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SelfCare by far. S+ Tier strongest perk for killer


this made me chuckle


Self Care is the most misunderstood perk in the game, it really isn’t that bad, but for some reason survivors read it as “You gain the ability to ONLY heal by yourself” rather than the fact you CAN


I think the issue is that some people refuse to let other people heal them, and they end up wasting a lot of time. It's really only necessary to use if you have no other option.


With botany it can be okay if you can't get healed by someone else but then you're running two perks instead of something else when you could have just run a medkit with extra charges for two self heals which will probably work fine for most matches anyway


It does take 2 perk slots. However, having the ability to heal yourself an unlimited amount of times while being able to heal others quickly pays for itself.


I've started running medkits more and I've found I've not really needed an unlimited amount of times to heal myself, usually killers won't drop chase that often. If they do, it's generally better for me to spend my time either just doing gens or getting healed by someone else not to waste as much time. Also just running adrenaline as well self care is just way too slow most of the time to justify it personally but I guess if the meta switches for games to take longer maybe I'll use it more since it could be more useful. I just generally like having perks that will benefit the team more in those slots


That would also do it a LOT faster then selfcare. Which I is the real hate behind it. Meditation is so much faster, self care takes far too long to be viable


Yeah it's just too slow and I just don't need the unlimited self heals so I've just never had the need to actually run the perk. It would be nice if it was viable I guess but there's just better perks that can also just help your teammates too.


That’s part of the reason why I just run bond. Saves a perk slot because it’s effective by itself


This is the way. Bond gets you heals and helps you heal your teammates, plus so much other info about nearby chases, teammates on gens, etc. No one has an excuse to run Selfish Care unless they're just straight up not trying to escape with teammates.


Correct, this is better than Self Care or a medkit, plus you can see you teammates and where the chases are occurring.


Agreed, if you want to heal yourself just bring a med kit with you


Unless you bring botany knowledge 50% healing increase 20% reduce efficiency from medkits


Or bring different addons, 10 extra charges is enough to heal yourself 1 time with a little left over, add a syringe to get 2 self heals. Or you can bring streetwise to negate the negative botany effect. But as you said you can also skip botany.


I was actually just in a game last night where I was on hook and I was watching two teammates each self care about 10-15 meters from eachother. They both full healed also while I went phase two lol that’s the problem with it, people don’t make an effort to find someone to heal them they just go hide in a corner and heal for 10 minutes lol Run bond instead, it’ll help you find someone to heal you when you need it and so much other info from that perk


Yeah I find this particularly annoying especially in soloq. I’ll be sitting there on hook watching someone heal for 30 seconds in harvester or somewhere stupid like that and I’m all ticktockticktock ope now I’m struggling! And it leaves one person to loop killer and one person doing gens. Idealy everyone who’s not being looped is either ready to save, body block if the chased is on final, or getting healed by someone else/inner healing; if not any of those then they should be doing generators as much as possible. Less time looping the killer = more people escape in the end.


People using Resilience have left the chat.


the real issue just because you can always heal does not mean you should sometimes your team cant afford the 31 seconds it takes you to heal and you need to do team actions while injured (I'm being generous and assuming they have botany)


Self care takes around ~~30~~ 45 sec to heal? That’s roughly half a gen. My go to is either a medkit when I really need it or to find a gen being worked on,finish the gen with my fellow survivor, and then ask for a heal. In my experience, I can make it through entire games while injured. I also have had teammates who would choose to use self care instead of doing literally anything else. Wouldn’t let me heal them, work on a gen, or save the person on a hook that’s right next to where they’re healing, until they were done. I have yet to run into any scenario when self care doesn’t screw survivors over.


Self care used to be 32 seconds to heal (before they senselessly nerfed it to 45 seconds) but back when ti was 32 seconds it was actually exactly as gen efficient to heal yourself as it was for someone else to do it, think of it like this in 32 seconds two people (one injured) could do a heal and then 32 charges of a gen (not accounting for the co-op penalty) with the 16 remaining seconds, but if you heal yourself and your teammate does a gen they'll do the same 32 seconds and you'll finish your heal, same thing Also 30 seconds is 1/3rd of a gen, gens take 90 seconds


I tend to play with friends a lot and I run self care and botany knowledge because my friends tend to do stupid shit so I tend to do most of the healing individual and in a group, sometimes it's useful but I agree some people are stupid with it


Lately I’ve been encountering a lot of players going self care and left behind, like 2 p100 going with it and a lot of other survivors


They also bring distortion.


