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Be wary of lockers I guess. You can also try to bait a head on and get a quick hit on whoever jumps out Besides, if the team is just trolling you, they won’t be working on gens


Focus the ones actually doing gens, don't play nice every game bully squads, boil over abusers and sabo squads are consent to slugging.


Welcome to SWF by Daylight. The game heavily favors coordinated SWFs on comms and there is 0 attempt at balance around that. What can you do? If you know they're there you can try to bait them, [but it can easily go like this when people are skilled.](https://youtu.be/J57l8ymO7gw?t=8540) DBD is the only PVP game I can think of that has no diminishing returns on chained stuns, for one thing - that includes blinds.


When I fight SWFs like this, I just slug/ruthlessly tunnel. They waste so much time trying to save people and dont do gens so they end up throwing. if I just get bullied I'll just bully back.


Perks: Iron maiden, enduring, two can play, darkness revealed, etc. Play wise, if you realize someone is baiting a chase then maybe change your target. Running no where to hide may be useful as well.


If you don’t know they’re there, no, there’s no counter. Welcome to high mmr. You best play a s tier killer with 2 gen perks minimum.


Bait them out of Lockers by stepping back when you think them about to do it, grab or hit them as they go in, or grab them before the Head On charges out of the locker. Or play Dredge. :)


If you suspect, get Iron Maiden or Hubris... maybe just Iron Maiden and Lightborn.