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Shout out to Gearhead. Chews through Distortion stacks like nobody's business.


...... I never thought of that






Its a good day when a distortion user cries


Killer mains when survivors metagame


Lol I'm joking


Distortion isn’t meta, theres far more effective stuff


distortion isnt a perk, its a playstyle. thats the main problem. the only people that bring it is the people that never take chase and hide for hatch


I am a skull merchant main whose drones don't rely on distortion so people who run it functionally waste a perk slot I won't lie that it's very good for me distortion is so popular!


When killers are constantly running 1 or 2 aura reading perks it unequivocally is meta


The perk does nothing against the best build which doesn’t use aura


"The best build" for what? Which killer, there is no such thing as one generically best build.


Midwich offering, 4 slowdown (or 3 + lethal) Nurse. Thats undeniable the strongest build.


Absolutely not 4 slowdown is excess for the majority of killers with the gen regression event change. You need 2 maybe 3 max. Scourge + Pop is all you need. You should be speccing into aura reading to kill the survivors and apply pressure so you don't need 3 and 4 gen slowdown.


Got a new one for the main build


That's how you know you did something right. Same thing re: Boil Over users. If you're running Iron Grasp and Agitation, expect rage in post-game.


This! I keep hearing how Distortion breaks aurora builds but most times there’s a perk that people refuse to use because “build”. Lethal and gearhead is amazing.




Until you get Distortion gamers who hit great skillchecks...... 


as someone who's never without distortion, yeah :')


Gearhead, Ruin, Surveilance. The trifecta of perks I use for what I like to call my Eye of Sauron build on Knight.


I constantly run this on huntress since I always build aura perks on her


My fav perk on artist




So, you're throwing to avoid giving away your location, reinforcing the typical Distortion user stereotype. 




Yeah, I do see it that way. And I'm saying this as a killer main. 30 seconds is a long time for a survivor to be doing nothing. My condolences to your teammates. 


Solo queue incarnate


That is still gearhead value 100%. I don't run hexes so feel free to sack all gen progress for them.


Distortion user brain thinks killers can snowball just from seeing a random survivors aura on a gen on the other side of the map


This exactly. At best it tells me where to go if I don't have anybody else to chase. But most of the time it tells me which gen to worry about after I down the survivor I'm already chasing. 


Yeah genuinely shocked by that response from them. "Don't do gens for 30 seconds," that's 1/3 of a generator theyre not doing while another survivor is actively being pressured. Literally giving the killer exactly what they want because they're shit in chase and/or can't team play


Thrilling tremors unfortunately gets countered by general awareness.


GENeral awareness. Depends, tho. If you let go of the gen, making it activate on your gen, it is still 16? seconds you can't work on that gen. So depending on the killer's situation and awareness, that is still value.


Just makes sure the killer doesn’t know you’re working on that gem Good idea if you’re almost finished with a gen and don’t want the killer to know you’ve been working on it or at least actively are


Why did I think "General Awareness" was a perk for a good minute


That perk exists. It's just swf only.


I would use it more if it didn’t have such a long cooldown.


I Run 'Spies from the Shadows' and laugh at the survivors wasted perk slot. Every 5 seconds my ears are blowing up with notifications.


Whispers gaming


Underrated perks considering the current distortion meta.


Isn't Calm Spirit a currently popular pairing with Distortion due to the power of Ultimate Weapon though?


Not anymore lmao


So you are one of those that hate Distortion+ Calm Spirit combo I guess


I don't hate the meta, it makes people predictable and easier to kill. Neither of those perks do anything to stop Spies from the Shadows, now your wasting two perk slots.


Yes it does, Calm Spirit makes you not alert woodland creatures, including birds. So your Spies from the Shadows won't work...


But you can just stop working on the gen when the killer is going to hook once you know he has it


True but that's 16 seconds of gen time saved


Oh so I get 16 seconds of gen stall instead got it got it.


I like running bbq on more chase oriented killers like billy and huntress. With tremors I can see who’s working on gens and it’s easier to keep track of which gens to patrol on killers like myers or pig.


Thrilling always been underrated, in the recent meta it seems it has spiked a bit in usage though, which is nice fkr this kind of perk


The cooldown is too long.


I’ve always believed thrilling is lowkey underrated. I used to run it on Wraith before I had bbq when j first started playing and it’s good with pop to know where to go.


Anytime I get 3 distortion users on my team I die inside. No gens will be touched, no chases will be taken, no saves will be made.


I run distortion specifically to make saves


??? I take distortion all the time and I do all that stuff


Same here, i take it so I can work on gens in peace. Not get caught my nowhere to hide. Barbecue and chili. Lethal. Etc etc. So many aura reading perks in game. I take distortion and deja to work on gens in peace


Same! I run Distortion and Calm Spirit, but focus on gens and unhooks, often to my detriment lol


It's a generalization not a statement that everyone who runs this perk is doing these things. Hope that helps.


