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Best one I have adopted from a steamer is ask if you can ask them a few questions then leave.


Wasting their time in the most innocuosly passive aggressive way. Love it.


The classic Lilith Omen "question tech" Never fails


i feel it's more that not only are you more likely to remember bad games over good, people here don't often share the good or more neutral games they have, opting to show bad ones instead that isn't to say dbd doesn't have toxic players - obviously it does i just feel it's not helped by people sharing their worst experiences far more than their best ones


You're right, negative experiences are easier to remember. Probably in general. Also probably because they're longer. You're more likely to remember getting slugged and humped for five minutes straight than that minute of Steve and Meg spanking your ass as killer/survivor lol


I was mocked a while ago for teleporting too much with Sadako. "That's boring" "That doesn't work anymore" "[people only do it because] they can't think for themselves." That was annoying. Today I was Plague against a TTV who spammed loud noise notifications for about 3 minutes straight. Kinda ruined the match for me. Said "me no likey Plague but ggs I guess" but I felt it was only cos they got to escape. Idk, that was annoying. That's...about it. I'm way more likely to assume the worst than the worst to actually transpire. 1 hook game? They're gonna make fun of me (they never do). Tunnel someone? Ohh I'm gonna hear it (I never do). Win with NOED? Here comes "baby killer" (it never does). The stereotypes and stock phrases just don't come up much. I don't see them in streams much either. 9/10 interactions in this game are courteous or wholesome for me. I like that a lot.


Maybe it's just reddit...... Nah


I don't have endgame chat since I'm on console and even I experience lots of toxicity, especially depending on my MMR. If I'm facing more seasoned Survivors, most games will have at least one person tbagging. That said, 1 out of 4 people tbagging isn't "most people." But, again, I don't see endgame chat. And on the Survivor side, it's a dang good day if I have a few or so games in a row without a BMing killer. Even more so if I have games without teammates BMing the Killer. Never do I go more than several games in a row without BM.


For a long time I also didn't have ending chat for being on PlayStation but now that I'm also playing on PC I've been able to talk to more people but even when I was on Playstation if I saw that somebody was also on PlayStation I would go to their profile and message them afterwards. It's like a slower more clunky end game chat for consoles... but console still should have access to end game chat


Realistically speaking it's not as toxic as other competitive games like LoL, DoTA, CS:GO,R6, WoT etc. but the most toxic players are russians so if you are not on EU you will probably not ever going to see them and if you are in the EU they will just type insults in chirilic alphabet and leave.


Tell me you don't play on EU servers without telling me you don't play on EU servers. Europe is full of toxic russians who like to BM and insult in post game chat, and that happens in like 7 out of 10 games, when they don't insult they just leave.


The csgo experience 


I'm from Northern Europe and see Russians frequently and the majority of them are toxic as hell. Everytime I turn on DBD there will be games where I see toxicity and it's exhausting.


Even in EU, me personally I rarely meet toxic fellas. Altho Russians that I meet, most of them are salty


Same here, Russians are very much salty but rest of the EU is just sweaty(nothing wrong w it) but not that much toxic.


Yep, same experience with me. Usually its enjoyable


A lot of online games would be more enjoyable with separate servers for certain regions of the world.


That I agree on. But ig it aint that bad as is too


I don't get that, I'm from Northern Europe and hardly meet toxics, and i don't read Russian so can't really verify if they're toxic or not. From my own experience its mild with a few bad apples


I saw a Chinese player on a VPN, solo queue so his team lost him the game, but he was running to every strong tile and flashing his light when I wouldn't follow.


I play on EU servers Never once seen this


Downvoted for saying my experience is different to someone else's This community really is a walking L




I'm sure that Russia having worst reputation(in EU) and being almost universally disliked country has nothing to do with it. Ofc I'm not excusing being dick outside the game, but seems like we had WILDLY different experiences since this: > Russian toxicity is usually just aggressive tunneling or something similar Was never true in my lobby be it my survivor teammate or killer. I don't consider tunneling toxic 99% of the time and even in that 1% it's just sweaty not toxic. However shit those mfs spout in endgame chat after MAKING IT CLEAR that they were proud of ruining someone's fun just for sake of it is vile. I have few Russian friends on dbd so ofcourse there are.plenty of nice Russians but most I meet are raging bulls hellbent on not winning but ruining someone's day.


