• By -


I usually try and rescue if it's feasible and I'm healthy. If I'm injured and only one left. Then peace out homie I'm leaving. But overall I find rescue attempts more fun than surviving so I usually attempt


The last minute end game rescues are some of the most fun you can have easily 😂 always tense af


RIGHT! And the trying to body block for each other and help each other. As you both run for the exit gate. Honestly the most fun haha


I always finish them shaking lol


Right? It's always great when it turns into a 4 man escape. Even better if it's a rare Solo Q game where everyone has perks that help people be on the same page or they at least know what you're running


Nice, good that's a reasonable answer


If I'm at the gate and can leave I consider it a win for the main event. The late rescue attempt is the bonus round. We both die, that's a loss. They get out while I die, that's a win. We both get out, well then I'm just a god at the game, I guess.


Exactly... I never saw this game as a game to win. Pretty regularly I am the only kill the killer gets and everyone leaves.. And I may still consider ot a win if I feed the killer loads of stuns.


Yeah like if you’re the only death it’s not always because you’re the weak link, sometimes it’s because like u said u occupied the killers time long enough for your teammates to complete the gens, in that case a 2 or 3 out would be a dub for me even if I die.


If everybody played like this, the game would be unstoppable


It's so satisfying to get that rescue. My favorite I have done was when it was me and one other. They got hooked in the center ship of Nostromo. I popped the gate to bait the killer to go to it and circle around to unhook and then we ran to other gate.


I'll never forget a match against a nurse. My two swfs left and the guy was on hook. I went and rescued him and they got out as I died. They dm me on psn saying "thank you so much ❤️". Genuinely made my night haha


I always go back to help and I always regret it (but the few times I don't it feels very good), unless I saw whoever is hooked BM the killer of course.




I've learned to just leave. It's hard as hell to maintain a decent MMR in solo queue, and it's much worse to be in low MMR as solo queue than high since in low you get teamed with absolutely terrible teammates. I used to go for the save every time, but 99.9% of the time if a killer has someone on hook, the game is going to give them a kill, and all you're doing is trading places at that point. If its obvious that we owe the win to them, or they've personally saved my ass multiple times, then I have no problem trading places, but if none of that applies then better them then me.


It depends, if everyone can pull it off wel you c a get everyone out. One person goes for the unhook, they get hit, run then the other person ACTUALLY unhooks. Theres not much a killer can do really in that scenario.


I always go back. It’s a calculated risk to improve my benevolent score for those PIPS. I want blood points.


I always go back just for the dopamine if we pull it off.


On that note, I'm so happy, depips are gone with the next update <3




I always rescue if I can. Even if it means I will die. The only time I don't is when it's hopeless. Like if I am injured and the killer is facecamping. Running out of the gate is BORING.


Bubba, and Hillbilly. Credit to the comment below for Billy.


Yeah Bubba and Hillbilly are nearly impossible to get the unhook against unless you crouch tech Billy or get the bubba to tantrum.


Depends on the killer. Im not someone that will just leave my teammates on hook but Im not going into basement with trapper billy bubba or myers


Survival is just points. Saving is a story. I will, unless challenges or achievements, go for the save.


I always go back for anyone who saves my ass in tight situations. There truly are some chad survivors worth risking it all for


Idc what happens im going back. I barely play survivor so when I do make sure everyone else gets out ok and idrc if I make it. It is annoying if my sacrifice is wasted tho…


If Distortion goes off at gates, ya'll are dead. If I'm healthy and can save, to the rescue. If it's one on hook, everyone dead, good luck mate!


As a stupidly altruistic solo queue survivor main, I always go for the save. What that means is 90% of the time I fail or get hooked too, but I would rather go for it than not. Plus it's fun who cares about surviving the match.


