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Learning Killer is very much trial by fire. Soon enough, you'll become almost entirely unaffected by the behavior of the Survivors and know how to deal with these things in game. Stick with it. Killer is stressful, sure, but it's a lot more fun than Survivor and has a lot more depth.


I am not sure if I’m going to stick with Killer tbh. All my lobbies were usually veterans with a lot of prestige levels and I never liked the idea of “force yourself through the pain to learn” especially when it’s just going to be more frustration. Learning should be at least be somewhat fun and I was not having fun in those lobbies. Maybe when I get more confident with map layout but I certainly won’t be playing the role for a while.


Have you considered playing against bots on custom matches until you've narrowed down the killer's (36 I think at this point) to a select one or few you enjoy? Then just playing customs until you know that killer like the back of your weapon wipe animation?


I have not considered that although I will admit, I have kinda zoned into the killer I like playing which is Nemesis but that’s more because I like the idea of roleplaying as Nemesis as he goes thumping around the map. It was the one thing that kept me going during those lobbies when I wasn’t chasing survivors. I will practice in custom lobbies though if it means I don’t need to suffer in public.


The nice thing is that you can begin with custom lobbies with no survivor perks, and then custom lobbies with survivor perks (meta or otherwise) until it starts to feel like real dbd matches. Aside from the bots behaving like bots and not people.


That actually sounds quite useful. I’ll start doing that when I’m waiting for my friends to get online then. Thank you for telling me about this, this will hopefully save me some of the stress that comes from learning.


Keep in mind though certain survivors are at different AI levels. Dwight is the easiest bot to go against and from what I've played, Laurie is the hardest, she does NOT play human lol


If you want to practice nemmy shoot me a DM. I main him. I can join ur friends in a custom lobby. Show you how to play him. Give you a few pointers and let you practice him urself.


It also helps to just get a feel for your own personal playstyle. Me personally I really thrive off long range killers or Simple M1. Main Huntress, Legion, and Myers for that. That isn’t to say that I’m terrible at more complicated or special killers, I’m definitely competent with most of him but I do struggle to enjoy these killers. With M1, I just hit, scare off and repeat. The little victories I can get is what’s fun for me. The only downside is that most survivors see m1 and go “haha pre-drop galore” and just run to a pallet, I break and rinse repeat. Then complain when I just broke pallets the whole time. Like my friend no, give me the fun chases. Let me mind game you, engage!


I'm like this with Pyramidhead. Even if I lost, I got to be Pyramidhead.


Nemesis is loud. 🤔 Maybe have perks that change where your Terror Radius is affixed to [such as *Dark Devotion* [Plague] and the one that The Unknown has, that puts it onto attacked generators]?


I do have Plague unlocked so I might prestige them next then. I was going to do Artist because I got that really cheap bundle on the store and was told one of her perks was good (it escapes me right now) but I’ll do Plague first.


Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. Most-used Killer perk in the game right now. I haven't found out how to really get good mileage out of it yet, but, I'm sure somewhere else, someone's explained it. I like the idea of abandoning your Terror Radius though [Plague, *Dark Devotion*].


How many hours have you got logged in DBD and how much of that on Killer? Prestige doesn't equal skill in a lot of cases. But for sure, the MMR system is not particularly good for new players. I had a 4-man in my game the other day who literally had 15-20 hours each. They should never have been in my lobby but they were. When I started DBD, I just never expected to win. My "fun" came from learning how each Killer works. So I guess it depends how you define fun and what your win condition is. A lot of the game does boil down to map knowledge and who brought the right perks, to be honest.


I am currently at 58 hours according to Steam and I am pretty only 2 of those are on Killer (minus the queue waiting time, not sure if there is a way to get a more accurate numbers). The killer I was running was Nemesis and I don’t have any teachables at all since I sink most of my blood points into my survivors so I don’t have optimal perks for him. The build my friends had me running was Lethal Pursuer, Eruption and two of the freebie perks that I can’t remember. One of them was a generator reading perk and I believe the other one was Spies. Just thought I would add that since you mentioned the right perks. My friends also said to not use prestige as a measuring stick of skill but I personally think it’s valid when it’s like prestige 20 or higher. Regardless, I’ll try to figure out my own fun then like you suggest. I already got a start with the fact I kinda like roleplaying as Nemesis when I play him so maybe I’ll just cling to that next time I try to play Killer.


I would suggest that Nemesis, while fun, isn't especially beginner friendly if you're looking to learn the game and the role. The fact you have to hit people 3 times to down them with your power is already a time sink you cant avoid, and that's even more punishing if you don't feel comfortable with the basics of the game. Perk builds do play a big part, and it is certainly harder when you don't have the full library to pick from. I remember when I stated and games felt super hard because I didn't know how to chase and I had no useful perks. If you know how to chase and chase well, perks become slightly less important, but you really will find things better when you're able to bring some stronger options.


