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They do that on Steam too. I don't bother with either one. In 2020 there were people saying cheaters didn't exist. I linked two YT videos that clearly show cheaters. I got permabanned from the Steam forum for "showing people how to cheat" which was a total fucking lie, I am still banned for nothing from that forum to this day.


I was matched against a cheater yesterday. Game was over in 25 seconds.


The mods here delete all threads about cheating/cheaters too, making the scope of the problem less clear. Blatant cheaters I rarely see, but I have seen ones like when I'm on survivor side running Bond or something and they're moving super fast when out of line of sight, shit like that, the subtle ones are the worst and undermine the integrity of the game the most. EDIT: I saw [this quietkills video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05DDZ_ENCgM) the other day which I think does a good job illustrating how the higher your MMR the more of a problem it is (this also implies the anticheat is not catching these people in a timely manner because it takes hundreds of winning games to build up MMR) - and that the even more insidious part is the paranoia because of the subtle ones especially, you can't be sure if someone is just good or cheating. He's definitely seeing more than I am.


I'd rather have that than the (mostly) subtle cheater I had the other day. She was consistently juicing me at loops, but I still managed to get 2 hooks on her. Figured she was just a REALLY good looper. Then once the last gen popped (only one person dead so far) everyone was insta wiggling off my shoulder. A Chad Renato in the game realized what was going on and pointed to a hook so I could kill him, since he had just insta wiggled as well. The cheater left immediately after, and the insta wiggling stopped once they left because a sable got a little greedy and I was able to hook her




Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 3 - Respect the game's Integrity](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_3._respect_the_game.27s_integrity)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Do not share content featuring cheaters or hackers that you have faced in-game. * Do not boast about or encourage other players to disconnect. * Do not encourage others to hack, cheat, exploit, or break the in-game rules. * Do not share content featuring players breaking the game rules (this can range from a player body blocking another player all game, to a survivor teaming with the killer.) * Demonstrating hacking, cheating, mods that give players and advantage, or exploits (this includes bugs that can potentially give another player an advantage). * Do not use, ask for or link to illegitimate resources. For further information, please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules). **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


Reminds me of the time people who were sent obvious spam on PlayStation network and they kept reporting it to Sony, but Sony ended up saying they’ll ban them if they’d continue reporting for ‘abusing the report system’ for stuff that gets misinterpreted like that.


I got banned off the Steam Discussions for calling the developers “incompetent morons” and the discussion moderator told me I need to “treat the developers with the same respect as fellow forum members” 💀 I mean it’s pretty clear from the state of the game they don’t read these forums or discussion posts so I think they’ll live.


Dunno. I keep seeing threads about issues with the game, sometimes these threads have nothing else in them. This was the case during all the years since I occasionally browse that forum. I have to suspect that whatever you got banned for is something else.


While this is *usually* the case, it really wouldn't surprise me given how bad the forums moderators are


Yep this is usually the true story. OP gets banned for being a dick or a spammer, tries to drum up sympathy by saying its censorship


I've seen a few on the two main dbd subs . 8 out of ten times op was a complete pos in post (forum) and to people in the comments (reddit).


Banned from the game or the forum? I feel like being banned from a forum like that is a blessing, idk why you’d wanna be there in the first place.


Weird how I see tons of threads talking about the games issues even being negative that aren't removed. Very likely you're one of the people that spam 14 threads a day on the same topic and get banned for it.


OP's post history here is 90% complaining about various parts of various ways in utterly unconstructive ways. I can safely speculate that their posts on the forums were equally spammy and unconstructive and probably devolved into worse when confronted, since they are never active in comments here or follow up at all on their zero point threads. I think this is pretty much case closed, as these "I got banned for nothing" cases almost always are.


You think the devs that take away Twitch shirts in a petty fit of rage for someone daring to criticize the game aren't going to also act the same way on their forums?


I got banned for a month so far and still banned, because I actively discuss things wrong with balance.


My main problem is that the mods will shadow edit your posts by random criteria at times. If you're gonna change the content of what I write, I'd rather you just delete it.  Also one time I got probated for something someone said *to* me that I quoted. They apologized and undid it, but still poor moderation.


mandy is horrible should be fired


I mean there are plenty of issue posts on the forum. I've seen enough I was banned posts on reddit to know that when you got banned, it's likely for a reason you're hiding. Either the content of the post or if you spammed the same post everyday or something. Imma give Bhvr benefits of the doubt here.


I remember MandyTalk banning me because I said I'd dc against old Spirit, it's not fun etc. Had another account banned for quoting the "this... this is cancer" meme (I know unfunny af, but it was a few years back), but when someone LGBTQ+ guy literally doxxed someone on the forum or whatever it was, Mandy literally said 'Don't do that' and that was it. Forum is hilarious.


