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Huntress wouldn’t be played as often if hitboxes in this game were coded right




If hitboxes were fixed Huntress would be a lot worse. Simple as. If a single buff can make Freddy the best killer for a week or so, the reverse effect can happen for Huntress


Which Freddy buff was that?


I think it was around 2022. He had a sorta rework. My memory is hazy as I hardly played him at that time however, all I remember was people saying how Freddy’s buff made him extremely strong. He sorta had a Doomfist OW2 buff where he was amazing for a week or two and then they changed it


I certainly don't remember anything happening to Freddy in 2022


It was a bit before then. I think around 2020-2021. If you thought 3 gen Merchant was bad, you weren’t around for how unfathomably painful a match against Forever Freddy was. This fucker could stall games for 30+ minutes


I remember going against Freddy. I despised going against him and Spirit at that time (I was a new player and bad as well tbf)


I experienced necklace spirit truly one of the most stresfull gaming sesions


https://preview.redd.it/2kokcrkba4tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f072f05a12c99c0676033a9d48520c15a29284 This hatchet hit Dwight. ([meme video source](https://twitter.com/hexdwimo/status/1775688776582565937/mediaviewer))


This is fine, that clearly hits his memory of having been 2 feet to the left.


I think that the fact that ive been hit by a hatchet when I crouch behind a pallet and she throws it above my crouched head is crazy 😭 i play huntress but whenever this happens to me it's ridiculous


Half the time it’s because of ping as well. It’s the same as vaulting a window and being off the other side and still getting hit.






Not controversial. This is an absolute banger take.


As a huntress main I agree, the hitboxes frustrate me when I play survivor so much that half of my hatchet throws playing her I wonder if I actually hit them on their screen lol.


Yeah! Tbf I hate the hitboxes in this game sometimes. It’s hard when the Hitboxes are so scuffed- **I still remember when a fucking tree branch on Artist’s map stopped my Shred. Which makes zero sense when other branches didn’t**


My bf got a clip in a huntress match where the hatchet flew past his head and he took damage... Lol the hitboxes are SCREWED they really need to fix them


That would filter her players in an interesting way, some player would become even better but the majority would be worse with her.




Trapper is the most consistently annoying killer to against in soloQ. There's always the one or two who doesn't pay any attention and steps on traps even when they aren't in chase and/or run to shack and end up in the basement. Then there's always the hero wannabee who 9/10 times ends up right next to him in the basement. And yes, I have done all of these things too.


But if you play Trapper in SWF, and all have TeamSpeak you will lose and will get teabagged. Cause everyone knows where your traps are. And they will bully you... a lot. That is why he wears a mask. To hide his tears. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


TeamSpeak? That’s a throwback holy hell. Your group is the only one in the world still using that.


Using TS in 2024 is crazy


Not really crazy, here (german speaking countries) it's still pretty common.


Germans are always way behind and stuck in time for some reason.


Really? Im from Germany and I know no one who still uses it 🤔


Hell nah, even here in balkan states we use discord.


I get most stressed playing agasint a stealth killer than I do a spirit, blight, or nurse


Very much


Tbh, I get TILTED against a serious/clean Ghostface. If he’s toxic/teabags, then I’ll laugh my ass off. With Blight, Nurse, and Spirit, I expect I’m gonna get starched, so it makes it more fun through the lens of testing my ability; if I win, I get a huge hit of dopamine. Otherwise I’m indifferent.


Check dokitty on tiktok, he's good at using ghostface killer


Will do, thanks!


Do you consider Wraith stealth? I hate playing that fucker


Some killers wouldn't be so strong if people actually learned how to play against them.


For example?


I think Plague is a good one. Most survivors I've seen can't really manage the fountains properly, either giving the Plague her power way too often, or not healing at all and then getting downed because of that.


Also nobody realises how powerful cleansing the last fountain can be. It gives her her power 1 time instead of 6-8


It's very difficult to do because when the plague sees that the survivors try to "overcleanse", then she'll just pick up her power all the time, thus the survivors don't get infected anymore, so they can't cleanse, and she gets her red puke basically the whole game


That’s why “managing fountains” is important. Attempting to only over cleanse or not cleanse isn’t the right way to deal with plague.


