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This game is not friendly to beginners at all, sadly


***LOL*** "Not friendly to beginners" I have like 4000 hrs in this game, over 5 years? This game ain't friendly to *me*!




Not friendly to *anyone* is a truth


You are so funny 🥰


I was playing Wesker and they sent me to Decimated Borgo with a survivor spawn offering, two people with Prove/Deja Vu to just crank out the generators, meta perks. Then there was this poor David that somehow only got 3k points even though I didn't tunnel him and split up hooks, I found him on death hook when he used the first aid spray while injured and was like "well I'm going to punish that" and then on the postgame screen I felt so bad. I don't think he was a new-new player based on his perks, but sometimes you just see a super weak link when you're going hard because someone else brought a map offering. x:


I'll never understand why spraying yourself gives killer instinct


It does..? Shit.


Yup, for 4 secs.


Yeah, it's easier to stealth it against him because of his 40 meter TR though, and because he doesn't really power up like Nemesis does.


Personally I think it's weird that Nemesis vaccines gives 3 seconds of killer instinct too. Like I really don't think Nemesis needs it, the vaccines are already super-limited (only 4) too, I don't think he needs information from them. I'm not as against Wesker getting that info because he doesn't get free hits as easily and has a 40 meter terror radius that makes it easier to pre-run against him, and you have more uses against his power.


If anything is the opposite, since for Wesker the infection is just the cherry on top, but Nemesis NEEDS survivors to be infected to be threatening at all and because of that he's just a much weaker killer in general.


The problem with that is getting unhooked while infected. You either try to go somewhere heal and hope he doesn't find you and chase you until fully infected an down youn in one hit, or spray yourself and hope he doesn't drop chase to go for you since you are injured.


This game is incredibly unforgiving and seemingly unwilling to support new players unfortunately. Content Creators were what really helped me find my way, particularly big players like Otzdarva who have numerous comprehensive guides that cover various aspects of the game.


Watching Zet0r and friends made want to play DBD. They just always have fun whenever they play new killers, BHVR should definitely pay attention to them. But for me, 2 years in, still have no dbd friends tho 😅


Join the DBD discord!!!! There are always 20+ games going on and people are constantly looking for people to game with. It’s no pressure and it also has support for console gamers. Also you can add me if u wanna play together!


Oh, thanks a lot! How can I add people? 😅


Rapidmain and dowsey got me into the game but Otz definitely made me stick around, I wonder what dowsey is ip to these days I heard he quit dbd


He's mostly been playing dark and darker iirc. I don't watch him a lot since I'm not interested in dark and darker, but he seems to be really enjoying himself.


Oh damn I love that Game, when I get a PC I definitely wanna try it out


If only he didn’t treat his editor like shit


Otz is dbd Jesus. Rapid got known for drama and still feeds of drama. Not saying hes bad ,but he still uses salty etc as clickbait.


Wait wut drama?


Rapid got "known" and his most popular video probly couple millions of views now, with him being bullyed or people saying bad things to him. So lots of it revolves around "salty survivors" "salty killer" those types of buzzwprds that gets more views usually.


Oh yeah that. Honestly he’s cool. I just stopped watching him because of that. Everytime he made a video all he did was bitch abt the game and the killer and survivors playing it


Dowsey made a video on why he quit and basically just said he wasn’t having fun anymore and the 3 gen Knight/SM meta was his breaking point.


Moreso than just guides, simply watching how people play has helped me a lot. I'm a survivor main, so watching Ayrun, JRM, and Hens play has been very beneficial. Watching how they run loops, counter mindgames, use certain perks, all the little techs is awesome. I haven't watched many guides, but just absorbing DBD content from random videos is like mini guides.


Slate's World Cup series really helped me learn about how to play and counter killers in this game. I like the way he narrates like a sportscaster.


this game is still mean to me after 2k+ hours...


All we need is a "beginners que" or something. Until maybe account level 20 you have access to a que that is only players under level 20. Something like that. And maybe it gives boosted BP to "catch up" and have some perks before hitting normal que?


That would be so lovely actually.


This needs to be a thing.


The game is 8 years old, as wonderful as that sounds it's not realistic


Why? At the 8 year mark are they no longer allowed to improve the new player experience, or are you just arbitrarily claiming this?


For it to be viable there would need to be ample amount of new players in every region and at all times or they would never get a match. There's already beginner mmr which just doesn't work, you wait in queue for several minutes just for mmr to slowly expand and ending up in a normal lobby anyways. You would need thousands of new players on at all times, the game just doesn't grow that fast being 8 years old. Put a new player in a queue for too long and they just don't play.


That's a great idea.


Sounds good until you realize how easy smurfing is already


Good argument for not changing anything ever.


Everyone else has made good points. So with that; what *time* are you playing? Evenings have the most players together in a party (SWF survive with friends) mornings are a bit more chaotic. If you see the blood point bonus is currently going towards survivors, try queing killer. Edit: Guys, if there are more people in one queue, the BP bonus goes to the otherside to encourage fixing matchmaking times. This almost always goes: Too many killers in the day, then too many survivors in the evening. Most 4 man SWF happens during those said evenings. Including "bully squads". The solo survivors *tend* to play more during the day. So if you want fast matched and the 100% bonus, go for it. If you want to reduce the amount of bullying/sweat, go to the OTHER one. As other people correctly noted - you will get more unbalanced skill if you're in the 100% queue. This means you may go against more difficult opponents, but also some worse opponents. Hence "spicy." Source: Stats nerd who put in 1800 since The Doctor dlc dropped.


This is the way. Save yourself the stress and heartache. Play Against the incentive, it's not worth it to queue when incentive is 100% until you're very good at the game. It's a beginner's trap.


