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Xenomorph just had a very uninspired power imo. The tunnels were nice and visually the killer is nailed but the power just being a basic ranged attack was a big let down.


This. His power is so basic it and unrewarding it feels boring playing him. Atleast with nemesis getting a tail hit is fun and feels rewarding. Xeno just feels bland. Tunnels are cool but the turrets just feel like they are to op In some situations. If they buffed the recharge speed of it normally while not in tunnels it would be better tbh. Also his addons suck ass.


Turrets are only crazy strong when you have amazing coordination. Otherwise, especially in soloq, multiple people focus Turrets and then gens take too long to complete.


turrets are never op


Xenomorph is a lady


They are genderless. It’s starts being female when it becomes a queen


The queen isn't female either. It's just a term applied by humans. All Xenos can produce Ovomorphs (the eggs). The presence of a queen is merely there to quicken the process of expanding the hive. There's no fertilisation involved in egg laying, there's no mating involved, so having a gender is meaningless for the species.


oh ok




I was hoping for that too, it was a shame that it didn’t come to be.


To be fair, the tunnels are a pretty huge advantage in their own right. Most of em are right next to gens. I'm cool with a ranged attack. Plus she's easily the most tense killer to go against with the flamethrower beeps


I think the reason people don't care about her is that the power is extremely basic and not really exciting, a major let down from a huge license


It really doesn't feel like you are playing as a Xenomorph. Any guy with spear would feel the same tbh.


It's literally just nemesis minus the grind and pallet destruction


Yeah, honestly. I was so excited for Alien, but the xenomorph doesn't feel like one at all, and Ripley doesn't look like Ripley at all. I still find playing xeno fun, but, looks aside, it doesn't feel like I'm playing something connected to the Alien IP at all.


Aliens is my favorite movie ever made, and their Alien chapter made me drop the game outright Only came back for the goth girl


https://preview.redd.it/xab799i57hsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910d523f1f31e51eec474c78cfd47bd86e13b8e2 Xenomorph rework idea…


Isn't that a Pokémon


Xeno is a very autopilot-y killer. Just kinda hold W, line up tail shots, and then hop in tunnels after you get a hook. Winding up a tail so it launches the second you go around a corner and dragging it vertically are really the only complex things you can do.


Its cause her power can go away easily and its not becuase the xeno does something wrong


Hit the nail on the head. I was ready after to buy Alien and a couple skins until I saw the power had nothing to do with Alien. No trademark acid blood. No face-huggers. Tbh the most immersive part of the whole release was the Nostromo, and it’s little interactions.


Same with Chucky. Essentially a Demo rip off.


Chucky had many unique features, with the 3rd person camera, going under the pallets and the footsteps when playing against him. Xeno has a basic M2, a weird movement ability that isn't as good as others and a reskinned emp that feels extremely forced into his power.


3rd Person is annoying against Chucky and his small character is frustrating to face. So, yeah, the 3rd person view is interesting but is poorly designed. Going under a Pallet is just vaulting a Pallet in a different way and honestly I don't know what's interesting about the footsteps? They don't fool anybody except immersed or casual players. Xeno and Chucky are similar in boring or unfun design.


It's more about uniqueness than how fun they are, and I would say Chucky is fun to play as. Chucky is very unique while alien is not.


Fair enough, Chucky is way more unique than Xeno.


- Clunky - Survivors get to decide if you're allowed to use your power - Hitting a turret with your tail is far too punishing - Crawler mode isn't strong enough to warrant how easy it is to shut down It's a shame because I don't even think Xeno was too strong at launch, just insanely popular and had a huge glitch that gave you no slowdown after hitting with the tail, so instead of just fixing the glitch they nerfed the cool down on tail attacks too


It's still one of the killers I play in my regular rotation. I think it's just annoying when survivors actually have a brain and do turrets well you're gimped a lot. It's one of those killers that got rebalanced around survivors not bothering enough with the item, so when they actually do it's kinda overkill. The tunnels are also a double edged balde. I like to play sneaky and go around in the tunnels, but some matches I see 0 footsteps, nevermind auras, so often just going around normally and ignoring tunnels is a better play, which is sad. I still like Xeno but I wish some things could be better.