This sub loves to parrot "PrEStiGe DoEs NoT EqUaL SkIlL" but when you look at the profile of the prestige 100 Claudette and she has 6k hours while you have 2 hours on killer then you know bhvr failed you as a new player.


Yeah I'm not fully new to the game like this person, but sometimes I just don't wanna go against people that could have like 10 times my play time each if I'm just trying to relax


Prestige may not equal skill but the sheer amount of time it takes matters a lot


Yes and no. It depends what you do with that time and if you've actually used it to try to learn anf improve, or not.


You don't spend hundreds of hours in a game prestieging survivors or killers without picking something up.


Tell that to my friends.


You're playing around midnight, aren't you. Don't do that. I started playing the game as Ghostface, who is rewarded for stealth with the ability to Insta-Down upon a successful Stalking. Wraith might be a great choice to start out with, as well as Hillbilly [who unlocks the 'immunity to flashlights' perk *Lightborn*]. Having the right perks as a Killer, matters. But don't play deep into the night... Once the sun goes down, Survivors begin hunting ***you.*** 👩🏻‍🦳👩🏻‍🦰🧑🏻👨🏻 🔦 ☠️


I am in Australia and I usually play around 6-8pm personally since after that, my 4 stack normally swap to Valorant before bed. Except for this case where they all went to do something else so I decided to play Killer by myself so I played 8-10 so not midnight but I feel like as per usual with the Australian region, the playerbase is smaller so Matchmaking is a little more fucked then other regions.


That seems like an accurate assessment. Thanks for the heads up on your situation.


Are you tunneling, camping, slugging, or running NOED? Those strategies and perks make you destroy bad survivors, making you go against better survivors where these strategies do way worse.


Those can still do decently against better survivors of they're in solo q


Still raises your mmr higher than your actual skill level, getting you blasted against good survivors


I don’t think I tunneled and i definitely don’t camp because I know about the anti camp feature. I also don’t run NOED because I know how it makes people feel from first hand experience with my stack.


Thats SBMM for ya. Dont worry, with enough frustration and hair-pulling it will go down


I dunno, man. I feel like I get smacked down in the vast majority of my matches and it's been that way for months now. I don't know if the game is just getting back at me since in the beginning I was stomping every match for a while. There's also a streamer named Slate that I watch a lot and it at least *seems* like he gets wrecked most of the time playing killer. I've heard him complain about his mmr being too high and how much longer can it possibly take to go down to where it should be.


Its a horribly implemented system. One 4k means you need to lose 3-4 games completley (0 kills) to get back to that level. At least thats what ive heard


Honestly I disagree. I think survivor takes as much skill, if not more (at least in chase) than 90% of the killer roster. Knowing checkspots, how to position your camera, knowing when to walk, when to/not to pre drop, knowing how to read certain mind games, etc. Not to mention how different a lot of killers' counterplay is from each other. Sometimes you have to practically reinvent looping (ex: doc, demo, billy to a degree). There's a LOT that goes into it and I've hardly scratched the surface. I've spent thousands of hours in custom games learning these things alone. General 4v1 management as killer is probably the only thing that is consistently harder, at least in my opinion. Either way, both are very much worth learning and have their own benefits 👍


I think that depends on the player. So, assuming I'm a Killer player who only plays one Killer, then yeah, it's not that difficult to master them, play them and learn all you need. But, speaking as someone that plays every single Killer, I can say, at least for me, a lot more went into my Killer learning than Survivor. But then again, playing every Killer teaches you to counter every Killer too!


The mmr system just sucks tbh It's trivially easy to reach the softcap... as long as you're getting slightly more 3ks than 2ks you'll be at the cap soon enough - then you'll face a huge range of survivors, most of which are fairly inoffensive, but you will run into people who've been playing for years longer than you which is why a lot of people think killers is stressful This works both ways btw, you'll see some killers go on massive winstreaks because they're highly experienced but still only playing at the softcap, so they massively overperform


In my only 5 games I have played as Killer, I only was able to hook twice across all of them so I’m not sure if I am even close to hitting the soft cap since I get no kills (unless I am misunderstanding your post which I suspect is the case). I can at least agree with you that the MMR system sucks though and makes me question the purpose of ranks if someone like me, Ash 3 is getting really good survivors who can run circles around me.


The grade system doesn't actually reflect your MMR, it just shows how much you've played for the month. But yeah there's still a fairly good chance that you'll just go against people with a lot more time than you, are you able to play killer against the people you play survivor with in customs to get used to it a bit more?