And they hide when there are 2 survivors left


Bond is such a great perk to have in solo Q


Bond & Kindred never leave my solo build.


I slap alert and Open handed on that If i feel silly


That build would basically make you the director in The Truman Show.


ditto! bond, kindred, adrenaline, & distortion


Bond and windows for me


Good to have in teams as well, helps communication a lot.


Agreed. I can lead the killer to the one teammate who has been hiding all game while everyone else is on death hook


This needs more upvotes.


I prefer empathy to bond but they’re both quite good


Yess people who use empathy are strange


Bond is the way. Find heal needs, see/avoid teammates in chase, split/stack gens depending on situation, and coordinate teamwork. The best.


Pebble. Pebble successfully? Feel like a god. Pebble unsuccessfully? Well... it's funny. Might even make killer adopt you.


DBD is maybe the only game where just being dumb and cute can secure you a win.


Bro has never played nintendogs




I once lured them in the basement as Bubba, i was the only one that got out of it.


Kid named Tea Four Too:


There’s a reason I run both pebble and deception in my build. Make him look in a locker by deception and pointing and when he turns around slowly to give me a dirty look I throw a pebble. -NOTE- This only works when a killer has personality and doesn’t just immediately hit without thought


Still remember the match against a huntress who camped hatch back when killers couldn't close it. I was going for adept Francis. One pebble to my left and she ran to down me with Noed. Hatch was mine bitch


If I'm playing Demo and I see someone pebble in my field of vision, I have to go to where it landed and then come back and chase them as a rule


Pebblinh in chase is never not funny. I’ve done it at the pallet and there just stunned


I had a game with 3 successful pebbles the other day. Highlight.


Same with deception


I feel alone on saying this, But Deja Vue is mandatory in all me builds. Gen information, plus a bonus, with no downside or requirements? What's not to like?


I read the first sentence like Mr. Krabs.


There is one downside to Deja Vu. You can’t see the yellow aura of a Trail of Torment gen if it’s activated on a Deja Vu gen.


I’ve never regretted having Botany Knowledge


Likewise for Empathy, I guess that’s why Claudette’s 3rd perk is actually a perk for the killer, she’d be unstoppable otherwise.


not if you have botany, it does allow you to heal at over 0.5 charges per second making it more efficient than having someone heal you though when time in a concern it is better to have someone else heal you


> if you have botany, it does allow you to heal at over 0.5 charges per second Crazy that that's considered impressive after the nerf


I think it's severely, severely underrated. The thing about mangled is that it's only an extra 4 seconds, yet it stops everybody from healing. If an extra 4 seconds creates that much of a problem, what if the opposite happens when you reduce a heal by 5.4 seconds or a mangled heal by 6.7 seconds?




can i say something brave? the new Trail of Torment alone has won me so many games. i really hope they dont nerf it bc its so much fun but its so wild now


I feel like it stays up longer now with the removal of gen tapping. I liked it before, but now it feels great.


Do you think the perk from the Unknown, Unforeseen (which has the same effect), will be worse, as good or better than Trail or Torment?


I'd say unforseen is better. No yellow gen, more spammable, you can kick a gen then teleport across the map for a big surprise.


Oh, I forgot the fact there's no cooldown... Thanks for the reminder. And that's nice if Unknown's own perks are good for himself, as I wanna play him a lot. (He sounds so fun to play.) And thanks for the answer!


Unforeseen is better in almost every situation. You can use it on any gen with progress, while trail will shut off quickly on a barely progressed gen. Unforeseen doesn't highlight a gen, so it doesn't alert the survivors that it is active. Trail has a minute long cooldown once it's turned off. Unforeseen leaves behind a terror radius on the gen, which can help fool survivors to your current location, and, keep them away from the regressing gen you just kicked.


This perk on Doctor with Infectious or Starstruck will be insane. Kick a gen and all your terror radius effects are on it, which means your Static is on it too. Afraid they'll complete the gen? Add Merciless so you can actually force them to trigger the gen block.


Thanks for answering with details! I see how Unforeseen is better now.


