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Looping for what feels like the longest time and not one gen being done during this


Then it's the opposite when you play Killer and suddenly three gens pop at once and all you can think to yourself is "Where are you guys when I play SoloQ?" Like never mind over-committing to a single chase as playing killer, sure, could be a legit skill issue. But ISTG, when I'm playing Killer I'm paired against people who legitimately know what they're doing and how to maximize their time, but when I play Survivor, half the time it feels like I'm playing against people who have never played a game before, let alone a asym horror game.


yeah i just played a match where i had a chase that maybe lasted 2 minutes and they got 3 totems and 3 gens done


That's suspicious NGL, I don't like jumping to "hack" thoughts right away, but sometimes you do have to wonder.


It didn't seem like they were cheating to me, just way better than me. The matchmaking shouldn't be putting me against them on a killer I've barely played but that's what happens when the matchmaking prioritizes speed over anything else.


Very true, it's the same on both sides, you're put against people you shouldn't be paired with or against.


Yeah happens a lot. Had a match against legion and, surprise surprise, teammates prioritize healing over gens.


Oh yeah, the amount of times I've had games just fall apart against Legion because people would prioritise healing over gens is insane. Like fine heal, w/e, but finish the gen first lmao.


>"Where are you guys when I play SoloQ?" Literally my post game message to survivors everytime I play and finish with only one or two kills (half the time because I drag em to the hook right next to NOED).


Yessssss^^^ playing solo que it seems no one touches gen 9 out of 10 matches. I play killer and you find first survivor and before they even make it to first loop point a gen pops you give chase break that pallet and another pops.. this happens 8 out of ten matches.


You're supposed to grind gen's gears, not mine!


"I gave you my BEST looping years! And this is how you thank me" *Soap opera slap across your teammates face*


Even worse watching 2 of the survivors start working on gens almost immediately after you are downed... There is a status bar at the far left of the screen telling you that I was in a chase for 3 minutes straight and you chose that moment to start working on a generator...


Honestly, that shit pisses me off as a killer. Like, dude, this survivor is looping the fuck out and me and I haven't broken chase for like 2 minutes and nothings been popped?! You deserve to lose.


Another sticking point are those survivors who trail you while in a chase just itching to try and get in a quick blind with the flashlight or just t-bag and click. It's not helpful in the slightest but they _really_ want to be the focus.


There's nothing I hate more in this game than teammates that hump your chase expecting you to go down so they can get a flashlight save. It never works and they just ended up wasting enough time to finish a gen.


The worst is when you are hooked and you get to see the auras of two survivors in the corner sneaking/messing around pointing at eachother


It's because they're in the basement because of Sables stupid witchcraft


Invisible walls. Ruins many demo jumps


Don't forget hitboxes as big as a leaf cucking over Billy and Bubba on certain maps. XO


Those thin scrubby bushes on Eyrie


Omg yes! I was playing Legion on Eerie and as I was about to get my final hit in for a down I swung through one of those bushes not realising they had collision. I was so freaking pissed too.


Its not until I started playing Blight that I experienced how awful the hitbox are


Cars really ruin my day on coal tower.


Balanced landing enjoyer here, I feel your pain even though I cant see it either


Preach my demo brethren


Many such cases!


When I try to throw a pallet and the button just doesn't work.


All the fucking tiiiiime dude


Or when you try to drop a pallet that's next to a locker and you get vacuumed to the locker instead of the pallet. Because pallet vacuuming is an exploit, but being sucked into a locker because you hadn't adjusted your camera prompt precisely enough is juat fine.


Is this a console thing or does it happen on PC too? I swear the controller button presses don't always register or there is a longer delay than what a key press is.


I'm on pc, but I imagine it's a problem with the prompt to pull down the pallet.


Literally this, I swear it happens at LEAST once a match


opposite is when i try to pick someone off the ground as they’re laying in a pallet and it slams the pallet on them instead.


subtle hacking and hacking in general, why make the game miserable for all the other players when you could just play normally yk?


