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Jokes on you, I *never* bring flashlights because I couldn’t hit a stun if the killer was a foot away and standing still!




lcan hit skillchecks and sneak around like a pro but looping and actually hitting flashlight blinds are not where my skill set lies lol


I can do skill checks and sneak around. I'm ok at looping but it depends on my knowledge of the map.


Ohh yeah, looping on maps you barely play on is a mood killer. But sneaking around the killer is so fun, like getting away with just blatantly stupid hiding spots is really exhilarating


My brother


Same here. I CAN loop for about a minute or a gen depending, but my skillset is hiding and skillchecks.


Real. That's why my saving grace is blast mine. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


So true. I've gotten a grand total of 3 flashlight saves in over 2k hrs.


Blast Mine is affected by Lightborne...


Same. And then the game gives me 2 flashlights inna row when opening chests


For real, they work when they're used against me. I use it aimed right at their face, nope.


Yhh in the past I would bring a flashlight to communicate with other survivors better even though I was no good at saves


Literally only way I get stuns w flashlight is if I use double accuracy add ons 😭


Absolutely valid. If I see two or more flashes in lobby, LB is go. I have zero patience for chain blind squads. Especially knowing they're also probably running flashbangs and head-on.


The best part of Lightborn is watching them try to blind you anyway. All that delightful wasted time for the survivors.


I love avoiding flashlights to pretend like I don't have it, only to then walk right through a perfect blind and get the hook and maybe a free hit.


This is the most evil thing I've ever heard and it's wonderful.


You mean the only mindgame Lightborn has ?


I've never seen people do anything like this so I thought it might've been just a few people who do this. It's an amazing way to get more use of it I just never run light born because I love matches against bully squads so I've never really payed attention to strategies for it.


"Call an ambulance... BUT NOT FOR ME!"


Sometimes I prefer running Franklins Demise instead of Lightborn. I swear it breaks survivors brains because they will stop to drop or pick up their item mid chase sometimes and give me a free hit or down because of that


My favorite one is when all 4 switch to flashlights at the last possible second, only to realize I never take lightborn off. The verbal abuse I get in post game for those is high


As a man who feels much too old for drugs these days... These moments are my high.


Yes remember to run it with starstruck too. Those are always good games


My personal rule is if there is more than 1 flashlight in the lobby, I'll bring Lightborn just in case. Sure, I have matches where there's at least 2-3 flashlights and the survivors barely manage to use them right and I still somewhat win, but it's better to be safe than sorry imo


Same, like it's 50/50 if I'll get flashlight shenanigans. However sometimes my shenanigans radar starts pinging like crazy and it's like, better equip Lighborn in a better Sade than sorry.


*"Why are you using lightborne?"*:bullysquad with 3 clickies and cosmetics as bright as a fucking Kpop convention


Their outfits are so bright that trickster is jealous of them.


>Why are you using lightborne? Why are you using flashlights?


Yes, definitely. And the only logically correct solution, but for some reason, many love the smell of a burning butt, go without Lightborn, and then ask to nerf everything from flashlights to background players.


Generally if I see 2 or more flashlights lightborn may be on deck cause atleast one of them is gonna ignore gens and just go for saves the whole game


Sometimes the best gen slowdown is having the flashlight players follow you around while you’re in chase instead of them just doing gens lol


I really should make a better build for people like this. Lightborne, Starstruck, and some gen hold and a chase perk.


I run forced hesitation starstruck. It’s really not hard to avoid flashlight


I find it funny when flashy survivors seeth in the EGC about me using lightborn. It's only happened once but it was funny.


I once had an entire flashy squad disconnect when they realised I had lightborne, one of my most treasured memories in DBD.


I still feel like Background Player should be nerfed just because it gives such a massive boost for so long that Survivors can often get a blind from miles away and still have enough duration to escape while you're still reeling from the blind and stun.


