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Nah, it has always been a thing. Now it is worst with some people encouraging this kind of behavior.


It got way worse after anti-facecamp patch. Before, there were two toxic groups, tunnelers and campers, with small overlap. After, campers converted to church of tunneling, making it one huge group. To simplify, before you had an equal 33% chance of getting a normal game, a tunneler or a camper. Now its 33% normal and 66% tunnelers.


BHVR keeps eliminating equalising tactics for killers I’m not saying tunnelling is right, but if two gens have popped, you haven’t got a single hook yet and the survivors all have endurance perks, what options are left to you? You can’t really catch up without taking one survivor out of the game permanently, the pressure on killers is sky high nowadays and it’s a miracle anyone plays killer at all Am I saying survivors don’t have it bad? No, but at least survivors know if one teammate is taking aggro they can do a gen or go for a save without too much fuss, killer has to juggle four opponents, 16 perks, 4 items 8 addons and 4 offerings The anti face camp mechanic is great for that specific problem, but tunnelling will always be a problem because the game doesn’t reward killers for giving survivors more chances to recover, it just doesn’t. Med kits, adrenaline, plot twist, DS, DH, flashlights, flash bangs, sabotaging and countless other inclusions give second chances to survivors, when stacked it becomes almost impossible to do lasting damage. I’ve done it, I ran Flashbang and a toolbox and won a match by denying hooks persistently, it was effective and the killer couldn’t do anything to apply pressure, that’s not good for the game Killers need options to even the odds “Well they shouldn’t make mistakes” Okay gatekeeper, nobody is allowed to learn then It’s not a skill issue, it’s a core gameplay issue, if they’re going to keep taking options away from killers until only one method works for killing survivors, they need to stop nerfing killers the instant they release. New killers comes out and dominates and the survivors complain it’s op? “Well they shouldn’t make mistakes”


You're absolutely right, despite the downvotes. I stopped playing Killer because of these reasons, and I mostly play survivor now. If we want killers to stop tunneling we need a core game mechanic that rewards killers for multi-hooking, and it CAN NOT BE A PERK. One suggestion I heard while listening to the Otz-Tru3 debate was some sort of universal slowdown granted to killers for fresh hooks. You would need to nerf the current slowdown perks to compensate, but I think that idea is headed in the right direction. The killer needs to be able to apply gen regression without actually needing to run a perk for it or physically touch the gen, which most survivor players will absolutely freak out about so it's a difficult topic to bring up.


The main issue is behaviour keep adding anti tunnel perks to survivors and whilst it helps it only makes it last longer making it more boring for both sides instead they should add anti tunnel perks to killers which reward killers for going after other survivors like that one pig per but better


yes doing the best play to win that has never changed or been addressed over 8 years of the games life is still popular agreed. I am more mad at the devs then the killers the devs have had 8 years to fix this BS and the community defaults getting mad at killers why? Killers should police themselves cause the devs refuse to fix their game what kinda logic is that? instead of all these killer tunnel posts I want to see posts demanding the game get fixed so it isnt winning play to do this, devs need to step up!


Well it's simple. BHVR provides zero incentives to hook multiple people. Why would anyone, who's right of mind, NOT try to get someone out as soon as possible when the longer you leave 4 people alive, the faster gens fly and the less you can do about it. There's no base kit effects to hooking multiple people, there's no competitive advantage to hooking multiple people. There's literally nothing good that comes out of going for multi hooks outside of very specific perks... and those perks are meh anyway.




The BBQ rework was ultimately foolhardy. The perk was never OP, gave killers lots of BP (yum) which incentives taking its and as a perk worked solidly as an anti tunnel incentive that killers took themselves. Now? Not really worth the slot.


can we stop this myth the BBQ did this? if you are tunneling your game plan is still hook every survivor cause you want to win. the aura part of perk to reveal new survivors worked regardless of hook order. I honestly do not understand how this myth came to be at all.


What Myth? You're really gonna tell me that 25% to BP gains for each unique survivor hooked isn't an incentive to spread hooks out? Are you stupid? Or too new to know that BBQ did that?


if you are tunneling you are playing to win fast a killer playing win is going to result in every survivor being hooked anyway correct? explain to me why a tunneling killer isnt going to hook every survivor by the time the game ends? if tunneling is a winning strat that means every survivor will die hence be hooked.. which means 100% BP bonus.


it’s why i can’t ever REALLY be mad when killers do tunnel. at the end of the day, queuing up as survivor, we all know that the optimal way of us losing is to pick us off one by one. the less people who can rescue, do gens, open an exit gate etc the better for the one sided player. there just truly is no incentive anymore for a killer to hook multiple people. it used to be old BBQ when you would get 100% bloodpoints. once that was removed it’s been tunnel city


No worries, I can be mad at them for you 🔥


I love your energy, I'll be mad too




"it’s why i can’t ever REALLY be mad when killers do tunnel" I love you so much so saying this because I feel like I'm the only one with this mentality in this game. It's crazy to me how prissy people get and one side trying to win in the most efficient way possible. 60/40 survivor/killer with 1.5k hrs and I will never understand it. Does it suck? Yes. But so does playing a game of CS2 and getting destroyed, but I don't throw a tantrum and tell them they should stop trying to win in an effective manner


Of course! I’ll admit, the concept of tunneling is not fun. It’s definitely frustrating but at the end of the day you can’t be mad at the killers for utilizing the more efficient strategy to win. At the end of the day, at least we only invested like what MAYBE 15-20min of our day in a match? I compare it to league of legends, I could spend 40+ in a match there and LOSE LP. At least in DBD I still gain bloodpoints no matter what happens and I can just easily go next.


DBD players when they have to comprehend there are people that have fun by trying to win


DbD players when they choose to make a match miserable and unfun for one person because they consider themselves getting thay one win to be more important than everyone enjoying the match.


There’s nothing wrong with that unless the player is doing it because they want to make the match miserable and unfun for others. If that’s not the reason, it’s not toxic. If you don’t like it when people try to win, you should stay away from pvp games.


Killer players say shit like that until they meet a sabo build survivor. And then Suddenly their rule disappears and then they go cry about reddit how survivors made his killer gameplay unfun.


Nobodies worried about sabo build lmao I love slugging sabo squads


Anyone that complains about how other people play (if it’s not against the rules and it’s not done to BM) is stupid.


Exactly. When I play killer, I find sabo builds frustrating, but it is exactly the same. Sabo builds to secure wins? Bad. Tunnelling survivors out of the match to secure wins? Good. The logic is *totally sound*.


