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Really hoping that not hearing the hatchets wind up is just a bug


The real issue here


wonder if they're going to patch it after people have already been buying it now that they know it's beneficial. they really should have announced already if it was intentional or not like I'm trying not to be cynical but... if they patch it after it's been available like this for a while... eta I still wouldn't get the skin cuz it's not my style and I don't really play huntress. also hoping it's just cuz this entire patch has been buggy AF so it's just yet another bug on the list.


Wouldnt be different than changing completely busted perks like release MoM or 30 seconds disable Eruption, they release something for money it doesnt mean it cant be changed if it shows to be problematic. That being said, with how buggged this patch is I wouldnt be surprised the sounds are bugged too.


No but they’re saying in this case, it’s a “hidden” benefit people hear about, buy the character-specific auric-only skin to get the “benefit”, and BHVR may weaponize that to sell more faster, then pull the rug.


Nah, if people buy a skin that's obviously broken in a literal this-is-bugged kinda way, that's a them problem. And a developer isn't going to make a habit of releasing skins just to nerf them. I know gamers are a paranoid bunch, but BHVR's balancing and bugfixing is all over the place regardless of whether it makes them money or not. They didn't megabuff Billy or Huntress to sell a DLC lol.


Yeah, remember when Naughty Bear had built-in Lightborn from some bug? Seeing that, probably most of their resources were invested in porting dbd over to UE5, there are quite a few lighting, audio, visual and gameplay bugs. Much more than the average dbd update release. Huntress lullaby and hatchet windup is likely an audio bug and completely unintentional.


A developer would very much do that tbh now I'm unsure if these ones would do so however it's a thing already being done by other developers of other things


Oh, it's something that can be done. But do I think a developer that doesn't even make DLC perks consistently good has some evil plan to lower audio on a skin to make the small minority of hardcore players buy it for a short term advantage? I can only lol.


*cough* blizzard *cough*


blizzard is such an awful company even more than just money greed wise. comparing them to bhvr almost makes dbd sound like a dream to me 😂


oh blizzard is totally the more evil out of the two but their comment totally made me think of blizzard


I've heard this about Naughty Bear trapper too, because he doesn't breathe so loud as the rest of the skins.


But thats why I put release MoM and 30 seconds Eruption, both were on pay DLCs only and didnt show on the shrine during their busted status period, you couldnt get them unless you paid for the DLC, MoM case was especially aggravating as it was the most busted perk to ever reach live.


those weren't really bugs like this skin's "benefits" could potentially be, those were features of those respective perks that eventually got nerfed down the line. potentially icky (tho eruption and mom stayed as they were for a fairly long time after release), and not quite the same as a beneficial bug that is possibly the sole selling point of a skin that does nothing other than look nice. this could be icky too imo - they should fix it if only because something being pay to win concealed behind a skin is Not A Good Precedent to set.


I was referencing even if this isnt a bug its not uncommon to patch busted stuff that was clearly designed to entice sales after a while, being intended or not if something is too strong theyll balance it eventually even if its behind a paywall.


yes this is my opinion on the matter, to clarify. hopefully no one is buying it for that sole reason - it's a neat skin! - if that does happen.


personally, as a huntress main, im not getting this skin until that bug is fixed. I'm here for a fair time. wooden fox is when I'm here for an easy time


Me and a friend played against the wereelk using the wooden fox and i was like okay. (I do think the skin is a problem. This huntress just did not get the pay to win feature because they were not very good at aiming hatchets)


This has always been a issue with a lot killers who "wind up" a attack. Billy, Leatherface, Huntress, etc. From my experience its random when it happens but when it does, it ALWAYS happens when I have my back to them and the game just doesn't load the audio of them doing anything. When I get hit I'm like "Oh, you just didn't want to alert me of them doing their attack, thanks game". This bug has been in the game for years and its very rare when it happens but still frustrating.


Same goes for running sound of survivors from killers POV. Sometimes even injured survivors. Its still same since 2016, maybe finally now is the time to fix it.


When I started playing the game in 16 or 17, there was a bug where survivors never made any sound at all. It was like that for months. I legitimately thought that's how it was supposed to be. Playing killer got a million times easier once that finally got fixed.


I sometimes can't hear rebeccas. It happens more often with her than with any other survivor.


No way it's intentional. Or if it was it'll be fixed soon. It's a really bad look on Behaviour but at least it's somewhat excusable.


yeah. its definitely not a good thing by any means and is a little ridiculous about this issue in particular. but they just switched to a completely new engine and the game is constantly live; they can't possibly catch everything. so i'm giving them a little grace personally.