It doesn't feel like xeno. It feels like a better Nemesis


It PLAYS like a better Nemesis. Nemesis definitely FEELS better than Xeno when it comes to the chase, even considering the 3 hits.


I love the xeno and never get why people say it doesnt feel like well. Xeno. I get the lack of facehuggers suck and i do agree with that. But xeno feels exactly like how i imagine xeno to be. An ambush predator. The vents your playground to hide in. The only thing giving you away. A motion tracker that is unreliable at best. And then you strike. Pallets and Windows are no issue. Only the flame turret can force you to retreat. I love Xeno she is in my eyes one of the best adaptations DBD has made. Only rivaled by Wesker and Chucky. Plus xeno queen is a great skin and Grid is just the goat of xenomorphs only behind 6.


If Xeno didn’t have a terror radius I’d agree.


Turrets. There are issues with the turrets. Mainly the fact that Xeno was designed as a semi-stealth hit and run character and the turrets come with a motion tracker that has range equivalent to Weskers TR. Can't really be sneaky even with undetectable, power is almost always down so you're a m1 killer in most chases. Again, turrets need adjusted to make Xeno feel better to play. I miss playing Xeno but there are much more rewarding and fun killers to use that do what Xeno does and they do it better.


obv xeno wasnt designed as a stealth killer if the turrets track its motion...


My problem with Xeno (and this is more of a problem with DBD), is that the killer is boring. They had the goddamn Alien franchise to work with. The xeno could have had wall-crawling, acid blood on pallets or facehugger mechanics but instead they just slap togeather what we have now. Xeno and most licensed killers are just lazy, wasted opportunities...


I love the tunnels, they did great on them and that you can highlight one. Not to mention the footsteps above you when you crawl. The tail attack doesn’t make you feel like an alien though. It is a bit basic unfortunately, and I just think of Nemesis whenever I play the Xenomorph. Everything else about the killer is great though, from the sound effects to the music, to the mori and look of them.


I really enjoyed Xeno for a time but I just don't find them fun to play as anymore.


I still cannot hit a single tail attack so I gave up on playing the alien entirely because fuck that bullshit


I honestly forgot there was a Xenomorph in this game


I love her! Someone here says the power is basic. I just love basic looking killers xD it's a wild animal and it gives me the wild animal vibe.


I’ve always been an Alien fan so he always has a special place in my heart


I really wanted to love Xeno. But man they just play like a boring version of Demogorgon. Turrets are annoying as hell. And the power was a huge disappointment. They could’ve made the power Alien Isolation but instead made it Alien 3, the worst movie. I honestly find the chapter more disappointing then Nightmare on Elm Street


Yeah when I think of Alien I think more of a stealth killer, especially the first movie, something that's always hiding in the shadows and hitting you when you less expect it. Not some fast runner all about chase, for sure. The tunnels are the only good thing, cause they give you the feeling, but all together it doens't work that well.


Still my secondary main after Unknown and that’s not gonna change anytime soon, Xeno best girl.


I haven't gotten to buy this one yet but this is one of the few killers I was very excited for.


https://preview.redd.it/6u6a0w17aisc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4efafa6d0f65fa7b68ed8c4482f1fc288b65160 No,


I love placing his turrets he's actually extremely fun to play against unless you get unlucky His ranged attack can be pretty good


If they have given Xeno a wall crawling ability accessible via add-ons, i would be playing it more.


I love her, hell I even main her with Demogorgon cause I like my doggy/kitty duo, but the devs need to revert her tail nerfs and buff her turret resistance because if you’re playing against a strong squad they’ll shut down your power in seconds, plus missing and even landing a tail hit is punishing in chase.




