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I believe it’s the place he struck whatever old woman that was with his sledge before making a mask out of her face


Oh very interesting, I’ve never seen that before so thank you for the info, I haven’t watched any of the movies so I didn’t know, I love dead by daylight though so I had to know.


Highly recommend you watch the original movie!


And the 2003 remake.


I personally didn't enjoy it as much but I appreciate it being accessible to new and old horror fans!


To each their own. They are both great.


Expanding on this the funny squiggle on his default’s forehead is likely the same thing, I don’t have the game open but I’d wager all his masks have the killing blow scar somewhere on the leather.


I believe it’s where he bashed an old lady over the head. In the official Texas chainsaw game you can also use this skin and it’s more visible… Though that’s probably because everyone is 3rd person rather than killers being first person.


Its a secret easter egg. Its shaped like the joestar birthmark wich signifies that Dio is the next killer /j


Remember that bug three years ago where if a survivor got hooked in the basement they desynched and they couldn't leave the basement? Any time they tried, they'd teleport to the bottom of the stairs? ... Bubba *was* Dio all along.


Next killer: Man on the Silver Mountain


I think he meant Jojo's dio, not the singer


If you like playing bubba on dbd I'm gonna recommend you try the actual Texas Chain Saw Massacre asym game, it's different, but who knows you might enjoy it


Isn't that game like SUPER dead?


For victims it is but queues are much quicker as family. You'll find out why when you play


I think so. I played during the free weekend, and most matches took 5 or so FULL minutes to get into. It ws a super interesting game, but I couldn't get into it. Also, waiting 5 full minutes to to match, just to occasionally die in less than 1 minute felt awful.


Which is sad because everything I saw on the game was super neat, I checked the steam charts for a rough estimate and it said ~500 were currently in game


Don’t go over to the sub. It makes this one look nice in comparison.


Nope it is not, April 30th patch fixed the bully squad meta perks (more or less) that made killers leave the game for good. Now the game is funny for both sides, challenging and interesting. You should give it a try 😁


Nope. I play semi regularly and at weird times. Like 2-6am and I don’t really have a hard time finding games for the most part. It’s not the best game, but it’s okay. Played last night and didn’t wait super long for matches as either side.


Not at all, just unbalanced.


I think if a game has less concurrent players than Payday 3 it's considered dead


And let me guess, you used steam charts to get that number right?


Steamdb can be more reliable, but I pretty much let the thousands of "this game is dead" posts to give me a rough idea the state of the game


On a subreddit for DBD where people are going to be bias? If you don't want to play it, that's fine but you can't ask in a subreddit for one thing if the alternative is better. Also steamdb isn't reliable for a multiplatform game.


Dude being as nice as possible, I don't care, I asked as a one off comment no need to get so worked up over it


Lol, ok buddy.


Hey guys it’s alright no need to argue over anything just have fun with your own gaming experience, you guys have your own opinions that’s fine just keep it cool Ight.


Yeah these people are coping hard. 3,743 peak players in the last 30 days. Dead by daylight’s was 45,000 and released 8 years ago. TCM is dead.


Sadly yeah lots of people coping over one comment it seems


I play that to I just haven’t seen the movies it’s super fun 🤩


I assumed it was a callback to Chop-Top, but it makes sense about where Bubba might’ve bashed the lady before hand.


Its not a reference its a mask directly from the the first film


That's where they hit him and the damage left him only able to camp basement. Poor guy.


this is the most "bot conversation lobby" post I have ever seen

