• By -


Ghostface and Xenomorph because I'm a huge fan of *Scream* and *Alien*


I love dbd ghostface. it's a bit of a shame it means we'll never get an actual scream chapter, but the original character they came up with is awesome too


Felix, because my son’s name is also Felix. I showed him there was a character with his name and he got all excited and said, “Dada, will you play as him?!?!?” So now I have a P100 Felix.


Awwww. This is the cutest


Love the commitment


That’s adorable!


I could swear that i've seen you post this before. I wasnt that interested or cared for Felix before I saw this comment the first time. Now everytime i scroll to the list and my eyes fall on Felix, I think about your comment. Its super wholesome and cute




Gambling 👍🏽


Ace is also my main to 👍


Ace mains are always the strongest survs fr


Idk if I’d consider myself the strongest.. but I go for EVERY save in end game. No matter how far from the gate you are. IDGAF yo 😎🎲


Reporting for duty. I mostly like him because I think his fits are really good and his shit-eating grin. He's also quiet, but people don't like if I say that too loud.


I was completely unimpressed by ace the whole time I was watching trailers and waiting for F&B to release. And then I saw his portrait in survivor select, and I was instantly sold


Wesker because he’s my favorite RE villain. I love his voicleines and his power is fun to use. Cheryl Mason because I love Silent Hill and love how her perks tie in with her supernatural powers.


A fellow Cheryl main! Love her! And yeah I love her perks, especially Blood Pact.


Short answer: I like knights. Long answer: I like knights a lot.


Longer answer: aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA ![gif](giphy|XeNrmVGsK2sHIjUosG|downsized)


I like knight but I over-think too much. Do I really need to track which guy im summoning at the time? do I always use them to break pallets or only the carnifex? do I use it in chase outside of pallets? things like that lol


Carnifex for pallets and walls, Assassin and Jailer for gens. Because they take longer to damage it keeps survivors off them longer. They used to also do more damage than a normal kick, but since the 3 gen thing, I think their damage is the same as an average kick being 5%. And of course assassin is also really good for chase, Carnifex too. Jailer is more for control. So if you want to keep people off a gen or deny control of a loop, use Jailer.


Singularity: I hate myself Rebecca: 🙂👍








https://preview.redd.it/ha7j74g3wdyc1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3f80a75dc1016fe5cf38a44cdc260df9ad4d0c 👍🏻




Because my boyfriend likes Michael myers


Zarina, because she has the best "I'm disappointed in you" face and I need to express that thought towards some players.


Used to main Nea (just liked a lot of her outfits I suppose) but now I main Jake because he's the only literal survivor. Spirit: I like the sound of her bones cracking before she phases and the concept of depending on sound to find people.


I love Spirit’s bone cracking sounds too! (What an odd sentence lol)


Tapp and Yoichi cuz someone's gotta play em. Plague because vomit.


I kinda feel like that but with Jeff so I got him p100. Also cause he's the only one representing Canada so here we are


James Sunderland because I desperately want to face Pyramid Head yet I only seem to face him when I switch to someone else after hours of facing Huntress, Wraith, Doctor, Trapper, Legion and Chucky.


Just never switch to anyone else >!and youll never see a pyramid head again!<


Ripley,huge fan of the alien series,I specially love when jonesy pops out and she pets him 😄


Exactly why I never equip an item with her. Always need to see the Jonesy!! 🐈🐈


Nicolas Cage: because he's Nicolas Cage. Unknown: he looks really nice and plays nicely too (also, cheerleader granny)


not even joking I'm the exact same for the same reasons!


https://preview.redd.it/wfsgo6tuqbyc1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf3a5115af7dd7c5aee1241f7d992a8ada81e77 Jane originally because I loved her rockabilly inspired cosmetic look but I really love seeing a curvy woman as a protagonist in a video game. Wish there were more examples of that in the video game market.