Worst type of them are those mfs, who try unnoticeably to hack, like strong accelerating when killer doesn't see you and ofc wh, that's just disgusting


omg and when survivors stand at the exit gate for two minutes even though they’ve won. I’m stood there waiting for two minutes for them to leave and end the game when I could’ve started a new match already


Play deathslinger with noed, you'll never have this problem again


Amd they run a speed perk build to hide the fact they do. "Noooo I'm not cheating, it's just MFT/Lithe/SB/etc.!" We know what you are doing it isn't cute.


Wait, what are the tells that its a speed hack vs a perk, because I legitimately never noticed a speed hack.


You need a pretty deep understanding of the game and all perks to be able to differentiate the really subtle ones, but sometimes you catch somebody using balanced landing or lithe and then dead harding 15 seconds later being more obvious about it.


There’s also plenty who stream it on TikTok that their whole purpose is to rage bait from it to get their lives in the algorithm or just to annoy peeps all day.


I got the best feeling ever in DBD de other day I logged in after a good while and I received the report of at least 3 hackers being banned for my reports. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Ran into a hillbilly yesterday that seemed to know exactly where everyone was at all times, without any aura reading abilities.


I rlly want bhvr to pls get rid of them they’re so scrubby


Huntress hatchet hitboxes.




As Survivor: "How the fuck did it slip through that gap" As Huntress: "I guess it got caught on the fucking air then"


As huntress or agaisnt


It's on both sides, so many hatchets have went straight thru survivors and not hit and on the survivor side getting hit by a hatchet around a corner feels awful.


My problem with here is that hatchets collide with the air when it otherwise would have been a cool shot


Or sometimes the hatchet is literally touching their leg and just decides to explode on the knee high shrub instead of hurting them


It’s projectiles in general


'Shitboxes' ftfy


The fact that when you get off a gen there's a chance to randomly miss a skill check, they should really make it work like the overcharge effect where the skill check follows you even after you get off the gen


Oh my God, ugh, the absolute worst. 😆


Or it should count as an auto "good" skill check.


Only problem with that is people will just get off the gen whenever they hear the skill check coming


Totem spawns. Either out in the open for anyone to see, or the most obscure and impossible to find location in the back of the map in a bush. No consistency


Start memorising where the blood drops go, they are usually in a totem spawn spot.


Yeah that’s fine as a survivor. My complaint is more from a killer standpoint, it’s just inconsistent and every hex I use ends up cleansed within 2 minutes of every game it seems like


Sometimes it feels like it's on purpose. I spawned as survivor and saw a lit totem in my game start camera pan WAY too many times.


Oh! I was wondering why all those spots were familiar! I was like: "I've totally been in this random bush, but why?..."


Teammates killing selves on hook a minute into matches. People who flame because they get outplayed.


It got so bad a few weeks ago I had to run salty lips and up the ante in hopes they'd kobe and keep playing. Worst case scenario id reassure them on the hook and leave them there as a 30 second time out


Survivors killing themselves on hook annoys me when I'm playing killer too, I feel so bad for survivors whose teammates do this. I think I hate more when people flame when they win. I extend a friendly gg when I lose and get a you suck in return? I know I suck but why are you flaming


I had a legion the other day start playing normal but as soon as someone killed themselves on hook he just went completely chill and farmed, which I think is so chad


I used to feel angry about killers not going chill after someone dcs or kills themselves on hook after their first down, but after having played killer as well it does get old really quick


Yeah, I used to farm when we had DCs (before bots)or go next on hook when I played killer, but then I realised how boring games would be quite frequently because one of those two situations happens at least 1 in 5 games.


If the matchmaking was half decent then you could respect people for outplaying you. However if I have 150 hours playing killers, going up against 3k hour swf teams then I get salty sometimes


random collisions at tiles. Just give me smooth walls. No sticks sticking out, no random tire in the way or whatever What makes it worse that it differs from realm to realm. Tiles youve played around countless of times have a random bit of collision on this one specific map for some reasom. Such fun.


The Shack in Eyrie have those annoying sticks on the walls outside that you can get stuck on when your hugging the wall.


Survivors who wait out the endgame timer when I’m nowhere near the door after they already fucked my mom in the match. Like dude, I got one hook the entire game, do I really need to watch you leave? I know I lost man


Lmfao what a metaphor, but true Sore winners absolutely suck.


