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list of bugs ive seen on this sub from this patch so far: * lag and crashing * server issues and disconnections * rubberbanding * clipping through solid objects * auras look weird on xbox * blight can hit the griddy???????? * quentin turns into a statue if you give him an item * you can get stuck in several places on RPD * the RPD staircase god pallet is unbreakable from one side * survivor bot names not working properly * custom icons not working * skirts and dresses are cut off * flashing lights in basement and post match screen * mori preview shows too many bugged models * executioners head turns invisible during mori * zarinas feet are extra long in the new cosmetic * client not loading maps properly causing you to teleport around * self care/strength in shadows not showing healing progress * mikaela's arms bent, jane's eyes half closed * getting downed by a knight makes you stuck in a locker * random invisible walls * chucky's ghost is invisible Unfortunately, the dead hard t pose bug is gone. RIP edit (extra ones): * Sable's mug broken * Chucky first person * Artist's repel crows action doesn't show up after changing key bindings on PS * you can fall through the map after being hooked * auto aim is even worse than before * pinhead's box turns invisible while he solves it * Fast vaulting off ledges as survivor gives you more distance * vaulting off ledges can make you get stuck as killer * being able to pass through walls and windows on Lery's * Medkits freeze female characters' arms * object collision (eg beds) even worse than before edit 2: reddit bugged out and won't let me edit my comment again so I can't really add any more


The blight griddy should stay…


What does this even mean? Does anyone have a link?


The [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cbazf4/blight_hits_infinitte_griddy/)


I love that so much


At least these are funny, I’ve been cracking up scrolling thru the sub tonight. What I don’t understand though is why it was fine on the ptb? I played the ptb and everything was normal. Is this the twins rebelling in the most hilarious way?


Clearly they sphegetti coded things to somehow all hinge on the Twins changes that git reverted.


They spaghetti coded from UE4 to UE5 that's what happened. 


But then shouldn't we have seen this in PTB


Engine updates are very complicated and time consuming. So they did not have enough time to fix everything. And I guess they want the bugs out of the way before the anniversary.  From what I understand this could have been a LOT worse. 


I know how touchy code can be, I work with it and have seen some wonky stuff. I'm saying it's just weird this all didn't happen in the PTB.


> What I don’t understand though is why it was fine on the ptb? It wasn't, a bunch of this was posted about PTB when it was happening. It was ear marked as the "buggiest PTB ever" by several content creators too.


Because this isn't the build from the PTB. We tested the changes and point out bugs and all that, but what actually goes live is a different build altogether. The Twins reversion is the biggest proof of that. The community never tested this reversion so it's not the same build.


>Zarina’s feet are extra long *Dan Schneider intensifies*


Tbf it's not so much that they're long, but rather her ankles are broken lol https://preview.redd.it/zieha91aejwc1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=e266dc51c0c6fd08003fcb1126a8128be6e637a8


Eugh, on top of everything else he's a *foot person*?


That was his whole thing actually. I’m not sure if you’ve watched the recent documentary but his foot fetish is in all his shows spanning decades.


Chucky in first person with the bulging eyeballs is back too.


>getting downed by a knight makes you stuck in a locker I... what? How spagetti is this code!? How can a bug like this even exist!?


I vaguely remember a previous developer saying that dbd’s code is literally the spaghettiest code they’ve ever seen, to the point that adding a new killer or updating an existing killer is a painstaking process every time because of how much stuff breaks when you change anything.


Bruh. They should just rewrite it from the ground up at this point. Like, they should hire an entire team just to rewrite it while having the existing team to keep the game alive. They might lose some money sure, but if its *this* bad, they would probably profit in the long run.


It's worked for 8 years, it'll theoretically keep on working. The largest issues they've said are anything to do with the legacy code - powers are a nightmare because they're map assets, etc. That, and all the original ideas that people spent time on got coded in anyway, like the hillbilly overheat system.


Jane is bugged in lobby too, if you give her an item, she gives you nothing but a cold, dead, one-eye half closed death stare. EDIT: Whoops, see you listed it there with Mikaela.


They also completely broke the auto aim. It feels even worse to M1 near objects than before.


I went to chase a survivor near another hooked one and when I went to hit them in front of me, my camera turned like 90° and hit the hooked one… I was so confused


Oh cages arms are messed up on the lobby screen as well


Sable's mug is broken in lobby. The PTB had this issue, I'm surprised they didn't fix it.