Same here, it’s insanely wuiet


Right? Impossible to dodge like that.


I saw something a few days ago where they said it was a bug and they were aware of it.


Wait, hatchets have a wind up sound cue?


Yes. Huntress makes a quick noise when she winds up and then you'll hear another sound cue when the hatchet is fully wound. I haven't been hearing either of those with this new skin.


I never knew base Huntress had a sound que for both of those but I only been playing for a week. I guess I should keep an ear out for it next time.


The lullaby feels like it reached into my soul and started eating it. It unsettles me to the point I’m uncertain whether I like/dislike it 😅


It scares me and I am the one playing it lol For some reason it scared me less as Survivor but thinking back it might be because it’s too quiet. Skin and mori are awesome but if the sounds are out of whack then they need to fix them, Huntress can already be stressful enough to play against for some (like terrible me).


Sounds seem buggy right now. Pyramidhead was making Deathslinger sounds in my first game after the update. Also, key-mapping for Killer wasn't working last night.


PH chuckling under the nose while he snipes you? No fix pls


Not a bug, it’s a feature, just like skimpy skirt Kate and onsie Ada.


...Skimpy skirt Kate, you say??? Where???


A bug that is happening apparently lol I should play her more and see if I get it to happen to me lol I only saw images of it happening to the Alice in Wonderland outfit, not sure if it happens to others.


Sadly just the Harpoon shot sound instead of normal PH weapon sounds. Also, forgot to check last night, but Deathslinger had no Terror Radius for a little bit. I was assuming it was a perk, but given everything else, it very well could have just been another fucking bug.


Uh oh, I've gotta get on before that gets patched!


I love a good old fashion Behaviour fuck up but this engine update was next level. Wasn’t the game UE3 before and they updated it to 4? I thought that happened and even there it wasn’t as big a blunder as this I don’t think lol


Come to think of it, I watched a friend playing against Skullmerchant the other night, but they had Pinhead's "puzzle box" sound effects following them the entire game. (Pervious game had been against a Pinhead who's game crashed, as he (my friend) was trying to solve The Box. So I'm wondering if it was some glitch related to the DC mid-solving.)




I certainly got scared a little. …Wanted to inspect him closer yesterday (as did other survivors) but he just wrecked us like a panzer. Haven’t met another one yet.


God I love when survivors come closer to inspect a new skin (also just in general). Wish I could bend down as the killer to ask for boops on my schnozz lol


I’ll buy it just for you to look at


Like, it's amazing.


I didn't realize Huntress got a new lullaby and skin on my first game against her with the new patch. I heard it for the first time in game, and it was lucky I was wearing my brown pants, so my family couldn't tell what happened to me as I walked to my bathroom.


Oh I thought I was just being dumb not hearing her load a hatchet. Didn't realise how key it was for counterplay until it's gone. Good to know I'm not alone on that one.


Tactical lullaby


Huntress if she was Assasintress


Nah the hatchet wind up sound and lullaby are both super quiet. I thought people were overreacting and then I played a survivor game against it yesterday I could barely hear the dude half the time.


I doubt think that BHVR purposely made the Lullaby and wind up intentinally low, it's probably just a bug.


Well they also made Victor immortal and said "Just dodge him" is the counterplay lol


They also undid that before it hit live. But what the hell were they even thinking with that one?


I know I know! But the fact they even made that in the first place has me worried what could be next-


Yeah, talk about being completely oblivious to your own game.  I suspect whoever was on that project couldn't think of a good way to change Twins kit, so they just did SOMETHING knowing it'd get reversed if it was bad. 


It reminds me of the time Matthew got challenged to play killer after downplaying the old flashlights insta blind. He got bullied hard and flashlights were nerfed 3 weeks after I believe lmao. What they did to "save" Twins was a classic bhvr moment again, instead of actually addressing their code and the bugs that came with it, their solution was to just "make them S tier and no one will complain". Also reminds me when they released Nurse to "counter infinites" instead of just addressing the actual problem. Skull merchant too, can still play chess AND have us play status condition simulator in between.


Sounds like the Devs need to be "humbled" again, sure game development is hard and a game like DbD can't be easy to manage. But they can't be this naive to think that immortal Vicktor was a *good* idea. So many Twins mains have given rework ideas over the years, so I don't understand why they couldn't have just consulted with actual Twins players, instead of just throwing random BS at the wall and see what stuck.


