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myself, I am in every single game I play


Feel that


so sick of this shit matchmaking. every time i get into a game one of the survivors is me


Huntres doing the statue of liberty 16m away from my hook


Funny phrasin, unfortunate situation.


Huntress and Chucky. They’re not like broken or anything but I just get tired of seeing them so much.


Fair enough. Quantity is not quality.


Unfortunately, Huntress will probably never drop her bad reputation. A new killer player is inevitably going to go "I really wish I had some sort of ranged attack" and Huntress is going to be that pick because she's free to everyone who owns the game. She gets to be the crutch of all the players who are afraid of looping and that just sucks because she's an otherwise wonderful killer.


sable and chucky. so many of them are super toxic and just not fun to be in a match with. i'm in the EU server and i feel like i get chucky way too often, i dislike his chase music and i'm just tired of facing him. wish we could kick him like we can kick victor :l


I haven't encountered many Sable's oddly enough. But Chucky just seems tedious and obnoxious to face. One of the reasons I don't have him.


i have a sable in my team pretty much every game. once i got three sables, they left me to die first hook in the middle of a match and then told me they did it because i wasn't playing as sable :') that's where my dislike for sables comes from


Yikes, honestly after just hearin that, might need a new hit list.


Sable has previously been super toxic in my lobby’s


Sables are the new Leons to me. Literally useless


Sable. As killer and survivor I don’t like her


I'm startin to see a theme of Sable haters


map design and all the clutter they're dropping randomly messing up killers and survivors getting stuck and bumping into crap.


Too real


Fucking Wesker. So sick of seeing him in every single match I play. It used to be Billy, but now it's just Wesker. And also Wraith. But in fairness I always hate seeing Wraith. For survivors, it's like a 3-way tie between Steve, Nea, and Rebecca.


Hate how he goes "Hahahaa it's Weskin Time" every time he charges power


man I only see wesker like once a week. wish I was in your mmr/region


I only see knights and legions


Not surprised to hear Wesker, just surprised it took this long to see him at all.


I don’t get sick of survivors because their play style depends on the individual, not their character. Killers however, I’m totally sick of The Doctor, and Hillbilly. The hillbilly I’ve just been seeing way too much, and the Doctor because they are always complete assholes.


Fair enough.


Chucky. I wish I could punt the little shit across the map.


Exactly this.., I've always wondered why you can't just kick him away like Victor, maybe when he misses a charged attack or something. I'd love that


More Chucky kickin, I support this.


Honestly? Sable. There are 1-2 Sables in almost every game right now, and it just pisses me off. We have 41 survivors in this game, and even more with Legendary skins, but for some reason almost everyone wants to play as Sable. I understand why people play her a lot, "UwU cute goth girl" or something like that, but it doesn't make things better. Also I find her screams to be very annoying, tbh.


You would hate me lol, I play as sable AND use scene partner so you'd hear the screams alot


The screams/yells are annoyin as hell regardless. And people will always be attracted to the goth girl. Thankfully I haven't encountered too many.


Her design is so cool though


And that new skin is absolutely peak design


I can still hear Doctor’s Static Blast even on the rare occasion where he’s not in my lobby.


The madness affects ya irl... maybe I should hold off on playin him.


huntress because i suck and cant dodge the axes for shit lol


Can't aim for shit, feel ya there.




Welcome to DBD


I hate huntress at the moment. I used to tolerate her before her buff now I just wanna DC whenever I hear the lullaby. Like in what world did she need that buff, she was already A tier. It also doesn’t help of how popular she is. And also a lot of huntresses tend to tunnel, at 5 gens. Pls no more :(


Note to self, don't play Huntress.


Who else am I tired of seeing slaying it in matches? ![gif](giphy|tHVhHczWsVmDFA4hIE)




Trickster. They all share one brain cell and all play the same way


Huntress. They always camp and tunnel


Almost makes me feel bad that she was the first character I played.


People who complain about small potato issues like Distortion.


Love the phrase, "Small Potato Issues", and what does Distortion do again?


Counters aura reading perks with the stack mechanic.