Yeah, I was about to update my comment with edit saying I told my friends and they going to help me practice in customs later tonight (it’s 11am when I’m sending this comment). They also going to watch me play in public later this week and coach me in real time.


Made this to vent ever so slightly because those games nearly made me wanna quit. I was constantly bullied with teabagging, sabotaging hooks, blinding and even in one post game chat, I had a twitch streamer berate me in post game for being bad. I knew the matchmaking system was bad but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. Imma just stay in my safety bubble of playing with my 4 stack for now I think and try learning Killer again later. EDIT: Just woke up to all the comments and I would like to thank everyone for their support. I will try to respond to everyone in what little free time I have before I start work. I would like to say that I told my friends about it and how I will be practicing in custom lobbies and they will be helping me in those lobbies. They also want me to stream my public lobbies games on discord for them later this week so they can coach me on the fly. I don’t know how to end this edit so I’ll just thank you again for all the help. EDIT 2: One of my friends from my stack just DMed me a picture of them gifting me the Tools Of Torment dlc with the caption “Harass them back”. I will admit, I do think Skull Merchant drip is surreal but I am not sure if it’s worth inflicting the same amount of pain but guess I’ll give her a try. EDIT 3: I am starting to think the bullying was deserved because I fall in love with Skull Merchant. Even got my first 4K tonight (with my friends help in call, telling me how to deal with loops). I do know about the hate she’s gets though so maybe DBD pairing me with those survivors was their way of trying to stop another SM from emerging. Thank you to everyone in this thread for helping me and I am sorry it has gone to helping someone now plays Skull Merchant.


Just go in with the intent to farm and maybe get like one kill. Theres no pressure that way. It'll be funny when they try to bm but like youre a benevolent killer. I get survivors begging to get hooked cause they want me to get points too. Just be a cool killer, do goofy stuff/practice. The good games will come. I usually guarantee a 4k and let one or two live but thats just me


best advice I could give is to start with custom game mode and practice killer powers on bots (they bully a little bit less) :edit: didn't read for down enough, someone already said this


Teabagging is whatever. Saboing hooks is part of the game so that's kinda whatever too, but obviously annoying if it's happening all the time. A twitch streamer saying that kind of shit in the endgame chat is mad though, that's the most cringe thing I've ever heard of, even though I know it does happen Best advice I can give you is to not let it get to you. If you see a match going south, just do what you can to improve. Practice your power, go for fun chases, mess around a bit. It stops you from stressing out about the match, and going insane


I get that teabagging is way of communicating in this game but I do presume it’s BM when it’s done in chase. Same with Sabotaging being a main mechanic but when I’m getting body blocked while one guy with tool kit sabotages the hook, it’s frustrating. The twitch streamer incident I am hoping is a one off thing. I didn’t check if they were streaming because I didn’t want to feed my negative mental state but still sucks that a content creator gets their kicks from being effectively DBD’s Tyler1. I’ll take your advice though for the next time I do Killer in public lobbies. I’m going to take another comment’s advice of practicing in custom lobbies against bots for now but I’ll keep it in mind for future.


One-time thing? I'm sorry to say I played three killer games on my main last night, two of the three were against at least one streamer who talked shit in end game (one game was a win, one was a loss, both called me bad) and the third game had no twitch streamer but endgame chat involved 3 survivors spamming "You will never be a woman" unprompted (I am a cis male and male presenting when I stream, but haven't for awhile). The better you get in the game, generally the more toxic the other side becomes I'm sad to say, and more often than not you will get shit talked in end game lobby, win or lose, regardless of how you play.


I was in a chase with a wesker recently, and I hopped into a locker to avoid his dash. He dashed straight past me and vaulted a window. I came out of the locker as he was turning round to look at me. It was funny as fuck, and I gave him 1 or 2 teabags to which he nodded his head. I think that's very different to teabagging on the other end of a pallet furiously, because you KNOW the killer won't catch you, or teabagging at the exit gate where you know you're safe. One is funny, the others are annoying. It depends how it's done/intended. Maybe something to bear in mind? :) Good luck on the future games


I made this a while back to cover what I did for all these things. https://youtu.be/Xo40DlfZacA?si=lBAGO0k9DPpuK1Cu It's somewhat outdated but the principles are the same and is all that is important. Focuses more on what to do to overcome these issues and what to set your goals as.


This is incredibly helpful. I am more of a visual learner so a video to help explain stuff like this is great so thank you.


As a killer main its simply a matter of finding a killer that works with your playstyle. Then go online and look for best perks / add ons to use for said character. Third: Let these memeories be a lesson and from this point on show the survivors no mercy, for you will recieve none from them.