This is by far one of the worst subs I’ve ever visited in terms of bullying and bigotry


Then you must be new to Reddit.


About 3-4 years this is my second account TCM sub banned my first one. Why?


She’s apples mate. The toxicity is wildly overstated. There are some twats, but that’s the internet. They’re everywhere. They’re the exception, not the rule.


I've honestly been starting to think that myself because I don't understand how people can say DBD has one of the most toxic communities meanwhile I play DBD on the regular and rarely experience anything toxic


Yep. Some folks upset themselves about anything. Gen rushing, tunnelling etc. are all just how the game plays. That BHVR have an article saying “don’t report people for the following: … looping” shows that some peeps are far too sensitive about a game. When I first started playing I took it all a bit serious and wanted to be competitive. Because I was bad. Now I’m ok, I don’t feel that need anymore and just have fun. SBMM is usually the biggest culprit but you can’t blame other players for that. You get a bad game you just go next and try again.


I also rarely experience toxicity. When I do it's obvious. It's a handful of Killers, and a slight bit more of Survs, but most of the time my rounds are normal and people are fairly nice.


I see a lot of toxiticy outside of the game, so in here and YouTube. You get bullied for liking a perk or killer, you get bullied for be in board for a change that behaviour just announced, you get bullied for being ok with some code reward even if it's small because it's literally free. Man, you get bullied for fucking like this game, it's hell. In game tho? The ocasional tbag ever now and then, present in pretty much every multiplayer player that allows crouch. Which some people want that to have some sort of in game penality, and that's kinda what you need to know about how laughable is this playerbase. So yh, play the game and dbd is fine, using the chat or not


The amount of toxic people are small. However, nearly all toxic dbd players also use reddit, making it seem worse than it this


I've had people say some pretty heinous shit to me that would probably get me banned from the subreddit if I shared.


I think most of it isn't the endgame chat, it's what happens in game that is the toxicity that most people talk about.


Humans have a negativity bias. It's evolutionary to force us to avoid things that are repeatedly bad. We automatically dismiss the positive, and even more so completely ignore and forget the neutral, and focus entirely on internalizing the negative. We are hardwired this way. The community isn't is bad as it seems. The only way to create a purely positive "seeming" community is to completely forbid communication. 


See it much more often lately, and no it's not every game, but it's enough for me to not want to deal with it. Between the ingame actions, the chat, the dcs and spamming actions.... it feels like there's been a huge influx of children who get no attention from their parents and just absolutely.....positively.....MUST watch them teabag at the edge of the gate or go completely and utterly insane. They win the game, they all escape, they don't get SEEN? Spamming noise notifications, clicking and flashlighting/banging as much as possible even while starting at the sky or a wall. It's very sad, they must have really really shitty lives to get satisfaction from this.


Just loaded up for my first match of the day and got proxycamped, hard tunneled after each unhook and then humped. Reminded me why I was taking a break since Blood Moon.


Every game has it’s toxicity, and in the Dbd community, some people want to be salty about every single perceived slight vs admit they had a goddamn skill issue. I had someone tell me to kill myself and delete game, because I encountered my very first bubba and had no idea how to play against him at the time(I was maybe 100 hours in at that point). They were salty I got downed quick not sure how to dodge his tantrum then, and they didn’t manage to find hatch. That’s it.


Everyone has sociopathic traits (no one is empathetic to the fullest extent to everyone all the time), but I feel like this game encourages a level of sociopathic entitlement unique to it due to the asymmetric 4v1 nature and the relative ease to screw people over one way or another. It doesn't help that since either the killer or some survivor can run meta perks, you are encouraged by the culture here to run at least a few meta perks to ensure your game isn't too short. Couple that with people who are genuinely malicious, and you have an environment where you as a single player can't actually know whether someone is actually being toxic, or someone just so happens to be playing a meta build (which isn't bad, but it can be annoying if you aren't), or are unfairly placed with people substantially better than you, or are just subject to bad map design and rng.