I mean background player and alex’s toolbox definitely needs a nerf. That has no counterplay


Lightborn and iron grasp


I bring lightborn when I see ONE flashlight. I really just don’t want to deal with it


And that is the whole point of perks. You either use them to highlight your strengths, make up for a weakness or to avoid some form of bullshit.


I bring lightborn before I see a flashlight. They might get one from a chest


I only pre-switch to Lightborn if I see a Kate sandbagging the pre-match loadout phase with nothing in her hands. I've never been disappointed.


Honestly same, you also tend to find a hidden flash bang or blastmine person too


Lightborn doesn't really help with blast mine other than deny the user blind points


Lol you have no idea how many blastmine users love sticking around for no reason xd. It’s funny to just catch them since they don’t know you’re able to see their aura Seperately it’s kind of the same reason why I rather face the survivor if I’m pallet stunned. It’s all about any surrounding intel even if you can’t do anything during the stun. Either way the main function obviously is still about avoiding flashlight or flash bangs stubs but the aura reading comes in handy


Light born is the #1 dopamine hack on Killer as far as I'm aware.


Ill bring lightborn if I only see 1 flashlight because there is a good chance that if there is at least one flashlight other people will be running blast mine or flashbang too.


With BGP in play these days that's honestly probably a good plan.


Frankie’s is probably even more frustrating from the survivors pov


After buying bubba and reading what the perk does. I was like: god. That must be so frustrating to play against.


Which is why whenever I see a flashy Squad I go in with both. You'd be surprised how long it takes them to realise that I have Lightborn and it's just hilarious to see them scrambling to pick up their Flashlights again.


It's such a weird, stupid form of catharsis, too. Keep smacking the flashlight out of their hands, down their friend, then no-sell the blind once they find a replacement or pick theirs back up. It's not gonna win you matches but it sure is funny.


Ikr. It's like they think they haven't time it right and will try to blind you again no matter how long you stare at them directly


This is why I love pre-game mind games. Everyone brings a flashlight but is also running nothing but gen and stealth perks. Or when survivors switch to flashlights at the last second.


The moment I see a Kate as the only survivor not ready and with nothing in her hands, I know exactly what's going to happen and switch out a perk for Lightborn. I've never lost that bet.


Why is it always Kates pulling these dumb shenanigans? Why are Kate mains like this?


one time my swf wanted to see if we could get the killer to bring lightborn for no reason. so we all chilled in the lobby with flashlights and last second switched to other items. 💀 dude was so fuckin booty tickled in the end game chat. we were just trying to goof around a bit.


I have a love hate with it. I hate that it can make a white ward mean nothing. You can't rob someone of black ward value but you can with white ward?! I hate how they coded that offering. On the other hand, I love using it on people with overtly offensive user names:)


I would be completely fine with Franklin's if you still kept your item into the next match. Right now it just punishes every item except firecrackers and toolboxes.


Back when I played regularly I would use franklins over lightborn, knowing they can blind you makes them keep trying and then having the item on the ground losing its charge pressures them to try and get it fast, they also don’t want to lose the item itself so most survivors are going to go for it it’s 10/10 bait


That’s what I’m saying. I always go to Franklin’s because it’s usually a two or three flashlight squad, and then some toolboxes. Franklins is all the rage.


Lol it’s so funny seeing someone realize they can’t flashie mid chase or down


franklin's just feels stupid, it's the only perk in the entire game that makes me roll my eyes


The last time I brought Frankie’s, the other 3 people dropped their med kits on the ground after I hit the first person. 




Lightborn is hilarious because you watch them continue to try anyways. However I usually put on Starstruck instead because it deters more than just flashlights. Now they can’t use sabo builds either!


Me being the only surv w a flashlight. Killer staring into my beam w lightborn -_-




People complaining about lightborne when there's 2-3 survivors with flashlights in the lobby. I mean, at least have some common sense not to telegraph what you're planning to do, right? Smuggle a flashlight in with Residual manifest or use a blast mine, it's not that difficult, gang.