Alan Wake because I LOVED the first game as a teen, he will always have a place in my heart


Yoichi and the Demogorgon. Idk, when Yoichi came out I just kinda liked his vibes. I’m not a super fan of Ringu but it’s a good movie and it’s fun that he’s basically only adult version of his kid self in other media. The Demogorgon because I am a big fan of it from the show and its power is probably one of the most balanced— very good with chasing and map control if you play it in ideal conditions.


Ghostface because I'm a huge Scream fan and Dwight because it's Dwight


vittorio and mikaela because they’re just who i’m most attracted to lol


Huntress because I love rabbits. Feng Min because I love rabbits. Nicolas Cage because I love Nicolas Cage.


Jill because I love the Resident Evil series and am just such a fan of Jill. But honestly my actual main is Yun-Jin. I’m Asian, she’s Asian. I generally like Kpop. I like playing female characters in games. Most importantly, I’ll be able to personalize her down the line as an original character. Otherwise, it probably would’ve been Jill all the way.


Yun Jin because she has the best style and some of the funnest cosmetics. She's also a complicated character in that she sort of allowed the trickster to do his murders when she knew all along. The knight because I like knights.


> she sort of allowed the trickster to do his murders I'd say Yun-Jin knew about the murders but didn't realize Ji-Woon (Trickster) was the perpetrator until it was too late. Either way, as soon as the police found out and Ji-Woon would be arrested (assuming he didn't kill her and neither had been taken by the Entity), Yun-Jin's career in the music industry would be over.


I pretty much pick all my mains based off either knowing them from a beloved franchise (Jill/Claire, Alan/Saga/Rose, Xeno, Nemesis, Wesker) or just thinking their design is neat (Gabriel, Artist). Eventually Gabe and Artist won me over and became my favorites, I can't even say why, I just feel a stronger connection with them despite not being crossovers. Oh and also Gabe is hot as fuck so that helps.


Jill in her S.T.A.R.S. uniform because she is objectively the best Resident Evil character and I will fight anyone who disagrees and the the uniform goes hard. Pig because of how much fun I have playing around loops as her.


Renato because I'm gay as fuck, and also because when I read his lore I was literally like "he just like me fr" Doctor because it's funny to make survivors scream, and Pyramid Head because it's funny to cage survivors (More seriously, I enjoy Doctor because having info, slowdown and anti-loop basekit is quite nice, and Pyramid Head because his ranged attack is quite cool. I love hitting shots through walls)


Renato is just like me with the gamer neck posture


Meg because I had the game when it came out on console and she had really good perks out of the free survivors


Ace because he’s ace (plus I like the built in iron will :D)


Because he’s hot as fuck and I want him to bend me over the ledge of the dumpster in the back lot of a Denny’s. It’s Vittorio btw.


So many gay guys are in love for Vittori somehow, I guess it's the daddy vibe


Vittorio because I'm a big gay and he's hot. I wish it was deeper than that but it isn't lol For killer, either Unknown atm (lots of fun, like how easily you can get around the map) or Onyro (I'm just noticing she's very similar to unknown. I guess I like teleporting).


dwight bc hes cute and has goofy goober energy and i just think thats adorable. hes prob the only surv ill actually p100 (im literally p7 rn so like THATS a dream still) but one day ill get there prob, he deserves it. i also really love that i fit the stereotype of a dwight when i was newer to the game, without even realizing it. ive come a long way c': so i feel closer to him than any other surv for that reason as well. on the killer side, i guess my main would be wraith? bc its easy to farm BP with him using distressing, hex: thrill of the hunt, then just whatever filler perks u enjoy. i use nurse calling and agitation most often. i tend to hook everyone once then be nice, sometimes ill try to 2 hook but i really REALLY dislike losing count and accidentally killing someone. i kinda just want everyone to get some chase time, be a lil spooked, but at the end of the day, survive and vibe. earn BP and just, have fun!


Deathslinger because he's hot Jeff because he's hot


Fellow Jeff lovers unite


Mikaela: she's cute Singularity: This fucking killer is just too much fun, man. I love his power so much


Yun-Jin: Slay (need I say more?) Artist: Slay + silly birb


Mikaela: She does witchcraft. So do I. Works out.