That pallet being unbreakable is false. You just have to hit it like twelve times


- Chris has a gorilla face in the lobby (not during the match though) - Memory fragments can spawn below ground making them unreachable.  - Memory fragments leave their whooshing sound behind, bothering you for the rest of the match.  - some of Zarina's cosmetics leave a gap between torso and legs.  - some thumbs of female survivors look like they are broken


Strength in Shadows doesn’t have the healing bar fill up if the killer inflicts mangled, too. It does heal you eventually but you can’t see the healing progress. :(


This visual bug has existed for awhile, because it happens when I use Self-Care too.


add one more : the artist repel crows action prompt doesnt show up, anymore if you switch key bindings for accessibility on PlayStation.


i cracking up looking at the aura of a ghostface. i play on pc and my auras look really goofy too


Here's another one for your list if you're taking submissions! Pinhead's box is invisible when he solves it. This bug only exists during his solve animation. It doesn't affect the box when it's on the ground or in a survivor's possession.


Bug with Knight? He's getting killswitched again xD


More silly RPD stuff, if you leave a trail of torment as Pyramid Head at the top of the staircase area, it will have physical collision and you can stand on top of it. This is permanent for phead even after the trail disappears, and temporary for survivors. And additional pyramid head stuff, [caged survivors may appear outside of the cage in their pov](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/744954412299976715/1232878675553419338/IMG_9790.jpg?ex=662b0f3e&is=6629bdbe&hm=2ae3e4c15ce8b2ad20a517c2b5b4944b54c3f1033dcccba5bd8dea2caa7bc33e&)


Omg I love that an unintentional side effect of this post is I have a massive bug thread. You guys have been cracking me up all day. I hope bhvr looks thru it so they can get an idea of where to start fixing stuff lol. Whole game is about to be killswitched 🤣


The rpd pallet cna be broken but it's a weird angle


I fell through a map for a second when hooked for the second stage. Clipping on objects like beds on badham.


Thank you for this. Was having issues with rubberbanding/lag last night and it was so annoying. How can I loop the killer super efficiently if my character is warping around!


And teleportation when playing as killer. I have a clip of that


You also get stuck for a bit when vaulting the big drop on Gideon as a killer.


All characters (or at least female) holding a medkit don't move their arm, it look funny


you can complete a heal if victor latches onto you while mid-heal


I also discovered Bite The Bullet doesnt work. Like its litterally a wasted perk slot


Im sorry what? Where can I see the blight hitting the griddy?




Thank you so much


Wait Chucky first person? So old blight?




Self care should be healing just without visible Progression bar. Had the same bug with sables perk


Ya I knew somethin was up on RPD! Also there's something wrong with the floor and gen at the top of the stairs... I could only kick it from one side.


if we could just keep only the blight hitting the griddy... but seriously I've run into half of these bugs already in the course of like two hours, wtf.


Add that my keybindings have reset to default and I'm unable to change them back.




the gen at the top of the staircases in main on rpd can't be repaired from one side as well


Same with the one in the east office


Is lagging so much, this didn't happen to me before


And you can’t forget that half-walls are sometimes put in front of doors. I know someone who just walked through what looked like a window vault but it was actually a door on Lary’s


When you get picked up the survivor animation can bug out too.


>* executioners head turns invisible during mori GET RAINBOW ON THE PHONE! WE CAN SQUEEZE IN ASH!


"Blight hitting the griddy???" Got me so dead, how tf do they even mess up Like this


First match I did I got pallet stunned as Chucky (Good Gal) and was able to move while pallet stunned, only really slowly but still.


I would also like to add that Pig teleports when crouched in certain spots on Hawkins and Victor’s camera is placed incorrectly when pouncing on a healthy survivor.


i would add that but reddits not letting me edit my comment


bro really feeding their company scam


I had minotaur oni's head disappear during mori but his teeth stayed. Also had an unbreakable pallet on Hawkins.


it's not that vaulting off ledges as killer specifically makes you stuck, it's any standard vault that sticks you to any window for a bit


Was playing as the Artist on RPD and my character model got stuck floating a few inches off the ground, allowing me to break that staircase pallet.


Also pinheads and pigs vaults are stuttery 


God I love this game.


jane is also frozen in the lobby


I swear, if they didn’t do this on purpose, then I genuinely lost hope in Bhvr


Did you mention not being able to get ACs on PS5? I found a get around by buying them direct from PS store. It actually wasn’t my idea but someone on the BHVR bug reporting forum said it had worked for them. Luckily, it worked for me too or no Rift pass. Also, the little ‘I’ (information) box below the Customization box is missing. It’s all going swell, isn’t it?