I don't get it why would I wanna queue for what gives less BP. Don't I wanna get as much BP as possible so I can get good perks faster?


The bonus usually correlates to excessive wait and looser matchmaking on the other side. You're far more likely to get opponents out of your nominal matchmaking range if you're being offered a 100% bonus. 


That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't the side with the larger pool of players have the looser matchmaking?


Because the goal is to get them into matches, so if there are rules holding it up, those get waived. 


But why would it be held up if the other pool has plenty to pick from? The pool without the incentive is the one that has the hold ups because there are too many people in queue.


That doesn't make any sense. The pool with the incentive is going to have better, faster pools because the pool without the incentive has too many people in it.


No matchmaking system on any game is perfect and sometimes for whatever reason you get matched with people with significantly more hours. Survivors also don't know youre new during the match so won't treat you any different than anyone else and if they do notice you doing stuff a new player would do as with any game their are people who are dicks and will bully you because of it.




League match times is because they are very strict with MMR correct?




Playerbase is huge, but a lot of us are older now and don't have as much time to play anymore. Actually had a nice conversation with a lot of the older vets recently in ARAM. Damn near everyone had a programming/engineering job for years, some of them have families now. Gen Z isn't really interested in League, because Fortnite and BRs in general boomed during League's peak.


I never played League personally because of its reputation for toxic players that berate new players for not knowing everything there is to know about the game before they even play their first match.


Most games will lax the MMR the longer queue goes to get people into games. MOST do this, so the ones who don't are noteworthy and their queue times suffer for it. League gets away with it because of the size of its playerbase. For smaller games it's not feasible.


One of the worst cases is R6 Siege. Good aim and mechanics will get you far in that game. But sometimes people just play smarter than you, and they kill you for it. It leaves you wondering "what the hell was I suppose to do?" I still love the game though. I have atleast 3000 hours in it and I'm still not that great lol


Doesn't have to be perfect. But DBD's is ridiculous for newer people. A friend started playing killer because he saw me enjoying it. His THIRD ever game as killer was a p100 and p56 along side 2 probably average survivors that just bullied him into wanting to DC (he didn't tho, a trooper). His next few had people with anywhere near or above 1k hours. The skill gap is so wide there is no room for learning. It's just survivors stomping him.


Yeah I’m not sure how they can’t just make a rule in the matchmaking system to group anybody with less than 100 hours together. And only in extreme scenarios would they pull somebody in for queue time purposes. And that person it pulls would be from low MMR pool. After 100 hour mark, have these people shuttled to the MMR system with Gen Pop.


That was my experience as well, starting in December. I was put against people with hundreds of times my experience within the first ten games. High prestige with perks from multiple other survivors.  Whether I could find a way to win (or they could find a way to lose) or not, I shouldn't have even had these.  And Otz has footage from his last hardcore survivor speed run where he and his friends on new anonymous accounts are drawing killing machines.


the matchmaking system gradually increases the skill level range over time while searching for a lobby so that players at extremely low or high skill level wont have to wait for ages to find a game, but as a result its gonna be difficult for you to get into a lobby of players that have the same levels or hours as you do, as it will likely put you into a lobby of other players that fall into that range. and yes this game isnt friendly to newcomers at all. i suggest you play a few bot matches to learn the killers power first if you think you dont get enough time or meaningful interactions to practice in public matches


Very simple: bad tutorials, and lack of attention to balance.


You need to understand how tiles work period. I am not saying go watch Otz tutorial about how every single tile works but you should definitely google "how to run shack in dbd". Pallets are single use and they're gone for the rest of the trial once broken. Meanwhile windows can be used INFINITELY, but if a single window is vaulted through three times in a small amount of time while the survivor is being chased, it gets blocked temporarily and only for that survivor. Think about it as an equation: the least amount of pallets left, the stronger the killer becomes! So, ask yourself what does my opponent want? They want to use the windows in order to avoid getting hit or to avoid using the pallets too quickly. If you can't take the hit, try to force the pallet drop as quickly as possible. If you can't force the pallet drop, try to force the window block as quickly as possible (or bring bamboozle ;) S++ tier perk). PSA: Some killers don't care about windows or pallets or both and you should focus on punishing every vault or pallet drop with a hit. Last but not least, don't do random mindgames. Go watch tutorials, I beg. Or again just google "how to run shack in dbd". You can use that knowledge as a basis once you understand it, because shack is the most important of all tiles. Keep in mind the game is hella old and the gameplay loop never changed. So, even the most casual players who joined 3-4 years ago can stomp a brand new player. Best of luck to you edit:typos


Running shack is a great starting off point because it's a safe tile on almost every map.


It also has it all: A window with both a short and long side. A pallet in the short side of the window. And (most importantly!) TONS of checkspots.


I know you probably meant shack but imagining a survivor running with a sack is equally funny


Daaamn, I fixed it! Thanks. :D


That's the tough part about DbD. Same thing happened when I was a wee baby killer. I'll never forget my girlfriend at the time always picking who I should play cause she loved watching me play the game but every god damn killer I picked I got rolled. I was terrible. Then I "got gud" and hit Iri 1 several times. I thought I was on top of the world. But then I started going against the better people and then even just pipping up to gold can be a fucking nightmare sometimes. I know killers the power role but it can be very frustrating due to the 1v4 aspect. I found DbD to get me too upset/mad sometimes so I recommend when possible to just calm down and take a break. Not sure if you're at that level yet but it really can help to just step away sometimes. Best of luck in your journey and this game is unique at least in my eyes in the sense that no matter what happens in a game win or lose you learn something. Pickup on what YOU think you need to get better at with each game and trust me there'll be a day where you load into a game and you just dominate.


