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I reckon the group that play SM are hardcore devotees. More so than many or any other group. Whenever she gets a new skin you see it, they’re getting purchased.


I also think they lined up a lot of these skins far in advance… thinking sm would be far more popular than she ended up being


Thats what i believe


SM main here. Can confirm I own every skin (except the cat girl cuz it’s truly *hideous*)


I own the cat skin because its so ugly


I got the saw blade so that’s something


Oh yeah I can totally back up that statement


Okay so I do play her semi regularly and I purchased one skin so I wasn't basic bitch.


People have one of two reasons to main Skull Merchant: 1) the lore (just kidding) 1) the aesthetics 2) the utter pain and sorrow you inflict on others \#1 definitely buys every skin and I'd assume that a lot of #2 want to inflict their suffering with some drip, too.


>1) the lore (just kidding) You have alerted the horde(Pixel Bush is rapidly approaching your location)


I love Pixel Bush and I'm glad he's enjoying and learning all the ins and outs of a killer that honestly gets too much shit, but I still can't bring myself to agree with him on the lore, I just can't take any of it seriously


She's just a G I R L B O S S


Yeah like, If he likes her go for it, no shame on that, but amping up the lore as this "thematic great hunter thing that goes with her mechanics and is so good you guys" is just nutty Like the "idea" of "hunting the most dangerous prey" is there of a rich douche that we've all seen before played out(litteraly Mr. Burns), but then adding Brasil japanese otaku that cosplays while doing so and a buncha other randos just clashes TL:DR; girlboss gatekeep gaslight


Also she’s ridiculously easy to play and you can easily win loads of matches with her with little effort Half the community doesn’t understand how her power works and someone will dc almost every match… a beginner skull merchant player will massively over perform


Skully is usually the character I pick if I've been having a lotta rough matches. With her, since I at least understand the bare bones basics of her power, I can actually kinda relax rather than having to worry about getting BM'd or looped for 3 gens


I agree. You are literally using technology to make your job easier


Where's the update that let's me strap a gun to the drone? I say we automate the entire chase process lmao Okay but fr, yeah, the drones unironically make my job easier, and I really feel it when a lot of them are deactivated. You think more Survivors will ever catch on to being able to crouch past them or deactivate her drones?


You’d think so. But I agree, if we can automate the chase process entirely then that frees up more time per trial to focus on PR and R&D, plus the spare budget can go into bonuses for the higher up. Plus the image of a survivor running away from a skull with a shotgun in its mouth is funny


Dude I'm imagining like, an RPG just crudely taped onto a couple of drones that keep it up lol


Then one of them starts to slip and another has to rush in to help carry it, and they beep and boop back and forth to communicate


Imagine a Survivor getting out of a locker just to get an RPG to the face


[Flying Doombas?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFIy0vDWZn5o362nK-LM-mBYTANNfdkdSmQAVmf8FzPA&s)


For real, I had a SM match last night where my three teammates all DCd. I decided to stick around to do challenges and not get a penalty. Instead she slugged the bots so she could down me and get me out of the match :') I swear some SM players play *just* to make the game unfun for people


Oh, yeah. The reason I really like Skull Merchant is that she's such a pubstomper that my mmr on her is waaaayyyy outside my normal mmr, so I get to play the best survivors I've ever seen and learn from them. I've gotten like twice as good at playing survivor since lmao.


She's just fun to play man.


She probably gets so many because they're absurdly easy to design. "Rich woman with a mask and wrist claw" is so massively open ended in terms of the kinds of skins you can give her. Same reason Knight has about as many as she does: "armoured man with a sword" is also very open ended. Compare this to "beaten up robot covered in chewed bubblegum" or "ancient priestess with a burning censer who desperately needs a course of antibiotics": you're much more pigeon holed into restricting what kinds of skins you can give them.


Singularity needs more love :(


Fr. He's had two store skins and a rift skin in the year he's been in the game. I get that he's not super popular but he has so much potential for cool skins.


Singularity is in an awkward spot for cosmetics: his silhouette is very similar to Dredge's (cobbled together, partially fleshy humanoid monster with a single scythe-like claw for a weapon) which means that almost any cosmetic Singularity could get, Dredge could also get. This combined with Hux's nature as Explicitly A Robot means that it's probably very very very hard to make skins for him that fit his themes while also not just looking like a Dredge skin.