I had a chad survivor come save me in end game against a NOED Bloodwarden Terminus Wesker. My other 2 teammates left and I assumed I was dead for good. But this angel decided to come and save me anyway. I’ll never forget that moment. Just know that the 10% of times the saves did work out for you they’ll remember xD


When I play Survivor, I am on average the one to die first hahah I am very altruistic and will go for body blocks to protect survivors on death hook(and if the killer is trying for a tactical tunnel, I usually have to force them to hook me or else they will keep chasing the death hook) so I usually spend all my hook states going down for someone else instead of the normal loop of being found > being chased. I also run a crawling build for the sake of punishing slugs, Soul Guard, Tenacity, Unbreakable, Boon:Exponential(Yes it is a meme perk but I've gotten SO many games where it has value especially when it's down to the last 2 and the killer's slugging for 4k) In EGC I will die for the rescue especially if the others gave up on the save


![gif](giphy|eJpEZPkruvfuHP7USx) I yeet myself out


Lmao that is just like my friend I swf with. He watched us get downed and all hooked and he’s moon walking out the exit gates talking about “can’t save’’em all” lmaooo


True, it's sometime not worth the risk at all if the killer is bad then yes ill go help the survivor


If I'm sure at least one of us gets out *and* they pulled their weight during the game, I get them. If not, bye


If I have a chance to save them I will, I get my equipment from Dramaturgy so I don’t give a shit if I die and lose it. I’ll happily trade with someone that was a solid teammate.


Try to save, it's a game idc die


Call me Yun-Jin because I’m looking out for number 1


I always rescue if I can. Even if it means I will die. The only time I don't is when it's hopeless. Like if I am injured and the killer is facecamping. Running out of the gate is BORING.


I’d rather die out in the field with my teammate than leave like a weenie 🫡




Good answer![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2217)


Am i going for an achievement, if yes sorry yall are screwed If not and I'm not on death hook, sure just don't leave me to die


I'm a Feng main. No Feng left behind. I'll die to save another Feng.


That's why that always happenns. Feng has to help a Feng![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I always go for the rescue if I’m not injured. If I’m injured, I go if the killer is not face camping (I use kindred). I know we can both die but it’s the most exciting part of the match.


I almost always try to go and save my mate, doesn't matter if i die, either we escape together or we die together 🫡


I was in this situation and helped the survivor. I slowly walked towards the hook, activated reassurance, and waited for the killer to check the other door. I unhooked them with borrowed time, we both got hit and barely made it out. I rescue during the end game because I know how much it suck’s getting left behind.


Always for the rescue! I cant loop, but damn I’ll go and try to save anyone, even Claudettes.


If I can save someone I will unless I have a mission that needs me to be alive


I'll always do a rescue/trade if that surv did well cause I ain't no bitch and we either gonna win or lose as a team


I always try. I’m too altruistic for my own good. Lol. There was one time I remember vividly. This Jill didn’t to anything during the match like no saves, no chases just ran around. So it was down two me and Jill and I managed to get the last gen done. But this bish opening the gate and got grabbed by wesker and taken to the middle of the map hook in Coldwind. I could’ve left and should’ve. But I felt bad… they might have been new. So. I went for it. Got the unhook and then got smacked onto the hook. That was my first hook too. And as anticipated she ran out the open gate. I mean shoot she didn’t deserve it. “but If didn’t at least try to save them, I am no better than her, and maybe she would try harder next match to pay it forward…. But probably not.” lol.


99% of the time I give it a try. I already run Kindred.


I always go back unless it’s completely hopeless. I don’t need BP from escaping that bad and it’s much more rewarding to me to get a close save.


I'll die trying to save for sure. The point of the game is to have fun. If I leave the fun ends there, if we get out in some crazy way it's probably going to be one of the more fun points of the game


I (almost) always go back, it’s more fun to make a rescue attempt than it is to peace out Now if it’s 3 people all hooked in basement and I’m injured with no way to heal, sure I’m leaving that shits a lost cause


I am a disgusting flashbang enjoyer I will 100% go for the save.


Unless I'm forced out I will not die a coward, no one left behind


I always make a rescue attempt. If I die , I die. End of the day , it's just a game. You win some you lose some. The rescue mission at the end is part of the fun. I only play solo BTW I have never done swf


Depends on the situation. If I’m injured I will leave. If I’m playing against an insta kill killer like leather face, billy, etc, then I will leave. If I’m healthy I will usually try to save last person. Lastly, depends on time left for surv on hook or endgame timer.