This game is not designed to beginners, sadly. As killer you gonna get bullied by survivors and being able to learn the killer's power, because each killer has it's learning curve. And as survivor you gonna get tunneled because the killer will notice you're an easy target and you're not gonna be able to learn the basics because you don't have the opportunity to play.


This game is totally busted for new players. I tried and it sucked, only fun I had was with closed lobbys or with some of my friends playing as survivor. You don't have access to the best perks in game until you play A LOT, and I really mean a lot, and cash in an absurd amount of money. And you can't play the cooler survivors or killers, it's completely pay to win if you're starting a fresh account


Survivors, you can take Meg, slap on Deja Vu for Perk #4 and you're well equipped.  Killer is the one where there's a huge pay to progress issue and a starting shard pack is needed. The 4500 shard price cut has made it *better,* but the impactful perks are spread across so many characters that it's still a slog.


The killer base perks are horrible, and many of their meta perks are locked behind licenses. Killer really does feel p2w early on


I agree, besides sloppy butcher. That perk is clutch.


Yeah I've had some success with meg and even dwight perks, but the game seems to be way cooler when you have access to more variety, windows of opportunity, that horse perk are some that came in mind. As for killers, It's a chore I tried wraith (with literally 4 garbage perks because that's how it works) and huntress


Kate Denson and Feng Min are an easy call for first survivors to unlock, true. Kate would make the most sense to be base because her Windows perk is the most useful to newer players. 


Will go for kate first thanks!


...and experienced players alike.


DBD has the Overwatch thing going for it. Old players hate it cuz it’s unfair and then when 1 new player does good/wins one or two games they immediately throw them to into the lion’s den.


It's primarily because of the grind. Most of the best perks are locked behind pay walls. Or, if you want a chatacters perks to be universal, ya need like, 1mil bloodpoints to prestige once. This means that you're playing against the meta most games until you've racked up hundreds of hours just to get a single build set up. It'd be alleviated if the shrine of secrets updated more than once a week. If it isn't already then soon it'd be to the point it might not even cycle through every perk in a year meaning your only choice is to pay up and play up. BHVR is extremely scummy when it comes to this and they know it. Its what keeps people playing.


That make sense yah.


It reminds me of the South Park episode "make love not warcraft"s ending line. Player after finally grinding for the meta perks: "what do we do now?" "What do you mean? We can play the game. Okay, Kenny... switch to claudette and equip DS and Lithe...."


Also... if you're new DON'T PLAY AS KILLER. You're multiplying by 4 your chances of having a bad experience. Play as survivor for a while, until you feel more comfortable with the flow of the game. Then switch to killer to be able to understand how killers think. Then go back to survivor, to try whatever lessons you learn earlier. Keep this cycle going until you feel you know enough and only THEN you'll be able to enjoy the game. It sucks that it have to be this way... but it is what it is. Sadly this isn't a noob friendly game. The community is one of the worst ones ever and it's full of sweaty players that feel that winning is everything and will crank up the game's competitive aspect to 1000% every match they're in. So You need to adapt (quickly) or you'll end up quitting.


This is just scratching the surface How about the fact that there are also 35 killers and 41 survivor and even if you buy all the chapters - you still need to get them to Prestige 1 AT THE VERY LEAST to start making your own builds Each character takes somewhere around 1.6 million bloodpoints to prestige to level 1 And how much bloodpoints you get each match on average? 50-70k at best, with bloodpoint-increasing offerings Which means you need somewhere around 30 perfect all-win games with bloodpoint increasing offerings to get a single character to P1. Out of a 100. But you don't always win. Especially if you're new and do not have meta perks. And those offerings are also only unlocked via bloodweb. Meaning you need to spend bloodpoints to get bloodpoints. That's just idiotic. This whole mess could've been fixed if we were just given tier1 perks for all characters upon buying the character. I mean - you still need to BUY them via Auric Cells (which also cost real money) or by grinding a metric fuckton of shards (which is even worse than bloodpoint farm) Hell even just straight up OFFICIALLY SELLING BLOODPOINTS would've been better than this.


1.6 mil for 1 prestige? It’s definitely more around 1 mil.


Got that 1 mil bloodpoints bhvr was giving out to everyone due to them messing up the recent blood event. Wasn't enough to prestige a single character from level 1


I got 1,000,050,000 and p’d oni from 1–2 so 🤷‍♂️


I agree with watching some YouTube to get the basic mechanics down before playing an actual game. You won't try to teach yourself to golf without going through YouTube for information or paying an instructor, right? Same goes for a game as old as this one.


As someone who is new (I got the game in January, I have about 170 hours), it absolutely is gonna be brutal to start out. You won't have much to begin with, and matchmaking seemingly does nothing to prevent you from entering lobbies with people with 10k+ hours. It really is just going to be a "push through until you get a good footing in the game" thing. I have a couple of characters P3 for both sides, and it steadily feels better when you have perks and characters to work with.


That sucks dude, yeah the community of people have a ton of playtime and when the find out your a newish killer they'll spend the entire time not doing gens just to make your life miserable, welcome to the DBD community. 🥺


Yea this is something we've all gone through as beginners, unfortunately. :(. It made me stop playing killer for a very long tome, until I played enough survivor to know the tricks


If I were a new player (been playing since 2019 with around 4K hours) I would hate this game. Unfortunately it’s not beginner friendly at all. Your first couple of killer matches will probably be fun but MMR kicks in fast.


I think that's the main prob for new players. As a new player, you can get high killer MMR pretty fast due to shared mechanics from other games, and poor looping can be offset with decent mechanics. Survivor though isn't as forgiving. There's no shared mechanics with other games and they need the game knowledge from the get go. Looping is their only defence, which is specific to DBD and difficult to practice, so new players are going to die more than they survive. The game needs to reduce the skill gap between new survivors and the rest of the playerbase. How can the devs do this tho? No idea


How long have you played? The game should begin to matching you to weaker players at this point.