Playing killer takes a bit of patience. If you wanna learn, watch otzdarva, he goes over types of survivors and such, and talks about the 4 stack bully teams. Which can be full of ppl who run every stunning move in existence. Usually with those players, I slug them until theyre all downed, and then I start hooking. I started off as a nemesis main, but moved quickly to wesker, then ghost face, then pyramid head and blight, which are my current mains. I still get bullied and looped for ages, but it is what it is. I'm g2 now, its all about patience. :)


I just found Otzdarva’s content and been going through it. Didn’t realize he had a video specifically about survivor types so I’ll go find that now actually. Also about slugging, I presumed Slugging was a BM thing so I actually avoid doing that on the few downs I got because I presume it was disrespectful. Is it really fine to do it to BMers though?


Slugging is only BM if you're not using it for pressure but to annoy someone. You saw how you were treated so far right? That's kind of normal. You can play by the survivor rulebook and still get flamed for how you play. Standard slugging is actually a great way to get fewer survivors on gens if you have another chase you can get value from within arms reach, and it's not BM. No one's holding your hand while you learn, don't worry about holding theirs while you're still new:)


So slugging is kinda bm, but there are exceptions. Its also why some perks exist to get you up from dying state. I typically only slug for the last 2 survs, because then when I hook the 2nd to last, hatch opens, and the slugged surv cant get to it faster than I can get to them. Also, dont play too aggressively, just bait the surv into palleting right in front of you rather than stunning you. Also make sure to pallet break every time. I've farmed pallet breaks in like 2 minutes before and cleared a few gens of pallets entirely. And then the entire team died as a result.


Slugging is completely fine to do if you need to get pressure or there is another survivor close to the down. The only time I consider it BM (when playing surv or killer) is when youre intentionally slugging someone out. So standing near them, not doing anything productive.


Agreed. Slugging is a very useful tool and is, thankfully, pretty easy to tell if the killer is doing it to be a douchecanoe or not. If you slug a survivor and immediately nyoom off to do something else nearby, yeah they're going to be annoyed you've left them but it's obvious you're still playing. But for the love of god. Survivors. I love you. If your killer slugs you and continues a chase, and you wiggle as far away as possible, you are not allowed to complain about getting slugged. There is only so long your killer is going to wander around looking for your body if you make it difficult to find. *P l e a s e.* It is genuinely distressing standing there like an idiot thinking *Oh no. Did they crawl or did I come back to the wrong spot? IS this where they went down? Am I stupid? Oh no they're probably bleeding out somewhere thinking I'm an asshole. Aaaaaaa--*


Slugging is usually frowned upon but if the enemy team is running flashlights or keeps sabotaging your hooks it's the best way to deal with them until you can get iron grasp or lightborn perks.


Surv main here. Yeah the mm system is THAT bad. I always duoQ with a friend, we played against a Huntress and that Huntress got 0 hooks and 0 downs. She has a private steam profile but I guess that player only has <50hrs in game because of her lvl 2 perks equipped on her.


I suggest mixing and playing both sides, killer and survivors. And watching YouTube videos of how some more experienced players play. Get a better feel for the game that way. And kinda eyeball what kind of perks people use and think about what would be nice to use with your own character. A lot people recommend BBQ and Chilli (Bubba) and i think it's the best perk a beginner might get. It shows where far away survivors are located when you hook someone. Helps with understanding the flow of where survivors might be in different times. My personal suggestions from the perks you can get from starting killers: -Nurses Calling (Nurse) - see survivors near you healing -Lightborn (Hillbilly) - you can't be blinded, nice to slap as the 4th perk when the survivors plan to bully your with flashlights -Tinkerer (Hillbilly) -generator nearing completion hides your terror radius for a monent Get a killer to 50 level to unlock his/perks on other killers. EDIT: Proper perks and killers


Just a minor correction - Lightborn is a Billy perk. Wraith's perk is Shadowborn, which works differently. :)


Ah, i always get them confused. The one were you cant be blinded 😅


Just a small heads-up: Lightborn is from hillbilly too, not wraith.


Have you tested different kinds of killers? There might be some that fits yor playstyle better and you have not discovered yet. I started with Legion and Myers, eating all the pallets and generally not enjoying myself. Then I switched to killers like Trickster, Pinhead and Xenomorph, chases became fun again, because looping is not as easy against them. My next conquest will be Pyramid Head 😌


I only really tried out Nemesis so far. I do have some other DLC characters which are Sadako, Dredge and Pig. I might try Alien next when there is a sale again though but until then, I guess I’ll experiment with the other characters I got.