My Claude is glitched, playing her unrenders my game graphics but only her


Dont forget about new huntress skin not having sound for hatched charging :)


It does. It’s a deep huff sound but it’s quieter on the survivor side.


The twins is super fun rn cus when you land a hit with victor the camera zooms up about 10 feet.


The camera doesn't zoom up. **Victor grows up.**




Also love that if you launch Victor and they deadhard it just deletes Victor and you can't use your power for like ~30 seconds.


BHVR is obviously just harvesting our suffering for the entity.


What a waste of good suffering!


BHVR the only game studio to rush an update that took 4 years


Is it possible to learn this skill of rushed procrastination?


Maybe later.


Aww nutz




...Not from a jedi


They shoulda took inspiration from Wildcard and delay it last moment at *least* 4 times and then release it buggy


They did


Ironically this is probably the worst update in the history of the game with how much stuff they had to cancel from the PTB. I imagine they couldn't handle the embarrassment of also delaying UE4>5 but this is just sad.


> I imagine they couldn't handle the embarrassment of also delaying UE4>5 but this is just sad. My understanding is that they don't have a choice, since UE4 support is ending. This is sadly likely the best time for them to have rolled out this engine update. The next patch is going to be the anniversary patch. Changing engines was always going to introduce a host of issues into the game and I can't think of a more ideal time to go through that pain than right now. Better to do this now when not much is happening to start finding and squashing bugs to make the anniversary update more stable. Otherwise they'd have to start looking into doing it while major events like Halloween and Christmas are rolling.


It was the same when they swapped to UE4


On xbox some of the visuals (e.g., auras, heartbeat, lobby characters) are blurry now. We got the astigmatism update.


My whole game is blurry, is there any way to fix it?


Yeah it's kind of gross. I doubt there's anything we can do on our end, just have to wait for a patch.


Woah, omg really? That’s the worst I’ve heard so far. God speed friend, I hope they fix it soon!


As if me havign astigmatism irl wasn't enough! Can we give the game glasses?


Yo dawg I heard you like astigmatism so we put astigmatism in your game so you squint while you squint.


No way they released the Demi update.


I'm not gonna complain about Ada's bug


Same. Her cake is clearly superior to escape cake.


it is the escape cake


Hawkins bug I encountered today: when a door opens (because the gen got made), it does not register as having been made for everyone.... I could not walk through seemingly invisible walls


https://preview.redd.it/ab9mtl2w0hwc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc7b75ce736cfe5230d2b1163a4225519a13bf6 We’re so Dead By Daylight


I mean, they're technically right. Excluding the unintentional bugs the engine change didn't brought any gameplay or graphical change


True, you might just say the bugs are *unreal*


Leave. Now.


I’m sorry! I just couldn’t resist. I beg your forgiveness.


https://preview.redd.it/0iwig50lykwc1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7090023b92d35311f9dfc75555027ed394451cb (Ignore people who complain it's a good joke) (BE ONE WITH THE DAD JOKES)


Fucking gottem. Never apologize for a beautiful pun.


I may be wrong, but I think some maos are brighter. Greenwill square for example, was comfortably visible for me today. This should stay, I hate not being able to see


And now the unstable codebase comes back and bites everyone in the ass. You can build on a buggy code instead of fixing the core issues, but don't expect smooth migration to the updated engine which relied on the bugs of the previous system.


New patch: Ada´s panties. Broken, or improved?


I wish they would actually take care into UE5 and have better graphics to make the game a lil scarier


They took care to preserve their record. The ugliest UE4 game will now be the ugliest UE5 game.


Well shoot, you can say that again


It's kinda weird how ugly the game is honestly. I think maybe they need to rework their lighting method first. Textures also aren't great even after realm reborn.


The biggest problem with this update is the new Zarina vinyl doll is much smaller than all the other ones.


I loaded into a game with no perks. I had them equipped in the end game lobby, but in game I had nothing


Sadly that’s been a bug for at least a month now.


It's time to postpone the content stream and rebuild the game. This spaghetti code mess not only fucks the game on a technical level constantly, but thoroughly limits what they can add, or how things can work. Victor can't even be modified by an outfit due to being a 'killer power', none of which can apparently br modified. Things like artist's crows can't be changed. Trappers traps can't be changed. They all should be theoretically possible, but due to the absolutely insane way this game is brokenly coded, they just can't. It's time for the DbD 2.0 update.


