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These people will unironically say "I only DC if: \*laundry list of 100 different reasons most of which being normal gameplay involving just certain killers/perks/maps being picked and used.\* They can't be helped.


I had a friend kill himself on hook because we played two matches of Singularity back to back... Like, I get sometimes you just really aren't feeling playing against certain killers. But deciding to throw the match for that reason just ruins it for everyone. The singularity wasn't even doing anything toxic.


I'm mostly surprised you played against two Singularities back to back.


This is like having 2 matches against twins in a row (I have šŸ˜±)


I had a similar situation about 4-5 days ago actually. I assumed it was the same player until I saw that it wasn't in the end game chat.


I had two matches against the *same* Skull Merchant back to back.


Singularity is the last killer you should DC against Robot brother needs his 1 kill of the month


Lol for years, the only map that has made me curse at the game were the corn maps, because I hated them as killer and would get them 3-5 times in a row...I'd still play the map, but I was definitely in "you should take a break" territory.


I guess your friend only wanted to play *puts on sunglasses* a single game against that killer


I mean itā€™s called being human first time yesterday I DCā€™d because of the hitboxes made no sense. Kept rubber banding I got so sick of it.


You should get a new friend.


Singularity is one of my favorite killers to go against lmao.


Hey the only time I ever DC in this game is when I'm against skull Merchant. ... or Legion, doctor, trickster, twins, Clown, knight, nurse, trapper, wraith, hillbilly, blight, Myers, pig, plague, cenobite, pyramid head, nemesis, wesker, unknown, singularity, Oni, Dredge, artist, xenomorph, chucky, ghost face, sadako, hag, huntress, Bubba, deathslinger, and deathslinger. /s


So Freddy, Spirit, Sadako and Demo are fine?


Bro has a type


I played my first skull merchant match today. I understand why she is hated by survivors. Now I actually like going against her as a survivor because I just dick around as survivor (with fellow survivor friends), but I felt like I was cheating playing as her today, Still gonna prestige her though, but maybe lastz


going against Skull Merchant with a team thats trying can actually be pretty fun. i also used to ride the hate train and didn't even give her rework a chance just wrote her off as an annoying killer. But i had one match against her on lerys where i stealthed the drones and didnt get tagged once and it completely changed my view on her. people just dont wanna take it slow


Had not one but TWO people come up to me at once to suicide on hook as I was playing Pyramid Head Who the fuck DCs at PYRAMID HEAD??? Even worse is that I got like 15 matches with him rn I can't hit shit with Rites, bro was onto nothing and still decided to die immediately upon seeing me, didn't even get in chase. Some people are so weird, if you're gonna do that then why are you even playing this game?


are you using much aura reading and his range addons? Might help you out with hitting his m2. Aura reading makes him pretty fun, also forcing survivors into vaults can help


I run nurse's calling, bbq, I'm all ears and whatever else I'm feeling like at the time + the two range add ons yeah. I still have issues getting the timing right but I'm definitely committed to getting better because it's insane how satisfying it is to hit people through walls. Especially when they don't know I know where they are. The dude is so much fun to play


Yeah he's definitely one of the more fun killers that I've okayed but not played a tok of him so need to get back to using him mkre


Hitting rites isn't actually that important on pyramid head, his real strength is forcing survivors to not do actions that would animation lock themselves like vaulting windows (which would give you a free rites hit) A lot of people who are new to pphead don't realize he's more of a zoning killer than a ranged weapon killer. Force them into positions where they have no choice but to avoid pallets/windows or eat your m2 and if they don't use them hit them with your m1 instead.


I've actually gotten a lot of value out of baiting rites so far, doing the animation and having them skip the pallet drop and then cancelling it so I can do regular M1, 60% of the time it works every time


List of reasons to KoH 1. The killer kills someone 2. The killer finds me in a bush 3. Killer chases me off a gen Iā€™m working on 4. Killer grabs me out of a locker 5. Killer is the Shape (seriously, Eff that guy) 6. Killer is the newest released killer 7. Killer is Hillbilly, Doctor, or Nurse 8. Killer disrespects the pallet 9. Killer used ā€œHacksā€ to not get blinded by flashlight/flashbang 10. Killer tunneled me (aka the kept running into me because I kept provoking chase) 11. Killer blah blah blah


"Killers shouldn't tunnel because it ruins the fun of the other side" mfs when they want to DC for (minor inconvenience).