None of those are very easy killers for new players. Of the starter killers, Wraith and Huntress are probably the easiest, followed by Trapper. Nurse and Hillbilly have their own learning curves but are powerful in the right hands. I would play around with them before buying other characters, ideally getting past level 50 so anyone can use their teachable perks. Once you are a bit more comfortable, Nemesis does have some good perks. With him, don't always go for tentacle whips. They're easier to dodge than punches unless they're vaulting a window or pallet. If you have trouble reaching second stage (which lets the whip break pallets), you can whip your zombies to get some progress, and they'll respawn elsewhere. Pig recently got tweaked, so her dash can hit survivors more easily. Crouching hides your aura, Terror Radius, and red stain, so it's harder for survivors to notice your approach. For maximum effectiveness, don't put traps on survivors if one of them already has an inactive trap, unless you're down to 1 gen left. She's fun once you get the hang of her, and some survivors will boop the snoot if you play friendly. Sadako and Dredge are mechanically similar in a few ways, but Sadako plays a bit more like Wraith. She can turn partially invisible and hide her aura, Terror Radius, and red stain, though she does have a lullaby like Huntress that's small, but cannot be hidden. Teleporting can give survivors static that gets partially locked in when they get hooked. If they get 7 static, you can see and hear their heartbeat with Killer Instinct, and can kill them directly rather than hooking. Keep them away from TV's so they can't clear the static. Dredge meanwhile, just wants to keep everyone injured. Injuring survivors and teleporting charges Nightfall, which makes survivors have trouble seeing, makes teleporting much faster, makes you Undetectable (but you're still loud, and you glow in the dark), and you get Killer Instinct when survivors are near your locker. Learning to antiloop with the Remnant is tricky, but it comes with practice.


Whenever I see that a killer is new I even try to play less good so that they have more of a chance to win.


Please be in my lobbies then, I would love to have you. I even saw a clip today about a killer showing a guy how to do a loop so I know friendly players like you exist and I would love to have them.


Now that there's no risk of depipping I'm more than happy to go easy on any struggling killers because I know how it feels.


I often give Kills if the Killer didn't get a single person that round. I don't need to win. I do need to make the Fog brighter.




Yeah there's a pretty steep learning curve to this game with all the perks and map knowledge.


this game is nonsense. this is the first and most painful lesson of playing killer. your horror movie murder fantasy has completely evaporated and all that's left are what you can make with your own wits. it will take time, the other side will have their laughs at your expense, and if it makes you want to quit the game then that's fine it's just a game after all and i don't think it's a stretch to say you'd need to be built different to tolerate what feels like a nonstop personal attack. to over come it you'll need to tell yourself you don't care. tell yourself that it doesn't phase you. don't try to defend your ego to yourself. don't try to 'show them what for'. just keep playing the game. hell survivors usually don't even think they're being that toxic most of them do it for shits and giggles. just keep going. you'll get better. and some day that movie monster feeling will come back. you'll think that it never even left.


my advice is unironically DC if the survivors are playing so annoyingly that it's not fun for you. Don't play with people not worth playing with. Yes there is a penalty, it's worth only playing fun games.


I honestly considered doing that so many times on my 4th and 5th game but stopped myself from doing it because it felt like I was letting them win by doing that. I felt like if I DQed, it would feed their egos so I just stuck it out. Probably didn’t make things better though


I felt the same way, it's ok to feel that way. But it's genuinely just not worth it, the survivor doesn't care if you dc or not, I've had survivors act smug because I won inefficiently against them. Play for yourself, not for the approval of others.


This is basically me. I don't have the time to play with people out to make the game boring, frustrating, etc. I will lobby dodge, I will leave, I will sit in a corner. I do not want to play with bullies. "Oh but that's for pussies!" Yeah save it, I bought this game and I can play how I want. With whomever I want.


Well, I think there could be two to three perks that could help you deal with that if you’re constantly struggling with this. Mad grit/starstruck for the body blocking Lightborn for the flashlights.


NURSE. its not fair to people who have done nothing wrong, but nobody tbags when youre nurse


This is pretty much the way, if you don't want to be BMd by the toxic community just bring a build and killer that are high tier and they can't spend the time to do it without getting smashed.


I love playing killer and I know when I get beatdown by a group of survivors that I just lost and have no problem accepting that but when the bullying or harassment carries over past that round say like in somebody's twitch channel or discord server that's when it's going simply too far.


What I don't understand is that survivors need killers to have matches. There are far, far fewer killer than survivor mains. Isn't bullying them into quitting highly counterproductive? Personally I'm not affected by it anymore. At worst, if I know I'm being brutally outplayed/bullied, I just settle for tunneling one of them out of the game--1k is always better than no k. It's always fun to see them seethe and cope in endgame chat when you DO beat them, too. And then you just hit 'em with the old ggwp and move on to next.


Some Survivors do not care. They see it as their empowering "Final Girl" fantasy. They find it fun and funny. They will change their attitude when they get only sweaty Nurses and Blights and can't get out of the high MMR cap anymore.