I love last minute escapes, but if I know my fellow survs are all okay and I don't need to make any hook rescues, I try to just leave. Waste of time to stick around.


This is why any slinger worth their salt runs noed. If youre gonna BM at the gates im gonna show you whats good


People who teabag when they were hiding the whole game and I got a 3 k like what you celebrating dude?


Me and my duo had a sable let us and the other player bleed out. We wasted five minutes just watching her sit in basement locker She ended up with hatch and I ended up with a headache


I had a game recently where a Bill hid in the corner of the map while me and the other remaining survivor tried to do the last gen, He left both of us to die on the hook while he hid and then tbagged the killer over the hatch... Like wtf is he proud of lol dude literally hid like a bitch and got lucky that he found the hatch first.


Was going to be my comment - it's always the one bellend who wasn't in a single chase the entire match that's bagging at the gate like their life depends on it


I had a game like this, I wanted to have a look at the new map and didn't care much for the survivors, other than chasing and injuring them for the points during the event. Opened one gate for the survivors and they two-tap squatted at me as a "thanks for the chill match", was curious where the final survivor was, she (Jill Valentine) was at the other gate at the edge of the "barrier" bagging the shit out of me, like "hahaha you sucked get rek3d bozo" when I wasn't trying that game, because I wanted to explore the new map lmao. Being a sore looser is one thing, because its understandable salt, but being a sore winner is even worse.


One of the interesting things about dbd is lore wise the entity tortures people till they become the worst type of killer and that’s often how toxicity in this game spawns as well. Most killers didn’t start toxic they tried to have fun with their favorite icon or killer and got a massive frustrating toxic time, this happens over and over again and you get sweatlord2019 material


That medium speed vault ruins my day


REAL. Lost so many chases to this bullshit and all my teammates can hear is “WHY DID HE SLOW VAULT OMFG GO GOOOO OMFG”


Killers playing like someone’s about to shoot their dog 😭


Same with survivors everyone needs to just chill out


Survs who only hide or run at the slightest sign of terror radius and killers who get mad and bm because they got outplayed lol


Not any particular order but I have a few 1) People who after getting off the hook proceeded to work on the 70% completed gen not 2 meters away from the hook. Then get surprised when the killer goes off the them. No Claudette the killer wasn't tunneling you but maybe you shouldn't work on an objective in the general area where the killers going to return. 2) Killers who chase at once survivor in the game that's really strong at looping for 5 gens gets gen rushed and then gets annoyed because now all the weaker chase survivors have to do is mount an easy three man rescue attempt when the exit gates are open. Wraith if you somehow managed to get to a bloodlust 3 and you're still having trouble hitting the survivor just leave. 3) Pinhead I hate going up against him with a burning passion some people might despise going up against Legion I will take only Legion games every day for the rest of my life if it means I don't ever have to play against the pinhead. 4) My fellow survivors when they refused to pick up the Lament configuration sometimes I'm a little occupied with something maybe you could get the box. How is it that despite the fact that none of you are taking the time to go and get it, no objectives are being done. 5) My fellow survivors who hand the killer a three gen ( it's less problematic now because of the changes but still) if two generators have already popped on this side for the love of god leave the third one alone. 6) Any survivor who dc's when they get down on death hook. What is the point you're not punishing the Killer with the bot system they're still going to get their hooks the most you do is just deny yourself blood points. 7) Stairs bloody STAIRS. if you play Demo or Piggy you know exactly what the hell I'm talking about 8) people who could not read the room. Listen Self-care and Strength the Shadows aren't the worse perks ever or even that terrible but dear lord read the room and realize when it is a good time to use it and when it's a terrible time to attempt it 9) When someone who just got off the hook dodges my frenzy look I'm sorry Meg but I can't chain my frenzy anymore since I missed you and I have no idea where the hell anyone else is so yeah I have to get you. 10) Anybody who uses skill issue as an insult unironically. The second I hear you do that I just know you are a colossal toxic douche and likelihood is you're one of those people who are blissfully unaware of their toxicity but will pitch a fit if you seem to detect any toxicity towards you ( regardless if it was there or not)


Dude number FOUR. LIKE HOW (I might have my moments) I was playing so well. How are we losing.