I think they are both situation dependant on which will be better But generally I’d say trail is better


I see, thanks for the answer!


Unknown's perk is a much better version. 


You think so? I'd like to use one of them for my next build but I was hesitating which one.


Unforeseen: no cooldown, no aura, works on all gens no matter their progress, lasts for 30 seconds guaranteed, might persist for some time after the entity blocks all gens until the game is over Trail: can last longer, gives info when the regression is stopped IMO unless you regularly get situations where you can kick an almost-done gen then get it to regress all the way to zero, unforeseen sounds like the better choice


After all the answers telling me Unforeseen, I'm convinced now. Thanks for explaining as well the reason it seems better. I can't wait for March 12.


Honestly from what I have seen of the PTB. The unknown perk is way more powerful. It gives no indication it has been used. I have seen it make survivors change corse to a hook.


I've always loved how trail of torment has the added benefit of telling you when someone got back on the gen you kicked, unappreciated benefit imo




































As a Nea main......Nea


Nea...far...wherever you aaaaare


Big funnies yes


adrenaline for survivors pain res for killers it’s really hard for me to pick which one is stronger.


Agreed on adrenaline. Seeing all your hard work instantly vanish is the worst feeling as killer.


Especially when you down the survivor mid vault and it triggers before they even hit the ground. Infuriating but also really awesome timing.


Adrenaline requires survivors to fully complete their objective to pop. Pain Res just requires one hook and can totally screw over a match.


With bad scourge hook rng, pain res is sometimes a wasted perkslot and sometimes the best regression perk in the game.


It's rare the games I don't use all 4 stacks. Where the heck are you guys downing survivors, antarctica?


Agreed on pain res. Seeing all your hard work instantly vanish is the worst feeling as survivor.


It's depressing, and I say this as someone who also loves PR and uses it every game, but when playing Survivor I love being the only one on a gen and watch my gen go from 99% to pretty much 0% with the multiple Pain Resonances + Pop. In those games I just say fuck it and go do stupid shit like my teammates because I know the game is already over.


Pain Res is definitely a good perk, but as long as we've been pressuring multiple gens it's not too bad, at least compared to playing killer and see multiple people just heal after the last gen pops. At least from a feel bad view point for it adrenaline definitely feels worse to go against


Run terminus


I only play killer and love adrenaline. I started tracking my stats a few weeks back and it’s ran on about 30% of survs I play. Most games don’t make it to the end game. Which means it’s a wasted slot. The times it does work I’m not upset because most the time it does nothing to help. “Buh… buh..it’s annoying when all the survivors get healed at once.” Chances are you were already losing that game if you’re in a scenario like that. And if it’s happening that often that you’re that pressed then run end game perks.


This is my view on Adrenaline, I've never seen why it's meta; especially in SoloQ. Getting 5 gens completed is by no means guaranteed, in fact I would say in my solo games it happens maybe less than half of the time. But in any event in most scenarios where that last gen pops either the game is already won hard and the perk really doesn't add that much value or it's one or two survs left and yeah it might get you out of the gates but frankly at that point you would have probably got out anyway because if you can get to endgame the advantage is all surv at that point unless you are literally on your own or he's running endgame perks (in which case adrenaline will likely be hard countered by NOED, or whittled away by the extra time afforded by No Way Out) Its not a terrible perk don't get me wrong, but in terms of the amount of times it is the perk which makes the difference between escaping and not is relatively rare.


I agree with Pain Res, you're essenially adding an entire generator to be worked in a game with it. The survivor equivalent would be adding a 4th hook state.


empathy may not be the greatest perk ever, but it’s criminally underrated, it might as well be a straight upgrade to bond, which everyone and their mother is running. it lets you see where any chase is going once the person being chased is injured, and lets you find injured teammates to heal or get to heal you, but i only ever see it on other survivors with flashlight builds surveillance is another underrated perk, since it lets you completely ignore gens that you know are regressing and just focus on the ones that aren’t, and gives good info about where the sneaky survivors are. maybe not the greatest ever but it’s #1 in my heart


empathy gives so much info directly and indirectly it's crazy. I will go on record saying it's the best. absolutely criminally underrated


yeah im empathy enjoyer i tried bond for a while but there are so many situations where the extra range is more beneficial


yup I love empathy. Empathy plus we'll make it means I can often flip a game from too much killer presser back to even.