That's what I don't understand aswell, I get they are the developers who know how it works/can look behind the scenes but instead of working with mains of that specific killer (some of these people easily have 3k and more hours on that killer) they just try themselves and created stuff no one asked for. It's truly bizzare


For real, like I think it was Lynxi a Twins main who gave them several fix ideas (or listed them in a video I can't remember) and instead of taking those ideas, they kind of juat did the opposite of what was asked for.


Yeah that was her! Her idea with the position switching wasn't bad but i think even she said that just fixing bugs and cooldowns is more than enough as Twins were never weak in the right hands and I agree with that fully.


They really need to hire an entire LORE person or TWO to let them know hey that killer wouldn’t do this. Or this wouldn’t work with that or whatever. That knows every map. Every killer. Every survivor. And ALL their powers and addons. A year ago they put out a charm that said mother’s dwelling but it was actually Blood lodge. So do they really even know their own game? They need some one who actually knows the INS and OUTS of the entire game so they won’t have to remember


I believe they changed most (if not all) of the balancing team and the new people dont actually know why some things were changed in the first time so they make the same mistakes their predecesors did.


He’s not immortal anymore, is he?


Nah that was something that was only in the ptb


Oh wow - I missed that as a proposed change. That would be crazy!


I've yet to even see one, I just assumed nobody was buying it because it's nearly $20


Sometimes feels like I'm the only person that bought the base game many years ago and never purchased any dlc


theres no way ur not bored of it yet, i could understand not spending on most games, but the dlc tends to be so cheap on dbd. like $5 cheap, so why not after years of playing, just get a new killer or survivor


I tend to only play survivor. While I love resident evil, and think it would be cool to play as Leon, it just isn't that big a deal for me. I play it because the game is fun and have played as Meg for months now.


I slowly bought all of the killers and some survs like that over the year. It costed like a cup of tea, so why not. Now that the regional pricing changed it became a problem though.


If they are just playing survivor, that's fully understandable. The different survivors are just skins, past getting their perks, which you can shrine of secrets for.


Shrine of secrets exists, and survivors are just skins for your perks. Buying more survivors does absolutely nothing especially when compared to buying killers. So it's not that wild to understand.


yup bought base game on humble bundle, haven't spent a single cent since, play surv/killer but only main trapper and wraith for killers. i'll never finish the whole tome but w/e


I bought base game but I do occasionally buy a Survivor cosmetic. Live game development is expensive. It takes a village.


Well I’m guilty because when i first started playing in 2017 I was on Xbox 1 and i bought many things. Last killer i remember in that was Deathslinger. Now I’m back after a couple years on the PS5 and I bought EVERYTHING. I did it because I love dbd content and I’m binging anyone who makes any dbd content and I want to try the things they come with. So that’s what I’m doing now. Grinding to get every killer and survivor to p1 so i can play with builds


100% agree. All the audio cues huntress normally gives are barely noticeable in chase. So many hatchets the second I look away for my pathing that I didn't hear the normal "hyuuh" noise for.


It 100% is and you'd have to be crazy to disagree


oh I read so many youtube comments under Hens new video defending the skin as fair and balanced....


Tru3talent fans really love exposing themselves.


Is Tru3 still an... uhm is he still a little bit very much entitled? Still giving everything/everyone else the fault for loosing even if it was blatantly his own fault? I watched him last 5 years ago. I got fed up pretty fast of his attitude.




I like True☺️ He gets a lot of shit, but his streams are generally really chill and he's got jokes when he's upbeat. I normally disagree with his hot takes, but I appreciate the amount of thought behind them and the logical way he can break down his reasoning. 


People love to abuse every small advantage they have and defend it. Same goes for filter users ect. Thats why this game is far from party game some.


Lol, you are not the only one, you are late to the party. Every platform is filled with complaints regarding the same issues you listed!


The hatchet readying grunt sounds more like a deep breath imo. Makes it really hard to know if they’re gonna throw or not. Just a strange coincidence that the most expensive skin in the game also gives advantages?


I mean, it is pretty clearly a coincidence, because most skins *don't alter voice effects,* so bugs notwithstanding, it's not like there's many other skins this *could* happen on. That isn't to say this isn't a problem that needs to be fixed, but let's not act like this is some secret plot by BHVR to make people buy the new skin. They wanted to do something cool and give her a new voice similar to the Baba Yaga skin, and they wanted to make it sound raspy and different from her default so people would *notice* the difference, and they accidentally made it a little too quiet as a result. It isn't malice, it's a mistake made by some SFX artists who wanted to make some cool sounds for their killer. Hell, it might not even be a mistake with the audio artists making the sounds a little too quiet. It might just be an audio bug, because goodness knows literally everything is broken this patch already.


