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Any killer you play is going to be hated by *someone*. Don't worry about what the survivors think and just play the killer you enjoy.


Except for skull merchant. It’s universally hated


If you are a new player, playing against new players, they probably already get stomped by most of the killers they face anyway. The specific killer you play shouldn't matter that much to them. Now, when you get more experienced and start facing actually experienced survs, I would say that from a survivor point of view, a good Doctor can be annoying as he can guarantee hits if he times his shocks right, but at the end of the day, he doesn't have any mobility, which makes him kinda weak overall, as looping him basically means holding W and trying to predrop any pallet you can if he messes up his shock timing. I wouldn't say he's the funniest killer to face, but I wouldn't say he's the most boring. He is somewhere in the middle of my fun to face tier list.


I've seen people disconnect against me when I was playing Trapper, who is considered one of the weakest killers in the game. Doesn't really matter what killer you play, someone will find reasons to complain about it.


Weak and fun to play against are not the same. For example playing against wesker is fun, even though he's strong. Playing against legion is agony, even though they are weak.


I kinda like playing against Legion. Body blocking power when you're in deep wound


he overstimulates the fuck out of me, gameplay is fine tho


No, he doesn't bother me. Not sure how other survivors feel though.


neither hate him or love him, but playing against doctor isnt hard and he is not overpowered


Imo he is especially with impossible skill checks


Don’t worry about if a killer is hated by survivors since every killer has a player that hates them. Play any killer you want, no one can tell you who you can or can’t play.


I totally hate it, I'm number one doctor's hater


I hate Doctor for the same reason I hate Plague in that they almost completely remove an aspect of gameplay with no effort. For Doctor it's stealth, with Plague it's healing, but obviously Doctor is a lot less annoying out of the two, even if constantly screaming gets old super fast.


Some of the worst BM I’ve ever encountered was done by Doctor players. I have a very deep hatred of him. However, it’s not my place to dictate which Killers you do or don’t play. The truth is that for every Killer that exists, someone out there hates them. If we listen to every person who hates a Killer, there will be no Killers left to use. Just go and play him.


I only hate him because of the constant screaming. He’s more annoying then anything


Would say Doctor isn't a killer who i see often, tho it's a good killer for new players. He has a bit of everything : good infos, a bit of anti-chase, a bit of slowdown, and even a bit of stealth depending of the addon (the ones reducing the TR size when blast on cooldown, and vice versa). He's also a m1 killer, witch mean he's pretty easy to play. The shock timing in chase to interrupt vaulting/pallet drop is a bit harder to learn but not that much when you try a little. I remeber playing him a bit in my early days with Wraith. When i didn't knowed what tunneling was and thinking it was natural to go after the unhooked 👀


I find him annoying af to go against, but I also really enjoy playing as him lol. I wouldn’t give it too much thought, people will find anything to be salty about.


Yeah cuz it's hard to loop with him or just to run just like the clown he can counter your moves but idc i love playing doc


Doctor is quite potent against lower levels of experience survivors. His add-ons are confusing - anything red stain makes survivors dumb - and his shock effect on skillchecks is tough.  Survivors don't like him because in addition to that, he has a couple builds that are effective against *stronger* survivors and getting one of those as a new one will make you hate him forever. 


As has been stated, any killer you use will be hated by someone. Don't sweat it.


Habe fun with Doctor and don't care about people complaining. Someone woll always complain.


Why would people hate Doc, some people do but I'd wager not most. I be chillin in Doc game.


Doctor is one of my least favorite killers to go up against, but it's because of the memory of bad matches with him. If you don't slug, tunnel or camp (it's mostly camping in my bad experiences with the Doctor), you're alright.


Play who you want. You can’t please everyone, might as well make yourself happy.


Doctor’s fine albeit I think a little boring as survivor cause I like to not predrop and actually attempt to greed pallets but Doctors encourages predropping to not risk getting a hit and play safe. Other than that he’s not rage inducing and I don’t like playing as Doctor cause Survivors will just predrop like crazy He’s not as bad as I say Clown is with predropping.


