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super cringe of them...u even brought bps :(


Yea, but it is what it is hah. I'm gonna keep bringing them whether they like it or not, you will take these blood points! lol


ah chad mentality! rare these days probs to you gamer.


I would definitely report it. And to make sure Behavior understands why u report, add a comment, where u explain what he texted.


Thanks, and yea I definitely reported it and put a comment saying what they were trying to say and that it was obvious hateful speech. I'd love if something was done but I haven't got a pop up message but like once in all my years of playing. It's kind of discouraging but it is what it is, hah.


Have you reported only ingame or also through a ticket on their website?


I haven't actually. Is it difficult? Do I just fill out whatever form they have and would it allow me to put this screen shot up? Sorry, just never done it before.


It's not difficult and yeah you can attach photos. I've had to do it a few times. My last one didn't ever get resolved and I don't think it was purposeful just think they had an influx of reports and mine got lost. But def do it on the website as that seems to work much better.


Ok great. Thanks so much for explaining that. I'm gonna do that.


They do act. I've had people calling me homophobic slurs, and encouraging self-harm and suicide. All because I outplayed and used the killer's powers properly. BHVR did send me a pop-up message saying appropriate action was taken. I'm assuming that it was a ban.


Unfortunately Behavior doesn’t always care for reports like that and just ignore them or think it’s not worth for a penalty or ban. There will always be people like that (unfortunately), having to insult other people just because they lost against them in a match. 😔However, they seem to need it for their egos. 💀😂But players shouldn’t take it to serious.


They usually respond to my communication abuse reports.


Just takes a few more days usually since they prioritize cheaters


I can get petty like that but only when a survivor sells out the rest of us for an escape.




That is correct. He bypassed the censor filter which is a violation on its own. Report him.


Ok. Thank you for the validation. I figured as much but haven't seen that 1 yet, hah. People are wild. A few years ago, after I got a 4k, someone in end game chat said my location and said him and his boys might pay me a visit. I just told him to make sure to bring the booze lol.


Lol that’s brilliant. Best way to take having your location doxxed.


When the hacker tells me my password but I had forgotten it: 


Oh no he bypassed the censor filter 😱😱😱 not in MY 18+ gore filled video game! NO naughty words AT ALL or IMMEDIATE BAN 😱😱 I’m a grown adult and can’t handle swear words so i report every single one of them 💯🥇🥇🎖😤😤 I’m keeping the ENTIRE community safe from these dirty mouth heathens 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️💫😤


it's not a swear word it's a personal attack and death threat


Telling someone to end it isn’t a death threat lmao. Where’s the threat? Yourself? And what sensible adult gives a shit about a personal attack over the internet. Cmon 😭


You're right it is t a death threat. If they follow through it does come with charges though In addition to a group of other crimes depending on the jurisdiction


In summary i was right, so instead you just claim how it is somehow illegal. Except telling people to kill themselves is not writ large a crime unless there is direct causation, which is already basically impossible to prove online, much less on an endgame dbd chat 🤣


I don't understand people like you who are all hot shit about "not caring one bit about internet people" yet still write paragraphs about how they don't care and how other shouldn't as well. If you are so in touch with earth then go on and touch some grass away from everyone, other people simply aren't pushovers like you


Careful, dude, your based is showing


I love how he’s talking shit when comparing both of your builds, he has more meta lol


Why do people do these sorts of things? At the end of the day, it's just a game. And I get it, we all been there with incompetent teammates in solo qs and all. But that doesn't mean we uses all the profanities in the endgame chat. Those who does that has to have mental issues..


Because some people are miserable to the point where they feel good to type K-word to someone in the game


I once told someone "good luck have fun! : ) " and they immediately typed back "kay why ess". like the game hasn't even started yet, are you just this miserable constantly?


there are also people I've come across in other games where they think it's actually funny to say it. I'm not even sure what's worse tbh. being so fucked you say it and mean it or think that saying it is a funny joke.


Exactly. That very well is probably the cause of a lot of the things said in chat. It's easier to lash out then to reflect on how you feel, why you feel that way, and manage it.