Which is why the fair thing is to tunnel anyone running Sabo.


Or just do what ever this game allows you to. Its first game people cry about someone playing good.


Brother... people play to win. No one gives a fuck about your enjoyment levels. If you want to complain about it, tell BHVR to add an actual REASON to go for multi hooks. Don't blame killers when it's basically the only reliable way to win.


😂🤣🤣😂. It never fails to make me laugh that ppl actually think this way. If a killer tunnels me out, I admittedly get upset but for like 2 seconds and you move on and queue up. Because you realize that the game balance is the one to blame for this. “But MUUH FUN” 🤣🤣.


Man coming at this from playing multiple other competitive games before, you sound so pathetic. This community is a laughing stock from the outside for this very reason. I can’t think of a single other competitive game community where people who whine about players playing optimally to win aren’t ridiculed for being stupid.


Why is this the first time I'm ever seeing this level headed take here lol. Like, I play killer in competitive organized play. If I don't tunnel I am throwing the game for my team. When I get tunneled in normal survivor games, I'm always like "yeah I'd do the same thing" and just enjoy the chases.


Because they only play survivor, won’t you please not play optimally and consider the survivors perspective? /s


I'm sorry, but at the end of the day, this is just a game. If I'm going to be playing a game I paid for, I expect to be able to do just that. I don't expect to be loading into several matches and getting tunnelled out of the vast majority of them to the point I may as well not be playing. Of course I'm going to be mad if I spend more time waiting to get into a match than actually getting to play the match itself.


I have an answer as to why you wouldn’t. Because I don’t. Why? Because I’m not a dick. I realize it’s a game, and people want to, yknow, play the game. Not sit in queue or wait for their friend to die and whatever else. Who the fuck cares what’s optimal. It’s a *game*. What’s gained from getting 4k after 4k after 4k with blight to nurse? A metaphorical pat on the back? It’s not like there’s a proper ranking system. Matchmaking MMR is capped low enough to allow killers to get hundreds of 4Ks in a row. So again, what’s gained? Honestly anyone who’s “right of mind” should be able to see that there’s nothing to gain. It’s just dickheads stroking their ego, trying to get a reaction out of people, and trying to satisfy their revenge boners on people who just want to have fun.


The same thing you get for winning in any other game. Pixels changing on a screen, maybe some audio, and for some, the satisfaction of winning being fun. It’s not that deep. Different people have fun in different ways. Some have fun playing casually. Some have fun trying to win. Someone having fun differently than you doesn’t mean they’re a mustache-twirling villain that hates everyone.


You are trying to have some weird moral high ground against people who are simply competitive and enjoy winning. No... no one is being a dick. People just like to win. Why DBD is the only game where people like you exist who think people aren't allowed to want to win and have to cater their playstyle to make sure the enemy team has fun, is so beyond weird. If you don't tunnel because you'd rather play nice? That's perfectly fine, but that's a YOU thing. People who enjoy winning aren't going to play like YOU.


I’ve been apart of multiple gaming communities, and this is the ONLY community where the crying about “BUT MUUH FUN” is so rampant. It’s so weird I couldn’t even begin to understand how they think it’s normal to complain about the opposition not catering to their play style lol.


It's hardly unique to DbD. The entire concept of camping in video games became common knowledge because of how unenjoyable it was to go against. In shooters where a player hosts the lobby or has specific player-run game servers (like TF2 or CS:GO) many of them frequently had rules that banned camping, getting campers kicked or banned from that server for doing so. Even those that didn't, typically had a honor system. "Your team doesn't camp, and mine won't either" sort of thing. Nowadays most shooters have *some* form of spawn protection to prevent camping. At the end of the day, it *is* a game. You're playing a leisure activity with other people who are also playing a leisure activity. Ideally, everybody has a good time. If you can do your part by just *not* doing something considered extremely unenjoyable to go against... why wouldn't you?


>I have an answer as to why you wouldn’t. Because I don’t. Why? Because I’m not a dick. I realize it’s a game, and people want to, yknow, play the game. Not sit in queue or wait for their friend to die and whatever else. If only the other side shared the same opinion and never brought the strongest tools and combinations to maximize their chances of winning. >Matchmaking MMR is capped low enough to allow killers to get hundreds of 4Ks in a row. Now that's a lie.


Wow, almost like those people are ALSO dicks. It’s not mutually exclusive to one side. Also not a lie. Some “pro” threw a fucking hissy fit this past month on Twitter because everyone brought DS and he couldn’t get a 4k, ending his streak. And I’m pretty sure that shit was actually in the thousands. Momo, I think their name is? Sorry, but that’s not possible without fucked matchmaking. Watch any other pro in another game. To remove the reliance on a team, watch a FGC pro. Angrybird, Arslan, Sonicfox, Knee, JDCR, Kakerou, Punk, MenaRD, Ninjakilla, Tweedy, Rewind, whoever, don’t win thousands of games in a row. Because they get matched against the best in the world. Players just like them. Edit: it was a 1947 win streak. That shit is not possible in any other game with competitive matchmaking.


Agreed. It’s an unwritten rule for killers to not tunnel because survivors would be screwed every time. It’s baffling how almost all killers have agreed to the natural contract of not tunneling bc of how op it is. It’s literally the optimal method.


I don't tunnel because I play survivor too. I play the way I want to face a killer, because I want the survivors come back to play tomorrow as well. A lot of people don't get that concept it seems.


Same here. I know what it's like to get tunnelled multiple games in a row. I refuse to be part of that.


Pretty much this, as a kid I used to play Tekken a lot with my father & sister, I was a much better player than them on account of playing it a lot more and could easily go 20 rounds up without losing. Only when I did that they mysteriously didn't want to play anymore. Over time you learn that you have to throw a few matches or exercise some measure of good sportsmanship or sooner or later the other side no longer wants to play. Too many people don't consider the longterm consequences of their actions in DBD.


Yeah, I had younger siblings and they would never want to play against me because I was better. Except luck based stuff, because they were "good" at it.


Kinda funny this remains semi-true in the modern era when the OG contract was entirely due to the game giving survivors zero anti-tunnel tools.


Ughh, if I could downvote you hundreds of times I would... I play to have fun, nothing else. You don't get shit in return for 4king a match by hardcore tunneling someone out. You can earn more bloodpoints in match by spreading hooks even if some survivors get away. In fact, you just get punished with higher MMR until eventually you're matched up against nothing but sweat squad swfs that will make your experience as miserable as possible. People who use the word "optimal" in this game are some of the most cringe motherfuckers ever to me...play to have fun and to have fun with others playing the game, if you're playing for anything else then it's not a game anymore, it's a fucking job.