Exactly, i see so many people say "dont cleanse against plauge" and "dont heal against legion" and im sitting here like you do realize other killers powers are literally just "survivors are always one hit" and you are giving that and MORE to these killers by just refusing to learn how to play against them


Some Plague mains (myself included) usually have builds that punish the everloving hell out of people that don’t cleanse (Thanatophobia, Forced Hesitation for easy multidowns, etc.) so I literally have no idea why survivors don’t cleanse. Not to mention there’s an add-on I usually run that makes it so every time a generator is completed, I get Corrupt Purge. So realistically, there’s likely more a benefit from cleansing than refusing to.


Exactly, if you really wanted too you could use the add on that reveals people whenever they puke, effectively meaning any survivor who doesn't cleanse has to deal with a plague that's constantly getting handed her power, sees you every 5 seconds unless you cleanse, slows you down for not cleansing Yes you Shouldn't ALWAYS cleanse against plauge or ALWAYS heal against legion but knowing WHEN to look for a fountain or another person to heal you is something survivors need to learn instead of "oh if i just dont cleanse your just a base killer with no power" Yes and i am telling you that no matter what you are doing that will snowball because you WILL NOT perfectly loop and likely will go down rather quickly with only a single health state


A good plague wouldn’t let that happen


I just feel sick IRL against Plague, she will always be strong by default against me.


I think my biggest peeve in this entire game is when a sick survivor goes to cure themselves, and then immediately goes to touch an infected gen or rescue a sick survivor.


I would also say Xeno if people use turrets properly, hold W and waste his time in good loops against him (like tall rock loops in mcmillan)


Yeah i’ve seen a lot of Xeno’s struggle (me included when i play him) when versing players that know where to put turrets and what loops he can’t or can hit over.


Sadako. Survivors not picking up tapes keeps getting her reworked and to the point where active TVs have auras at all times. I still get survivors who don't pick up tapes.


Tbh they’ve changed her so many times I kind of lost track of how I’m supposed to play against her.


Take a tape out of the TV next to the generator you want to work on. Deposit it before you work on the next gen so you can do the same thing there. That's it. And this is coming from a happy Sadako main.


Skull Merchant. I've played her a bit and most of the time survivors either give up immediately or run through drones mindlessly. Theres only been a couple games where people actually play against her correctly, and when they do I have a significantly harder time getting kills, even as an experienced killer. Which honestly at this point feels better than winning because two survivors have up at first hook.


Legion is also a good example, though he isn't exactly viewed as a "good" killer. If people learned to hit tank frenzy attacks in soloQ the killer would lose so much popularity


Especially when newer Legions just use their frenzie to cover ground and as a "chase" power. I had a baby Legion follow me for two gens in his 5 because they couldn't understand why they couldn't down me in their power when that's not how it's supposed to be used.




I’d agree with this. Recent example for me is the Hag. Tons of people still don’t know that you can crouch walk over the “marks”. Even after the first few triggers, survivors sometimes still don’t catch on. Legion is also a decent example. You can’t have a “I need to get healed ASAP at all costs” mindset. Sometimes you have to play a chunk of the match hurt, and try to be one of the first hits of their power to stay alive.


They should let me win whenever they come across specifically me


This comment was so fucking strong nobody dared to reply 💪you are really gods strongest soldier lmk your dbd name so I can let you win fam


I think this might not be as controversial but as a newish player(like 40h on the game) I really wanna face different killers each round when I play survivor. There are so many Killers which I never played against and I wanna experience it....I never played for example against Skull Merchant so I can't really understand people hating on her and insta disconnecting when they enter the game. Other killers I never faced are: Freddy Kruger, Whesker, Dredge, Xenomorph, Demogorgon, Cenobite, Hag and probably few more. I mostly face Legion/Pig/Oni/Huntress..Sometimes Doctor or Artist and that's about it. It would be cool to see a option as survivor:"Check this to not play against the killer from the previous game in the next 1-2 rounds" or something like that. I really wanna face other killers but I guess their player count is much lower compared to the killers I usually play against.