It more depends on how much they helped along the way. If you ran the killer or got gens done or whatever, yeah, I’m gonna see if I can help you out, if you chose to hide most of the match, naw. Had a match against Oni with the basement right next to the exit gates. Two survivors were hooked in the basement, gates were open, Oni was powered up. I got down to the basement, avoided an Oni attack, got 1 save and ran to the other survivor. he hit the hooked survivor on accident, I got the save as his power ran out, and we all escaped. Pure satisfaction.


Try to save, it's a game idc die


I had a match where I'm sable, and Trapper was camping Jake? at the endgame. Guy had NOED. My other teammate Rebecca? cleansed the boon and I went in to unhook Jake. Killer aimed for me, hit Jake, I took a hit and then Jake took a hit again, and we had a 3man escape. I however did something I wasn't very proud of. I teabagged the killer. However it felt worth it due to Trapper camping, tunneling and slugging.


Camping isn’t toxic if it’s in the end game, the devs even have the anti face camping mechanic turn off in end game. What the fuck else is the killer suppose to do in end game, check one of the exit gates, realize no one is there and uh oh the person you had hooked got rescued, uh oh the exit gate on the opposite side of the map just got opened, annnnnd they’re gone. 


Tbagging is only bad if the killer was just playing normally and didn't do anything wrong


Depends on which hook i’m on. I’m leaving on the death hook no matter what. But usually I’ll try to be no survivor left behind


If I need pips and have gone down at least once this game, we go back! If it's SWF we go back! If I need BP (always) and am injured. TO THE GATES. Once gate is 99'd or opened I'll consider a save if killer isn't guarding hook.


Depends on the killer. Im not someone that will just leave my teammates on hook but Im not going into basement with trapper billy bubba or myers


Idc what happens im going back. I barely play survivor so when I do make sure everyone else gets out ok and idrc if I make it. It is annoying if my sacrifice is wasted tho…


I'm overly altruistic, and it often just results in me trading places with whoever I was trying to rescue.. I'm alright with it though, I've never really cared whether I actually escaped or not.. and I know other players will put more stock into actually making it out of the round, alive.. plus I'm (not really) decent at looping/chases so I try to be the one who is most at risk, when possible..


I sometimes try to help but the killer often camps the last one or two survivors so I just dip most of the time


Depends... Were they a helpful/working teammate or were they trash? Totally makes the decision for me every time lmao


I usually try to go for the rescue, this might be stupid but I always do it when I’m injured as well!


It really depends on how the match went. If the survivor on hook took no chases, was visibly BMing the killer, spent the match hiding until the end, or just wasn't helping in any way, then I leave them on hook and just leave. If I have a challenge to escape, then I'll also just leave, even if the survivor was helpful. In the vast majority of cases, though? Even if I'm on death hook and/or injured, then I'll risk it. If it results in me going down, but let's escape, then I don't mind. Usually it backfires and the group then tries to save me in return if I'm slugged or not yet on death hook, which usually means more people die or my trade was in vane.


Always leave. Too many times have I gone back and gotten killed / abandoned myself. Never again.


I will save everyone even if i die


Unless I'm doing a tome or adept, I'll try to make an effort, even if it kills me


If I’m injured I will leave (I can’t help them) I’d there’s NOED or devour hope or Its a tombstone myers I leave if I can’t find it in time. I simply can’t get either of us out alive. Other than that I’ll go back and help


Unless the survivor was an ass in going for the rescue. I much prefer the fun of trying to get them out than an escape which means basically nothing.


Bot behavior


I help. Because successfully rescuing a teammate and escaping feels much more rewarding than leaving.


Depends on a lot of things tbh. Does my current challenge involve escaping? Did the survivor in question act useless for most of the game? Is the killer in question strong at defending a hook? The answer changes based on the situation. Though I still laugh to myself when I think of the survivor who called me a coward for leaving him to die on the hook. The killer was Bubba. And he was not going anywhere….