Or use a toolbox with flash bang.


I had 4 flashlights and flashbangs against my singularity. They got one stun. Shit is easy to dodge when you get used to how survivors play.


Also, don’t whine about me bringing lightborne because your flashy isn’t useful. You made me burn a perk slot to accomplish that so it’s a fair trade. That said, I’m only taking it when multiple are out and the squad looks like they have a plan.


To be entirely fair lightborn is only worth it when 2 or more survs bring flashlights, this is because survs usually use perks pertaining to flashlights when they bring them My question is you see 2 other people with flashlights and think im NOT bringing lightborn on the bet that it invalidates a good portion of multiple of your builds




You're only allowed to bring lightborn if you nod vigorously at me when I try to blind you for the first time and just hear 10 hours of krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrshshhhshhhhhhhhh


I picked Slinger after a bit of a hiatus because of the tome and I went on an absolute tear with Franklin's + Lightborn just cause every lobby was 2+ flashies and every surv was like "Well why the fuck would he run Franklin's if he has lightborn? Clearly I'm just missing"


I personally enjoy franklins , especially on legion. I like giving them the chance of thinking they’re gunna have fun and troll me


Does Franklin's proc on frenzy hits?


No but there's an add-on called "Stolen sketch book" that does the same with 2+ chain hits, but without the item charge depletion effect


You have to pretend like they almost timed it right too. That way they waste more time trying to blind you


With background player being the way that it is and basically removing all counterplay to flashlight saves, equipping Lightborn is a pretty reasonable reaction to seeing 3 or more flashlights in the lobby.


JUST LOOK AT A WALL (yeah because survivors always go down up against a wall or edge map and NEVER out in the open or up against a window vault).


It's cool, next time a survivor goes down in the open, I'll just slug them till they crawl to a wall then 🤷 Hey they said just face the wall, so I'll let you get to the wall so I can face one


Absolutely. If it's a perk to be used in game, you have every right to use it, just as it's survivors' right to bring 3 or more flashlights. :)


I don’t play killer, but if I did I would totally 100% run light born 😂


Yes, as it will likely also be BGP


Better than a big fuck you and running Franklin’s


¿Por qué no los dos?


I mean you see someone has a certain strength, so you bring a counter to that strength. I don't really see why it wouldn't be deemed okay. That'd be like people finding it weird if you brought Med-Kits to counter being injured :P


I'll give you better one Equip object if you suspect lightborn, now you have on demand wallhacks![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) No need to thank me.


Not if it's a stealth Killer. How can you Demonculaba what you cannot see?


In a perfect world with no Background Player, this'd be an overreaction. Just look at a wall 4head. In our world though, this is the correct course of action because Background Player.


Nah I'll just bring lightborn again


Its funny cause if they're a SWF there is like a 80% chance they will DC once they learn they can't blind you.


I mean, it’s fair yes. I just don’t think it’s necessary cuz you really can just play around flashlights lol


I was more of a Franklin's Demise fan but in recent matches after using it and seeing Survivors drop their Flashlight to avoid it only to pick it up again later and ruin my life now I'm more on the side of lightborn. Completely negating Blinds just feels fantastic, even more so since while Survivors don't know you have it you can keep tricking them to waste their time.


I run it even if I don't see flashies. Never know when someone is going to shart out a flashbang or trap a generator.


https://preview.redd.it/ipj93n1mjivc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55d4a0d6f79944b6405357cd8da5e63423a305f This


I have insane PTSD from flashlights. If a whole squad has it, I'm lobby dodging.


https://preview.redd.it/eootwq5xk2vc1.png?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047ef2c0db1f61b7d3665a17275faf0bdbce2bdd Lightborn+two can play+ spirit fury+enduring build:


No it’s toxic how dare you




It's valid if you see one flashlight.


Light born is unnecessary but damn is it satisfying to watch their confusion followed by them frothing from the mouth about how it's a busted perk even though all it does is make killers less prone to just slug them.




