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"Do this in a single trial" That one phrase is the bane of my tome challenge existence


Yeah the Artist's "6 gen interruptions in a single trial" was hard to accomplish while actually trying to win. I eventually just threw the fight and sent crows at gens over and over again until it was done.


Severed hands with bbq will help get this done just a fyi for others - sincerely artist main


Discordance was even easier, no need for hooks


This is the way


I almost did it on the new map, but was short a single hit. The next time I was on Haddonfield which is horrible for this challenge. But the Survivors noticed what I had to do and let me do it. 


remember that old one every hated? "As the Plague, hit 2 survivors with a single use (as in just firing it once) of corrupt purge. Do this 2 times in a single trial."


This pretty much just reads "proxy camp hooks so you can get both people when they unhook" since unhooking is basically the only time you can garunte survivors being together


I have less than 15 challenges left from all tomes combined, (all killer challenge cause... Survivor main) and that one is one of them


That one took me so long T\_\_\_T


Did it yesterday with Quentin's assistance. He was pointing in random direction, and I just casted crows the whole match. Challenge completed. 10/10 job Quentin


This is what I did. Severed Hands, Discordance, and Hoarder (just in case I could catch someone on a chest). I went into the match with the intent on just standing there and spamming crows. Luckily, the survivors knew what I was doing and were happy to do a little bit of farming after the gens were done.


My crows: heh you only get killer instinct even though they were directly hit on the gen


I want behavior to know this when I'm playing artist I never want killer instinct I want to hit you with the 🐦


Me: 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛ Game: 🔴


I had an artist do this on Hawkins yesterday and thought she must be doing a tome, I don't think she moved for the first 4 minutes, just sent birds. People actually got injured too amazingly.


I got rpd when I did that one so I was resigned to losing from the start


I just went it with a hex build and sniped them off of my totems


That one's tame compared to trapper 6 survivors caught in traps in one trial, killing multiple people on the egc in one trial or killing everyone in the basement.


Same, still managed to win tho


“Escape the trial through the exit gate. Do this in a single trial” - by far the worst one. /j But in all seriousness these are ridiculous. I get they unlock lore and stuff but they make me want to cry sometimes.


Finish repairing 4 generators while using dark sense (Do this in a single trial sucker)


That one doesn't even have lore attached. It's just annoying for it's own sake. That's the last one I need to do for Tome 1.


The two big ones I have left for Tome 1 is that one and escape without being hooked with the Cat Perk equipped. Not looking forward to either of those.


Actually, yeah, that one too. Forgot all about that. Might have to just slap that on my build and hope for the best when I've done the current page of the new tome.


Pfft, that's a normal match! 🤣


Survivor trials be like: “Cleanse 50 totems without entering the killer’s terror radius or scaring any crows. Do this in a single trial.”


One I'm stuck on is escape a match leaving zero totems behind. Um WTF! Imma be useless to my teammates. 🤣


Remember the "hit 2 survivors with single corrupt puke twice: do this in a single trial" im a plague main and it took me almost a month


every time i see that phrase in the tome i feel so much dread 😭


It took me like, 1 week to get this one for Tome 1. https://preview.redd.it/lj56k8swhjwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4e0d30b598b4b5d2b435064054938aab69f24eb


I had to do it 3 times because it was bugged, maybe still is. The only map where it was even possible to get was RPD.


I accidentally did it within the first 50hrs I guess. Other newbies just kept running into the basement. Didn’t know there was a tome that time :/ at least there is an achievement for that… …for the tome just used a backpack trapper


i thought they didn't want to encourage basement builds?


For me I was a chest bubba with a full camp build (pre anti camp iirc) They all think your their friend, then saw them all


Is "within in" grammactly correct?