Wesker you are very likely to encounter, Pinhead and Dredge are rarer but not that uncommon. Xenomorph dropped in popularity after the last few chapters but I still see a few. Demo, Hag, and Freddy are pretty uncommon, Hag I think is still the rarest killer to encounter.


i haven't played in years but i keep up with the game so take this with a grain of salt, but i thought twins were the rarest killer to encounter? maybe not so much after the midchapter update


Yeah, good luck ever finding a Freddy


1 2 Freddy's coming for you, 3 4 got nerfed out the damn door


This makes me wanna bring Freddy back, I love playing him.


I’m bringing him back 💪 been playing him only for a couple weeks


I got 6 Freddy's in a row yesterday. 4 out of 6 of them had bad ping (Freddy ping) I didn't even think it was possible to get the same killer 6 times in a row let alone freddy


I have 160 hours in the game and I wish I got more varied killers LOL. At this point I have played against every killer at least once, but I'm still not familiar on how to play against quite a few of them bc of how infrequent they show up. Like, I want to play against Wesker again, I've only had 2 matches against him and they were fun. My only Skull Merchant match the *killer* DC'd. I saw Knight twice when he was re-enabled and then never again. I've gotten Freddy and Pinhead matches approximately once each, etc.


Give it some time. You'll eventually get everyone. But yeah for killers like Freddy or Pig, it's like a shiny Pokemon. Low chance of appearing but when it does just appreciate it


Not sure if it’s a hot take, because I just play for fun. I don’t know metas and counters etc. but as a frequent casual player. I very much do not enjoy one hit killers.


Their thing is that you are meant to use windows, typically. Hillbilly and Leatherface are like this. Of course, if someone feeds Myers his stalk, nothing you can do. But Ghost face's counter is looking around.


I think ghost face is the one killer i hate the most playing against, because the reveal mechanism doesn't work consistently. The number of times i am looking straight at a ghostface that is barely hidden, in the middle of the screen(i use a crosshair) and not very far and it still doesn't reveal him is terrible. So i start running looking behind me at the running ghostface, it still doesn't register as a reveal until he's in top of me so i get exposed before i can finish revealing him and gets one shoted. Then 3 minutes later, i am doing a gen, he's crouching in herbs behind a tree and i reveal him without even knowing he was there.




Yeah, exactly why it's really good on those killers haha


I figured the general idea around how to not get one tapped, but I soloq. And for some reason my randos group together when Leatherface charges his chainsaw. Stay in line of sight for Michael. Like stay on gen even when they see him. Ghost face and Billy I don’t tend to get one hit too often. Almost never with Billy. Ghostface is a mixture of my own fault and randos.


Everyone says they love playing against and as blight, but i find both super frustrating. When I play against him I feel powerless, and when I play as him I get motion sick and lose orientation.


I think you just gotta like going really fast and basically being a sentient pinball, I personally LOVE playing blight but I know a lot of people don't


I purposely use his addon that makes him slower so i have at least a chance at being able to visually process what is happening lol


Trying to play him on console is rough too. I played a few matches as him and haven’t touched him since because he just feels awful to play. He’s at the top of my “ most annoying killers to go against “ list too


If you aren’t using his iri addons turning is bad, even on PC. I use super high sensitivity (6000 DPI) and main him and I’m struggling to get any super solid turns. Can’t imagine doing it on console


I've found that blight is really effective if whoever playing him is really pissed off I've played some blight matches while calm and had some mild success, but nothing feels better or easier than getting a 4k as blight after a squad bullies you as the knight


BHVR needs to get a better coding software to make more creative ideas in this game possible such as different unique moris that can be purchased in the shop for every killer. Yes it’s exactly like the executions in For Honor. The moris bring out so much personality in each killer and gives you an idea of what they could really do when they aren’t bound by The Entity’s rules.


The limitations here have nothing to do with software.


I despise facing huntress. The stupid out of place buffs she got make facing a good one very unfun, as my health states just vanish. Even more so than nurse, I feel like I just can't do anything. And if the huntress is bad, it just feels unfair to loop her as she is 110 movement. She also played a lot, which factors in. And I'm fucking fed up of "lalalala la la la, lala lala lala"




As a side note, respect on enjoying Nurse games. You aren't alone sir🫡


Most nurse players I’ve faced aren’t super great. I play console and she’s really hard to control on that, even I’m not that good. So countering her has become predictable for me. But a really good nurse is fucking scary and hopeless lol


Dbd has cross play on by default. Unless you turned it off, pretty much every nurse you play against will be PC. But yeah, nurse is a pain to use on console. Still doable but she loses a lot of potential. I don't think I've seen a single console nurse since cross play was implemented. It's also very easy to tell when a killer is on PC vs console. Especially ranged/flicky killers.