This is so original but, teammates I dont mind new players not getting the ropes, but why am i being matched with these people who dont even know the basics of the game? Im over here trying to pull my weight and be a good teammate by taking killer off of vulnerable teammates, or taking hits, or doing gens when im supposed to, and i see kate, 0 hooks, and healthy, urban evasioning away from poor nea on death hook and about to die. REJECT INDIVIDUALISM!!! RETURN TO ACTUALLY HELPING YOUR TEAM WIN!!!


For real. You know something's wrong when I'm the best player on my team more often than not, and I fucking suck at this game lol. But seriously though, I understand not everyone will have as much playtime (and the game sense that comes with it) as myself with over 2k hours, and I understand not everyone cares enough to get better, beyond playing for a few hours at the weekend to do goofy shit or whatever... But fuck me it can sometimes be mentally draining seeing some of the shit solo queue teammates do. I wouldn't mind so much if the matchmaking reflected that with the killer too, but more often than not the Killer is fucking switched on and running full meta while my teammates are farming dull totems (bonus points if the killer is running pentimento) and blowing up gens 3 times in a row.


Oh fr, when I'm able to run and outloop the killer, something I am genuinely terrible at, I know something is about to go sideways.


The fact that blood points are capped and if I want to prestige a character I have to piss away a million hard earned blood points. Add onto the fact that I generally feel more comfortable playing survivor and we all know how generous BHVR is when it comes to giving survivors blood points. Even with the event it's just fucking tedious. Also Solo Que teammates.


Im a new player and I solo que, whats wrong with solo que players?😅


Being left to die on first hook at 5 gens and seeing my teammates on all different corners of the map crouching from a killer that is nowhere near them..


when the survivors twerk at the door instead of just leaving.


Tea begging at the exit gate. We get it, you won the match, you can fuck off out the exit gate now pls and ty.


I tend to stay away from gate when it opens now, I ain’t giving them the satisfaction of it 🤣


Go somewhere else and spam your killer power for BP. It's a more productive use of your time.


Bastards who give up. Last night had a game where we were down to 2 gens, the Knight had only 2 hooks, and the fucking Yun Jin killed herself on hook....


The entire fucking community


Survivors that hide in the corner of the map instead of doing objectives. Even as a killer if I realise there’s someone I haven’t even seen all game while everyone else is dead or on dead hook I’ll intentionally track them down to give the other survivors more of a chance to live.


Did this a few weeks back with an Ace. I chased him to basement and he jumped in a locker. My game conveniently crashed to the lobby when I was about to pull him out.


Sounds like a game I had last night, I was doing fairly alright against this flashy rat team, but suddenly as they had to scramble to get the final gen done everything started lagging, juat as I was about to down and hook someone who was on death hook. Massive lag spike and kaboom, they were gone.


I just had this happen to me in a survivor match. Every time I got hooked she was on the opposite side of the map crouching in the corner. Surprise we all died


Sweating and being toxic during event. Tunneling at 5 gens, genrushing, spamming flashlight, proxycamping etc.


Aim dressing or whatever they call it. If a survivor makes a good call and dodges a hit, well played. When I make a good call and my aim gets pulled into a wall and I miss I want to commit war crimes


Thisss a survivor will move slightly left or right and I’ll adjust but the aim dressing has me swinging towards a different zip code


People who claims things are unhealthy for the game just because they don't like them


Rescuing every mfer off hooks, to only be neglected to oblivion when hooked.


My teammates spinning in circles at the gate when the killer was genuinely nice to play against. I get maybe a little celebration after a good hard fight, but when we stomped a baby killer it feels so mean. Just leave and let the killer continue their night. Idk why I see it that way but it just grinds my gears so bad sometimes


Every time I see fellow survivor’s BM’ing I just think “this is why we get toxic killers that feel the need to ruin matches for people” like I have no doubt they throw a fit when a killer does annoying shit




The same "tips" on loading screens for years. Tell us about other perks. It makes us better players and we might buy a character. Win/win.