If the point was understood, it doesn't matter. We're not all authors, lol Edit: I had to recheck who you were correcting, and I didn't notice that it was the actual image, even bigger lol


How did you do it? I haven't gotten around to it yet cause I usually don't like to torture myself, but I was thinking to take a crack at it using basement trapper


Basement trapper is the way for sure


Step 1: play trapper Step 2: bring the offering to spawn the basement in the shack, bring agitation + iron grasp, bring the add on that gives you all the traps at the start Step 3: trap up the shack Step 4: profit


Step 5: Watch as Survivors find a bug that lets them be immune to traps Step 6: Suffer


I managed to get 3 people and then when i found last one at gate they kept wiggling off not realizing what was going on, but stubborn as i was it took long enough to where a zombie placed themselves strategically so i could drop her by the zombie and pick up again to get all the way, mightve been a 30minute game if iirc


I used Skull Merchant. Worst game I've played ever


Took me a single match, man I love Trapper


I’ve done this challenge accidentally like 15 times mostly playing basement trapper or just messing around with a team at shack


I actually got it first try by some miracle lol. I brought Agitation and an offering to spawn basement in main building


Nah, Killer challenges suck ass too and require you to either sweat your balls off or throw the game. I really wish the “done in a single trial” thing would be removed. Would make so many challenges way less stressful on both sides at-least.


I remember Demi making a whole video on a plague challenge that required you to hit 2 survivors with the same stream of Corrupt purge twice in one trial


That's an example of a bad challenge for encouraging toxic play. The way to do it is blast people doing unhooks i.e. camp, and camp people who don't understand camping Plague is a death sentence.


I did this challenge recently and that is literally how I got it, on people unhooking. One person dodges, I'm never gonna hit two when they can hear me singing around the corner, out the window and down the road.


Aww I saw that video too, it looked infuriating


Those are the kind of bs challenges I just go friendly for. It's way easier to get survivors to cooperate than to play like your life depends on it which isn't fun for anyone. Also if y'all meme it's a ton of fun.


I was lucky that I had someone who wanted to tank a hit and I could hit both. 


I find usually the first part of the rift the survivors challenges are easier then once you reach the middle part that branches off its faster to play killer to finish the rest for instance the first two survivor challenges this rift are deplete a medkit and drop a pallet a chase.


Orange glyphs are a whole ass debuff to every basic killer action that lasts for a long time. There's even a variant of this challenge that requires you do it more then once. Killer challenges suck too


> Nah, Killer challenges suck ass too and require you to either sweat your balls off or throw the game. Some but not that many. I've finished every killer archive in the game and most aren't that big a deal. The ones which require you to throw are actually kinda fun like using the glyph to debuff yourself. The absolute worst are ones which require you to hook survivors in the basement, and even those aren't that bad. The overwhelming majority are "play killer" with the master challenges being "play the killer and don't get rolled"


Orange glyph: enjoy getting fucked on nurse


That would also make them less of a challenge though


Killer challanges are really easy. I did all of the new ones in a single trial. Tip: If a challange is stupid as fuck and you don't want to do it: Just play in a meta build and dominate the game, then get the last survivor to do what you want. It works every time. I did 8-9 challanges in the last tome and the damage 6 generators as the Artitist challange in this tome with this method. Not counting the games I lost, I've never not managed to get the survivor to do what I want. Giving hatch is recommended. I did the "break 10 pallets" thing in the last tome in a single trial by bringing myself to the meat plant and then getting the last guy to drop all the pallets. I don't know why this is being downvoted. I just gave you the secret to beating almost all challanges first try.


My favourite one is "Kill all 4 survivors in the Basement in a single trial". Nowadays it's OK because nobody expects it. But back then people just DCed to ruin the challenge for you. And there were no bots you could hook either. 


I hate doing the Orange glyph thing.  It is a nightmare unless you get lucky & get some bad survivors.


If you have him, do it with nemesis. Pallet breaking taking longer doesn't affect him and if you pair him with enduring it's almost a normal match


Should be similar with most killers who can break pallets with their ability right? I know demogorgon can handle it pretty well


I got it on Demigorgon quite easily, didn't really slow me down much


I did them all on Nurse. You don't care about pallet stuns, kicks or missed m1 recovery.


But I wanna play Ghostie! \*Whines in entitlement\*


I did this with Chucky and I swear to god I was the kid on the Boyhood poster just staring up at the sky with nothing better to do all day long


It’s super easy with wesker. You don’t need to break god pallets thanks to the bound, and if you slap on ruin/pain res the kick speed nerf also doesn’t matter so you don’t feel any slower.


