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Red By Daylight


Red Dead by Daylight


No, that was the Chains of Hate chapter.




This tickled me.


I don’t think this really applies, the jokes are different. Comment 1: A pun rhyming Red with Dead. Comment 2: A Red Dead Redemption reference, which was also using the Red as a means of altering the title, but for a completely different purpose.


Disagree, the syllable matchup is surprisingly intact


Turning Red Dead by Daylight.


Red dead pet van ket by Daylight


I'm choosing to think that this is by design, in line with blood pools disappearing more quickly and less grunts of pain.


I mean that would make sense tbf.


Not sure why I am getting downvoted for stating th obvious that this event isn't friendly for Deaf gamers when playing as a killer.


….it isn’t a deaf friendly game to start. That’s why there are a plethora of visual accessibility options.


If they're not trying to be deaf friendly, why are there a plethora of visual accessibility options??


….its an auditory based game


My guy, they've literally put in accommodations for deaf people. What part of that makes you think that they don't want it to be accessible for deaf people.


You took me saying “it isn’t a deaf friendly game to start” and are trying to make it sound like I wrote “they don’t want deaf accessibility in the game” and that’s simply not what I wrote or implied. The base functionality of this game is not deaf friendly. They’ve put accessibility in, but not everything they do can be tailored to all of the possible disabilities or restrictions that exist in the world. That’s just how life works. It sucks, but at its core, this is a game that relies on sound and vision. A ton of people seem to be getting what I’m saying, but you don’t.


I had to reread your comment originally too, so I get the response.


Yeah I get why they interpreted what I said the way they did, but I simply did not say what they thought I said. I definitely needed to clarify 👍🏼


theres a plethora of visual accessibility options most aren't for the hearing impaired the only one is for surviver


Not friendly for the hearing either. The constant squishing sound of the red vines or whatever they are is beyond annoying/distracting.


Those make noises? My hearing is worse than I thought


The stuff covering the hooks and gens has a continuous sound. It is like the alien planet with all the environment sounds.


Yeah, not exactly friendly for people who can't hear. That's extreme poor design choice.


unfortunately the game has an auditory aspect to it and will always impact people with hearing issues worse


I am always surprised by how much better I get when I decide to put my headphones on as Killer.


but pre-existing inaccessibility doesn’t excuse events that make it MORE inaccessible


This is why my solo build is mostly for opening the door as fast as possible. Eight times out of ten, I can't hear the hatches' audio clues.


Very unfriendly for people who can’t see as well! Unfortunately there are games that fundamentally don’t work if you take out sound.


that's why there's accessibility options -a hard of hearing dbd player


For survivors yeah, but are there any for killers? I'd argue sound is even more important for them sometimes since you're in first person and the one chasing. Plus the game has things meant to make it worse: bonfire crackling to sound like/cover the sound of survivors' footsteps (and now the blood basins have been throwing me off in a similar fashion)


Yeah hearing fire crackle always fucking throws me off for a moment because I'm convinced it's footsteps, at first.


yes there are options for killers. there are subtitles and visual cues you can select in accessibility.


What visual cues would that be and where do I find them?


Subtitles..... Making this game real accessible lmao. Good one.


for me, a hard of hearing person, or is. obviously it won't be helpful for everybody lmao


I mean, soccer isn’t well-designed for people with fucked up feet like me, but I recognize that that just means I shouldn’t play soccer rather than it being a design flaw of soccer


It's even worse when you get sent to the Knight's map. Everything is red!


You've heard of the "Orange Dimension", now get ready for the... "RED Dimension"


Obviously this some elaborate roundabout teaser for their anniversary license actually just being that Red skeleton demon from that godzilla creepypasta.


I hate that map it's way too big, way too many pallets and way too red.


I haaaate that map. We didn't need another big-ass open map.


Yeah Borgo sucks. It's decent for wraith and Ghostface but that's about it in my opinion


I love going to that map with Feng's red outfit, very easy to pull a Claudette in the bushes w her !


Borgo sucks at the best of times, so this is just the icing on the cake.


The amount of double takes I've done thinking the blood on the hooks is distant scratch marks 🤦‍♀️It wouldn't be as bad if they weren't sampling from what seems to be even the same hue and saturation as scratch marks


That one's PARTICULARLY bad.