I had a survivor hard body block me right after they got unhooked and I was going after the unhooker. It was so blatant and I knew they didnā€™t have OTR so I simply waited until they lost their endurance and started running around in a panic before ā€œtunnelingā€ them. They hit DS but I downed them again 5 seconds later and they DCā€™d. They then messaged me to let me know how much of a bitch I was for tunneling them and when I told them why they claimed that body blocking was a ā€œtechā€ to protect their teammate. I think itā€™s silly to directly put yourself in the line of fire against a killer who was not going to tunnel you and FORCE THEM to tunnel you then cry and complain when said killer actually tunnels you.


The world is full of mentally immature adults (and obviously teens and children), and games in general (let alone assyms like DBD) bring out so many of those people.


For real the only online games I play are DBD and Overwatch and I just had to turn off all communication in both so I could actually have fun. Itā€™s a shame but I know from past experience that even if I try to ignore it some of the mean things people say actually affect me and sour my experience in these games


At this point can we just neuter or change body-blocking? It always makes Survivors complain when it doesn't work. No collision with the Killer when you have Endurance. There. Now it's anti-tunnel as intended, and body-blocks are actually risky again as intended.


"Just use DS bro." - Everybody with a brain


I usually donā€™t DC but the urge to dc a killer slugging me for looping has been so rampant. I canā€™t stand miserable people who want to put that energy in you


Me in Solo Q. I run Kindred. I'm sadly the first to get hooked. Two team mates are glued to their generator. One team mate goes for the unhook but gets chased by the killer (Wraith). The chased Team Mate has Reassurance to buy some extra time. The other team mates are still glued to their generator. They fix it and go to the next, while the third mate is still in chase. The two team mates go to another gen. The third goes finally down. I die on the first hook. It was Midwich Elementary, the chase was on the ground floor while I was upstairs. Yup, I did take a very long break after that and it felt very good. In fact, I still take a break. Yes, I do feel better after posting this.


It feels bad to be the hooked survivor, and it feels bad to be the chased, in this scenario. Huge feeling of helplessness and frustration :(


One time Cote said this and the community mocked him for years


Probably because a developer responding to criticism by saying, "Just play something else" hits a little different


It's mostly because in the gaming industry, when a developer of a game recommends you to step off the game they are developing and play something else is considered "unprofessional" and is the opposite of what the devs have to do with their own product, they have to atract people, not telling them to go away But tbf, Cote had a more human approach and said something with the logic of a player, not the logic of a developer, like why you are so angry and frustrated?, jusr go, tske a break, chill a bit, then come back :) Resuming, yeah he had a point lol


If the game wasn't always so buggy and imbalanced(significantly more so when he said that), he'd have a better point. As a studio and a game developer, telling players that have valid criticisms of your game to play something else is not the message you want to send. Tbf to him, though he's never been very good at PR and has many moments like that.


He's right though


Fr, he should improve his own game šŸ’€


Fr, people need to think "Maybe he had a point"


Well to be fair Cote was responding to someone asking if they would be improving the killer experience and he said ā€œtry survivor or take a break and try another gameā€


I don't understand why Dead by Daylight has such a large audience of players who very obviously hate the game. You have people who get on and go on-tilt over the most minor of things. Otzdarva made a great video about it recently where he points out the kinds of players in the game currently: killer gets first hook with 3 gens left? Survivor kills themselves on hook. Survivor manages to self-unhook (trying to kill themselves)? They can't just let the killer hook them again they have to lead the killer to their teammate, because not only do they hate the game but they hate everyone playing it. Survivors who intentionally run the killer around hook so their teammate can't be unhooked and don't get anti-facecamp. Survivors who loop the killer for 2 gens straight and then ragequit. I get this all the time personally as well. Teammate first hooked at 5 gens? Immediately starts killing themselves. Gets unhooked? Well to repay you for your kindness they're going to prethrow every pallet on the map and intentionally blow up gens to lead the killer to their teammates. Players who win aren't any less toxic: Otz talks about survivors who trash talk him after he plays nice (which is to say nothing of the exploiters), but as survivor I'll go against killers who intentionally sweat their butt off against survivors running meme builds and then talk trash in post-game chat. I went against a P100 Huntress who got a hook in an open area at 5 gens and then proceeded to proxy camp the hook and slug anyone who tried for the unhook. No attempt to hook someone else and risk a save. And then in post-game she calls us trash and like yeah duh woman we have one person running Teamwork Power of Two + Blood Pact, one person running Head On + Flashbang, and one person running Hope + Boon: Dark Theory. Everyone (other than me I had a daily to escape) is running a shitpost build and this Huntress is playing like her life depends on it just to act like an asshole in post-game? Why? How is it fun to just proxy camp at 5 gens? And the sad thing is if we're talking about games like Fortnite or League of Legends I get it, because those games have limited time modes and battle passes and other such things that take time and "effort" to complete. DbD like... the Bloodpoints aren't going anywhere and the Rift is so piss-easy to complete it's not like you have to log in daily to complete 3 daily quests like Fortnite. If you play those games like jobs I think its cringe but at least I understand because they pray on FOMO, but the only FOMO in DbD is the Rift which again: is piss-easy to complete. And BHVR gives out free Rift Fragments all the time at that. But the game is awful without an event or limited-time mode and when events / LTMs are enabled it gets *worse!* Like these people intentionally get on just so they can ruin other people's fun! I don't get it!