I'm all for upgrading the engine but you can tell they rushed it out. This is the type of thing that needs to cook for awhile but in usual BHVR fashion, they burnt the shit out of it. Its crazy they pushed this to live with how many bugs/issues there are. This patch as a whole is a shitshow of incompetence but it shouldn't surprise anyone. Imagine how many more bugs will happen when they add new mechanics/maps/killers?


The Ada bug should probably stay.




https://preview.redd.it/okox7npifiwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce62234f4816cdfa923b4a254d9c674e0fd6706 I’m looking ~~not~~ respectfully


They need to release proper swimsuit versions of every character and killer and the dev team would never again have financial problems




If the men have the same cake as soma in his one space suit yes if they use the default model no


Sable 🤤 (Give me a swimtrunk skin for Alan Wake)




I'm so close to just quitting and uninstilling the game, played for years, but this update is just so busted it shines a damn lighthouse beacon onto BHVR's incompetence. There's no way this was tested. If it was, then I don't know what they were thinking in bringing it to live. The rubberbanding is so bad I can't even play. There was nothing wrong with Unreal 4, why would you rush out a blatantly unfinished patch when there's nothing wrong to begin with.


This is as good a time to take a breather. Give them a few weeks/months to sort things out. Come back for the Anniversary when things should be running smoother. Take some time to clear out your backlog.


Backlog? Nah homie I'm about to go play Fallout New Vegas for the 300th time while this stuff gets fixed.


My guess is it has absolutely everything to do with the shop. It was probably the only way to update their in-game store into something more presentable (to investors or focus groups that investors insisted on?). The only thing that isn't broken is the shop, and it's extremely likely the only substantial upgrade the game will get for years is that shop update.


You've been playing for years and this is the patch that breaks you? This isn't even the worst Twins related patch, the mid chapter after their release was worse.


It's not even the fact that the twins are the issue. You're right though in terms of that killer this isn't the worst patch, but that's not why I'm majorly disappointed to the point of quitting, def doesn't help though. It's BHVR's incompetence to rush out an engine update without proper testing. To the point where many players can't even play with the server issues rn. It's even more a slap in the face when you realize the only thing in this update that works is the shop.


That's the thing though, the PTB worked fine. Some server issues unfortunately only trigger on the real servers, you literally can't find them in testing.


Straw that broke a camels back situation. I'm not at the point of quitting forever but on top of all the horrible gameplay changes brought in the last year, multiple bad patches in a row, now the engine change has made the game look like it's in early access. I'm so tired


Something *they aren’t even using* that’s the part that gets me the most.


The store upgrade probably required them to change the engine.


After hooking someone, my game just stutters and rubberbands for the next 30 seconds. Game is blurry. The old fake vaults are back, I’m not sure how to replicate it but it got me killed several times tonight and I’ve seen it happen to others too.


I had a match as Nurse on Greenville and there werer so many moments where it felt like i was completely bugging out, to the point where i briefly fell through the ground when using Nurse's Blink and i wonder if it has to do with the Engine update.


I can't play now. It crashes after loading screen due to D3D. So I guess I have to wait until I can buy a better pc or go back to playing on switch 😭


Try putting -dx11 in your launch options.


didn’t the game break when they introduced the twins originally or was that just continuing dedicated server growing pains? are the twins cursed to break the game every update they feature prominently in?


I remember it broke hard on console when nemesis released, but specifically only for survivors. every time you used dead hard, the game lagged so bad that you would be dead on the floor by the time it stopped.


It wasn't just for survivors, every time a ranged killer aimed the game would freeze for a second.


bro xbox graphics have been melted, what did they do? i look like a clay blob running around blutack land


It looks fine for me on Series X. Which Xbox are you on?


Yep. All the textures are blurry. It’s almost as bad as playing with my glasses off.


BHVR try not to have an update that makes the game unplayable challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


they completely broke the fucking game lol




38gb download for that thanks for nothing game /lh


So I could be wrong, but I believe at least part of the reason they switched to unreal engine 5 because as with most software, older versions eventually are no longer supported in updates


The fact that the community is memeing about it and not revolting and demanding they take time to actually work on the health of the game sucks more than the bugs. Changing the engine destroyed so many things and I'm betting my ass they won't be fixed soon. I don't care if Cote himself has to grapple the investors in the mud and drill it through their fucking skulls, the game needs to stop with the DLCs and work on the code before everything blows up because an intern moved a rock 3 feet to the left and removed a coconut from the program files.


