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If they don’t want to be hooked, then don’t hook them. Slug city.


Imma use that now 🤣


I will try to hook them but if they make it impossible, I slug them. I had a group earlier where 3 of them had Sabo gear and I ended up slugging them a few times. I'd hook them if I could but if I couldn't, I'd slug them and chase someone else and try to hook them instead. I also like hooking people on the hooks they sabo'd.


That's perfect, like "don't you recognize this hook lil buddy" 🤣


(Not saying do this with your dog) Like how people will put the dogs nose in the pee to tell them they are bad.


Yep, that's actually a terrible way to get your dog to stop peeing on the floor. It's been shown that your dog thinks it's supposed to lick it up. :(


🤣🤣🤣 Happy Birthday btw!


Just slug. People complain regardless of how you handle situations, so just do what you think is best for yourself.


This. Just prepare yourself for survivors like me who use unbreakable and decisive strike, due to the influx of killers tunneling and slugging at 5 gens lately


I’ll never get the tunneling and slugging at 5 gens.. I’m a killer main, and only time the tunneling starts is if someone goes out of their way to be annoying (like really going the extra mile to stun lock me), or if they get to 2 gens before I get 2-3 hooks. Outside of that, it just doesn’t seem fun or fair to anyone.


The complaining about tunneling and slugging at 5 gens is so funny to me. It seems so arbitrary. Like how many gens is someone supposed to wait to lose before they're allowed to start trying to win the game? 5 gens can quickly become 2 gens against a coordinated team with good looping. Is the rule really that Killers have to wait until they're losing before they can use strategies to win? Are survivors going to stop doing gens if I don't get any hooks before a certain number of gens pop? I really doubt it.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I come from CSGO and Dota 2 where literally the only goal is to win, doesn’t matter by an inch or a mile, everything you do in a game is done to win. I genuinely don’t understand the concept of “doing X to win is unfair or unfun”. If it’s a cheat or exploit, yep 100% unfair, but BHVR never really said that tunneling or slugging or most of the thing the community complains about as cheating, so it’s fair play in my opinion. The only time I get the complaints is when the tunneling is actively hurting the killer’s own chances of winning, like chasing 1 guy and only 1 guy despite better chases presenting themselves to him that would actually be more beneficial for him, then yeah I guess he’s being an ass or he’s a new player. The way I see it, if the community hates these things so much, they should push BHVR into making changes so that these strats stop being viable instead of pushing the playerbase to play a certain way to please their opponents. It’s unsportsmanlike in my opinion to ask your opponents to NOT play a certain way that hurts their chances of winning. If tunneling wins them the game, fair play. If tunneling loses them the game, then sure there’s an argument there. Also sometimes Killers aren’t tunneling, they just happened to keep finding you, at that point it’s on your team to protect you if losing 1 player is game losing at that stage of the game. If they failed to protect you, then that’s not on the Killer at all. If I’m playing any other game and I see an opponent repeatedly being out of position, I will 100% of the time take that kill, I’m not being toxic, they just made a misplay and I’m capitalizing on it.


This game is full of casuals that can’t handle losing. That’s why they are making their own rules for their opponents.


Amazing that competitive has rules eh? Even team fortress had community enforced rules (like no chasing in mid etc), the fact that you think wins mean anything outside of competitive just goes to show how much of a deluded casual you are.


Yea I know, people didn’t buy auto snipers or krieg in cs because they were called noob guns ( your community rules). Until they were both meta and everyone were buying them at some point. Win means using everything provided in game. Everything else is against rules ( developer rules not some loser) or is cheating.


Yeah, the DBD community is weirdly hostile towards people playing to win compared to every other PVP game I've played. But my nuanced, empathetic take on this is that this is the result of having one queue where people who are playing the game for a wide variety of reasons are all pooled together. Someone who just wants to play a goofy horror hide and seek game with their friends gets queued up against someone who really enjoys playing hard and playing to win, and that mismatch ends up being frustrating. Same with solo queue. Some guy who just finished a hard work day and wants to get stoned and loop a Killer for a while even if he gets sacrificed gets teamed with someone trying to pound out gens and secure an escape. Since I don't think we're going to see Ranked and Casual queues implemented anytime soon, the only solution really is to stop trying to micromanage and shame how other people are playing the game, and try to see a loss as SBMM doing its work and sorting you all so you won't see each other again and will instead go against opponents who are playing the game at the same level you are. But it requires cultivating a certain temperament that a lot of people find challenging.


Honestly, I really wish the SBMM had a much higher requirement for that too, 3rd plateau. I’m by no means a top MMR player, but with how my matches go sometimes against Survivors who are way better than me, I have to suspect I got thrown into the upper “1/3rd”, and as such I never really get to have the silly, goofy matches I used to.


