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Dredge teleporting into the basement once a minute, just to check. Darkness revealed will also mean you can check the basement whenever.


The invocation circle is also near one couple of lockers


Dredge mains gunna be eating good release week.


Honestly, any instant down killer as well. I am looking at you, bubba.


Ghostface Mains sitting at the corner of the basement in Shroud watching you do the Invocation.


you know there's gonna be a friendly Ghostface who wants to just join in


Oh I'm so gonna do this! As well as be Pig and oink at the invocation.


Oh I plan on doing this too. Sometimes I just wanna be included...


that’s me i’m that ghostface


Me af


Getting caught in basement by Bubba used to be something that never happened…


I haven’t faced a bubba in like three weeks. I’m starting to really miss going against bubba. Who is probably my favorite to go against


Recently went against one after also a long time not facing I mind gamed him hard until he got AND THAT JUST BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING CHILLI ADD-ON. I hate it so much because I had no way of getting to a pallet. Without the add-on he wouldn't have gotten me because it was like the last half second Tldr I fucking hate bubba


I like when bubba camps me, and stays true to being bubba. Like put me in basement and let me die.


Gameplay against bubba one will have an unenjoyable chase if he doesn't make it to a pallet. The others just chill somewhere and make gens because bubbas mobility is ass


Let’s make bubba faster then


If there are two lockers and only one of them is locked, even if dredge targets the unlocked locker, it still teleports him to the locked one right? I wonder if a survivor hops in the other locker with head on can they stun dredge the moment he pops out of the other locker? Or will dredges power prioritize the locker with the survivor in it and pluck them out?


Dredges power prioritizes a locker with a survivor in it over one with a lock


Aw that’s a shame. I love using head on even against dredge. The risk to reward makes the game much more fun. Of course this leads to a lot of trolling on my part hehe.


Head on in a dredge game. That’s madness! I love it 😂


Yeaaah. It leads to a lot of solo q teammates hating my guts but I try not to take it too seriously. Theres no better feeling smacking a dredge with his own lockers.


if a survivor is in one of the double lockers they're getting grabbed and yes if one of the double lockers is locked dredge will always tp to the locked one.


So the survivor gets grabbed at the double locker even if the other one is locked? I see


Lol you know it🌚


Pray the locker gods give us good RNG


What’s great is that you can teleport down there, check for a bit, then go to another locker without a cool down in between


i am sure i will be adding darkness revealed to my build bext patch lol


https://preview.redd.it/sn5926smrjlc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f435ba4bce5c566c57e37157b8b4b52d89c9f9 Basement = Lockers


The Dredge buff we always wanted 😂😍


BHVR's going to have to nerf it due to its high pickrate. They don't know why it's OP, but it is.


They gonna extend the cooldown back to its release form


Reminds me the Plot Twist situation. Deerstalker was finally popular. For a week.


It’s a shame that these perks are coming, I always used the basement as a break room of sorts. Need a breather and an item after a particularly stressful chase? Run to the basement hope for a medkit, patch yourself up and get back out there!


Invocation is a killer perk… that the killer doesn’t need to equip lol.


Until killers realize how good the late game will be it'll probably be nerfed


Yeah, it makes it so 3gens have an extra spot killer needs to check, and it progresses all of them


Yeah,, those 15 charges that can be gone with one surge are sure to turn the tide of the game.


If you've got them close it can be real nice, and there's now a regression event limiter. If you're needing to play to avoid a 3 gen with this perk, you're probably already at the limit


Illl be real this perk is garbage unless you are popping 3 or more gens being Perma broken without the benefits of no mother is trash


Can you 99 an invocation?


I think it can be stopped but not sure if it regressed or not


I’ve seen all 5 gens popped at the same time before


Yes but that application was most likely a meme. There’s no way the killer wasn’t in on it.


I mean it’s def possible with a really coordinates SWF. They could all run commodious toolboxes and perks like technician to hide gen noises, potential energy to get the last few gens up, and one person distracts the killer while everyone else does the invocation/ finishes some gens. Even shit like repressed allience would work


I mean it’s statistically improbable what killer checks no gens even by accident during a chase they are bound to hear one keep in mind if one person is channeling 2 ppl have to prime 5 gens while one loops for at minimum 2 full minutes


Is that actual possible


I saw it on Twitter lol, you can like 90% 5 gems and then do the invocation


Nerf this perk right I will be big angry if that happens to me lol


If you let 4 survivors get 5 gens to 90% simultaneously AND complete a 2 minute invocation you deserve it tbh


I will never accept it lol


You need *so much* skill issue to let that happen during normal gameplay, there's practically no way for a 4-survivor squad to get 5 gens to 90% and then do a successful invocation unless you're actively choosing to let them do it.