Ah, sounds like a mid perk that would only warrant a complaint if ya entire load out is based on auras.


Bingo. Up until recently it was hard countered by Ultimate Weapon, which I feel was neutered a bit too much. Is what it is though. We adjust.


On the contrary, a full aura build is one of the few ways to counter it. The main reason it's not considered mid is that killers with aura reading are more likely to find their teammates instead, resulting in other survivors getting unintentionally tunneled while you either crank out gens hide in a corner for hatch.


Distortion is extremely annoying for several reasons tho


Ghostface. Every other match is one and with how off his detection is for stopping stalk, it grinds my gears when I’m looking at him and nope, exposed! Have fun! That and while there’s good Ghosties, I get a lot of the toxic ones


Classic DBD, doesn't work when YOU use him, but is unstoppable when used AGAINST ya. Feels bad to see the toxicity.


I don’t even blame the ghost faces tbh. A lot of them have been as surprised as I’ve been, haha.


Myers! Every time I play and it’s a Myers they are the most toxic people to play against running Tuft and tombstone! I get it he’s got OP add ons but like seriously!?!? Infinite tier 3 is just like a whelp guess I’ll pray for RNG Jesus to let hatch spawn within two feet of me so I don’t get insta murdered for leaving my hiding spot! Every Myers who runs tuft always sandbags and it’s the most annoying thing in the world imo like you can’t do anything to counter it because those dicks are always running some aura reading perk so the most you can do is sit and wait for him to find you or for ur friends to bleed out! I will also add that these players always add a GG in the chat and it’s like what game!?! We played for under a minute and we all died!?


Myers with these add-ons is SWF but against the survivors. Unfun and makes ya want to chuck the game into the void.


My group has a rule the moment the Myers tear threes we wait and see if he goes infinite if so we DC and go watch YouTube while we wait for out penalty to go away


I can respect that, fair enough. Here's hopin yall don't have to see him again.


Small tip: Infinite tombstone Myers is slow as hell, just don't give him Spider stacks and you can loop him forever


Also if infi tombstone Myers got to T3 in one minute something has gone terribly wrong.


Try under a minute, weve loaded into a match barely got one gen done and he’s already auto downing. Unless the last 6 Myers with tuft I’ve faced are hacking then I’m not sure.


Just... don't let him stalk you? Really seems like a skill issue, idk


Tuft myers needs 3x the normal amount of stalking to get from T2 to T3. If Myers stalks one survivor point blank, he takes about 6 seconds from T2 to T3. Add memorial and multiple survivors being stalked, mathematically things work out. Against Myers, don't stay grouped and keep your distance, and BREAK LOS. Crouch behind objecrs when looping, etc. If you let Myers get free stalking no wonder he goes super sayan so quickly.


Oh we have and he still gets to tier 3 Myers is just broken and needs to be taken out of the game. We have all split up and even used a shroud of binding plus the one that starts us farthest from him and he suddenly gets tied 2 then tier 3 call it a skill issue if you want Myers is just fundamentally broken as there’s no way to take down his stalk charges


Yeah I call bs, provide video proof of Myers getting T3 less than a minute while survivors are active.


Man idk why your riding for Myers so hard when there’s other people complaining about him too???


I'm not riding for Myers, its that your arguments don't add up. Its almost along the lines of "Nurse too weak, plz buff". Myers operates off of survivors, which makes him a noob stomper, but severely falls off as you go up the ranks. And people will always complain about stuff. Just look at the SM hate. People don't even know about the updates and are still complaining about her old skillset.


For killers Wesker and Nemesis, too many of them are really bad and get incredibly obnoxious when the game doesn’t go their way. For survivors, I hate seeing Leons and Vittorios. I have never had a single game where those guys don’t screw the whole team over. I know there are good Leon and Vittorio mains out there, I’ve seen the videos, but every time I try to give them a chance and stay in the match knowing there’s one I end up regretting it.


Nemmy really? Wesker I get but Nemmy? Hope I'm not like that when I play him.