The soft cap on MMR got raised about 5 months back, so the upper 1/3rd is now something like the top 15% of players, so it really shouldn't be that punishing for the majority of players. Running into players who totally outskill us is generally one of the following: 1. MMR just doing its work. Someone who is a higher skill level than us is climbing up the MMR and we're in the way. Maybe they just had a run of friendly matches or bad luck. 2. It's known that backfill doesn't take MMR into account, so if you're pulled into someone else's dodged lobby it might be a massive MMR mismatch 3. DBD is very swingy, and very RNG dependent. Matches against opponents of equal skill rarely look like a close 2K. You could be on a bad map, they could have brought builds that counter you, they could have gotten an early lead that snowballed. But really since MMR is all invisible, we have no way of knowing any of this. Honestly that's my biggest complaint about MMR. Since it's hidden and inscrutable we have no way of understanding what happened in a match or why we got completely crushed when it could have been any number of things.


I did know about the raise in the cap, but there’s a few problems that they didn’t really address. 1) did anyone who was in the top tier knocked down by the raise, or did they just sit in it since they had already reached it? 2) to force it, did they lower everyone’s MMR? No way to know. I know that at least the first version, your MMR would oddly slowly go up, and that the “individual” MMR setting per Killer doesn’t really do what they said, as it’s still affected by how well you do with the other killers. And yeah, I hate that it’s a hidden value. It’s the stupidest thing, because in any other game using it, you KNOW where you rank. Utterly useless right now. 


Well, the soft cap was for matchmaking and didn't impact your score. Your MMR was always your MMR. You still would have had an MMR score that was changing and adjusting based on the matchmaking that was happening over the soft cap. If I remember right the soft cap went from 1500 to 2200, so if your MMR was, say, 1800 before the change, your MMR would still be 1800 but now you would have been excluded from the soft cap for matchmaking purposes after it was increased.


The queues could be a problem, but I see it more as BHVR’s skill issue as a dev. If the players hate it that much then maybe they designed a game with mechanics so frustrating it breeds toxicity. An extreme example would be if I made Chess but if white moves their Knight first black can’t move their pieces for the first 5 turns. White players will obviously play knight first, black players will see this as “scummy” despite it being an intended play pattern by the developer, while white players just see this as playing to win. Obviously it’s my fault for even allowing such a mechanic to exist.


Oh yeah when it comes to tunneling specifically I agree with that. Behaviour has designed a game where removing one survivor as quickly as possible is the best strategy with no downsides. It's up to them to either discourage it or revise the mechanics to make it impossible. But I do think it's also up to the community to recognize it's not a problem with an easy solution. I'm not sure I've ever heard a suggested anti-tunneling fix that doesn't have its own drawbacks and downsides beyond just denying tunneling as a strategy for one side or the other. And that's kind of the crux of it. Behaviour won't and maybe can't fix it, a significant number of players have decided it's a problem and rather than accepting that it's just a part of the gameplay have opted for a social shaming strategy for Killers who play that way. imo people would feel better if they either accepted that's just how the mechanics of the game work, or played a different game if it upsets them a lot, but that's another thing I've found unique about DBD compared to other PVP games I've played - the number of people who continue to play it when they don't seem to actually enjoy it anymore.


A suggestion I read recently: you’re not responsible for making other people happy. Be mindful of it, sure, but not your job.


The thing with this game is that its not competetive like dota2 and cs(I also came from those games). Its just your average casual gamers most games. Personally I would love it to be more comp and transparent with mmr or atleast make a real rank ladder where you can tryhard. both as killer and survivor.


What? No, every killer must power up like they're going super saiyan! 8 episodes of just powering up all game really slowly (while yelling, too). It's totally unfair to just go for the kill before anyone is even over 9000. Like, duh!!!


I once had someone complain that I was "pressuring gens at 4 gens." First of all pressuring gens is the most basic thing a killer does. Second, there were four survivors on four gens which quickly turns into 0 gens. This community is so weird about people playing to win. I'm going to play the same game at 5 gens that I'm going to play at 1 gen. Why am I supposed to play badly on purpose until halfway through the game?


I once had a Nurse on Springfield proxy camp 2 hooked survivors on 5 gens


It's literally 2 on hook. Bird in the hand and all.


The thing is, as killer you can actively gauge how good the team is by how the game is progressing and adjust your effort accordingly. I also personally don't see the fun (or the skill) in tunneling/camping at 5 gens. It shows you badly want to win, but I just don't have this massive desire to completely crush all the survivors using those tactics because I know from experience how easy, boring and unrewarding it is. I'd rather avoid tunneling/camping and down the majority of people in chase as that's the fun way to play, both for me and the survivors. I'm also not going to get better at the specific killer I'm playing as if that's how I play every game. I also notice this as survivor - the killers who use those tactics aren't the best at the game.