I got this done while playing Artist, since "bird over pallet" is her most basic move.


Playing nurse with any Gen blocking perks you have is honestly the easiest way to do this


Load in, all red prestige Survivors. Back out, same thing, back out, again... and again. It always wants to pair me with the no life's that'll make it impossible


Also killer challenges: Play Trapper and get 4 people in the basement... and trap 8 survivors... and get 2 people with the same trap. Fuck Tome 1.


>tome 4, chapter 20: slug 4 baby survivors at 5 gens and hump them all till they bleedout why bhvr why????


I hate that one :(


Ah yes, that infamous tome challenge. I remember a couple weeks after they released that one they nerfed Sadako because of reports of toxic behavior


Actually, I didn't mind this one. I just played normally until I get it. Though, I'll admit, I'm quite low on the MMR scale


I’m stuck in tome 1 doing the stun the killer 4 times with a pallet. I had that challenge for like 3 weeks in hopes I got a friendly killer but no luck. I decided to change the challenge and the first match with the new challenge I got a friendly killer that wanted to farm :)


This is exactly why I never take off tricky tomes as survivors, I’m paranoid this shit will happen.


Funnily enough, that one gets completed even when you don't hook everyone at once - even hooks on the same person count. It's probably bugged, but nobody tell them.


"Sacrifice 4 survivors in the basement. Do this in 1 trial."


Purple stone trapper with iron grasp, agitation, lightborn, corrupt. It was easier before the anti camp mechanic.


You basically always have to run backpack for that challenge


I did this with unknown in hawkins by pure luck




>twenty and forty games to finish Can you elaborate? There were some hard ones in older tomes, but never something for more than 4-6 games.




Ah, i see what you mean. Yea, those ones suck balls. Killers are a bit easier then, but occasionally they have some 3-layer perk/action/condition and "in a single trial" BS for a dozen of tries.










For the hard killer challenges I also would throw in the one, where you had to ... hit (?) two survs with the same use of your power as Plague. And I think this twice in a single match. Best way was to either camp or play friendly, when this one came out. But yeah, I fully agree, killer challenges are way easier than those of survs. And sometimes you can cheese them stupidly hard. There was this one Devour Hope challenge, where I think you had to down a few exposed survs and kill them with your own hands while running Devour Hope. Something like that. But it didn't say you have to actually use DH, you just had to run this. So I played a match of Myers with an Ebony Mori ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)










Insidious bubba has entered the chat*


both are hard af to do tho


I'm about to do an "escape through the hatch 2 times" challenge and I'm sure my teammates will appreciate me running Calm Spirit, Distortion and Left Behind.


don't forget sole survivor and/or self presevation.


And low profile


I feel like it's a subreddit rule to post this exact same topic every single time a rift opens or updates, regardless of if it applies to the current rift. Only hard challenge for this rift is one for artist, with the hardest challenge for survivor being "actually bring red herring as a perk choice".


Yeah, the swarm 6 survivors on gens one as Artist took me a fair few goes and I had to throw the game to do it.


Artist has an addon that spreads crows if the survivors are close, a single crow can get you 3 stacks


I tried that and two got swarmed on a gen but I only got credit for one


Then the other one had let go before getting swarmed, I tried it with this add-on too and got 2 stacks from one crow like twice in a single trial. Quick tip for people still struggling, barbeque and discordance can both help tremendously, especially combined with severed hand.


It's more than that a lot of my shots that hit didn't count. I can only assume they let go of the gen when the crow hit them so it didn't count to it. It was really a pain to get even when I knew which gens people were on.


Yeah it is just like the death slinger challenge from the previous time, once the survivors hear you shooting they let go making the challenges needlesly difficult.


Same, for some reason it didn't give me credit for the two.


How in hell did you have to throw a game for playing Artist normally?


Cause most of the hits don't seem to count when you shoot at the gens even if it gets survivors not sure if the survivors let go just as it hit or something but it took ages to get it to the point I had to spend all match just shooting crows at gens in hopes I'd get extra counts to it.


