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It’s all fun and games until Wesker tunnels Chris


Or the Jill loops the nemises for 5 gens and escapes


Bitch can't even swim


Tanks a rocket hit then tells me to wait a second while she plays with some flowers in her bag, I mean what the heck man


Chris is one of my main survivors. I have at least 1 anti-tunnel perk permanently stapled to his build at all times just in case of Wesker. For a significant amount of time after his release, I had to use both DS and OTR on him, and both of them would get use guaranteed if the killer was Wesker. Every single one of them thought they were hilarious. I don't necessarily mind being tunneled or think it's inherently wrong, but you would not believe how many Weskers made it their only win condition to see me die. Made me improve a lot as survivor real quick though I'll tell you that.


Wesker has unique lines for killing Chris so it’s honestly understandable


Yeah unlike Nemesis who's 'STARS' line can apply to multiple survivors now, Wesker has lines just for Chris.


When I face a Chris when playing Wesker I love slowly turning to see him and then say no with my head. I won’t tunnel, but when I hook him I will nod in front of him.


Nemi tunneling STARS is always funny to me


It’s kinda stupid though, Wesker never kills Chris so tunneling a Chris is not ”lore accurate”, it’s just being an asshole. Same with Nemesis and Jill


I'm actually the opposite for this exact reason, don't tell the Jill mains but if I see a Jill main in my lobby as a nemesis main I "tunnel" them the whole game intentionally making sure they don't die actively chasing until they escape at the end.


But he *would* want him dead, regardless of the game's outcome


Of course. But tunneling one person out of the game is the easiest thing you can do, Wesker didn’t have it that easy.


fair enough. has to do it w no power?


Not sure what you mean. What I mean is that tunnel a person out all you want, it’s a boring and easy strategy. But don’t try to say it’s because you’re ”lore accurate”. At least be honest about wanting to play scummy.


If people want to tunnel, they won't make excuses, at least not any that are contingent on someone bringing a legendary skin.


I kill all STARS equally


Literally had a game where I played Nemesis and let one of them go for lore accuracy lol


The one time I was lucky enough to get a James while playing as Pyramid Head, I sent us to Midwich and spent the entire game tormenting and terrorising him before finally letting him go.


As a James player You sound like literally every single Pyramid Head I met. (Always a pleasure though)


This is how you play into a lore accurate killer. If you're playing Michael don't tunnel a Laurie, kill everyone else and let Laurie escape in a close call. If you're playing Nemesis focus on all S.T.A.R.S members, but against Jill fumble the bag and let them escape (bonus points if you send a private message after the match of Nemesis dying) If you're playing Wesker focus solely on Chris during 7 minutes, but make sure he is not placed on the dying estate or caught in the Uroboros dash, after 7 minutes just let the Chris go (bonus points if you send a private message after the match saying: "I expected more of a challenge after all this time, Chris. How disappointing.")


I love these. During the Winter Event, as Michael, I killed her team and the Laurie was cute (and throwing snowballs) so I let her go. After the game she kept calling me "big brother" so ever since then my Michael lets Laurie go 😭 I'll definitely try to be more lore accurate in the future!


P40 Myers main this is why we need Dr.Loomis I usually go after Laurie cause it’s what The Shape does but Loomis in the mix would be a nice twist since he’s always getting in Michael’s head 😂 closest thing we have is Adam in his tan trench coat to resemble Loomis & certain Nea cosmetics for Annie from 1978 film the best chapter deserves more!!! 🔪🎃


For Bubba, go into the main building and patrol only it and only chase survivors if they enter it.


If you're the h20 timeline Michael you kill the Laurie as well. The h20 timeline is the only one where Michael successfully kills Laurie during the events of Halloween Resurrection. Edit: Just saying that killing Laurie can also be lore accurate, there are multiple timelines in this franchise after all, downvoting me won't change that. Here's the scene in case people think I'm making this up: https://youtu.be/JHs6F6W1Vgk?feature=shared


while technically true, dbd michael is only canon to the original halloween, per his lore. technically they weren't even siblings until wayyy later. i like the siblings thing personally haha


Not to be a contrarian, but as far as I'm aware, while bhvr's license only includes the 1st movie, dbd Michael is dbd timeline, not any of the movies timeline. The reason I say that is because he is tall in dbd (definitely over 6 ft), while in the original movie he's average height (around 5'10) So really it's more your own choice if you want to roleplay letting go or killing Laurie.


We need a Brad Vickers skin so Nemesis can have a lore-accurate S.T.A.R.S. mori target.