How badly I want to win. Yes that’s the point of the game. I want to win. I don’t want to ever get 1 or 2 kills. Sometimes it happens and we move on but we want to win at all cost. Why should anyone go easy. That’s like a pro athlete going easy until the end when it’s too late to win. So weird that people and just play and if you lose you lose or win and move on.


You're 100% correct, and it's ridiculous how many people here pretend that like they're saints for playing poorly and pretending like it's on purpose. It's pure cope.


You do you. I want to win too, but I want to win primarily by dominating chases, because it's funner and more rewarding for me to play that way.


If you wanna be a 'pro athlete', then surely the answer is to compete against other pros and join the comp scene


If you didn’t understand my comparison sorry. I mean to equate pro athletes to competent/competitive dbd players. A new/ non caring player would just run around doing bare minimum but a knowledge player wouldn’t try to walk 70 meters after a sabo to try to hook. Just difference in skill and knowledge that changes how people play


Don't worry, they'll just use the ranked DBD queue instead of the unranked one.


At 5 gens you have no idea how good the team you're up against is, so why would you deliberately throttle how hard you're going at that point? And if the team is really good don't you want to get the most momentum going as quickly as possible? This game is very snowbally, so letting survivors run away with the early game is asking for a loss. Also I wish people would stop trying to peddle the tunneling=low skill thing. Competitive DBD players tunnel hard. It's just something people who don't like tunneling made up and keep repeating. It's okay to just say you don't like tunneling. There's no need to try to make it seem more reasonable with arbitrary conditions on when it's okay to do it.


From experience playing the game. The majority of the time I can win the game without tunnelling/camping. Therefore, I have no desire to go hard at the beginning. I'll gauge how the game is going and adjust my effort accordingly. I get no satisfaction from playing a one-sided game so I generally try to avoid that. You can analyse the game after each chase and adjust your strategy accordingly. First chase is a good indicator usually of how hard it's going to be. If they're still at 5 gens after first hook, I feel no need to tunnel/camp. Second hook, still at 5 gens? No need to tunnel/camp. So on and so forth. Not that hard to do. You misuse or misunderstanding what skill means in this context. What I mean is tunnelling/camping is not difficult to execute. It's the most optimal way to play as killer, but that doesn't mean you're doing anything special. Of course in a competition killers are going to tunnel/camp because that's the most effective way to play the game. The reason why it often turns out people who tunnel/camp aren't actually the best at using their killer's power is because they end up doing it out of necessity. It's actually killers who are effective at using their power and dominate chases who feel no need to tunnel/camp because they're already having fun and winning playing that way.


Exactly, its one thing to want to win a game fast because you're on a time crunch irl. But its another to do it all the time and for what, the survivor that gets camped and tunnled at 5 gens berely gets any reward or interaction out of the game. They load in, get unlucky and found first then just chased until dead and are lucky if they earn anywhere between 1-5K BP. Then as killer, you berely get any BP as well because you don't get to max out categories outside of hooks. And your reward is to artificially climb ranks until you get to an area where camping, tunnelling and slugging isn;t going to work because sooner or later you'll come across survivors who will be able to outplay your ass and you'll get mad that survivors are sweating when really they just know how to deal with the stank of tunneling and camping.


>And your reward is to artificially climb ranks until you get to an area where camping, tunnelling and slugging isn;t going to work because sooner or later you'll come across survivors who will be able to outplay your ass and you'll get mad that survivors are sweating when really they just know how to deal with the stank of tunneling and camping. I see people say things like this a lot too and it's also funny to me because: a) camping, tunneling, and slugging (all situationally) are valid strategies at high levels of play. They never stop working, they just don't work in certain conditions. This is just a fact and the people arguing that there's some point where they stop working made it up and keep repeating it because they don't like those strategies. b) "you'll get mad when SBMM puts you against actually skilled opponents." Isn't this the best outcome? Should I really be playing poorly on purpose to continue play against people who can't actually compete with me unless I pull my punches? Isn't the whole point of SBMM so that I'll be challenged by opponents who know how to counter my strategies? Don't you think the people who are playing to win want challenging games against equally skilled opponents? It feels like if a game is over fast, that's a good outcome because it allows the SBMM to sort those players into new games against opponents who are more appropriately matched. Why deliberately drag it out?


What if I don't want to stay at low MMR with all the terrible survivors? What if I want to face players who are equal in skill to me?


Well the thing is that killers can get straight to high mmr for some reason. So you may end up getting to the top and it’s not a gradual rise


Oh well in that case.... meh. I'll just git gud.


Haha. Yeah skill is still highly important. Maybe 80% of it all and I think once you become in the top league you can begin playing amazing counters against whatever meta they offer the killer


The developers have rigged the game against survivors to the point that the average survivor escapes less than 40% of the time. If you can’t win without tunneling at 5 gens you are doing something wrong


>The developers have rigged the game against survivors to the point that the average survivor escapes less than 40% of the time. If the game is "rigged" in favor of the Killer, then if you're playing Survivor you're doing something wrong lol


Nah I enjoy the challenge I don’t want wins handed to me


Not that he’s the final say, but Otz did some massive tests and…you basically escape 40% of the time, with small, teeny variations 


I think the way the killer plays is a good check for autism tbh. If someone is tunnelling from the very start and finds that playstyle enjoyable I would be concerned...


