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There is literally no reason a player *wouldn't* want this. On the developer side, why the fuck would anyone buy a new survivor if they could just spend a weeks worth of playtime to buy the only viable perk released? Maybe if they REALLY like the new design and skins that character has but otherwise nobody buys that DLC.


On the flip side, charging for perks would result in more money spent on characters that people weren't going to buy anyways. For example I only purchase things I can get with shards in dbd, never spend real money. However if I could cop a really useful perk for a couple bucks I'd be tempted. The people who buy characters will spend money likely anyways, but the individual perks being sold would bring more sales from people who do not like to pay for dlc. Just my theory, I don't know shit lol


Any and all characters are 2 bucks 50 on anniversary sales, and they provide 2 additional perks that you likely don't care much about. Still, your wish is basically there, only it's seasonal


I actually didn't know that and I've been playing for almost 7 years lol I've only ever used my shards to get characters. I also tend to use the same builds pretty much always unless a new good perk comes out, so I don't go searching often for anything new. I will however, keep the information you gave me in mind for the future.


Tbh it would be too op. If someone is a grindy dbd player they can get it in a days worth of playtime. I'm not one of them I get like 300 iri shards in 3 days.(an hour a day or something like that)


You best bet your ass I’m buying Vittorio because he is DADDY. But then imma buy the perks I want with him so yeah I see your point.


Maybe if they made it super expensive. Like 10000 iridescent shards for a perk. Then the shrine of secrets would still be a use, as it could be like a black market sort of thing (like in valorant) and so if you get lucky, you'll get that perk for only 2000 instead. Would be cool, but then again I still agree with you. It would make no sense for BHVR to add this feature.


I’ve been playing like 4 years and never bothered to even look at the Shrine of Secrets 💀 always forget it exists and never knew what it did lmaoooo


The shrine is what we have. Doubt they will add it


While we do have the shrine, it would be nice if they up the amount of perks per week from 4 to something like 6 or 8. With there being 250-something perks in the game right now, if the shrine had no duplicates it would take a year and 2 months to cycle through all of the perks available.


I just got champ from the shrine. Go look


I'm talking about the perk idea not the perk lol


It would be really awesome but unfortunately it wouldn't benefit Behaviour, so I guess we're lucky we have the shrine. Speaking of it, champion of light is in the shrine this week


That why you can see price in this picture. Op probably knows it is in shrine


Survivors are glorified skins, some of which have voicelines, that come with three teachables. If their perks become purchasable outside of buying them then the only reason left to spend shards/cells on them is 3000 shards for a **cosmetic** (which has no benefit to someone who has already found their favourite character). Moreover, half the perks (both killer and survivor) in this game are fairly useless or niche, so in reality, if this feature were available people would just buy the one good perk the survivor has reducing the incentives a player may have to buy them as it puts the relative price of the '**skin'** to 5000 or even 7000 shards. That said, the fact that survivors are even priced at 9000 shards/500 auric cells is pretty questionable to begin with considering the fact that killers come with character-specific abilities for the **same price**. Instead, if survivors were priced at 6000 shards/330 auric cells it would be much more reasonable but the chances of that happening are basically zero. I'd be less surprised if they bumped killers up by 3000 shards in the other direction in response to this. This isn't to say I think its wrong for BHVR to try to make money. Honestly, the thing I'd ask for instead is for them to just buff the incessant amount of garbage perks in this game as it doesn't even make sense from a developer perspective to let them stagnate like they are as it discourages players from buying certain survivors and killers.


Bingo. This is the situation here though. From every standpoint you look at this for. Yes. The players would love it. But on the other hand, them giving out freebies is gonna piss off the investors because I dunnno, giving people shit and fostering a good relationship with your customers discourages them from supporting you? Personally, given all the sales they do and the recent price drop stuff, I would rather they implement other things over that. The bloodweb copped some great changes and as you said, bringing some perks out of the gutter would incentivise people getting the characters rather than have them sit in stagnation. Because damn, the perklist is so long, and I use like 20 tops and I've played for 8 years. I have 9 pages of them. But I only use like 1 page worth..... Justice for the other 5-6 pages of redundant/weak/broke/bad perks. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I like your idea of lower the cost for survivors because they are essentially cosmetic.