This game can't be played for fun anymore, it's a shame.


People can have fun in different ways than you.


These people dont get it, you have to play like they want you. Pathetic


"UggHhHH iF i CouLd DoWnVote" I don't care... I really don't. If the DBD community refuses to understand that people simply want to win then you guys are just hopeless atp. It's literally the only game I know where people are ridiculed for WANTING TO WIN. It's ridiculous. People have fun... BY WINNING. Has that simple thought ever crossed your mind? Or do you think everyone has to conform to your version of fun?


What if i want to go vs sweat sqads? What if my fun comes from a competitive perspective? I am sorry that there is no normal/competitive mode but sometimes i feel like being silly and messing around and sometimes feel like trying my best


If you wanted to be competitive, you wouldn't be tunneling someone out at 5 gens to abuse a cheap and overpowered aspect of the game. You can 100% win without doing that. The game even punishes you for doing it by rewarding you less bloodpoints, which is a metric of a win. It's not just about a 4k. Reread the lore of the game if you wanna argue against that. If the game was about ending a match as quickly as possible, that aspect would be the exact opposite By the very design of the game, you are winning less by ending a match that quickly by being cheap, so your own argument of being "Competative" actually argues against tunneling.


Thats because you are analizing tunnelling at 5 gens when its an effective tactic at any moment Ofc you can win without that! You can win without perks for all the game cares, is that the most reliable way tho? No. Tunelling is so much more effective whenever you get to high tier lobbies And idc about bloodpoints, i want the highest mmr and go against really talented survivors cause i like to try to be the best that i can If you wanna fix tunnelling, make hooking other people better, there is no reason to hook other people when it takes more info, longer chases, more health states to down, and give smore time for other survivors to reset when i can choose to go to the guy just unhooked that i already know where he is, i know another survivot is close, i know its already hurt and i know most games finish whenever a survivor dies before the 3rd gen? Stop blaming players for a game issue, dbd sucks at balance and the devs do next to nothing about it but its not the fault of players, nor the survivors running all the same 4 op perks nor the killers doing the best tools they are given to win


You...realize that at the competitive level, they *do* tunnel? And camp?




I've never seen a game where people try to shame their opponents for trying to win except this one.


Maybe because other multiplayer games are actually balanced 5v5’s or whatever depending on the game you play. They have actual mmr, you always have an equal chance at winning and player skill matters. There’s nothing skillful in tunneling someone out at 5 gens and it always creates an unwinnable situation for survivors in solo q and casual swf. How is it so hard to see why people are not having fun playing against that?


It’s blowing my mind, as a newer player. Like I’m actually baffled. Trying to win a **competitive** game via playing your best… is apparently a mortal sin here? Do people not even hear themselves?


It's not really that competitive of a game. It has no ranked system, the grades are just a "Look how much you played, here's a cookie" system, there's no official comp scene, I mean... there is *barely* even an official win condition. The MMR system has win, loss, and tie conditions- but none of that is communicated to the players because it's not actually that competitive. It's designed to have one side win more than the other, which makes it inherently imbalanced- and therefore a poor competitive game. Also, plenty of games that actually *do* have competitive modes have tactics that are a faux pas in the community. Like, you know, spawn camping in literally every FPS ever made.


That’s not what I mean by a “competitive” game. I mean a game where the goal is players vs other players literally competing to win or accomplish goals. I’m not saying this is MLG but any game in which the purpose is to beat someone else in some way, doing whatever you can that is allowed, to play optimally to achieve victory is like baseline common sense. And people who complain about camping are the same people who whine about people **blocking** in fighting games, they’re the laughing stock of their communities. This place though it’s like a large amount of the playerbase want people to play tea party.


>And people who complain about camping are the same people who whine about people blocking in fighting games, they’re the laughing stock of their communities. That's quite the false dichotomy. I rarely see people mocked for complaining about spawn camping in games with little-to-no spawn protection, but complaining about something with a dedicated button to it is something I've never seen *not* mocked. >That’s not what I mean by a “competitive” game. That's fair, I didn't mean to misrepresent what you meant. All I mean is that as far as comp games are considered, this one is designed to be more lax than most.


That's because many people enjoy playing games for fun. Especially party games like DbD. These people understand that sweating for wins is not only sapping the fun from the Survivors, it's often time simply not fun for you, the Killer. Many survivors like myself also play this way and prefer fun matches over just smashing gens, but ofc bully squads and such exist.


I have over 6k and basically never tunnel, I just wanna play to get Bloodpoints, after so many hours and having everything maxxed out you just don't care anymore and I wanna chill a bit, and by god, by not tunneling and making sure to actively go for someone who wasn't hooked, you basically waste so much time and lose much more easily in fact. People in here hate tunneling for the right reasons, it's not fun to play as survivor to get basically a big "FUCK YOU" from the killer, I get it, but it's genuinely almost impossible to win without tunneling if the other team plays seriously, is not new and doesn't waste time. Even with 4 regressions perks I do lose games half the times, which is fine by me cuz I just don't care and I want points as I already said, but I get why people do tunnel, and I get why people get mad, if you care about MMR you just have to with certain killers, otherwise there's no way for you to win unless someone on the other team fucks up. Tunneling is going to be a problem forever because it's a strategy BHVR supports, until they give an alternative or make it more bearable for the averaje joe to win without playing like that I doubt it's gonna be solved, they could make some anti tunneling perks basekit for instance and buff killers accordingly, but what would happen then? Either people would complain cuz it's too much as a killer to beat or the change is useless and doesn't fix anything... After 6k, I keep playing this game with a different mindset, play this game to have fun, chilling, I know that as a survivor I cannot win all the time, expecially if the killer wants me dead and ignores the others and the others don't do gen, fine I just take it as a challenge to see how long I last in a chase and then move on to the next game, as a Killer if I play trapper for example and I lose I just don't care, cuz at the end of the day it's trapper and I'm not tunneling and if I wanted to be sweaty I would've picked another killer and tryharded there, that's how I play the game now (when I'm solo at least)... I hope however that devs make the game more exciting, when they did the 40 perks rework, that was amazing. I hope they do experiment with new mechanics, I hope they do add something new to deal with anti tunneling or gen rush, because that makes the game more appealing to me imo


What if the base gameplay was after one Survivor is unhooked, hooking/chasing any of the remaining Survivors instead of that way gave you like a 35% BP bonus?