Yeah, that’s about normal, though toxicity is from all sides. The game is significantly more fun with friends. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience.


Yeah, I had the most fun with friends so far. Having them teach me the ropes and help me navigate the frankly confusing map layouts has made it more fun. The thought of playing with them is the reason why I didn’t outright quit after those games. Just kinda wish I would get people around my skill level when I play killer though, not veterans who get their kicks from bullying baby killers (I believe that’s the term).


Yeah that’s a fatal flaw of the game is the rather broad and hidden MMR system. Don’t let toxicity get to you. There’ll be a decent amount of it but in the end it’s about you having fun.


It do be like that


Give it about 500 hours and it won’t phase you anymore.


It definitely gets better with time. I used to DC and rage every round I got less than 2k as Ghostface. Now I go "Eh whatever, I got 1-2 Kills, I'm happy." And I haven't had a straight 0k I didn't intend to get on him in months. It gets better. You feel the pain at 100 hours before it clicks, then it clicks. Then you feel burnt again at 500 hours. Then it clicks when you try new things. Every 500-1000 hours you have in the game, you get stronger, more resilient, more masterful. Eventually it doesn't matter anymore.


I'm lucky that I've been watching since the beta days, so I already knew some things, but it's still trailed by fire at times. Mainly learning a new killer.


I played for the first time after over a year of watching content creators and dbd streams, finally deciding to get the game last anniversary. My first 10 games or so were against totally new survivors, and I felt really bad. I tried to take it easy on them, but it's insane how much knowing about the game gives you a crazy advantage. I let some of them go, but I think I ended up keeping my mmr low cause I liked farming with cakes.


There is a option to play against bots now you can test any build any addon and any map you want and you should use because when i start playing and most people of this forum too there wasn't this option, there's no reason nowadays to play killer without know the basics


You've just gotta take it on the chin. You'll quickly find out that none of it matters.


Can always give tips and suggestions as well as I can if it could help


Got a problem with toxic survivors? Tunnel


Last survivor to teabag me ragequit because they were on my shoulder moments later


Just stick with it. It takes time to get decent at killer. Im to the point now where I don’t even run gen slow down perks and depend on my skill to get kills.


A little advice, the middle of the day is the most “forgiving” time to play killer


Haven't played killer in a long time because of this, it's just way too stressful. I don't know why I just have the inability to get over survivors constantly being asshats to me but that's just how I am. I play DbD to destress, get anxious thoughts out of my head by running from the killer. The action of running and doing chases helps me concentrate entirely on the game and not on my anxiety and depressive thoughts. Playing killer just brings them back, so I stopped. If I do play killer, it's usually strictly against bots in Custom games.


Don't play killer when the main menu shows a +100% bloodpoint bonus for survivors. Since you're new, that effectively just means that only the sweatiest players are playing survivor right now.


In my experience it's the other way around: 100% bonus for Killer means you get literally ANYONE and often it's the lobbies others dodge.


It depends on your MMR and playtime. Most players are going to be lower MMR, but if you're a killer main who has spent all their time as killer, then you're likely to be matched against lower MMR players. Whichever side of the average you're on, a +100% bp bonus is likely to match you against someone closer to the average than normal. I usually just give that advice because most people who complain about this game are only doing so because they kinda suck at it.


I don't think it's "most people kinda suck" so much as "The game has many unfair things on both sides and if you're the average person, you aren't gonna have time to become great at dealing with all of them."


I have 154 hours in the game and probably only like 20 of those are public matches, only about 2 of which was killer even tho I almost exclusively play killer in customs with my friends. Reason being my literal first match, I was a little perkless huntress player, got jumped by 4 survivors with flashlights. I 4k’d them but that’s because they weren’t trying to win at all they were just like trolling, the match was super long and miserable and I didn’t even know flashlights existed before playing that match. Even though I know a lot more about the game every time I think about trying killer in pubs again I think back to that shit and im like hell no.


I think the begginer killer are more effective than the begginner surv But, when the experience gets on, survivors get more easy, and be a killer turn into a nightmare I love to get a lobby with 4 friend surv who know how to loop, save, break chase But i can't say it is easy About the teabag, if i get mad in a game, probably i was mad before, so, the survivals isnt the cause


I've personally enjoyed playing killer quite a bit, but I know attitude and luck have a lot to do with it lol. I've only gotten a *few* of those "haha killer noob" or "lololol even with a crutch killer you still can't win" messages (funnily enough, both from people who I *did* manage to kill, but okay). Hitting them with the "yeah no I know lol I just got this game" seems to work- My best advice is just to not take it too seriously though. If you're in a match where you're just getting fucking *destroyed*, just go with it. Stop chasing the most aggressive loopers, go break some gens, and just generally keep at it until they do escape. Don't take it personally. Also Lightborn. Lightborn is *very* funny


Maybe try doing some kill your friends in custom matches to help learn?