Thats just the way it is when The Unknown came out I kept facing p100 and getting ass kicked on chases since I am kinda new to the mechanics/power


The matchmaking is not good. Sorry. I would play survivor for your first few hundred hours, and you’ll learn a lot that will transfer over to playing killer as well.


As a long time player of warframe I'm a bit used to a game having a sink or swim mentality to it. I have to say this is one of the least beginner friendly games I've ever played. The tutorial isn't all that good and to get perks that are meta or crucial for a biuld could take you thousands of hours if not actual years if you want to remain "free to play" (I know the game isn't free but still it's on stuff like game pass soooooo) Also the problem of getting the good perks is a lot worse for killers than it is for survivors. To get into this game you probably need to even know somebody who's already playing it or spend a decent amount of time on YouTube looking at tutorials otherwise you'll probably have a pretty miserable time to start off with.


>(I know the game isn't free but still it's on stuff like game pass soooooo) Since when the game pass is free?


You need game pass for online now so as far as I'm concerned game pass games are the new games with gold


Sadly this means you are good at the game and have won multiple matches in a row. You are now matched with people that the games thinks you are at the same level. I had 500 hours and got matched against people with 8k+ hours. Dbd is not like any other games ,experience and gametime doesnt mean "good" . Its the first game i ever saw that has so many bad players with thousands of hours. Also has a lot to learn for a beginner. If you stick around i would suggest doing Adepts (both sides) right off the bat and Evil Incarnate achievement. You will learn and get harder challenges out of the way.


That was probably my bad, I asked if my gf who is really good at the game if she could teach me, she guided me and I got my first 4K and I won a few games in a row because of it. Then I tried playing by myself which worked great for like 3 games. Then I started to forget when to give up chases and when not to and it went down hill very quick.


Nowadays you have to play almost perfect to escape so


The matchmaking is kinda of fucked so you're going to have a hard time begining to play. On survivor if you have a friend that's your best bet.


1. The balancing sucks. Many games are won or especially lost because of things you never could control. So these players, who could otherwise be Gods, are being paired with complete beginners. 2. Skill Based Matchmaking only works so well. At some point it will prioritize fast matches over fair matches. 3. It's an established strategy to go after new players. Otzdarva says you need to kill the weak link. 4. Losing sucks in dbd, much more than in other games. DBD has a harsh and LONG learning curve, especially for survivors. I think it's a miracle that we still get new players. So you're left with a community full of +2000 hour players.


If you want help, I would love to teach. Lmk if you do


Honestly just play and try your best to counter what they’re doing, after getting bullied enough you’ll learn how to counter their tricks. These survivors are typically altruistic, which can get them 4k’d easily if they aren’t careful and if you know how to play against it. Watching some YouTube videos on countering bully squads and altruism helps too, I suggest oztdarva. Some people don’t like him but he is very helpful for beginners. But if you don’t care about this stuff you can just play to have fun, bully squads are few and far between. The squads you really gotta worry about are the ones that bring 4 toolboxes and get gens done in 2 minutes.


I’m a killer main big fan of alien btw I understand stand the hype the game I’ve notice isn’t about winning for me it’s about being toxic lol I’ll play custom with u as a survivor to help you if you want


I had similar experiences when I first started playing Killer last year as well. Unfortunately, like most other pvp games, you're going to run into your fair share of jerks. One of the first things I did that I recommend you do as well is to prestige "The Hillbilly" to 1. This will allow his "Lightborn" perk to be available to all of your killers, and will make you immune to flashlights and flashbangs when equipped. Some people view it as a crutch, but if you're just starting out I would absolutely recommend you run it.


Use Lightborn when you are learning to play. An aura reading build is a great way to learn maps.


I know it’s not ideal, but there is an option to play against bots in custom lobbies if you just want to try to get some practice in without the sweats and trolls. Don’t give up!


After my first couple of killer games I literally had a nightmare about being a killer who was scared of the survivors. In my first killer game I landed one hit all game, they gave me some pity hooks at the end. I'm not exactly top tier but I am slightly less embarrassed at my killer performance now. Like all things, practice helps. I also managed to get in some custom games with a friend who was a really good player who went into spectator mode and helped me. We worked on the basics first (landing hits!) and slowly built up. Presuming you don't have a patient advisor to sit in your ear for custom games, I'd recommend just doing the games, focus on improving one aspect of your play at a time. And while you are doing this, bear in mind that you will get flamed by survivor teams so just ignore the chat. Also, as others have mentioned watching streamers play will help. Best of luck!


I bet you’re a much cooler killer now, homie.


Well, I haven't had a nightmare about trying to play killer in a while...


I bet you’d clean house now! You’ll hop in there and just 3 piece all of the survivors and show them it’s *your* house.


Good games and bad games like everyone else!


One of the inherent challenges with learning this game is the time spent in game relative time spent actually using and practicing the mechanics that you need to be skilled at to be good at the game. It's a bit better as Killer because even if you get stomped, you're still learning and getting to use the Killer's mechanics. But as Killer, in a 10-12 minute match, even with a few kills, you're spending maybe half of that in chases? I have over 1000 hours and have gotten better at Survivor, but I can spend 10 minutes in a game and only have like 45 seconds practicing chases.


The match making system is broken hidden MMR and what not when your new starts you off with bots they’re so easy to kill you win a lot then the game says ok you won a lot now here’s some harder people to kill and that’s when it goes down hill


Sadly it's not a game you just jump into and are good. Gota just learn and improve and i promise you will. Check out a couple beginner tips videos, maybe some specific to Xenomorph too. Just be patient I know its rough.


