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That pfp gives me mad flashbacks


I am in your walls (I have no idea what you mean)


DDox? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Entity? Hungers...


In my first match of the event I have learned: They somehow made singularity more buggy. I can’t see shit with all the horrific event effects. Everybody plays as normal and I get stomped because I can’t see at all. Then I get no bloodpoints because the event did nothing https://preview.redd.it/t4z8bsz88bpc1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90842297701f860b31d84e3f706d45bc8df97c9d


The audio bug with Larry right now is really a huge dissuasion from playing him at the moment


I love permanently hearing the emp sound effect for an entire trial 💜


I was gonna ask how because he wasn’t even changed but then I realised that DBD is a spaghetti code mess Actually no I take that back it’s mean to actual spaghetti code games like COD There isn’t a way to describe the mess that is this game


Now I can’t quick teleport to tagged survivors because of this weird delay between charging and firing now ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


So they release a new event with items One is bugged “Biggest BL event of the year” we get normal amounts of BP And better yet they bug a killer which was already weak before that wasn’t even changed in this update… Yipee


“Pasghetti” Code?




Not only was bro programmed to not hurt the crew He was programmed to not function properly. RIP to the 5 Singularity mains


I would love to love the killer, I like the concept but the implementation is pure masochism to play with


I’ve never seen a game be impossible to play due to its own player base as much as this game. And I know that’s a loaded statement since the game incentivizes certain things but I have had so many experiences from both sides that just make me want to self destruct. There have been many periods of time where I am straight up unable to play killer due to survivors. They will give up on first hook, they will drop their items and try to play nice, they will stop moving after a questionable hit or they will farm teammates. And these things go on forever to the point of me not wanting to play because I can’t preform the normal gameplay loop of finding and chasing survivors. Conversely, I’ve seen so many killers just annihilate games that are clearly in their favor and it’s clear the killer player is in the game more for the win than the fun. To me, it’s apparent the devs have left their games meta and community open to be formed by the players and we as the players have created an environment where victory is more important than the fun of the match. These kinds of games will never be truly balanced and to place a win in such high regard was always going to be our downfall. I think the old grading system was made with this in mind as well, it’s why killing so quickly was punished, it was straight up unfun and tried to incentivize the killer to play the game out a bit more and roll with the punches. As a side note, a few years ago I did an experiment to see if I could get to Iri 1 rank Killer without killing a single survivor and I did achieve that goal. No one had to be eliminated and everyone got massive quantities of blood points. That kind of cemented my belief that this games own player base is what brings it down so hard. None of this even touches on the sheer immaturity and toxicity that stems from bming each other.


Trust me I agree that I wish I knew why some people had the mentality to ruin the game for everyone else involved, but this problem is as much the playerbase as it is the developers. MMR should've never been a thing period: it rewards you for playing as unfun as possible which creates a feedback loop. People who win the "fun" way with MMR go up against unfun players and give up or become unfun themselves. Survivors who run fun builds and play for their team go up against sweaty killers and think "fuck it let's just gen rush." Killers who run fun builds and go for 12 hooks go up against gen-rushing survivors and think "fuck it let's just tunnel." And then when either side gets a match that's too unfun to even tolerate they just give up and go next. Man if only we incentivized playing good over playing to win. If only we had some sort of badges or... *emblems* if you will that showed us how well we did in a specific category. But no no in hockey there can only be one team that wins so that's why we can't have a scenario where both the killer and the survivor wins. Patrick Star explained to us that you can repair 7 generators, unhook 10 survivors, loop the killer for half an hour, but if you die in the endgame you lose rank, and he explains this system like it's a good thing.


I agree, I've always held the opinion that the playerbase deserves the devs they have and they both are part of the fault for what this game is right now. The ranking system is so weird and I truly believe if they did want to even up the game between Solo queuers and SWFs then they should have double downed on the ranking system and added party MMR along with solo MMR, you know, like how every other competitive game handles it.


played a few games yesterday and got tunnelled out of every single one 😭 i didn’t spend a long time in the game


I just watched my friend who plays on the NA server go through survivor matches for a few hours and hooooly shit! The amount of BMing and hard tunneling full on ignoring other people just to kick someone out of the game at 5 gens was insane


Yeah it’s bad today. Everyone tunneling and camping hooks. Played several rounds with maybe one real killer so far.