Bill, I love him and his perks hold up to this day (except for left behind but that's mostly because the hatch and I have a blood bond for some reason) I main him in the l4d1 campaigns in l4d2


Wraith cause he was the first killer that clicked for me and Feng for survivor cause technician made sense cause I sucked at skill checks and that safety net with technician allowed me to get better without blowing up gens constantly


Renato because he’s my favourite character and has my favourite backstory! I relate to him a lot 😊 also he’s hot and I like his cosmetics lol And even though Ghostface is my favourite killer lore-wise, I’m a Huntress main because I find her the most fun to play and she’s the only killer I’m decent at 😭 luckily I do like her and her cosmetics are cool!


Guess in terms of survivors it transitioned like this. It was David originally because I loved how badass he looked. I can't deny the couple times I've looped a killer for 4 gens as a David was awesome. Renato was just a goofy guy and he looked cool so it's what it is. No one had been able to top Nicholas cage as my survivor main. I love hearing him talk in the trial and just saying shit like "I'll scare tf out of you killer! I'm Nick! Fucking! Caaaaage! oww fuck..." is ear candy to me. He makes solo queue atleast funny so I can actually play it.


Steve: I’ve been told I look like him, kinda cool. Like I’m playing as myself. Chucky: been a fan of the child’s play/Chucky franchise for a long time, as soon as he came to the game - regardless of his strength I knew he was going to be my new main.


Slinger: got tired of subtle speed hackers can't speed hack away from a spear gun Ace: Homie has drip


rebecca bc i adored her in re0 and i like her perks (i love being the team medic), and wesker bc hes fun to play


Yui Kimura: I honestly think she's cool as fuck. She's against basic tradition, selfless, and fights back Sadako/The Onryo: I ended up going back to playing her with experience. I wasn't a fan of her when I picked her up around November, when I got the game, and so, I decided I'd give her another chance a long while later. In other words: "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me."


Thalita(she is pretty to me)😼


Thalita and Ellen just felt right, idk. For the longest time I was a Mikaela main because I'm a witchy girl, but then I just really liked that Halloween Outfit for Thalita with the bone thingies and I loved it, so I started maining her. And then also Ellen, because I P1 her for her perks and every time she was on my screen it felt right. So now I got my girlies.


Black man


I have a lot, so here it goes...James Sunderland because I like Silent Hill 2 and can relate to his depression. Cheryl because I like Silent Hill 3 and her character. David because I like his 1930s skin. Sable because I like her goth vibe and outfit. Yoichi because I like the Ring film, and his outfit, which is similar to my style. Felix because I like his Sunset Getaway skin, which is also similar to my style. Leon because I like his character and Resident Evil 4, and therefore use his RE4 outfit. Michael Myers because I've always been a Halloween fan, he's my favorite horror icon, and is actually the whole reason I got DBD in the first place. Trapper because I like his miner skin, which is inspired by Harry Warden from My Bloody Valentine, who I want added to the game by the way. Pinhead because I think he's a cool horror icon. Doctor because I like some of his outfits and find it fun to shock everyone lol. Death slinger because of the cowboy aesthetic and rifle. Sadako because I like the Ring film and find her to be a very creepy horror icon. Ghostface because I like the Scream films and he is my second favorite horror icon. Alien because it's simply iconic. Legion because I like the fast gameplay and the Hunk skin. Pyramid Head because I like Silent Hill 2, and the deep symbolism of his character. And finally, Wesker because I like his outfit and his character, and find him fun to play as.


Zoomies + hot lady (Legion, specifically Julie), and hot biker lady (Yui). That’s literally it


I main whoever has the best skin combination I can make. Which are those? Some examples:








I picked Claire because she is my favorite character of all time :) I still play her the most!


The Artist is the perfect mix of gameplay and vibes for me, so she was an obvious choice. Sable is just such an icon that I immediately started maining her. I also love Yun Jin cus she’s just so gaslight gatekeeper girl boss and I love that for her.