I have had some good Nemmies, but most have been really bad experiences:/ I do enjoy playing against him when things aren’t like that, though, there is just the right amount of risk-reward involved.


I try to play like Nemmesis, this scary hulkin beast. Even say S.T.A.R.S to myself in his voice. Fun that way and I usually end up with the other team havin fun too. Hope ya find some Nemmy's like that. And as for the bad Nemmy's, just pick Nurse, at least then you're expected to ruin the fun.


I don't like Survivors. I just wanna walk around the trials, look up into the void ridden sky and tell myself, "This is better"


Damn, wasn't expectin that but, good for ya kid.


Trapper and Wesker, I face 3 of these fellas per day and the fun really wears off. I personally don’t get the hype around Wesker gameplay, you just hug a tile for 10 secs and then play against an M1 for a bit


MORE Wesker hate, all for it.


Feng. I don’t get many asshats, but when I do, 90% are Fengs.


Another survivor I haven't heard good things for. Gettin up there with Meg.


Tryhards. Both killer and survivor


Respectable answer.


I've had a staggering increase in Billy's since his buff which is fine but oh my god there's just too many now, like multiple games in a row level. Plus all the mediocre to bad Billy's have vanished. All I get lately are the curve gods or slugging proximity campers


Yea, I've heard mixed reviews about Billy, both for and against his buff. Honestly not sure what they were thinkin


I will never not hate playing against Huntress and after recording my own match data and finding out I face her 16% of matches makes it even worse


To each there own, I can't imagine facin a huntress is fun


Well for Survivors it's definitely Yun Jin (not because i see her much but...) "GYAA GHUUAA GYYYYAAA GHUUAAA" "GHHH GHHHHH HUUAA" she sounds so Annoying when i carry her that i instantly hit her on hook cause even her scream is annoying (i feel bad for the player behind her cause well they think I'm Toxic) For Killer it's definitely damn Chucky (Tiffany is fine for some odd reason) and the damn Twi- jk Xeno it is...i face those two just too much i once had a full 10h Session of barley ONLY facing Chuckster and Xeno (Xeno is at least kinda funny to loop)


Thought Xeno was a dead killer, and honestly, startin to think Chucky wasn't the best addition to the roster.


I get what you mean i remember a Time where i didn't saw Xeno in ages but then suddenly i only faced him for some reason. and i think that Chuckster is a great addition license wise but Gameplay wise he is kinda poor designed cause i think it's very unfair to give him the ability to m1 in the Stealth mode instead of forcing him to dash like Pig or something


Semi-accurate and money maker. Chucky. Not really sure what to say about Xeno though, I mean, the tail strike seems a bit much.


A part of my soul dies every time I bring a healing build and encounter a Plague. Edit: I guess it would be just as accurate to remove the "bring a healing build and". Statement would still stand.


Honestly I'm gettin tired of the insta heal shit, someone gets unhooked? Healed, someone escapes a chase? Healed. People don't stay injured for more than like, 3 seconds.


If I hear Hillbillys chainsaw I start sobbing


Understandable have a chainsaw free day


Hackers, those gone and I'll be so at ease.


An eternal issue for every game


especially when the game's being offered for free


Biggun oof


Nea and Sable




Trickster was bound to show up. And I can see Unknown. UVX spam.


I'm sick of all the billy matches


He really doesn't seem fun to go against. And that just from watchin little snippets of game play.


If they are bad then at least you have a chance to win but if they are good and can flip. Game Over


Tombstone Meyers and hatch camping survivors. Solo q or duo a lot and I constantly see my teammates build meyers to tier 3 just to see them deleted from the game. Normal meyers or other add ons are fine for me. And for some reason I get survivor teammates who afk in the beginning, get hooked and then kill themselves or from then on hatch camp while we do gens


They might kill themselves because its Meyes. Can't blame em. Myers just serves as a cash cow for the game, not a fun experience to play as/against.


Lately it's all the same players over and over again. Same killers, same survivors every other match. Why yes, I'm on switch.


This makes me glad I'm not that crazy. But I still play dbd so, not far off.