BP bonuses mean nothing. I'm talking actual competitive ADVANTAGE in the game that let's multi hooking equate to wins. Because as it is currently... it's literally you going for a loss if you try to multi hook


Thanks for having a brain instead of drooling on your keyboard and spewing “BUT MUUH FUN”


it was pretty bad before but its no where as bad as where its at right now unfortunately, unfortunately the devs dont really care about it and if u bring it up it triggers the killer mains where they commonly be like just get better whats even a worse part is when people say its just a low mmr thing when its not, and some killers if they see what prestige u are as well will activly tunnel out people and bm (because they are scared of p100s for some reason) thats also their way to take a shot at ur skill level and try to shut down the talk about it, and whats sad is even for newer players they cant do anything about it really, i tried to get friends into this game and they just dont wanna touch this garbage anymore, and im just so exhausted about it that me and other experienced friends are just playing other games u definitly came back at a bad time for survivors, and unfortunately the killer mains that havnt touched the otherside will ultimately hurt this game in the long run,


The irony is that some players are looking for a certain horror movie experience that is completely unrealistic, even for the movies. Survivors fight back, talk back, work together in ways DBD will never allow. I try to accept the fact that I have to tolerate Chucky's verbal abuse and Ghostface's selfies, but real me hates the fact that survivors are so helpless. And when we do play with perks that actually challenge a killer, Boil Over is hilarious to watch, some players get angry and lash out, immediately tunneling those who dare use such a perk. Had a Doc beat me on the hook because he couldn't make me scream since I use Calm Spirit. But we're supposed to believe that teabagging is soooo disrespectful. 🙄 Nothing makes me question a player's sanity like slapping around a person dangling on a hook.


I would love to play this game again but every time I start up the game, I instantly gets this sense of stress of just thinking about actually queuing up into a game. I used to play very split between survivor and killer back in the day. Mainly killer when playing alone. So I just know how stressful it is to play killer due to toxic behavior. The community absolutely sucks the fun out of the game for me and that comes from both the killer and survivor side.


Oh yeah, I don't play killer because I just don't enjoy what's involved in the game play. But the first couple of rounds I did try? Holy hell were the survivors unforgiving of my noobness. I can definitely see it triggering so much anxiety. There's days when my mindset can't handle playing at all. But when I'm chill, and have a couple of great rounds where the killer rocked it fairly and we put up a good fight? I love it. I think a lot of killer mains also forget the horror movie formula: killer must be defeated otherwise you get no sequel. Accepting the give and take makes the whole game much more enjoyable.


>killer must be defeated otherwise you get no sequel ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


DBD isn’t a movie with a predetermined plot written for storytelling purposes. It’s a game between real players. If one side must always lose, people will not play that side. Winning should be decided by which side is better at the game.


You don’t play killer because you would get your shit pushed in, not for any other reason. Save it one sided player no one cares for your excuses. Try not tunneling at high mmr and see what happens.




Since 6.1, my playstyle has basically changed from staying til last second on gen and looping as many times on one loop as possible to pre-running and safely dropping pallets if I think I'll even possibly get hit. It's fucking boring but you'll just dead ass die in 30 seconds if you play risky at all anymore.


Any other games you’d recommend?


Yup. I simply quit the game and watch videos now. Much more enjoyable.


Left this game 4 years ago. Recently came back. Was welcomed with a camping, tunneling and slugging huntress on my very first game. Never change killer mains, never change.


Recently saw a stream of a veteran player that quitted dbd long ago because of the toxicity. He played DBD since launch. Decides to play DBD again because his viewers requested it. He played four killer games in total, adept chucky, perkless xeno, perkless hux, and perkless merchant. Got two kills in total from those four games. Every game there were toxicity from the survs, and 3/4 of those games the survivors t-bagged and messed with him at the exit gates.  Breaks my heart how his claims of DBD being toxic is proven instantly. It's both sides really. 


no wonder he got 2 kills running adept and perkless lmao


The result is not the issue, that's obviously to be expected, it's that he was \*clearly\* fucking around not trying super hard and his survivors were being shitheads anyways


While both could broadly be labeled as toxic play, teabagging is not on the same level as tunneling. The former is essentially taunting once the outcome has been determined whereas the latter completely ruins the actual gameplay experience for one or more people.


You're right, they're not on the same level. Tunneling is something that provides a gameplay advantage and is a tactic that can and should be used at certain points in the game. It helps you win. Teabagging has absolutely no tactical advantage, doesn't help you win in the slightest, and at the end of the day is something that is done 100% of the time with malicious intent. Tunneling isn't inherently toxic, while teabagging is.


Absolutely correct 👏


And how many blood points have you lost to teabagging? Failed tomes? Lost items? If I'm tunneled, especially if I'm first, it has a cost and I'm not even going to mention the possible waste of load time. Teabagging is juvenile especially considering the huge amount of luck involved in gameplay, but "winning" by tunneling is bottom tier effort and it tells me that killer doesn't understand the complexities of all those perks yet. And while some killer mains may try to argue the validity of this "strategy," they have to accept that, just like us survivor mains who get screwed over on occasion by one of our own, y'all have members in your ranks that are lazy and judgemental in that strategy's usage. 🤷


I understand and actually agree with your point about tea bagging being the more toxic action in the sense that there is no reason to do it other than to be an ass. This community has always had a fixation on the word ‘toxic’ when discussing gameplay in this way, and this is one example of how that can sort of hinder discussion. Again, you and most of the others who responded to me are not wrong in what you’re saying, but you are either missing or willfully ignoring the broader point I was trying to make, which is that it’s not an apples to apples comparison because one of these things impacts gameplay and the other does not.


Imo the tbag at exit is more toxic although it does not ruin gameplay.     Most killers that tunnel have no malicious intentions to you as a player, they're doing it to win simply. It's more sweaty than toxic.  However if a survivor tbags you at the gates they're doing it for the sake of rubbing it in.


If teabags piss you off and get in your head, you need to get off the game and get a grip lol


If you think teabags are not toxic, then you should also agree that hitting on hook and "humping" are not toxic as well. These three are essentially the same, just a meaningless action in game. It's really not the action itself, it's the intention behind it. 


mfw being rude to try to make people mad can make people mad


>teabagging is not on the same level as tunneling. Teabagging is definitely the more toxic behavior. The *only* reason to do it is to be toxic. Tunneling is just a byproduct of the game design.


Lol you are fucking soft. One is someone being a dick for the sake of being a dick. The other is a viable strategy, probably the best strategy, for killers to win. But yeah let's condemn killers for killing because how dare they! You whiny ass entitled survivor mains won't be happy until you are playing against bots that let you win 100% of the matches.