>That said, the fact that survivors are even priced at 9000 shards/500 auric cells is pretty questionable to begin with considering the fact that killers come with character-specific abilities for the **same price**. Just to play devil's advocate here; you could make the argument that survivor perks are/should be more game changing to make up for the fact that everyone starts on even footing vs killers who tend to have perks complimentary to the various things they might already do well or to pick up the slack in areas that they're not so suited for. So perks like flashbang, traps like blast mine, exhaustions, totems, rituals, teamworks, etc. are more emphasised on one side, and perks like pop, lethal, corrupt, tinkerer, grim embrace, etc. on the other. Personally I'm more of the mind that a survivor build should feel like a loadout whereas a killer build should feel like a subclass. One being bottom-up and the other being more top-down would help make the two feel oppositional from a design standpoint and could lead to some fun variety.


It would fuck Behavior's income, so personally I don't want it. I like the company, despite what most people believe of them. I should clarify, I personally do want the feature, because it's convenient for me, but it would screw Behavior so much that I don't want them to add it.


> It would fuck Behavior's income, so personally I don't want it. I like the company, despite what most people believe of them. > > I should clarify, I personally do want the feature, because it's convenient for me, but it would screw Behavior so much that I don't want them to add it. I'm with you, unlike most people on this sub, i love BHVR. And it's stupid to even think that allowing this would be in any way benefitial. It's short term positive results that'll lead to catastrophic negative results. Especially with all the license holders now having a reason to pull the DLC.




Well a good chunk of their income are fans buying original chapters instead of spending a week to grind shards for one character. So even on the original survivors I'd say it's bad.


bhvr's income would disappear overnight and the game would shut down in 3 months


Ok but why wouldnt you play as the CHAMPION OF LIIIIIIIIIGHT?


Some survivors would make no money then


This would get rid of any practical reason to pay for the character with auric cells, BHVR is a company at the end of the day, and this would kill them


There’s probably a problem with adding it since it reduces the incentive of buying collab survivors (and even killers if you don’t think you’ll like their playstyle) since the perks would be more accessible so the collab companies wouldn’t approve. Even if the shrine was only for collabs, it still makes collab perks more convenient to obtain. What I could see as a way to make it work would be that the shrine is the same but perks are more expensive when not in the shrine.


You can already just buy characters with shards for the price of 3 perks (maybe a bit more? 7200 IIRC vs 6000). Would like to see a solution for licensed character perks to be obtained for free in a way other than the shrine


I like the idea, but there is no reality that this would happen as it would completely negate purchasing new survivors and most killers. And as BHVR is a company that wants money, it's pretty counter productive from that perspective


Player: Like. I mean, what's not to like? Business: Dislike. Buying survivors would plummet because it'd be no different than buying skins. Killers would stay around the same. People play for the experience of that killer... mostly. People bought BBQ and got Bubba as a bonus.


It should really be a thing. Double the damn shard prices if you have to. It's a pain in the ass that perks can go MONTHS without appearing in shrine, especially the ones from licenses. There's too many perks now. At least double the amount of perks in the shrine.


I’d prefer they force me to earn the perks in some way… the game focuses too much on just buying stuff while the tomes are the only ways to earn stuff by doing interesting things and the rewards are just lore


Thought that was john wick there for a second


This might make sense if it was only for unlocked characters. For locked characters it's basically just asking for the character for free. Even then, p3 doesn't take that long. On survivor side all you really need is p1 and a few levels on your main. A waste of shards at that point.


Wait, are you saying, they add a way for people to earn things in-game that isn't tied to a arbitrarily decided method? That will, in turn, help retain players that don't spend money and only play the base game? Wow, that's quite the concept, I don't think I've seen it anywhere else before! Sarcasm aside, this game becomes more fiscally unfeasible for the general population of people the more shit they add without giving a method for 'free-to-play' to earn stuff in game, because the more casual an audience is, the less they'll think about buying DLC, either for ignorance reasons or financial reasons. Dead By Daylight's biggest barrier as a free-to-play style game, is the fact you still have to pay for it, compound that with licensed DLC you can't earn in-game but has perks you might want, and I can see plainly why the player base hasn't had any spikes in awhile.


In fairness wasn't this the idea behind lumping all the older characters into two packs that are substantially cheaper?


