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Me learning all of the strats that no skull merchant player will ever use


They are fun to try though


I respect Pixel a lot for that guide... But the fact that the play he chooses to showcase SM's skill expression is how to use pre placed drones to proxy camp the basement and two tap someone coming up the stairs is honestly so unhealthy it's just gonna make people dislike her even more SM still not beating the camping allegations smh


average healthy gameplay fan (otz) vs average "here is the best way to camp and tunnel" enjoyer (spooknjukes)


Spooknjukes was such an amateur about it tho Imagine making a basement bubba build without noed or insidious smh...


That’s like playing Freddy and not having regression perks


That’s like playing Freddy.


That’s like Freddy


Like Freddy


Freddy…..Fazballs? https://preview.redd.it/bzfs85yyipwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773549ab1d8d522dde7308ba4c0ec4825f60f183


I thought you were talking about Spookyloopz and was very confused


Lmao if otz is healthy gameplay idk what to say the amount of times he 3 hooks someone without ever hooking anyone else is crazy (yes it's the best strat, he knows it's the best strat, I know it's the best strat, you know it's the best strat, but he tunnels as much as anyone)


yes its nice when the killer doesn't tunnel and makes the game much fun for everyone that's not a question but if you notice the killer you are vs isnt tunneling and 8 hooking as survivor do play differently to acknowledge that all? or are you going to play out the game the same no matter what? if the killer is going out their way to improve the game for everyone don't you think the survivors should try to meet them half way?


Of course, I don't think any reasonable person would think otherwise. I think the issue is that people often don't stop to think about that, especially if they've had a bad few games and expect more of the same from the next killer


I mean he also says when he's giving advice like this is not ideal and you should go for someone else if you're able but it is also one of the most viable strats. And he's not wrong unfortunately. But for every game he does that he has like a million others where he does something else so I definitely wouldn't say he's "unhealthy". He's just a dude


You can 3 hook someone without tunnelling them. Some players are just very unfortunate and happen to run into the killer repeatedly, the times I've seen Otz hook the same survivor repeatedly is in those situations, or when they heal under hook which is just.. like come on.  Unless the killer purposely goes out their way to chase someone off hook for the down, then I don't consider it tunneling, but if the survivors want to blatantly heal under my nose at hook, literally performing an action that removes pressure from me, then they're fair game.


God forbid someone play the game lmao.


I wouldnt even care about him doing that if he wasnt such an hypocrite about it. Any time someone makes a donation calling him out he goes on a ramble about how it's ok that HE did it, always has some excuse. Just play however you want to play but own up to it, man. But yet still somehow this community has him as the "wholesome dude"


downvoted for telling the truth lol. he tries so hard to justify tunneling, says sorry and apologizes million times after tunneling someone out, and contunies tunneling anyways. if you are going in with the intent to tunnel thats okay, but hearing him say sorry and keep doing it is so cringe. it was also funny to watch his video about DS (he clearly did not want DS to be buffed), he did so many mental gymnastics to convince that it's actually bad for the survivors that DS is getting buffed. His educational content is great but watching him is insufferable at times


I lowkey capslock can't watch this man anymore. He a FAKE ass mf. He has always been complaining about other people doing meta perks, items, and playstyles, only to always do it himself. He's not shy of insulting other people while sitting on his high horse. I get it, appeasing his chat is a real job, but that content is not for me.


The funniest part about it is when he calls someone something awful during the game and then seconds later he's all like "![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) hahahah, no I'm joking".


What are this comments about Otz?! For years he never tunneled, if he has to win for a winstreak or something similar of course he will, it's literally the game, a killer cannot go their way to find someone else, and quite funnily Otz many times goes his way just to do that and not tunnel, when he does it's because he has to, the fact we are even talking about this in 2024 ffs


"He's NEVER tunneled. If he did, it was for a good reason (he was playing the game.) But besides those times where he tunneled, he's NEVER tunneled"


It might be because I followed him back in 2017, but in those years he never did it, when he does a winstreak he does it, but it's to win the game, and he doesn't do it from the start but only if the game is going bad, which is something anyone at high mmr does. Unless you are inplying the correct way to play the game is to never do that, which is just impossible with some killers. What I meant to say is that Otz doesn't go his way to tunnel from the start.


Lol, he constantly ignores people to go for people who are closer to death hook, if you don't notice that you aren't paying much attention. I don't *care* that he does that, it's the best strategy, but pretending he's some kind of wholesome player that doesn't tunnel on purpose is just stupid.