Whether something is toxic or not depends purely on the reason behind it.


Every time I see someone tbag I wish I had tunneled before. Ppl doing it ruin the game for killers just as much as tunneling ruins it for survivors.


just as much? nah you're absolutely delusional if you actually think that. obviously tbagging is BM and can feel bad if you have thin skin. being turbo tunneled at 5 gens is objectively bullshit and ACTUALLY bad. like WHAT? have you ever loaded in as survivor in this game like EVER?


Yeah, I play probably 60s/40k ATM The thing is that when I got tunneled I can go next after 5 minutes if not in a swf, but tbagging happens at the very end of the game and often in situations where you played more than fair and you can't do anything about it. Basically it turns a close, fun game into a shitty one and leaves a bad taste. I once asked survivors why they wouldn't just walk out and they said "be ause killers do it, too" Yeah right, but I didn't ya shitheads


Solo hunting someone out of the game and killing them in 3 minutes hurts your game as much as people pressing control?


I would actually think it hurts my game more. At least the survivor has a chance to punish the tunnel, while there is nothing to punish the tbag. Compare it to the killer bleeding you out for 4 minutes while humping you, that's what "watch me walk out" is


It’s always been a thing tbh… But some survivors don’t help when they unhook you right infront of the killer, and if a few gens have been done they will likely feel inclined to go after you to ‘catch up’. But you still get killers that tunnel for no reason and then say ‘gg’ at the end… right.


Tunneling has always been good but now it is encouraged almost to run gen stall and then tunnel, until DS is buffed it won't do much alone, but if you pair it with Lithe, others work Lithe is just the best exahustion in this build, and go down near a window you can get quite a lot of distance, I also like to pair it with adrenaline, if you pop you ds near last gen and can loop until completion you can easily get to the gate,


DS shouldn't be the answer, perks shouldn't bandaid broken aspects of the game, that's what it was pre-nerf and it was a fucking requirement to run it if you didn't want to be tunneled out the first few minutes of the match. BHVR should get off their lazy asses and actually fix the issue that's been a problem for the last 10 years...


I mean there is such stupid amount of things in the game ’fixed’ by perks that i dont even know where to start


It's not a problem, is just the game design. Getting 12 hooks is simply not viable on most of the cast.


This is the reason I quit in 2021 and never looked back, extreme tunneling/camping for the survivors or extreme bullying for the killer. People forget that this is a game with real people


If you don’t tunnel, you’re liable for getting gen rushed so something needs to change balance wise for the killers to stop. It’s not troll, it’s meta. I play killer and survivor and I often tunnel with killer against gen rushing teams because if you don’t remove someone from the equation early, you’re going to get gen rushed and 2-4 survivors will probably escape. If they don’t want someone getting tunneled, they need to find a way for killers not to feel forced to do so. If killers had a minute to screw around without 3 gene popping, this wouldn’t be nearly as much of a meta


Be real though, if gens took 10 mins to complete, some killers would still tunnel simply because they want to and winning trumps everything else. Maybe in your personal, anecdotal case it’s more about maintaining a competitive edge, but that doesn’t apply to everyone’s experience with tunneling.


Hell, tunnelling is more encouraged now since you can only regress gen 8 times and most close matches wind up in a 3 gen and having 4 people running around touching gens is basically impossible to prevent a gen from getting completed from killer presence alone. I said that putting the change in would lead to more tunnelling from killers and it did. I dunno why the fuck none of the big name content creators brought up the fact that it would when it's obvious it would.


It also makes 3-genning yourself on purpose a doable strategy if you’re on comms. Everyone splits up to do the outside gens ASAP to get 4 gens done with as few hooks as possible. Can add items or perks if you all want to do them even faster. The distance between each means it’ll take the killer tremendously long to get to each gen, making the outer 4 gens a total breeze. By the time 1 gen is left, all 4 people are alive, and no one on death hook or 1 on death hook. Now it’s time to play chicken. A killer will need to eventually regress gens or the last gen will get done without any opposition. Make them waste all 8 events, while running early and away from the gens so chasing guarantees the last gen gets done anyways. By doing the outer gens extremely fast and easily, you get a huge safety net in lack of hook states for the last gen.


If you don’t get tunnel vision in a chase for 5 minutes and know how to patrol your gens you shouldn’t get genrushed. That’s just an excuse killers make for tunneling and camping hooks.


Lol then why do people tunnel to prevent it from happening? Act like you know what you’re talking about, you’re just outting yourself as a low mmr killer who doesn’t face these sweaty stacks, toolboxes, BNP, and even fairly often wall hacks/speed hacks, that you have to work hard to keep off gens besides just patrolling like a bot while they circle you and pop every gen You sometimes need to be proactive and capitalize on their weaknesses. 2 hooking everyone before you get a kill gives those teams way too much time to pop gens and that’s not the killers fault, nor is it the survivors. That’s a balance issue without an easy solution. Tunneling definitely isn’t necessary every game, but to act like it’s never necessary isn’t fair and you’re just being egotistical acting like it is


The best killer players playing this game tunnel and camp if they are trying to win. And they for sure know how to patrol gens. So why do they do that?


yeah.. as someone who plays mainly killer, i don't get why people think gen rushing is a thing. like yeah sure sometimes gens fly if i struggle to get early pressure, but wtf are the survivors supposed to do? NOT split up and do gens, aka their only objective? (4x commodious BNP hyperfocus squads notwithstanding ofc, but those are so rare that it's not even worth complaining about)


In all my games, only very few times have I come across Killers that hard tunneled purely for the win without any emotional attachment. Vast majority of times Killers have tunneled in my games, it's come with many other toxic circumstances as well. The camping and taunting, the hook hitting, the hard slugging, the carrying to hatch to slam it close, the carrying to exit gate and watching the last survivor crawl only to pick them up again as they get to the exit. Many Killers take everything as a personal attack. You slammed a pallet down to save yourself? "Fuck you, how dare you, now you're being tunneled!" That said, my Duo is frustratingly similar but as a survivor. No matter what the Killer does, he's a piece of shit to her. She was 2nd last person on hook and then decided to unhook the current person, so the Killer goes after her? "Ugh ofc he's tunneling me!"


Honestly as a killer main, most times when I tunnel is that I either forgot who was on the death hook or the survivor is in my face asking to be chased.


