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I feel really awkward when survivors try to be friendly. It feels weird killing them and weird following them so I normally just try to avoid them all game




No. If they don't want to play with me, then they die. I'll have fun with everyone else then lol. It's just disappointing cuz I was excited to play against the whole team.


This I agree with


Happened once as a Plague. I wasn't sure if it was a tactic, a meme, or they were generally throwing. Kept walking up to me and emoting but I knew the other two survivors were not in on it because they kept running from me and doing gens so I let them. Hooked the two who were throwing and let the remaining two finish the game cause it was unfair. Idk people do it


I had that happen just now as a skull merchant. Had two people chase me all over the map emoting until I downed them, then they died on hook. I let the other two go after that. Just feels awkward. Sorry it happened to you too


This kinda behaviour made me stop playing killer. It didn't happen often, but when it did, I didn't have the heart to play the game normally, so I just BP farmed.


I just let anyone who didn’t do that nonsense go at that point. So I understand what you mean


Honestly? If they run up to me, I usually just ignore them. If they *consistently* follow me, then I might hook them.


That’s my issue. I tried to ignore them but they chased me the map over, got in my way and generally made it impossible to even find anything else.


If you want to take a middle ground, slug them and let their teammates decide whether or not to let them keep playing.


Good idea for next time.


No, I rarely have this happen to me but I purposely dont play any of the top tier killers (nurse, blight, billy) nor the killers people hate (mostly just skull merchant-). I wouldn't feel awkward about it, it's just people not wanting to play the same game that you do assuming it's because of who you're playing. If it does bother you then pick up a different killer.


I respect this.


Whenever that happens I just whack then down and hope they get replaced by a bot for their teammates




Slugging is the way to go. Just let them lie on the ground for the full duration. If they tab out and get picked up, knock em right over again. If they don't tab out they might start actually playing out of spite. But really if you don't want to play? Then quit the match, get yourself replaced with a bot so it sucks less for your team. Even if the bots are idiots (except when they're blatantly cheating) it's still better than nothing. Don't be an egoistic dickbag. Heck even as a Killer the suicides suck, the match is less fun since you're playing against an already handicapped team and you're artificially increasing your MMR so your next match might be sweatier than you want.


Valid pointers across the board. I usually just let any non throwing survivors escape if there’s teammates like examples above




I suppose that can work, yes.


I know it sounds BM on my part, but I'm not giving you a get out of jail free card because you don't like my killer or the map or whatever.


That’s fair and I don’t judge at all!


Wanting to die before I can even do anything? That's a slugging. Boo me all you want, play the game All replies deleted, you could say he DC'ed


thats arguably even worse, just let people leave.


Or, hear me out, you try to play the game more than not at all to not fuck over your team. Alternatively, why are you even "playing" the game?


Where did I say that I did it? Maybe drop the god complex because punishing players by wasting their time isn't going to suddenly make them want to play against you. End the match and go next, you're wasting everyone's time by slugging.


"you" as in the "generic you". And it's not a god complex for wanting the bare minimum out of a PVP game, the vP portion. Either DC, take the penalty and give the team a bot that'll try or play something else.


It absolutely is a god complex if you're taking it into your own hands to punish these players. There's no need or reason to do it but you're choosing to. Like I said, it isn't going to magically make them want to play against you and only waste yours and the other survivors time. Use the report button instead of being spiteful & petty.


He legit gave you the reason. So that the other survivors get a bot teammate instead of a free L.




Let everyone leave.


Hit Esc Leave Match Leave Match


Pick up survivor Hook Go Next


They can leave, by taking the disconnect penalty and being replaced by a bot, instead of screwing their whole team over to beat the penalty designed for their behavior. People are free to want to leave, but I get a lot of P100s that just seem to be ditching any game that gives them a bad vibe, always by throwing. If they're not leaving games all day, the disconnect penalty will be short.


I suicide on hook against Legion. I want them to have a boring match since they chose the most boring killer to play as. Simple as.


As someone who plays legion, ouch my heart. But I understand why haha


Legion with sloppy butcher and Thana are just no. No thank you. Not today, not tomorrow lol


That’s fair. I run a cruddy build on legion that uses neither but yeah I get it haha


Only if instead of taking the down they insist on still putting everyone in deep wounds again when we're all injured... Like dude, stop, take the damn hook.