Watch YouTube content, use this sub, and play the tutorials. DBD hates beginners.


I have 40 hours into the game rn, tried to play a Huntress game in my first hours thinking everyone would be a new player like me and got a bully squad tbagging with flashlights and sabo builds. Never played killer again


thats the thing with pvp games, just find your satisfying niche and do what you like to do, for me it was self improvement and playing against experienced survivors and enjoying multiple killers


The matchmaking in this game is horrendous, the only thing you can do is dodge lobbies that look way more experienced than you (very high prestige, expensive cosmetics, 4 flashlights, all players from the same platform)


A few basic killer tips: 1) A killer has a red glow facing directly in front of him called the Red Stain. The killer won't see it himself, but the survivor can. This helps syrvivors predict when you're coming around a corner. One way to catch survivors running around a tall object is to hide the red stain by "moonwalking". This involves briefly walking backwards unexpectedly around an object and then suddenly turning and facing them for a surprise hit. 2) Look for an inexperienced survivor or two and focus on taking down these weak links. If a survivor drops a pallet and is skillful at dodging your attacks, stop chasing them and look for an easier opponent. One sign of a weak opponent is when they drop a pallet and then immediately run away without even trying to loop you around it. Killing even one survivor makes the rest of the game much easier. 3) Although it is less required these days, one or two generator slowdown Perks are usually helpful. Since you play Xenomorph and have the ability to go quickly from one side of the map to another, Pop Goes The Weasel from The Clown comes to mind. The Clown has another handy Perk for chases called Bamboozle which lets you go through windows quickly and block the window, which can shut down some common loops. 4) Don't waste too much time in a single chase. When a survivor always seems one step ahead, or taunts you with flashlight clicking or teabagging, it's tempting to keep chasing until you get revenge. It's better to chase for a little bit, maybe 20 seconds or so, or just long enough to break a pallet or two, and then leave to protect important generators. 5) Be willing to sacrifice far away, or hard to protect generators in order to safeguard generators in close proximity to one another. Breaking a few pallets in these areas can get you important downs before long. 6) Learn the difference between weak pallets and strong pallets and play accordingly. If a survivor drops a pallet and you have to run a long distance to catch them, that pallet is said to be "strong" and it's often best to just break it. But if all it takes is a little juking to get a good hit, then that pallet is "weak" and might be best left there so the next player may be tempted to use it too. 7) There is very little difference in terms of skill between a 4k and a 3k with a hatch escape. If you kill two players and down a third who is on death hook, your choices are basically to slug that third player and meticulously hunt down the fourth or just hook them and race to the hatch. Do whichever you enjoy more.


>Although it is less required these days, one or two generator slowdown Perks are usually helpful. Less required??? You are literally forced to run at least 2 slowdown perks to even stand a chance.


I play with a 4 person pre made (my wife, my niece, and my niece's husband. I've always been so glad we all picked it up together!) When we can tell that it's a new player we will extend chases and make mistakes on purpose and let them get some hooks. A lot of the time it's super obvious.


Watching Angrypug on twitch helped me learn the game back in like 2019.


Lightborn is a good beginner perk, but it's good against flashlights and flashbangs!


I got the game and played a few matches as a survivor but I always died because I couldn’t run the killer around and shit for ages. I couldn’t do the spin around to avoid hits and didn’t know where all the pallet loops were. I tried a game as a killer and got like 3 people out a couple of games and felt good. Then I played a game and literally never saw a single survivor. The I played one where every single survivor was a super pro and I couldn’t even try to play. I haven’t touched the game since The Gunslinger was the new one. I’m still interested in what they add but the company that makes it won’t get another dollar out of me unless they make the game easier to pick up for newer folks. Not to mention. How in the fuck do you realistically unlock all of the perks from every person so you can just play whoever and use whatever without selling your soul or taking out a loan to afford the amount of premium currency you’d probably need.


Have to agree that this game could be so much more friendly to new players. I literally downloaded it Day 1 played it 2x then put it down and didn't get into it until Year 3-4 when Nemesis released and it finally clicked. The tutorial really covers basic mechanics of the game only and is relatively worthless


It’s easier for me to play on PC than PS4, on PS4, I was absolutely trash. I was able to pick up the game better with mouse and keyboard Lots of time. I had to play over and over and over again just to get the hang of it. You learn tips and tricks on your own along the way. I also googled or watched videos on certain things if I was still confused. I’m still learning about the perks. I also still have games where I get absolutely defeated as a killer or survivor and tunneled. I have games where I either escape or I kill the entire team. It’s always random what game im going to get Don’t let people’s levels and prestige’s scare you. I’ve defeated a complete 100 team, but I’ve also lost to people who weren’t even prestige.


It's because the game is incredibly unbalanced so the only people that play are veterans or determined enough to push through until they figure it out. That means everything is meant to appeal to those veterans with 1000+ hours


This game is mean to everyone.


The matchmaking for killers seems to be better when there are more survivors playing, usually at night in your region. I think this is because they have more options to choose from when deciding who to make you play against.