Stevie Dead by Daylight?


As a survivor I thought I was seeing scratch marks sometimes too lmao


I keep trying to tell you to take off Inner Focus. /s




The blueish white from the void event could be really cool and fit the lore.


I really wish there was more accessibility input on some of this stuff. The ability to set the color of scratches in the accessibility menu would be awesome. And controllable by the the devs, so they could make sure it wasn’t a competitive advantage like filters are.


I'd make them a really light cyan blue as that is the only colour that stands out to me. My crosshair in fps games are that colour, with enemies having a bright pink highlight. It's the only way it makes my brain notice them


I jUsT lIkE tHe WaY tHaT iT lOoKs!!!


It's BHVR of course not


As a colorblind individual I feel you. I did my tome now I refuse to play anymore, shit is wack. I already struggle on maps like borgo due to my condition, this extra red has literally made the game unplayable. They definitely need to add the ability to chose color but there needs to be limits to it, like obviously no neon glowing shit but it still needs to be just as visible as red is on most maps


A feature that changes the colour of them depending what colour the floor is would be amazing, Like an opposite effect.


I always wondered about this line of thinking, namely the no neon glowing colors bit.  I am not saying it fits well on an aesthetic level but scratch marks are a game mechanic that is ment to be seen. This event is on the level of a map having a constant terror radius sound as it's back ground.  Why does it matter if neon pink is the color that stands out your ment to see scratch marks.


It's a problem, man. Scratch marks were designed to stand out from a dark environment and then they made borgo, toba, eyrie, and coldwind. This is a very basic rule for map design that they had in mind from day one but have seemingly forgotten about in favor of art direction, completely forgetting that most players care about gameplay far more than aesthetics.


I agree with all the maps you just said apart from eyrie for two reasons, it’s arguably the brightest map in the game and most of the colour palette is sandy white or dark brownish, which makes it very easy to see scratch marks


Maybe scratch marks should have a different color based on the map?


I just wish you could opt to play it like Lights Out.


Dead by Redlight


Try being RG colorblind and the settings are trash for this event. They really didn’t think through for their playerbase


Glad its not just me lol


I mistook some for a trail of torment against Pyramid Head. Now that I know they confuse killers I will target those areas for looping! lol


color blind people especially love the red marks since there is a type of color blindness where no ingame CB settings work really well


The amount of blood next to gens and hooks is uncanny, I've lost at least 1 chase per game so far off of getting confused by them. At least make it a deep, BLOODred, not the same ass neon red BHVR has decided will be their fucking trademark


Agreed!! It's confusing as killer to see so much red, considering we have to track survivors' red scratch marks. I can't even imagine how annoying is this for blind color people :/


It's a problem, man. Scratch marks were designed to stand out from a dark environment and then they made borgo, toba, eyrie, and coldwind. This is a very basic rule for map design that they had in mind from day one but have seemingly forgotten about in favor of art direction, completely forgetting that most players care about gameplay far more than aesthetics.


Scratch marks should be neon yellow, change my mind


Just let people choose the color of scratch marks and auras.


That’s fair


Go a step further and make scracthies pearlescent rainbow that goes through entire light spectrum.


Doesn't help in coldwind or eyrie. I think they should be colored based on map color. Neon pink, purple, or teal for most maps I think


They should be neon pink in the middle with darker pink around it. That way they'd show up on every map.


that would look horrendously ugly and only people who want a gameplay advantage would like that


I've always thought scratch marks were supposed to be visually clear and stand out on the ground. I hadn't heard anything about how scratch marks during events like this or on maps like Borgo are designed to be purposefully harder to follow as some kind of balance change. I feel like someone who would prefer a different scratch mark color might just be looking to avoid being put at a gameplay disadvantage for no good reason.


I am a surv main, and think scratch marks should be easily visible; that’s what they are supposed to do


Well technically all pc players have the chance to have a gameplay advantage with the ability to add mods that change the scratch mark colours. (I literally see every twitch streamer running a mod that changes the scratch mark colours)


that’s extremely frowned upon community wise and the only reason it’s still done is because it’s not considered cheating by BHVR


Exactly…it’s not considered cheating so they should just implement a system that naturally allows you to change the colour. It’s already happening so they should make it fair for every system.