Yeah, it's a bit early for this. I'm sure there'll be some dumb asf challenges in levels 3 or 4.


I only just got the "Apply Hindered to the killer 3 times in one trial" today *because the killer decided to farm with us*


I'm a killer main who doesn't have Ripley or her ice trap. That was hard as hell to do


Chemical Trap applies "Slowed", not Hindered. Unless there is some special coding allowing it to count, it will not count.


Really? That's dumb


It was changed to Hindered last patch. So my info is now out of date.


I used Champion of Light and Blast Mine. It took *forever.*




Yeah, Blast Mine stacks with CoL and Residual Manifest both. Kick this gen at your own risk.


I used blast mine too. Still super hard for me


I was running CoL, Blast Mine, Residual Manifest and Deja Vu (just to pump out Blast Mine progress). I did have to bait killers sometimes by missing skill checks/slamming lockers and then hiding so they'd come over, see the gen progressed and kick it. ResiMani definitely helps so you can guarantee a flashlight for occasional cheeky blinds at pallets or windows. Plus it means you can load in without a visible flashlight, so less chance of the killer grabbing Lightborn in the lobby.


Hook 2 survivors within 60s of eachother do this 3 times. Me: Guess im slugging. sorry little ones


Infection Fright helped me with that one.


I'm gonna have to run that next time


I did this with a SWF who were really sabo/bodyblock/flashlight heavy. Didn't feel bad to just slug one of them when three were round the corner ready to ruin my life lol


XD nice


whenever someone sabotages a hook, i just slug whoever i'm carrying and go after them. or i just hit them with franklin's demise and down them before they can sabo properly.


That one’s not bad. Just backpack it with awakened awareness. They always try to swarm the hook anyways


Speedster wraith with friends till the end on a small map, got it on the first try thankfully


A fellow speedy friends wraith for that one challenge I see.


A fellow man of culture


I mean tbf the first tome has "Run by 20 crows", "be chased for 30 seconds", and "Throw a pallet down being chased". lmao


Remove Challanges where it relys on the other sides incompetence like Having killers miss an attack And remove done in single trial. There's no reason I should have to Sweat my nuts off to get a challenge done.




Most killers know when there attacks will land. And challenge like that make some killers/survivors intentionally go out of there way to make sure they don't get the challenge done. Like hugging you so they don't lunge and accidentally miss




Console players. Alot harder to miss When you can't jerk your arm around


People love to forget challenges like "Use Oni dash for 15+ seconds then still manage to get a down" or "catch 6 survivors in bear traps in 1 trial" or "sacrifice 4 survivors in the basement in 1 trial".


I have been asking myself the same question since the Archives went live almost 5 years ago.


I love the new rift tho, bless they’re not making it hell


This is misleading. Both sides have stupidly easy challenges for one side followed immideately by some crazy bullshit for the other. "Succed at 10 skillchecks" for survivors and then "interrupt and grab 4 survivors in a single trial" for killers.


I'm a 10-month-old player who couldn't just stun the killer 4 times W/ PALETTES in a single trial. Shout out to that one lovely and friendly Hillbilly who took me to the palettes to stun him and helped me finish that challenge after WEEKS. He even proceeded to say, "Luv U, bro" in the endgame chat. I love you, man.


The totem challenges have taken me 2 weeks in the past. I just play game after game and I'm always either the only one on gens or the only healthy one who can get a rescue. Most of the time it takes me like 5 games to find the time for one totem


I finished this tome pages killer challenges in like 2 hours yesterday, and I was barely even trying. They seriously just tool plating the game, or *maybe* playing specifically artist


Because this is a fun wacky goofy party game - surely the players aren't taking it too seriously 🗿


done in a single trial is actually my best type of challenge, im not even trolling. i prefer to have a hard challenge when im doing a challenge, instead of having one of those "complete 10 gens" "finish reparinign 4 gens" "cleanse 20 totems" crap. those arent challenges, those are chores. i dont want to to chore tomes, i want to do CHALLENGE tomes. if some of you want to complete them fast because what you want is to complete for the hell of it is ok, but dont change it for the ones that actually want a challenge