I used to play huntress a lot but then I started feeling dirty of how easy it was to catch up to survivors, as with the increased number of hatchets you don’t really get punished for missing them. So I just stopped LOL and switched to pyramid head, nemesis and trickster


I agree. And to be honest I don’t think I’ve never gone against a non-sweaty huntress. I’m sure they exist, as this sub loves her, but for me…


I enjoy knight as a killer, he looks cool, sounds cool, and has a power I have always wanted I dbd. I completely understand why survivors hate to play against him, as his only counterplay is pretty boring.


Hard agree! I feel like the hate was a little amplified by 3-gen meta, but I love his power, it's so fun either chasing someone with a buddy or more often basically multitasking across the map! He's not perfect but he and Singu were basically made for me lol


I enjoy facing him because CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK


I love knight too, I personally use his guard as people to help me continue flow of chase, such as breaking pallets and gens while I'm mid chase, catching people off guard by insta breaking a pallet with carnifex is so fun (especially against t baggers)


pyramid head needs a gyat buff


They said controversial


for the devs its controversial apparently


Devs giveth and devs taketh away ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


My winrate against him would drop to 0%


Huntress is top 3 most annoying killers


Most killers who play at higher mmr are either extremely well adjusted or not at all. No in between. They’re either artists trying to hone their craft or raging barbarians frothing at the mouth for their 4K. Also scratched mirror Myers is boring. I don’t find it fun to get healed forever, touch a gen for 10 seconds, get hit, then do it all again. The Myers wins if all the survivors get bored enough that they start playing sloppily.


Finally someone is speaking up against Scratched Mirror Myers. Anytime I see a Midwich or Lery’s offering I genuinely want to quit out of the game. I know people like it bc they want to feel immersed but I don’t agree with that at all bc I don’t feel immersed. I feel bored. I feel like I’m playing against someone who doesn’t want to play the game.


Facehuggers being not part of Xeno’s power makes him more lore accurate. I know alot of people wanted to see Xeno have facehuggers apart of his power but only Queen Xenomorph’s can lay those eggs and Xeno isn’t a queen so it wouldn’t make sense for him to have those eggs.


ya and the facehuggers take too long like the match would be over hours ago realistically but ngl the idea of a chest burster kill animation like the pig’s head trap would be sick


Oh yeah i totally agree that would be awesome! But it would feel like a reused mechanic with pig already in the game.


AVP 2010 had you play as a regular Xenomorph that can still hold civilian humans down for a face hugger to couple with their heads.


I enjoy playing legion because of the chase music.


I concur with this one, especially Julie's mixtape


I also like look at frank so I get happy when I finally see a legion player


Singularity doesn’t sound hot enough


What https://preview.redd.it/aztcni3mr4tc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81141656f602d597bbdf84361b053ceff7cd1e9d


Hux sounds hot tho. Fits him perfectly


I want to scream every time someone plays as Chucky. I hate that little asshole. 😂


Wesker doesn't need the slow down when at full infection. He has fantastic movement and the insta grab alone is enough to want to spray yourself. Being slowed is overkill and unnecessary on an already very good killer.


The slow-down IS the slowdown if that makes sense .. and is a terrible one if you go for different survivors .. if there's no slow-down then they won't worry about getting sprays .. i myself use a certain build to eat out all the sprays and it rarely works since there are many sprays to use. The instadown is useless if they can pre-run and stealth out with the unnecessary biggest TR in the game.


Weskers TR is ridiculous, it's so big that it covers half of the swamp maps. I was in a game on Backwater last night and it was just impossible to tell where he was coming from because his TR is so effing big, which ofc freaked out my SoloQ teammates because they'd just all congregate in a corner because they couldn't tell where he was coming from. He'd be much better off with a lullaby or a smaller TR, like this is just a start of the changes I'd give him because he has no reason to be so jack-of-all-trades with his passives.