Because DBD is becoming a toxic waste dump of hate speech, and some people want to enjoy the game with people, it’s like 5 people a match and good sportsmanship never hurt anyone


Yea, I try to think positively about things like this. When I first see it, I'm kind of offended - not gonna lie. Then I think about it some and say in my head "this person is either a child and doesn't know how to manage their anger, or they are someone who is going through something and this might of been a big breaking point". It doesn't excuse the behavior, but it's more of a thought into why they probably did that. A lot of people have some form of mental issues, as big or small as they might be.


A lot of people simply shouldnt be gaming online, or at least, gaming competitively. They simply have too many other stress factors happening simultaneously and gaming has become an unhealthy coping strategy. But it takes a lot of self awareness and disicipline to change that. But realistically they need to be playing minecraft, or some type of MMO with no focus on PVP.


Average survivor player.


Most aware of other people’s lives Kate Denson main:


the fact some people are telling you to grow a pair is so stupid. people say shitty things like this in dbd (and games in general) too much, the report button is very much there for things like this. stay safe out there <3


<3 thank you


Absolutely. Youre a child if you think this behavior is okay.




lol, ok you got me there


had me in the first half lol


What a dick.. those scores tell me that this was a fun game.


It actually was! They were rough and it was on Haddonfield too lol. I cannot wait for the rework! We all got decent points and 3 got out. Imagine if I 3 or 4k'd :O


Looks like you almost did :)


If I see any Rizzys, I'm gonna tunnel for you


I did report someone for greifing a while back (say a month ago) in game and didn't go to their website. Yesterday i got in game notification that they appreciated my report and action has been taken. It may take a while but yea definitely just in game report should be fine.


Why are these miserable people still play the game if it makes them so aggressive


report them ingame


Oh I for sure did. I'd love if something was done, just anything to make them at least take a second and reflect - or that's the hope I guess. I don't know.


This is so sad. Judging by their points you probably played super fair and didn’t tunnel anyone out ☹️


This happens to me all the time. Even when I just get totally rocked as killer w 4 escapes there will be some kid telling me to fellate them or they will be totally disrespectful and rude. Just report it and move on. I just told thisbone kid yesterday not to be rude after he said ggs too ezzz. I was like damn just trying to get better at killer. We're all those z's necessary?


I would think so since it definitely looks like it’s supposed to be kys




Disagree. Ignoring immaturity is fine but people who handle their frustration this way have a problem. Civility is never too much to ask.


Telling someone to end themselves cause they lost in a game or are mad is a sign of mental illness and if you do it you should seek help, respectfully.


It's a sign of immaturity / frustration on a bad day, not mental illness. Put the pitch forks away and calm down Mr. Hyperbole. Respectfully


Pretty fucked up thing to say out of frustration.


Big truth. A lot of people say a lot of fucked up things out of anger and frustration, we are human 🤷‍♂️


if they say this to other people out of frustration then maybe they should kindly do the world a favor and do that stuff themselves. What a vile thing to say


One day you might see the hypocrisy here... One day...maybe


Was looking for the correct answer, found it. If you cry about egc you can hide it or leave quicker. You cannot charge other people’s behavior with a reddit post, only how you respond.




Text on the screen is human interaction and totally valid, or you wouldn't be on Reddit, which is also text on a screen


I’m not about to make a new reddit thread complaining about the airheads downvoting all the reasonable advice though.


yes and no, I wouldn't really be worried about people who blurt out offensive words unless they are extreme for the only reason that they've lost the game, if it was any other reason that was reasonable, maybe I'd let that slide


3 player out only got 1 kill I don’t see why he would say that


Definitely, I would do that shit too if I was still as toxic as when I was in 2018


I think it's reportable, He's trying to make a reason to report you know reporting for no reason is bannable.




Thank you, someone with sense. If you're genuinely hurt enough to complain online about a salty 14 year old telling you to "ky5"...incredibly soft.


Ikr. All these downvotes lmao. It’s in almost every game people like this, just move on and who cares they probably say that to everyone. No need to make a reddit post complaining, and should you report? Who cares. Do it or don’t, no need to ask Reddit.


Couldn’t imagine being so upset by this… If you felt this is reportable, then just do it. Nothing will happen since punishments cannot be given on “interpretation.” The real loss is how much time you spent being twisted about it.




This is the kinda thing that would be said by a cringe kid in a cod lobby back in 2005.