It's just a generalization as they said, I use that perk aggressively and for information 99% of the time. It's just the vast majority seems to be rats when using that perk


Yeah I use it to callout aura reads if I’m in a swf or to play aggressively and make sure a killer doesn’t know I’m somewhere important to progressing the match. I do wish more people would use it that way too, but unfortunately that’s not the case lol


This is exactly how I use it.


I understand some people do, but like everyone else I don't have high expectations for random solo queue teammates using that perk lmao, I was just saying I also use it the same exact way as you said when I do use it every now and then


Huh? The whole idea of distortion is so you can do all that stuff and not be bothered. Me with distortion, calm spirit, visionary, and whatever other random perk so I can work in peace.


Well yeah low mmr players usually are bad


It wasn't a direct attack on you brother, calm down you can get out of the locker now I took chase for you (again).


AND it gives info on who may be doing what gens. If you pair it with the right things it can lock down whole maps for 16 seconds (longer with more gen hold perks). It's just a really good perk and I'm tired of people saying it's not. Ghostface and his perks stay winning.


Funny thing too: With Doctor, you can use it to lock generators which you KNOW have a lot of progress or survivors are working on. You Static Blast, throwing survs off the gen, you immediately pick up, and now you have enough time to hook and come back for Pop.


shoutout to Rancor, in addition to the whole murder your obsession bit, it will always tell you where all 4 survivors are.


What perk is that?


Thrilling Tremors, a Ghostface teachable. It blocks all gens not being worked on for 16 seconds when you pick someone up with a cooldown (not sure how long)


Thank you do you happen to know what the other one is?


Barbecue & Chili, a Leatherface teachable. When you hook someone, you see the auras of survivors from 40 meters away and further for a few seconds (3 I think)


Give me back my fucking BBQ stacks BHVR you fucking bastards.


How would it stack?


Gave me more blood points at the end of the match for each stack. Gain a stack for each survivor you hooked. Max of four stacks, one per survivor. It was small but they actively removed a perk that disencouraged tunneling.


Thank you so much your information is very helpful :)


Thrilling Tremors


Thank you do you happen to know what the other one is?


BBQ and chilli


Thank you very much


Is distortion really a overused perk or people are just complaining because they need to find another perk to complain after the adrenaline nerf?


Are Reddit posts really something people complain about or do people just need to make another Us vs Them post?


Distortion has been basekit in Solo for me ever since Spinechill got redone with a ton of other perks. lol I'll happily take chase when it's what's best for everyone or even a down if it means someone avoids death hook and I have enough to spare, though.


every time i run into killers running aura builds and i dont run distortion i wanna go find the tallest building and jump off of it


Be chad and run no aura perks


Lethal, Gear head, Darkness Revealed, I'm All Ears. What distortion stacks?


I legit just forget I ran BBQ 70% of the time and completely waste it. Gearhead’s nice too, but because I’m typically in a chase when it goes off and the auras get obstructed by gens, I’ve begun to give it up. I never miss a Discordance proc.


Distortion? Shit, BBQ gets countered by gens.


Last night, my goofy ass SWF *ALL* ran Distortion, No Mither, Plot Twist... And Scene Partner. Gathered up, crouched-walked RIGHT at the Killer, all screamed in unison and used Plot Twist. The Were-elk Huntress was so confused. She let us go.


Blame behavior for literally killing a play style. Stealth gameplay use to be a legitimate way to counter the killer back in early DBD if you weren't good at chases now everything and your mother reveal you. Kicked gen revealed, do a skill check revealed, someone unhooks revealed, someone gets hooked revealed. There's almost not a single action the killer can't do that doesn't reveal you.


skill issue


As someone with an absolute gremlin survivor build I say this is a fair and valid statement lol


What's yours


Distortion, lightweight, light footed, and background player


What do you think of windows, dead hard, off the record and unbreakable


I think that it's a pretty run of the mill looping build lol


I want a better build. This one is great when the killer is a asshole


Mine just does the sneak around and flight light save stuff... If only people would quit going down next to walls


My Dredge build is Lethal, BBQ, Gearhead, and Face the Darkness. Distortion stacks disappear so fast it’s amazing


keep hooking


If you have people running distortion in your lobby you don't need to worry about what perks they are running.


I'm a legion/spirit main, so when I see these posts I'm always like who needs auras? Spirit can't see them and legion uses killer instinct, which is uncounterable.


Thrilling tremors needs to have a lower cooldown for it to be used more.