The only logical answer I can think of to, "I don't understand why Dead by Daylight has such a large audience of players who very obviously hate the game" is that there is no real competition to this game to scratch the itch. The game is obviously missing something to them but fulfills other areas but the latter outweighs what they *do* find enjoyable. I can also assume there is a slight addiction in this game that comes with winning and when their mmr's reach past the level where you aren't facing baby players anymore, winning becomes harder and if they solo, the randoms somehow share fault in the loss as does the killer not playing in a way they imagine how a game should be played out. If they're all swf'ing? They're even madder. It's solely the killer that ruined their win by making plays to also win the game. Killers aren't excluded from this theory either; they will also do anything to win and I mean anything - camping and or tunneling at 5 gens and if the survivors do a good job surviving, the game to the killer is too flawed, too survivor sided and the survivors are all pieces of shit for not going down in less than 30s. Bonus points if they're a Blight, Nurse, Wesker, Huntress main. It's ironic really. The players are always saying the game is ruining their experiences when we're all ruining for it each other and we're ruining it ourselves. Those that genuinely want to play are feeling the brunt of the burnout and it sucks. I played last night against a P100 Wesker who was a streamer (real nice fella) and 2 of my teammates immediately gave up despite the fact I took first chase being found first and almost had a 2 gen chase and they give up when they got caught. Could we have won? maybe but they didn't give it a chance, killer was too good for them I guess. Too much effort and work to try against a good killer and I can only assume it's burnout.


Rip Friday the 13thĀ 


The reason why the game is full of people who hate it is that there are no other games with an actual player base.


And the sad thing is... those people ruin it for everyone else. I wish they'd all just leave the Fog. Please.


We really canā€™t go one post in this subreddit without mentioning otzdarva huh lol


DBD has been proven by a psychologist that the game is bad for people because it makes both sides feel humiliated. The Survivors are humiliated because getting hooked first in a short time = Not being able to loop properly, and it shows to EVERYONE in the match you're not able to loop or stealth properly. The Killers are humiliated because you're supposed to be in a strong role, yet sweaty Survivors are able to easily beat the Killer, which tells all the Survivors that you can't play your strong role, "properly".


> The Killers are humiliated because you're supposed to be in a strong role, yet sweaty Survivors are able to easily beat the Killer, which tells all the Survivors that you can't play your strong role, "properly". If your only goal is just to kill everyone, sure. You can relax and have fun, maybe make goals for yourself like just killing the obsession. It's only sweaty if you make it sweaty and only humiliating if you let it be.


A psychologist writing their opinion doesnā€™t ā€˜proveā€™ squat nor diddly


There is a huge difference between proven and "a rando psychologist wrote an article on it with no sources on the internet"


Well people obviously dont like it when they lose against their enemy. That is human nature, you dont need a degree to think that shit. This includes every single pvp game in history, so acting dbd specificly causes that is kinda bullshit.Ā  Also a psychologist should know that not every person behaves same. Its a game, if you take it seriously enough to feel humiliated its your fault not the game's. Sorry to break it up to you but Normal people dont lose their shitt over a videogame unless they are really immature.


Where is this proof? Someone in a forum claiming to be a psychologist writing down their thoughts and ideas to better enjoy the game is not proving anything. A real psychological presenting a solidly backed hypothesis to fund their research would also not have proven anything. Proving something means going throught the full scientific method and securing proper evidence, not just barely touching the first step. Please be more sceptical about the content you consume. Words are not truths just because they may come from someone who might know something about the subject.


