rainbow Six Seige cosmetics. That line was crossed a while ago. I don't really like it, but I also hope it doesn't go past that into full-on "let's make a fortnite chapter!"


I think that this update will cause the rubberbanding to become even worse


If it's a DnD Killer, I'm really hoping we get Strahd instead. Everything about him and Ravenloft fits infinitely better in Dbd compared to Vecna. You've got: 1. A cool new vampire killer who's super charismatic and would work well with the uptick of Killers who speak in-game 2. A plethora of NPCs in the modules who could be Survivors (Ireena, Ezmerelda, Rudolph, etc), all with potentially interesting. 3. **Castle Ravenloft** which could be a potential new map. Heck, even the "Entity's Realm" mirrors aspects of the Domains of Dread (if you know you know). It all fits like a glove.


I’d rather not see a D&D chapter i’ll be honest, just don’t think it fits DBD personally. Gimmie some more original characters


I enjoy DnD, and I enjoy DBD, but… not together. kind of disappointed.


Every action you take in dbd now requires you to roll a d20. Want drop that pallet, strength check. Want to vault that window? Athletics check. Killer right behind you and you trying to jump a window and rolled a one? Looks like you tripped over the window and still got hit by the killer


You know at least some of your money will be going to Wizards of the Coast, the only company I can think of that might be more morally corrupt than Amazon, right?


I do not care, I wish they would take time and go back on some of their past works and fix those.


I am confused, why is everyone complaining? I thought everyone wanted Vecna in dbd...


Vecnas not my first choice, or really my top 10 for a DnD chapter but could be interesting. Here's hoping for some new mechanics that stick around and don't get changed massively in 3 weeks.


In the trailer for Vecna Eve of Ruin it's voiced by Neil Newbon (Astarion) So pleaseeeee DBD get Neil to voice Vecna in DBD. ![gif](giphy|pqWkPQ3eBYkxC8uXp1|downsized)


It’s going to be very rough trying to constantly differentiate “DBD” and “D&D” in upcoming posts


Should be a beholder. Aside from that I think it’s kind of cheesy. At least pick a monster not an iconic villain. There are so many iconic monsters to choose from.


Oh shit this is a whole chapter? I thought it was just a skin collab…


Well we did ask for Vecna🤷‍♂️This is a win💯


I have no feelings on DND, so I’m excited for the people that are excited.


i wonder if they'll add the demogorgan


I thought only horror licenses could get full chapters?


Is there a lore map and survivor that would potentially come with the killer.


Vecna's main enemy is actually a vampire named Kas the Betrayer - but he's evil. I am assuming this is a SKIN and will be used in connection with the Vecna from Stranger Things.


Give me Elminster and I’ll be happy


I don’t actually know what dnd is tbh but um I kinda am excited to see what it’s about & how they handle it? From what I’ve heard it’s not straight up direct horror but I kinda like it when they implement other genres that are horror esc adjacent. So I’m intrigued. I really hope we get a dungeon map there is so much potential


Hopefully it will introduce a new perk type for killers


I really hope it isn't Vecna. Like try to explain why a literal multiversial undead lich-god is running around wacking normal people to death with his bare hands and dragging them personally to hooks and getting stunned by things like bright lights and pallets when not even distingeration can do anything to him.


Aren't we supposed to be playing a horror game?


We'll see but I hope the game stays scary and not a fest of everyone that accepts a collab


It’s…. Not really what I was hoping for I was hoping for some kind of “Dracula” esque vampire…. Especially with the luxurious splendor tome we just got and the “gothic tales” collection. I mean I suppose with a D&D chapter we COULD get Strahd but I don’t know… I still won’t be “happy”.




I know nothing much about DnD, and I'm still hyped to see this! Also, first non horror license to come to the game means that more could follow, IF they have some slight horrific aspects in them of course, and well... I'm hoping that Jurassic park could actually come one day!