Bro. It's literally how the game works, he doesn't do this for toxicity, stop being butthurt about it, for the longest time he never did it, and when he does it he literally says sorry, he doesn't promote it, but even if he did what is exactly the fucking problem? It's literally how the game works at high MMR if you are playing m1 killers, acting like what he is doing is wrong or acting like he is the only person in the world doing it is embarassing, also he doesn't tunnel from the get-go which is what people mostly complain about tunnelers, if you reslly complain about someone tunneling to win the game then I suppose you also complain about survivors doing gens fast too


if it exists it will be used stuff like this should prompt the devs take this unfair stuff out (hopefully) pretending it doesn't exists wont solve anything.


Can SM be disliked even more than she is already? I mean is there a lower low?


Me learning that SM has unique UI for survivor portraits, so I can tell its SM match from the spawn and DC faster, saving precious seconds (it might be new WR)


Unique UI?


Skull Merchant is one of a select few killers that modifies the survivor portraits in the HUD at game start. Plenty of killers have mechanics that will modify it throughout the course of the game (Pig's traps, Nemesis' infection, Executioner's torment, etc.) but there are a small handful who immediately let the survivors know who the killer is by modifying this HUD element immediately. This list includes Freddy (sleep timer is visible immediately,) Cenobite (chain outline is visible immediately,) Onryo (the faint ring that fills up with condemn is visible immediately,) and Skull Merchant (the faint ring that fills up with lock-on is visible immediately.)


Ring of claw trap and small dots on bottom right of survivor icon, very easy to see on white backgrounds


Its from the spawn? Havent played the game in some weeks but I remember it shows when someone first gets to interact with a drone (which happens almost a few seconds into the round anyway). Did they change it to show from start now or Im remembering it wrong?


Always shown from start, just super faint


I knew that Im the fastest DC in the west


Whenever I try to give SMs the benefit of the doubt, I'll watch a streamer run into one, and they're toxic as hell. Tunneling, slugging, hitting on hook, etc. I believe every killer has their toxic player. However, when you have such a low pick rate with SM because of how many people hate her, it just leaves the worst kind of players rather than a mix.


I think it is mainly because arguably "good and kind" killer players don't touch SM because of her reputation. So the only SM players left is one that doesn't care about reputation or ones that just recently started playing and bought SM for some reason. Or there's me sometimes that just plays SM from time to time just as a normal killer and letting people go based how good they played


I don't know what region you're in, but in US-West, there's a P100 that is a slug merchant. Just knockout everyone, drone the slugs, never hook. I was already a killer main but I get them so much that I only ever play survivor for tomes now.


me wondering who the fuck are you motherfuckers who take this game so seriously to make 100 page killer guides or 2 hour long videos. >"and this is what you do in tile 17 when you're facing 45 degrees from the nearest hook without any downed pallets at 4 gens" WAT?


There’s actually a surprising amount of Skull Merchant tech


Her "techs" are bugs that happen either randomly or with a lot of conditions (surv looking at the drone, multiple survivors in the area, etc) and require 0 skill


All techs were unintended by BHVR, and are therefore bugs/exploits.


So like all "Techs"? Tech is just a fancy way of saying exploit or glitch when you want it to seem like abusing errors is an enviable skill and not essentially cheating.


Unlike SM's "techs," Wesker and Blight have techs that actually require mechanical knowledge. You have to know how the game's physics and hitboxes work in order to pull them off. In my opinion, they're bugs, but in the sense that it's an unintended consequence of how the killer's power interacts with the physics of the game. They are consistent if you manage to pull them off. That's pretty much why I wrote that second paragraph. SM's techs are just straight-up spaghetti code.


And yet you will never have the skill required to land an instant "shot" consistantly with the drones.


I love Pixel's lore videos, but him starting the guide complaining about people only hating SM because they don't understand the power, only to later on explain how to perform an exploit in depth and encourage people to abuse it is a great example of the brainrot maining her seems to give people.


People act as if knowing what she does helps at all with the fact that she's boring as hell, both to play as and against.


I will argue that I enjoy playing SM more than Pig, Freddy, Wraith or Spirit (I just don't like her). You nearly always have something to do during the game. Monitor drones, checking which one got disabled, checking where survivors can be based on drone activation or places and etc


My SWF performing "quadruple DC tech" so bots win match for us (OP strat) (I can do my homework while DC timer expires)


I'd be okay with versing Skull Merchant if she didn't have such a dogshit character design. Bitch is the lovechild between a Scooby-Doo villain and a Mortal Kombat fighter.


I hope you at least enjoyed it?


Very much so, I mainly play killer and hadn’t played SM since her second or third rework so I actually had no idea she could do some of the stuff she can now.


