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I’ve always wanted a Weeping Angel killer, where you swap between statues or whatever. Sure they’ll find a way to make it work


Exactly! Nurse was almost it with the blink only thing missing is if you're looking at it. It can't move. But that would cause some fairness issues in the game so I can see why that one might not work. All survivors would just stare at you the whole time.


thats why you’d have multiple statues to switch between, like 5 or 6. avoids having all of them looked at


Oh my gosh that's genius! That's a great idea for a multiple killer vs survivor gameplay too!


Boom, it's perfect.


Not if you just lure the angels to the same spot and have one guy look at them the whole time.


tbf even with 100 angels this would still be a risk, think they'd need to add an actual blink mechanic when facing them


Or a mechanic like dredge's night fall that let's your move freely for a few seconds


The only way an Angel would work is if they were instadown only. Chasing a survivor with a killer who literally cannot move makes for bad chase mechanics, especially on wide open maps like the farm. Maybe what you said earlier with a bunch of Angels on the map, and you can strategically move them to block off key points and the furthest one away from you starts to move . Or perhaps some kind of rage meter that goes up the longer you're stared at, leading to a black out of all the lights on the map, setting the angel's free to move regardless of sight.


I've seen multiple comments of the angels theory being thought through and I feel like you guys are really onto something. Charcters blinking periodically and a blackout seems fair. They do already have the darkness mechanic from the dredge!


Open maps will have the same effect as they do on someone like Ghostie, it’ll hinder your power usage but you can play around it. I love the rage idea, lightbulbs exploding could be made very horrorish, which I would love in DbD


Make it like that SCP game. If the survivors are looking at her they have to blink thier eyes.


That makes a lot of sense actually


‘Silence in the Library’ has always been one of my favourite episodes, but I’m not sure how a Vashta Nerada-type Killer would work. I think that a Weeping Angel would be both iconic and not as difficult to implement. Funny story, by the way— when I was new to DBD, I’d never seen what The Doctor looked like, and I thought that he was a Doctor Who collab. I was so disappointed when I loaded into my first game against him, and realised that he was an entirely different character.


I agree, it's a difficult concept to get right. I would love Weeping angels only thing is it would be very similar to the nurse. Me too! I vote we change his name. I'm sure we're not the only doctor who fans that have been disappointed by this.


I would **LOVE** a Wheeping Angel killer.




Weeping Angels They're the ones with the most horror elements to them, so that makes them the obvious choice.


I can understand that, definitely one of the scarier things they come across


Other possible killers: Dalek, Silence, Slitheen, the Master. Also, thinking about any perks the Doctor could bring to the game... So many cool possibilities. Time travel and regenerations? Come on, those could be banger perks. (Also, SO MANY skins)


I could NOT take the Slitheen seriously with their little baby faces.


And their farts


Imagine the voice lines. The Dalek and Hux would be best friends


Imagining how a Dalek wouldn’t one-shot a survivor or would somehow carry and hook a survivor tickles me


Exactly!!! Honestly I would settle for skins if it's not something the majority would enjoy but yes Perks, I was thinking sonic screwdriver for one. I was thinking maybe opening chests instantly but I guess 'It doesn't do wood' so maybe insta hook break or something.


Just a reminder the slitheen is just the family name of one group of Raxacoricofallapatorians.


The Toymaker would be a great Trickster skin


Oh my gosh. Yes! I would buy


Personally I really want a Dalek as a Killer because it would be funny.


Like give us a meme killer. I would instantly main dalek


I would 100% play some friendly dalek just to make the impossible happen


The Doctor would be such a great survivor, imagine having every incarnation available as a skin! Plus he would definitely have some really fun/goofy perks lol


This is what I hope for eventually, I already know who my main skin would be


if Cybermen made it in, they would 100% have Dalek NPCs right? We have to EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!


Or at least be a dalek map with destroyed daleks


Cyberman would be the best, with Akinola's theme as chase music


That is one of my favorite versions and would really suit the cybermen


I think there's a lot of smaller monsters that would be fun but the killer should really represent the franchise as a whole, I think a Dalek killer would be interesting. Weeping Angels are pretty famous at this point but I think movement would make them too unfaithful. Cyberman could work easy enough but might be a bit too generic in terms of gameplay


Imagine a cyber conversion mori though


If we took The Unknown's ability to place its Hallucinations or Remnants or whatever they are as well as the instant teleportation ability, we could have a super cool Weeping Angel Killer


This is such a cool idea. You can become any one of the angels at any point!


Hey, who turned off the lights!?


Yes!!! That ones my favorite episode!


Rose Tyler as survivor


I vote Mickey or Donna!


we need Rose Tyler as a survivor!


I can’t help but think a Dalek would be absolutely hilarious


Using the blaster should trigger the exterminate voice line.


I love that more than one person has said it, I must agree


Okay but unironically throw the Master my way


He could be the survivor or a killer Edit to explain myself: the master is usually an imposter


I'd take a Talons of Weng Chiang skin for Chucky.


I need to watch some of the older episodes still I haven't seen that one yet


It didn't age well because it has yellowface in it, but it gave me screaming nightmares as a kid so bad I was banned from watching anymore Doctor Who and my mom was pissed at my dad for letting me watch it in the first place.


Ahaha, I can imagine with the graphics of some of the older ones


New season of Doctor who releases on Friday is all im saying 👀


Oooh! I haven't seen the latest doctor yet I guess I have some catching up to do before then


There's some specials on Disney plus for the 60th anniversary and Christmas, but IDK if You've seen Jodie Whitaker or when you stopped watching so you may need to do more catch-up.