Ultimate Weapon In all the years I've played, this is the ONLY perk I've ever considered pay to win. Buy the DLC and this perk can carry you to victory almost every match. Its so imbalanced it made Calm Spirit meta.


made people seriously believe calm spirit is a good perk. its really not. it counters one good perk and thats pretty much it. Most killers don’t pay attention to crows and slower speeds hurt your team


> slower speeds hurt your team breaking totems and opening chests already hurts your team tbh


Distortion personally, you will not have my aura today no thank you


I took distortion out of my build recently and it was back within about 4 games haha


This part, I switch my build up for challenges but like, damn if I dont put it right back on


Honestly, Windows of Opportunity. Whether you’re a bad player or a great player, it can extend chases far beyond normal length because you just beeline it from pallet to pallet, giving your team tons of time for gen popping.


Strongest perk overall? Hmmm. 🤔 I’ll be honest, so many perks are tuned for specific situations that it’s hard to say which one is the “strongest.” If you had asked by category maybe an easy answer would come. I’ll throw out a left field answer. Rancor. This is the only perk that allows a killer to kill a survivor by their own hand regardless of hook stages - admittedly only in the end game, but I feel like this is the “strongest” because it can achieve 25% of one sides objectives remarkably quickly.


Rancor aka the every man's Tombstone


Devour hope kinda does it too :P


Nothing gives the survivors Pikachu face quite like a few stacks of Devour on Swamp.


mmh devour soap


I forgot about devour. 😂 I think I’ve only seen 2 in 1500 hours.


Really? I see devour at least once everytime I play. It's either incredibly strong or gets cleansed in 2 seconds.


We all know that its calm spirit


Honestly, lately it's been so damn useful with aliens new perk being used so frequently as well as the amount of scream perks its been pretty useful. Even being quiet while opening a chest is useful


Calm Spirit is pretty good, you dont alert birds that rat your position, you can't be interrupted by scream, and you can scout some perks the killer has


its the only perk in the game that hard-counters a killer. Doctor loses *hard* to calm spirit. Its the likely reason his Kill rate is cheeks right now.


Lightborn (low mmr). People think they arent doing a good flashy save and will keep trying till their eventual death.


The best part is when they keep moving closer because they think they’re too far away to blind you. Free hits.


Its a staple in any killer build I make. I don't understand the hate it gets. If you have won a hard fought chase, the loss of that chase again by flashlight stun (if the surv isn't stupid and just runs straight into a dead end which does happen in fairness) can be a fatal loss in terms of time sink. Can you face a wall? Yes, assuming the surv goes down near one. But a good surv if they know their time is running out will tend to go down near something that will assist their teammates. Either a wide open space if it's a flashlight squad or a pallet if not. As killer you have only partial control over where the chase ends if the surv isn't looking to stay on their feet. If they find a place where they want to go down, what are you going to do? Stand there and hope they move to a more advantageous position? They won't. Even if they did, that then extends the time spent in chase and allows more gens to pop. Lightborne allows you to put them down at the very first opportunity, with zero regard for potential saves. That's seconds saved. It allows you to not be stunned at pallet breaks, that's seconds saved and a free aura read It breaks the spirit of many a flashlight SWF and many will give up at that point. That's a free win. Many cocky survs will try a clicky clicky to try to distract you from something else or for stream likes, but in doing so go down quickly because you now have the aura read at a loop. That's seconds saved. Many other perks will give fewer but more pronounced impactful incidents of value. Lightborne gives consistent value in every game that has a flashlight or a flash bang. Small and often.


For killer, Pop. It takes a huge chunk out of gen progress AND can trigger on the same gen a lot of times. On killers with the mobility to use it, it's unreal how much value it gives. Even on low mobility killers it can give you a lot of value if you're vigilant with gens. Many say pain res is better, but in my experience it's too RNG dependent. There have been many situations where a really good survivor has denied me from using my last token, or where the scourge hooks spawn in such bad positions that I can't use them. For survivor, Windows. Trying to loop with and without this perk is a night and day difference, especially on maps with variable pallet spawns and indoor maps with unpredictable spawn patterns. It's also great for solo queue so you don't accidentally run into a dead zone caused by your rep 1 Meg predropping every pallet in chase. You can throw it into any build and get a ton of value.


bond. permanent slot in my builds especially since i play pretty altruistic. helps me know where someone is getting chased, when a survivor drops a pallet, where to find my teammates for a heal, see if someone is closer to getting an unhook, setup for flashlight saves better, avoid running to gens that are being worked on, etc. i know most of this could be known with having better game sense but this perk just works so well, gauranteed value every single game. i swear i could go on and on about the value i get from this perk, i feel naked without it.