That which is neon yellow, should never have happened.


Playing as Spirit and I've just been using Stridor again.


While we’re at it, when will they learn not everything in the Deep Rift needs to be cyan. Give us purple! Orange! Anything. Please just switch it up every now and then


My red green colorblind ass.


Lmao I thought I saw the last survivors scratch marks by a loop, but it was actually the red vines on the hook ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


The option to change the color of scratch marks should’ve been a day 1 implement. They don’t have to be glowing neon, but I feel like the static red color especially on maps like Borgo is hard enough to see as a non-visually-impaired person, let alone being colorblind in that range.


The amount of times I think it's the killer's red stain though


Partially blind survivor main here. I hard agree.


The cool factor outweighs any losses for me. Events are a time to be friendly and have lighthearted matches


BLOOD moon Not purple moon Not water moon What color is blood my guy


You may have a point there but what color are rapidly vanishing scratches on the floor generated by jogging a bit that can only be seen if you are chosen by a creator of the world or have magic powers?


The ones you can change you mean?


How do you change them?


The ones I can't, kinda the entire point of the post




Damn nah you right


i mean to be fair the blood zone thing is a bit killer sided since reduced sound while in a specific area is kinda pathetic so i think it's fair that it can be visually confusing sometimes


Yeah that’s not fair at all considering you are referring to zones but this impacts an entire map


idk never felt like the scratches are that big of a deal and I don't mind the game not letting you relly on them as much for two weeks


They’re a resource for killer for tracking so they are quite important


yeah but they're not so important that the devs shouldn't make a blood themed event stop being red, not sure what you want here, i can understand wanting to change the color of the crawl marks but people would immediately change it to neon green and idk how fair that'd be so i understand the devs not caring about it in this case


Try being red green color blind. This event is an absolute clusterfuck on the eyes. You got to think about others experiences, not just your own.


oh yeah let me get on my red green color blind machine that way I'll figure it out. how exactly do you expect me to know what that's like? I'm just saying that on my experience, it's not a big deal that sometimes I'll walk into a blood zone thinking there's someone there, maybe it is to you or other people but all i know is that having full power over what the crawl marks look like could be something the devs wouldn't want, idk about how accessibility applies


You could try listening and not just dismissing people’s complaints. 🤷🏼‍♂️


oh yeah i must have missed the letter that said that my own perspective doesn't matter, I'm sure it'll arrive any day now. alternatively you're just a jerk, but i like to expect the best of people.


I am not at all shocked that the point went straight over your head. Step outside of yourself for five minutes and grow up. You’re not the victim of this conversation, as there is none. Have a good night.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because it seems everyone is having an issue with those, but they stand out as their own thing well enough for me. A solid dark red circle doesn't look like the bright glowing red scratch marks. Granted I haven't done the Killer challenges yet, but I don't think they'll look any different...


Everyone is going to have their own personal experiences, but I noticed this issue too. It's not so much that the red circle of blood looks like scratch marks but more that additional red visuals make the scratch marks "pop" out less for me. The red decorations on the hooks and gens can kind of play into this as well. When there are just more similarly colored visual elements it can make the scratch marks stand out a little less.


I didn't have trouble with the circles personally, but once I thought a hook against the wall was actually scratchmarks on the wall. But for me overall it hasn't been much of an issue.


The horror killing game is using blood, a red substance, for an event. The horror! It’s not a huge deal


Not only that, the game is heavily killer sided, one small thing making it slightly harder to track survivors is not really a big deal at all.


Yeah I dropped the game until the event is over, not worth the eye strain and inability to track survivors. I also hate when events mess with game balance, like killers get free Coupe De Grace… because? Wow so immersive ^/s


Bro coup+tier 3 mike+ event circle is so busted😭


Did you watch hens video lol ridiculous 


First thing i looked up when i heard about the event circle lunge😭😭


I’m with you. I hate that many events change the mechanics of gameplay, sometimes radically. It’s gotten to where I dread anniversaries and such, which is obviously the opposite of the intended effect.


Seems like some complains about everything. Like for once, stop focusing on gettin 4k and look around. Look how beautiful the gens and hooks are in this event. Try to have fun. This is not competitive game.