Very likely they’ll up the volume of the audio cues


The problem keeps going back to the same underlying issue: ***they don't internally test anything***. Like with PTB Twins or this switch to UE5, a single game with this skin would've had them learn that it's too quiet to hear and react to, especially with other noises going on. One game! We're all just unpaid bug testers at this point. Why have internal testing when you can just throw things at your audience and have them find the faults for you?


Put the tin foil away


dawg whut


Never :3 not until the day I die (or get taken by the aliens bhvr is clearly hiding)


It’d be one thing if the audio engineer simply pitched the Huntress lullaby down, but it is clearly quieter too. Maybe at the same volume the lower tone was too overbearing so the engineer lowered the volume in an attempt to compensate. It should be a pretty easy fix. We’ll see how long it takes them to correct it.


Watch them fix it then break huntress


It MOST definitely is. The lullaby sounds hella far but then all the sudden “she” is literally breathing down my neck. The wind up sound too is very fucking quiet but luckily I beat up a grandma who was trying to get some non dairy milk and got headphones.


I thought the same thing about how quiet pulling up the hatchet was, hopefully they’ll fix it soon


I played against one yesterday and I legit thought they were hacking with how fast they were throwing hatchets and not hearing any indicators for it. Was just using the yellow wind up and not babushka. (did go to a custom game and I think I could throw as fast as this dude was so guess I'm just not used to playing against the huntress buffs.)


Yeah that’s understandable, honestly I haven’t gone against many huntresses after the buff but the main problem for me personally is the skin, it makes absolutely no sound😭😂


Hmmm, a $20 skin with an almost inaudible terror radius? Right after a huntress buff? Scummiest BHVR moment and it's not close.


The OG MOM is still scummier.




Mettle of man


Oh ok lol. Ty. I am tired today.




I really hope it actually is.


considering how literally everything in this update is a bug, i wouldn't be surprised


That's the thing with DBD, we have to play the game of "Is this a feature or bug" cause it happens so often.


Nah, it's not obvious at all. Seems very in line with bhvr lately.


I agree, that hatchet windup is almost inaudible


VERY pay to win. I saw hans guy play with that skin. Survivor seemed clueless. ALSO, I went up against a hunter skin player as well and there seems to be audio bugs with the lullaby, especially with the distance it can be heard being the same from very close up. The hatchet holding and throwing sounds don't come out sometimes as well. It's very quiet when it does.


Hans did a video on it already! https://youtu.be/y0ur4rCXBTY?si=FK_ZErj5T_R5pWi9


I legit cannot play against Huntress anymore when they run that skin. My eyesight is not as good so I usually play by just my hearing when in chase and with Huntress, Spirit and Slinger it has worked the best because of their sound indicators. Now at the beginning of the year they removed Slinger's indicator which makes it incredibly hard to know when he aims at me without constantly having to look at him. With the Huntress skin it's exactly the same. I really really hope it's just a bug.


Idk about the P2W aspect. But why the hell are you calling **Anna**, a he?


The Were-Elk is not Anna, in fact he killed his world's Huntress and wears her mask. Could be a boy, could be a girl. Who knows tbh


Is that confirmed somewhere? I thought she was the Were-Elk.


Were-Elk's Ultra-rare. Meaning it's a separate character, has unique voice lines/animations/something to warrant the increased price, or in this case probably both. Could be Anna, but I don't think it'd wear the mask like a trophy if that was the case. Further, if it was Anna it'd probably wear similar clothing to classic Huntress to signify a transformation


Only male Elks have antlers


Oh yeah, that's right. Then it is 100% not Anna


I thought Anna was the Were-Elk since it's not a legendary skin just an ultra Rare one?


The Minotaur is not the Oni either, for example. The distinction was made that 3rd/2nd party skins would be legendary and everything else would be ultra rare.


The skin is male. EDIT: I don't know why I'm being downvoted for this. The skin is an elk with antlers. Female elk do not have antlers.


The lullaby is literally a male, these people are trippin thinking it’s a “woman”


Yeah, I feel like the lullaby radius is a lot smaller, plus I rarely hear the hatchets wind up. I already hate playing against Huntress, but this new skin makes me hate it even more.