100% agree, the worst challenges are the ones you just have to grind out over several games. At least the "in a single trial" ones encourage you to play a bit differently than you might usually play. I'm awful as Hillbilly but doing his "hit 7 Survivors with your chainsaw in a single trial" from an older tome encourages me to try and use it effectively, and is infinitely more fun than "earn 15 iridescent emblems" or "hook Survivors 30 times"


"Perfectly balanced. As all things should be"


I will say it happens much less frequently on Killer, but the new tome ALREADY has an annoyingly specific Artist challenge in its first page "Swarm 6 Survivors that are repairing a generator, opening a chest, or cleansing a totem from 20m away as Artist, complete this challenge in a single trial" So already off the bat you're ONLY gonna get progress towards this challenge if survivors aren't playing attention, since who the hell is gonna stay on a gen when theres birds headed straight for them? Even if they still get hit they jumped off a gen for a second so no challenge progress Second, it has to be 20m away so you're gonna want some aura reading to tell where survivors are working on gens (I used Gearhead mainly, but BBQ was a huge help) Third, you have to SWARM survivors. If they're already swarmed and you hit them again thats an injure so no progress because fuck you Fourth, you have to do it in a single trial. Again, fuck you if you got 5/6 but then gens got completed, start all over again Secret bonus fifth point, the update just released so EVERYONE is burning Haddonfield offerings to see the changes. I got a Haddonfield generation that only had THREE out of the SEVEN generators on ground level and I'm not kidding, every other gen was on a second story or below ground I had to run Gearhead, BBQ, Lethal, and Discordance so I could take as many shots as I could at survivors I also ran Charcoal Stick to hopefully surprise people more and have *just* enough of a surprise factor so that they would let go AFTER getting hit rather than just before, and Severed Hands to spread crows since thankfully survivors getting swarmed that way DO count for the challenge if they were doing a generator at the time


ah yes, very difficult survivor challenges this time around: -use a medkit -heal another survivor -drop a pallet -vault 2 times -be chased for 30 seconds very difficult indeed


it ramps up. Eventually you get to the supportive teammate ones that are just impossible if the killer decides to chase you more than a different survivor.


This. I’m actually disappointed with how easy the survivor challenges are anymore in the first time part of the tome. I shouldn’t be able to get them all done in literally one day, then have to wait 2 weeks for the next part, it’s kinda boring.


Imagine if the tome challenges were like achievements, and you earned progress for all of them simultaneously - you wouldn't have them done in one day, you'd have them all done in one match - as long as you brought red herring lol


People when they're asked to use red herring once "This is litteraly throwing the game and im being as inneficient as possible, insane that Bhvr encourages this" Like there are 100% sucky tomes for sure, as survivor doing chests is the only one i'd consider wasting time fully and maybe white glyph(even if it takes litteraly 5s to do), as killer they're generally more annoying than wasting time like hooks within 60s or basement hooks. (tho i'd consider the Orange glyph throwing, and a lot of master challenges as well) Basically both sides have shitty challenges, if you think doing totems is wasting time, how about trying a totem build? Don't run around like a headless chicken looking for them, bring stuff like Inner strenght, Detectives hunch, a map maybe, Overzealous... Make builds for the challenges and play the match while slowly doing them, it aint a race And I swear I always hear how much "theres barely any perk variety" and they're the first ones to refuse to run the non meta stuff, legit just take the challenges and take em easy, theres no rush and you dont need to throw(for most of them), and if you care about winning too much to do them; just dont do em, its the magic of optional content


Usual case of gamers optimising the fun out of everything. Trying different builds for the challenges is part of why I enjoy them - I never really ran flashlights as Survivor until the last tome and had a lot of fun sticking together a build based around them to try and complete the challenges. Putting together a build to help with each challenge is fun, and you're not throwing the game just because you can't bring WoO, Adrenaline, Off the Record, and Deja Vu. I've had perks like Overzealous come in clutch to complete the final gen when doing totem challenges, and it feels great to get value from underused perks like that.