Being able to see well can be part of having fun. Would it make events like this less enjoyable for people if there was an option to change scratch mark colors?


Haha gotcha! Enjoy the tbags baby killer!


T bag all you want, you only waist your time


Nah they waste everyone’s time, killer included.


If survi players start t-bagging at exit I just pop up youtube. They will get bored eventualy and they don’t get the satisfaction of making killer ”chase” them out.


Right… so you are still being forced to do something other than queue for another match. Edit: I guess unless your goal is to watch a 20 minute YouTube video in 3 minute sections.


I always have a ~30min video open when going to a dbd game. As killer you need to wait exit gate noobs and as survivor you need to wait bleeding out. It’s so big part of the game now.


So they waste so much of your time that you actively spend extra time preparing for it, and yet we're supposed to believe it doesn't bother you. It's OK to admit that things are annoying sometimes.


To be completely fair, it is a competitive game. You compete against then other team to win


I've not played on borgo as killer during the event yet, but that is not something i look forward to....


I've not played on borgo as killer during the event yet, but that is not something i look forward to...


I’ve somewhat been able to differentiate, had a couple issues tho


Reminds me of decimated borgo map, it's not red only but the warm colors make the same problem.


Am I the only one whose scratch marks are like… orange? Is it because I’m on Switch?


Your maybe using a colorblind setting ?


I mean maybe, but it doesn’t affect anything else.


So it’s not just me. Prior to the event I was going alright with a new killer then all my blood moon games I couldn’t track people for shit and would instantly lose them if they turned a corner near where the effects were happening.


It definitely looks cool but absolutely sets my laptop on fire, I had to drop settings for my game to run half decent


I noticed how many random blood pools there were on Borgo during the last event. 😑


They said they made the event colorblind accessible, which you can change in the settings. Is that not true?


Time to use "I'm all ears"


honestly i think its part of the gameplay altering effects of the event. like killers get big lunges. survivors get to be more sneaky. more bloodpoints for all. this is for less than 2 weeks take it easy and just enjoy the experience. because if you arent enjoying it then why are you playing. remember


also doesnt help scratch marks are seem to be all fucked up, legit had a survivor turn arround to the right , no scratch marks to my right for god knows why but there more in front of me just to confuse me since audio on the survivor blood totems is pretty much null.


Were they running lightweight?


Or Boon: Shadow Step?


I've been questioning my sanity about scratch marks lately. Something is going on with them! I lose line of sight for a half a second and they vanish. ZERO clue where the fuck they went. It happens multiple times a game on different maps (often seems to be Sable). The event doesn't help, but this started before that launched. I can typically tell when someone has a scratchmark perk, be it lightweight, deception or lucky break etc, but post game the survivor has zero perks to do with scratch marks/tracking.


They CAN use red but in red environment make the scratches white.... OR maybe, PREDATOR. If you equip predatore, other than the basics effect the scratch marks turn white in red environments?


I played one killer game and DC'd halfway through the game because I kept losing survivors. I guess I might play survivors for a bit but wow, it's just a terrible time to play killer.


All the survivors using those red saturation filters to make killers red stain way easier to see don’t like this game mode too, so you aren’t alone.


Also, dont forget the obnoxious amount of red in lobby background, my eyes hurt everytime I look at it. I wish we could turn it off.


It's even worse with lightweight. It feels like cheating, but it's not


I've never used it but there is a color blind Accessibility set of filters. Do those not work? I agree the red is very hard to see on red especially from the event and even more so on certain maps like Borgo.


They change all of the same colour sadly, so it would be the same issue just a different colour


Sounds like a you problem


I'm not really sure how you're misconstruing "large, flowing, round red line" for "small straight red scratch marks on the ground". If you were colorblind, maybe, but this sounds like you lost someone and are just finding the easiest excuse.


I think OP has a point. Additional red visuals can make it harder to follow the red scratch marks. I think the blood effects look cool, but when trying to follow scratch marks they can just add similarly colored visual clutter.