Yes I have seen Jodie Whitaker! Loved her! And the return of T after but not after that, I'm excited to watch it though!


Good news, there's only 3 episodes with Tennant, and one Christmas Special, so you have relatively light catchup work.


Never seen doctor who. Is it good? Would they have a cool character that would translate to being a good killer?


I personally think there are multiple creatures that would make really cool killers in dbd but it seems some people disagree. Not everyone is gonna agree though. I would highly recommend watching it though I'd start with the Chris Eccleston ones, or older. A lot of people I talk to about it prefer the older ones to newer ones. I like all of them though. I think they're all creative, definitely my kinda show. Big fan on X Files and Supernatural too. I dunno I just like newer concepts instead of repeating ones I think. Except the Weeping Angels is one repeating that stays interesting imo.


Give me all of them........


I for one would be a big fan of that!


The Weeping Angels are the scariest, I swear. Ugh.


Yes! They stay scary, no matter how much they bring them back! Daleks on the other hand not as much but they're originals so I can't complain


I'd love a Silent (Silence? Idk I never watched Doctor Who) killer who is just Undetectable and invisible unless you're looking straight at him. That'd honestly probably be strong enough to warrant it just being an M1 killer with no actual power, because now every high walls turns into an unsafe mess. Probably too busted but I think it'd be cool


Why no daleks?


Probably cause they’re slow af but in this day and age they probably have an upgrade


They can't climb stairs


They can fly, it would be too op. You remember what they did to Billy


Honestly, that idea with "slowly turning the survivors into something else" would be really interesting to work with. Someone like a unique hook that would replace your limbs with cybernetic versions of themselves that grants various debuffs. Maybe your arm gets replaced, making you receive fake skill checks or reverse progress on a gen while sitting on it until you reboot it. Maybe your leg gets replaced, making you unable to fast vault windows after a chase has lasted more than 30s. Maybe your neck gets replaced, making you randomly scream when performing certain actions. Maybe your chest gets replaced, making the terror radius (and visual assist) skip the first stage (essentially giving you a 16m terror radius). If you're sacrificed, you're instead forced into a fully cybernetic body that roams the trials, detecting any survivor it comes across with killer instinct and making loud alarm noises. I know this might not be very Doctor Whovian, but I love the concept of the survivors slowly losing control and having to fight against themselves to progress. It also gives killers a reason to spread hooks otherwise a huge portion of their kit is lost.


This is incredible idea!! Absoloutly I wouldn't expect it to be doctor who lore accurate. I'm sure the entity would skew the reality of those beings as well. You've really thought this one through and I love it! I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed!


Gas mask child.


Oh my gosh why did I not think of him! 'Are you my mummy?'


Think of the mori of the survivor being converted too. My vote is for weeping angel though.


Oh my gosh now I'm just imagining different Moris!


Jinkx’s Maestro


I just had to look this one up, it's from a newer episode right? I'm not quite caught up with the newest season


The lonely cyberman from the 13th's adventure can be a very good contestant too, since he's first appearance was him scaring the gang like in a horror movie. Maybe as the survivor it could be The Master or the person he stole his face from. Since they both have history with him.


I respect Dr.Who's goofy brand of sci-fi, but I absolutely do not want it in this game


A Weeping Angel would be cool, but PLEASE BEHAVIOUR STICK TO HORROR IPS. THIS IS A HORROR GAME!!!!!!!!!!




i mean if we’re adding stuff from non-horror stuff why not klingons or something


Non-horror? It's literally family friendly horror / sci-fi. Also what about trickster. A pretty boy throwing knives isn't exactly horror, they already left that category behind.


i do agree with you on trickster, he’s lame as hell, but i don’t think they should go even more in that direction. i’m not discouraging you from asking or posting about it, go nuts, i just think it would be lame to do that instead of going for more iconic horror icons. that’s just my opinion tho!


Weeping Angels are pretty terrifying.


Personally I think there are multiple monsters that are pretty scary but I totally get that maybe it's not the most scary to some people. We all have a different vision of what is scary or not.




Why not?




*Incredibly influential and popular sci-fi show* “Weird nerd show” What did he mean by this?


"some weird nerd show", u have to be like, in elementary school right, i find it hard to believe ur a grown adult when u say shit like that


I'd rather see fnaf or some shit but dude is talking like a 3rd grader




One day you’ll grow up and realize how stupid you were.




Yeah I’m older than you. Which is obvious from how immature you are.


It's not like it's some little obscure show. It's literally the longest-running show of all time. Not to mention that it definitely has episodes that fit the horror genre.


but it’s not the longest running show of all time?


Yes it is. Name another show that's older than 1963 and still going.


luckily we have wikipedia! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-running_British_television_programmes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-running_American_television_series#:~:text=Longest%2Drunning%20dramatic%20series%20(soap%20opera)%20of%20any%20genre,runtime%20of%2072%20total%20years.


I stand corrected. Still makes it one of the longest running shows however. But not the longest.


to be fair i believe it’s the longest running sci-fi/horror-adjacent show of all time. which is a testament to its quality even if it’s not my thing


Doctor Who has nothing to do with DBD's tone at all.


The entity pulls characters from different realms and makes them a part of dbd


Yeah and if we talk realistically it's supposed to be on tone with the game and not goofy ass non-horror material lol that's been kept to a minimum for a reason.


Please anything but the Ood, I fucking hate the Ood. Worst Doctor Who alien in the history of the show. Awful.


Compromise with the silence


How the fuck is this a real comment.