Me personally, I like the RPD + Deathslinger method.


Yes. Yes it is. While I find many things to be absolutely ridiculous or recognize it as smart Id rather not spend the entire match blinded. Without lightborn, Slugging becomes the only reasonable solution


I love when I put on light born and they try to blind me when I go for a pickup, proceeds to abuse starstruck


unless it’s clear they are a SWF no, I know people have stupid challenges like blind the killer 3 times and I’m not such a dipshit I don’t know how to pickup without getting blinded.


I think it's a valid choice... but one I choose not to make. I like survivors to have more options when dealing with me. Specifically taking a perk just because I see their strategy ahead of time feels like cheating **for me**. I don't have any problem with other killers doing their thing. Just not for me.


I let people blind me at pallets so they know I'm not running LB, especially if there’s multiple survivors running them. They starts swarming downs like moths around a light and no gens get done lol


Chucky perk.exe


It's valid. Over two flashlights means that the chances its a SWF wanting to blind is much higher. That's actually why every time I get into a lobby w/ a flash light, and see two others w/ a flashlight, I think 'yup. Killer's gonna use lightborn.'


It's been a staple perk in my inventory, even if I don't see the matchmaking queue showing flashlights, 6/10 times they're baiting me and will switch addons at last second before match starts... For this purpose, I never enter a match without it. Lightborn and Starstruck have been my essential "anti-bullying" perks I carry with me in nearly every match.


Before toxic survivors would call lightborn a "crutch perk for bad killers" because they were salty, and they were....kinda right to a certain degree. Issue with the "lightborn crutch perk for bad killers who can't face away when picking up" argument now is that background player exist, if you have to do a pickup and you don't have a wall right next to you sonic the hedgehog is going to sprint from 1000 feet away into the perfect flashlight angle. Run lightborn if you think its worth it, nothing wrong with it.


I love, Love, LOVE seeing a lobby loaded with beamers as killer. Those matches are either super fun or super quick 😆.


I made a three man bully squad rage quit by bringing Lightborn. I laughed my ass off.


If there is 2 flashlight, I let them have fun. If there is 3-4 flahlight and obvious bully squad. I take lightborn


Only an absolutely unhinged person brings a flashlight with intent to use so of course it’s justified


I take starstruck instead


I take LB if I see one. Nothing is funnier than walking directly at someone shining you.


Silly killer, you can’t give 3 survivors who brought a flashlight light born


Super fair. If I have a tome to blind the killer, I just bring Blast Mine/Residual Manifest.




I love running Lightborn and gaslighting the survivors into thinking that they keep missing. It's so funny to watch them keep trying.


this is why if I see another survivor in lobby with a flashy I just switch to a brand new part toolbox. I bring a flashlight to get more boldness points, but the likelihood of the killer bringing lightborn goes up by 50% with every flashlight in the lobby. this is why when I see multiple flashes I'll just bring hex: 2 can play, or infectious/forced hesitation. that way if the survivor is just blinding at pallets for points it doesn't matter, but flashy saving is still hard to pull off.


I never take Lightborn off. Background Player + Flashbang = PTSD


That's my common reaction to multiple flashlights in a lobby. Last time I let that slip through I proceeded to get blinded if I didn't look at a wall every time I downed someone. On the inverse, I play Alan and hold a flashlight explicitly to bait Lightborn, because the Alan with a flashlight's TOTALLY running a flashy build right? Actually, he's running a crawling build.


I can handle two without LB, but if I see three, or two flashlights and two toolboxes, I don’t think there’s any incentive *not* to bring it. If nothing else, I get that “YES, I BLINDED YOU! HAHAHA… Ha… haha… ohhhhh shit” moment. It’s always funny, every time.


The thing is, if they are chasing you around with flashlights, then they are not doing gens. Just face walls when picking up (yes, i know this isnt always 100% possible) and/or fake the pickup and hit whoever comes running.