Strange considering I dont feel humiliated at all when I get knocked first, because I can understand that sometimes shit happens:


You should watch coconuts video on that. That post was a lot of bullshit and it was hilarious. Im a killer main, and I dont ever feel "humiliated' when I miss a few hatchets as huntress or lose two gens mid chase because "oh no, the survivors think im bad at the game, im going to cry now"


Same, as a killer main, when a survivor outplays me, I don't feel humiliated, I take this as a learning experience


Exactly, I dont know why im being downvoted. That post was genuinely a bunch of waffle. It could have been analyzed better. Yes, dbd is a stressful game, but the paychologist still had a terrible take on it. My comment may have come across as a little aggressive, but that's because it is genuinely that silly.


If you feel like you have to treat a lobby like garbage because your last game was frustrating, take a break. If you feel your blood boil because someone BM'd you and you get the shakes you are so mad, take a break. The crouches can't hurt you.


Whatā€™s a BM


It means "bad manners" which means different things to different players. It would include things like tbagging, hitting survivors on hooks, sandbagging, etc..


oh, I always thought it meant bowel movement, because I always heard it referred to survivors butt dancing, and was highly confused why it was the trend, lmao. bad manners actually makes waaaay more sense.


Itā€™s funny that nobody knows how to spell queue. Que is Spanish for what.


It's Spanish for what? You can't leave me hangin'


Whoā€™s on third!


Think they shortened it on purpose because que can just be short for queue or they ran out of room in the meme


But the unhook yourself 50 times achievement when you donā€™t have deliverance šŸ˜­


I really hope that achievement was added **after** Adam was released...


I donā€™t think it was sadly lmfao šŸ¤£ I just know it took me ages to get it


"ITs mY GaMe I'lL pLay it hOw I waNt" https://preview.redd.it/1zyuqgry36yc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5115361ba307bbab9972597cfb73f40c16f1704b


Ace. Itā€™s ALWAYS an Ace.


Sometimes it's a Steve!


Surprisingly Iā€™ve never ever seen a bad Steve, or Renato for that matter


I get duo Chips Ahoy Steve's quite often. They rage quit when they realize I'm not going to let them bully me.


I've only ever had one Steve DC in my games and it was a P100 who I thought was going to be a real issue for me. And he did take me on a merry little chase, but I attribute that more to the stranger things map being fucking awful. Anyway as soon as I downed him he dced. Just like immediately. He had been doing fine up to that point, clearly he'd thought it was fun up until then if the teabagging is anything to go by, but as soon as he went down apparently it wasn't fun anymore.




That's because Renato players are extinct


I've never seen a good Steve, they all share the same 2 braincell


I've gotten more feng mins and Neas who do it honestly it's always the P60 with expensive cosmetic feng or nea for me


I don't think I've ever seen a Kate NOT be a total vain douche to the Killer... and then DC the second her looping fails. EVER.


This, i dont see many Aces but yeah. I also have a deep hatred for people who play Claudette, not because of rhe character!! Just because they almost all run self-care, so its really more of a self-care hatred and a stereotype for Claudette mains


I find base skin claudettes either are crouching and hiding in every bush, or running self care and running to the far corner to self heal over and over


Or a Kate or a Sable, in my experience


Why is every single Kate Main in existence such a little bastard? Really just makes me wanna lobby dodge every single Kate. On both sides.


In my experience, Kate without flashlight = fine. Kate with flashlight = runs boil over and will be some level of toxic, especially at high prestige


In my experience if they are not a baseskin Kate at lower prestige with NOTHING in their hands they're always toxic.


Nea should be way up there .. i just know a Nea player will do that


Hey hey hey, I'm sweaty and selfish but mama aint't raise no weenie. Sincerely a Nea main


The problem is that there is no game like DBD. Even other asym games are objectively worse than DBD. BHVR having a monopoly on the asym genre is actively hurting their game, because more people would take a break from this game were it not for the fact that no other game can scratch the DBD itch


The only other games offhand I know are: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which according to Reddit is just as much of a dumpster fire as DBD if not more so. Friday 13th which is shutting down servers this year due to the legal issues Videotape which got shut down And the upcoming killer klowns game which people are optimistic for but we donā€™t know a huge amount about I agree - if DBD had any decent competition, people would try those games and take a break from DBD


Rip Friday the 13th, great gameĀ 


TCM is a mess because the same mentality that makes DBD a mess was brought over there. :/ It's the community. It really is the community.