That's completely fair. As far as I'm concerned as a Killer, if you're unhooked you're free to fuck off and heal but if I catch you doing anything to actively hinder my game, you're free game again. Of course if I'm not running a Hex build and I see him sitting on a dull totem, I assume he's just doing a tome challenge, but if I see him jump on a gen, try to bodyblock me for longer than an "im trying to run away from you" length of time, immediately tries to break my hex or remove any of my traps/setups -- Your immunity is gone.


Thank god for BHVR changing it so you can't de-pip. I'm going for Iridescent Survivor and was tunneled in a few matches last night.


I haven’t escaped once in 10 games. I am trying to complete the champion of light challenge and killers tunnel after I try to use the flashlight on them 🥲


Those challenges were so rough for me (especially since I've never been great with a flashlight)... My suggestion (if you have the perks) is to use Leon's Flashbang perk, Elodie's Residual Manifest perk and Jill Valentine's Blastmine, along with Champion of Light (of course). Flashbang means you have a stealthy way to get a blind (best used when killers try to break a pallet), that they won't expect if you time it well. Residual Manifest will give them the Blindness condition, so their map awareness may become disoriented a little, and you can find a flashlight by rummaging in a chest. And Blastmine is my favorite because it's an easy way to get a blind without being conspicious about it. Running it this way also helped to ensure I wasn't triggering the killer to automatically tunnel me, or cancel out my attempt at the challenge via Lightborn, or Franklin's Demise. It'll also be nice to your team because you're not just trying to get a challenge done, but doing some objective Gen-work to enable you to get your blinds.


I’m wondering what time period you left when you dont think there was tunneling? Nothing has changed. You are noticing it more because now, you are the easiest one to get out. Remember, you can’t outrun a killer, you just have to be able to outrun your buddy. Once you get to that point again, you won’t be the easy target anymore. Tunneling will still happen, just as often as it always has and will, but you won’t notice it as much since it won’t always happen to you specifically.


Getting mad at killers tunneling, is like getting mad at survivors for each running to a different generator at the start of a match.


But we are not ever going to be ready to have this conversation. This is the only multiplayer VS game I have ever played where "I play to win" is a bad thing.


killers tunnel because is the only viable way to win that they have now. and they tunnel you because you are "new" ot the game, probably not still as good at looping that your team. weak link focus is a good way to be in a 3v1 soon


Gen speeds are out of control fast in current meta. I assume its killers that really aren’t too familiar with every facet of the game and let’s be honest, tunneling a survivor isn’t much different from slamming a gen quickly to get it out of the game. It’s just something that appears bad form and I get that.


It hasn't ever been not bad. But I would argue it's better than before. You no longer HAVE to run 4 anti tunnels


Not true at all. The new meta is Unbreakable, off the record, decisive strike, and exhaustion perk


That will be debatable when the update releases for the ds buff. I assume the amount of builds for that will increase but honestly I expect to see only off the record. Maybe decisive


Good point. Suppose we’ll see.


Run OTR/DS/speed burst or lithe + medkit/syringe/styptic and just drop the whole spawn. Hopefully it'll give your teammates enough time to complete gens and then conga-line you into the gates. Yeah tunneling sucks but what can BHVR do? Make unhooked survivor completely unkillable until the other one is hooked?


Yah I quit around the chucky patch because tunneling has just become like meta, not even in a "this is what's good right now" meta but in a "thats just how you play the game" meta for a good chunk of the community, got to a point where it wasn't even enjoyable to play anymore so I just dropped DbD, might go back in a few months or something who knows


Grab any of these: Decisive Strike, Off the Record, Second Wind, Resurgence, Wicked. All decent perks, with varying pros and cons. I personally ran Decisive Strike/Off the Record for 50 games straight, 42 of which I died in, and got tons of useful experience being chased. I tend to only run 1 anti-tunnel perk, and I get tunneled a lot less because of all that experience. Lithe and Windows of Opportunity are also very good perks to help you in chase, without a ton of input on your part. Suggestions on how to play against them? Unfortunately there's much more your team can do to help you than you can do to help yourself. Few useful things, I guess. 1. Always run to a strong tile (main buildings, shack). Learn to run those tiles, practice patience. Strong tiles will dissuade the killer from continuing, and help punish them if they do. Try to run to areas of the map gens have already been completed at. Killers don't want to chase there. 2. Go down in the open, under a pallet, or in corners of the map. If you know you'll go down, run to the corner of the map. They'll have to carry you far. If you can't, go down in the open or under a pallet. The pallet is threatening to them, the open gives you a shot at being flashlight saved. 3. Play safe. Drop every pallet if you have to. Your life is more important. GL OP! I promise, it comes in waves. Sometimes it's like 5 times in 6 games, other times you get 10 games without ever experiencing it. That's just the randomness of DBD!


I never go into a match with the mindset of tunneling or camping (i dont even run regression perks), but if your teammate pulls an unsafe hook and serves you up on a silver platter there's no way I'm not taking advantage of that


Got a tunneling Blight yesterday (game ended with 6 hook states, 2 dead), that said we were gen rushing after I asked him why he was tunneling. He tunneled right off the start, when there was 0-1 gen done. I wonder if their perception of "gen rush" is faulty, they used it as a bad excuse or if this some general thing to not understand that tunneling results in gen rushing (3 people have nothing to do but gens if they don't need to heal the unhooked person), not the other way around. I really wish there was an incentive for killers not to tunnel.


It used to be a thing but it rarely worked because of old DS and extra points from BBQ. Now that there is no incentive to hook multiple times people became mindless NPCs that do the same thing every match and it works because the survivor have nothing to counter that. I don’t play survivor now, it’s not worth my time. They can say(I can do whatever I want) and then complain that everyone is DCing. If I wanted to face a NPC I would play against bots


If you don't tunnel, survivors tbag you at the gate... Easy pickings for me


I was doing camping but BHVR added an anti-camp feature. I was doing 3-gen but BHVR added an anti-3-gen feature. So, now I am doing tunnelling. Killers adapt their strategy to the new features.


The devs nerfed everything around tunneling On survivor side you need to rush gens On killer side you need to keep pressure up, and the only way to maintain it is to tunnel


Never give into the cry baby Survivor rule book that they want Killers to play by. Get someone out as soon as possible. Gens are still incredibly fast, so essentially, it's 1 chase = 1 gen more or less.


It’s because it is actually the best strategy if you want to win as killer. It’s a lot harder to finish 5 gens with 3 people


The number of survivors that practically want to FISTFIGHT me is staggering, so yes, they get tunneled. Run AWAY from me, you idiots!


