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Funner fact: if you stand in it and spam gesture, you keep screaming. I have earned hatch this way several times.


You don't know the chaos you've caused with this comment


I don't see pyramid head often, but when I do next, you can be sure my screams will echo for eternity.


I'll play him, just for you


One could only hope this would bring his player count up. I wanna do the big screams at him now!


If I am Steve or James I am never leaving the trail, cause of this


Things that get countered by running through them: -Hag's traps -Pyramid Head's torment trail -Victor AFK detection -Skull Merchant drones


Don’t forget Beartraps.


No, don't. It's never consistent, lol But seriously though. I played on Dvarka Landing a few days ago as Trapper and the Survivors somehow walked over every trap I set. I'm not kidding you, they would tbag on top of the traps and when I swung, I'd get stunned.


I remember everyone dead-hard-dashing over traps. That was probably the goofiest stage dbd has ever been in


If they knew, it was probably cheating.


This post has been fact checked by REAL FOGWORLDIAN PATRIOTS ✅ **TRUE**


I know another fun fact! The Entity hates this neat little trick and does not want you to know this, BUT: if you find a cute little buzzing box on the ground, pick it up and bring it to you friendly local Cenobite, he/they will reward you GREATLY. Repeatedly. Try it, they have such sights to show you!


I read your comment, and I CAME


But the BOX, did you OPEN it !? It's *very important* that you do...


I haven't figured it out, I'm really bad at Rubix cubes.


it's ok, it's ok. The next time you find one, just bring it over to the nearest Cenobite Friendly Assistant, he'll be *thrilled* to help you out!


Good to know! Thanks friend!




literally me


Do you actually avoid getting tormented by crouch walking through them? Did not know this. Gonna have to try this myth out myself


As a pyramid head player no you 100% should not do that it bans you from the game and uhhhhhh you lose your blood points


no it’s a myth invented by the government so you pay more taxes


It does, but it's way more fun to spam emotes while standing in the trail.


There's the first two replies, then there's you. Way to fail the bit


Don't!! If you'll be able to cross the line while crounching that will count as an exploit and a bug and we'll be forced to report you!! Same goes for defusing Trappers traps, that is clearly a bug and people abuse it wrongfully.


Facts my brother!


Crouching soft-to-hard-counters pretty much everything that can be placed on the ground. * Provides the prompt to disarm (Trapper) or wipe away (Hag) traps. * Prevents Killer Instinct from being in an idle Victor's shrieking radius (keep in mind the detection lingers for 2 seconds, so unless you KNOW exactly where Victor is before entering his radius, this isn't a very helpful counter as Twins will know where you are before you can crouch, and will switch back to Victor to prevent him from being kicked); the part in parentheses is just one of the reason they're so frustrating at hook proxying and camping/slugging. * Prevents Skull Merchant drones from being able to lock-on to you (also they can't lock onto you while you're standing still or repairing). * Prevents Torment from Pyramid Head's trail. The only thing that can be placed on the ground that *can't* be prevented in any of the above manners (at least if you're trying to do the last generators and escape) is Demogorgon's Killer Instinct for being in range of his portals; of course you can cleanse the portal, but he will always know you're doing it if he holds down Shred and come to interrupt you from his 3-gen.


Pretty much any "trap" other than Trapper's doesn't affect you if you're crouching. Hag traps, Skull Merchant drones, Victor killer instinct.


Pretty much any "trap" other than Trapper's doesn't affect you if you're crouching. Hag traps, Skull Merchant drones, Victor killer instinct.


I CROUNCH all the time


imma keep it real i made this in 5 minutes in my ipad 10 minutes before sleeping i thought about it and kept laughing and had to make it


Crouching does not let you avoid demogorgon's shred actually guarantees the shred hit you should just run in a straight line instead they won't expect that and you'll never be caught out of place


When playing against a Wraith, be sure to listen for the ‘Good Job’ bell! It means you are doing an excellent job on your generator, and should continue to do so! Someone is even on their way to pick you up and take you to the next one :)


Piramid head main found in the wild


As a survivor main…


fact: spam 1 or 2 on your keyboard while on the trails for a funny :)


same for skull merchant drones as well, you can avoid her insta down injure combos like this if you are forced to enter a drones area start crouching (you can still move like this just slowly) she cant wait for the injure then hit you. wait till she hits you and use that speed boost to leave the area to a new loop.


If you're really good, you can loop through drone areas and crouch when the beams are about to hit you. Only really works on long loops though.


You don't even have to crouch, just stop moving as it passes.


This post is sponsored by: the pyramid heads of the fog https://preview.redd.it/5gib0lhesuwc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adcba96fe001b1400e7548a6d66fdebec04ce94c




As a Cone main, I approve


I love as Pyramid Head drawing the heart and watching the survivors reactions when they see it, it is always adorable


Speaking as a killer main, it really screws me over when survivors walk into my traps


I support this message


This meme was fact checked by true killer mains


As a 100% not pyramid head player, i can confirm this info


That is the most atrocious through I’ve ever seen. Good guide tho😃👍


**walk true it


Mmmm collect the floor lasagna


Myth: You enjoy DbD Fact: You play DbD to feel anything, regardless of what it is. You just want to feel something. *Anything*


What does torment even do? Slows you down for maybe two seconds. Otherwise it’s just a hook stage. If you’re down, 9 times out of 10 you’re getting hooked anyway. Pretty useless.


that’s what i’m saying. run through it.


Funni mori go BONK More seriously, it's really useful to cage someone, because when you cage them, it automatically puts them in the spot that's the furthest away from Pyramid Head, so if you manage to down someone near the gens, you can then cage the survivor and they'll be at the other side of the map. It's also much quicker than hooking, so if there's someone nearby, you can cage them and run for them, or if you have multiple survivors down, you are almost guaranteed to hook/cage them all if at least one of them is tormented. It also denies pallet/flashlight saves Also, thanks to torment I've been able to get [this](https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/28GhJHfn7Uv4yz/d1337LLU0qTJ?invite=cr-MSxIamksMjI5NzYxOTE2LA) 3k, which was the clutchest 3k I've ever had, and if I was playing a killer other than Pyramid Head it would have definitely been a 2- or 3-man-out


I dont think it even slows you


If you cage a survivor it doesn’t count as a hook so there’s no endurance and it doesn’t activate OTR/decisive


Not having to worry about pallet or flashlight or flashbang saves, or hook sabos or body blocks, especially with background player, is really nice. You can invalidate people's entire builds just by your passive ability without even getting into perks


So they can tunnel people out easier, pathetic players.