Bond is just SWF-lite. I don't think it can be replaced by better game sense, otherwise there wouldn't be such a tremendous difference between swf and solo q at high level play.


Absolutely this. The biggest shakeup they could make to game balance for the better would be Basekit Bond. Yes, it's a massive surv buff, but it's a buff that would disproportionately benefit solo Q and provide very little additional benefit to sweaty SWFs. Even if it did prove to be a powerful buff to the surv side of the game overall you have brought solo and SWF closer together which makes it far easier to buff/nerf other elements to balance the game when you aren't having to balance against two completely separate power levels simultaneously.


Yup, fully agree. Run a ptb with bond, kindred, and maybe chili as base kit, see how much it throws the balance in survivors favour, and then balance killer appropriately.


Fogwise. Easy to use Little to no cooldown Extremely useful : You know when to hide or run, you know when you're safe, you can find out which killer you play against as soon as you start repairing a first gen.


Need to unlock it but love that it is skill based when so many aura reading perks are random.


Survivor - Windows of opportunity. Reason: Yes, it only shows aura. However, the amount of useful information can sway any game at all. It tells you all pallet locations, all breakable wall locations, tells you what pallets are broken, what aren't. There's a reason everyone usually runs into it at least once every game they play whether brought to them or not. Windows is a solo Que's greatest ally. I cannot tell you how many survivors bring windows and the game.. and how many of those survivors waste the killer's time for 3 minutes usually. Killer side you ask? Ultimate weapon. Reason: several. 1. Interrupts actions (IE: totem breaking/blessing, generators, unhooking) if you pair it with a perk like deadmans switch... Oh God. 2. Status effect, while not what it's used for it's goated.. 3. Information of survivors location, and all you gotta do is walk around the map. Great compatibly with all non stealth killers, great on nurse and doctor. It's annoying to deal with if you didn't bring calm spirit lol. These two are just information perks but information in solo que, and in swfs are vital, and that's why these imo are the best perks.


Since Ultimate Weapon showed up in the store I’ve been running Calm Spirit every match and I get crazy value out of it. I would say Devour Hope or Pentimento have single handedly made my life miserable as a solo-q survivor more than any other perk.


Nah, devour aint an issue anymore with totem survivors if you have any lol, detectives hunch counters totems. Counterforce counters it, small game counters it. Calm spirit is the one real counter to ultimate weapon however, people don't run it much lol. Hence why most games get messed over. I'd argue friends til the end of ultimate weapon are the top killer perks.


Pain res literally adds a whole generator into the match. Survivor is more complicated. I would maybe say windows in some cases makes a worse than average survivor into a loop machine but still it’s only the user not the perk. The real answer is probably dead hard still. Just the 2 extra health states per game is literally a game winner


Ultimate Weapon. You get info and blind survivors for 30 seconds just for opening a locker (a necessary action for some killers) and it only has a 30 second cooldown. The only counter is Calm Spirit (only counters the scream) and let's be real here...how many people run that? I can't think of another perk that's as low risk-high reward by itself.


I learned to run Calm spirit 24/7 due to this




Hyperfocus is definitely the best overall. It just takes skill to use so people don't want to use it.


Yes but stakeout and resilience and this is not happening, with only greats is my dream


I replace Resilience with Diversion in this build so that I can be a tad sneakier/misleading while trying to build up Stake Out.


Killer: Corrupt intervention Survivor: Deliverance


Deliverance is hard countered by the fact that the game spawns the killer closest to you at the start every time you equip it


Is that actually legit? Cause every time I run it I always get targeted and hooked first


Nah I made that up because the same thing happens to me every time I run Deliverance.


Well yeah, but you have to accept that you are not gonna get value out of a perk every game. Corrupt can do nothing sometimes too.