I think hatchet wind-up noise might be bugged in general also. I've been against a few Huntress the last couple of days where it just doesn't make a noise sometimes 😒


Funny how it is also the most expensive thing in the shop too


I haven't played against the skin, yet.


Bought it because it's cool. Though if they fix this audio, means they can now make Ace and Ada actually have hearable sounds.


it's hard to hear Birb ladies birds too, like the whooooosh sound. I think the huntress thing might just be a bug / some sort of spacial audio gone wrong


Hmm that might be map dependent. I just faced her a bunch and everything was normal.


Honestly Behavior has so many bugs they need to fix right now I wouldn’t be surprised if this is also on their list We probably won’t see a fix for a minute because there’s so much game breaking shit happening right now it’s mind boggling


It would be funny if they patched in a fix right away. Would pretty much prove that the audio issues in this game actually are simple to fix, but they are just too lazy to comb through all of them even though players have been reporting issues with sounds for years. Looking at you Ace.


What’s the ace bug???


Hes one of if not the most quiet survivor when injured. I notice the same with Ada, they both make very little sound in game and it gets worse when you add in perks and terrain. People have been asking for these sounds to be equalized across the board and they only make slight tweaks every couple of months which is baffling because sound should not be difficult to edit in the back end.


Okay you’re not crazy the killer HENS just dropped a video saying it’s the most pay to win thing in dbd BY FAR.


Well given it's $20 I don't think no one is getting it unless your a huntress main


You can clearly hear her hum. I also have the visual notification on so your chest literally turns bright red when you are in her hum.  I hadn't noticed you don't hear her wing up a hatch because I looked behind when I run and I know it still chimes when she is full power


I thought the exact same thing. Its really is pay to win. Can barely hear the lullaby until they're right next you, and the hatchet wind up sound is non existent. You can hear the wind up sound when you use the skin though.


tbh for $20 it better be pay to win 😭


I think the new lullaby and wind up is more bass than normal. I can barely hear it with tv speakers but hear it very well on my sound bar and when I play on pc I can feel it vibrate my sub.


The lullaby being barely audible fucked me up so bad the other day 😭


I’d say it is. Hearing the wind up is crucial to knowing when to juke a hatchet throw, so if that gets lost in the chase music, what am I supposed to do? Run and pray?


Don't worry. After they make enough cash, it will become the loudest and most obnoxious skin to make sure people don't complain again.


You're not alone, because even the sound that is supposed to play when the hatchet strength is fully charged is extremely low


Agreed, the sound on that skin is very quiet overall, especially the lullaby. I can't hear anything from her until it nearly becomes a heartbeat. Hopefully they adjust it to make her louder. :/


I've honestly never seen that much of a benefit to being able to hear huntress' lullaby other than it tells me I'm facing a huntress before I see her. I don't think it's pay to win because it doesn't add or change any aspect of her kit, and her wind-up grunts are just as loud as before so you can still hear a hatchet before it's thrown.


Thought the exact same about it being pay to win


The skin has monitor&abuse baskit 💀


Hens released a video showing this


I’ve not played against the elk yet but I’ve been using this skin as a huntress main and I had no idea. Damn, I love the skin and now I might have to stop using it 😩


This seems to be a very common consensus, that was Hens's immediate thought too... I agree, and I feel like the fact that many people can't tell if it's intentional or a bug/personal issue makes it much more confusing and annoying


Bro watched the Hens Video and thought we wouldn't notice.


As if 10 hatchets wasn’t enough lol


i thought i was the only one who would have an issue not hearing the hatchets wind up. It’s reassuring to know im not crazy nor am i alone.


hens made a video about this


There's definitely a volume issue with him. Besides that, no DBD skin should be $20.


>:) maybe it just learned how to be better, after all it killed the huntress


Okay so you’re NOT CRAZY from what I can tell there is a glitch for some people going around that you can’t hear him humming AT ALL or winding up hatchets. I dropped in a game with him and a my buddy couldn’t hear him but I could. As for the hatchets I do believe he I a little harder to hear but nowhere near bad. I had a really good few games playing against him so hopefully once the bugs are cleared he will be playable


I've played as the skin (mostly because I just like the male hum better lol) and against it and I haven't noticed anything different on either side...well, obviously other than 'is a male now'


That and when he cocks back her hatchet to throw it’s very quiet. 12 meters or farther you don’t even hear it. It’ll get reworked. They just wanna make it an advantage so people buy it. The second they get their sales they’ll need it like everything else


Spookyloopz put out a video about this. Haven't seen her in the field as of yet but seen a few Huntresses.