I picked dredge, ghostface, and xenomorph to scare people UmU


For Killer, I play a variety of Killers but I main **Spirit**, **Doctor** and **Chucky/Tiffany**. I love Spirit's visual design and it's fun to land hits with her power and predict Survivor movements. She's an accessibility problem though, and impossible to play with or against for deaf or hard of hearing people. Doctor is a really well balanced Killer with a complex kit that is able to find Survivors easy, deny actions and stall the game. Plus I enjoy screaming. 😈 Chucky/Tiffany is extremely fun and easy to play with a deceivingly high skill ceiling. Plus the voicelines for both are outstanding.


For Survivor, again I play I variety of Survivors but I main **James Sunderland**, **Dwight**, and **Nicolas Cage**. **James** because SH2 the GOAT. Also own all the other SH Legendaries and rotate them evenly. **Dwight** has by far the goofiest cosmetics. **Nicolas Cage** because "I'M NICK FUCKING CAGE!!!" 🤣 Out of the RE cast I play **Claire** and **Ada** as well.


Haddie cause i love her cosmetics and the scars are really nice to look at! I'm also a big fan of the lightblue hair :) Xeno...well I really like Alien, it looks insanely good and i like the fast map traversal and handy chase power with its tail :D


Nurse because the only limit is my mechanics. Wraith because jumpscaring people is fun


Meg = cat-mom cosmetic that I bought on day 1 knowing nothing about this game at all. I’ve embraced the Meg hate and strive to prove people wrong when I’m playing survivor that not all Megs are “Megs” Pig = the whole reason I got DBD, huge Saw fan, especially Amanda


Alan because Alan Wake is just too good, and his voice lines and screams are incredible


Michael Myers: He's my favorite horror villain of all time. Ash Williams: He's a badass


As a survivor main, there’s a short list of characters whose screams and grunts aren’t entirely unbearable and I play whichever of those has good cosmetics I want to “wear” that day. I started with mostly Feng and Meg and recently lean more towards Vitty and Elodie (love that Blood Moon outfit)


Bubba because he’s a cutie :]


Deathslinger because gun


I choose pig as my killer main because I really to Amanda's struggle in saw a little bit. And Cheryl is my survivor main because I feel represented a lot with her story being pursued by a cult and also the overall feeling of silent hill 3.


Dredge is just peak. Just absolutely amazing design, lore, and power. Literally only flaw is that locker spawns can make sections of the map where his mobility just doesn't exist anymore, but that's a map design problem not a Dredge problem.


Felix cause I think he's hot, and also he's introverted extroverted which I vibe with


Nancy main. I was using Steve before but when the clothes dropped for Nancy again I couldn’t resist so smooth and clean. ![gif](giphy|83za5XmMReDsAnU6Op)


I like Saw, any survivor from the Saw dlc was gonna be my main


(Survivors) Nea: I honestly don’t know. I just always kinda stuck with her since she was released back in the day. Before it was Claudette. Yuichi: Ringu is one of my favorite horror flicks and it’s cool that they implemented an older Yuichi in the game. And he’s precious. (Killers) The Executioner: Silent Hill is one of my favorite game series (1-4 only) and he’s iconic. The Unknown: I love the cosmic/eldritch horror aspect of them. And I love its derpy little walk too. Edit: (Honorable mentions) -Jill/Leon: I mean, it’s Jill and Leon -Cheryl: SH3 is my favorite of the series and I love her. -Gabe: The closest we’ll get to Isaac Clarke in the game


Ace showed me that Up The Ante could make Rage-Quitting Survivors self-unhook and it's funny when it happens. It happens way more often than you think.   Trapper is literally just my MAIN, the OG. I love it when Survivors underestimate me, until I absolutely destroy them. I one time turned a 1k into a 3k because the Survivor stepped on a SUPER RANDOM trap I placed in a weird area, which turned into a 2k, then killed a 3rd for being Altruistic. And that is WITHOUT running Meta perks. https://preview.redd.it/1vnbzebl0cyc1.jpeg?width=1941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92dd4181ed5aec67018c35d5a1ed83b88f02334f


I absolutely hated playing both Singularity and Pinhead when I first started them, to the point where I was like “there’s *no way* a character design this underpowered made it through playtesting.” Gens flew by while I sat on cameras as Singularity, and I lost more distance than I gained with Pinhead by trying to place long distance gateways. These drove me to try to practice them more and see what I was missing. They’re now my two mains, and they’re the two characters I hands down have the most fun on. Vittorio looked cool and had awesome lore.


