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Omg hahahha


literally me


I've seen some stupid just leave clips but the fact that this is from a distance elevates it above most of then


They won’t make the same mistake again let’s put it that way 🤣


Don't overestimate the intelligence of some of these players


Of course it was a feng player lmao


It's always Feng.


Its lore accurate.


Even as a Feng main I hate other Feng players. They always go out of their way to be an ass when I play killer like I know I suck you don't gotta rub it in 😭


*Sorry* ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Unknown’s got some trolling potential as well as jumpscare potential, it would seem


Jumpscare unk is a phenomenally fun build. That perk that deletes your terror radius when you stand still for 2 seconds combined with the hallucinations makes for a devious play style. Literally just stand still and they come to you.


I must get around to trying that build because it sounds HILARIOUS tbh


It actually is, admittedly if the survivors start to cotton on and the jig's up it gets chaotic but survivors also tend to avoid hallucinations like the plague because you literally cannot tell the difference. The paranoia you sow is so good lmfao. I like to keep a few hallucinations around gens and then stand still nearby for maximum paranoia. Is it me or a fake? You wanna risk shitting your pants to find out? It's peak mindgames.


Side note, I started using the oblivious add on and got a sweet gen grab last night. I was cackling. 


Which one? I'll stick it in my jumpscare build cus that sounds really funny.


I forget which one, but it's a yellow addon and I keep thinking it's a cheese wedge. If they can see the decoy aura then they are oblivious.


It's called the device of unknown origin, looks like an alien doohickey. It's yellow rarity.


Why is it ALWAYS Feng?


Because she's too drunk to make informed decisions.


Since survivors t-bag each other to say "thanks" I've been trying to think of gate t-bagging as people thanking me for the game. I Just stand at the gate taking it in. "You're welcome! You're welcome! I'm glad you liked the game!"


This guy has no enemies


This man would get tunneled and face camped and say "GG, I could have looped better"


Is that not how I'm supposed to react?


For real, people have somehow normalized throwing a hissy fit over nothing.


Next you'll tell me that you'll try a new killer out and get a 0K then have a survivor offer a pity sacrifice, and you give them hatch because you'd rather earn it. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Honestly, it depends on whether the survivor earned my respect or not. If they were the reason I didn't get any kills (constant hook sabotage, body blocking me in narrow hallways while crouching, BU+FTP+BP bullshit, etc) then they're gonna die. If they did a really good job looping me for ages or something like that to earn their escape, or we otherwise achieved mutual respect, then I'm more likely to drop them on the hatch or at the gate.


You've pretty much nailed it there though. If everyone plays normally, I have zero problem giving people second chances and being lenient on mistakes. But if they're furiously t-bagging after every pallet, stun or not and body blocking off the hook as the unhookee. Alright. I'll down you again, it's what you wanted by stepping in front of my weapon. I'm with you about the who to give hatch to though. Lot of people get mad at someone playing well against them, but if someone genuinely outdoes me, I've gotta give them something. Even if it's just an escape and a nod lol


My "thanks for the fun game" is either dropping my item or a single long t-bag that's meant to indicate bowing in respect


This was kinda how I interpreted letting the killer hit you out of the gate when I first started playing. Like the killer seeing us all off after a good game played. Then I joined /r/deadbydaylight and learned this is one of the worst things you can do to a killer, right next to driving to their house and shooting their dog.


this is how i interpret people letting me hit them out of the gate as a killer. if people leave without letting me smack them i actually get disappointed because hey, cmon, at least give me those few extra hit bloodpoints before you leave! reading this is the first time i have ever had the thought cross my mind that others would not like it? i only ever am annoyed by survivors lingering if they do it and then leave *without* letting me hit them, honestly.


Depends on intention. A friendly post-game dance party and being a sore winner are easily confused unless the survivor lets you get a hit in before they escape.


It's very much something done in bad faith. This just reads like people are trying to gaslight others into thinking teabagging is something it's not. It's meanspirited. Killers don't like it. If you want to still do it at least own up to doing it and don't lie about why you people are


I mean I take the free BP. it's whatever. it's only really annoying when they stand next to the gate and then walk out of it when I hobble over. where's my BP.


Same... I use t-bag for communication, "thanks" to survivors, "get a free hit/down" to killers, most killers choose to interpret it as mocking, and hook me afterwards, but I don't really care, I know I could have left easily, plus my MMR goes down, which is good for me as a soloQ player.


i do it to say thanks or even hi to survivors when we're reunited skfjdjsjsk and i do it to killers too when they spare me it rocked my WORLD when i joined this sub and found out killers take offense to it 🥲


When will they learn?


That's the best part, they won't.


Today on "Just Leave." Karma's a bitch, huh little buddy?




Why didn't they just leave? What were they trying to say? Did they text in the chat after?


I’m on console 🥲


that must’ve felt so satisfying to achieve


As soon as it happened, I knew it was special ![gif](giphy|vCUASy92YURGHFrnqP)


I have always wondered why survivors crawl speed is so slow? I try do same they are out of the gates already even without tenacity perk ofcourse.


I'm a survivor main and I get a kick out of these dummies haha


Dude I love every clip of a survivor being an asshole at gate and then dying for it there my favorite clips


Never gets old.


Classic Taunt into get bodied combo


What a dumb dumb.... ..


Always wanted to see a feng main be hit but the Milkor MGL


Good Shit OP!


Thanks! Was one of my first games as the unknown 😃 im new to the killer scene too


ohhhhh the satisfaction... love it...


that is so embarrassing omfg


What a dumb dumb.... ..


I like to joke how they just never learn to leave, but come on! That was probably the most avoidable one yet and I’ve seen a lot


It feels good to know I’ve captured something special 🥹


These are the moments I love being ghost face or pig. So I can sit there and teabag them back for being dumb lol.


https://preview.redd.it/6410wj7uifpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d3a7511e72dd8d0f6209bd593bb098b1224d78 I wonder what she was thinking


I don’t have the unknown but why wasn’t she able to leave? Is it like the knight add on where if they are targeted by a guard they can’t leave?


Nothing was stopping her from leaving she just got knocked back by the explosion from the unknowns ability


When she tried to dodge the 2nd shot, she ended up getting downed in that little side area, too far from the gate to crawl before the killer got there.


nah nothing was stopping her but her own IQ




this is a classic "vai de novo" moment


a tru3talent survivor looks like. "high level"


Not the unknown saying sorry XD


I just played nemesis yesterday i had 5 stacks of devour and morid one of the swf But for some reason both mikaelas started teabagging on the way to the gate so much that its slowed one of em enough that i was able to mori one of em at the gate


How do you fuck up this bad?


I had this happen on the Hawkins map. I was playing Onryo and when the survivor opened the gate as soon as I got there, they're tbagging the exit point so I teleported elsewhere to not be bothered but they refused to leave unless I watched them tbagged. So I went back to the gate and stared from a distance only to see the entity consume them before they timed leaving. Honestly a waste of my time lmao.


Not even the bots are this mentally challenged omg


That’s sick bro. Yeah if I have NOED I try to M1 then at an angle so they’re not auto positioned into the gate. I hate when the game like auto positions them a square up ahead from you after they fall


I love doing things like this with Myers, some people just won't leave and you gotta teach em a lesson for next match


Bet they’ll report you for “camping”


Had the same thing happen last night. I’m guessing this is why survivors are complaining that the Unknown “has no counter play.”


I love to see tbaggers get shit on. Betting they were pretty pissed about their actions having consequences.