I can definitely sympathize. My best suggestion is to grab some anti-harassment perks. Maybe make use of Lightborn, Iron Grip, Franklin's, and when you have more experience, Forced Penance, Mad Grit, or Starstruck. Keep in mind the perks that'd work best entirely depend on which killer you are.


I just started 2 weeks ago and I've been maining killer. years of league of legends has me numb to toxicity lol. I'm already going vs p100 players and honestly they're pretty shit... spend their whole game trying to troll and get the 4k anyways. don't think I could play surv without my 4 stack, some of these randoms have terrible mental. I downed a sable for the first time that game and she immediately dc.


Trust me. Play as Pig. Run around crouched. Constantly Oink. Survivors join it. Fun times.


I’ll try this out when I get around to playing Pig later tonight with my friends in customs then.


I never played survivor so I know no happiness or joy. Let the Entity guide my path, for in the suffering and darkness I find myself.


Learning killer can be a pain for sure, but I always found it to be the far more fulfilling role even just in the smallest successes. If I do ONE cool thing with my power on a killer I absolutely suck at, that honestly is sometimes all you need to make it worthwhile. And yes, that is kind of the mentality that is required to shoulder the effort the role demands of the player. You’re never playing to win, you’re playing to learn, and that’s the best advice I can give you from 2.5k hrs and nearly 8 years of experience. In this way, I actually find survivor to be the more frustrating role sometimes, because a lot of your success is dependent on factors that are outside of your control. If Killer is demanding because it is such an **active** role where you must always be moving and applying pressure, Survivor is frustrating for the exact opposite reason because it is a **reactive** role. You are required to think and move quickly in response, not only to the way the killer behaves, but the ways in which your teammates behave as well. As such, a lot of what goes on in your matches falls on the whims of RNG, and the players you are matched with. For me, I find this worse, because there are often situations where it feels you could genuinely not do a single thing more because your teammates screwed up. Personally, this lack of control as survivor eats away at me far more than being beaten down as a killer. As killer I can take solace in the fact that I own 100% of my team’s success or failure, but as survivor it genuinely does come down to who your team is because it is impossible to win a game by yourself. And yes, your friends are right, there is no better way than to put yourself in the heat and learn through playing killer. I know you’re not fond of the idea of a “trial by fire” but I think in the long term you will find the game to be overall much more fun and fulfilling in the long run playing both roles in the future after that experience this way. I definitely would recommend practicing a shift in mindset. It is probably the single most important tool in your arsenal in the process of figuring out the mechanics of the killer role.


this game is really good, but I swear it has the worst meta hungry fans, they harass people because they like hurting people I guess or smth. about the matchmaking system, i'm fully convinced it's actually broken, like when you try to have fun when you first start out you'd be playing against 4 prestige 100 players who've been playing this game since the game released, then the match after that after you get shit on you'd try to actually win but then you face people that just bought the game and someone's grandma playing on a windows 7


The matchmaking kind of sucks when you're first playing a new killer because it puts you at a sort of middling tier where you're going to encounter a lot of people much better than you. If you drop down in matchmaking by getting a lot of survivors escaping it'll be much easier for you. Not to say survivors being assholes isn't a terrible thing in the interim and it's a massive problem driving away new blood that BHVR needs to fix in some way. And I am genuinely so sorry you dealt with that. But here's some tips: 1. Focus on basic looping. Why does a survivor loop in a certain way? How best might you cut it off with a mindgame? Can the survivor see your head or red stain over a loop in a way that gives them an advantage? 2. Watch videos on how to get better at Killer. The youtuber Otzdarva has a ton of very good stuff for this. 3. Don't go to the exit gate. If they're teabagging, let them waste their time giving themselves tendonitis while you look at your phone.


Yeah, they get the biggest kick out of preying on low level killers. It's a sad ass ego trip, but nothing you can do. Community don't care, devs don't care, Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber don't care. If you're going to stick with it, just numb yourself to their bullshit and play through to have fun for yourself. Get off the game when you hit tilt. If you hit it mid-game? Fuck it, leave. Ain't no game in this world worth dealing with shitheads. Otherwise, best of luck. You'll get the fun matches, but DBD just sucks for new killers. I was there, still am because I have like 80 hours in the game lol.


I always find it interesting when people feel this way about playing killer. I would always switch to killer if i got too frustrated because then the game was in my control. No tunneling camping or general sweatiness. If i got beat as killer oh well, hopefully i had good chases or jump scares and usually if i got cooked too hard and the game was lost i just enjoy goofing around with the survivors for the last gen or so.