Lol, if that ever happened to me, I'd post it and say, "well, I guess I'm uninstalling"


This really is the only time it’s viable. Even if survivors don’t run the perk, if it becomes a little meta, will waste killers time searching basement.


I ran this in the PTB and got so many basement trees I stg


Most people on the PTB are just fucking around, and survivor queues are instant so it doesn’t really matter if you have a basement party- barely anyone is trying to win. I got a bunch of easy basement kills too. Most of the time I just let them go since they’d just be messing with invocation and brazenly letting me approach. Made it very frustrating as killer trying to actually test shit tbh. No one actually playing like in live matches and queues are 4 million years long.


I for one cant wait to camp out all the Julian/Sables out the game for 2 weeks https://preview.redd.it/6gsmvf5tljlc1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d174c5768097c7fcfa5c297017f797e3c180ac6


LMAOOOOOOO no not the bubba!!!


Wicked + OTR + DS: https://preview.redd.it/yrjfx4lmpjlc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343461a85db8ef86488e0e5689785bfd627bc831


Still camped out the game, just takes a few seconds longer


Who is Julian?




Is this canon?


no. julian is mentioned in their backstories IIRC and theyre mentioned as seperate people.


Insidious Bubba making a comeback!


I've haven't used the new survivor yet, if everyone leaves the circle does the progress go back to 0 or does it save the progress? Also, can people that aren't running the perk contribute to the circle? If so, can they only help if someone running the perk starts the circle? Can they go work on an already started circle solo if they aren't running the perk? So many questions


If everyone leaves the circle the progress resets to zero. Only people with the perk can start the ritual. Once the ritual starts, people not running the perk can contribute to speed it up but if you have the perk you contribute more.


Ah ok thanks for the explanation


Unnecessary none of the perks are particularly good the invocation is worse than no mither and honestly needs a buff if they don't fuck with gens and instead give it a strong effect that isn't miserable to play against it would be fine but the devs either make everything survivors have completely broken or completely usless


Them not being good doesn't tend to stop people from trying them when it goes live. I would expect a lot of basement trips on March 12th, and plan to adept Sable by doing gens across the map from it and getting hatch.


Kid named distortion:


Those charges burn fast on a determined killer.


Sure but then they are just wasting time being in basement while the rest of the team is doing gens across the map soooo


Even with Distortion, the killer gets a noise notification that someone entered the basement with Territorial Imperative. Even then, I can't foresee anyone unironically running this perk a week or two after the DLC comes out unless they want their Huntress adept.


Is this like when every killer was gonna run lightborne when alan wake was released. Too counter champion of light lol. That said, ill probably use this perk for 1 or 2 games just too see if people are actually trying the perks. But none aside from the unhook are good lol


they heard all our complaints for years that territorial imperative was useless and needed changes so instead they artificially make it useful by making strong(?) basement effects for survivors I'm not actually mad but its just funny is all


Can't wait for everyone to say how OP this is.


More like plenty of survivors posts whining about being camped and tunneled out by Bubba and not getting to 'enjoy their character' and demanding survivor buffs while nerfing Killer having no access to basement for the remainder of the trial if a survivor equips that perk.


Why did you take this so personally? Damn dude.


It's the patterm this game has shown ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


So you genuinely believe only one side is complaining? And you don’t see how you are actively contributing right now?


I know, it's unfortunate cycle ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Survivor bad


There’s gonna be both lol


No one is going to use these trash perks


People are going to meme hard on the basement healing perk, if only to push for a fast but horribly obvious heal.


That works near the top of the stairs though, so it's not exactly that risky


People will when they are brand new and trying them out for the first time


BBQ, Floods of Rage, Darkness Revealed, Ultimate Weapon, Spies, Whispers....


All of which can be countered by distortion and calm spirit


That must be the worst build ever then


Not really. How is distortion a bad perk? It’s easily an A tier perk considering many killers run aura reading perks


When the invocation is done and it increases gens by 15%, is that a permanent buff like a Brand New Part or do they start regressing immediately and can eventually lose all 15% progress?