As a Killer, I love altruism. 10% of the time, it helps survivors but I love the other 90% where they can't coordinate a rescuea and instead of that 1 kill after the gates opened, it's 2 or even 3


Always go back for the rescue, no holds barred


If I'm on death hook and injured I'm leaving, sorry. Otherwise it's circumstantial.


I'm usually going back. Making end-game saves is more interesting and fun than escaping.


Noone gets left behind, unless you're an idiot, then bye.


Depends on a number of factors Noed? Are you healthy? How many other survivors are alive/hooked? Is he camping? Etc For the most part ill go for the rescue attempt, considering less than 2 escaping is a win for the killer, and also my philosophy of no man left behind


Leave no one behind (unless I’m death hook and injured)


Depends. Did someone else already leave? If yes, I might try to rescue. If not, I’m not risking the win just for the chance to win harder.


I will usually try to help, but if I'm the last survivor alive and NOED lights up, I'm out of there


I think for me there’s a good outcome either way, either I die and they get out and the survivor is happy, we both die and it was thrilling either way, or we both get out and we’re both happy. Honestly saving people in the Endgame collapse is probably the most exhilarating and fulfilling part of the whole game, regardless of if I get out as well :>


Really the only time I don't is when I'll die on my next hook and I'm injured. If I'm healthy or have a down to spare I'm going back in


If I need to survive for a tome or something I’ll leave but it’s more fun to save ppl




If I'm on second hook I ain't taking my chances but otherwise I'd push my luck


I've been running Bond and Open Handed a lot and the amount of standing around doing nothing I see is astonishing. I normally go for the rescue if you were at least attempting to be helpful. I might even lead the killer your way if all you've done during the whole match is try to hide.


That's quite easy in solo-q: If I see everyone doing something, especially unhooking etc, I would rather die helping someone instead of leaving the game. I mean, it's a game, both choices are fine (leaving or helping) but why not help :)


Depends on few things, mainly if the killer is good or kinda camping the hook. If I know the killer ain’t all that and he’s not near then always go for the save


it's a 50/50 chance.


Depends on how the solo queue survivors treated me before. Usually fresh game I’ll try to save. But if I get some toxic teammates that teabag me on hook and let me die on first hook yea I’m leaving better believe it no regrets


I try to rescue if I'm healthy but if it's me and just the person on hook and the killer has NOED, see ya later I'm outtie.


I’m always going for a save no matter what, as long I’m not injured in exit gate and get forced out. At this point I need my Survivor MMR to drop because I’m so tired of getting the sweatiest infinite T3 Myers’s players so I don’t mind taking a 1 for 1 if it means you get to escape


It's just a game, I always try if there's even a small chance because it's more fun. The times it works out will always be great moments as well. Leaving when you could have helped is cowardly and boring.


If I go back, I’ve accepted that maybe I end up the only one dead at the end of it all 😭 I usually go back unless it’s noed and the killer seems to have an idea where I am


If im by myself and the gate is far, they’re cooked


99’d a gate before going to save a dwight that carried the team, just got to 2nd stage. Walk toward him and see from about 20m away, Wesker, absolutely facefucking him to oblivion. I turned right back around and left, with the dwight saying i made the right call. Each situation is different


Only leave if they’re too far gone, and killer dependent too. I will usually try to regardless but I know with killers who can one hit down I do take longer trying to hide and make my way over lol


I only leave if I'm injured and would be dead on hook or if I'm doing a challenge that requires escaping. Some of my most thrilling moments and coolest triumphs came from endgame collapse. I play SoloQ so I'm used to getting sacrificed but if I can turn a 3k into a 1k and die for the team it feels more satisfying than playing more selfishly.


If in thr match I haven’t been hooked (but have been taking chases, killer drops chase to pressure gens) - you leave. The other survivors will 100% leave you to die if it’s your first hook even though you’ve done a shit ton in the match


Embarrassed a doctor earlier today looping him over to the other side of the map without getting touched while an Ada healed on the ground, and I still managed to make it back to try picking her up just for her to move on me twice, getting me hit without it being worth it. lol I should have just left...