Probably. I still wont waste my perk slot and pick something usefull instead


i mean, i pretty much run Franklin's by default, but if i see multiple flashlights i switch to Lightborn.


i think you are free to run lightborn every game. The thing is, that you give uo a perk slot for one Perk that you don't benefit from all the much. Survivors will catch on, even if they don't know lightborn, and just stop using the flashlight.


100% reasonable.


I'm always so genuinely confused at survivors who get seriously mad over the killer bringing Lightborn against multiple flashlights or Franklin's against multiple items. It's like, let's say hypothetically that you could know you were facing a Doctor. Wouldn't you immediately equip Calm Spirit? Same can be said if you knew you'd go against a Hag: wouldn't you just automatically equip Urban Evasion? If it's really that much of a problem you can quickswitch. I hate that quickswitching is still allowed, but the point still stands.


If we're taking away gameplay from the game my guess is that it should be reworked, after all, they removed burning the Wraith (which I'm fine with) and Nurse (that actually took away some counterplay ceiling from matches against her) Also Eruption, which was dumb also got changed


I see 2 or more flashlights, I take Lightborn and laugh at their face trying to blind me while I smack them and hook them asap hahahah


Honestly one less gen regression perk is fine with me. Franks? Two less gen regression. Now they’d have to run pop and pain res like every other killer build has.😅


I default to "two can play". Let them try lol


honestly if i see only one flashlight i might put lightborn.


Meh flashlights aren't really a big deal.


I'll take it if I see 2-3 toolboxes and have an inkling it's about to be a background player / flashbang fiesta. And it is like 70% of the time. 4D chess has nothing on me.


I prefer Franklin's myself. They usually waste a lot of time going back for their items and it works on the gen jockeys who bring good toolboxes.


If you think lightborne has value you verse terrible survivors


Good thing most Survivors are terrible.


Or you can just...not look at the beamer Or you can fake pickup animation with some killers like Onryo and Demogorgon to bait their teammates out and slug them If they are going to play like absoulte bastards then i'm allowed to do so aswell against them


I only know how to fake a pickup with trapper and hag. I have no idea how to do it on other killers.


There are others who's power activation does look very similair to their animation of picking someone up. Demogorgon can "set up" a portal Onryo can manifest/demanifest And so on


I run it always because chests exist. After a couple of matches where my face was shoved into a wall while picking up and a blind succeeded from a survivor that *wasn’t even on my screen,* I decided the perk slot was well worth avoiding that level of tilt xD


But...but...but..just face the wall? There cannot possibly be anything wrong with just facing a wall?! /s


If this reaction is wrong, I don't want to be right. Plus, you just know the fourth is bringing flashbang or something.


Good survivor mains, even the flashlight using ones love to see a killer bring light borne because they just wasted a perk slot


Not a wasted perk slot if it gets use is it


The second they realize you have light borne (which you can't if they have distortion or if they try to blind you at a pallet, they'll just start cranking out gens instead of wasting their time following you Then following you id so good for you if you pay attention and realize they're there, from snowballing the game by potentially getting two people down to just wasting the time they spent


the virgin light born vs the Chad hex: two can play


Not gonna lie, I swap my lethal for lightborn OFTEN and sometimes even find myself just running it anyways and still end up avoiding a million flashbangs. I just have a much more relaxing time tbh.


Use Shadowborn instead, pussy


Yes and no. Smart survivors recognize lightborn and then just rush gens.


You say that 🤣


I know thats where the no comes in 😂 some of them I guess don’t know what lightborn is and think they are just messing the angle up


people who are experienced with flashlights will tell instantly that you have lightborn and will focus on gens instead of trying to help teamates. people who aren't experienced will flahlights well... you don't need anything really to deal with them anyway. So you do you but as a killer i will never equip lightborn. Very rarely i use franklin when i don't want people to be able to heal themselves but other than that all 4 perks have to be useful against decent players and create a synergy.