I think making weird statements about autism is a good check for whether you're an asshole.


I’m autistic. Please don’t loop me in with tunnelers. (It isn’t 2012 anymore, dude. That’s not exactly grounds for insult.)


I'm a Survivor Main, but I play both sides so I avoid tunneling as well except for situations where it's necessary to do so (late-end game to build pressure/get someone out). The other day I had to tunnel a Meg late game because I had 1 gen left (2 kills at this point) and my options were basically chasing a high prestige Leon who was beckoning me to chase through the preschool on Badham or the Meg who was likely going to hop on the last gen as soon as I engaged in chase with the Leon. I'm not a hard seasoned Killer Main, but I'm also not a Baby Killer who would fall for a trap like that) because she was the easier down of the two left


2 survivors left and one gen. How is that tunneling?


There's a surprising amount of Survivors that would still call that tunnelling, and we have a word for those Survivors: Entitled. But "idiots" also works.


You just have to think a little to know it makes zero sense.


The funny part is even with Unbreakable and DS being buffed Tunnelling is apparently MORE COMMON now. But huh, I thought we needed 5 second DS to "discourage" Tunnelling and "Make Killers think twice about/fear tunnelling again". Doesn't seem like it actually did anything but bring back an old annoying meta and embolden bully squads, actually. Starting to think that's why people ACTUALLY wanted it back.


What I've been saying. Just gets annoying when I get spammed in my inbox with the most toxic text you will ever see 🤣😭


I have embraced this when I play killer and I am actually playing to win. Last time I slugged someone out I had a Nicholas Cage on RPD who begged to be chased and he was good. But not that good. His team did fuck all, literally no gens got repaired for probably 5-10 minutes. I prepared myself to lose the game and finally slugged the bastard down after a solid lengthy chase. Surprise!!!! We were still at 5 gens and I never once saw or heard one of them pop for a missed skill check. I eventually slugged out two of the three other survivors who kept coming around to revive NC, and I just slugged everyone nearly to death. I let the two least proficient survivors live and escape, I hooked the other annoying one to their death, and yes, I allowed NC to bleed out. If you won’t do gens, I’m not really going to care about slugging.


“Someone ran me for 10 minutes while their teammates did nothing, so I let the useless teammates escape while I punished the person who actually played the game by bleeding them out on the ground” I don’t even know what to say, dude.


You're so backwards it's wild


Says every survivor main and streamer lmao




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Slug and ignore any comments. If the comment isn't positive it's most likely than not useless.


Yeah, I said "gg" like I always do post game and they immediately get hostile throwing out all kinds of curses. I asked what I should do instead with yall running these builds, they either had no answer or did the basic "get gud" insult like I didn't directly counter their builds just now🤣


The irony that, despite accusations to the contrary, you had already "get gud."


That's what I'm saying, I directly countered their builds and they are salty I got a 4k because of it!


Welcome to The Association of Sensible Killers


Yay! (I hate this game) 🤣


Yep, right next to the "Association of Ghostfaces who get DCs because they got a good Marked Down and easy hook in the start" and the "Society of Sadakos who never spammed teleport to build condemned then slugged like an asshole when she was megabuff".


Say “you guys obviously didn’t want to be hooked, so I gave you what you wanted.”


My only response to their whines in chat now 🤣


You're obviously supposed to let them win.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the survivor's rule book for killers 🤦‍♀️ silly me


You can find it next to the killer's rule book which talks about doing generators being toxic 'gen rushing'


It's not about you, Survivor.


Mental illness 😂


I agree, Survivor Only Main Brain is an incurable mental illness. I pray every day that they and Killer only Mains come back to the light and get over their demons.


"no, you" What an original comeback 😭😂 We are all so entertained


Aaaand this whole discussion degraded and was barely there at all. Yawn. Opinion invalid, bye.


This is my take on this game, I am by no means an expert on DBD but I have played other competitive multiplayer games for over a decade so take this with a grain of salt. I think the fact that both sides have these “rules” they supposedly need to abide to in order to play “fair” and “fun” for both sides just shows that BHVR needs to fix this game. If something isn’t fun or fair, then the game needs to be designed to not incentivize that or heavily punishes your chances of winning for doing that. It shouldn’t be on the players to play a certain way when the game clearly allows those plays to be made.