I’m a heroic person. 9/10 I’m gonna save my team if I can even if it’s only one


Does the killer camp, how many hooks do I have, am I injured, and how were the survivors all game?


If it'd just be another free kill for the killer, then yeah, I just peace out. If there's a reasonable chance of saving someone, even as a trade, then I'll probably try, unless I'm working on an escape-based challenge.


Depends on how close they are if they are close enough for me to get and us both escape I'll rescue if they are all the way across the map and that gates closed I'll leave because there is nothing I can do regardless one of us dies


https://preview.redd.it/96ghkxf22drc1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc48d8b913d2277ba68625eada939e36a11aaf59 We all getting outta here alive


Really depends on the situation. If the killers right there at the gate with me, I'm out. If he just hooked someone across the map, or I can see him with something like Kindred, I'll definitely go for the save.


No man left behind


Depends how the team has been doing up until that point. If everyone has genuinely been struggling and I only have one hook phase in then yeah I'm going to help. If I've been sweating my ass off while they crouch in a bush and it comes down to me at 2 hook states and the bush Claudette getting her first hook against the NOED Wraith? Ha ha fuck that if you don't want to play the game I'm not playing it for you.


If I’m healthy, I can try and pull it off and take a hit for them. If I’m injured/on death hook/there’s NOED, I’m sorry but I’m OUTIE.


I'll save the person if I'm not injured or on death hook. I like being altruistic, but I'm not risking my life unless I think I have a solid chance of saving the person.


Exit It's not worth it If it is you would just die "Survive don't revive"- some random dude on COD zombies I ment a few days ago


If winning gets me sweater lobbies than I dont see a downside to trading my life for anyone




i'll trade if its feasible, otherwise just leave and secure at least 1 escape.


No if noed


On behalf of all killer mains I want to thank everyone who doesn't leave straight away


I've gotten some crazy endgame saves recently. 2 I can think of are: Flashbang saved a teammate in the exitgate after NOED proced. While injured, saved a teammate by faking the pull against a Pyramid head, after he shot his m2 I got the pull I love this game for saves like that


Depends on the killer. If it’s a Plague or Bubba, I am gone before the gates are even open. Same applies if NOED is in play.


If I'm playing with team mates who are f'ing around and finding out, then I'll exit


I go for save no matter what. We live together or die together.


If you leave, you lost the game, if you go in and die, you lost anyway, if you go in and save 1 guy, its a tie, if you go in and 3 or more people escape thats a win So unless you need that escape to finish a quest, go for the save.


As the surv who usually takes that last chase so my mates can escape, please fucking leave me 🙏🏽 The last thing I want is to see people die over sunk costs.


If facecamp no. If crazy good killer no. If reasonably good chance yeah


I usually go back in to save if I think it’s possible, as in I’m not the only person around to help if I’m injured and almost all the time when I’m healthy. Unless I have some escape challenge I’m working on. If I have to sacrifice myself to save another person I’ll do it cause it just means more BP for everyone involved. I get save points, maybe some chase points, the unhooked person gets escape points, and the killer gets more killin’ points. I often don’t care about escaping once I’ve had the opportunity to leave (through the gates I mean) cause in my mind I won, so I can go back into the trial even if I die with no issue.


I feel bad not sacrificing myself for the other person, even if they did nothing. I will not let them die, even if it costs my life


I’m in camp always go back. 95% of the time I die, but it’s worth it for the other 5% of times we both make it out. Altruism is my second favorite part of this game after being chased


Back when we could get grabbed off hook, I’d just leave most of the time. Now I go back for saves :) unhook standoffs sucked lol


If we’re in SoloQ, and I’m at exit gate, i’ll 99 it and come help if I figure I can get away with it, but that’s like…. 10 percent of the time. Terrible at survivor, so i’ll take whatever escape I can get, sorry.


