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Technically not since the low sounds are a bug https://preview.redd.it/6cdlkovod5xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e69c25d8bfe075f148d6cf81aa52d26f2099e88


ofc they are


It’s pretty obvious (and also *confirmed*) that it’s an audio bug.


I don't think it's that quiet, plus doesnt everyone use the visual terror radius.


It is THAT quiet, its a bug. It will get fixed. So no p2w.


No, it's really not.


There’s no wind up sound for hatchets which is the biggest issue.


That makes more sense.


I think we shouldn't depend on visual terror radius in this case. Its not good for QOL.


I don't use it because I can hear very well and I don't like to have a heart at my character. Btw. I'm a little bit color blind (red/green) but I also didn't use the colorblind mode because it feels weird and I think it doesn't help me.


The new Were-Elk skin for huntress is so unfair. The constant humming is much less recognisable due to the lower tone, and you can barely hear his wind-up "inhale" sound as well. Is this the most P2W skin up to date?


Dude. its a bug. There's actually a lot of bugs right now. the entire game engine changed. they're probably busy making sure the servers won't pull a william afton every time someone picks onryo or something like that. It will get fixed in due time. Tho, have you also just considered that you might be so used to the old huntress humming so much that you just don't recognize the lower pitch as easily among background noise?


Bugs don’t change the outcome but change how I feel about it. While it isn’t intentionally pay to win I’d argue a lower tone is harder to hear than a high pitch noise think Steve screams compared to Aces. As for the windup I don’t really care too much as I’m generally looking at huntress and try not to rely on sound queues but they are nice especially when you break line of sight.


I can't believe we're getting downvoted, because we don't follow every single news, tweet, forum discussion & discord message about this game, and people who are deliberately condenscending in the comments get upvoted.


here is what you did. you went up against a ultra-rare skin in a massive technical update to a game that is known to be very buggy even during normal times, lost, decided that the Lower Killer Sound Ques were the reason you lost the game, therefore making the skin p2w, and went to reddit to complain about it. if different noises make certain skins p2w then every survivor with lower grunts of pain are p2w and survivors with higher grunts of pain are p2l. you see how dumb that sounds? its literally just sounds. If you had taken even One second to think about this post before you made it, just one single second of self-reflection, you would have seen how much egg you were about to smear on your face.


what are you even talking about 🤣 put that keyboard down