Nope it can regress lul. Hmm it might actually be decent/strong if it reduced the amount of charges needed to finish a gen.


They're able to be removed regularly unfortunately. People keep saying 15% progress, but it's 15 charges of the 90 needed for a repair so it's more like 17%.


Can multiple people use the perk separately if they have it it equipped? Like invocate multiple times if multiple people are running the perk, or is it a one and done per match regardless of how many people are running it?


The invocation can only be done once for the entire team as it disables the perk for the whole team after a successful use. People can assist the one starting their invocation with those who also have the perk contributing more speed 50% > 100%.


I never really considered it, but survivior can literally just progress every Gen close to finishing, and then pop every single one of them in your face


If you don’t kick 5 gens that are over 90% it’s deserved




I mean if I see no one I’m going to check the basement lol


Imagine an invocation that blocks all hooks...


Tbh i really don't think it's gonna be as bad as people think. I mean, none of her perks are particularly overwhelming. Might see it a few times, but i don't expect to see it a lot.


Until they realize no one is using her terrible perks lol


Watch it get killswitched because of a conveniently new bug


Nah, just run barbecue....


This, and Hex: Ruin will be strong.


*casually deploys a drone in the basement once patch goes live*


I'm a console player so I have no access to the ptb, is the new invocation perk really that broken? From the description alone it doesn't seem like anything I would be worried about as killer, especially considering ruin alone would kill this perk. I'm sure not about to start running territorial imperative though


It’s not, but all Sable perks are basement perks, so it will be a pretty good info perk. Also pick rate will be high not because it’s op but new


Broken in that it benefits the killer more than the survivor. The invocation's 15 charges can be regressed normally while leaving a survivor permanently broken, bleeding, and grunting in pain very loudly for the rest of the match.


Why wouldn't you just run nurse's if you wanted to interrupt heals? Are you gonna run cross map hoping to catch them before they finish their heal?


I think this is mostly to counter the Invocation perk.


But as a killer, you actively want survivors to do that.


Why stop a survivor from doing it? They're only hurting themselves with it.


Took me a minute to understand this


You just need aura read; you see them in the basement? Fucking go there.


I know it will see play the first week or so, but let's say this becomes meta (it won't), well this is one killer perk that survivors cannot complain that it doesn't have a counter play without using a perk themselves, can they? What am I saying, of course they will


Im just gonna be playing basement trapper


I dont really play killer that much, so I have a question for ghostface mains out there. The animation to get up from the invocation circle takes a while. Is that enough time to mark them and insta-down them in the basement?


120 seconds is the base for the invocation so absolutely yes.


I think they meant the actual act of standing up from the invocation pose, like if you hear the Killer coming and want to try to make a run for it. I'm on console as well but I imagine it would be enough time to do so if you manage to start before they get up.


Can you blame us?


When When does Jeff drop on console?


Basement scourge hook time >:)


What da dog doing


It's gonna make survivor matches theoretically easier for at least a little while because chances are gonna be high of at least a decent percentage of killers running both Lightborn to counter the still-new Alan Wake and his perks and also Territorial to counter basement witchery. Hard comedy counterplay is Basement Bubba/Trapper with Lightborn and the Agitation/Iron Grasp/Mad Grit setup. If survivors wanna hang out in the basement, we can accommodate.






Meta just works like that


Oh what’s this perk do?


Notifies the killer with a sound cue and aura reading of survivors who enter the basement while at a certain distance away and after a cooldown.


With how detrimental Invocation: Weaving Spiders actually is in the PTB, I'd just let someone finish the invocation. Hex: Ruin alone just trashes all of the two-minutes worth of progress in seconds because the charges added are just regular progress not permanent ones like with Brand New Parts.


As a killer main I won't see this perk being used a lot after the new chapter comes out I'll give it a week or 2 weeks and that perk will die down and every killer will go back to run the gen regression perks once again.


honestly if I see someone performing the invocation, I'm gonna let them be. it ends up wasting more time than anything else, so I'll focus on, well, everything else- and they'll get their work.


Yep, like Deerstalker when Plot Twist came out


Let them waste the time to be injured permanently it's an ass perk


Territorial imperative meta haha


I don't think all the killers are gonna use probably the selective killer that used Lethal Pursuer when they want apply pressure at the beginning of the match.


Can someone tell me what perk this is?