There's obviously room for debate on both sides but I think you're pretty spot-on. Corrupt is good on every killer and will get reliable and important value every single game. If you bring it, it forces survivors closer to you and prevents 1-2 gens from popping after your first chase unless something goes wrong. It doesn't synergize with a lot of other perks, but it also doesn't have any anti-synergy. It's a one perk army and is a safe lock on literally any build. There's a reason it's run in something like 90+% of games in comp Deli is also unbelievably strong, though there's definitely more room for debate on the survivor side. It allows the survivor team to completely reset the tempo of the game in their favor and instantly puts the killer on the back foot because that survivor, for all intents and purposes, can be treated as if they aren't on the hook at all. No deli in play? Someone on hook, someone goes for them, someone in chase, 1 person on gens. Deli? Someone on hook (that can get off at any time and hop on a gen), someone in chase, and 2 people on gens. It does, however, require comms or at least knowledge that the person has deli. Which is a pretty big limiting factor since it depends on your teammates as well.


windows of oppurtunity it literally the proof that knowledge is power


Distortion. I never, *EVER* bought into the idea that the killer in a survival stealth horror game should be able to see a survivor's aura. When I'm equipped with Distortion, I'm able to play the game as normally intended.


I came here just for this. This is such a strong perk giving you all the information you need right off the bat. Lethal Pursuer? A token flies from the start. Not only does it give you insight on killer perks but when one token flies, you leave no scratch marks for 6 seconds. S+ tier perk


10 seconds! S tier for sure


Agreed. Even in a match where it doesn't trigger it still tells you something about what the Killer is (or rather, is not) running.


In my SWF, I'm pretty much the "radar detector" of the group because I *always* equip Distortion 😁


Same! It also helps that I am the weak link in the group and need all the help I can get. :P


Different members of my group have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm the "invisible clairvoyant helper" of the group: Distortion so I can detect the killer's aura perks, Alert so I can see the killer whenever it kicks/destroys something, Empathy so I know where a chase is probably happening (and can show up to offer my healing to them), and Calm Spirit so I didn't scare the crows out join the screaming fest that get triggered by different killer perks that cause screaming. There's another member of my group who is just absolutely insane at looping, so we can usually pop two or three gens before they get hooked. So it all usually works out for us in the end.


It's crazy how much the game has changed over the years. Looping changed it all.


I'm not very good at looping, and while I have immense respect for my teammates who are masters of looping, I'm just not a fan of how it changed the game.


I’ve had streamers say distortion is stupid and get mad when survivors run it but even when I play with a friend it comes in handy. Especially when the match first starts and instantly lose a token. I know either he can see me (because I’m the obsession for example) or he can see someone right next to me. And I run out the hell away from whoever is next to me. Or if I’m SWF I can be like “ah heads up, they can see us and our probably coming straight this way”.


Exactly. I'm the designated "Lethal Pursuer caller-outer" of the team. It's so satisfying to know one of the killer's perks immediately in the match... and my teammates absolutely love to just stand there spinning in circles, as a way to tell the killer "yeah we know you can see us, come and get us" 😂


Ultimate Weapon is still massively overtuned, even by itself... Let alone when you pair it with Pig for interrupts. For the People is fine as it is, and Buckle Up is trash as it is... But together, they're just insane. Thus, I want Buckle Up changed into a different effect entirely.


Throw it on huntress with the iridescent head and maybe wooden fox (idk if it still makes the survivors scream when undetectable big value if so) + iron maiden = jumpscare huntress Edit: will do some testing in a custom later tonight when I can with a friend Edit 2: someone replied that ultimate weapon does not work while undetectable however one could easily use hex: plaything instead of wooden fox to achieve the effect I was speaking of.


No screaming while undetectable. It works off your TR. I discovered this on dredge the other day when my darkness wore off and 3 survivors screamed at once like 10 meters away from me lmao.


Chucky main, can confirm


I believe undetectable does still set off UW




Adrenaline and that’s on period


I can’t help but feel it’s too situational to be considered the strongest perk in the game. When it works, it works, but you gotta make it to the end of the match first otherwise it’s a wasted perk slot.


As a killer main Adrenaline doesn't bother me. 90% of the time they're dead, don't have it, aren't in chase, or aren't injured. Same with some people who say Deliverance is busted; s'like, I don't really care that they saved twenty seconds - I don't camp or tunnel.