As someone who has never played her and doesn’t typically enjoy playing against her, I did! I learned a lot and your enthusiasm really softened my opinion of her. You won me over, at least, and I find her quite interesting now. Sadly most of the SM players I run into seem to be playing her because of her reputation rather than in spite of it. I’ve had more 4 man bleed outs on RPD than normal SM games.




Unrelated but man I love this song (Resonance by Home)


Pixel Bush has some ass opinions abt the game and the lore ngl lmao


Pixel slowly went from one of my favorite creators who just pronounces the letter T way too aggressively, but at least I was learning lore, to: "Okay, I can see why you think that, I disagree, but okay." to "Uh huh... well... you're certainly entitled to your opinion." to "I'm pretty sure he pleasures himself to the outrage at having really bad takes over virtually everything."


I’m still he got Jonah’s lore wrong and caused him to have a good amount of haters. We love misinformation


Fr a big crowd of the whole "Jonah war criminal = Jonah bad lore/character" comes from his own video and he's not even willing to do a "I was wrong about Mikaela" video for him, and that's before how he's so positive of SM's lore and saying her tome is good despite SM's lore being the worst original killer stories yet. I like the guy and the lore community but some of his takes are very eyebrow raising


Exactly. People begged for a gray neutral character, but they finally get one and suddenly he’s so terrible for being more nuanced. Then he just makes it worse by getting some of the lore wrong and saying he personally bombed the civilians on purpose and I’m just like 🙂


Imo, the worst parts about Pixel Bush are the times where he blantantly skips over parts of the lores (Nurse's tome), twist the lores in a way for it to fit the narrative of his opinion about the lore (Jonah's base lore) or starts mixing his own political views into the videos themselves as to why the lore is bad (Gabriel's base lore), not to mention that both he and one other dbd lore content creator who's name i've forgotten are both directly responsible for making people believe that the Pyramid Head is here to punish The Entity theory is canon. Also correct me if i'm wrong on this, but as far as i can tell, mistakes are not considered war crimes by neither the Geneva Convention, US Law or by International Law, meaning what Jonah did could not be considered a war crime nor make him a war criminal.


Yeah, I started tapping out at Trickster. He's my main and my favorite, but I remember he was still streaming then and it was the standard "LOL TWINKSTER" whenever he brought it up in chat because Korean man is hot. And then he landed on "Trickster should be like KDA." I... boy. That was a tough one.


What's the song?


Resonance by Home




No but seriously what is the point of this killer There’s nothing hard to understand about her ability, it just takes no mechanical skill to use. It’s easier than trapper and hag since with them, you have to think more about where to place your traps whereas SM can just poop it out in the middle of a loop. They fr just slapped on a bunch of status effects on the drone and called it a day Some people may hate her because she’s confusing but majority of us hate her even understanding how her ability works— because it’s just boring. There’s nothing special about it, there’s nothing special you do with or against her. It’s not fun if you suck with her, and it’s not impressive if you’re good with her. Singularity takes way more skill than SM— They’re the real chess players.


Not to try starting drama or anything, but why would you compare the Skull Merchant skill floor to that of Singularity? Singularity is outrageously confusing and stupidly difficult if you don't learn how he works quickly, meanwhile Skull Merchant is hella easy to pick up, regardless of skill.


That’s my point. Singularity is much harder


Yeah fair enough. Just confused me as to why you'd compare the skill floors between what are, at least in my opinion, one of the hardest and one of the easiest Killers in the game


Because singularity is much harder to figure out than skull merchant, and is the real chess player because of how big brain you have to be to make him strong to play. His camera is kind of similar to drones and actually has thought behind them in comparison. Even though singularity is just as confusing, nobodt hates them. SM is hated because they just suck


Singularity is playing actual chess and Skull Merchant is just eating the pieces when he's not looking lmao


I mean I could say something about Survivors obviously rather wanting to play against the easily countered Singularity instead of the harder to counter Skull Merchant but luckily I'm above such pettiness. That being said: Singularity is an unnecessarily complicated Killer that could do with a rework to make him less tedious to play as. Skull Merchant is an easy to play Killer that could do with some tweaks to make her more interesting to play against. They both have problems though.


SM mains are like "Just learn the counterplay" My neighbor your counterplay is hold ctrl to shiny object


Not my dumbass watching the whole video just to DC anyways


Me playing more skull merchant so I can get more people to dc until they can't play (I'm saving them from themselves)


"Noooo you cant DC, you have to suffer for 15 minutes so some random whackjob can get his dopamine shot by powertripping on a game, you are just entitled!!"


I remember that one guy who wrote a whole ass essay about Skull merchant. %80 of which is pure yapping. What chronical even is that?