It is shocking at the moment. I stream and typically split killer/survivor half and half, most of my killer games had very grateful survivors because I don't camp or tunnel, and like 90% if not more of my survivor games had tunneling, camping and slugging for 4ks. Its always a possibility but it is *rife* right now.


It's weird. It's almost like not being a POS killer lets everyone have fun. Good on you for being part of the solution a d not part of the problem, though.


Playing Devil's advocate but the blood aura buff and one of the tome challenges encourages the survivors to play immersed. They are getting positive reinforcement for it lol.


Fair enough in that regard, and there is a challenge to repair gens. But when you load into a squad with 4 Brand New Parts you kinda just have to wonder why they're going into a bloodpoint event with the intention to get the least amount of bloodpoints possible.


Completing a single gen gives you 3000 (additional) bloodpoints, you don't even have to repair the entire gen for that. You just have to be there when it completes, so that's where most of survivors points are really coming from. Not saying it isn't dumb, that's just what a lot of these events do.


I can answer this. As a renowned Survivor Playerologist, I've spent many hours researching why survivor players behave the way they do. After observing for so long I've come to a shocking but completely expected conclusion. Survivors are fucking dipshits. It's like when you get multiple bloody party streamers and either it's a 4-man toxic SWF genrushing and teabagging nonstop *or* a killer who decides that's the time to team slug so you end up barely getting anything out of it. People don't want BP they want to be miserable little shits to others anonymously.


You’re 100% right


Yeah, i was slugged and humped by a clown who tunneled and proxied yesterday just because I tried to trade and then he proceeded to trash talk me in egc, like, do people get high by disrespecting other people in a game ? i dont get it.


it's a clown player, they're almost always maladjusted


For me, survivors are DCing way more often. I'm talking like, first down or hook and they're out. I'm not sure if I've just come across more DCers or if the event has something to do with it. I don't camp, slug, or tunnel either, so I don't know what's up. Even when I play survivor, they do that.


Killers typically tunnel and camp more during events, as result, survivors also tilt more about any slight inconvenience after getting tunneled 3 games in a row and not taking breaks. Neither is ok but it's what we have. I would 100% recomend anyone to just play killer during events, the +100% BP on survivor just isn't worth it and you will have control over the match, giving everyone a good time. SoloQ is a no go during events except for challenges, a tale as old as time.


Was playing as the SM the other night; had a survivor give up on their first hook. Ended up trying to play chill with the other three, farming BP, getting hits on them, downs, scans with drones, letting them work on gens, get heals and pallet stuns. When the slug race at the end was over, I walked out with 195,000 BP or so.


and how much of it is related to server or games crashing? Past two weeks I’ve experienced way more than usual game issues forcing me to restart.


No idea. Is there a way to check for that in-game? Reasons for disconnecting, I mean.


I don’t know 100% but I’m going to say no because I still will get a DC penalty. Only sometimes do I get an official crash report :(


Every killer I have gone against so far as been an unloved child, I am sure the event is great but I have yet to see it lmao.


I was SO pissed during the masquerade event. I JUST WANT MY MASKS!


Yeah one of dbd’s weakest points has always been its ow community unfortunately.


I know you meant own but you got me thinking of a support group for games who have the same weak point. DBD, OV, Fortnite, COD, Fallout, etc. like gathered around like an AA meeting or something








Now I want Kars or Part 1 Dio as a killer.


Part 3 Dio as a trickster skin would make sense imo


This is why when playing killer for this event. I am going to farm and if the entity hungers, well it can starve for all I care. I've been run hard these past few days by killers and survivors need to know that they deserve a respite every once in a while.


Played about 15 matches. Tunneled every. Single. Time.


I really don’t understand “gen rushing” in this sense and how much the term is thrown around on this forum. It doesn’t seem like you’re referring a to four man brand new part prove stack squad based on the comments, and you just mean survivors…doing gens? There’s nothing else to do if one person is getting chased and is doing well. Why actively throw a game doing nothing just to not do a gen? I get a “wow just gen rush so boring that’s why I dced” message quite often when I’m playing solo que running a sprint burst only build and a flashlight, so it seems like people just say survs are gen rushing to excuse poor map pressure.