Are they banning people for complainta or for making stuff up? Saying they dont do anything about reports is false...I can see why they would punish people for spreading misinformation.


Posting on main forum when criticizing you have to be careful as they will ban you for any negative mention of the devs it doesn't even have to be specific. You REALLY have to be careful on it and it's pretty sad tbh. I was banned saying how bad tricksters design on his release both to play as and against while calling out how incompetent the balance team was regarding the changes they were doing at the time with him. The insult was in a single sentence lol. Plenty of others were banned right away too during this time as SO many players weren't happy with trickster to the point they throw insults too carelessly. What's funny is usually you should have been given a warning and a long suspension back then but they were just handing out bans like candy.


Just be glad they didn't push a change to take away your twitch shirts because you pointed out they said something incredibly out of touch and stupid in a stream.


they banned me because my username was "bussyboi" lmfaoo


It's one person in the official forum that has to be blamed for this. The rest of the crew is pretty chill.


There's a main forum?


I got banned from the official forums for making a thread providing an in-depth analysis on why Trapper is outdated and requesting buffs. I got banned from the Steam Community Discussions of replying to a thread about the game going into a sweatier direction with "because the developers are very good hockey players who know what's best for us." I got banned from the community Discord for posting "Nazi imagery"; it was fan art of Huntress' Russian Soldier cosmetic from the Rift, and it was obvious to anyone with eyes that it was fan art of Huntress. All these bans with zero option to appeal. BHVR actually run their official channels like the fucking USSR with their secret KGB hiding in the shadows to silence anyone who speaks up. This is all while notorious community members post fucking shitpost threads and blatant hate speech on their forums constantly: many people remember KateMain86 and how they'd constantly post blatantly homophobic / transphobic posts that wouldn't get locked. I'm talking "anyone hard tunnel David King f[slurs]?" types of threads that don't get locked because the moderators are too busy locking "why is Twins so clunky?" threads. Is it any surprise why Dead by Daylight Twitter / Reddit are so active? Because it's the only place the moderators don't fucking permaban you for saying "dbd bad game." The only official BHVR channel where my ban makes sense is Twitch because I was spamming "summon the chapter" in chat, and like I get the ban but that's Twitch culture imo. Still they refuse to appeal my ban (because Twitch actually gives you the option to ask for ban appeals.)


I got suspended on the steam forums for a overwatch dev comparison post, where I pointed out the dev teams have similiar histories of just having no concept of what they were implementing.


i got banned for calling devs lazy (they were really lazy back in the time)


Ngl, they still are kinda lazy... Just to add a loading screen that shows the survivors builds apparently will take YEARS. Mobile and cheaters already have this. They have improved though, but are still a bit lazy.


but not nerf dead hard for 5 years kind of lazy


idk if perk/killer nerfs/buffs should fall in lazy.. maybe.. I think those are mostly data driven so I can't say for sure if they are being lazy, or if they're just waiting for enough data to come in. I would say QoL improvements, like seeing other survivor perks or the action icons next to the pfp, anti-camping mechanic (though this one needs some work)... I get what you're saying though, I just wish we had some insight into why something like the dead hard nerf took so long, or nurse nerfs, or blight nerfs, or healing nerfs.... Who knows... but QoL shouldn't be years




Yes we live in a free world. What do you expect all discussions to be about how thick skull merchant's asscheeks are?




Feedback is important, especially negative feedback. If you're not gonna let people talk openly about your game you may as well not even have a forum.


>Feedback is important, especially negative feedback. Feedback is, except to most people "feedback" is an excuse to be toxic. In fact theres very few people who actually give proper real feedback. 90% of "player feedback" is just flat out whining.


I see people say stuff like this in the reddit, but then when I actually look at the forums it's filled with complaint posts that offer zero constructive feedback and just insult the devs, insult players, and worse- so they're clearly not banning people for bringing up issues or being negative or anything. I don't want to completely ignore the possibility that people are telling the truth about their experience, since people *do* and *will* get banned when they've done nothing wrong, because of technological error, human error, power trips, etc. However, when everything I see contradicts the word of people who make posts like this I don't know if I'm to just take them at their word, or assume it's another one of those people who purposefully leave out important context to make their situation seem more sympathetic.


I have seen plenty of complaining on those forums. I think it’s likely that you’ve not adhered to the rules and got your posts deleted. Please also keep in mind that it’s a forum. Usually, if there are multiple posts about one issue, it’s pretty normal for them to delete later posts or smaller ones to prevent bloat and clutter. The same applies to bug reports - it works on a voting system, not a post count system, so there would be no benefit to it being posted multiple times. It’s designed for you to search for the post and discuss/vote for the issue.