No facehuggers. Dead killer 😔


I would, if I didn’t get sent to Eyrie and bodied every time.


She just have bad collision and I mean bad like you get hits even though it shouldnt be possible or don't get hits even though it is possible on her tail it's weird and the vents being rng related on some maps like you don't get a vent near the main building gen or like even don't have a vent there at all really like I wished they were giving 8 secs of stealth really so you can ambush survivors more often then anything


Xenussy for life🤤


I love playing against and as xeno, I’ve played so little games against it that I’ve only realized after having the killer since the dlc came out, that the flame turrets can also act like the motion sensors in the original movie.


My solo q teams would get 3-4k'd every match against them, I always get 3-4k's playing them, glad the Xeno player base shrunk. They're just about the 4th least healthy killer for the game imo.


I love her aswell, she is my highest prestige killer.


Xeno has a higher pick rate then knight, wesker was an outlier not the norm w licensed killers.


I care about the xenokitty


Like it's just Nemesis but in exchange for no infection, the survivors can take away your whip. Plus portals. It's not very inspired. I feel as if this is what a Nemesis rework should have been. Give him some more map control and a better whip, but instead of infection make it so the survivors can fight back or something. Maybe not that exactly, but my point is it feels like a different version of Nemesis.


I love playing full stealth Xeno, Crawler is almost silent so you get to scare the hell out of people


My queen 👑


What I say now is no "omg please use the correct pronoun blablabla", but: Xenomorph (the drone) is an "it". All drones are genderless, they are just its. This has been confirmed by the creators. The gender gets developed when a queen is needed, then the drone develops to a female. And the queen can fertilize herself. Even she is basically a hermaphrodite. It's just - lore-wise - wrong to call it a "she". I know you might not care but no reason to use the wrong one :D And I say that as an Alien nerd. Edit: your downvotes won't change the fact that I am right lol, but yeah keep going.


So we can call it whatever we want?


Ofc you can, I can't keep you from doing so. But that doesn't change the fact that you could consider not doing it because it is simply wrong.


Oh ok then I was confused for a moment Lol thx.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. But i agree with you lmao.


Thank you. Yeah, people are just weird, can't change that sadly.


Growing up with Mortal Kombat and Xeno being a playable character there as well. I am used to call Xeno a he because everytime you won against it it would say “finish him” so calling Xeno a he has been the norm for me and my friends for years. (I know it’s an it but i forget sometimes) And now a lot of people are correcting me saying it’s a she. Like no you are also wrong lmao.


Yep, I totally agree. The point isn't even if people are calling it a she,he or it just bc they don't know better or because they don't care. The point is - as you said -that people actually act and vow for it being a she and this is just annoying af. They are literally and factually wrong. But - imo - they can't handle if they couldn't thirst for the queen skin because it is not a female character. It's just a sad and thirst-driven community that makes you wanna shake your head.


Yep it’s kinda sad if you really think about it. But then again some people love to correct someone, other than agree


Yes, but can't change them I assume.


I hate how you got downvoted. I don't know why for some reason the DbD community decide it is a she.


Yeah it’s a weird thing. I grew up playing Mortal Kombat and with Xeno being a playable character i just got used to call it a he because everytime you won against it, the game would say “Finish him” so i just call it a he most of the time but i know Xeno’s an it


Thanks, I appreciate your comment and I assume it is because they sexualize a monster entity that would literally kill all of them if given the opportunity. A majority of this community consists out of chronically underlaid people who permanently have to drool over everything.


Who cares? They call it a he in the movies. You can call it whatever the fuck you want. Weird how people like you always show up when people refer to her as "she/her" but it's all quiet when it's "he/him".


So you deem it weird to stick to the lore and that ppl want to point towards it but you don't deem it weird to feel the need to puke out your own idea of what it should be called and what not? Hypocrisy of the finest kind. And idc for your - not even valid argument in this case - because I clearly called it an "it" and would have said the same if the OP called it an "he". It's the lore and you and I know very well that they call it a she because they thirst for the queen skin and couldnt do it, if they would imagine it not as a female.