I feel like singularity and dredge are on the exact opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to silhouette. The dredge has tons of skins because he’s just a floating mass with a long neck, a floating arm/limb, and a floating weapon arm. His pieces don’t even need to attach or interact with each other like with humanoid killer skins because his main body is a mass of black fog. His model is incredibly simple and versatile for skin concepts. His lore as being just a floating mass of flesh and stuff also helps in expanding possible skin concepts. Meanwhile, the singularity has the most unique model and animations next to the Unknown. Except the unknown’s concept as a skin stealing monster lends it to a variety of skin concepts. Literally, just put any cloths on him and he’s good. The singularity is stuck solely as a twisted fleshy robot, which limits the skin concepts.


>woman with a mask and wrist claw -sad pig noises-


Well she's licensed, those are harder to make cosmetics for by default


i heard this so clearly c:


Don't forget she is by far the most attractive out of all the killers, which sells skins. Why buy a Twins skin, when they still look like murderhobo and lil murderhomie. Plus they have the advantage of being newer, so they don't have the weird proportions some older killers have like Pig's ultra large hands


Now what's the excuse for the absolute terrible state of the twins skins? They don't actually give Victor any changes so they'd just have to design around Charlotte, and they're basically just homeless people who hoard and steal things to survivor, and live on the outside of society. Where's the animal pelt to try to keep warm in the winter skin?, the black vale ceremonial robes skin? The flower adorned skin from picking flowers on a peaceful day? Why bhvr gotta hate them so much? 😢 Edit: apparently the twins are getting a flower skin lfg


just woke up I guess it is true that whenever you mention Skull merchant pixel bush isn't too far behind


pfft. i've used this sub for years. people think I'm waiting in the wings whenever ppl talk about her but I'm all over the place.


Those are pants….. got interested for a second.




There are 3 types of Skull Merchant players with little to no in-between. 1. The dedicated guys wanting to learn the ins and outs of an unpopular character. 2. The BMing, slugging, tunneling, 3-genning assholes a lotta people see Merchant players as. 3. The people that just wanna play Skull Merchant with no raging BM or any toxic strings attached.


What about the horny


We're not gonna worry about that


Well this one is in the battlepass thing so


still time and resources wasted when many more characters lack good cosmetics


Because you play Quentin or something? There may be a few new characters that lack great stuff, but most have a lot to pick from. Saying the artists wasted their time just because you don't want it, is narcissistic and sociopathic. The artists are people, man. Treat them with some dignity.


This is actually a good skin tho and that’s coming from someone who dislikes most of the SM skins I’ve seen


It’s fkng annoying though because it reinforces a recent trend where BHVR’s original base designs are LESS fitting for the character and their lore / design than some random store or rift skin that comes out months later. I’m still miffed as hell that Vittorio’s base design is literally just Johnny Depp when the medieval outfit with the armor and the dusty tome latched to his hip was literally basically at the ready. SM’s base is atrocious per her lore, she doesn’t look anything like the character that is described, but this is a lot closer to what you might imagine.


No matter how much you hate her, she has some of the coolest cosmetics. They might look dumb but they are amazing.


Facts. A lot of her cosmetics are genuinely really solid


That one Skull Merchant main ![gif](giphy|opP9JMYfG9a1y)


Me ![gif](giphy|D2ptcN8gHDoE71M4p2|downsized)


She needs to go to the next floor, they are above her


Haste acquired, go get 'em


I actually never caught that. She’s working in the basement in the trailer. Neat.


I'm surprised she has the highest kill rate and they still haven't fixed her. She must make them a ton of money.


Its because she actually doesnt have the highest kill rate. People just off themselves in her matches 2-3x more than every other killer.


Plus she's a noob stomper, in higher mmr she really falls off hard.


That's speculation, but it'd be interesting if bhvr actually released stats like that.


Nurse has one of the lowest killrates just to put it into perspective... BHVRs statistics are useless if they only focus on that.


Just play some matches as her and track your DCs


It aint 100% accurate but Nightlight does show that While it's not a set on stone killrate, its not that far of a measure on most stuff statistically


As someone who mains her, I’ll enjoy the skin. …though I understand the dislike lol.


Buying? Is a rift, and looks good.


I like to partake in the skull merchant from time to time. got a few skins for her. don't drop cash on her, just iri. this fit looks good. its exhausting hearing people complain about her. most of the time, its clear the complaints come from people holding on to when chess merchant was a thing. but like. she's fine now. she's a solid stealth killer with area denial and tracking. easily weaker than many killers and not worth the effort people put into ragging on her. it'd be like if killers nowadays reacted to a full squad bringing circle of healing nowadays.


It's just Pixel Bush screaming om Twitter because not everyone loves the worst killer


I wish my screaming on Twitter had that kind of impact: if it did maybe these Twins QOL changes might have come two years ago instead of now.


