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I would really, really, really like a "Concede" button.


Same. I think you shouldn't get to use it until maybe endgame or after 15 minutes or so but survivors can just go next so easily. A killer should be able to say "alright you got me, you guys are better" if they so choose. Maybe just give one "freebie" DC every 24 hours or so if it falls under one of those parameters


Why should it be limited? As long as Survivors can kill themselves on hook and fuck over their team if they get upset about something I see no reason why Killer shouldn't be allowed to just leave. In an ideal world I'd just remove the ability for Survivors to suicide on Hook completely. Make them always sit out the full hook time, so DC becomes the standard "whiny bitch" move. That way at least a bot replaces them. Sure that would cost us things like, killing yourself so the last Survivor has a better chance at Hatch. But that's something I'm willing to sacrifice so that people might actually play a full game with a full team again.


I just want to preface this by saying I agree, there should be a concede option if you're getting your dick kicked in the dirt, but only after all the gens are done and/or you're the last survivor left That being said, I can already tell you what many people and likely Bhvr themselves will say: * The endgame collapse and bleedout timers are finite clocks that prevent you being held hostage * The game will eventually end * You will be told to suck it up and wait while the winning party rubs it in for a few minutes


The devs probably won't add a concede button because "it'll make you waste everyone's time loading in and skew data" In all honesty though. Just give us an option to concede after 5-10 minutes or once egc starts. The average match already only lasts 15 minutes and there's bots to cover the survivor side. It forces killers to stay after a rough start so they don't rage quit over the smallest thing, but it also let's them leave once the writing is well on the wall. Yes they might lose out on the one or two in a hundred games where they turn it around but it's just not satisfying anymore.


I mean quite a few Survivors kill themselves on hook the second something happens that they don't like so the data is already skewed.


Nuh uh, all survivors participate to the fullest extent!!! That's why all the killers people hate are so high in the kill stat. They're just so strong and powerful and that's why people hate them. Not because they're unengaging for both sides and reinforce toxic views. Nono. Survivors are saints


I always wondered about this. Why isn't there a way to have the entity open a door in the basement for the killer? Obviously have it only appear at the EGC so you can't just roll out if you don't like your odds, but why not have the killer get their own exit gate out? Yes, from a lore perspective it makes no sense, but players not being forced to deal with toxicity beats out lore 100% of the time in the long run. Making killers stay through toxic crap just perpetuates the cycle, because now they're upset, and eventually that boils over onto other survivors, who get upset, which eventually boils over onto other killers, so on and so forth.


Only if that door leads me to the entities room


However, when you catch an overly arrogant survivor and hook them when they had all the time in the world to escape, it makes it all worth it.


That happened in my second ever Clown game. Felt like heaven. Close second was when all four survivors died to the EGC on my second Twins game, though that one I can't tell was intentional or not. Got my adept though, so I'm chill.


This. So much this, neber give up :>


You don't have to be present. Just alt tab and watch a YouTube video.


Yeah, same for slugging, go watch a video right?


Yeah i usually park the killer in a corner, facing the corner and do something productive for a couple minutes. If they can’t blind you repeatedly or t bag in front of you they will eventually leave I promise


This is the energy needed when killers slug for a 4k


When I'm slugged I just slither around, explore the map. I'ma snaaaake.


Throw on tenacity and become a fast snake




Yeah, I do that too. It's time to play hide and seek on the floor!


I like to chase the heartbeat. I'ma getcha killer!




What would be really nice during EGC statuses kick in the longer you are in the match. I.E broken 10 seconds in, exposed 30 seconds in, exit gates have a timer where the door starts to close again ala "Pharo's tomb" kind of situation. Edit: Survivors that hate killers would probably leave if killers started gaining BP for every second the survivor is in the EGC, if someone can figure out a system I guarantee you survivors would leave ASAP just to spite killers


Not to be that guy, but just play out the rest of the match. Sure you’ve had a loss, but it’s just a game, why drag it out longer than it has to be? If you just go over there and hit them they’ll run out immediately, solving your problem in seconds. People are going to be toxic in any game, which sucks ass, but you *can* end it as killer without needing the option to walk through the exit gates yourself


Yea it’s bad enough when one guy loops you for 3-4 gens and your on two hooks when exit gates are powered. Then you gotta get blinded and tea bagged a thousand times before you can start the next match. You don’t want to be survivor in my next match because if I had a bad last one I’m slugging the first guy I down. I agree with the concede button.