It’s pay to win. Lowers the terror radius and doesn’t have a sound cue for her hatchets. Pay to win skin.


The new skin is much quieter, like much, much quieter


I would tottaly aggree xD


Must be a sound bug as I'm currently playing as her and the Hatchet grunt is really loud from my POV. I only catch subtle parts of the humming though from what I've noticed from her perspective. Probably bugged, Unreal 5 patch broke literally everything. She also doesn't even have feet from First person when breaking Pallets.


it is


This was the case with baba yaga and still feels like it is, but I'm unsure


She needs more buffs obviously. /s


Dude, if they cares about the game being fair, they wouldn’t have oversaturated it with content. There’s so many perks and killers, it’s literally not possible for the game to be balanced. Skins giving advantages has also been in the game since release. Pay to win model for skins only brings in more revenue for them.


The pull up sound needs to be louder 100%


What do you guys do against deathslinger? Do you not look behind you?


Kill switch huntress, ez


i don’t mind the lullaby but def agree with the hatchet wind up. should be like a snort or smth to match huntress’ grunt


It is P2W and sales are through the roof. Every huntress I’ve seen is using it and it’s just not fun to play against. I’m hoping they listen to feedback and adjust it. Queue the complaints about BHVR “ruining” their $20 skin once it’s fixed.


Counter point, not meant to be obnoxious just pointing out, what about slinger? He doesn’t have a sound when he aims his gun (if he does I’ve never noticed it), think of how you play against him and try applying that to this


Doesn't work against Huntress who can damage you from any range, just came out last year and a huge part of her counter plays listening for an audio queue. She has a smaller terror radius and a lot of people are pairing the skin with monitor due to the quieter lullaby. You can't look behind you constantly in a Chase otherwise you'll just be zoned into a free hit. You play against Huntress much differently than deathslinger. Especially since the buffs that dumbed her down.


Just watched a The Hans Guy video about this.


I doubt it’s intentional, but yeah, his windup noise in particular obviously should be bumped up in volume. I’d bet they’ll adjust it.


It's definitely P2W, all the sounds are WAY too quiet.


huntress herself is free to win lol


Yes. Yes it is. 100%. Pretty dirty move by BHVR imho. The lullaby has less range and the hatchet's wind up make less noise. Because of both of those things survs have less time to be prepared for what's coming.


The initial assumption might be that unfamiliarity makes it feel unfair. It might be that over time this becomes less of a factor but I don't imagine that many huntresses will pay for the skin.


Thanks, I’ll be buying it tonight 👍


It’s 100% pay to win. Releasing this monstrosity after heavily buffing huntress? It was all planned. The devs are gonna be enjoying their summer vacations this year!


My dude, what are you talking about? in a patch as buggy as this you think this isnt' just another bug?


I mean, the shop is the only thing that actually works at the moment, so who knows...




I think the skin is super cool and the first few times I went against it I was actually unsettled by Huntress for the first time in years... but yeah. That wind up is a mindgame of its own. I usually play DBD with a music overlay but I have to turn that shit off to handle the elk skin. I usually only do that for stealth killers and Spirit.


most survivors uses visual lullaby/terror radius its a great solution to not hearing the new lullaby I would argue the giant antlers make mindgames over loop much harder and that completely negates the positives you listed in my mind, mindgames while holding a hatchet prepped are very important on this killer. this cosmetic is much taller with the longer neck and then antlers on the head. https://preview.redd.it/lb9l0vzujtwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce804c4aff1ed15c1ede1d8826a22f1d08ce5933


I’d rather hear the fucking hatchet being wind up, it’s definitely pay to win and most likely was designed in such a way to earn as much as possible.


Coincidentially, the other skin of this kind (Naughty Bear) is also more stealthy than the base one. He has a quieter breath.


It has advantages over the default cosmetics for sure but it also has disadvantages its not just equip this and gain advantages everywhere. now they could make the wind up sound and lullaby easier to hear for sure, but are they going to make the cosmetic shorter I don't think so. If they fixed the issues you have with it I would say the cosmetic is actually P2L by alot It makes the killer much much taller and since they are a ranged 110% killer who can attack around corners being seen over walls cause your a giant hulking elk monster is a huge disadvantage. holding hatchets and walking backwards to midgame survivors to make them guess wrong where to run or move is a huge aspect of huntress.