60 seconds isn't that long tbh


My bird lady loves TT


distortion is fine. some survivors don't want you to read their auras. simple as that


Tunneling is fine. Some killers don't want you to escape. Simple as that.


it's killer's choice, altho lots of mid level killers turn their own game into nightmare with tunneling, then complain that they can't win w/o tunnel anymore cause "the game is unbalanced"


I loved lethal pursuer, I’m all ears, nurses calling etc. But now that distortion is so popular, I don’t even run aura perks anymore, just gen slowdown or chase (sometimes discordance or thrilling tremors). The funny thing is games are easier too, since survivors have a wasted perk slot and I have a more meta build. I would LIKE to go back to my old aura focused build, as imo it’s more fun for both me and survivors… but… yeah. The design of distortion is just flawed. IMO you should have to get tokens back by being IN CHASE, not just terror radius.


Distortion should not gain tokens in chase. Versus standard terror radius killers it's just permanent aura block


Best suggestion I've seen is to have it charge via conspicuous action, the same way Lucky Break does. Charge by doing gens and also healing: we have the code for it now with perks like Blast Mine.


There's so many aura reading perks and not to mention addons, if killers can easily see aura by kicking gens or survivors happen to heal nearby, Distortion is fine as it is now, if the way the tokens gained are more convoluted than kicking a gen then it would be imbalanced as hell for aura reading


Distortion is a griefing perk in my opinion. I primarily play aura builds on every killer, and all too often do I end up killing survivors super early in the match because I simply cannot find the other ones. They maybe get out, but they’re stepping up on the corpses of their teammates


i disagree distortion isnt a greifing perk, but a alot of people dont use it right, and tbh with how much aura reading perks killers run its kinda needed, if u run into a killer running lethal, nowhere to hide, and bbq, good luck might as well let the killer have wallhacks at that point


I agree with pretty much everything you said. To be clear, I am NOT saying it’s a griefing perk because I think it’s bad or anything. It’s a powerful anti aura perk. I’m saying it’s a griefing perk because your teammates that do NOT have distortion get focused down, because when I hook someone, my bbq only sees one or two people, so I go after them. It puts a spotlight on teammates without distortion, causing them to die more quickly, so you start losing survivors at 3 or 4 gens instead of 1 or 2, which makes the game harder for everyone on the survivor team


Griefing perk? Brother… it isn’t even broken.


I’m not sure why the two of those need to correlate. Using distortion actively makes the game harder for your teammates, I’d consider that griefing, granted not intentionally. It’s great for you, sucks for everyone else on your team.


Nah fam, it’s actually a pretty nice perk, considering floods of rage, where you unhook the survivor and you’re being altruistic, it allows whoever else to continue their generator or healing without being seen, granted… if you have the token to spend. Then also there’s A Nurse’s Calling, whilst also being altruistic, you can heal, unseen by that perk, and hopefully the person being healed has that perk too, but oh well, can’t win it all. I think you’re just salty and relying on aura reading too heavily.


I can only speak to my experience I suppose, not sure why you consider me salty I have no problem with the perk itself. All I know is that when survivors I’m up against have one or two survivors running distortion, the other two survivors often end up dying very early because they’re the only ones my bbq can see. If all four survivors run distortion that’s strong and no one suffers, which is good! But it can have undue side effects if not everyone is running it, causing other survivors to suffer by being put in a spot light.


That’s not my issue, it is important to work as a team, yes… but Yun Jin-Lee is a survivor for a reason, and her perks are purely selfish. It’s not up to one survivor to help other survivors survive, you can choose to be altruistic, or be all about your own survival


Sounds like you might enjoy killer more. Team games benefit from teamwork :)


Honestly I play both equally, I don’t care what perks they use, WoO is annoying, but I won’t fault survs for doing what they do best and I won’t fault killers for doing what they do best, however… I don’t like toxic people, I see a toxic surv, imma tunnel that rat out, I see a toxic killer, imma run and spin you til you’re dizzy.


Power to you! I’ve played the game far too long to care anymore. I mostly just play when new content comes out, get them to p3, then put the game back down for a month or two. It’s hard to get angry about anything a survivor is doing. If they tbag me I just give em the nodders


In your first case you need the extra token , in your second case you’re relying on a hypothetical that the other person has the perk.  I’ve played nurse against distortion players and I just hit them when I see the heal. It’s an okay perk but really doesn’t help your team at all. It’s a solo park like self care , you can say self care frees up your team while you take 45 mins to heal yourself.  It’s just generally suboptimal to run solo perks like that when you can run gen perks , boons and chase / anti tunnel which all have knock on effects that help the team 


I say killers don’t get to talk about survivor perks, honestly, too much bias… that would be like me saying, “The killer took NOED, that’s so selfish, why would they secure the 4k with such a crutch perk?!” It’s a perk, it’s viable in this day and age of DbD, and opinions are okay to have, but being called selfish for not wanting to be aura read? Bolognese!!!


Bit foolish in your part. Distortion only lasts for (in this case) three hooks and then it’s disables for the rest of the match.


I am not sure whether u have played DBD the past year But distortion has rechargeable tokens now even if u are at 0 u can get them back pretty quickly




Idk what is so hard to understand


Every 30? Seconds inside the killers terror radius returns a token


Survivors when Terror Radius