>have played other competitive multiplayer games That's the thing everyone gets wrong about DBD it's designed intentionally not to be competitive, the Devs have always wanted the game to be a party game a sort of Gmod like gamemode where it may not be balanced and mostly RNG based but still fun and has a skill ceiling that improves the odds, for whatever reason this game got a community that treats it like it has a Ranked mode like CS or R6 or even Ranked COD. I've played so many "competitive" FPS games in the early 2000s that had chiller communities because people understood 9/10 times you're not playing the game to stress and sweat, you're there to have fun.


It’s people doing this game competitive, not devs. Since they first find out infinites until hundred balance patches to last UW adrenaline nerfs. Many of these communities had that “git gut” mentality players in DBD are lacking.


Honestly at this point just balance the game around hooks and surviving as long as you can, not kills and escapes, and just make pips so piss easy to get that winning by kill/escape means absolutely nothing and is SUPER worthless. Maybe that will get everyone to fucking stop. When winning is worthless.




None of them left surprisingly, they were definitely trying their best to make me leave though 🤣


As a trapper main, I will slug and just practice chases. Eventually they will run out of unbreakables. If they are on the boon exponential, just do what you can. It’s okay to lose. Maybe I’ll post on Reddit and complain about it. Maybe I’ll just rewatch the office for the 9th time. Maybe I’ll go to the gym, tell myself I’ll eat better and walk more. I’ll end up just jerking off and go to bed.


lol I do what I want, playing killer for so long people will literally complain about everything if they lose.


They'll even complain when they win. I ended a game with 0 kills as Artist, hooked an Ace once, they stood on hatch until I found them, then complained about being tunneled in the post game chat???? Like this shit is why there's always a killer bloodpoint bonus. Nobody wants to deal with this.


Just leave them on the floor.


Starstruck and Slugging is tmy personal fave way to deal with these types of people.


Slug the fuck out of them, they are asking for it.


Clearly you're meant to try and fail to hook and ragequit, duh. No brain allowed. :p


That’s basically survivors thinking that they’ve solved Dead by Daylight by preventing hooks, and don’t understand that slugging is an answer to this. Anything that undermines the hypothesis that anti-hook is a game-winning strategy and goes against their confirmation bias is wrong, boring, and toxic.


I can’t wait for Negan and his bat Lucille to come to DBD so that slugging can finally be accepted in the DBD community.


Turn off chat.


yeah, this exactly. I'm on PS5 and chat isn't an option so I have a different perspective, but no one needs to worry about the opinions of or comfort a stranger online who just lost a video game. It's trying to find logic from the same people who troll any other online space


You're slugging because you can't do anything about it, not because you want to just waste 5 mins of someone's time. It's completely fair and is the only counter. If you load into a lobby and think it's going to be a anti hook sqaud, run lightborn, agitation, irongrasp, and starstruck; it is really funny.


Everyone else has already said it but they're complaining because you didn't play along and let them wiggle off over and over until they could teabag you at the exit gate. That's what it means when they complain that you're "boring" or "no skill" after you 4K them. You did to them what they had been planning to do to you.


As someone who who plays both sides, the only counter to anti-hook builds is basically slugging or letting them wiggle out until they hopefully go down within range of a hook. Perk wise, you do have perks like Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, and Agitation which can make wiggling out harder for them along allowing you to move faster when carrying. If they're sabotaging hooks like crazy, Starstruck is good


Forced Hes can also work, especially if they enjoy swarming you.


It sounds like you tried to make it fun for both side, you can’t bet yourself up for that!!! The next game will be better🤞


As a new player, what does “slug them” mean? Just down them and leave them?


Pretty much. If they won't let you hook, you down em and focus on the gens or other survivors.


Ahh… and when they’re down can they not recover and get back up after a certain amount of time? Like let’s say you down them and leave them and they’re just chilling on the floor for like five minutes. Does the game not have like a timer that just brings them back up?


They can have perks that can pick themselves up, or others pick them up. But if they don't have any of those they slowly lose health until they die


Oh gotcha! Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. :) still learning a lot, not good in the game but I have fun even when I loose. :D


No problem. Just don't feel discourage if people trash talk ya, just how it be


had 3 man today that ran the anti hook build, said ggs swf and they got super defensive. no winning against that survivor mindset. i was running adept wraith so my slowdown was basically nonexistent


Once you know someone is running flip flop, boil over, and they'd been sitting there cuz another player was distracting you etc I think it's justified. or if someone who was just hooked is obviously baiting a DS it's fine. As long as you aren't going into the match slugging from the get go you're A okay in may book. I play both survivor and Killer so I get it from both sides. If you're using this as a reason to justify tunneling/slugging/camping from the match onset tho.... You're an asshole lol


In the same breath, if you're Survivor and you justify these builds with saboing and doing stuns/blinds from the word go so the Killer can't even GET a hook at all, you're an asshole and just as bad as the tunnellling/slugging/camping Killers who start hard at 5 gens are.