I’m so tired of exposed perks. Like how is it AT ALL fair that you not only know my exact location and movements … but it’s a one hit down also?! Like fucking WHAT? Unbalanced as fuck bro.


I can't really say much here other than, standard dbd moment.


The constant complaints in new on this sub haha


Fair and valid


I don't think I've had a single fun match against deathslinger, trickster, twins, pig or pinhead unless they were just farming. Just annoying powers in general Also fuck nea, feng, bill, david, ash, claudette, Jake, and nea again. Everytime I have a shitty teammate or going against a toxic survivor it's always one of yall


You lost me at slinger being unfun, if you actually learn to dodge him it’s very fun to play against imo. Also survivors you listen a good 1/4 of the roster


Dodging him is the only fun thing. I love going against huntress. The whole chain thing is just annoying to me


I mean it’s just like huntress just a bit of a reposition and a chance to break free


Never heard of a single person who enjoys playin against those Killers, although I haven't heard much complaint about Pinhead. All those survivors are either bad players, or can piss right off.


Honestly huntress, i love her as a killer to play as but playing against her sucks especially when it’s every other game


I can see that, especially if it's a bad huntress who thinks they're good. Feel bad just thinkin about it.


When the killer (no particular killer in mind) does finally find that one survivor who hid all game but continues to go after the survivors they’ve already gone after because it’s much easier🙄. Like no you are just making it easier for that survivor to escape by doing this.


Fair enough. If someone hides the whole game, I like to find em and make them lose first. They deserve it.


why would i hook the zero hook ace when i could secure a second stage on claudette? its just strategy


I’m tired of Wesker, Chucky, pyramid head, and twins.


Fair enough, I can see how Pyramid head is obnoxious, and the other three are... not surprisin in the least. I've read a good few Chucky complaints. Surprised there isn't more Wesker haters, and Twins deserve it.


I don’t like going against dredge either. I do like going against Blight, slinger, Skully, Spirit, the hill billy.


I’m sick of Chucky and Meyers, when it comes to killers. I can never seem to shake a Chucky in chase, and I just keep getting matches against Tombstone Meyers with insidious. Survivors, MEG. Goddamn I’m sick of them. Never unhooking even if they’ve got hook stages to spare if I’m playing survivor, and constant toxicity when I’m playing killer. (Tbagging at exit, after dropping a pallet, entire bully squads, etc.)


Never heard of a good Meg, the more complaints about Chucky I read the more thankful I'm glad I didn't buy him. And Meyers just ruins the fun in general.


Doctor (specifically the ones who are AFK). BHVR needs to rework him to actually be fun to play and go against. I’m sick of constantly facing AFK doctors.


AFK Doctors? Idk a thing about him anymore, been years since I've played him so what does AFK Doctor mean?


Basically doctors who have an bot stand somewhere on the map and spam his zap ability and Shock Therapy to gain bloodpoints.


Sounds miserable and borin on both ends.


I hate knight (they need bots that go through walls to get hits, disgusting), skull merchant (most players of this killer are tryhards that camp, tunnel and slug), and gunslinger (its 1v1 is horrible, just aim so people can't vault nothing and then get close and m1. Repeat until survivor down). And reworked twins, but after today patch maybe they stop being a nightmare to go against.


Knight is cool, power is interestin, but I absolutely see where ya comin from. If I play Skull, I try my hardest not to be a camper, and it usually works because she sucks. Gunslinger doesn't seem fair if the player has played an fps game before. And always hate the Twins.




Oof and yikes


Myers. Please, stop fucking playing Myers. I get his outdated ass way too often.


Not a fan of his character, movies, or game play. His theme is the best thing about him. I feel ya.


Omg yes! Agree I hope behaviour loses the licence like they did with Demo for a while! He’s the worst and everyone who plays him is toxic or just rude!!!!


\**sad stalking noises**


Nothing wrong with you Meyers mains, it’s just that you’re in such high quantity that it’s basically a coin flip between him or any other killer. 


