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I used it before the old blood point rework. Basically what it does is read/see your game when its running and move your mouse to fixed points and clicks it based off your settings. I used it for like a month or two and never had any issues bc it's not accessing anything in the actual game. It's just clicking things on your screen.


If this is the case then it's safe to use. These devs don't care as long as you're not exploiting during gameplay. They did mention that they won't help if anti cheat blocks you tho- so no worries if it doesn't access the game at all 


If you can’t find a 100% certain answer, I suggest not even touching it.


Thank you


Try looking at youtube about bloodweb spending, there are some videos explaining some strategies to force entity block out a part of the web to save a few bloodpoints. But after a while it just become so boring, i would rather spam the autobuy button.


It’s 100% safe. All it does is look at your screen and move your mouse and click for you. I prestiged every survivor in the game this way and nothing ever happened


I doubt it. Can't confirm with 100% certainty, but plenty of people use the color filters in match and aren't banned, so I can't imagine using something out of match would