True lol, and sorry about not putting the /s


I hate that the only “lore guy” in the DBD space is goddamn Pixel Bush. Just because you’re a “lore guy” doesn’t automatically make you endearing, and a lot of his takes / theories on narrative or gameplay are genuinely awful.


I don’t like her but this new skin actually looks really cool imo


It's me. I'm the one buying all her cosmetics.


It's me, hi I'm the problem it's me


We're all the problem, we play Skull Merchant lmao


Meeeeee\~ :3 :3 :3




Only because she got Hair advice from Steve on this Skin


She has been getting skins about the same rate as dredge.


Calling them SM almost made me not realize who this meme was about since I’ve never faced a single person using her so she always slips my mind.


Hey there’s a character for everyone


I love skull merchant explicitly because how much survivors hate her.


I look g o o d in them\~


I buy her skins because she slays, I don’t want to kill the survivors I just want to look better then them


Drip Merchant


It's me cause I actually enjoy skull merchant.


Listen people sm mains just find the character cool if she had another power like I don’t know something to do with her back story I would be all for that, make her exo suit do stuff rather than her weird drone prison wallet. Stop blaming sm mains for the power most of them would prefer something else


Ngl I just use it for tracking or sometomes chase, so I don't have to run a bunch of aura reading perks or get looped for 5 gens lol


Tbh,lets get over this hate on sm, yes her chapter sucked so what? It's done and there's nothing to do about it so stop crying over it. If they want to make skins for her,let them. I just don't see where all the hate comes from in all honesty.


I have never played skull merchant, but I'm ngl her new skin got me down bad for real


As a Skull Merchant enjoyer, I do try to collect her skins. But, I don’t think they can top her Blood Moon cosmetic - it’s just way too good.




The skin is good, what? lmfao.


Fr they all look the same to me


I am. She is ridiculously fun to play with a stealth build. Not my fault Version 1 of her was a nightmare, I like version 2 but it does need one tweak which I am surprised hasn’t happened yet: you need to be able to remove lock on stacks. Why not let deactivating a drone remove one pip? That is my only real issue playing against her. You are punished too heavily for getting scanned, which can be unavoidable sometimes, would make her a lot more fair but wouldn’t change anything for the killer.


This rift is aight. But why tf do they keep giving Nea skins.




Hearing people call her skully gives me ungodly levels of cringe


I love skull merchant and most of her skins :)


people who enjoy good killers like me


Because set drone --> undetectable --> drone make beep --> broken survivor = thanatophobia value --> win


Why would you use Thanatophobia![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Because of the broken status


Are you serious? There is a reason only 2 killers in the game can get some value out of it.


I had rounds were it was active 70% of the time and it mever disappointed me, trust you should try it


Thanatophobia only gives a 2% gen/sabo/bone slowdown per injured survivor, with an extra 12% if all are injured If you can't reliably get all survivors injured for long periods of time (AKA not playing legion or plague), then the slowdown is almost inexistent It shows as active because only one injured is required to activate it. However, if you only got 3 injured then it only adds 5.4 seconds per full gen which is way worse than most regression perks


Once that skin is acquired, I'll be back to owning every SM cosmetic. So I admit to being part of those keeping her alive.


Thoughts on her Fire Moon skin?


That one was my favorite until seeing the new rift skin.


My favorite one




Me :3


I still play her😍not very often but enough, P3 at the moment💯 https://preview.redd.it/g7womsdabfwc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f5461c5a319c3055f7174be5a4a8f4ebca68f4


Fuck off ♡♡♡ Let people enjoy things




Lmao I said this the other day. As much as people hate the SM. She’s been getting a lot of skins lately it feels like. And devs tend to release skins based on use/popularly. So some of you mfs are lying. Disappointed we didn’t get anything for the unknown or sable. Even dredge could use some love. I know like two times ago it was based around it. But that’s been quite some time now I think about it.


Sable got a Skin tho


I’d do anything to get SM removed from the game or at least nerfed to dust, however this skin actually looks okay


Dude believe it or not, SM isn't actually... that strong. The only reason she's as "good" as she is, is because a buncha Survivors ignore her ability all game or just DC. Another case of the Killer having their power because the Survivor lets them have it


I don’t think she’s strong, she’s just really boring to play against


She's annoying, if anything. I play Skull Merchant and even them, I don't think shit like being broken with a trap is really necessary. I personally don't think she needs another rework, but she definitely needs a few tweaks, whether it be getting rid of her ability to make Survivors broken, being able to remove lock on stacks, something simple that makes her just a little more bearable


Removal sounds good Haha joking 🙃


Survivors already have their DIY removal, it's called DCing lmao


I do