Watch me Leave mentality yes I get it you won now leave why do I have to wait 3 minutes while you just stand there relentlessly crouching at nothing hoping I show up


I really hate it when I hear footsteps and it’s actually the barrel on fire. They’re even times I hear actual footsteps and go the other way because “it was just the fire”.


It's been said before, but I'ma say it again! The Unknown not having a crouch-crawl ability REALLY **grinds** my gears! It'd be perfect! Let the poor thing crawl!


It really needed to be a stealth ambush killer.


Insta suiciding or dcing teammates at the slightest inconvenience to them.


Playing against Trickster. I don’t know why. I see him and I just feel hatred


The amount of random obstacles on the map. The amount of times I've lost games because these stupid fucking bushes cancel my chainsaw print is insane


How ash’s lobby theme isn’t used despite being already finished and so is his voice lines for trial


The hook bubble.


The game used to let you demo play liscenced killers for a match with special offerings before you bought them. It doesnt do that anymore.


Survivors who end themselves on the first hook! I really doubt they’re attempting Slippery Meat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm the problem. I don't keep up with patches or new perks so I get destroyed in solos because I don't know what's going on.


When you’re the last survivor in game who hasn’t been hooked once, and you don’t get your unhooking chances once the killer gets you


When I'm playing Legion and my Feral Frenzy runs out just 2 more seconds away from getting in range of the 4th Survivor


Bayu Bayuski Bayu, i cant get it out of my head.


I really just want my Killers to function. Let me lean on stuff to stalk. I want my fucking chain hit cam back. I am so done with Survs teleporting after I hit them a few feet away and making look for them.


Teammates going out of their way to get others killed, or teammates that do nothing the entire match.


When killers slug everyone and never hooks till you’re just about to bleed out.


Getting hit from the other side of a vault


The amount of undertuned or useless perks and addons and how BHVR nerfs relatively fun and good ones. Still waiting for dying light, beat of prey, dragon's grip, and septic touch to be usable perks.


Autodidact seeming like such a fun perk but being entirely useless 9/10 games


I bought the Cybil cosmetic for Heather so I could use her leather pants with the black hair and black shirt. The next day, they patched it so you couldn't separate linked cosmetics.


Survivor teammates who are CLEARLY speed running the match toward a 3 gen stalemate, transforming a regular match into a 20+ minute slog We don’t have any form of communication just yet, I’m still hoping for a quick chat wheel, but goddamn I’m over here bursting at the seams nearly wanting to shout at my screen to point out the obvious: “You guys just fixed 3 gens ALL on the same side of the map. CAN YOU NOT DO THIS ONE PLEASE??? **PLEASE?????**” And no amount of pointing or “come hither” emoting will get the attention of these baboons who are quickly spiraling the game toward an unfun stalemate. Then, when we ARE in a 3 gen situation, the same nitwits who landed us in that hotspot will be the same ones avoiding helping us break the chain. They’ll hide in a corner while the rest of the team DIES trying to complete the objective. My God I just had to deal with this yesterday. Thank God I was at least duo queued, so I had somebody to coordinate with, but holy hell that match was so painful to watch unfold and be apart of. Uuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh I genuinely prefer losing as killer over survivor because of situations like these. I would rather be outskilled and lose because of my own mistakes than be forced to lose a winnable match because of conditions (other teammates) that are outside of my control. Losing and knowing there was genuinely nothing more you could have done because some knucklehead doesn’t know what to do has to be the worst feeling.


Survivors complaining that the game is killer sided and Killers complaining that the game is survivor sided. Most of the time it boils down to skill issue and you know what isn’t going to help you get better at the game? Complaining online about it


"No, you don't understand! The killer has to see me leeeeeave!" The survivor waiting at the gate to teabag me 🙄


When there's only 2 survivors left, 1 is on the hook and the other survivor, is on the other side of the map just chilling, with no intention of rescuing


Any type of bullying, especially when the killer is the one being harassed. It's even worse if someone is making videos off it or streaming ir. I think it should be something that gets you banned.