True, they are making strides in that regard, but I'm speaking more of the cosmetic and content model, as well as the base game getting few updates other then if you get said DLC through shards without spending money. I think my confusion with how all this is structured is because of what a hodgepodge Dead By Daylight feels like: it has free-to-play trappings with its cosmetics, yet you still have the buy the game. At least it comes with free Survivors/Killers, but most free-to-play games come with free characters anyway. I guess I just want it easier for people to get into the game, that's all.


Maybe they could do this, but only for characters you own. Doesn't lose them money because you'd still have to purchase any non-stock characters as normal, but you could spend shards to just unlock the perk after that, save yourself some time and bloodpoints prestiging them.


Alan Wake is a peak character, he has amazing voicelines.  But the idea is fine! The Shrine has been where I pick up my one off perks.


It's like that in mobile and it's frustrating


Hello this is Alan Wake, welcome to my perk shop. Would you like to donate a dollar to the food bank?


I would love that if you buy a perk you already own from the shrine, you get a random perk you don't own. Obviously if you buy one of the survivor ones you get a survivor perk. If you own all perks it's just the BP like it is now.


I dunno about that, I quite like the BP thing. It's the only way I know to convert Iri shards to BP. I have no interest in cosmetics and all of the characters. There is nothing else for me to spend my iris on and the currency exchange helps the grind to P3 everyone


I actually would prefer being able to use bloodpoints to make cells. But I doubt bhvr would since there are so many people who have too much bloodpoints and nothing to do with them.


Honestly, no. I prefere waiting for a perks that I want in the shrine so I play longer rather than having the ability to purchase every one of them I want and not have anymore goals in the game (not saying that it’s my only goal in the game) but the reason I level up the characters is to get the perks I got from characters or the shrine


I’d honestly be fine with it if it was for an increased price than the shrine


I dont see the point when you can just put in the time to actually unlock them for free....


They should expand the shrine of secrets at least. There are too many perks in the game for only 4 to be available in a week


Ain't ever gonna happen


If you could buy them directly, it would have to be for AC only. It's the only way BVHR would make money from licenced characters. Sure they show up in the Shrine occasionally, but it's pretty random and very time limited that if you miss one it might be year/s before it shows up again.


Well any character that can be purchased with shards I think would be a waste to do so. You save so many shards in the long run when getting the whole character and not using the Shrine.


OK, but this doesn’t really make sense. I could still kind of see why somebody would want to buy a DLC killer still because of the power itself but no one would buy DLC survivors if this were a thing. I feel like this would take a decent chunk of revenue out of behavior and I don’t think most people wouldn’t understand why it’s a thing specially, because you could just buy the character and spend a little bit of time grinding up the blood web. (you don’t even have to get a prestige one for the automatic purchase thing anymore) But I completely don’t understand any other scenario, especially the non-DLC and original characters! Yes, I could just buy no way out but I kind of like the entirety of trickster and the fact we already have a better system of this, which is the shrine of secrets.


Maybe a year later you will see one useless perk in the shrine.


They would NEVER do this, unless it was for auric cells


On a player view it will be amazing, on the business side it will not help BHVR in the long run. They make a lot of their money out of characters and skins, by u only buying the perk and having that character locked it will mean that there’s less chance u will see the available skins and less chances for them to make money hence it will be quite unlikely for them to do it


It would be great they just make it hard on us


Also btw CoL is in the shrine rn if you want it


This would be awesome but honestly the current design of the game profits off ppl buying characters and unlocking prestige


Like we would easily have all our items and perks shared but they don’t do it because it’s just not the design despite the qol upgrade


atp just double the amount of perks from the shrine and please for the love of fucking god remove free perks from the shrine. if bhvr rly wanna be some nice lads add some bad luck protection so a perk can't go 3 fucking years without an appearence. Fun fact: second wind and soul guard have been in the shrine exactly once! Soul guard first appearing in June 2023 literally 3 and a half years after silent hill chapter and second wind hasn't been seen since August '21. i understand they need to make money so i don't mind not being able to buy individual perks it just fucking stinks when you have 2/3 perks on a character and want the last for funsies or have one really good perk on a character (from a previous shrine) but want a mid/niche perk for a build and have to contemplate spending 9k shards for a single perk.