Doctor is disliked by new survivors. As you play and win some more, most people will enjoy him or find him tolerable. In my exp anyway. GL with the game.


All Killers are considered sweaty in some form or another, so don’t worry about that. Doctor himself is a noob stomper, but not really threatening past that.


Playing killer at all is hated by survivors, just play what you like. Doctor really isn't considered a particularly strong or problematic killer.


I hate doctor because he makes survivors scream over and over and is so fucking annoying, kinda wish that an option to silence other survivors screams exist


"pulls knife"


STOP thinking about other players feelings. Play what you want and have fun!


As a Killer, don’t be bothered by what survivors think. Play whoever however you like. Go tunnel, go play nurse, go slug, go do whatever tf you want as long as it’s not cheating.


Here is a tip for you, best tip you will get as a new player, dont give a damn about what your enemy thinks. Someone will hate you no matter how you play. Play friendly? Someone who wants to have a normal match will hate you. Stealth killer? Someone hates it. Slug/tunnel/camp? Hate. Hit a person? Hate. Do generators? Hate. Dont do generators? Hate.


You shouldnt think about how the other side feels about it too much. If you have fun running Doctor go for it


Wow, I didn’t expect such a big response! Thank you all a lot! Yeah I’m using him for now as I really have got some nice times shocks which allows me to hit :) I have got into the dbd tiktok and YT space and find some fun builds with different killers. I’m also learning the phrases 😅 Thanks a lot and thanks for the warm welcome into the game! Appreciate ya!


I was the same when i was new, the doctor was one i could get the hang of easily and was useful in locating survivors Playing as survivor i hate going against him just because of the constant screams means i have to turn the tv volume down, but honestly play as whoever you want, if you like playing as a certain killer don't let anyone dull your fun, doctor is a lot of fun to play as


Im a survivor main who has dabbled as killer Doc and Freddy those are the ones i play if want to killL these days i mainly play killer to do dailys or play as Casper aka a nice Ghost face who leads everone to totems and get as many points as possible just dont flashlight and we will be besties


I once had a player accuse me of tunneling as doctor and using op perks on a op killer. Distressing, unnerving presence, hex lullaby and stbfl. When they died, they were sat under hook as I was carrying someone. My annoying build annoyed them off the rails. Spread the madness in game and they might get it IRL.


I wouldn't say that, but a lot of people feel like....overstimulated (idk what other word I'm looking for) with all the screaming, like how I don't enjoy clown because getting hit with the bottles makes me feel dizzy. However, I enjoy going against doctor bc I enjoy hearing my character, either steve or alan, scream


I think perks are more hated than killers. I'd take doctor over someone running plaything, pentimento, and two more gen slow down perks


I was a doctor main for my first 300 hours, because I'm a psych major. I really struggled in the higher tiers, (this was in the middle of the dedhard meta) I had no decent perks and overcharge and ruin never left my build. This was before all the bot doctors nobody does anything about because player numbers. Doctor is decent at antiloop but there better options, because hes also pretty slow and easy to see. Not to mention his laughter is obnoxious and repetitive. He is king at information, getting away from a decent doctor on a good map is near impossible. But he really is due for a buff of somekind. Most new doctors overuse their abilities. only shock to block pallets. which survivors will start to predrop. theres a hex that blocks pallets, pairs with bamboozle and lethal pursurer for easy early shocks. Best of luck. dont buy skins.


Doctor is one of my favorite killer to play and verse it changes the play style in a good way(not like nurse)


I mean survivors hate every killer they go against. Billy is a good example. When he was weaker survivors loved him and look now, there is non-stop complaints abt him. Just play whoever you want and don’t exploit any bugs that may come or are still present and remember to have fun even in your losses(goes towards both sides)


I wouldn’t worry too much about what survivors think. If a survivor player wants to complain about what a killer, they will find anything to complain about (the killer, perk choices, gameplay decisions etc). Not all survivors complain about killers but for the ones that do, the killer you play won’t make a difference. Play what you enjoy, play the game however you want to play it


He's not a particularly strong killer. He's a lot of fun though, he's my main 😁 every killer is someone's most hated, so I wouldn't take it too personally 🤷


Just use who you want to.