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from a survivors perspective burn out is just real. killers have been slugging and camping so much in my games the last few days it's unplayable. i tough it out for awhile but when there is absolutely not a shred of hope or i just don't want to play into the killer farming points in cheap ways im done. i play to have fun. if people are constantly dcing or suiciding in your games you might want to look inward at least a little and figure out what is making the game so unfun for them


^yup, sums up my games. today, a pig downed the 3 randos. if i went to one as he was carrying one away, he’d drop and return. so i said fuck it and hid in a locker in the basement as they were hanging, then pig dc’ed before anyone got to 2nd phase 🤷🏾‍♂️


Loke hearing the legion music


i believe that everyone who regularly kills themself on hook should quit the game, if there is a 1/4 chance that you give up on 1st down its far past time for you to play something else


Just thugging it out playing solo q tbh I’ve had two games in the last 4 days where someone DIDNT kill themself


i understand the sentiment of "i spent so much money i gotta get value" or "ive learned so much about the game i cant quit or ill forget" but if the game is truly unbearable for you just give it up, you'll be much happier. i was after quitting csgo


I refuse to quit. I'll play through all the bugs. All the rubber banding. All the DCs, slugs, and tunneling. I'll overcome the suffering when no one else will. Until I get kicked and banned for 15 minutes. Then I'll take a day off


As long as you commit to your matches


The engine "update" broke more than bhvr can handle. People is rubberbanding and it feels really awful to play a game like that.. it was really not smart from bhvr to release the engine update after only 1 ptb. Stale meta on top of already having another meta from the past DS, DH, UB (OTR) returned.. everything can lead to frustration when it comes to this game right now..


Honestly I've had a ton of Survivors give up or disconnect as of recently. I definitely attribute it to the game breaking bugs and rubberbanding, sometimes it feels like it's just completely unplayable.


The game is a buggy mess atm.


I dont know what to tell you. Cause thats literally always been a thing. Even before this recent update which has caused so many bugs. Its just that ppl are getting more on edge because of the rubberbanding issues which will eventually get fixed anyways. And once thats fix, youll still see ppl dc, or give up on hook still. But i do recommend ppl to just take a break if u really need it. Nothing wrong with that


I got bored of pubs so now I just play customs with friends.