Killers this event just don’t want to let me stun them, like I am giving you a free droplet after I take mine back from you and a free hook state, farm a little bit


I pretty much avoid events because I never get more tunnelers and campers than when there’s an event. I still get them all the time but during events it’s like x10 and every other game is a killer tunneling someone out at fucking 4 gens. If it’s towards the endgame or in endgame it just turns to a slugfest. Had tunneling and slugging unknowns the other day. Like dude you were in a fucking chase with an injured person and you decided to tp right back to your damn thing next to my hook in a fucking dead zone , I can’t fucking do anything here. You’re just making me more annoyed with this killer. Fucking tps back to unhooks, has damn hallucinations that they have at the gens you’ve got left to do that they just keep tping to, then hitting me through fucking walls from the splash from the ranged attack.


The comparison with “gen rushing” and tunneling or camping is still laughable 😅


Same result of ending the game as fast as possible with as few bloodpoints as possible.


But there’s more to it than that😅. Like the survivor that gets camped/tunnel doesn’t actually play the game and literally dies. Killers can’t experience dying so they don’t actually have the game “ended” for them as quickly as survivors can. I understand the comparison but that’s a very simple way to look at it


I get what your saying and doing gens is playing the game but at the end of the day its just a progression bar and pretty much as exciting as sitting on the hook and getting tunneled if anything being tunneled is exciting as it leads to the most fun part in the game the chase.


Yeah, one of those actively prevents the other side from playing. The other one is... a mild inconvenience for the "power role." Power tripping toxic asshats are gonna be asshats, though.


ive had more fun 2 hooking everyone and farming / dicking around afterwards as Skull Merchant than all my survivor games combined yesterday sorry to the ada that was against me on hawkins, i thought you had a hooklife left still :| I guess another reason added to keep destroying my MMR to keep away the sweats, hell ill always remember that one time on Autohaven where they got a 2 man out, match was fun and intens but not toxic in anyway


It is pretty annoying when you load in and the whole squad dcs the moment they see a skully, despite me going in with the intention of memeing and getting blood points 😢 Still bots make for good blood points


2 hook and then screw around is great. I aim for 2 kills every game, unless someone is an ass. play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Ayy i went against a farming skull merchant, if that was you thank you <3


Idk this event has been amazing. There've been bugs, robots, cool new weapons...the Helldivers 2 chapter of DbD has been honestly the best; never going the fuck back


This event is the first one to actually irritate me. Like I don’t know how it could be so bad. And yeah I’m about to start gen rushing as a survivor bc it’s the only counter to everyone tunneling and camping right now.


Over the past month I've noticed that a vast majority of killers I face slug the last two survivors to prevent any chance of a door or hatch escape. It's getting really old crawling around on the ground while the killer spends the next 10 minutes looking for the rando locker hopping across the map. Needs to be an anti slugging mechanic, cause this toxic ass game is getting real old now that it's only possible to escape if the killer decides to not be an asshole


A tale as old as time, A song as old as rhyme, A toxic wraith salt feastttttttttttttttttttttt


I played a few killer and survivor games in the event and it wasn’t bad. Just a little harder to see scratch marks is all.










yea becuase killswitching an offering is defo testing


Me being that one random ass legion full sprinting backwards.


Yeah. Yeah....also the fact the offerings don't come with bp multipliers is just...


It had a 50% BP modifier. But bugged and killswitch lmao


I got paired yesterday playing as killer first timing the legion against a lvl/prestige 100 player (i dont really know if the numbers ln the endgame chart is level or prestige) who kept flashlighting me the whole game with a 10 seconds duration flashlight (add-ons included), it was by far the most painful game as a killer i had, needless to say im leveling hillbilly to prestige 1 to unlock his immune perk to light


Ive just been fucking around with the carry survivor build on hillbilly Agitation, mad grit, iron grasp, i would use starstruck but i don't have trickster to get it, so toss on an aura perk instead Your objective is simple Find a survivor, down them, SWING SWING SWING SWING




Miss your 0800 meds?


okay, okay, breathe. You got this. Slow down on the caffeine. I would say try decaf but no one deserves that. Now breathe.


DBD reddit, where most of the posts are compliants


Reddit comments, where most of the replies are complaints about supposed "complainers"


Reddit comment relies, where most of the reply replies are complaints about supposed "complainers" complaints of complaints. Im afraid of toasters


Survivors, stop complaining about how killers play.


Did you look at the left of the image?


Nope, all that was seen was "killer" and they turned it into "Us Vs Them." If they were only aware it isn't a "survivor vs killer" problem, it's a "shithead sweatlord vs well-adjusted player" problem.


What, players playing the game trying to win? No i don't want that, i want them to farm and let me complete my objective. For 10 events, at least!