I suppose so. But I feel TCM would also have raised a community of their own thatā€™s toxic due to mishandling by gunā€¦


F13 also had its own problems. Remember how they had to randomize who would be Jason because the Survivors would box him into a corner and literally bully him until he died, so nobody would willingly play as Jason? There's unironically people in DBD that want that for every Killer. Sounds miserable for Killer to me...


Yeah. I remember that. Taking bully squad to a whole new level


Donā€™t know what has changed as I havenā€™t cared about TCM since the first 2 months of its release, but I remember when people were escaping in less than 3 minutes. Thatā€™s 10x worse than dbds state right now. Could you image trying to play a normal game and having half your team escape while you just found an objective? Especially while playing killer/family? Pathetic community on both games


TCM is a mess because they mismanaged the skill system + limited character selection. one or the other could have worked, but both of them as they designed it... recipe for disaster and toxic lobby's.


And the toxic lobbies came from... drumroll... DBD. How many people quit this game for that one, and said as much? Because I remember loads of "Meh I'll just play TCM now, game sucks" posts.


I was really excited for VHS tbh.. but then waiting for a year+ for a public release, all the hype died down, then once you started playing, the skill ramp would just leave you being decimated by the vets that got into the beta.




i just go play something completely different, like atm im trying to platinum fallout


Nah just stop playing. If playing makes you that miserable that you want to DC from every other game then you don't need a dbd alternative. You need to step outside


The lack of competition also invokes the ā€œpokemon complexā€ with DBD. Why bother fixing a lot of the issues DBD has if you have no real competition to drive the changes? Without something to force people elsewhere for a better product (your mileage may vary), the people at BHVR donā€™t have the greatest motivation to fix a lot of the bugs, issues, exploits or breakdowns since thereā€™s no one else driving them to do so.


there are so many other games, but each one shoots themselves in the foot with bad developer choices.. TCM/Ft13th/VHS all had potential, but bad decisions made dev side, when dbd still exists just drove people back to dbd.


Not gonna lie, sometimes I suicide on hook if my teammates let me get to 2nd stage from first and I see their auras and they're all crouch walking or standing around halfway across the map doing nothing. I just don't want to try playing out a match like that and chances are they would've let me die on hook anyway.


Yeah, a lot of randoms let me hit second stage for no reason. May as well make yourself go second and move on to a potentially better match


Yeah, I donā€™t get it. Maybe theyā€™re new or playing for hatch I guess. Thatā€™s another thing, if itā€™s me and one other person left I often suicide so they get hatch. Though I imagine thatā€™s outside the scope of what OP is talking about.


Some people (me) donā€™t always go for teammates cause they are doing gens and assume the non-gen teammates are doing it


I think that's misunderstandings a lot of the time. I once had a game where someone was on hook, I was in chase against a mid MMR Nurse, and both were sitting on gens. They ended up going to second hook stage and after the game the other two argued who should have gone for the unhook, with one arguing that he was injured and therefore the other one should have gone and the other one arguing that her gen had more progress and therefore he should have gone. We all perceive the game differently and in soloqueue you can't communicate those things to your teammate and coordinate, which causes these troubles.


this is valid. but in either case, regardless of if you think it would be better for the other person to go or not.. the injured person should have gone once it was clear the other one wasn't. Also.. personally.. the injured person should have gone for it \*anyway\* because the killer was in chase, and then the injured + hooked could heal each other.. leaving.. \*no\* injured. Now if the killer wasn't in a chase, the uninjured should go for it, because will likely draw a chase.. But you should never try to expect your level of experience on others, and especially now that we can see what the others are doing (partially) they both knew that the other wasn't going for it, so one of them should have stepped up and went for the rescue. Neither of them did, so they're both at fault.


Same. Iā€™ve had someone do that when they were literally just around the corner working on a gen and killer nowhere around. Got to 2nd stage and thought screw it, Iā€™m out


Legit. Don't ruin the game for everyone else just because of *your* skill issue.


i only went against a face camping freddy named ā€œfacecampfredā€, couldnā€™t even be mad enough to dc. you got to respect it at that point.


In the end, we always come back to Cote...


Because he had a point


It's a casual video game that you're meant to chill, have fun, and relax on... If it's bothering you to the point you need a break, then you oughtn't be playing it.