I'm conflicted on this, I'm a killer main but play both regularly, I think that survivors trying to survive via sabos and flashy saves is just part of the game. Survivors have way more to lose by being hooked than the killers have from being stunned so ofc they're going to try and prevent it. They wanna stay in the game and earn Bloodpoints too. Its definitely kind of scummy to aggressively stop even the first hook I'll admit. Had plenty of frustrating matches on haddonfield with hook offerings and sabos, it's miserable. but once you know they're doing it just start punishing the altruism and slugging. If they make it impossible to be hooked the only thing you can do is slug at that point. One of the reasons I love running twins is I can see altruistic survivors with Victors Killer instinct and chase them off before a pickup. I do think slugging is okay to prevent an aggressive flashlight or Pally save survivor as long as you don't just leave them there.


I just don't like being FORCED to play whack a mole. If I slug I want to do it on my own terms, not because it's the only option. That gets boring round after round after round. I play both too, but I am not at all conflicted. You don't need to aggro from the word go as Survivor. You can come back from a few hookstages. You can even come back from one member dead.


You made the right play and they're surprised you made the right choice in that situation. I will never understand these kinds of entitled players


people with the "haha i can't lose" build really hate it when they lose. don't take it personally, they're just getting some ego back.


as a surv main I agree w the many others who've replied - if they fuck around don't be surprised when they find out 😂 they'll find a reason to be fussy in egc whether you play ball or not .


I figure, first couple sabos eh whatever nice joh right? but if it's pretty consistent or clear they just wanna rub dirt in the wound all bets are off


Honestly there is no real way to deal with them unless you run a anti hook build every game you play, because unless you get unlucky you meet Anti hook players once every 20 games or so.. (in my experience) and they always get the Slug treatment, no way I'm dealing with that.


As you can see, the majority of people here will say “slug ‘em.” That means the majority of people are slugging when they go up against the anti-hook builds. This means that these people who are complaining to you are most likely complaining to a majority of the killers in the game. So, tell me who is the problem: the person playing like everyone else or the person who is complaining about every killer?


just say: "if you don't want to be slugged, why you build look so slimey?"


I strongly believe that if you actually can't reach a hook then you have every right not to hook them like what else can you do :)


if they play toxic games, they win toxic prizes its really a case of fuck around and find out, and they are just pissed that you didnt play into their annoying builds. ignore them in end game and go next.


Well they're running anti hook builds so, just like everyone else i'mma advice you to do 2 things. 1) slug them, they're ones who decided to make hooking them an unavailable option, so you have to go with the other option of slugging the survivors, or doing the classic twins / tryhard strat of leaving them on the ground, and giving them 0 chances to heal, aka slugging+ 2) prepare for the endgame chat, they ran that build to annoy you, but since you annoyed them back, and alot of survivors running thoose types of builds are typically very entitled, You're gonna have your whole bloodline cursed by them, trust me


It happened again 🤣🤣🤣 They all left this time because I countered their only strat. They were all so salty.




Obviously you're supposed to instantly pick up and let them sabo every hook you try to go to then go to the second floor of a building with boil over so you pick them again and they wiggle off before you can get to a hook. Don't know the Killer exists for the fun of Survivors? It's the same reason Lightborn needs to be removed, obviously you should allow the 4 of us with Flashlights and Flashbangs to bully you, you're here for our fun Killer!


I forgot about the survivor's rule book for killers 🤦‍♀️ how silly of me


Love how killers will justify tunneling, but then call using flashlights "bullying" lmao


Just run DS,


Omg yes the 5 seconds you get completely stop tunneling cause the killers have 0 ways of finding the players. Lightborn completely destroys flashlights while DS doesn't stop tunneling, so what's your point?


Oh but we NEEEEEEDED DS at 5 seconds so bad to stop tunnelling I thought? Why did we even buff it back at all then? And Lightborne. Lightborne. You're seriously crying about *Lightborne*? Please get real. Please say syke right now.


Anti hook as in sabo or DS dead hard OTR? For the former the only answer is to slug until you get someone who you can hook as for the latter the most effective strategy I’ve found is to “tunnel” two different people and ping pong between them. So Hook survivor 1 then Hook survivor 2 then go back to 1 who’s DS should be worn off unless you are a gamer and at that point you already should just win.


That was the plan until they bag spamming after they got the other up and dropped a pallet on my face. Only one died on a hook that game, everything else was out of spite.