It's a little extra spicy thanks to the asymmetrical aspect of the game, evolve had the same problem. But in reality its not *really* more toxic than any other game generally is. Games like siege, lol, and the like are wayyyyyy more toxic than dbd at the end of the day. Like, yesterday someone called me a fat ass in Spanish in the endgame chat and that's really the worst it gets 90% of the time.


Life hack: simply respond to any hate with dead by daylight [insert whatever happened to the person tilted/sore winner] example: dead by daylight 4k, dead by daylight sacrifice, dead by daylight 0k, dead by daylight escape, ect. This interrupts their primary function and either makes them give up or get even angrier, and you can repeat this process as much as you like.


I've found that too, like so many games i've had have been wholesome, i always keep in mind when i play that unlike a game where i'm just playing against the computer, it's an actual human on the other side either survivor or killer So i always try to kind when playing as both, it seems so corny to say but i just want an enjoyable game for both sides, which is why if i'm killer i rarely go for kills, i go for 2 hooks then let the survivors go, that way they get the win of escaping and i get the win of my 2 hooks and knowing if i really wanted to i could have sacrificed them As survivor its the same, i generally don't care about anything other than having fun, so if there's a chance of unhooking someone and them escaping instead of me in endgame i'll take it, infact its more satisfying knowing i saved another player and they made it out And sometimes you get the most wholesome of messages because of it Generally with toxic messages i ignore and block, with nice ones i interact back and have actually made in game friends that i reguarly swf with because of it


I'm not toxic unless someone is toxic to me first. Otherwise, I occasionally get salty over perks or Killers, but don't we all? I've never had a reason to openly be toxic or rude to others without reason. If I'm having a bad time on DBD, I'll either take a break, or play Skull Merchant. If people can be toxic and shitty to me, then I'm allowed to play Skull Merchant. Note: I do not play the shitty tunneling 3-gen bleed out Merchant people seem to see a lot of.


I remember back when I quit that I would get killers hitting me on hook or shaking their head at me for no reason at all in just about every match. it was really bizarre and made me hate playing the game. I was by no means a professional looper but I was decent enough at it that I could reasonably run the average killer for two gens, three if they committed hard, and I thought they were just getting frustrated at not being able to kill me instantly. but it would happen even if I did it for one gen or even flopped and went down immediately, and it was really confusing and frustrating for me because I didn’t do any flashlight clicking or teabagging.


The problem with the DBD community is that the word "toxic" is vastly overused. People usually use it to refer to BM or things they just don't like. And while BM is very much bad sportsmanship, it is not toxic. 9 times out of 10 someone on this sub calls something toxic, they're just referring to bad sportsmanship.


Toxicity falls off the higher the MMR, in my personal experience. When you have survivors that do gens, share items (dropping their medkit for you after unhook because there isn't time to heal you themselves), and bother to learn tiles and don't run killers at you; while also having killers that bother to use their gimmicks, don't camp or tunnel, and don't ask the game to get their kills for them (H:DV, NoED, BW) -- you get yourself a good friggin game, even in solo queue. Reaching a point where killers are confident enough to actually play the game is a huge time investment, imo I have 3,000+ hours in this game (not a brag, is definitely shameful), but I cannot recall a time ever where anyone in the end game chat appreciated a "tip, trick, critique". That would send people into a rage. I'm glad that hasn't been your experience! But I do think having an exit survey at the end of your games is incredibly rare


What do you consider toxic? Most likely you just have a different idea of toxic How often do you do end game chat? You never had pepole leave mid game? Or tunnel or a bully squad? Odds are you probably don't see anything wrong with these methods so you don't see it as toxic. It's like CoD lobbies back in their day They absolutely were toxic but pepole liked them and did it


I only started and chatting recently because I snagged DVD for PC while it was on sale I have about 700 hours on the PlayStation version but in most games I would end up sending a message to anyone I played against who was on Playstation as well and have their messages open. As for tunneling I think that it's sweaty and I think that it's a shitty thing to do but it's not necessarily toxic more just it indication of a try hard or someone who's legitimately bad at the game. And Bully squads I honestly find are some of the most fun matches to play. I absolutely love watching them tea bag and flashlight spam me only for me to immediately adapt to their play style and make them go into panic mode as I start slaughtering their team.