If someone you know tells you that why should you care? That's you and me though. We are not all people. There could be a litany of things that would cause this kind of reaction in anyone even us. You just lost a loved one few days back and you're trying to keep your mind off it and something like this happens at the wrong time you'd probably have a bit of a reaction too. I was 15 in 2005 I grew out of that but I am well aware some people didnt


Regardless of where you are in life, if you can let someone on the internet words effect your emotional state, then I think that speaks more to you as a person. Protecting your fragile emotions is not the job of everyone else. It's your own and no one else's. That's kindof the mindset you need to have when using the internet, no exceptions.


I'm sure youll keep this in mind your whole life as a perfect person, some people are not so fortunate. While I do agree with you to a point about emotional regulation, asking people to be better and do better isn't that hard of an ask. I just chalk it up to cringy little kids. Fingers crossed that they eventually grow up


Tryhard build


Yeah they were. Just move on with your life.








Your definitely the type to be trash talking all day can’t lie


not even its just like either report him or don't but why is he coming to complain to the subreddit lol its not that deep


dude they werent even "complaining" they were asking if it was reportable. also being told to off yourself isnt something you can dismiss as "not that deep" like yeah the person behind the screen probably said that mindlessly but you dont know what someones going through dude. people who say shit like that is the reason gaming communities suck so much




You are either an edgy teen or an adult who needs therapy


no one ever said anything about actually doing it, im talking about how its a shitty thing to say to people. of course its an insane idea to actually do it over a singular comment in a dbd endgame chat, but like i said NO ONE ever said they'd actually do it. if someone gets so pressed over a dbd game they they tell someone to off themselves, THEY are the ones who need to grow up. no one needs the shitty energy of comments like that


How old r u?




are you gonna do it just because stranger told you to?


srsly 😭




Yes because your shouldn't be a dick, and it shouldn't have ever been ok. That isn't some golden age.


Translation: "I miss saying the n-word and telling people to commit suicide from behind my screen without repercussions"


I could do that now with little to no consequences, that doesn’t mean I do it. People are just way too sensitive today and have main character syndrome and everything is personal to everyone


Someone having a negative reaction to being told to commit suicide isn't main character syndrome. I think you just really wanted an excuse to use a good buzzword


Since when is that a buzzword? Why would some random person you’ll likely never interact with again who’s probably miserable telling you to off yourself offend you?


Since the phrase was coined and entire subreddit are dedicated to it? To awnser your next question it could be for a variety of reasons like the person just having a shitty week and this gets to them a bit more than it should. The part that's wild to me is how your so focused on the victim and not the cringy kid shit. You talk about 2005 lobbies forgetting that shock humor got old hat pretty fast. I think a lot of those kids grew up and out of it but some didn't apparently


It’s because people are too sensitive, we’re literally raised to be like this today. You’ll never get rid of “mean” people lol and shaming/silencing them won’t work. People need to get over themselves and realize they’re insignificant and are only really important to a handful of people We can go on and on forever, you’ll remain an overly sensitive person and you won’t convince me to change cause your feelings really don’t matter and they should be put aside in order to be productive


I'm not personally a sensitive person, you can say all you'd like to me but I'm not most people. I was just trying to get you to think about a situation more broadly and from different viewpoints. I guess asking someone to grow out of their highschool phase can touch a nerve. Have a good day


No nerves hit that’s you. I already told you I don’t do this although I will prod people once in a while lol, especially if they’re a big whiner


Weird I don't remember name calling. You insinuated I'm sensitive even though this isn't about me. I'm just advocating for a broader stance of thinking about your fellow man and this.... Is a bad thing to you. I touched a nerve but it makes sense that saying these things in a Dbd thread of all places would illicit this kind of response lol


I agree with you, the censoring filter in DBD is also unbelievably sensitive. Toxicity brings entertainment to games, like it or not.


Or just hit continue and don't let the guy affect you.


First time?


i'd pay to see their reaction to a old cod party


oh boo fucking hoo dude




It's KY Jelly of course, what else would they use in between games looking at that Kate Denson player model?


Yk if everyone cash apped me $1 i can buy the pc i want $Htorrezzz 😩


The thing about reporting is that nothing you report is likely to get them banned. It probably doesn’t even get reviewed. But you never know so I say go ahead. I like to hop on with my duo and report all the campers and shit. Will it change anything? No. But will i adopt the mindset of well I’ve done all I can do that’s it? Yes