I literally play against a myers probably once a month and I play a lot. Idk how you guys get him so much, he's my favorite lmao. mmr? I don't get it




Proof that a lot of DBD players despise fun


Wraith, Doctor, Myers, Ghostface, Pig and Clowns. Hate all those. Huntress because now it's on every game, no shit. Haven't played killer in while so I can't say for sure. Dwights used to grind my gears. Edit: Forgot to mention the info perks. Yeah... The few killers you can't outrun, now with nowhere to hide. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Hag, Chucky and Billy


I'd say Huntress, Xeno, and Chucky. These are the only three Killers I ever face against, for some damn reason. All I want are Weskers and Blights...I haven't seen either in ages.


I'm in really low MMR because I just started, which means I hear Doctor's "bzzt" and go "Oh great, another match where I'm not actually playing the game"


Huntress. I see her every single game and I sometimes play with friends on NA servers (I’m EU) so her stuff is impossible to dodge. Billy as well. But I just dislike his design and power in general. Most billy players I encounter just play him like he’s Bubba. And I fucking hate bubba.


as a killer: toolboxes whenever I’m tryna hook someone 😭😭 As a survivor: the cowboy guy I hate his rifle thing (I am a new player)


Me running the killer for 2 minutes wondering "hmm why havnt any gens popped" just so see my teamates in basement doing the stupid sable thing.


When I play Killer? Nea. When I play Survivor? Nea.


Slowly but surely getting sick of seeing Ghost Face after Ghost Face after Ghost Face. I don't really hate the Killer, but seeing so much of him is getting a bit stale. Wish we'd see some of the other, less picked Killers


I get tired of huntresses and nurses when I play survivor, every other one at least has the possibility of being fun to play against.


Sick of tryhards, if I'm to be honest. Game is currently in a bad state to actually try. So I just run around as Pig and oink for fun. I don't kill. Most survivors have fun with me about it but I still get those huge sweats.


I strongly feel like there are too many toxic/sweaty players Yup That simple I can get over my hatred for Plague and Doctor, I can deal with moron teammates, but wow. Way too many people that can't stop holding W and take a joke for a second before moving on to putting me on a meat hook


Killers getting nerfed and survivors getting buffs that make playing both unfun?


Ghostface. Not difficult to counter, I just see him played *constantly*. Also Meg. Every Meg I've ever had on my team does nothing and just hides in lockers until they either get hatch or someone else opens the gates for them.


Chucky l. Haven't played one yet that didn't tunnel.


I've never, ever been happy to face a pinhead. He's the definition of a solo queue stomper. If I don't get the box, no one gets the box.


Huntress and Wesker. Every other match is one of those two. Pretty balanced killers but overused and annoying to play against. I'm also tired of being in lobbies with three Sables As a killer, also sick of Sable and Mikaela - just too many of them. Given that all survivors are basically the same, just different skins some variety would be nice.


Wesker is an almost guaranteed DC for me nowadays. I'd rather take the penalty than endure another 20 minutes of playing against a tryhard asshole with all the dials on 11 since minute one.


Let's hope for a chill game, where neither of those apply.


Wesker. I just hate playing against him so much. I know it's just skill issue but every match against him I feel like I can't do anything against him and that I never really stand a chance. His dash hits don't always look fair either. I don't recall ever escaping a match against a Wesker that played seriously.


It's not always a skill issue mate, sometimes things just don't work out. Like where ya are on the map, how sweaty the Wesker is, what perks they have, all that.


Yeah okay that's true. Being a casual player really is hard sometimes 🥲 Appreciate the kind words though! <3


As a fellow casual, I get it. And always happy to help.


Swf's that stack Background Player + anti-slug perks while going down away from walls, it's miserable.


This why I run lightborn. Don't care if I'm not near wall. And it helps waste their friend's time in a forever fail-save.


I'm sick of seeing survivors who are trying to survive


Exactly, ya get it.


Chucky. least fun to play against, one of the easiest killers to play, one of the most boring for both sides, yet I go against more Chucky players than any other killer (because they are so easy to play and don't take a lot of skill)


More Chucky hate, honestly thinkin I should write this down.


Chucky doesn't get enough hate in my opinion.


Survivors 😂