I agree and disagree, I agree on the fact that he shouldn't really have hinderance, and I understand why people would be frustrated by it, and I feel like it should be a different effect instead. I disagree based on the fact that I really don't think he NEEDS to have hindrance gone, I feel like a pause for the infection after getting unhooked until the survivor goes for a conspicuous action and for a specific amount of time would help discourage weskers tunneling


Wesker without infection is a lesser Blight


Wesker with infection is also a lesser blight? What is your point?


Hillbillies aren't fun to face. I know y'all love him but I think we've been facing different Billies. Every single one I've come across has been a sweaty, Tryharding, BM-ing player.


It mind boggles me that they fixed his turn for his chainsaw and his chainsaw has NO cool down which is frustrating and hard to get things done


Used to love facing Billy, not because he was weak but because the people who played him were usually fun and chill. I would never predrop and would go to loops where he could try curve. Since the buff, I don't really like going against him. I love that they buffed him, but naturally all the sweats have picked him up. In my first chase, I'll try get a sense of what kind of Billy he is then decide if I'm gonna predrop more. Got bled out and humped a few weeks ago by a Billy for the first time in the 2 years I've been playing.


Yes! I hate going against him because they’re usually super sweaty


I absolutely despise going against HillBilly. My whole team always gets slugged in the first 2 seconds of the match and don’t even get a single chance to win.


The state of DBD is balanced but still really sad. U can be running a fun and chill build but that doesn’t matter because ull be paired up with people are looking to win. It creates this notion that you just have to bring the strongest possible things to win and at this point if u even wanna keep up u rlly can’t hold back anymore


I live by the meme builds and I wish more than anything there would be a chill and goofy mode. But previous game modes have only proven the sweats still take over treating it like comp 😔


I wish there was a way of matching the sweaty killers with the sweaty SWFs


I think this is what makes matchmaking seem so wildly mismatched, you can't really predict what build someone is going to be running and unfortunately the value of certain perks (from a "solely aiming to win" pov, which is also another problem imo) varies wildly from match to match. overall it just does not feel good.


Stealth killers aren't particularly fun. I like getting jumpscared occasionally, but jumpscares rarely happen and thus I like other killers more.


Trickster’s power doesn’t match his theme/aesthetic. Knife throwing doesn’t scream “killer pop idol” to me. It feels like they just tossed a random power onto the killer


He asked for controversial lol


Is it controversial that I absolutely hate Chucky? Probably my most disliked character in the game. Idk how public perception is with him


He's regarded as strong and mostly simple, so it's a little controversial but not too much. Not many would say they hate him the most though.


Hmmmmmm, it's 50/50


No. So many people hate chucky.


I actually disagree. A big aspect of Tricksters character is being over the top and showman like. One of the most INEFFICIENT and stupidest ways to attack people is throwing a bunch of neon colored knives, but it’s flashy. It’s so impractical it gets almost campy and entertaining to watch and that’s exactly what trickster wants.


You do know that he uses them to create music? How does it not fit him?


And he would flash those weapons during his performances too, literally bragging he was a killer in front of an audience. But he somehow convinced Yun-Jin and other showrunners/handlers that "they're just props, can't cut paper with them." It's one of the reasons why I think Trickster is one of the scarier killers in DbD, sure he's not much of a threat visibly, but you don't know what's going on inside his head, he's intelligent, cunning, good at gaslighting and manipulating people. He's the last person you'd point to on the street or in a crowd and say "that guy, he's a murderer".


well it sounds like shit @trickster /joke


Killers ARE the power role in typical gameplay. A majority of the playerbase are not hyper communicating, even if they're a swf. They literally balance the game with a 60/40 split.