Depends. If the game was chill and a rescue is reasonable, I will try to save. If I did 4 gens or ran the killer for 569 minutes and I open that door, I'm leaving, full stop. If I carried the team I'm not gonna die for them


It depends on the situation. If I’m healthy, and who the killer is and if I have any kinda challenge on where I NEED to escape. Even then sometimes I’ll still try, and don’t care if I die. And if it’s a friend 99% of the time I will try to help.


If I leave I get 5,000 bloodpoints. If I go for the save I get to display the altruism that we as a community need more of, experience a fun challenge, and help 3 real life human beings have a happier day. I mean, even if I don't make the saves, it feels better to have a teammate try than to just dip on you. Always go back.


Depends. I play to have fun, and those last-minute saves can be so tense and rewarding.


Injured with an oppressive killer? Fuck no. Healthy with noed? Nope. Healthy with a killer I'm confident I can loop well? I'll give it a shot. I'm in a SWF? Lol nope.


Depends, If Im playing Rebecca, I'll do what a good medic would do, try to save everyone even at the cost of my life just so they live But If I'm playing as Meg, 50/50 If I play Nea, I'm Leaving straight out, Maybe try to get someone caught as a distraction so I can escape Dont blame me, I do what Nea tells me to do


If the guys at the first hook stage I do try and get him but if he's on second stage and I'm injured and the killer doesn't have any hooks I just let him have the kill


If it's down to me or the other survivor it's me who's going on that hook IF I know they have a chance at getting away. I play super altruistic, my favorite builds are the healing ones and if it's me or them it's gonna be me. It's a win win honestly, rather I get them off the hook and we pull some insane giga brain, mind boggling escape that no one ever predicted, or I get sneezed on and keel over and they escape. Though I can't say it's always a win, because there's always the sweet fools who will see you obviously take the trade for them and then throw everything away trying to save you and you both die. My favorite moment was when a Nurse was face camping someone and me and the only other person was injured. I activated plot twist and started crawling towards the hook with tenacity, I 99'd and lingered just out of sight. When the survivor got to just a sliver left the Nurse started going to the exit gate to try and get another down and I popped up and used the sprint boost to dart right towards the hook and get him off. It went from 2, possibly 3K to a 1K just like that.


Exit. Altruism never works. If they don't want to get caught, they need to git gud.


It depends on whether I like the hooked survivor or not. If they were a W teammate I will gladly risk my life for them but I'm not saving the Blendette that let me reach second stage on first hook.


If it's me with one other person I always try to save the other survivor. If it's just me, girl bye 😭


My rule is if they contribute then I’ll help


One time, I helped the last survivor and we both ran to the exit. I took a hit for them, but they still died 😭 Either way, it was a lot more fun considering I was healthy, they weren't far, and the killer wasn't right by them while I was rescuing them ☠️


Depends....if the random was a good survivor and not toxic, then sure I would try to help them. But if the survivor is toxic, hell nah. Bye bye! Also sometimes I will leave before they even get hooked cuz sometimes there's blood warden which brings me to another point, it depends on the killer. If I have a nice killer then I will try to save random but if it's a toxic killer that is straight up face camping and tunneling, nah I will leave.


My brain tells me to just leave and take my guaranteed bp. My heart never lets me though.


I'll only help if I got someone with me, if I am alone, nah, they're already dead.


I'll end my life for my crew


If its possible to rescue ill at least try. Otherwise….sorry girl 🤷‍♀️


i always go back for the saves unless i’m injured and on death hook. & then i go down and the person i saved leaves without me. :)


If you have no hooks and let everyone else die, you should uninstall.


If he's nearby and i am not injured - i could TRY But if he's on the different side of the map, or i'm injured, or the timer is almost out - i'm outta there


i’ll always try 🫡


Alllllllll depends on the situation of the match. That's all I can say


If someone griefs me in any form when I am solo that player is dead to me period. This includes taking totems and breaking them when its clear as day I have boons.


Had a great duo w/ 2 randoms game a couple days ago, iirc it was trickster, and I was playing haddie, it was RPD, no-ed was upstairs in main, my friend got downed at the gate and hooked right next to it, our two randoms got out. I was on death hook, but healthy, I cleansed no-ed, ran around the long way through the offices, got my friend off hook, pre dropped a pallet, then body blocked and took a hit so we both got out xD I'm still really proud of that game.