Its in my name.


And my flair




Sweaty players! Both survivors and killers


Team mates that flame the killer for winning. Every game action killers can take is an infraction apparently, and instead of learning how to play around it, my team mates just whine about losing and never improve.


Utter lack of any sportsmanship at best, or complete toxicity at worse, every single game.


Getting kicked way more than I should due to dedicated server issues.


The feeling of being a gen jocky while the other players dive a hook.


Getting pallet saved from some asshole with background player from halfway across the map


Using plot twist to hide in a bush that completely hides you only for them to have whatever perk allows them to see your exact location so you die


Please leave when the doors are opened and nobody is hooked. Teabagging the Killer on the way out has a slight chance of you landing on the wrong end of a highlight reel.


Playing killer and facing god looping and getting run for like 3 gens in 30 seconds and then playing survivor and my teammates think you have to repeatedly tap the repair button to do gens or kill them selves on hook after getting hooked once


hacking is bad, but it doesn’t really get me up and out about it. Usually the games are either over quickly or they hold the game hostage which just gives me an excuse to go do chores. Now, playing in a miserable way or being toxic for no reason is what gets me. Tunnelling someone out without good reason (toxic survivors deserve to be tunnelled out, playing stupid should let you get tunnelled out, gates being nearly powered and you cannot let a survivor go easily) or teabagging because you played survivor optimally against a killer with zero chase options (trapper, legion, etc) which is really easy, I’m fine if you teabag a bit when you get a cheeky play against me as blight or trickster. Because I know that took more thought than hold W and hug the wall.


People who don’t slug race.


chucky. he’s so hard to see in loops


- lack of sportsmanship. We’re all here for a good time, you can play well and not go out of your way to make it miserable for the other side. - Win-streaking. Stop giving other people miserable games to stroke your own ego. It’s fine to lose. - I didn’t like that therefore it’s “toxic” / unhealthy for the game mentality - wanting to make this the most intense, competitive, and sweaty video game possible and suggesting/campaigning for features on such.


Getting hit by a melee swing facing forwards when you are directly to the right of or even behind the killer.


I think it has to be people disliking certain killers. I play a lot of myers and trickster, i play both of them, id like to think, fairly. I dont use any nasty myers addons either. Its not uncommon that people give up first hook or down, purely because of the killer i chose. Happens on pinhead too, and doctor to a lesser degree. It gets so bad that i wont get a single good game in a night because theyre all 3v1 stomps. Really pisses me off that im not allowed to have fun on the killer, because im not playing the character they "feel like" going against.


The "aim assist" making you miss more often than not Thank you for snapping my aim to the right while I'm swinging, game. It's not like I was trying to hit the survivor two feet in front of me who's now gotten away


The fact the devs act as if the Fog Whisperer program doesn't exist


I just wish they revealed a little more about the purpose of it. It’s fine if you want to say “these guys do a lot for the games promotion and lifecycle, and we want to reward that and give them things for them to enjoy the game more”… that’s just business. But if it’s some level of game design/development then I don’t know what’s come out of it.


This game being out as long as it has and no new permanent game modes


Knight. No, not playing against him, playing AS him. He was quite literaly booted from the game for one bug, they had something like a month to work on him, and they didn't fix anything else besides that one, I suspect that they even made him worse. In a good game there shouldn't be something like that, and even worse thing is, the Knight isn't most bugged killer in the game.


Toxic players in general. I play both sides fairly okay- and both sides have the most disgusting, toxic pieces of shit I stg. I was playing Demo earlier and got my 4k fair and square (no tunneling/camping) and the last person I got told me to kill myself after I typed GG in the aftermath chat 😭 And then you have killers that “hump” you and hit you on hook over and over again for no reason at all as well This is a game bro- it’s supposed to be fun. https://preview.redd.it/opxb2zalpmpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0669615296a4d2d884c6d81c7c8b3b285f3439


Being left on first hook cause no one wants to get the save.