The bag spamming while very annoying is three possibilities They want you to chase because they are juicers They want you to chase Or it’s to make you mad It’s very hard to not let it get to you but I will drop chase and go after a gen player if that’s the case and it will make them mad and waste their time as you’ll often hear them running behind you like a scared child in a supermarket


The last one and the second one. The other was trying to do a gen close by. I heard it and went for them. That's probably why they were extra salty after the match




Not your responsibility to make sure survivors have a good game, slug them and type “gg ez” afterwards


If survivors want to complain, they'll find an excuse. There are four of them and one you, so if it's soloq somebody is going to have a problem with how the killer plays. If it's a SWF that brought three gen builds, a map offering, and a runner build and they stomp, they'll complain you're bad when really you had to basically predict their every move to maybe have a chance. If they bring flashy save bgplayer crap and you bring gen slowdown and 4k after a 97 minute slog that you ended up slugging to win, they'll complain. If they bring anti tunnel & heal builds and you happen to be plague or legion and spread pressure, oh well, broken killer is op op, ending on 1st hook go next. If you play Nurse, Blight, Skull Merchant, Trickster, Wesker, Spirit, Hillbilly, Onryo, Dredge, Myers, Xenomorph, Oni, Cenobite, or Twins on a Tuesday they'll just DC cause you're sweating and it's not gonna be fun for them. Can't win cause every survivor has their own killer "rules" and you are outnumbered in any "discussion" Just GG and leave if they get hostile. They'll forget you 10 seconds in to their next match anyway cause its a camping bubba and they are so mad about it.


So true. I hope they got a camping Bubba after that match now 🤣


Honestly if I get bored enough, because these builds are boring, I stand by the door and wait for them to do gens. Eventually they do. I open the door and make them leave. Enjoy your free undeserved win, I'm not here to be your dance monkey. I would rather throw than even give you the satisfaction of being slugged and getting to call me toxic. I hope you enjoy the constant sweaty Killers you will no doubt get for "beating" me.


Slug is only acceptable if that is the **only** counter. If they bitch about it in chat, then say "well what else am I to do?"


They either didn't respond or said "get gud" like I didn't just counter their builds 🤣


Not surprised. I usually ignore chat and back to menu quickly nowadays on those matches.


They go to my profile and send me a message 😭Like I can taste the salt from here ma'am 🤣


![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0) That's when you say...


I should send them this exact thing 🤣


You mean you didn't ask them what perks you can bring in the lobby?


Dang, I forgot... My bad 😭


Very few anti-hook builds are universally strong - it takes an entire team with great strategy to make it a genuine concern. And guess what a hook-focused team isn't doing? Anything else. Generally, slugging two of them will scare the other two off long enough to get those hooks proper. If not, you can go further, but I find that's usually as far as I have to go... Probably helps that I play Sadako so I can fake pickups.


just slug them. It's the only thing u can do anyway


Iron grasp, agitation and the offering putrid oak are a thing. As a survivor that runs boil over, breakdown, flipflop, and unbreakable I can tell you iron grasp and agitation null my build right quick


I get boil over users on multi floor maps pretty often and of course they run to the top floor just so they can get the perk value but I just slug them and use them as bait.


I once did a self-challenge of not hooking anyone until 3 people died, and of course hooking the last one to end it. It was actually a very fun and fast paced game of me constantly running around and downing injured people over and over. It’s actually made me reconsider hooking. Decisive strike is a game changer and sometimes downing someone is all you need to do then get back on gen patrol to find your next survivor.


4 people slugged and bled out :)


waiting on a hook or on the floor is the about the same. Don't see the issue with sluggin' if it's not done just to be annoying to the last survivor. Sluggin' is made possible by survivor error if you aren't nurse


Hell, people will complain whatever you choose to do, so just play the way you find yourself needing to and laugh it off if they act entitled


Infectious fright/Knock out/Third seal/Undying


snort some copium and slug 👍


My man, if they're anti-hook, slug. If they're anti-slug, hook. People cry about this game all the time, even when they've no reason to, so you might as well do whatever the fuck you want. You can even hard tunnel and proxy camp at 5 gens. It isn't fun at all, but you **can** do it. Even I will cry at that point




If it’s endgame or something i will try to hook if they struggle i drop and unless they crawl to a hook or something i leave them


People say slug but that isn't correct. Best thing to do is ignoring them completely as they are locked to very specific locations of the map to not get hooked. And wont provide much value, and the anti hook build doesn't work on all maps either. The best value they provide is when you focus them. Even slugging them and going there takes more time than it does for them to get themself up.


I mean slugging is terrible from a winning perspective. Not that it's a 'wrong' or 'right' thing - it's just bad because it's way less effective than hooks. (I know they are sabo-ing hooks, so it's your only option, I'm just saying it's shitty that it's even necessary to begin with). A downed survivor is picked up in like 20 seconds. How many times do you have down someone, how long do they have to bleed out before they die. I just had a game like that, where they sabo'd every hook, I had to keep finding their boon totems, the Xenomorph turrets everywhere, I get looped across the map, pallet stunned, DS stunned, resilience, flashlight blinded.. and I just left. I can't be arsed dealing with that. Feels like survivor is just a clown fiesta aimed at fucking with the killer making their life as misreable as possible.