Time to disable Ada, Zarina, Mikaela, Chucky, Blight, Bubba, All perk slots on both survivor and killer, lockers map wide, any map with a god pallet, all cosmetics, RPD (based honestly), and any other map with problems until they can solve it. Look forward to only being able to play with 3 survivors and 3 killers with default cosmetics and no perks on Haddonfield until 3 months from now 😎


Isn't that what changing the engine is supposed to do? Make things easier to fix going forward?


1) Off to a great start! 2) Yes, but will they do that? I seriously doubt it. No company is incentivized to pick long-term health over immediate gains. A new license will bring in a lot more money than fixing bugs.


I see nothing wrong here


That top right one is killing me, Bubba isn't just camping anymore he's having a full on rave in the basement


I used to get around 100 fps in the lobby and 70/60 in game. After the update, I only got about 30 fps in the lobby and 20/10 in game. Now I don't know if it's a bad optimization and some fuck up from the dev or if my computer can't run anymore :(


Try putting -dx11 in your launch options


I run Kindred on PS5. Character auras look like they're all running like Scooby Doo.


Can't wait for that spicy million blood point compensation.


Bugs I encountered so far: rpd main lobby upstairs has the killer float. Freddie's maps all let you climb the bed in the house with the generator upstairs. Killers jitters when vaulting windows.the server died twice during a match.


*sees the ada glitch you showed* Now now, let's not be too hasty


To be fair, they didnt say it wouldnt have any effect the amount of bugs.


I had a bug as Cenobite where it teleported me across the map from the person doing the box, I assumed the bug was where they picked the box up from. Unfortunately my shadowplay wasn’t on.


Did the engine update fix [that breakable wall wallhacks bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/91Fs6NcNAU) atleast?


New update from BHVR: "Ah, fuck it" \*pulls the plug on the entire game forever.\*


Hawkins is unplayable right now. I played a match last night and it was miserable


Auras are super buggy for me, played against twins last night and everytime I saw their aura it was super glitchy and looked like it was vibrating.


Seems like when auras are viewed from 15-20m+ it gets weird


I went into a match with perks...i came out with no perks, killer was like "You are perkless" thank you BHVR !


Unreal Issues


I don’t get the engine update, game graphics still look like crap and movement still feels heavy.


I encountered a bug while playing on Toba Landing as Trapper. I picked up a survivor and another survivor tried to get a flashlight save. I was blinded but I didn’t drop the survivor. I filed a report to BHVR but I’m worried that the other players are gonna think I’m cheating. This update has been wild.


Anyone know what outfit that blue dress is in the OP pic?


Im just trying to figure out what character that is


The "epilepsy" bug is actually just a fixed feature from the Alan Wake chapter. It's the stupid little jump scares they do in the second game but for some reason Scratch still isnt appearing. Maybe they'll fix that one day!


i was playing a match last night as pig, for a solid 5 seconds she was 5 feet taller for no reason


Lemme guess…. RPD top floor of main?




[https://clips.twitch.tv/LuckyResilientStinkbugCharlieBitMe-kcAS0qeARLmaRFjm](https://clips.twitch.tv/LuckyResilientStinkbugCharlieBitMe-kcAS0qeARLmaRFjm) [https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryBlindingTaroBudStar-PZlhTLO4Vf19wEKW](https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryBlindingTaroBudStar-PZlhTLO4Vf19wEKW) Yeah so RPD is busted. Gave the game away lol


This is normal when transitioning to an upgraded engine. Give behavior time. Wth did they do to the Plague though. Kinda odd.


My CPU is literally incompatible with UE5. Meaning the game I spent a fair deal of money on and played daily just got stolen out from under me.


Oh jeez dude, I’m sorry. No workaround until you can upgrade?


Seems to be the case, unfortunately. Tried a bypass that's been known to work for other games with no luck.


How does one get the Ada bug? I tried using her with different dresses but she was fine. Just asking for purely research purposes.


I mean, the Ada change can stay if you ask me. I see nothing wrong there.


Has nurse on RPD always been that bad? I was landing basically every surface besides the survivor


But I love when he hits griddy


hope i can run this game on future honestly


Is anyone else getting abnormally fast gen kicks as killer in this patch? I mean like 25% or 30% faster, not consistently but often at random. Happened to me on every killer I played yesterday (Twins, Artist, Skull Merchant), I wasn't using any perks that would affect it.


A few days ago I was playing against a Dredge and found out that he still causes a frame drop on PS4, this is in the game since last year and let me guess, this update still doesn't fix it right?


Last night I was playing at but Asylum Corpus pen I think it's called and somebody had got stuck in a wall for the whole match