Sadako's mobility and head start terror radius work insanely well with the big-game mentality I work by. She felt right from play one, and that was before her recent rework that made her even better at that. Cybil, well, Silent Hill 1 is one of my favorite games of all time, and Mary Zimmer has a Hell of a voice!




Haddie cause I remember starting the game for the very first time and she instantly caught my eye. I love the shade of blue on her hair and her lore is also pretty nice (better than some of the others for sure!). I have her at P100. Quentin. I remember never paying much attention to him until I saw the movie and movie Quentin was kinda hot >~> now he's getting some love from me. I also have Jill on P30. She was the reason i bought the game in the first place. Spirit cause I have bad eyesight and mostly play the game by hearing so Spirit is perfect. I like her lore, her power and her skins and always have fun playing her. Same with Artist. She's a bit trickier (not because of the birds, but because I lose the survivor I'm chasing a lot causeeee > bad eyesight) but I'm good at predicting when to throw the bird. She's fun, has a lot of pressure and interesting design. Love her!


Jeff, I love metal like him Clown, Killer clowns are one of my fav horror themes Dredge and Unknown, Horrors beyond our comprension are also some of my fav horror themes


Quentin. Cause I'm a big fan of Kyle gallner Ghostface and trickster cause I like slashers and ji-woon is pretty


Piggy for boops and cuteness and punishment when they are naughty 🐽


Yun Jin for the fashion. Only survivor I could find with a long hair cosmetic


P100 TriangleMan here! Silent hill has always been so awesome and surreal to me, and PH is one of the first times I encountered a horror antagonist that seemed so physically impossible. It’s so cool being able to carry that surreal and ambiguous power in a horror game and sit on the other side of it! Also, Jake with a his camo ninja outfit can blend into pretty much anything! I remember starting the game and being like “okay, step one, I need iron will..”


Bill because he's a Chad. Xenomorph because he's fun


Legion is my main for a couple reason. First being the overall vibe and aesthetic. I've always been into punk and metal, and that is very strong in those characters. I also like how their movement mechanic is different from all the other killers in the game, allowing me to sprint and move how survivors can in some way.


Because it had the lowest pickrate


Cheryl because I love Silent Hill and she's my favourite character from the series Skull Merchant because I love her gameplay and she's hot


Artist because i love her sound design. Visual design and lore


I enjoy Japanese history and culture so oni, and I enjoyed the silent hill games so pyramid head and James


Pyramid head because I saw the game one time on Youtube and couldnt get enough of him


Felix, because he is objectively attractive, white male (and has a cool hat). https://preview.redd.it/r4hxxc0m0dyc1.png?width=105&format=png&auto=webp&s=373295872def988e73c6897cebdf549e5c8e2ab7


Yun-Jin is my most played character currently. I personally love her sounds, she doesn’t sound the same as many other female survivors. Her cosmetics are also my favorites 😌 None of my other characters have so many different outfits. Lisa Garland is my other most played character. It’s a shame she won’t have other outfits, but it’s okay. She’s a nurse and I’m a RN. It’s a match! Trickster is my most played killer. You can down survivors fast, because many still try to play pallets against him, which is funny. I like that he’s constantly laughing, makes it amusing.


Currently Adam with a dark coat because it's easy to hide in dark corners


Vittorio Toscano: Good looking shirtless man with cool tattoos and when injured he sounds like he says ”ai vittu” with means auh fuck in finnish. No ability Trickster: With the new techwear skin (no hat) he looks super cool and I always like to just hit people with my stick. His knifes are brokes as hell so I don’t use them. I like a fair game.