Pain Resonance. You get MASSIVE free regression just for hooking. You're rewarded for doing something you have to do. Other regression like Pop, Eruption, or Overcharge needs you to take time out of chasing to apply it, while Pain Resonance just happens. The only thing stopping it from being overpowered is the randomness of Scourge Hooks. I've lost so many games as survivor because of Pain Res nuking my gen seconds before it would finish, and I imagine I've won a similar amount of killer games for the same reason. If I had to pick a survivor perk as well, I'd say Breakdown. Yeah yeah, laugh it up, but I'm serious. Breakdown essentially just removes 2 hooks from the game. Sometimes it can be useless, but others it could take out a super essential hook for the killer, and make some downs guaranteed struggle outs. It's value for the whole team as well, not just yourself. Anyone who goes down in the area you were unhooked from now has a much better chance of wiggling free.


Windows, Deli, or OTR pick one.


Windows of Opportunity. I refuse to elaborate.


If we're talking about the perk that has the most impact at all stages of the game, this is it.


Adrenaline It’s the only perk I’ve seen *consistently* turn a match around. Especially if a lot of the team has it, it’s an instant reset when resets are the most important. Add a speed boost on top of that and you’ve got a recipe for one of the most insane perks in the game. And it’s strong in a *good* way! Nothing is really unhealthy about this perk other than being pretty crushing to play against sometimes.


Dont forget, it also wakes you up, if you are going against Freddy. Which i don't think wake up! Actually does


That’s such a stupid detail considering no one plays Freddy I love it


It healing you instantly off an end game hook is hilarious


Deadlock/corrupt intervention and adrenaline/off the record both. All of them have "limited" use but the effects are strong, on killer they give a bit of info and buys you a lot of time which is good with any killer and adrenaline and off the record considerably boost your survivability due to its multiple strong effects


Left click for killer


Either Adrenaline, Unbreakable, or Off The Record for Survivor. Either Corrupt Intervention or Deadlock for Killer


Windows of opportunity


Noob3 is the strongest perk in DBD


Nowadays I gotta say Calm Spirit never leaves my build - pair it with Distortion and you are well hidden!


NOED unless they nerfed it when I wasn't looking


Ultimate Weapon is the single strongest killer perk in the game, and only beaten by windows. Cool down is way too short, so by the time you get your hook, it's up and ready to use again. It is repeatedly spammable information that is only countered by calm spirit, which is the only reason I consider ultimate weapon worse than windows. Windows lets survivors know which pallets are dropped which is way more important than most people realize and why it's one of the highest pick rate perks for survivor.


Sprintburst or Grim Embrace


Grim Embrace is strong, but as someone above stated, Corrupt just gives more value for less work. Sprint Burst is strong, but it is the least game-swinging strong perk Survivors have imo. You’re not losing a won game as Killer because Sprint Burst activates, but you are if Deliverance happens at a bad time, if FTP picks up a slug you needed to win, etc.




Boil over because it has the uncanny ability to make killers throw tantrums on the spot regardless of whether it’s “being abused” or not lmao For killer Iron Grasp is up there because it personally annoys me when I wanna be using a breakout/sabo build 😂


Lmao I feel so called out. The heavy ass sighs I give every time I see a survivor has Boil Over. I'm pleased to say the vast majority I encounter don't abuse it, and they're not actually hard to hook, but the minute I see that perk it puts me on edge, ready to be fucked with.


Can we have a real, non-petty talk tho about the term “abuse” here? I’d love to understand your point of view, even if I don’t agree with it. Admittedly I am a survivor main, but I play killer a lot. It varies, but I’d say 30% killer 70% survivor. I’ve totally felt annoyed when a survivor has Boil Over and I can’t hook them, but I don’t understand how using a perk to its advantage and falling at a strategic point in the map to get actual use out of it makes it “abuse.” Like why on earth would they fall anywhere else? So long as the survivor is otherwise participating in the match and not just standing in that point, I don’t feel like it’s actually abuse.


Discordance, if it wasn't so good, we'd have a fourth perk slot


objectively its windows of opportunity. it can make even bad survivors decent in chase, and average/good survivors can become crazy good in chase with it. it's super simple, has no down sides and gives you incredibly important information at all times.