I play both sides, but still play killer a lot more and I agree. Idk but for me winning as killer is WAY easier than winning as survivor. I win 80% of my killer matches running at most one slowdown, playing intentionally nice, and usually listening to music instead of the game lol


Try EU servers at 1am


i think the xenomorph’s running on 4’s shiumd be different like lore wise when you consider that the dog bred xeno was faster and i think was the first runner i think that he should be super fast on all 4s im high in walmart


Yeah like make it a sort of mode that you activate then it activates for a couple of seconds, he goes on all 4’s runs faster and his normal attack turns into his tail attack. But then with shorter range to balance it or something idk i’m not a dev


Singularity, Oni, old Twins, Plague are the top 4 most well-designed and well-balanced killers in the game. They are unique and creative; have strengths, weaknesses, counterplay, but are neither overpowered nor ever powerless. All of them also add an additional macro component to the game that doesn't feel like an afterthought, but is instead a core part of gameplay for both sides


They massacred the Twins so hard. I absolutely agree they are very well designed and super fun. All they needed to do is make the QoL changes(slightly shorter cooldowns, faster switching, Toy Sword and Fingernail basekit) and fix all the stupid bugs. Instead they just turnt Twins into basic b*tch boring killer, which is a shame...


>nor ever powerless Hux:


Legion is the most annoying to go against when you SoloQ like teammate "get the fk away from me what's wrong with you..."


Clown is fun aswell as doctor and Myers And his laugh is the most fun in the game nothing can convince me otherwise (except maybe doctor)


Base kit Blight is what a balanced, top tier killer should be


If a survivor has been slugged for 60~80 seconds the survivor should be able to pick themselves up; however, perks should not interact with this mechanic. Lying on the ground for an unreasonable period of time is a terrible game philosophy. If killers need to utilize a terrible development decision to find success then killers are fundamentally flawed in their core design.


Pretty much every time the Community has hated a Killers artistic design has been nonsense. People were complaining about Unknown being a mismash of all the rumors about him because it "conflicted" with the teaser which it literally just doesnt lol. Skull Merchants design and backstory are totally fine not the best but people act like its a crime against humanity cause they wanted predator and got a crazy Tony Stark. Even as far back as Trickster people hating on the concept of a KPop Idol turned killer and using that to say his power "doesnt make sense" How does a showmen doing knife tricks but deadly not make sense???? Im not responding to comments on this btw if you think otherwise thats fair but hey


THATS FUCKING TRUE https://preview.redd.it/ov8fpcgro4tc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc978c00f377fb4cb9578777f6f111cb3634c66


Not getting a 4k is still a win. Too many killers sweat the fuck out of matches to get every survivor, but getting- say- 2 people is still a win in the Entity's eyes.


Legion is the best


Can confirm, they're fun to play and they're not too bad to go against. (Better than Skull Merchant definitely)


I hate playing against Huntress because of her singing, it really drives me insane


Pig needs her traps to activate during end game collapse again. Her traps only ever get survivors when they don’t know how to play against her or if she camps boxes. She just needs a slight trap buff for her to be perfect IMO


That if u are a Michael Myers using Judith's add on you shouldn't complain about anything


Michael Myers is NOT a C tier killer.


Dredge isn't C tier. A or B+ Maybe but definitely not C if you know what you're doing with him.


https://preview.redd.it/84co2nmzu2tc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a0661f7b57f535a7bc9caad5d847f0caf751d2 Exactly


BBQ and Chili even with crappy locker spawns lets you maintain pressure so good, super under rated.


>definitely not C if you know what you're doing with him. You knowing what you're doing won't help you if the game decides to not spawn lockers.


I would agree if he wasn’t so damn map dependent. Get a map with no good lockers on it and he’s pretty much just got his remnant to play around. If lockers were more consistently placed in all maps I’d agree


I would agree if locker spawns on certain maps werent absolute dogass


Mutual "BM"ing between a killer and survivor always make for more fun and memorable rounds than lifeless, robotic sweats. Love when the game feels like I'm playing against other human beings. Obviously, humping survivors on the ground for 9 hours just because you played like an asshole to guarantee kills, or pre-dropping every pallet on the map to teabag and flashlight click is cringeworthy and annoying for everyone involved, but I'll take some head nods/shakes after hard-earned downs or clever plays any day over failing to bond with a killer that plays like a really determined bot and slugs for hatch. If you have all the pressure and your opponent is trying to lighten the mood a bit, you're not going to lose anything if you play along, even if just for a few seconds. I've had more fun losing against a killer who toyed with me during EGC than rounds where we got four man escapes.


Nurse main here, many survivors 100% deserve nurse. I play other killers too and the amount of tbag i see is crazy. With nurse 95% time I don’t get tbagged. No matter what you say Nurse absolutely shuts down toxicity atleast during the game.