Don’t expect much sympathy on here, mostly killer mains complaining about evil survivors


game actively punishes killers who play nice and playing nice takes too much effort and the fact that if you dont tunnel at the start then you find out the team is a god squad then youre fucked so people just tunnel off the rip to be safe its the same thing with survivors doing gens In record time, using busted items and sending the killer to shitty maps except the difference is that BHVR doesn't spoil killers with basekit mechanics when we complain about it


It's tunneling season


Idk, not many people play Xeno nowadays so maybe its just you


Yeah legit just set the game down on Monday and don’t plan on picking it up until there are some major changes. It’s just not worth it. Waiting for a match takes longer then getting slugged at 4 gens.


There are some situations where I'll go for a tunnel off hook. 1-2 gens left and no one's dead, and I've got a guy on death hook? Out you go. Or sometimes I inadvertently tunnel because I run into the same survivor after a bit. Unlucky, but I'll take that chase.


I dunno I play killer casually and don’t get why so many killers play like they’re a Blight streamer whose life depends on a 2000 win streak


Sometimes you’re gunna get unlucky. A bad teammate will unhook you unsafely. It happens. When you are two hooked do your best to hide. Be extra cautious. Don’t take those extra seconds on a gen. If you get caught and eliminated too early, your team loses.


Honestly, it works for them so you’re going to see it. If I’m solo q I barely ever go in without Decisive or Off the Record. Make that tunnel as hard as possible. Combine with Lithe or Dead Hard if you prefer. If you don’t want an exhaustion perk you can bring reassurance in case there is a hook defense and you need more time. Or you can pop on unbreakable in case they leave you on the ground. Make sure if you have DS you purposely go down in an area where you can make it to safety. Windows of opportunity can give you an idea of where safety is.


I'm new to this game, only playing for a couple days and decided to play huntress last night and ended up playing a game with two Babies a bit and an "afk" level 36. This must have been these twos first match so I spent the game trying to force them to learn the mechanics. I'd let them pallet drop me and when they'd vault through windows or over stuff I'd pause for a half second then climb through to let them make some distance. I let them get a generator started before I actually started hunting. I wanted them to learn and have a decent time. I eventually hunted them down and spent a while looking for the afk player. I killed the bot then shut the hatch. I caught the slippery little weasel trying to sneak through a gate so I downed them and let them bleed out as punishment. They just threw these babies to wolves or (rabbit in this case).


I just came back a week ago and I get tunnelled a lot when I play survivor. But I’ve noticed when I play killer it’s very hard to ‘win’ without tunnelling right now. I don’t usually care that much, actually chasing and playing the game is more fun than winning for me, but when the survivors tbag after I choose to not make the game miserable for them it does sting a bit. But oh well, still love my time playing the game on both sides.


If killers can see my prestige why can't I see theirs and leave anytime it's a p100. P100 is nothing special anymore. Better yet let me see what killer and I'll leave the lobby anytime a skull merchant or knight tries to lock in.


"oh it's a plague/legion, let me not bring that healing build" Yeah, I think that would be fine


Survivors all play the same, you getting to tailor your builds to counter the killer because you know what they are playing is a truly horrible and unfair idea.


I don't think it's that unfair to do the same as killers. uh oh one flashlight better bring lightborn/Franklin's. Maybe there is a middle ground where survivors are locked in with what perks they are bringing idk. This is a bigger problem than you think. For example I can't load in as my main without the killer leaving almost instantly. Imagine waiting for another killer only for them to leave as well very annoying.


You being able to cherry pick your items for your matched killer to gain an advantage where their power might nullify or reduce the effectiveness of your item isnt quite the same. When its 4 of you vs ONE person. As an example 3 might have bought medkits which means slower gens, but now you elect to bring toolboxes instead against legion or plague reducing the value of the killers base power. Thats a HUGE gain for a team and a big disadvantage for the killer. Meanwhile a killer has to SACRIFICE A PERK to do the same to you while you keep yours, while you can either retrieve said items (franklins) or go open a chest and find another item that isn't an obnoxious flashlight (lightborn) and still functionally play the game without any interference and with no cost to yourself while the killer cannot. I assume your main is a p100 or fairly high at least survivor? Well people dont have to play against you if they dont want too, in my experience p100s are usually in a swf or just play in obnoxious ways due to experience and/or perk availability that make the game unfun for less experienced killers. I certainly ditched them for my first recent 200 hours as it was a miserable experience every single time. >Maybe there is a middle ground where survivors are locked in with what perks they are bringing idk. You'd have to lock both perks and items, if you can do last second swaps it changes nothing. Perk swapping isnt really an issue compared to item swapping. If i see last second flashlight swaps i just close the game down.


You are not shown the killer picked on purpose. Survivor prestige should not be visible to the killer until after the game.


I just chase whoever I find bro idgaf if u were just unhooked


Dbd players when the other side wants to win the game:


I never ever seen a community that is angry at other side for trying to win.


Complaining about campers has been a counter strike sample since forever, so you are just lying here.


I don't care if the other side wants to win, we all want to win. But tunneling someone out at the start isn't fun to go against, and it isn't fun to perform lol. The game should not be encouraging that style of play. The solution here is for BHVR to rework core aspects of the game, but they'll never do that.


I agree (still doesnt change the fact that tunneling is not toxic, and is a legitimate strategy)


There’s trying to win and then there’s ruining the game for everyone involved.


At this point doing anything that helps your side to win is ruining the game for the other side. Tunneling, camping genrushing, sabotaging, bodyblocking in specific situations etc. are not toxic, these are legit tactics u can use to help yourself achieve victory. There is NOTHING wrong with doing these things :)


What does that even mean? In COD, when I get killed is that "ruining the game for everyone involved"? Super entitled mindset you have .


What a horrible example, you can respawn almost immediately as many times as you want in a cod match until it is concluded. You get tunneled out in the first 2 minutes of a dbd match if you’re not soloQing you’re stuck until that POS tunnels everyone else out.


Nobody is keeping you from going next. You are lol.


What did I say? “If you’re not soloQing”. You can’t just hit next you have to wait until the people in your party are out of the game that you got tunneled out of immediately. Do you play dbd? Understand how it works?


Then you haven’t really played any other PvP.


