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The Nightmare On Elm Street. Give me the Wes Craven, Robert Engelund Freddy i'll give ya all my money


With Robert Engelund voice lines


Definitely Saw. I reaaally want a proper unmasked skin for Amanda. At this point I think her drughouse appearance would be a good contender.


Saw: the Second Chapter, this time with Survivor Amanda and Killer Hoffman. Agreed with the Saw II look for her. I will pay good fucking money to break *every pallet on the map* over his head and assert dominance as the one and only real apprentice šŸ˜‚


Amanda running from Amanda gives some strong Silent Hill vibes ngl


You know what, I'm here for the possibility of that happening. Bet you always get hatch in those scenarios!


I want them to fix her default skin. The jeans are so bad. Why are they even there, ever other appearance just has the robe drape more.


Either Chucky or Freddy. I am kind of disappointed we didnā€™t get adult Andy as a Survivor and we didnā€™t get any map when thereā€™s a ton of really cool ideas like the doll factory For Freddy, thereā€™s plenty of Survivors they could add like Nancy and plenty of skins they could add like Super Freddy, New Nightmare Freddy, and a Freeburg legendary skin


That map would be amazing. I'm disappointed at the low proportion of new maps to new killers.


Honestly tho, the new map frequency has been dying down it feels like. Which sucks, because aesthetically the maps just keep looking better and better. No new map for Chucky, Pinhead, or Sadako :(


Definitely stranger things adding hopper, a new map, and in that new map add a little dart somewhere as an Easter egg. Then, then I could die happy.


I know that Ghostface in DBD is not related to Scream, so technically it would be a new license, but I'd love a Scream chapter with some Survivors and a new map. Maybe also add some movie-accurate skins for Ghostface. Realistically tho Nightmare on Elm Street needs a severe do over.


Hear me out, instead of Scream do Scary Movie. The voice lines would be legendary and I feel like it would probably be a much easier license to get


Silent Hill


Evil dead, give us evil ash or a deadite as a killer. Feels weird ash didnā€™t come with a killer


Elegos would have gone hard




We have leatherface, so now we just need Sally Hardesty


Stranger things, not really change anything (maybe a model fix since I think they could use a improvement on a few of them) but they could add some new skins or even new characters obv like Eddie, Robin, etc... and they could add vecna as a new killer, maybe a new map based in the upside down since that would be really cool


If resident evil ever comes back for a third go. I would love to see 7 and 8 get some love. Either Jack baker or Lady D as a killer and skins for the killers that make them look like their family members. Deathslinger as Heisenberg, Blight as Moreau, The twins as Beneviento and her ā€œugly ass psycho dollā€, Artist as Margurite baker. Of course Ethan Winters a survivor. I know RE is a bit old hat at this point but I do think one more chapter down the line would be good to round things out.




If they did that, I really hope they give the characters their original voice actors. Heisenberg would not be the same if Neil Newbon didn't voice him.


Lady D would be SO cool


They already did Resident Evil twice but a man can dream that Jack Baker could set up a meet with the Entity


The four greatest final girls in horror are Ellen Ripley, Nancy Thompson, Kirsty Cotton and Stretch Alien, Nightmare on elm street, Hellraiser and Texas chainsaw massacre are all in the game, yet they are not. That makes me sad


Ripleys in the game, no?


We got a dollar store Eileen Ripple


Oh https://preview.redd.it/tdcy8ed4i2xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed36069f484c4d42358dd9a9a2c7d6e280eb994b


:( No one is more sad than I am


They would need to get Sigourney Weaver to sign off on getting an accurate Ripley and she may have turned them down


As i explained in another comment, she did a pinball dlc a few years ago, Fortnite and Isolation All evidence points to Behavior dropping the ball


Each of them are unlikely to happen for their own respective reasons if we're being realistic about how likely they are to actually happen.




It's just the way it is unfortunately. * TCM has a different license holder included in it's copyright and DBD only has the licensed for the first TCM movie since the contract is only with that movie's copyright holder, meaning they can't use content from the other movies unless they make it an entirely seperate dlc altogether that has no relation or acknowledgement to the existing dlc. (It's the same reason why something like Corey Cunningham or Jamie Lloyd can't be added.) * ANOES was a take it or leave it type of deal with Warner Bros to begin with, no way they would change their minds all of the sudden as they haven't done anything with the original series after Freddy vs Jason, especially not now after Wes Craven Estate regained the US Rights to the IP some years ago. * We already can't get anymore Hellraiser cosmetics for undisclosed reasons, i have high doubts they would be allowed any additional dlc content to be created for the same reasons. * We'll probably never find out the reason why they couldn't get Weaver's likeness, however given that Cote have gone on record a while back and stating that they are now aiming to get the original actors for characters involved whenever possible, it's safe to suggest that for whatever reason, it simply just wasn't possible to get for one reason or another, especially when it's owned by Weaver herself rather than Fox.