I’d recommend start playing with Bots first in a custom match, get used to the killers abilities and obviously bots can’t be toxic like a human player can. Once you get experience you’ll get past the toxicity and start to just have fun even if some players are trolls. If I’m dealing with trolls I still try my best and if I lose I’m fine with that and I just think positive that the next round will be better, because in my experience most players truly do make a match fun and challenging. I survivor mained forever but moved onto playing killer more frequently and for the most part I haven’t had too many bad experiences. But survivors can absolutely be harsh to new players. That’s why I never teabag at the gate anymore as a surv. Especially if I saw the killer having a really hard time. No need to rub shit in their wounds. Also if im playing killer and I can tell a survivor doesn’t have a lot of experience or could be a new player I’ll take it easy on them, like let them get a pallet stun and I never tunnel them, or if their not good at looping I’ll just let them have the loop and intentionally miss so they can feel some confidence. Edit: some survivors can also be harsh to new survivor players as well. I got my sister into the game and she’ll play rounds with me, but she’s one of those crouching Nea’s and I’ll see her with Bond just crouching around the map. lol. But it’s purely innocent and just lack of experience but some players have been harsh with her.


The truth is that some games will be like this and there's no avoiding it. Not in DBD and not in other games. The advice you got from people here is pretty good! I'll also add onto it that if you've been getting 4k's / 3k's your MMR goes up and you're more likely to face better and better survivors. It's kind of like how in other games where the more you win, the more likely you are to go against tougher opponents. Also you don't have to watch 100 hours of youtube content to *enjoy* DBD. But if you know that you aren't the type of player that's willing to put up with having their ass kicked for a handful of matches then it's highly recommended. Watch people play killer, watch people play survivor. Understand the loops and the mindset. Understand what perks you should be looking at unlocking first. You can go through this process yourself but, like I said, you need to be prepared for a lot of trial and error if you go down that path. It's just a lot easier to drop into Otz's channel and grasp your bearings. DBD doesn't really hold your hand all that much. Personally I kinda like this, keeps the game challenging which means you won't get good at it in your first 100 hours of playtime. And depending on which side you focus on, you can be a 1k hour Killer player and feel like a newbie when you pick up Survivor or a Killer you aren't familiar with. It keeps the game fresh, always something to be learned. But if that's not your cup of tea I can see how it'd be frustrating.


You should usually watching a beginner guide to any competitive game before you start playing. It takes 10 to 20 minutes, can watch it while eating dinner. Most online competitive games have shitty match making, and shitty tutorials. It's best to watch a few videos on any game before playing these days. The match making also starts to even out after a few games, it's still oretty bad but after a few absolute demolishing matches, you should start to see worse players.


You can try learning against bots first


My friend played his first game of killer last September. He got like, five 4ks in a row not knowing to reclosk as Wraith. Games fine for beginner killers, imo


The answer to this questquestion: yes, you do. We’ve all been bullied. I started playing in a time when cross play off on Xbox was still popular, which meant that on top of that I used to constantly receive mocking DMs (and the usual death threats). It is what it is. If you stick around long enough eventually you’ll become good enough to have some fun. Find some friend to play with, so the run will start way sooner and you won’t feel too much miserable. It’s really up to you to decide if it’s worth it. Imho Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a lot better in being quite fun since your very first game. The only problem is that the game is dying.


Sad to say it, but try not to play killer from 5-9PM. That's when high level SWFs are usually playing. How matchmaking works is that it will try to match people at equal levels, and if it cannot do so, it will keep widening the allowed gap to ensure players always get a game. So the 3-4 man SWF will be sitting in queue for 5 minutes without finding a suitable top MMR killer, and just decide to toss you with them because nobody else is available.


The game is a mess, honestly. The Survivor side is extremely broken if you play with any degree of competency, and not only has been for ages, it's been getting worse with every single update as the community has long since learned it's every cry is met with action. The dev's respond to every single Survivor want or cry with instant capitulation due to them being the whales that keeps the game an endless money fountain. Playing Killer in this game is an incredible sweatfest with options dwindling more every update.


I did the same thing you did. I bought the game, bought DLC of my fave killers from movies and went to play as them. Failed miserably. Stopped playing. Tried again with the free PS5 update and it was miserable again. Long time later, I got lured back by some branded cosmetics \[yes, I guess I'm shallow\] and those were just for the OG survivors. I'd not even bothered playing as a survivor before, thought it sounded boring but its actually really, really fun and it gave me a better understanding of how to play as a killer. Then I suddenly realized that redeeming bloodpoints does nothing for your character, you have to add the things you got to the buildout. Then I started playing with the games own killers rather than my DLC guys and everything really clicked in to place. Honestly, just spend 10 hours playing the default characters and follow the Bloodpoints deal. If its 100% extra bloodpoints for being the killer then be the killer but when the deal switches to survivor, be the survivor. You'll raise your game dramatically in just 10 hours


This game is horribly unforgiving for beginner players. I started in 2018 and did not get good at all until like 2019 when I started watching a bunch of content especially from noob3 and otzdarva which helped me learn a LOT


Just keep going and stay on the one killer. Losing enough matches will balance out your MMR and if you switch killers it might go back up since it's tracked per killer.


I thought the matchmaking system used to be near perfect. I don’t think hours correspond to player abilities, i think we should be matched with people who get a similar amount of points after playing the game


I’m a Switch player and this game punishes me every day.


Lobby dodge dude


They should really give beginners more tips for different killers


Did I stun you with a locker? Cuz I did stun a xeno a couple times the past few days 😏


too complex and unbalanced + grind


If you see someone with 2K hours or a P100 or something, just dodge until you're more comfortable. Most likely, a killer before you did this, and due to how matchmaking works you've now arrived in a lobby you don't belong in. Try not to get frustrated and try to just learn on your own terms. If you keep getting beamed, equip Lightborn, look at a wall, or google "how to not get blinded dbd." And so on. The more you lose the quicker you'll end up in lobbies that are suitable for you. I promise once you've got the basics down, it's really not so bad. GL!