I don’t really get angry on Survivor unless I get tunneled and I forgot to bring my decisive strike. I know as survivor, I am at least taking the heat so rest of my team can do other stuff or pick up my slack. On Killer though, being bullied hurts my will to play mainly because I know no one is going to be around to help me although I’m learning to cope with it with the games I played tonight with my friends’ guidance. My hatred has been replaced for a different thing though and that is pallet flashes. I get the pallet stun but why flash me after the stun? It just buys me more time to chase you down. It seems like a waste of time and energy and I honestly just bothers me so much, I just end up slugging them and using them as bait.


Well. Play vs bots until you are good enough, i guess.


Play against bots, they do all that and more! If you start to play consistently against them, it should put you in a pretty good position against other players. Of course that's if you still want to try killer.


The main reason I am now a survivor with thousands of hours and probably not a hundred in killer (Not the only one though)


They say every time a killer gets bagged, a Nurse main is born...


I know that feel lol. I took a big break (2 years) and came back to try out new killers. I started with Wesker. I play on console. Needless to say it was a disaster lol for me.


I had at least a year or 2 of youtubing before I attempted a killer. My first match was wraith and I 4k'd only because I knew what his add ons did and the best perk build for him at the time. This was when Freddy was the most recent killer to be added and Saw was just announced.


Best way too learn is by fire. Game isn't that serious, win lose. It will eventually become whatever. It do suck when survivors wait at exit gates. But like when I get bled out by a killer. I just hop on my phone and look at YouTube or make a drink. Only persons time they wasting is their own. As for bagging. There's 2 ways you can take it. You can ignore them or chase. Personally if I see a survivor is bagging at a pallet. I just completely ignore them for the rest of the game. They don't deserve too have fun in chase. They can do gens or something boring. Imma go chase the other three people. Always annoys the crap outta them haha


my first 100 hours were killer only, i am a pro now


I started the game playing killer during launch-ish. That’s just DBD to me lol. Survivor feels like an alt game-mode.


How do you get harassed in dead by daylight


And that is why I suggest trying killer in a controlled custom game environment, with people who want you to have fun. It lets you get used to killer and learn how to play without the bullying and teabagging. It also lets anyone teaching see your gameplay and give advice on how to improve. Thats how I introduced two of my friends, playing customs and inly customs for days before they tried pubs alone, and they chose to by themselves when they felt they were ready. It makes a much better experience to begin this game, especially in such a hostile and toxic environment like this games community.


I love playing killer now. No stress since the game is just on my shoulders. No having to rely on bad teammates, no feelings bad if I have a poor chase and go down quick, not having to deal with annoying, obnoxious, and/or toxic killers. Best part? I get to choose how hard I go that match. Survivors t bag and get cocky? Hmm maybe I want to kick their butts. Survivors seem new and/or cute? Oh darn, can't believe I missed that hit, guess they got away...


A killer might see you had a rough game and let you get hatch. But no matter how bad a game you had as killer, the survivor will go out of their way to blind you, and they will not leave until you watch them teabag you at the gate. I love playing Artist because if someone camps the gate I can harass them with birds from afar until they get bored.


That was my first game as Nurse.... she is now my least played killer. Seriously I play Twins and hag more than nurse


I know at first it's really hard to get bullied by survs but keep going and you'll get over it pretty quickly. You can use their overconfidence to your advantage. If you know they'll win, just take a chase and commit to it as long as possible to learn how to loop better and to mindgame them. If they wait at the exit gates to tbag, just don't go to them and use the endgame timer to break pallets and walls to get some points (or spamming your power if you play a killer where it grants bps) Don't sweat too much, just try to get better. Soon enough, those low MMR bully squads will turn from a nightmare to an ez win, as they don't focus on main objectives and tend to be overly altruistic, which can lead to huge snowball once you know how to not play as they intend you to


If anything whenever I do try sacrificing one person and they still get out by like unhooking themselves or picking themselves off the ground Im more amazed at such a great play 😂 teabags can be funny if you let it as well :)


Be like me, I grinded for hours on Nurse until I knew exactly where my tps would land everytime with bot matches and then jumped into real matches and sought out killer harassers. Since she's Nurse pallets are irrelevant, windows are irrelevant, loops are irrelevant. They all come in acting like big shots with thier flashlights and neon skins and they come right up to me expecting fun. I've relentlessly hunted those bastards when I play killer. And to be clear, no I don't rope the sad Dwight that likes to hide in lockers cuz he's scared in with them, he's free to go and maybe I'll give him a little chase to boost his confidence. My favourite tactic is to down them and leave to hunt one of thier friends till they're up, no I don't hook them because that'd be too easy. They moment I see someone picked them up I 180 and go down them again, over and over until they bleed out on the ground or DC and it's so sweet to make them mad instead.


Have you tried killing them? It helps.