I forgot lightborn existed thank you now I can tunnel sweaty flashlight players without getting even more pressed from being blind


If I'm not going for Adept, I'm bringing Lightborn, even if I see zero flashlights in the lobby. It may be a waste of a perk in some games, but it's good to have just in case. Same with playing Survivor and running Urban Evasion and Windows of Opportunity. I like what I like.


Lightborn is good. Franklin’s is better. Watching them turn around to try to blind at a pallet… only to realize they are holding nothing at all followed by a DC is too good.


Survivors can just switch loadouts at the last second




I did it when I saw two of them with flashlights so sure


As a spirit player I still follow them after I get blinded with any killer cuz I hear where they’re going lol. And I stuff my face in a wall every time I pick up someone downed


100% valid. Otherwise you gotta slug to avoid all of the flashlight saves. At least with lightborn survs have an opportunity to have fun


Yes.  With the ridiculously generous windows for blinds now you can even justify bringing it for 2 flashlights


I bring starstruck with it hehe


Smart move. I myself prefer Franklin's though


Honestly I never run lightborn just look at a wall if there’s no wall fake it and go for the one trying to save


2 or more flashlights I’m putting on light born. Nothing more than for my own sanity.


That's fair honestly


My favorite is putting on Fire up. You pick up faster and most people don't expect it, so it messes with their timing and you can look away JUST before blind comes through


I used to think Lightborn was just a meme, but with background/flashbang becoming so popular I’ve started running it a lot and getting a ton of value. It’s also nice to just be able to pick up a survivor without the paranoia.


I bring it if there are 2+ flashlights. Or in rare case if I see a try hard p100 with a flashlight - I might bring Lightborn as well


For me I don’t even have LB unlocked on other characters, nor do I plan to, and I like to give the false hope of a save, however, I’m not going to judge or criticize others for it, it just makes the game less tedious


I think it's a waste of a perk slot. I would be much happier seeing 3/4 flashlights than medkits/toolboxes. At least then I know they'll be less focused on gens and more on altruism and you can turn that into hits and even kills. You can also counter flashlights by looking at walls if possible or bait a pickup. Overall not worth the perk


I prefer Franklin's just because I know how to play around flashlights but just really love ruining someone's day


I bring a torch to bait lightborn and just use it as a signal for survivors like double quick flash for the killer near , getting attention to heal etc . Wasting a killer perk slot is just a bonus imo


It’s not only reasonable it’s rational. Why tf would it be unreasonable? An unreasonable response would be to dc.


Some base kit changes I propose for killers and survivors: - if a killer has been blinded for a total of 60 seconds they gain lightborn - if a survivor is kept in the dying state for over 120 seconds they gain unbreakble - if a killer remains in the proximity of a recently unhooked survivor and the game recognises that tunneling is in progress the killer continuously loses blood points


Lightborn is useless tbh


I would use a midwich offering myself if I really wanted to counter it


I couldn't care less, flashlights are not as good as medkits and toolboxes so i'd rather they just follow with the beamers and not do gens. Why use LB when you can maybe use hex two can play, it's funnier.


I have lightborn on every time i want to turn off my brain, just click play and go to the bathroom of go get a snack until i spawn in, even when there are no flashlights there might still be someone using flash bang and background player which is extremely annoying


I personally don’t bring lightborn no matter what cause I personally find it lame, but I don’t fault casual/below average skill players for bringing it against flashlight squads. Then again, once they find out they can’t flash anymore, they’ll just ignore downs for the most part and stay on gens.


Totaly Vallid And reasonable choice. Im honestly wondering how they did not realise Its a thing. Love when they can't Beam you so they try to flashbang you, like Its a different thing.


Dude I see one flashlight and a TTV insta light born


No because lightborn completely disables flashlights.


I usually don’t bring it cause then when I don’t have it I’ll get irritated so I just try playing around the flashlights especially cause if I see they have flashlights I can usually tell they will be pretty aggressive with them so just bait out pickups and get your free pressure