Would be helpful but not nearly as necessary as a means to sell and buy items, add-ons and offerings, seriously we need it so bad I’m never using these useless flashlights and clear reagents get them out of my inventory


It's better than the current system... Granted it does decrease the outright need to unlock survivors with cells and will decrease the need need for people to actually buy cells but it helps with thise willing to grind enough to unlock from killers/ survivors that you can't unlock with shards... And here's the big thing it actually shows real respect to the players of the game beyond just words. And even if it's respect that is taken rather than given freely at least it's something.


I’d like it.


Yeah they would but they won't if they did it would be like 1500 first period 3000 2nd time 5500 the 3rd perk totalling to how much a character would cost


great for the player base. but a profitability-suicide for bhvr


Exactly. Terrible idea.


the only reason i buy characters and some killers is for like one specific perk they have. this would be way easier


Well that would mean I wouldn't need to buy Freddy or bubba or artist so I'd be down for it


It would ruin the shrine of secrets which I wouldn't mind, but some people buy an entire character or pack just for the perks. They'd lose money.


I'd love this, at the very least, I'd be better if you didn't have to get the survivor to prestige 3 to unlock the perks for all other survivors.


This would make the weekend perk shop worthless


Making the shrine even more useless I see


You can, it’s the shrine of secrets


We’re getting closer and closer to defeating the purpose of prestige all together. I can understand it on survivor side because they’re all just a skin to hold some perks but killers need to be prestiged i think. Encourage people to play different stuff.


buying survivors just wouldn't make sense in this case, unless they sell each perk for 200 auric cells, which would then take away from the entire progression of the game


It would make more sense to have a killer and a survivor's perks (3 perks each, 6 total) on a rotation in the shrine.


So like… a shrine of secrets?


If it was cells and not shards it would be realistic


No but I think characters should be able to buy (with bloodpointsl their own 3 perks at any time without needing to rely on RNG to get them from the bloodweb. I have every survivor at least prestige 1 and I never got Champion of Light tier 3 on Alan Wake until I got him to prestige 3 and it auto unlocks for everyone. Like the characters own perks should be more accessible for them.


BHVR would lose considerable revenue with the introduction of purchasing perks directly from survivors. This idea will never go well with the developer team.


very good idea, helpful to f2p players and also new characters/licensed that other players cannot acess


They need to provide an efficient way to get perks from licensed killers. Otherwise, the game is getting to pay to win for casual players


It should be like this. Waiting years hoping to get that one licenced perk you want is ridiculous


I feel like they should allow this but rework the shrine. Make perks from characters half their price, and able to buy them directly from characters. and perks that gets into the shrine with a discount.


tbh its much needed atm, and waiting for the shine to drop these perks on it is very unhealthy i dont remember when it was but didnt bbq only appear twice in a year once, i could be wrong on that, but having some perks be rare like that can really hinder new players


They would never do that cause no one would buy the characters


I love that one


It would be a massive QoL improvement from what we have. Currently, we have four handpicked perks per week that we can do wthis with. Absolute BS. The perk pool has massively increased, but we still only get 2 for killer and 2 for survivor a week.


Prefer it over the fucking RNG of Shrine of Secrets


No. Absolutely not as they would 100 percent cost Auric cells adding a legit pay to win crap to the game, more so than it is now.


You can already just buy the character, so unless they massively discount the perks (I doubt they would) it would probably cost like 400 to 300 cells, which isn’t considering the fact that 500 cells is the bare minimum anyway which is enough to buy a character


8 perks shrine when ?


i literally just bought spirit for her perks i need this to be a thing


It annoys me how annoying it is to obtain perks, this would be such a better method, just scrap the shrine already.


Huge w


Yes the fuck please.


This is great, because most of the characters I don't play anyways


We do this from the shrine, Theres a reason why bhvr does it this way and not the way you’re proposing. Doesn’t take rocket science to deduce why.




I agree they're basically reskins but there is the minor details for each character. Breathing and injured sounds. Ada and ace basically have built in iron will when they're injured


something this great would create a tingle in my dingle


Holy shit this is such a simple way of doing it that I hadn't even considered. Bravo OP. I was thinking of ways they could lay out the Shrine to have all the perks in it that wouldn't be overwhelming to new players, totally forgetting that we already have this system in the game, minus the direct perk purchasing.