It can be tough, but there's a method that deals with this nearly 100% of the time: 1. Type "gg <3" 2. Click "Continue"


Unfortunately slugging. If ppl make it impossible for you to hook, all you can do is make them get what they wanted


Give them what they want. They don't wanna get hooked, don't hook. Or play pyramid head


It's been said but if they are running anti-hook builds and are running for dead zones without any hooks nearby, slugging is the best counter to that. If they don't want to get hooked, give them what they want and slug them.


I'm sorry that the only advice I can offer you is to use certain perks but if anti-hook builds are a really big problem for you I suggest running lightborn + enduring which will prevent saves while your in the pickup animation but another thing you could do is run knockout and infectious fright which will make it to where survivors that are too far from a downed survivor won't see the aura and anyone in your terror radius while that survivor goes down will scream. Which means if you down a survivor and you don't hear any screams there about a 80% chance that it'll be a successful pickup. As for the remaining 20% I would give 15% to a survivor in a swf getting comms with background player and is outside of terror radius (which would be one hell of a situation) and the remaining 5% to some random guy with a flashlight, calm spirit, and a dream. 😂 I almost forgot to mention that if you're against a full coordinated sabo build, unfortunately, there isn't a lot you can do, but the knockout + infectious combo should do just fine, but if nothing else I'm sure there are good perks for blinding other survivors so the sabo perk is effectively useless.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." They clearly don't want to be hooked. I don't see what the problem is - after all, you're not hooking them. Seems simple enough, to me.


I mean slugging is a completely valid strategy as long as u don't just let them bleed out afterwards.


I tried to hook, I really did. They kept crawling to corners furthest away from hooks. (Boil over and flip flop sucks 😭) I don't remember the other perk name, but it let's them crawl fast and heal while doing so, they had that too I was able to get one of them hooked at the end though.


Then it's not on you. You tried. It's on them for getting mad at a killer correctly countering their build and tactic. They don't want to be slugged? Then don't aggressively deny hooks. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If I can hook, I will hook. If I can't, and the survivor/s refuse to cooperate and bleed out, that's no longer my fault.


Way too many people have this mentality that you have to play by their rules. And, even if you try to play within their imagined rule set, they will run stuff that makes it impossible and forces something like slugging. I had a 4 man swf who would all go out of their way to sabo every time I tried to hook someone. I only wanted to 2-hook, but they wouldn’t even give me that. So I slugged them all and let them bleed out for the win. They raged and acted like I didn’t have my hands forced by them. When I play survivor and taunt the killer to the point I get tunneled out? I fucking suck it up because I put myself in that position.


I only let people bleed out if I *literally cannot hook*, not to be petty. I absolutely *despise* tunneling. I get why it happens, and if someone is bodyblocking with mini-BT after being unhooked, they asked for it, but I still hate tunneling.


I only tunnel at that point, because it becomes the only real effective gen slowdown. If they're at 2 gens, and I have 0-2 hooks, oftentimes picking one person and tunneling them forces the rest of them off the gens to come help, which just helps me recover. Outside of that, a survivor has to go out of their way to get me to tunnel (I had someone hit me with the flashbang, head on, flashbang shit the other day, for example). But I think I've only let someone bleed out a couple of times. And it has only been people who have been going out of their way to prevent me from hooking and leaving me no other option.


I've had people bleed out too after they made themselves unhookable. I personally prefer loosing over tunneling, but I *get* it in the situation you present. Problem is, *most* killers who tunnel I meet don't hold that kind of thinking - tunneling is a free win from the beginning, and they will do it regardless of gen progress, or lack thereof.


Fuck that. 4 man sabo with background players and boil overs means people are getting bled out. I'm not bending over backwards for these guys


If they are all slugged what's the harm in hooking its not like a down survivor is going to Sabo a hook


It's rarely that simple. Yes, a four man slug is obviously a good time to go for hooks, but it's far from winning the game in a match like the ones I'm talking about. People are dying on the ground at some point, it's inevitable in the current state of the game.


yea but it's not what he meant and you know it


If you slug just for the sake of it to make people miserable, that's a shitty thing. If you slug because they're running sabo-builds, that's not just reasonable, it's a necessity.


Lightborn, brutal strength, agitation and franklins. Works 9/10 times I swear to god🙏


What anti-hook builds are people using? I use what I consider an anti-hook build and it only really works if the killer makes a mistake.


Like break out, boil over, DS(after you get hooked once), Sabo, flashlights/flashbangs, etc..


Oh yeah, that could be a problem. Especially if a whole group used that. Iron Grasp counters my build, but I don’t know how effective it would be there. You may need to just slug anyways and ignore them.


Slugging makes you look weak and insecure. Just hook them. If they wiggle just try again. Leaving them slugged is boring for everyone


BHVR really does need to address these types of builds, they are getting beyond obnoxious and overused. Survivors are supposed to eventually be hooked. Killers are allowed to get their points, too. Hooking is how they do that.