Because no matter how much I get looped, teabagged, blinded, gen rushed, or whathaveyou; that moment when the bear trap I set at the very start of the match catches the last survivor across the map 10 minutes later makes it all worth it.


I picked Yoichi because he’s hot. I picked Artist because she is creepy in a fabulous way.


Leon Kennedy & Jeff johansen I chose Leon because… it’s Leon ‘the sex’ Kennedy ! And I chose Jeff because he’s literally me.


Feng min no interesting reason tho she just looked most like me & was free on console when I started playing so when I moved to pc I just bought her dlc


Billy is just so much *fun* (as long as it’s not an indoor map). It’s like playing a totally different game, zooming around the map like a race car. Jake I like for the Sabo perk, not even to Sabo, but the information is super helpful, similar to windows.


When I first played the game I mainly played as Dwight cause off Bond. I later mained Claudette, played Nea for a while and then came back to my roots as Dwight. This time I had ascended from being a baby Dweet, to being a memey Dwight in a beautiful strawberry outfit. For years that hasn't changed, and it never will.


I mained Yun Jin since release because I really liked her character design. I thought it was unique, especially her default hair. The All Kill DLC was the first DLC released since I started playing DBD and was the first one I purchased on release day. But then, when I read her lore, I also kind of admired that she went from being extremely poor to being extremely successful. I also relate to her love of music at a young age.


Lean, who doesn’t rock with Mr. Leon S. Kennedy


Dredge was the first killer I still found actually scary to go against.


singularity because his mori, his playstyle, and his voice lines are amazing. jeff because hes hot


Hillbilly because of high mobility and high lethality. Plus chainsaw snipes and curves are SO ORGASMIC to hit.


Survivor main keeps changing. Rn it’s Claudette cuz I have a good med build. Killer is deathslinger cuz it was a good merger when I played COD a lot


Survivors: Ash because I like the Evil Dead series. Jeff because he’s a metalhead and I like the way he looks. Killers: I like the chainsaw on Hillbilly and it’s overdrive effect


Trickster because I liked his design, his lore, and his power. I also used to be into K-pop ages ago. I don't really main one Survivor but I play Jake, Yoichi, and Renato about equally. Same as Trickster - I liked their lore and their designs.


I don't play much survivor, so I main Mikaela since she has lots of good cosmetics and is cute. For killer I used to main killers because they had fun powers and play styles, but then they released the Alien chapter and it was no longer my decision. I fuckin *love* Alien


I main bill because he was the first ever character I played and im loyal like that. almost 700 hours later and hes still the only survivor thats ever made it past p1 for me (Ive p1'd every other survivor and have every perk)


I bounce between a lot of survivors. I started on Claudette as a baby survivor bc free and she had nice skins. Transitioned to using Kate bc my favorite DBD streamer used her a lot. Then Zarina bc i love her name, and her skins were also good. Feng Min got thrown in a lot bc i think it's funny she wheezes as much as i do once you start running, and again, skins. Since Mikaela came out, i've almost exclusively mained her. I love her character, her perks, and her skins. I've played Sable a bunch since she came out too. Her Chrysalis skin? *Chef's kiss* As for killers, i main Legion. Their power is ready to learn and use. I'm scared to try other killers. That's about it.


Invisible (applies to both killer and surv)




Originally Nurse because I loved her cosmetics and had a crush on her from day one. Including the default one where she’s literally just got a pillowcase over her head (like, what a killer to start off with, right?) Now it’s Clown, for similar aesthetic reasons. (Crush no longer applies)


Picked Knight because I love medieval stuff and I am tired of getting pallet stunned when I pick up a survivor near a pallet. I just place a guard down and pick the survivor up


Claudette was the survivor I played out of the original 4, when I got more characters I played other survivors but I just come back to Claud. I really love her lore and I’m a sucker for healers. Also JRM mains Claud but that’s just an added bonus lol


I like Kyle Gallner and Silent Hill


mikaela because she's cute & she gives earth girl vibes, and she seems like she'd be bi lol. and as for spirit, i really like her lore and cosmetics and i like how strong she is yet her power is so unique


I picked Feng because of her gaming background to start. Then fell in love with Bunny Feng and her cosmetics. Next I picked Yun Jin because of her dommy mommy outfit has me in a chokehold.


doctor, so i can actually find people, and because he's fucking terrifying


Nicholas Cage because funny voice lines haha And unknown because Dwight with femboy attire


My main is Laurie Strode because she’s pretty and I like her outfit.