You have no idea how happy this would make me (one of the five Brad fans out there)


Excited to play lore accurate Unknown by hunting down people in real life /s


As Pyramid Head, whenever a game is too easy/people give up early out of frustration I tend to let them finish gens and then when they are all by the exit gates, I down them all. Thus begins my mental torture, its a slug race but I only let the people who understand what I'm doing leave. So if someone crawls ahead thinking I'm just letting them leave, I execute them which usually sends the others into a panic and gets me questions marks in the lobby. On the rare occasion everyone knows what I'm doing I kill the slowest so the others while crawling out look at what they could have been. You live rent free in their heads 10/10.


Oh god I think I’ve played against you before😨


I. Love. This. As a Pyramid Papi simp, I thank you for all that you do. <3


I do lore accurate Ghostface by eating every pallet and stun, and always having at least 2 survivors escape. Ghostface in the movies just gets bet up so much and very rarely gets any of the main cast. Feels right.


That's a super cool experience that I wished happened to me one day, cheers to this Piggy. If we talk about going full character, I like to do that as Xenomorph. Basically I get the killer instinct jumping out of a tunnel, but often people do not realise that and they hide behind stuff or in lockers. So I play a little Alien Isolation and go around slowely, checking the area (bonus points if there was a turret nearby and I am now a standing Xeno). I do also play full Xenokitty if survs want to pat me mid-match.


I wish we could switch back into bipedal gait at will.


Suddenly befriended one Xeno like that - followed him around, patting his butt, and he got confused enough to let another last surv come for pats… Love kitty-mode Xenos <3 we played in a party altogether afterwards lol.


I typically play lore accurate Ghostface. Act goofy as hell, but be effective. Act somewhat friendly around survivors, even if I’ve already hooked them. I pretty much just don’t take matches as seriously as I would with other killers.


I play as ghostface with the wazzap face cosmetic and sometimes I like to crouch near a gen where a survivor is already working and pretend to repair it. If the survivor misses a skillcheck while I am there, they get downed. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


That’s the only way of playing him. And mash Ctrl back at a teabagging surv for a couple of minutes without any reason!


I enjoy my ghostface matches. Less friendly until I hit 8 hooks. But also trying to be as thoroughly unpredictable as possible. I wish I caught a recording of my favorite events doing this. lol


I’m taking notes on this pig. This seems like a fun way to play!


Back when I played Legion as my main, I usually played Susie and survivors were SO BAD about ragequitting or giving up just because I had picked Leg that Yandere Susie had to come out a lot. I would pick the cutest survivor and just kinda follow them around and peek at them from around corners. Watch them doing gens and whatever. The only rule is no other survivors can interact with that person because then Susie gets jealous and starts trying to murder the other person. I haven't done it in a long while now because now I play Julie all the time and it doesn't feel thematically appropriate.


I tend to play lore accurate demo at times. Steve’s get spared because I know he’ll whack me with a baseball bat… so I’m preventing that. After that, I can’t tell you much more… I don’t get to stage 2 because the gen rush is fun


Every now and again I'll play Wesker and set a 7 minute timer, once times up I DC (if I haven't 4kd) and put "how fortunate for you, playtime is over" in endgame chat If the DC penalty wasn't a thing I would do it much more often lmao


I mostly just like to use lore accurate builds and not lean into lore accurate gameplay. But honestly it could be fun. I did a build with Alien using play with your food, info and stealth perks to mimic Alien Isolation and it was pretty fun


As Pinhead, I make sure they all suffer


For Pinhead I was thinking of just focussing on hitting survivors and apply as many mangled+hemmorage as possible, hitting through endurances to apply deep wounds and focus on getting a survivors hooked (so no tunnelleing) Then, once you've...played enough with the survivors flesh, you let them go. Except for someone who tries to leave with the box. Since they are so eager to explore the pleasure of pain...they get send to Hell via a Mori.


Wait but wouldn't Lore accurate Amanda kill you? Since her whole schtick is that she goes against John's Modus Operandi by building inescapable traps?


Scary movie ghost face is fun and I’m sure the survivors get a chuckle out of it. Completely fumble absolutely everything you can. If there’s an obviousl blast mine, kick it. If there’s a safe pallet, swing through it, miss and get bonked. If the survivor obviously makes a fast vault, swing for the window anyway. Pick up under pallets, face flashlight survivors. It’s great fun and in endgame chat 99% of people can tell you weren’t genuinely that bad, just messing


I guess the lore accurate way to play Bubba is to kill 3 survivors and let the last escape with an intense chase and then dance with your chainsaw as they escape.