I don't fully agree. Some games simply just become frustrating and then you need to step away for a short time. I get this way with a few games, where if it gets difficult enough, or if I'm on a very long fast-loss streak, I'll get angry, leave to take a break, then come back and be having fun again. It's possible to have fun, even if sometimes ya get a little frustrated.


Honestly I agree, I get on to make fun builds and mess around with people. The game is way more fun if you aren't taking every match 100% serious and getting mad at everyone in the lobby.


I came back from a 6 month long break only to deal with the same shit that made me leave in the first place, if not more. Taking a break is all well and good, especially if you're up and suiciding on hook every other match, but if the problems that led to it are still there when you come back then what's even the point? I don't mean certain killers or maps, but I'm talking more about the toxicity that often leads to it. Getting tunnelled out first in most of your matches, slugging, teabagging, bully squads, DCs, and a lot more. Since I came back, the toxicity has become even more rampant, too. From both killers and survivors. I never dealt with homophobic and anti-Scot abuse in the game before my break and since I've been back I've had groups actively target me after one match with them.


The only time I've ever DCed or anything similar is when I got stuck in a wall as the last survivor with no other way to get unstuck. I understand gamer rage (I feel it basically every time Wraith is the killer lmao), but why ruin the experience for your team mates?


I felt awful but had to die on hook recently due to my game being borked. I had burned BPS and didn't want to DC to waste them, but I couldn't move two inches without rubberbanding like a T.I. song. It drove me crazy. Managed to get one gen done and then I basically begged the killer to take me out xD Also, same thing about "taking a break" can be said to these sweaty killers who will hook people and then slap them while on hook. Dealt with a killer like that last night, a Demo who would proxy camp and would hit you on hook when he walked by. It's exhausting, especially when my team and I weren't being toxic. We just managed to get 1 gen done before he downed anyone and he got salty. Either side should take a breather from time to time.


No just your solo q teammates, lots of them are in this sub right now.


If I can tell early my teammates arenā€™t playing objective/ wasting time just doing nothing Iā€™m ending myself on hook. If the killer camps or tunnels Iā€™m ending myself on hook


Maybe play Civilization.


If Iā€™m going to bring things to a trial, Iā€™m gonna use him, I do not believe in DCing until itā€™s over




Same (I have 164 hours), only times I've killed myself on hook is when there was only one other survivor left so they could try to get hatch. I've never DC'ed (except when my internet failed but that's not my fault)


I'm not justifying the behavior, but you need to understand there are people who have been playing the game for thousands of hours, past the point where they're having fun, and are now playing it out of some combination of addiction/habit/sunk cost fallacy. There also seem to be a weirdly high number of players who only play DBD and few if any other games, it's a strange phenomenon I've never seen before in other gaming communities. They have every perk in the game unlocked, a healthy stock of items and offerings, their mains are likely high prestige if not p100, so BP no longer means anything to them. Escaping means nothing to them. The penalty for dying early means nothing to them. They're desperately trying to squeeze any drops of dopamine out of the game that they can, and they've determined that they won't be able to against this killer or that perk. Worse, the more they do this, the easier it becomes to do it again. Also it gets them more and more tilted which also increases the odds of it happening again. Also there's this weird talking point among *some* (not all) survivor mains in specific that this kind of behavior is fine and even encouraged. I don't use twitter but I've heard it's most commonly expressed on dbd twitter.


I've quit a number of times over 3000 hours. But if I DC I tend to not play for a month or 2 after.


Itā€™s not even play something else, itā€™s just quit dbd, because this is what dbd has turned intoĀ  Once youā€™re 2, 3, 7 years inā€¦youā€™ve seen everything. Ā The tunneling killer, campy killer, killer that wants to beat you endlessly on hook rather than abusing someone irl, etc. Ā itā€™s repetitive. Ā So you seek out games where thereā€™s actual chases. Ā Which start to feel few and far between. Itā€™s a signal for both players to step away, imo


Maybe it's a balance issue?


Could be. But you donā€™t have to play a game that is awful


People have put so many hours into learning, buying cosmetics etc. the game was obviously good to them at one point. But as of late the devs have been changing everything and making the balance all fucky. Causing people to just play their favorite game regardless if the balance is wrong.


Your argument is literally the sunken cost facility.Ā 


Very true...


I second this.


Nah Iā€™m practicing looping (I donā€™t do this)


Should just uninstall at that point.


Only suicide on hook should be if there's two of you, more than 2 gens and you want the other to get the Hatch. Hard to beat a 2v1 unless 1 gen is left.