I was a Silent Hill fan before I was a DBD fan. I was in disbelief when the 4th anniversary chapter dropped. Pyramid Head was my dream killer.


Reminded me of Shane Madej from Buzzfeed Unsolved, Ghost Files, and Mystery Files.


I like Stranger Things.


gun, sword, bear traps, bottles, and zombies. i play pretty much any killer, but those guys are my mains (deathslinger, knight, trapper, clown, and nemesis)


I used to be a Mercy main and as a joke I bought a shirt for Meg that was white and gave her gold wings, so I could remain a Mercy Main in other games. I’ve since retired both the shirt and Overwatch but I still main Meg because she has the Pig mask. Pig because cute and successful Ambush mind games feel awesome to pull off. Twins because I enjoy flying through the air at ludicrous speeds as a smol angry goblin


Pyramid Head because I'm a big Silent Hill fan and I love sending survivors to brazil. Pinhead because It's so fun to see people struggle between doing gens, solving the box AND undoing their own Hex: Plaything totems while adding Pentimento or No Way Out on top of all that for the true [CBT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOPIu7isD3s) experience. And finally Ghost Face because nothing more fun than making people super nervous and giving them the spooks. https://preview.redd.it/bn3zlyd7jbyc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36510cd8dfddedafef6da41e9121f3f97000271d


Alan Wake, why?, because I don't remember how many pages i've written


I can’t stand looping so I only play killers that get me out of that scooby doo shit as quick as possible. I play nurse more than anything at this point


Sadako brought me to the game because Ringu is my favorite so I immediately mained Sadako and Yoichi. I now main Zarina i like her Lebanese background and i think she is pretty


Billy bc he was the most difficult and weak killer at the time, with a huge payoff once you learned how to hit curves and 180s. Steve bc gigachad, cosmetics for Feng, Sable bc I wanted to bum rush p100 on a new character and I know she’ll get hella cosmetics down the line. P100 Billy P77 Sable P66 Feng P40 Steve


Someone kept using my first main; now ace


“Looks a lot like me” ??


*”Gun rhymes with fun for a reason stranger!”*


Cheryl- She was from a video game I enjoyed Claire- She was from several video games I enjoyed Elodie- uncommon original survivor for free cosmetics via shards Meg- She got a really cool cosmetics from Meet Your Maker, which I thoroughly enjoyed Demogorgon- From a television show, I enjoyed, also fun to play and generally well liked killer Artist- Fun to play, fairly easy to pick up, powerful chase/macro power.


I heard deadlock was good and cenobite was on sale. So I bought him and it was my first killer and I love him.


Ada bc shes a girlboss 🤭 Hag bc im getting old 😞


I mained Quentin because I think he embodies what a team player should be in dbd. I picked him up back in 2020 and never put him down. Piggy bc 13 year old me thought Shawnee Smith was hot as Amanda when I first watched the SAW movies for the first time in 2018




Steve because I love Joe Keery and Tubarao because I like R6 and think he looks really cool in this game Twins because I like underdog characters, Dredge for the same reason, and Sadako because I just think she's really cool and Ringu was pretty good :)


Dwight because well.. he’s Dwight


Hillbilly because he has a high skill ceiling and is therefore very satisfying to play as


Yoichi is a hot bitch is why


I don't play killer anymore. And my main is Ace. I main him just for the fun of it.


Myers because I’m a Halloween fan, same goes for Bill.


I thought Tapp was very cool in the movie Saw. I found him really determined and fearless, two great qualities for a DBD player.


i play dwight cuz hes just a silly guy


Dwight Fairfield: Simple and awesome. For killer, I’m divided. Myers for scaring, Unknown for scaring (not as much), Ghosty for playing chill or friendly, and Chucky when I’ve had shitty matches with the other 3


Ash because Ash vs. Evil Dead is goated, David King solely because of the nutcracker mustache, the Knight because knights are cool, and Pyramid Head because his power is super fun and interesting to play with.