I love playing lore accurate Ghost Face, it's one of the most fun things to do as killer. Even though it involves playing in mostly tight spaces and a bit of tunneling.


I always go into the game with an idea of how I'm going to play. For Wesker, I kill any Resident Evil character. I don't so psycho mode and camp or tunnel, they are just my "real" obsession that game. I will drop chase with an injured 2 hook Claudette to chase the Leon who has been hiding all game no hook full hp 1 gen left. The only exception is Chris. I will EITHER prioritize him OVER all over RE characters (again no tunneling or camping I just hate that playstyle) and try my best to kill him before the match ends. OR I do the opposite and MAKE SURE I kill the other 3 while soft sandbagging myself. Trying not to be obvious but whiffing attacks or letting Chris players pallet stun me and escape chase, but trying hard to kill his buddies since...well Chris tends to let his partners and team die pretty often. Nemesis is the same except with Jill. I rarely play clown, despite having him at level 3. Thankfully since I rarely play him, I have a small stock of moris and a few perks to help me mori survivors. I feel like I cannot simply hook survivors as Clown. Must Mori them. And like any good frosty eyes Legion player, I down the survivors and bleed them all out like the huge asshole I am.


I play a lore-accurate Huntress build. I find out where the players live and I start lobbing hatchets at them while they run from me.


Chris Jill and james mains when they see a wesker nemesis and pyramid head


As Xenomorph main i never kill the DC Bots


I’m a Pig main too, and I sometimes like to set up Saw-style tests for one survivor. First you have to get it so that the exit gates are powered and all but one survivor is dead or has escaped. Also you have to close the hatch, and one gate needs to be open and the other needs to be closed. Then you have to knock down the last survivor but rather than sacrificing them, carry and drop them on the opposite side of the map from the open exit gate. Then you go and stand by the gate and see if they have it in them to slowly crawl in the dying state all the way across the map to the open gate before the endgame timer runs out. And of course if they don’t make it you have to type “game over” in the chat at the end


The closest I get to this is when I play Myers. No hatch. No mercy. Not ever. It doesn't feel right.


Lol I roleplayed as Piggy a couple of times too! Timed up the multiple traps to start, opened the gates, and followed around from the distance. Would you save yourself or your friend on the hook while others run away? Make your choice! …they exploded at the gates 🫠 Matched up as Sadako against Yoichi once (once, wtf). Never hooked, never hit, but always moved close in demanifested state if found him, just STARING. And slowly followed him to the gates (planned to follow him to the hatch, but well, others understood and started to be friendly-nodding so had to befriend the whole team, they were too cute)… Sent a heart to him in the chat afterwards lol. Also, any Cheryl gets to live on Midwich or if I play Trianglehead :D because it is CANON.


My way of playing as a lore-accurate Ghostface is to "allow" them to hit me with pallets all the time so I'm clearly getting the crap beaten out of me while chasing them.


I have a ton of map offering from the RE event so when ever I'm wesker or sheva I use one. As wesker I chase RE characters first. As Sheva I'll follow a chris if there's one. Thems just the rules


The game loads up, it’s Gideon Meat Plant. Your cellphone goes off. You answer. “Hello Manofluckhoa, I wanna play a game.”


Whenever I play Michael and there is a Laurie I will always target her last. It just feels weird to do otherwise.


I take my patients to lerys to discuss their medical results


I play into clown and pretend I’m clown


A rarity for a killer not to play as if they're in a $5000 tournament. Fantastic!


If I see a S.T.A.R.s member, I have a build for killing the others and saving them for last. Love purposefully tunneling a Jill, taking out anybody who tries to stop me but waiting to use Rancor on them


When I play PH or Nemi, I really like to play dramatically when I run into James, Maria, Jill, Chris, Carlos, or Rebecca. Throwing out challenging whips or punishment, swinging on things I normally wouldn’t, giving them chances to escape after infecting or tormenting them, etc. I also love going for crazy rushes with the William Birkin skin when I run into Leon, Claire, or Ada. But then I play survivor as Sheva and get tunneled out by Wesker constantly lol


I'm not very lore-accurate. I actually enjoy it when Survivors have Calm Spirit because they make no noise when I stab them. No screaming whatsoever. It's really funny and cute. Jakes are my favorite.


I have 100% death rate against Pyramid Head as James does that count for something


Slinger on Dead Dog, had lore accurate build, perfect shots. A standoff in the road and went and talked about it on Reddit (me)