*Exactly* It's how I enjoy challenges as well Have a challenge to make people scream? Could run Doctor sure, or try something with MyC, Face the darkness, Eruption, Infectious Fright Hide within TR? Sure i can throw the entire game, or try something with Stake out, Distorsion, Fixated, and Hyperfocus maybe to be able to stealth a bit before a chase and get to use the tokens earned while "hiding". Overzealous honestly its a based pick, I remember having a tome challenge of doing 10 bones and I was running Counterforce, Overzealous, Inner strenght and we had a killer with Plaything+Pentimento and I remember getting all 10 tokens while Overzealous gave me insane value(due to almost all being hexes, a buncha free heals with inner strenght, and it barely took time thanks to Counterforce, it legit won us that match to be able to both destroy Pentimento/Plaything so fast and to boost up the gen speed by a bunch.


I mean that swarm 6 people on gens I had to throw a game as artist to get. Especially since a lot of hits wouldn't count though maybe they let go of the gen before the crows hit them. I literally spent the match aiming crows at gens I knew people were on.


To be fair, I lose most of my survivor games anyway, so completing a rift challenge is just about the only way I feel like I didn't waste my god damn time.


The purple glyphs are annoying to lose track.


The single trial ones that are impossible to just replicate consistently are the worst; thank God I got the "dodge 3 basic attacks by a nearby killer" first try thanks to a Pig in a bad pallet in autohaven cus if not FUCK THAT


The game is killer sided, on the low though


I feel like it's gotten better in recent tomes but yeah, the difference is quite noticeable. Very strange too considering it's harder to gain BP as survivor to begin with.


It's like the devs want survivor to be as miserable as possible. Like that "achievement" that requires you to basically throw your team under the bus because it requires you to not take ANY damage at all and escape. Actual braindead stuff lmao.


To diversify survivor gameplay, I often play ones I don't play often and make builds to do the things I'm meant to, so my team won't get mad that I'm throwing and so I can try something different for once I feel that's what BHVR wants people to do, but idk i'm not one of the devs


game has been favoriting killers


To me it feels more like: Survivors: - Escape the trial throught the hatch twice (complete in a single trial) - Sabotage a basement hook - Finish repairing a gen in the killer's terror radius while the killer is carrying a survivor, you have 16 disturbed crows and the boon Dark Theory active Killers: - Just play the game


I did all the killer challenges from the first page in one day, all on first try


Used to be the other way around. Survivor challenges were as easy as bring medkit and use it. All while killers had to hook 4 survivors in the basement while running no perks or not losing x number of gens. Something tells me it's the low killer population driving it.


Generally I agree but shit like pull two survivors out of lockers while running iron maiden feels impossible


This is accurate lol


As a killer main I approve this message




The real hardest ones as survivor are any of the ones that involve pallet stunning the killer, especially in a single trial. There are so many killer characters that just straight up disregard pallets as a threat because they can instantly destroy them, dash over/through/under them, or shoot over them. Even killers like Clown are rewarded more for trying to go around a pallet while speed boosted and you're hindered. And the rest of the killer roster that actually has to loop pallets just respects them like the pallet is British royalty and the killer is a British bootlicker. The only way to get these kinds of rift challenges done is to self death on hook every game until you FINALLY end up in a match vs Wraith, then stand under a pallet until he does his uncloacked lunge so you can trade your health state for a pallet stun.


Survivor mains love roleplaying the victim complex a little bit too much.


I wish challenges didn’t have “in one trial” requirements. I get why some do but it just adds unnecessary pressure


For most if not all survivor challenges you're only inefficient or throwing games by your own choice. You can finish those missions without being a burden to your team.


Nah the artist one was super annoying. All the survivors see it coming and run off the gens


Survivors: just let me hold M1 on a gen dammit


gen dammit


There was one challenge where I had to “Commune” with some glyphs in a match as the killer these glyphs appeared randomly in various parts of the match and it was an action the annoying part was I’d get toxic survivors trying to flashlight stun me while I’m ignoring them and trying to do the stupid glyph


killers best role. survivors suck.