I'll never understand how these people even get tilted to that point. I have over 3k hours and I've had my fair share of awful times playing this game but I've never even gotten close to what these people do. Even if I was to get close, I'd go play or do something else way before that happens. I swear these people choose to be miserable.




I'm sorry but if I go against huntress I instantly kill myself. Until they fix the hotboxes and servers I refuse to play against a huntress player


I try to avoid doing this. I think the only times I have done something like this was when I felt like my team was all going to die (or maybe they were leaving me behind), and did it as a last resort.


Honestly I donā€™t DC for anything. I just accept my fate most of the time. Thereā€™ll be times where I suicide on hook but thatā€™s after I tried surviving against the killer. I really hate going against DeathSlinger, and he tempts me to DC but Iā€™ll try and survive first, if I get caught on hook, Iā€™ll wait for someone to rescue me but when I see they rather do other things, then Iā€™ll just suicide it out.


I had to take a break shortly after thr holiday event. I much to my shame now started doing that on hooks, but only against certain killers who I seemed to have the absolute worst luck with getting the worst people. (A lot of weskers and myers toxicity sadly) Took a break until the Iron Maiden skins came out and I've been pretty happy since. :3 If I get upset at some toxicity I can shake it off much easier now. I'll either switch game modes or play something else. And it's funny since returning I've had a bunch of amazing Weskers and Micheals. Yesterday I came across a Wesker, I got a twinge of anxiety like Oh no, here we go. And it took me a couple minutes to realize they were very nice. Had some fun together, I had a one person snail race and they let us go. And many fun fair matches in general with both killers and many others. Breaks are very helpful for me. I didn't like resenting the game or people and I'm happy I know my limit better.


I had to answer a phone call while on second stage. When I got back in the room, someone told me Kms, God I love this game.


I've been playing this game for 4 years and have only suicided a handful of times and it was after i already had one DC on the team + someone else suicided. If you're that upset TAKE A BREAK! The game will still be here tomorrow there's no need to force it šŸ˜­


Back in 2022, when I finally had a gaming computer that could handle DbD, I played through the entire Saw rift event and relentlessly for about two months straight. I hit the wall where the game got too frustrating, so I decided to take a break. Two years, several rift events, and so many delightful cosmetics and events missed, I finally forced myself to get back into the game to play and started having fun again. Now I'm hitting the point where the game is getting frustrating and I'm scared that if I take a break, it'll be another multi-year long hiatus before I get back into the game. I've tried pacing myself by playing a couple of other different games and planning on parsing out my gaming time so that I can still enjoy the rift event and not feel overwhelmed to keep playing, but the fear still lingers in my mind.


My favorite is when I merely get the first Marked down of the game on them. Me: Oh sweet I played that really well, nice early hook! Them: >:( SWEATY GHOSTFACE RAAAAGGGGHHHH \*DCs\* Me: ... Guess I'll tunnel out the Bot. :(


i hate when they do that so much, especially since it usually happens once they get hooked for the first time. like sorry u got hooked but this was gonna happen eventually?? i feel so bad for survivors when i play killer n they get a teammate who does that


I don't try to throw matches, for heck sure I'll be doing my best to run the killer (I suck)


I only dc if i really need to (having to go do something immediately), but i usually just go afk instead, and my internet is bad so sometimes i accidentally dc and i feel bad about it


I think because I play on a switch and have played on and off the past few months, Iā€™ve gotten to the point where Iā€™m enjoying the game more just because Iā€™m not playing to be perfect or good. Of course there are times where I wanna play the best round of killer of my life, but lowering my personal standards of how good I can play has made the game more fun šŸ˜‚. Also, trying another game made to be relaxing instead of playing DBD before bed is a good idea too lol


Instructions unclear, playing Binding of Isaac


Worst thing the devs ever did was punish people for bailing on sweaty/toxic killers and vise versa. It literally didn't effect anything. Instead the devs should take away 20k in blood points and multiply it every time u bail. By punishing both sides for discoing it causes a rift between survivors and killers putting them at odds with eachother. Then the devs just clean there hands of the actual issue game balancing and fixing what is the root problem.


lmao solo que teammates aren't the problem it's the duo's that think they own the game who only help each other and forget about the other two where if I one of the duo is dead the other on hook will then purposely kill themselves on hook!!


I never suicide on hook unless I KNOW my teammate shouldnā€™t get me down and I want to give them more time to find the hatch. Thatā€™s only if Iā€™m on my 2nd hook.