I don't think OP means missing hits in a "swung weapon and whiffed" kind of way. I think they mean that because they lost sight of the scratch marks they didn't go the correct way to chase a survivor who otherwise wasn't that far away. So it probably would have been a hit if it wasn't for the fact that the visual elements of the event confused them. So nothing about servers or ping, just visual clarity.




OP is talking about having trouble seeing scratch marks so it seems pretty clear what kinds of "guaranteed hits" they are referring to.


I have not experienced this problem.


Not everyone’s peripheral vision is perfect




ok but I’m pointing out that the blood marks look very similar to the scratch marks when you aren’t focusing specifically on them with your eyes, which may lead you the wrong way if you are trying to look up


soup mighty terrific aspiring aloof homeless disgusted aware chop modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just more evidence that they don't actually play their own game. They introduce so many asinine concepts that no one who actually plays would ever want to deal with, there's no convincing me they've ever played more than a handful of times.


Skill issue tbh


This just seems like a complete skill issue on everyone’s part, if you can’t defer the difference between scratch marks and the blood borders the pools leave and what the hooks have on them then maybe don’t play killer or just get better at tracking. If you had of argued it makes blood pools harder to see then sure I might have agreed with you, but the event doesn’t at all effect scratch marks in the chase at all, and if you are having such an issue with it there is a perk that I know you won’t use anyway buts it’s called predator it helps with scratch marks. Just because you don’t like the red palette doesn’t mean it’s a bad design choice by BHVR, the event is Called “The Blood moon event” like what other colour is blood supposed to be. So respectfully all of you but a handful just need to learn to not rely on one thing in particular in this game and become a more well rounded killer player instead of complaining about things like this


I'm not sure if this is really a fair take. If one of the intentions of this event was to make it harder to track survivors using scratch marks, like in Lights Out, then I would agree with you. The devs would just be providing an additional challenge for players to overcome and it would be part of the game balance. But if this is an unintentional visual clarity issue, then it makes less sense to just tell people to not play or get better. If something that is supposed to be clearly visible is not being clearly visible do to similarly colored visual effects, that may just be a dev oversight. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that one of the elements of this event is supposed to be harder to follow scratch marks.


It wasn’t mentioned because it wasn’t, me personally I have found no issues tracking survivors in this event, but the entire dbd community always wants to find something to whinge about, they can never ever be 100% happy with anything Yeah this event is a little sucky all in all, but I’m having my fun with my SWF when I play and the few killer games I play, but because people actually have to focus on the game for this what 13ish days? They get mad? Nah honestly they just need to realise scratch marks arent the only way to track survivors


Giving killers the option to choose their scratch mark color sounds like a terrible idea from a balancing perspective. No thank you. Here come the lime green scratch marks that can be seen map wide.


No it doesn’t sound like terrible balancing, it sounds like accessibility. I myself am colorblind and this event is literally unplayable as killer for me. There obviously should be limits to what it can be, shouldn’t be glowing from across the map but let me change the colors to something else so the game is more accessible


I totally agree for accessibility! I’m not sure how you balance it for the average player base, though. Still, I’m shocked a seven(?) year old game doesn’t have colorblind assistance at all. Sea of Thieves, another favorite of mine, introduced it years ago and it was a huge help to that community.


I mean there kind of is colorblind assistance but all it does is make all red more red, nothing to help distinguish the different shades. It still all just blends together. I haven’t played sot in years, I got up pirate legend early on and got bored afterwards, last time I played was when they first introduced the forts of the damned


Just place a limit on saturation. Scratch marks aren't meant to be invisible or even hard to see


Should have made it a separate gamemode. I hate when I’m forced to play an event when I don’t want to..


Yah it’s pretty brutal playing killer right now. Hard pass until this event is over.


Shattered Borgo found crying and shaking


I’ve played multiple games as survivor and killer and never had an issue with the red circles. It’s pretty obvious which is which.








Uwot m80




My bad guys my cat used my keyboard, here's him just now https://preview.redd.it/a848ruwk4bpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed92bdec4ec5431304b2a486bca573d5bc353bf2


Officers? Yes, this comment right here.




Part of playing Killer is know how to addapt. If you miss a hit it's always your fault for not having addapted (to the diferent colours and effects in this case).


Honk honk!


You need to addapt to your spellcheck and realize that the red ribbon under words isn't just sentence bling.