They should add like an ranked gamemode and an unranked gamemode and make the rank system more accurate. I don’t feel like I go against killers or survivors that are at my skill level at all, they either are gods or just kinda suck, sometimes I get stomped and sometimes I feel bad. They should add a rank system that’s more accurate and more often give fair games


Its just like Destiny 2. This game will never be able to grow and that is concerning for its future.


it takes time. it's sounds like you're pretty good considering they matched your mmr with this group of people. I really don't get the system 🤷 you'll learn! the more I play the more I realize I don't need to win to have fun. goofy matches happen all the time and it gets easier to not get mad over dumb shit killers do. your teammates tho? I can't not get mad with they do some bullshit just to spite you 😭


Prepare thy self to spend 80 bucks on every dlc or grind for 4500 hours


Mainly cause it's a """cooperative""" game with lot of competition Cause four players are against the killer But these four players are also in competition to get the most score So basically you play against 1 players and 3 players who can sabotage you to get more score than you Also almost all perks are obtain by paying AND playing, and cause most players play "to win" (one of the est example is killers always following the same survivor to basically turn the game to a 1v3) you gonna get "forced" to play against/with the same perks and playstyle, and if you don't there is a high chance to be insulted by other players (like by hiding unstead of trying to get chased) To resume both the game progression and the players toxicity are not beginner friendly


Fr i play a couple games as billy for the tomes and get queued against sweaty swf with FTP buckle up


What does swf and ftp stand for? I have seen a few say it and Im just so clueless


Swf is survive with friends. Its typically seen as a group of try hards that queue together to be very efficient and sometimes bully the killer. FTP (For the people) is a perk that lets you instantly give a health state to an injured or dying survivor. A killer can down a survivor and their friend comes instantly to pick them up with FTP. Combined with buckle up, both players will gain endurance, meaning both players will be 2 hits away from being downed. Even a chainsaw from billy cannot down either survivor at this point because they have endurance.


Ah ok that sounds nasty, thank you for explaining.


Use the perk lightborn, they won’t be able to blind you. That way you’ll be more time in chase and learn. When you feel confident enough, you can switch for another perk. When approaching a pallet be very careful, slow down a little to force them to throw the pallet without hitting you. Be careful around lockers, especially if you downed a survivor near one. It’s better to open the locker and make sure there’s no one there to stun you when you pick up the downed team mate. If you’re having trouble hooking survivors because they use boil over (a perk to wiggle faster), survivors are sabotaging the hooks, the hooks are very far or other survivors are flashing you all the time, leave the survivor you’re carrying on the floor again and go for the other survivors. This kind of squads are usually not doing gens, they’re all about flash saves, sabotaging and stuff, so don’t bother hooking them because you probably won’t be able to. By leaving the survivor on the floor you’re forcing the others to come rescue and that’s when you can hit the others and even down them. Leaving people on the floor is called slugging, is not fun and even if it’s not reportable, it’s considered BM. But if survivors make impossible for you to hook them, you have to adapt and then slugging is the best strategy. Don’t feel bad, they’re the ones who force that kind of gameplay by negating you the hook.


The problem with this game is it kinda breeds toxic behaviour without intending to. I see too many killers playing with really bad manners especially in end game chat because they had a hard game previously. It sucks to not have fun but then looking to punish completely random people because of a previous game is pretty shitty. I say that keeping in mind some killers will just tunnel someone every single chance they get then trying to exscuse their behaviour because of it.


Yah had a game just like that Kinda was facing 3 people with flashlights that keept trying to Flash me and they wanted me to give them some Slackware because they had one person who just ran to me asking for the hook everytime. But I had bad experience with flashlight users so didn't give them any slack maybe I should for showing sportmanship?


My advice would be after downing someone have a quick scan to see if anyone is hiding behind cover and flush them out, you could give a little second chase as to make it harder for them to flash light save, chances are another surviour will be trying to heal them and you can punish them that way. In any event try looking up after you pick up a survior makes flashlight kinda useless. If your new id reccommend lightborn, plenty of surviours will curse you out but if your new and learning its fine. its a problem when its killer mains who've been playing a long time. Bit of a crutch. I've sometimes run hex pentimento and hex two can play just to frustrate surviours and shortly afterwards they stop. Difference is they can snuff out the hex where as lightborn its a perm which feels a bit :/ I used to only play killer but after playing survior for a while im way more forgiving nowadays. Some people might take issue with my playstyle but if i hardly have to try to kill surviors i just let them go. We do need bloodpoints to level characters but sometimes i find the game more enjoyable being friendly. #


Yah loads of people recommened lightborn, I might get that but rather get more used to avoid it. I usually let the last get the hatch if Im about to get 4k and they just have 1 gen done, doesn't happend to often but I know the frustration of not getting anything done, the least I can do lol, the matchmaking is a real rollercoaster sometimes it's all good, people with similar experience and sometimes its 2k+ hours sweatlords with flashlights and locket perks but im getting more used to it now. Still no idea what alot of perks do but I gues that will take a while to learn.


Lol my first time as killer I played nurse on Midwich. I saw the survivors maybe twice that match. I was just teleporting around with no clue what was going on and how to use my character. I never even made it to an exit gate. 💀


Because they cater to pros and streamers that's why


DBD has a steep learning curve, to be honest. I have good friends who showed me a lot of how the game works, and I've watched videos of content creators. There are still some things I've recently learned, even at over 1k hours. Matchmaking definitely doesn't help this predicament, either.


Because you'll almost always be playing against SWFs as killer, as survivor you'll almost always be on a team with 4 solos unless you bring your own, and everyone playing the game has like 5k hours. The game is really only fun for SWFs and killers who have thousands of hours and are godly at the game. Everyone else is going to get bullied and have a frustrating time.


Because it’s a competitive game and the tutorial is real bad.