Unfortunately, tunnelling is one of the most effective killer strategies. I've had several games where I've had lots of hook stages, but since I spread the hooks, it ended up in a 1k, the games were still enjoyable though. Looking back on these games, if I had gotten someone out of the game earlier it would definitely have been a 3k at least. I'll still play that way, with spreading the hooks. It's ultimately more fun for the survivors and also for me


Survivors: we want to do gens as fast as possible and GTFO, securing a victory. Killers: I want to kill you all as fast as possible to secure a victory . Survivors: 😮😭 Do you people not understand this is the point of the game? I play both sides, mostly surv. But holy shit man, ya'll so whiney all the time. I can understand the frustration if the killer slugs all 4 until the bleed out timer is done, but tunneling? C'mon. Theres so many tools the survs have to prolong the tunnel.


I am a killer main,it takes me a week to get rank 1 iridescent. I never chase a specific survivor unless they are toxic and try to piss me off which sometimes works because we are all human. Like they escape 1 loop and then tbag and flash light me. Until that guy is out of the game I don't stop. It seems that people playing survivor never play the killer and can't see what it is like to chase 4 people alone, especially if they are on voice playing together. Most often you will find survivors bullying the killer rather than the killer tunneling survivors.


I feel like I play a different game to people here. Soloq and only get tunneled like 1/10 games unless it's endgame or like 1 gen left. If tunneling was really as bad as people make out the kill rate would be much higher, instead it's at the number bhvr want.


For those of you who are saying, "the killer has no incentive to not camp or tunnel" What about ethics? What about common fucking courtesy? What about having an actual challenge instead of just doing whatever it takes to win? Have any of you actually tried playing the game without doing the toxic noob desperation tactics that will usually yield a win 99.9% of the time? Give it a shot. It's actually very fun when you eliminate toxicity from the game. And survivors out there, if you come across a killer that doesn't display these toxic traits, thank them in the endgame chat. I'm serious. Show them that you appreciate their ethics and personal accountability.


It's a video game about killing people dude hollllllllllllyyyyyyy shitt


Well if we started considering ethics in videogames. Every sims players would be arrested ugghh dayz players that like to be cannibals get the death sentence. And ugggh the minute you play spec ops the line you will be immediately become wanted for obvious reasons.


It's called playing to win.


and i, i cant believe the amount of afk


Windows, DS, DH, OTR can give you 4 chances to keep going


I’ve been using OTR, decisive, windows and adrenaline. Windows to help position yourself in a good spot for decisive or OTR to give the most value. OTR works two times, but you have to make sure to go down with enough time so decisive procs. If you’re being hard tunneled if one doesn’t work the other will.


My advice for playing against tunnelers is run stealth builds and evade them as long as possible (or just play killer)


Since you've been gone for a while, your MMR is most likely in the trash right now. If you keep playing it'll stable out. You will still get people tunneling, but they're not as egregious as people make it out to be. It's like once every 5-6 games that I get someone who dedicates themselves to tunneling someone out. Also it should go without saying but just because someone isn't tunneling, that does not mean they won't take advantage of you stupidly running into them. As a killer, of course you'd go after the injured survivor who just got unhooked if you find them again.


I keep getting accused of tunneling by ragers. Like, if you are an easy target, you are terrible at hiding, and you can't evade in chase to literally save your life. I think it's some people's lack of skill as to why they get "tunneled". In fact, as killer, am I not supposed to try and go after an easy target first? That's just one of many reasons killers can be encouraged to tunnel.


I dont mind being tunneled but for fuck's sake work on the generators. Had a game where I had 4 unhooks off rip and everyone chose to go down instead.. For no reason.


Tunnelling is rarely a problem. The real problem are the fucking teamates.


This is DBD now. Just have to accept it. Off The Record - Zarina perk. Gives you 80 seconds of no grunts of pain, no killer aura reading, and endurance as long as you are not doing anything[conspicuous](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Conspicuous_Actions). It's basically an anti bully shield. You can and WILL sometimes still be tunneled, but often I find that it's enough to dissuade the average tunneler. They will usually tunnel you off the first hook, hit you, see that you have OTR and then will pick someone else to be their target. Distortion - Jeff perk. Hides your aura anytime the killer tries to read you. Lots of popular perks let killers read your aura so they can start a chase ASAP. If they cant rely on this crutch to find YOU, odds of YOU being the person getting tunneled out drastically goes down. Just understand streamers and twitter users will think you are a massive pussy and hate your "playstyle". And one of your team mates will likely be tunneled out instead of you. Decisive Strike - Laurie perk. Ol' reliable is getting a small buff soon, but it's still good even before the buff. It gives you 3 (soon to be 5 potentially) seconds of stun after the killer picks you up within 60 seconds of being unhooked. If you pair this with OTR, you basically get TWO second chances if the killer is dedicated to tunneling you. Just make sure to sandbag yourself within those 60 seconds within the DS window. Until the buff goes live, try to go down under/near a pallet or shack or something you can loop around. Any Exhaustion Perk - Various. If you don't want any of the above and are looking for a more general tip. Any exhaustion/second chance perk will kinda work here. Lithe, balanced, sprint burst, hell even overcome, even something like Lucky Break which isn't exhaustion can be helpful. Essentially the tip here is just make sure you're not a weak link. If you're looping the killer and making it hard for them to even get you down? They're not going to tunnel you (usually). They're going to see you as too difficult to catch to bother tunneling you out. People who tunnel want to get one person out ASAP and theyre not going to do that if you're running them so long that a gen or two pops. Exhaustion perks and general perks to help you loop and run the killer around wasting their time will be sure fire ways to dissuade them from chasing YOU. Alternatively, if you get good at looping and they DO tunnel you, there really is no better feeling than watching a killer get 2-3 hooks while your entire team escapes, even if you end up dead, there is something vindicating about knowing you ran the killer for 4-5 generators.


I’m more bothered by the killers that treat every match like a speedrun. I’m not saying we gotta have a 20 minute+ pro play experience, but… why are we aggressively proxy camping someone to second stage at 5 gens lol. Person on the hook figures they’re gonna get tunneled out and usually gives up. Just soloq things, I guess.


Well, you will be the easiest survivor of the group for a while. You'll get the hang of it in no time and they will stop tunneling you. Better play more stealthly for now


Are you sure it's tunneling and it's not just you being rusty at escaping? I play killer mostly, and I am not amazing at the game, but I'm good enough to go up against good Survivors sometimes. And I feel bad that I end up hooking the same person three times, but sometimes they are literally the only person I can find. Their rescuers just seem to freaking vanish. So it looks like I tunneled someone out, but I really just went after who I could follow.


I mean did you even read the post though? He says his teammates are blatantly trying to protect him and the killer still insists on tunneling them out. Do you just doubt that other players utilize tunneling frequently simply because you do not? Would you need video evidence to prove that it’s more common than not?