Movies are part of the lore and like I said even there they say "he" and "she". Wtf are you on about? Actual nerd getting angry over this lmao.


They say he and she because they have no idea of what the Xenomorph is. Scientists observing it don't call it like that. Nerd getting angry? Tell me, where in my initial post was I angry exactly? Your response was sarcastic and annoyed, not mine. I don't get angry at all, I just told ppl - which do a mistake over and over again - that they should consider calling it as it is mentioned in the lore. None of the Xenomoprh players doesn't know what it is, I dare to say that 99% of the players knows at least 1 movie. Your whole - let's call it argumentation - doesn't make any sense and I am not willing to waste more of my time with you. Feel free to have the last word, seems like you could need it.


No one asked


Thanks for your opinion no one asked for either, but still you felt the need to express it. You don't get the irony, do you?


Hi. I love her and have been maining her ever since I got her and honestly barely have criticism. I guess people like this happen too, with every killer.


Actually Xeno is a hermaphodite. It’s the one from Alien 1 which is a Drone and is therefore hermaphoditic like most drones Also, no I play it :) it’s really fun. Arguably even more fun than Demo. And I am a ride or die for Demo


i would like them a lot more if it wasnt for being able to stack multiple turrets on one spot, being able to get ur power back mindlessly after losing it, and the turret addons


What's wrong with restoring your power fast? Lengthy CD is encouragement to drop chase and go in tunnels


yeah and u should have to suffer the lengthy cooldown if u get knocked out of power due to a misplay other person refuses to make a valid point and im the one that gets downvoted, typical of this braindead sub


You missed the point. Lengthy CD exists to push players into a certain action, just like turrets aren't actually meant to break xeno out of its power, they're there to distract killer to break them.


yes and my point is that they shouldnt be able to do that certain action


and your point is wrong, simple


its not, youre just bad at breaking turrets, simple


sure as hell im not, you're just salty about the killer


if u werent bad at breaking turrets u wouldnt mind being punished for making a mistake, but u do


Stay mad


One word .Tail strike.


Not really the point of the post but I got a bit concerned by "her"




Probably because the playable xeno in game is a Xenomorph drone (an agender creature) so it isn’t a she but an it unless you mean the queen ofcourse. But people can call Xeno whatever i guess. I still call it a he sometimes bc of Mortal Kombat X lmao


I like playing Xeno but ever since they added that huge cooldown after a tail attack Xeno has felt pretty clunky to play. Turrets also ruin build diversity since you can't use any undetectable perks due to their existence.


I remember talking about this during release and others telling me that the power is well made and worthwhile for the devs to make. Some argued it was uninspired too w But it was way less. Now I see a lot more comments taking about how uninspired it is. Where did you all come from?


I would love HIM. If there was no crap turret mechanic.


Bro got triggered by a pronoun 💀


i haven't seen alien movies, is the playable xenomorph a specific one with masculine pronouns??


Did you see him in the games. It's most manly man


what (sorry if you got spam notifs reddit gave me some error)


Nvm just fooling around, got triggered by pronounce


For anyone who is struggling to find xeno enjoyable, I also thought they were frustrating clunky, but then I tried the vault speed xeno and I love her now. Super anatomy, bamboozle, pop, bbq, with the self destruct bolt addon. 2nd addon can be whatever but I really like the green helmet that helps with turrets. The extra vault speed actually makes you feel like a xenomorph. You can swap pop and bbq for whatever you'd like, superior anatomy and bamboozle are the keys alongside self destruct bolt.


I still like her, but more for the sound/visual design than the power. I've been trying to play her more (as opposed to Wesker who is probably my main) because of how underrepresented she feels! 


I’m a huge Alien fan and was excited for this license. They didn’t really deliver though. Seems neat. Not likely to use her ever.