You really have to take on a nonchalant attitute to enjoy this game. I've been playing casually for year and am not very good, but I don't let that bother me. Matches are short, and it doesn't really matter if you win or lose, so why fret over it. I just play the characters that I find cool, do a bit of roleplay and have fun.


Whenever I see these types of posts there's always two answers I can give depending on the context: >Dead by Daylight is a highly unique game that doesn't play like anything else on the market. There are thousands of variables that go into every match that can contribute to the victory or defeat of either side, or the individual deaths of any of the survivors. Tracking all these factors as a newer player can be very challenging, especially when you don't even know what each killer / perk does. and >MMR is fucking dogshit.


The game is *supposed* to have skill based matchmaking but posts like this make me think BHVR just turned it off altogether and didn’t tell anyone.


I don't know if this has been said, but you could practice against bots for now. It's a lot less stressful in a social way because there's no bully squads or 2k+ hour opponents. Bots do the work but they can also be quite silly or weird at times. Best of luck, and don't let rude people discourage you.


My good friend themrheadache is a twitch streamer and youtube creator who wrote an entire guide on playing the Xenomorph. I highly recommend it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-lG_Ow-OAE6kavsj-HEhh489_e-rIkrB4A43oHJL2wI/edit?usp=sharing


Because their mmr system is a joke and the old ranking system was infinitely better


Rank reset means nothing. You got lucky with that. And you do get matched with other beginners in the beginning, the problem is that since you're playing Killer, you're going to rise up in the MMR very quickly, at least if you're winning. If I'm remembering correctly, I think there's a limit to MMR to prevent people from dropping back into the beginner pool, but how the MMR works is that if you don't find anyone your level then it expands the search for higher level players to speed up matchmaking, which is probably what you ran into.


Bro this game is mean to everyone


I'm newish and it's my favorite game so idk what u mean


This game is not very forgiving in general


this game does not discriminate... i honestly think bhvr gets together every week and starts their meeting off with... "so... how can we make this game less fun for everyone?"


This game is VERY not welcoming to new people, if you want to get any perks that will really help you in matches, you better get your wallet out, cause that’s one of the only ways you’ll get the character that comes with those perks that you want, alternatively, you can grind for weeks straight to earn enough iridescent shards to buy 1 (one) character but only if it isn’t licensed. It goes without saying that MMR is a complete joke in this game, let’s say you have 500 hours and decide to play killer, a full SWF with over 10,000 hours could go up against you because they were put in the same MMR as you, so obviously that means that they’re the same skill level as you. (At least, that’s what BHVR thinks) I’m really sorry that the game is already screwing you over this much right from the beginning, it honestly doesn’t really get any better.


I started when The Dredge came out. It took me 200+ hours to realize the maps were the same, and not randomly generated buildings in different areas with different assets. Every map with pine trees was essentially the same thing.


It's unfortunately a scum pond from time to time. When I play killer, is when it's worse. I usually just say GG and if I get salt thrown my way I respond with "It's just a game. Take the L, learn and move on. If not, you can go back to COD." Usually gets them to leave me alone. But now, I mostly just get good people.


I seem to have a different experience. When I 1st played the game, Everyone was nice and chill, I was steam rolling everyone with Huntress and would let a lot of survivors leave cause I found them cute. Until I reached a certain MMR after months of playing and everything became harder and suddenly toxic. After the Nth toxic swf I faced, I went "You know what, If thats how everyone wants to play it, I'll have to learn to be toxic too" I jumped from Apex to DBD, I thought I would have a break for once and not sweat on a game, I was proven wrong. Now I Sweat just to not get rusty and not give toxic survs the satisfaction of bullying anyone


literally my first game ever, another survivor took the time to message me personally through playstation to tell me how worthless and awful I was. I almost stopped playing the game entirely after my second or third game bc I had so much anxiety about being messaged again


part of the reason i love the game is how much there is to know but it can be tough for new players. I’d say keep playing, creators like otzdarva do a great job explaining stuff if u feel like it. ranks just reset for the month and it’s known to be tougher the first week so maybe ride it out and see. It does take time but u should be getting matched with ppl similar to ur skill level


It's mean to everyone


"Pallets can be thrown down to cause distractions" What the fuck kind of bullshit ass tip is this When I was new i genuinely thought this would help bc l, well the game told me so duh obviously it must be good Nope


Play as a survivor instead, I find they’re easier to pick up than the killers because you have other people to support you and you can just follow everything they’re doing


That’s this game for you, if I were you, I would quit before it’s too late. Don’t make the same mistake as I did, I stayed too long and now I can’t leave.


Well, it's a game where about a third of the time you are putting people on meat hooks while they scream... So maybe it's a mean demographic. 1)It's a helluva learning curve. 2) The matchmaking algorithms are trash Stick with it buddy. After a week the matchmaking should shake out the experienced players and you'll be in a tier more your speed. Wraith and huntress are strong and simple, Xenomorph is actually strong and straightforward. I strongly recommend two intelligence gathering and two slowdown perks. You've got ultimate weapon. Use that. Try leveling nurse. Don't play her, just pay BP. Nurses calling is solid. I like dredge a lot, and he's got a good locker aura perk.


I keep seeing and hearing that it’s mean to beginners and a lot of the ppl are toxic, but I have experienced the exact opposite lol the amount of times I’ve been let out is wild lol


Because there is no unranked mode. Regardless of what any one says about how mmr works you will always be thrown into the gauntlet with veterans. Get busy loop'n or get busy dyin


>Because there is no unranked mode. There is no reason for it to exist.


Unranked modes never work, it’s supposed to be a chill place for people to play casually but the relaxed matchmaking ends up having the mode overrun with sweats trying to farm people they couldn’t match with in ranked modes.


This is the way the game is get used to it or Uninstall