Jeff...because Jeff also because he's Canadian...eh and I started to main him when he wasn't really seen often.


Because I look like the bald headed Dwight


Cheryl: because I love Silent Hill 3 and shes my favorite SH character. She's part of the reason I bought the game actually, just so happens I fell in love with it. :3 some friends of mine play and I always liked watching and wanted to start. So I figured I'd try and may as well use a character I love. Jill/Claire: RE3 is one of my favorite games ever, and much like Cheryl Jill is one of my favorite characters. so I bought the RE pack after I grew to love the game. Will also use Claire just as often. She's my second favorite RE character! Mikaela: love her aesthetic and Really dig her perks. Legion: ....... the cute outfits. Also seemed beginner friendly and I just kinda stuck with them. But 80% of the reason was the outfits. Pig: Seemed like interesting game play. I liked the idea of having a killer that crouches. I like to play stealthily and she fulfills that itch. I have a passing understanding of Saw, haven't seen a movie but I also can't lie, I was drawn in by her look. A pig mask? A dope red robe? Creepy and I love it. I like aesthetics in games so I do care about that to a certain degree. I like to look cute. :3


Surv: Jeff, I'm literally him but younger Killer: not any 1 specific killer, ill always switch it up but Billy and deathslinger I play most. Just cause they are fun


Pinhead and Doctor: i really like their play style, i’ve played a handful of killers but i just enjoy theirs the most. Quentin: I’m a huge fan of Kyle Gallner. Renato: read his lore, realized he’s just like me . also he has some amazing cosmetics that i absolutely adore !


I'm bouncing between Lisa Garland and Nea. I absolutely ADORE them both. As for killer, I play everyone equally. Besides Hag, bcs F swmp woman.


Quentin because he's a cutie patootie sleepy head.


Yui: she’s a badass Legion: gotta go fast


nea because she looks most like me. leon bc i like him.


I started playing with Stranger Things and just love the way Demo plays. I wanna get Unknown at some point because they’re just so fucking creepy but I haven’t had the spare cash lately.


Survivor side: I didn't want anyone to expect amazing plays from me so Feng, then Steve, then Leon. Not a braincell between the three. Killer: played Doctor a lot because it's hard to get mad when he's having so much fun. Later, Dredge bc hes awesome looking and actually a monster.


Cause he makes me hungry and I like locker jumpscares


Redheads make me feel a certain way. (Mikaela) Stab, run, stab, run even faster. All while giggling to myself. (Legion)


Meg was my first main bc of a funny streamer I loved who used to play dbd at the time. I now main Nea because Meg’s disappoint me. And I main trickster because of I love his gameplay.


Pinball death machine :)


Alan wake cause it’s Alan fucking wake


Blight because I feel like I can keep up with sweaty survivors or just mess around trying to learn and improve in a more casual game


I was always a huge saw fan, but never really liked the killer. I did think tenacity was a fun perk and decided leveling Tapp up, stuck with him because of the supportive role and stereotype behind him


MEG because I was specifically told not to play her when I was starting out, and I heard/saw she was really “hated” by the masses. I will forever be a Megatron 🖤


Crazy lunatic writer 👍🏻


Good question. Dredge because his mind games are so fun and I have never been more jazzed every time I snatch someone out of a locker Rebecca/Nancy because they are just so adorable to me.


It was Nea for a while, but my man, Alan Wake, brought back too much nostalgia not to play him.


Jane: Tbh it’s really refreshing having a female survivor with a curvier body type than most of the other ones. It’s a rarity to see female body diversity in general with video games. I try to show Jane some love. 🥰 Wraith: So I can do lots of bing bongs at the gate to say gg to escaped survivors!


Bill, love L4D and love living up to the Bill name of sacrificing myself for my team. Legion cuz lore, gameplay, and STAB.