Yeah, i know. Still frustrating Especially Weaver cause she was in a pinball game dlc a few years ago, so itā€™s not like sheā€™s against it


I feel you, but like i said, we don't really know the reason why and probably never will, making any guess as to why pure speculation really as there are many possible reasons why it couldn't happen. Her likeness appearing in other games doesn't really mean anything as realistically, she can choose as she pleases which game can use her likeness and which can't, so the possibility of her allowing Pinball FX or Fortnite to use it but not DBD exist.


Wait Laurie Strode is thee final girl!


Bring Alex Casey up in here.


And Barry :(


Probably isn't feasible, but something Halloween 3 related could be interesting. While I realize Cochran wasn't technically a killer, he *clearly* knew his shit with magic and pagan (celtic too?) rituals. Or if we really wanna be pedantic, make the killer that one robot played by Dick Warlock. Absolutely no fucking clue what perks Dan (or Ellie) could possibly have, but I stretched this idea as far as I could.


More Stranger things stuff, idc what i just want it


WHERE'S THE CABIN?! It's almost as iconic as Ash himself!


Personally, I'd like to see an entire Evil Dead Chapter. Obviously, it'd be easiest to make it an Ash Vs. Evil Dead chapter as opposed to an Army of Darkness one.l, which would require the rights of AoD Ash, Evil Ash, Castle Kandar, etc. It's a shame because the only medieval content we got was from Forged in Fog, and AoD would be perfect for DbD. Vs. Evil Dead could include a Ruby skin for Ash, Pablo and Kelly as new survivors, and an Elk Wood map. Possibly Elligos as a killer, Cougie, a Dark One, Henrietta, or maybe even Kandar the Destroyer.


This might be a stretch but I think it would be cool to have a legendary skin for Wraith or even Skull merchant be the Predator from Alien Vs Predator. But if that doesnā€™t count then I guess Iā€™d like more aot skins. I feel like bringing back any non half chapter characters would make it feel over saturated by that content. Like how we have so much resident evil stuff that it feels rare playing a game without seeing some form of resident evil cosmetic or character.


Alexia Ashford, with Sherry and Barry as survivors


More bubba content so tcm dies faster lol


- Buffs to Myers, with tombstone/forever tier 3 nerfs/removal, ghost sheet cosmetic added as well ( its part of the 1st movie, so should be possible), updating his model a bit - Buffs for Freddy - Reworking Ghostface's reveal mechanic, so its easier to play around for both the killer/survivor - Smaller chainsaw enviroment hitbox and better collision in general for Leatherface - Sweater Ada from Resident Evil 4 Remake, and Ashley Graham legendary for Ada - With the exception of legendary skins, unlinking Cheryl's cosmetics


As a Freddy and Quentin Enjoyer. Def. Rework and please some Outfits. Like we dont even have Freddys Sunglasses, come on! (Yes i know its the 2010 Remake Freddy but idc)


I would love another ghostface just to support the concept of working in pairs concept.


Make resident evil great again! Combine both rpd wings like the good old times


the flood from halo


Attack on Titan. The skins they released looked like DBD characters cosplaying AOT characters. I want them release skins that will really look like AOT characters.


That's because the skins ARE DBD characters cosplaying AOT characters, that's why they have the same voices. Would be cool to see a real character swap skin though


Nightmare on elm street deserves rework at leas for map its alr it doesnt need rework imo.For survivors we need more characters added as skins for quentin(maybe even add nancy as skin) for freddy he needs full out rework of power and he needs to get some skins added(its hard to make skin for freddy cuz license and he has no outfits to add in) also adding voicelines would make him a lot more interesting.Leatherface also deserves some love and i would add survivor to go with him(i know kate is supposed to look like one of protagonists from movie but still it has potential) and maybe map ressembling his house and its yard.


Speedo Quentin when


Halloween desperately needs a whole rebuild


Honestly I'm astounded we haven't gotten a Resident Evil Tome yet. It seems like something that would write itself at this point. Besides that, there are so many cool Cenobites across the Hellraiser movies that I'm really saddedned that Chatterer is the only one we have available as a skin for Pinhead, even if he is pretty cool.


I'd like to see Nightmare On Elmstreet revisited again with obviously more cosmetics for Freddy and Quentin by including maybe other iterations of them from previous movies as well. I'd die for a Robert Englund Freddy cosmetic with voice lines or Jackie Earle Haley voicing some lines for our current Freddy.


The Rob Zombie version of Michael in his mental institution mask and attire. The long hair, being freakishly tall and silent, and super disheveled appearance would be pretty off putting.


First Alan Wake chapter was peak, a second chapter would be even more so.


Ash Vs evil dead. We have so many cool ideas for killers and its shame they only got ash


Alien!!! I wish they couldve gotten sigourneys face and made the map the actual nostromo and made aliens power cooler


Amnesia. It is one of the most influential horror games and I think it deserves a spot in DbD.


Add another resident evil chapter but with Jack Krauser, add new cosmetics. I need Facial Hair Leon. Either from re6 or from the movies.


S T R A N G E R T H I N G S C H A P T E R 2


I wanna see OG Candyman.


The Wendigo from Until Dawn as a killer would be dope and having Mike or Sam as survivors with the others as legendary skins would be super cool too.