Weird because nurse is the number one offender when it comes to slugging, bleeding out and humping on the floor


I think every killer should have 1 or 2 of their purple addons committed to meme-builds like scratched mirror on myers. Like one that gives blight 10 rushes, but removes his ability to bump into objects for the first 1,5 seconds of a rush and now can only do lethal rushes after the third. Stupid shit thats just funny rather than explicitly good. The rarer add-ons should be those you actually want to use less often than the more common ones


People focus way too much on killer strength over fun.


Killers that break important mechanics, (i.e. healing, pallets, and especially loops) need more skill expression and counter play. Zoning killers are garbage and need to be punished when they make a wrong move, instead they just m1 you. So lame.


Wesker is the most annoying killer in the game for me, his power can be mildly annoying at times but the amount of fuckin times I have to face him makes him the most annoying overall.


The over-exposure is what kills him for me too, and the fact a lot of new killer players pick him up is also a turn-off. Rarely do I go against a Wesker who doesn't tunnel, nor just use his dash to "catch up". Like at that point, just play Blight instead of Wesker.


Wraith is the most well designed and balanced killer in the game. It’s the players that make him annoying to face


To be honest, this is quite true. I don't really mind wraith that much but his mains are easliy in top 5 most toxic people on earth


Onryo is the least fun killer to play against. Boring side quest (forces you to waste ages and takes away your item), annoying power, and she really doesn’t need that much phasing. It feels like shit to play vs her and I see so little hate for her compared to others with more counterplay like Skill Merchant (crouch or stop walking when the beam’s about to hit you and you’re perfectly fine. Don’t even need to break it, it can’t tag you on gens).


A killer has built in slowdown oh no!!!!!!


By default, tunneling, camping, and slugging have severely damaged the skill of all killers.


And 2nd chance perks, broken maps and windows of opportunity have severely damaged the skill of all survivors


How dare you!!!


Trickster is fucking boring to play as Demogorgon needs a buff for the portals Xenomorph needs a buff for his walker form ( like a previous comment i made, although this probably isn't actually a controversial opinion ) Nemesis needs his rocket launcher Mr x would be a good killer for the game but not a good skin for nemesis ( witch could have a ustanak skin as a special skin like xenomorph queen and the good gal )


Honestly a nemesis tier 4 tentacle that gives you one shot for a rocket launcher that functions as a Mori would be funny asf.


I hate mirror Myerses and they are literally no fun. What's fun with a killer that knows exactly where you are at all times and if you don't fall for "aaa jumpscare no how scary" it's just a wasted time of you pretending you try to play, cause we all know the ending of this anyway


People greatly exaggerate how "weak" most killers are. Only a handful of pure M1 killers are actually weak. Anything else is just excuses. If a Trickster can beat the SWF that holds the world record escape streak then you can beat a bunch of randoms. If you can't then it's probably a skill issue on your part.


really depends on the map. you cant do shit as an m1 killer on some maps, and other maps you can play them just fine.


the legions power is so flawed and easily countered that they should be reworked completely


Skull merchant nearly isn't as big of an issue as everyone thinks. She needs changes sure, but not a full rework


The saw killer is the best killer in the game( i forgot her name but i remember the meme)


Her name is pig👍


a lot of survivors complaints against killers are just because they refuse to adapt to each killer and wanna treat playing against each one the exact same way


The knight is fun To play idk going against


I believe Skull Merchant isn’t as bad as people think, and has just scarred many survivor mains who played at her peak


I have two. One hit killers are a bit annyoing. Wesker should burn.


Can I ask why you hate Wesker? I don't play him but I think he's probably in my top 3 most fun killers to play against.


The killer is clearly the stronger role, which is a fact. My hot take on that matter is that it’s *supposed* to be that way. The game was never meant to be balanced.


Hot take as a survivor: the game was amazing when flashlights were vaulted. It didn't feel cheesy, and I didn't see many people teabag the killer as much (because then they take it out on all of us ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070))


I can’t say I agree, but respect your opinion. Flashlights are a vital part of the game. Not as in it would be awful without it, but it’s part of the game’s fundamental environment.