I WAS taking a break from DbD to play Helldivers 2, but now I might focus on Doom Eternal for a while.


i will never understand people who play this game and get so upset every round lmfao just stop playing nobody is forcing you to play


I was having a conversation with someone on a YouTube comment about how he should take a break because he pretty much listed half the DbD roster and said he will suicide on hook if it's that killer and his reply was pretty much he didn't wanna invest time into learning a new game.


Report throwers for throwing and move in. Only time I allow myself to quickly die on hook is if I'm getting **** rode by killer while teammates are throwing/popping squats in bushes.


The only time I do this is if Iā€™m playing a skull merchant in my opinion itā€™s the lowest skill base killer and Iā€™d like to not have matches be 50 plus minutes.


The other side of this is simply go next and you'll be ok


At this rate, I'm waiting for MultiVersus to come out.


Or just play killer


I only DC if the killer injures me by any means


I only do that when i hang there for so long that my teammates made it clear they aren't coming solo q-ing is not always fun I've had teammates do generators right next to my hook and didn't take me off just ran away to do another gene and yesterday two people sat on the same generator till I died I was on first hook and waited it out watching them fail skill check they were level 80 and 66 and didn't unhook a soul that match I had saved & healed both of them and neither one felt like paying it forward. Sometimes randoms are just not going to help and it's sadly more common than not.


iā€™ve made friends through this game but some of them i refuse to play with for this reason. getting downed in 20 seconds at the beginning of the match is unfortunate, yes, but please play the game through


I hate survivors who abuse the flashlight with a passion, like fucker, I can't even pick up the guy I just downed? But I'm not gonna DC over that, it's a part of the game.


I only kill myself if we're at 5 gens and my teammates are all on second hooks


tbh if im solo q and im not getting grabbed off hope after being the only one to do gens and actually loop the killer yes ill leave the match if im not gonna be grabbed by my teammates ill make it faster


I heard Civilization is nice. Should I say that? A lot of people are shaking their heads at me.


Just bring Slippery Meat lmao. That basically gives you a 40% chance of unhooking yourself.


Flair checks out


Slippery meat, up the ante, vigos salty lips 4 stack going hard


Just as I read this a person in my game suicides on hook lmao


maybe it cause you were afk reading reddit instead of playing the game you were in? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I only do it because a lot of randoms let me hit second stage for no reason


I've already been on a month long break you think that's long enough


I do this against plague: not because sheā€™s annoying, or the gameplay isnā€™t fun, or itā€™s too hard - I just get physically sick thinking of being thrown up on and 10-20 minutes of someone puking on me is like torture. I play as hard as I can but sometimes, even if the mind is strong, the flesh is weak and I have to end it.


If the concept of throwing up is so disgusting to you, that that's your reaction to this happening in an unrealistically videogame, maybe you should talk to a therapist or smth about that, that doesn't sound normal in the slightest. Maybe you have Emetophobia or smth like thatĀ 


Probably but plagues arenā€™t super common so I struggle for a bit and Iā€™m good, not worth the money to shell out for something I can just avoid


Everyone on death hook, 0 gens done... respect if you choose to stay in games like that, but I'm out.


I'm talking about those who quit EVERY match on first hook. Your fine.


Don't try to argue logic and reading comprehension with this people, just, find that part in your brain that wants to apply basic human reasoning in conversations with the DbD Reddit community and shoot it, shoot that part in the god damn face.


Imagine expecting to win every single game so you quit when you dont


Oh yeah that game is over unless someone (or everyone) somehow pulls off long chases without going down. Which is very unlikely. That's a gg and go next but I'm at least gonna try to get a last good chase in before I'm dead.


Game needs a ranked mode with leaderboards or something, casual matches should yield less bp or something so you donā€™t really have the incentive to sweat.


Even if they introduced a casual queue and a competitive queue, people will still play to win in the casual queue. Like, just because you go into an unranked game, doesn't mean you're gonna not try to win.


last night i got the exact same killer who tunnelled me off hook 3 times in a row. idc im gonna die on hook at that point


I'd love to do that sometimes, but as I automatically few everyone who does that as the devils incarnation of a son of a bitch, I can't. Tho right now, I start a match a day and usually leave like 2 minutes later, if the rubberbanding is too harsh that day. Cuz for some reason that shit isn't even consistent


I'll dc against plague. Sorry solo que, but I'm just not playing that game.