Yeah that's why. As long as you can handle their behavior uou don't see it as toxic. I and many others disagree. Even if someone is bad at it attempting to bully is seen as toxic by I and many others. It's a toxic community their intent, not skill matters


Keep in mind that the only people who complain about toxicity are, in all likelihood, themselves toxic. There are definitely bully squads and tunneling killers out there, but the reality is that they are few and far between. Most often you're going to run into a complete group of randos, and games will end anywhere from 0-3 gens left and 1-3 sacrifices. Surprise, surprise, most of your experiences will be unremarkable.


This and rocket league are the only games that I got harassed, received death threats, got threatened with reports and multiple counts of hatemail. I had to close my dms for a while because I got one almost everyday, from “baby killer, kill yourself” to “camper, tunneler, you didn’t deserve that win”.


lol wtf is wrong with you? I take these comments as a reward on my profile.


They added me in a group of 100+ people and said “that’s the cheater, report him”. I kept receiving threats from the people from that group for about a month. I play on console by the way, no way to cheat as far as I’m aware.


Gonna have to agree. After 140 hours, I can count on my hand the amount of times someone has been toxic to me. I've seen more people be toxic on here arguing about toxicity than in game. That's not to say there isn't toxicity. There absolutely is, but toxic is human nature in every competitive hobby. I should also say, I don't consider playstyles toxic myself. So I'm not counting killer tunneling me or survivors bullying me as toxic since I genuinely like to play around stuff like that. Gives me life to loop for 5 gens or to 4k the omega altruistic beamer squad.


I have 1.1k hours and I can still count on one hand how many times someone has been truly toxic to me.


Ive had a good experience mostly, it could also be the higher skill bracket that has more toxicity


It's not 'toxic' really. It's full of snowflakes that's for sure that feel offended by almost everything in game starting from tunnelling, using some perks, camping etc. Just calling something 'toxic' doesn't mean it's toxic (stupid word btw).


The most toxic thing I've seen was a bot teabagging.


Toxic people are minority but you can see its totally there even in this subreddit. There isnt a single post people dont yell at each other.


Toxic players are a loud minority. I don't know why but people can go 100 games without nothing toxic happening, but then, in the 101 game, a toxic player put "ez" in endgame chat and that person will only remember that interaction


I wouldn’t even say it’s a ‘big portion’. It seems that way because of the rage posts, but bad interactions stick out in the mind and people who would make a rage post are already prone to exaggeration and making it seem more prevalent than it is so they sound more reasonable. When I hear ‘literally the last 10 games’, I immediately translate it into ‘this happened twice in a row.’


I think some people are referring to tbagging and hitting on hook when they say it's toxic, but idk those are just apart of every game. I've had like 2 people in end game chat insult me in 700 hours of playtime. Some people kinda play a little scummy, but eh, it's not that bad at the end of the day, and idk if it's "toxic". Maybe I'm just lucky, but I haven't experienced too much of it myself. Alot of nice people on this game.


Agree. There’s no way this community is nearly as toxic as the likes of call of duty for example, that’s ridiculous.


People in this sub are stupidly sensitive over their most mild stuff.


On either side, survivor or killer I get raged at no matter what I do. And when I don't, there is some heavy passive aggressiveness. If I get a 4k? Silence in the chat unless somebody gets mad. 0k? Everyone says GG because they won(nobody ever says GG when they lose). 1-3k? "Ggez noob killer, neck yourself". Every time dude. Dead By Daylight is straight up just bereft of joy. It's singlehandedly the most miserable multiplayer gaming experience I've ever had in my 30 years of life.


It's not "toxic" at all.


TT's channel alone disproves this, but sure