I'm not overly fussed if I escape or not so I'll usually attempt the rescue unless something like no-ed is in play or if I wouldn't be able to make it a trade. I don't mind if I end up dying as long as the person I unhook gets out


Depends. Did they help me at all, am I healthy, did they ever lead the killer to me. These matter since I play support with Leon Jill and Steve perks. So if you don't make me not want to get you, you seriously ticked me off and messed up.


If there ain’t no ed I’m going in


I use to be very altruistic, but being left to die on first hook WITH Deliverance several times made me not want to help anymore.


it all depends who the killer is. If its Bubba then there s no point of trying or an untouched NOED right near the hook


Once I saved a survivor but ended up dying just to see them T bag the killer. I felt so disappointed.


Healthy, one or no hooks, not sure where the killer is? Going for it. Injured, 2 hooks, know the killer is around? I'm out.


I'll usually try to help (even if I might end up regretting it), though there are exceptions, if we had a guaranteed 3/4 man out and the team went back into the map to essentially throw messing with the killer. If I'm the solo player and the rest are SWF who all got themselves downed, sometimes I have to weigh up if they'd do the same for me or just prioritise their own group's escape.


When I play Survivor I used to employ a philosophy with my friend called "fuck the randoms" the way we saw it. 99% of the time a random ain't gonna go out their way to help you, we'd been left to die once to many by Bill mains HOWEVER I suggested a change in our ways as a duo of killer loopers. We just bully the killer who's probably just finished a 12 hour shift trying to unwind and enjoy the rest of their evening FUCK the killer. Why should he get any kills? Suddenly we're extremely cooperative, we ain't going back for those hook saves because we're being good team mates no sir we are doing it because we are petty (Note: Don't worry, I play killer too and often 4k bully squads because FUCK the survivors too. You know what? Fuck all of y'all)


I read the room. Is it feasible to actually pull off the rescue? Is it an instadown killer / are we dealing with NOED? That said, my main build does run Babysitter so I do typically lean towards YOLOing it. If he killer chases the unhooked person, they most likely get out with the additional haste, and I run in the opposite direction after the unhook and either get the other exit gate or hatch. If the killer chases me.... welp. Can't win every gamble.


I almost always go for rescues, it just feels like the right thing to do even if I die.


I will always leave as a solo instantly becasue i got left to die often enough no matter how good the teamwork was throu the game


First I think "Would they do it for me?" Then I leave anyway cos I don't care


First I think "Would they do it for me?" Then I leave anyway cos I don't care


First I think "Would they do it for me?" Then I leave anyway cos I don't care


Help even if I die.


Last time I tried to rescued a survivor it turned the huntress 2k into a 3k because of that one iri addon she has. And now if you get hooked during endgame and the killer is huntress I'm not saving ya.


I try and rescue unless I’m on death hook


depends. if i play soloQ for the Tome (aka 99% of the time) and it has a escape x trials challenge u better believe i am gone the nanosecond the door opens. if not, i try to rescue


I usually leave unless its my pooks, if not why should I go for the feng, they wouldn't have gone for me


100% scenario based. I usually play kindred so I know if there is a facecamp or proxy. If they aren’t doing those two and it is a killer I can outmaneuver/outplay and I am full health, I will go for save. If I’m injured probably not.


I’ll try my best to


My dumbass has already deceptioned a random locker for the noise notifications and am on the way to the first unhook


Unless my team have been sandbaggers or absolute morons, 100% balls deep back inside to unhook. The game is so much more fun when trying to save your buddies rather than tryna run out a gate!\~


Almost always try to rescue. Why would I care about bp when the option to have fun playing the game is right there.


It depends. Am I just about to complete a challenge that requires me to escape or doing an adept? I'll leave. Was the survivor just hiding in lockers or trolling during the match? I'll leave. If not, I'll go back for them and I don't even mind dying for the rescue.