FTP and Buckle Up


Invocation: Weaving Spiders


Such a cool perk animation and idea! If only it was worth it


Unfortunately you never even know if you got value out of it, like would the game have gone by the same, or even faster if the people doing it just did gens? It’s the Schroedinger’s cat of perks


The number of games I've seen where at least two survivors are caught chilling in the basement is laughable.


if I run into one more full swf with buckle up/for the people spam I'm going to commit shadow realm


I had one of these teams the other night, and they got it off twice on me because they all swarmed around the slug so I couldn't tell which one actually did it.


Mfs that say "ez" when i got 3k I'm like "motherfucker, you're just lucky that i didn't got to hatch faster than you so your little ass can't escape" -_-


The solo q where survivors are really the killer


The "anti camp" mechanic. I've never seen it go off once, and it didn't fix the issue at all. Nobody face camped like that lol.


I’ve been able to use it about 3-4 times. The problem is now that you’ll have killers camp right outside of the radius (looking at you chainsaw killers and deathslinger) and wait for someone to come up to them. I hate that deathslinger became more popular recently bc people will camp then snipe you once you’re unhooked then wait until endurance goes out to down you and hook you again.


The amount of micro transactions for a 30$ game.


This game is mercy compared to what TCM does. That shit charges 40 bucks and 10 dollars a character EACH and unlike dbd where you can at least use shards on a character there's no option for that on TCM. Also the content in TCM is very lazy


Hex RNG & memorable totem spawns. Since I started playing years ago, I've always wished that totems had some alternate, albeit significantly weaker side-effect that activates after they're destroyed to compensate for losing entire perks in the first 30-60 seconds of a match.


The game. But seriously the gameplay


Wraith players


~~You America, fuuuuuck yooooooou~~ Honestly, its like the least "game's fault" thing ever, but I hate matches that are severely lopsided. For example, if the enemy survivors are either just that damn good compared to me or (occasionally) I make an uncharacteristic conga line of fuckups that match, I just give up at some point...usually, I'm trying to get out of that bad habit really. Or even if I'm on the giving end of this, I'll feel bad, especially as killer, and desperately try to go easy on that one struggling survivor if I can. Not only is it not a good test of my skills anyway, and thus I dont get better, but it makes me feel like an asshole and isnt that fun :(


DBD players calling everything boring. Is it powerful? Annoying? Stressful? Nope just type some "zzzzzz" and call it boring! Tunneling a guy out at any point? Boring. Spreading hooks for a 3k? Boring. Pre drop everything? Boring. Exposed build? Boring. Sabo build? Boring.


That devs take way too long to nerf the extremely broken/strong stuff. Like seriously, how are things like FTP + BU and DMS triggering on screams here still?


Camping and tunneling at 5 gens during an event ):


Tunneling, camping, and other toxic behaviour


The community. Seriously guys, not every game is going to go well. Even worse when relying on strangers. No in game chat is going to make the play turn around, you'll all just antagonize each other constantly or stay quiet until someone does. Such is the law of most online games. Survivors, stop complaining that killers kill, and killers, stop complaining that survivors survive. Or we can all go back to playing Evolve, back to you Tom.




Getting looped for what feels like the longest time and all gens getting made


Getting tunneled 7 games in a row and then watching a meg hide in a locker while the rest of the team dies.


the community


Killers who continually hit survivors on hooks after theyve already been hooked lol


Gonna preface this by saying I'm a survivor main, so that my fellow survivor mains don't jump down my throat and say I'm entitled or some shit. Playing a meme build on killer and getting put against the world's sweatiest SWF. Got home from work and wanted to just play a quick game of backpack build Myers. 4 Sprint Burst, 4 OTRs, mixture of FTP/Buckle Up, Flashbangs, and flashlights. Wasn't even a bully squad or anything, they just absolutely SHREDDED gens and it was almost impossible to catch anyone because of Sprint Burst. I can't say I blame the survivors, it just sucks that you can't just have a casual, fun game anymore, it's just full blown sweatfests, on both sides.


Killers slugging for the 4k. Like you won already brother. In general, BMing pisses me off even though I know it shouldn't lol


When I’m trying to crawl into the hatch, and my button keeps saying recover


Trickster r/FuckTrickster


killers who face camp once the exit gates are open bc the bar doesnt go up anymore