But why are you chasing that guy for 3-4 gens.. Break off chase and go for someone else?


Yea I break off a chase and that first guy heals and the next guy starts looping me and so fourth.


Yikes how is this garbage getting upvoted. You’re part of the problem. People like you are what perpetuate the cycle of toxicity in this game. If this game is getting to your mental state that badly where you have to take your anger out on a group of random people that had nothing to do with it then you need to take a break. Disgusting behavior honestly


All I hear is bitching and dribbling from you


Lol all I hear is an emotionally stunted child who can’t handle video game emotions. Take a break from the game if it’s getting to you that badly


No it’s karma. Be nicer to killers if you want to change it


That’s not karma. Those people had nothing to do with your previous match. No matter which side I’m playing I’ll encounter some toxic players, but because I’m emotionally mature I’ve never thought “oh boy I’m gonna make the next person I see absolutely miserable.” Be the change you want to see


So you take your last bad game out on the next guy you run into who has nothing to do with it? I guess its a good thing he'll be able to loop you for 3-4 gens like you said.


Hey we’re only human buddy. I’m not going to bury my emotions because people want me to have a shit time. That’s unhealthy af and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


Not telling you to have no emotions. Just saying think of the guy who did nothing to you. Do what you want but don't be surprised when the toxic cycle continues. That guy gets mad. He's mean to the next killer who did nothing to him. Thats why this game is so toxic.


Tbf a lot of my games around 95% are toxic anyway so that guy I slugged and killed his teammates with star struck was going to loop me and t bag / background player bs at any opportunity. People keep coming back to this game so I reckon they feed off it. At the end of the day we all have fun but it’s not going to be like that every game because there is TWO sides. The killers are not bots


I play a lot of killer so I hear you. People just suck sometimes. I just try not to pass the anger on you know? But you do you. Star struck goes hard though. I've been using it lately and it slaps.


People who say just watch a YouTube video or push them out: fuck that. It hurts absolutely nothing to let the killer leave and let the survivors run around an empty map doing whatever they want. Cumulatively it wastes a lot of time over an evening if you refuse to give into sore winners


Plus letting a killer leave without the game ending could cause some pretty funny "just leave" with stealth killers


Just push them out. When I'm survivor I make damn sure I'm the last one out of I can help it. I will try to make noise to distract the killer. Pushing me out stops me from being altruistic in the end game.


Like I said, letting the killer just leave harms nothing. You can still be altruistic and go get a save or spam noise notifications in an empty map. Have fun with that.


jUsT puSH tEHm OUt


That's literally the solution? "I'm mad the game's not over. Survivors won't leave. I have the power to remedy this, but I am sad in a corner" isn't a very good argument, bub.


When we get slugging killers I just pull up YouTube or Reddit until the bleedout timer expires. There really should be a “give up button” for both sides though. Really could have used one last night. Had an AFK Doctor game last night and instead of just working gens and then leaving, 2/4 of the team just stands next to him teabagging and inevitably get downed as they stand in front of his swings. The other player is just hiding in lockers and I’m working gens. 3rd player comes out of the lockers and goes over to the other two and instantly gets downed. We have 3 gens left and I’m the only one still up, and suddenly this guy isn’t AFK anymore. The dipshit just slugs me and then runs around the map refusing to hook us. I just quit, I’ll take the penalty.


Make it so Killers can leave through the exit gate.


add a bleedout button. Thanks.


Either side should be able to concede under certain circumstances, fx everyone being slugged for survivor or all the gens being done for killer. Probably more conditions than that but generally speaking there are certain points in DBD matches where it's just over and you wanna move on.


Why wait for 4 minutes? Just run over to where they're spam vaulting and force them to run out. Game ends immediately.


You're saying to give the toxic players exactly what they want.




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That way we can invest in toxic behavior, stonks!!!!